CROP RIPENS FAST Strawberries Plentiful Nearby Sections. From SHIPPING TRADE LESSENS Ln.-t Lot or California Berries for the Season Is Received Strong Demand for Hop Contracts. Grain Trade Dull. The local strawberry season la now on in earnest. Tha home crop 1 ripening last Offerings at tha public market on tha East Side yesterday morning -were fairly larg-e and today will be heavy. With the opening up of the farmers- market, the strawberry trade of Front street will de cline and after this week but little busi ness will be done In this lino by Jobbers. There are shipping points in the Valley, however, that have no other outlet than Portland, and these will continue to ship tha commission men. The last California strawberries of the season were received yesterday. Their quality was uneven and they sold at from 60 cents to 91.2s per crate. At the market Lovetts brought $2.75 and Clark Seedlings $3.25. On the street some poor stock was ottered at JILTS, but most of the business mas around 3. Springbrooks sold at $2.73 3. and Clackamas County -iurK oeeaungs at 3.50. A price of $3.73 was set on Hood Rivers, but some sold at .-uiiis less. Strawberries will h ,-,.,.,.,.. . but It Is not likely that prices will be low - """. as me crop m near-by sections Is not heavy. HOPS NOT HEI-PEp VERT MT7CH. lte Ruins Were of Some HemiQt, but I-ess Than Kxpected. Ilopdealens who have Inspected the Oregon TUrt since the recent rains express much disappointment at the showing made. There ha of course, been, eome improvement, but not nearly as much as was expected. A competent authority estimates that the yards that are In good normal condition do not mount to over 6 per cent of the whole, while there are thousands ot acres that will not produce over halt a crop. Under the circumstances there is naturally a strong disposition to make contracts, and 13 cents is being freely offered for the new crop, but with small success. A sale of 70 bales ot 1008s at 0 cents is reported and there Is also some demand for olds. Further confirmation of the grubbing up of hops in Europe Is furnished by Adolf Heller, who -writes from Prague. Bohemta, as fol lows; ll.T,ieB"R', hop market quiet with very uttle demand, but prices being so low. as scarcely has ever been experienced. re mained unchanged. There has been Inquiry on tho Nuremberg market, chiefly for ex port to England, for which purposes onlv the cheapest hops were bought, whereas the netter kinds remained neglected by the , y".r"..for nVrt- T" cutting In the hop plantations was very retarded by ungenlal weather In March and first half of April and could only be brought to an end by last week. Extensive reduction ot the area under hop cultivation hns taken place In llohemla and- several other Austrian hop districts and is estimated in the average to exceed 12 per cent. ytill more of the hop gardens in Germany were grubbed In some parts the reduction Is between S5 to H per cent, and In the average It Is esti mated to be between 15 to 20 per cent Taking Into consideration that on account of unremuneratlve prloes the hop cultiva " '2. til!r,n'lny has already, during 100T and lfS. suffered a reduction of about 10 per cent, it .would amount altogether from one-fourth to one-third of the area as compared with 1!)U3. Tills ought to lead to better tmios for the Kuropean hopgrowers and for the Pacific Coast growers. who lmve partly increased their hop gardens once more. Knollsh trade reports dated May IT say In part: W. H. & II. I.e Mny. London The low temperature of the Inst week has retarded the growth of the hop plant. The market Is firm. Homo holders have withdrawn their hops from sale. Manger & Henley, London There Is no change to report in our market. The de mand Is still very restricted. Values un altered. J. H. Sleredlth & Co.. Worcester Trade remains very quiet, and only six pockets of growers' hops passed the public scales last week, inquiry Is mostly for healthy me fllum qualities which obtain previous values. Trices for other descriptions being quite nominal. In the plantations tying Is now in full swing, but it is feared that the frosty lUKhta and cold winds will be prejudicial to healthy growth. KARLY l-EAflllSJUKE AKPEARAXCE tireen corn Is Also, In Market Tomatoes "rom Mlxtlppl. The flnst California peaches mils their ap pearance yesterday and sold at $2 per box. Apricots were more plentiful and were quoted at $1.7oW3 per box. Loganberries were in good supply and cheaper at 73c$i per crate C.ooseberrlee held at IH;6 cents per pound. A shipment of 100 crates of Hawaiian pine ari'ios. the first of the new crop, is due Sat urday. The last car of Florida pines of the season came in last night. New corn has made Its appearance, a small l-hlpment arriving from California which brought 7S cents a dozen. Beans we're abun dant, but peas were scarce. There was a strong demand for hothouse lettuce, wh!?h was firm at $1.50 per box. A car of Mississippi tomatoes let in trans-It. There are fair offerings of old potatoes by farmers, but small demand on the part of Jobbers. New potatoes are selling at MS5 cents a pound, with a good '.noulrv. roultrjr SK-lls Better. Tho poultry market was in bettor jhape yesterday. Receipts wore large, but was a gooj demand, thoush prices hold low. hens generally selling at 14 cents. Springs were quoted at lSttllo cents. KBgs were dull at lart prices. Cheese wns in good demand at the recent decline and orders have been booked for practically all of Saturday's shipment from the Ceaet. Butt-r vas steady. raln Trude Is IuU. The local grain trade was dull vesterday There were apparently rSo buyers or sellers of spot wheat. Spot barley declined sharp ly at San KnuieLseo. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat itarley Flour Oats Hay Mny 29-30-S1... 8 1 9 June 1 Z s i Total last week. 24 5- 30 lk 8S Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern citie terday were as follows: yes- Portland Ck7"vJ-o B?,,anc,M- eeu ...4"".;:v.r.fk55.s2V Sp'okan. 1.US.M1 -v HiOOO bpokans 1.2S4.S07 02.846 rORTLAND MARKETS. Vegetables snd Frnlt. FRKSH KRl-ITS-Apples. 19!.S0 per box. strawberries. Oregon. l.75ii-8 75 ,Yr crate; Cjjllfon.ia, 50cf.-1 23 per crae cherries. 41 i, 1.35 per box: gooseberries 66o per pound; loganberries. 7a'i per S""?-te Peaches, $2 per box; apricots. $1.75 POTATOES Jobbing price. $22.25 per hundred; new California, 4 ffi 5c per lb sweet potatoes, 4',-ic per pound. ' SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 per ' carrots. $1.25; parsnips. 1.50; beets, si is; horseradish, 10c per pound. ,,T.fiOPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. S2 2S IS S Pfr box- kmons. 1.75a4.; grape fruit. i.o0'S4 per box; bananas. 5Cc per pound; pineapples. $4.00 fir, per orate O-MONS Bermuda. $1.356,1.50 per crate', red, $2 per sack VEGETABLES Artichokes. 5000c doz. : asparague. B7c per pound; beans. b'a 10c; cabbage. 2c per pound; cauli nower. S3 per crate: corn, 7"c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c6$12il per dozen; lettuce, hothouse. 41 r.n i, - l.... ; , per dozen; onions. 126iir.f. Tei- .rlo-rer. parsely. 35c per dozen: 7c Tier nmm- radishes. 15c per dozen; rhubarb, ai.'l'c - V, sjjujnrn. oc per poun'I: squash, .cal.-'5 per box; tomatoes. Mexican, 2 a J.uO per crate Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc. W,H?AT Tra"' prices: Bluestem milling. IT-AO ti l.lo; club, $1.20 1.22 Is; Valley. $1.17. rEr,LOCH Patents, $u.25 per barrel; tralghts. J5.3U; exports, $4.70; Valley. J5.S0; graham. $5.b0; whole wheat, quarters. $5. SO. CORX Whole. $35 per ton; cracked. $30 per ton. BARLEY Feed. $35 per ton. OATS No. 1 white. $40.5.41 rer ton MII.LSTT'FFS Bran. $2.5o per ton; mid dlings. $33: shorts, S2932; chop. $2430: rolled barley. S30i6 37 HAY Timothy. Willamette Vallev. Jir.rft per. ton: Eastern Oreeon, Sl!if22: clover. lllil2; alfalfa. $13i4; chat, $14 14.00; vetch. $14(6 14.60. Ialry and Countrr Prodaoe. - - E"iuri J , CAlIllO, jTOTiC; fancy outside creamery. 25i&:ilOAn rer lb.; store, 18c. (Butter fat price aver ase l H centi per pound under regular but ter prices. ) EGOS Oregon ranch. 2324o per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 33H'ifl4c; Springs. 13 roosters. 10c: ducks. 14&1?; geesa. IO41 He; turkeys, 20c; squabs, 2.603 per dozen. " CHEERK Trull IW1UB, ID'JIffXOO ?, w- Pound; young Americas, 16H17c: California. 16H17c w t( PORK Fancy, 10c per pound. Veal Ex-trriw EMtu.A j. ... nary. 7o; helvy. K " ' . " Groceries. Dried Fruits. Ktc. ... C ,u" Appies, vtic per lb.t peaches, T&Sa; prunes, Italians, 5iiia6i4c prunes, French. 4J6o; currants, unwashed. - "T'-i uuixaiiLM. wasnea, cases. 10c: Ma', white fancy, 60-lb. boxes. 0Ho; dates. SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb. tails. $2 per dozen; 2-lb. talis. S2.93; 1-pound flats. 2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. pounds; taU"- S1--"': 1 ,,9fFEB Mooha. 24028c; Java, odrinary. 20c; Costa Ric, fancy. ISOaOc; good, lGnj 18c; ordinary. kz. fell 0o per pound NUTS Walnuts. 12 13c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts, 16c; Alberts, 15c; peanuts, c; almonds, 1314e; chestnuts. Italian, lie; peanuts, raw, 0-&C; plnenuts, 100 12c: hickory nuts. 10c; tocoanuts, UOc per dozen faL'OAR Granulated. 6.05; extra C. G 5.V golden C. 5.45; fruit and berry sugar. SB05 Honolulu plantation, fine grain, $6 00-' plain bag, J5.85: beet granulated. 1 i'"?? barrel. ?"40; powdered (barrel) Sb.dO. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct 14c per pound; if later than 5 days and within SO days, deduct c per p S'J'J Maple suBar 15 18c per pound. SALT Granulated. 13 per ton. tl.90 per bale; half ground. 100s. J7.50 per ton; 60s. 8 per ton. K-?-?--??-Srn?U ""' To: large white, red. THo bayou, 6Hc; Mexican Provisions. BACON Fancy. 22c per pound; standard. 19c; choice, 18c; English, 1817c. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 18c; smoked. 14c; short clear backs, heavy dry salted. 13V-o; smoked 144c; Oregon exports, dry salted. 14c smoked. 15c. ,HAMS 10 to 13 lb- 18: I to 18 lbs. VLV, 1S.t0 20 lbB- lflo; hams- "Itinned 15c; picnics, 11c; cottage roll. 12c; shoul ders. 11c; boiled hams. 2223c; boiled pic nics, lstc. LARD Kettle rendered: 10s. IBc Bs l.THc; Standard pure: lOs. 14c H Bs' 14c- fr'uT V'S,?"c; 6"- la4c- Compound; 10s. ic: 5s, 9c SMOKED BEEF. Beef tongues, each. 60 c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef out sides. 17c; dried beof lnsldes. 21c; dried beef knuckles. 20c. ' PICKLED GOODS Barrels: pig3- feet 13; regular tripe. 10; honeycomb tripe." Pigs' tongues, $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess . beef. 12 per barrel; plate, fl4 per barrel; family n per baml: mes, pork. $20 per- barrel " bU ket, yiu per barrel. Hops. Wool. Hides. Etc HOPS 109 contracts, 12c per lb lins crop 9 010c; 1907 crop. 45c; 1900 crop. 1 -c (y -c. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 1722c per coaVse? 21Uay n' 26&a5c: medium. 23c; MokAlR Choice 24 25o per pound. HIDla -Dry hitWs. No. 1, 16fol7c lb -e.rY k,;P-No- 1. 1516c pound; dry calf" sivin. ls19o pound; salted hides, 99,4c Tess6 CIllskln. 13S-14C pound; green, li ei?111'0 1 "k'ns: Angora goat. $1 to fl :',BrdBer- 25Wr.0c; bear. .6&20; beaver. $0.;ic)j8.5O; cat, wild, 7GcS1.00; cougar S?rrr5Kfeaii and $310; Usher, dark! $7.5011; pale. 4.907; fox, cross, J .$5:.,fo,c- 5r,?y OOffilWo; fox, red. 35; fox. sliver. $35 to $100- lynx. $816: marten dark $312; mink, $3.ti0ffi5.50 mu-krat, 151125c; otter, S2.504; raccoon 607oc; sea otter. $1002.)0 as to size and P. 1' k,2ks- B!iiJ80c: civet, cat. 10 15c; wolf. S2W3; coyote, 75c 1.25; wolverine. cl3'1"3: wolverine, pale $22SO CASCAKA BARK Per pound, 6 cents. rORTIAND I.IVFSTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Slieep and Hogs. Cattle and sheep came In at a lively rate 1 r . , fc market- 1-or- mer prices were quoted, but the traders look " . i. ."L buyers are well filled uuin sneep and cattle, a good pro portion Of the current ,-...r,..- . ' medium to poor in quality The hog market hm ..r. u.u r """'i'" yesterday were 8 cattle. 848 sheep and 61 hogs. Local orices s . . . were as follows! ' " "" - - -. -... -., ij.o; ratr to good, $4.oOg-4.7i; common to good S4i4 5ll cows. ton. mtt-ir,- rale .i . r common to medium. $2.50 s.t s'n- 'iC:V tOO. fcri.Tl.t till- h.,w C i r.,.,.. . . i ... . a .- ' , ---"-i-. ouns ana stags $oj3.50; t-oiiimun, 2-12.75 -TT?3'"1' ,7-75S: alr to good. .-.(-i. BO ; stackers. SG(ff6.50: fhinn ,. 7 oo. SHEEP Ton n ih.. t , . . nsm.,:'.": '''-'! lair to yearilngsW. ,4:25rfnir3 ooV fcpring lambs, $5. ' Katern Livestock Slarkeis. CHlCAfiO T r....... ,, . ceipts. 45w &-rr.'? eer. 2S?.s J-".. t-U???- . ' r.,r, rX , sw-rs ana Tceacra, S3.J0 tiou.-7.MWS h'iten- -a.3o: calve. HoBeEstlmared receipts. 19.00O. Market. 5 higher. Light. ..-,' 7.40: mixed 7.6 good ''J eSV- i'-lO'JJ-: rough. $7.'l5,-i;.3o" si?9o bSf,. lc evy- !-307.; Pigs. $0.00 UO.hO. buik of sales. $7.35'g7 50 lowerPKCelpts-- 10-Cw- -Market, weak, lOo i .v. f,tlve' .v4.oo1i8.50; Western. $4.25 t?lc? ea,vUnRS- U.S51i7.BO; lambs, nat v. tf.oO !S.40; Western, $0.2.-.ii.eo. R,iSiANViASi .CITT June 3 Cattle Receipts. too. ?l!i'.'ket. steady. Native eteers, ?5.30? iioct.r 2 ,coV anrt heifers, 4.004i8.40; mockers and feeders. J3.75tj5.H0: bUlls"j3.40 Soi.t-v'Vv P-"7--- Western steers; o.-i-.-nO. .... Western ,-ovis. J:: 25410 75 Sheep Receipts. 3000. Market. 10c lower. Muttons. W.254.-O.W; lambs. S.5tkj9.oO; weth 6 20.aD J earllnss- 4.7rli7.25; ewesT-J4.2o"r OMAHA Juno 3. Cattle Receipts, 2100 Market- slow to 10c lower. Western steers! J-S.50S.6 00: Texns steers. $3.004,5.; row. "'"- , u.iv, can new, Qnfgf rvt tookere and feeders, $3.0-5.75;. calves S3 Hogs Receipts. 14.000. Market. 5o to On higher. Heavies. J7.3uS7.50; mixed JT lw ..30; light J7.0O-if7.35; pigs. $5.0Gj8."5of bulk of saleB. J. . lo-il 7.35. Sheeji Receipts, 1800. Market, steady Tear lings 5.75ii6.75: wethers, $5.5tgo.50; ewes J3.255C.40; lambs. 7.258.25. lried Iuit at New Tork. NEW YORK. June S. Evaporated apple quiet; fnncy. S Si 9 c ; choice, 7Ti 7 i.c: prime, Gu6aic; common to fancv. 5ii5.c Prunes, hrm. California, IDS: 11 ! Ore gon fruit. O41 9c. 2 ' Apricots, active and firm; choice. 10 10'c; extra choice, 10ti10c; fancy 11 13c. Peaches, unsettled, but no quotable change is retorted In the spot market. Raisins were firm; loose muscatels 3ti V: choice to fancy seeded. 4ti6-.? rtjess. 8e,54; London layers, Jl.15 Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. June 3. Wool Unchanged Territory and Western mediums. 24a "9c fins mediums, 2227c; fine. 166 230. TUT. MORXIXG UP WITH H BOUND Excited Speculation in Stock Market. CAUSES ARE. A MYSTERY Six-Point Jumps in Southern Pacific and TJnited States Steel. Entire List Is Affected. -r.w iork. June 3. The securities market In Netv Tort rno " J naa cyie WUQ sensations and tho causes lying back of the -ut-iuations in the price movements were kent veiled fmm ,.,... , . Auvwieoge. That such causes existed and were of nature was taken for granted ui convincing evidence pre sented by tho tan lt..i t. m, - . - - v w.i4 ua funi culi to conceive of ny such reckless and Fnvm-veH 1fJlohln ' resources as would be waend' 15 pirr TiruT lnag,d,rrW0tshTrea thaD " the ere",". .7 .L""" prompted 8 nnanoes or organisation of the ?. "fnior company, tho Union Paciflo. lol on "Southern Paciflc and. at one time. nght- l ltr ?We.r1.Pri?0 than U cl!""l last night. Later In the day It came into the movement Tnnr ,.u into me Hefore th Bn,ith...' t.- .. came fully elective In tSSSh.'S; in appreenio-i."?-..--"gVee 'of dition. ,.i-,:r u lne market con- Srisoursi- -tSr'SS lJhVt.draRt.-.t1.Pt J? . rise in sit.8 ; .eVTowId. thnt " Tunipuon8 "were Indulffed in dent, bursengnV,bhmfeare,L: rnteresrh'" .f. P-"inclpal banking it l", in tnmaSet now oairt T. ,n'?'?er dividend than security of th i "'-increase m the expanJon in earnings. er0wln " ' the andhtnh. "kt .."ecame very active but the hS , "ZL .ta? clo.9 of the day. Bonds were firm . ICC1- 10,O73.0O0. United fftaS. 'e"; par valu8 changed on calL - " bCnda were un" CLOSIXQ STOCK QUOTATIONS. - . ClA-Ini' V" S5Ml,mrs P 'MO OlS Low. 51 84 4;i 38 80 :-4 60vi. 6H 48 87 Vi 9314 lUi 182 a 40 101 ""Hi 87 43 asij 8314 07 )- 8'S 43 37 18 00 14 08 114 132 140 102 . frak . . . . Am A frrien i ,. i -"PPer 82. loo 87 1 44 ii 89'. 83, s is 37. 0oi3 Bin-: 8,8110 Am Beet Sugar ' ' Am Can pf .... Am Car & Pun I Am Cotton Oil Am Hd & Lt pf. Am Ice Securi... Am Linseed on . 4,600 8. 8 At 6,00 14.400 1.700 7o0 4.5C-0 Am Trtmn.l..- 4,8j0 Am Smelt & Ret'. la'.HDO v prwierrea ... Am Sugar Ref . . Am Tel & Tel... Am TflhBn 3iK) 13214 2.SW 140 300 102 Am "Voolen . ." Anaconda Mln Co Atchison anVii ,"'3 "1 Bl do preferred aoo in? i'"- Atl Coast Line.? 7, 1 129 '2A T -tait & Ohio do preferred ." 4.01 l.lKjO 1 , 8 K) 3. 60O 6. IKK) 110 MM 82 ln-X nr 93i'a 9-iii 29 Vj 82 Brook Rap Tran.' Canadian T'acltlc.. Central Leather .. do preferred . . . Central of X .T . '8Ts 79 K'4 I0214 108 T4 1,200 80 29-i 000 104 1(H 29 IK 1"4 294 79 7H4 4H 18514 153 fi3i,4 82 80 14 144 25 102 50114 40 J 8514 52 14 Ches & Ohio 16.800 79"-4 71 4T4 1881 134 V, 74 42 (14 7R1.4 70 44 184 153 73 41 02 82 . 80 14.T4 2fi 1P2H 0(5 "88 40 34T4 6H4 v-incapo at Alton . 1.7ci 4,4K) 4.2'X 24,700 4fK 13,9410 Chicago & N W. -1 oc at Paul. C. C. C & St L.. IVvJ TTl o. t Colo A- Rn,iM.An. 1.000 Co lt preferred. 18.8i 82 I'icitrrea. Consolidated Gas.. Corn Products Del St Hudson .. D Sc R Grando ... Ar. 20O 804 144 2B 193 H l 88 X4 40 8n E2i", 1.4(10 7.9O0 400 e.soo 1.200 800 38,500 4.000 2. BOO DiPtillers' Securi'' n-rle do 1st preferred. rlr. O.i ... - . 42 T General Bleotrio. . 4: 1,100 lf, isni 15914 (it N'nrth. AO. ZOO 14S14 1471,4 Gt Northern Ore.. 89. "00 148 78 74 147 15 4514 85 14 24 143? 40T, 41 46 73 184 H 5014 tt37 7K 42 73 75 n; 147 16 45 85" 24 15 41 S1 40 73 139 '4 139 73. I2rja 7.1 106 88 53 131 5014 89 348 29 136--V4 1!4 91 45. 187 46 ins 81 99 7Ti 4514 Illinois r.ntr. 1.8O0 148 1B14 451.4 80 1.4 24 1514 41 14 47 731-4 I4014 56 i 140 7014 43 78 Interborough MetT 2,800 1,000 600 1. 400 6.600 2,000 7i0 6.300 200 2.400 400 00 prelerred .. Inter Harvester . Tnt.p.U.,1.. Inter Paper I int Pump . . . loWft CentT-,1 K C Southern ... do preferi-ed . . . Louis & Nashville Minn & St L. . M. St P & B s f 2.000 Missouri Paciflc. 14 4(0 ilo. & Texas 7.800 do preferred . . . 200 National Biscuit .... N'ntlonal Lead ... 6 700. SS 80 Jiex .-at l-ty 1st pf N "V Central X Y. Ont Wect 13.100 2. 100 1K2H 131 5014 RO 147 29 135 114 44 "45' 1534 31 98 81 69 4H.4 27 83 124 127W 3i 70 41 .1.1 52)4 ih 190" 97 83 .19 67 122 51 5?!-l 1 1 53 M 20 81 74 Norfolk West. 1.400 8914 North American J 14.'5'K 04814 Pnclflc Mil soo Pennsylvania People's Gas P. C C & St L... Pressed steel Car Pullman Pal Car. Ry Steel Spring. . Reading . 1 S4.200 137 4.100 114 "2,800 'io'" 1.O00 7.50O 464 8H4 lg 3.1 71 4414 28 1,4 71 84 H014 132 S214 TO', 42 84 R2i4 TO 193 97 84 4014 69 12S 14 531 614 54 84 75' Republio Steel 11.000 ao preferred 3,700 Rock Island Co. . eo.000 S.5O0 St L. & s P 2 jt'. St L Southwestern do preferred ... Sln.-G-Viefl1.4 1.4O0 3.000 6.000 . 1.5O0 .205.200 4.700 13.ROO . 5.900 . l.OOO 1,400 .100 1.100 163.300 l.loo SCO 1.400 . 40.900 84 14 130 14 1 31 1; 31 IO14 42 .14 82 Southern Paciflo . do preferred . . . Southern Railway, do preferred Tenn Copper Texas & Pacific.. Tol. St L & West. do preferred Union Paciflc ... do preferred . . . XT S Realty , T S Rubber TJ S Ste-1 do preferred ... 8t 40 68 T4 27 B? 52 4 21 V. 53 21 S-1 74 10 1 tan t oprer 2.000 Ys-Caro Chemical. 51.800 Wn htmh do 14.9fiO 20.200 1.3iV 1.400 Western Md Weptinshouse Elec Western T'nion . . . Wheel & L Fh-le. . v Isconsln Central COO R91A 59 . 6.1 Total sales for tha day. 1.4S3.50O shares. BONDS. NEW" TORK. June 3. Closing quotations: XOrth Pftfffln itL U. S. 2s reg 101 North Pacific 4s!l02 Union Pacific irtoT U S new 4s "reg. 118 on coupon .... I D & R G 4s 97 Japanese 4s ssi Stocks at . London. LONDON. June a Consols for money 84 K: do for account, fli if. - ' Anaconda 10N. Y. Central. 134 JJ-a' l-orrolk & West. tl Bait & Ohio. ...llSVOnt & West 5144 Can pacific 18fi IPennsylvania oqi? Ches & Onlo 804Rand Mines." Tn2 Chi Grt West... 5 Reading .. fo De "Beers.-.. 14 do pref . . . . '. " 70 v ec rt tj. ...... olis bouth Paciflo iootz rlrt OO lUnion Pacflo..TlBtlW do pref jooiJ TJ. S. Steel Erie 3574 do 1st pf 53 H do 2d pf 4314 CJrarirl Ti-iinlr HI S' ao pref ....... .123 Wabash 22 do nref . . , 111 Central 150S L & N 142V Mo. K & T. .... 43 Spanish 4s... HI fig Amal Copper.... 874 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. June 8. Prims mercantile paper, -34 -4 per cent. Sterling exchange, strong, with actual OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY. crT V uuiner pins. S4.ti;fr 4.8OJU for bO-day bills and at J4.8S for demand. Commercial bills. $4.85 4. S6. Bar silver, 52 c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. M nnpv nn ..oil o i . , In .. " . 1 J 1- - per cent; rui- i va per cent; closing bid, 1 14 per cen , ........... M. 1 n iiirr cent. Tim. In..- ,i. ... . miiiy aciive; ou nays, :a:'i per cent; 90 days. 214214 per cent; six months, 3 8 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. June 3. Silver bars, 52c Mexlean dollars. 47c . Drafts, sight. 2c; telegraph. 4c. Sterling on London. SO days. S4.S6V.; sight. J4.8S. ' 511 LONDON, June 8. Bar sliver, dull. 24 d per ounce. Money. 114 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market jr duun oiiis is 19,15-1 per cent; db ....a ...unius 01ns, j. i per cent. Dally Treasury Stntament. WASHINGTON. June 3. Todays state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund shows: Available cash balance Kiln 797 75H Gold coin and bullion , , . . 4" lil 0.11 ceruncates 26.197,730 Bombay Discount Rates Reduced. BOMBAY June 3. The rate of discount 01 the Bank of Bombay was reduced today from 6 to 5 per cent. BUTTER WILL DECLINE PRODUCTION- OH THE INCREASE AT SEATTLE. Berries More Plentiful, but Still Under the Demand Cheese Is IiOvrer. SEATTLE. -Wash.. June 9 fHn.nnl Cream receipts today were the heaviest ever known in Seattle. The recelnt- ..or. heavy that city creameries and ight to clean up. The butter market Is weak as a result of the heavy cream receipts and a cut will undoubtedly be made Saturday on the exchange. The street, however will endeavor to hold the market Intact until next week, Saturdays cut not applying until Mon day. Berries were more plentiful, but not ensnirh to supply the demand. Qreirrm hurrln. ff... about 60 oents lower all around. J', being the average quotation. The tOD on locals was J 4. 50. Asparagus was scarce today". Texas onions are, about cleaned ud. It Is doubtful it f,,.. ther stocks are brought In from Texas. Pines were 25 cents lower, at J4. Following the dron In yesterday, prices declined cent today, Cail- irnia Deing quoted at 10 to 15 cents, Til lamook 17 cents and Wisconsin Twins at 17 cents. Veal Is scarce. QUOTATIONS AT 6AM FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City markets. BAN FRANCISCO. June 8. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar ket today: onions Red. s."cg?l. Mlllstuffs Bran. S2S.50fi30-. middlings. 33(&35. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks 13 25,-ffi 2 r.n- Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, nom inal. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers. s1.25rsi $1.75; garlic, 4S5c; green peas, $1.2.Vii2.25; string beans, 3&-5c; tomatoes, $1.50r(r .75; egg-plant. 1215c; asparagus, J1U123. Butter- Fancy creamery, 25 Vac; creamery seconds, 25c; fancy dairy, 24 c. Poultry Roosters, old, Slfa-5; young. $9 12; broilers, small. $2.50(33; broilers. vo. uU v , ujeri, otai ; nen8. futo 10; ducks, old,. 5(a5.50: youne". SbfiuH. Eggs Store, 25c; fancy ranch. 27'4c. Cheese New. 12i,i Sit 1 3 ic . a... ICtt, Ail IO- IO 11 C. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin. 1217c; Mountain, 612c; Nevada. 13(&20c. Hay Wheat. S17'3'22.60: wheat anil ont $16&20; alfalfa, SSSjjIO; Btock, tS-S9; bu- ivii; iiraw, per Date, GOfbOC. Fruits Apples, choice. fl.oO; common. 40c; bananas. T5cCi;3.00: limes sa-rfts. lemons, choice, $3; commons, $1; oranges, tlSi-2.75; pineapples, $2r,(0. Receipts Flour. 4H90 sacks: wheat 810 centals; Daney. iw,h;w centals; oats. 10 cen tais; beans, 212 sacks; corn. 240 centals; potatoes, 2U30 sacks: bran. 50s naelra- mi,l dllngs, 400 Backs; hay. 100 tons; wool, 490 vsies; niaes. iio. Eastern Minins Stocks. BOSTON. June a. Closing rimfiiw Auvcuiun ...... S Mohawk . . . . . 68 25 40 87 42 Mont C & C. .. :Nevada ....... Old Dominion Amalgamated Arlx Com 22 -t 54 i4 i:(5 90 Atlantic .... Butte Coal.. Cal & Ariz. .. 9 Osceola 28 H Parrot . . . .10.1V4 Quincy "T .800 Shannon . 32 Tamarack ...... . S2TrInity : 7 Va United Copper... . 10 u. S. Mining .104 hi c -.11 Cal & Hecla.. 16 72 13 Centennial . . Copper Range iiaiy west. . . Franklin. SO 34 42 4 6 5Vt 14S Granby Greene Cananea 10T4 Utah ... Isle Royale 28victoria .....I" Mass Mining Mi Winona Michigan 11 I Wolverine NEW YORK. Juno 3. Closing quotations: Alice 225 Lreadvllle Con... 45 Little Chief 8 Mexican 75 Ontario 3r,o Ophlr 123 Standard Yellow Jacket... 4t Brunswick Con. tl Com Tun stock. 27 ao bonds 185 C C & Va l Horn Silver Go iron Sliver 115 Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO. June a. Butter Stearic, Creameries, 22 20c; dairies, 2024c. 15-ggs steady. Receipts. 21.204r at moA. cases included, 19c; prime firsts. 2lKe Cheese Steady. Daisies. 1-2 ffliisuo. twins, 12124c; Toung Americas. 13' 18V4c; long horns. 13!ilS4c. NEW YORK. June 3. Butter onrl r.1,r.. steady; unchanged. ' r.ggs bteady. Western eTrtm firct. 0111.. firsts, 20!4-21c: seconds. 20c: Kr,r,r.' firsts. 20i4c; seconds, lOiiOo. New York Cotton Markets. NEW VOTtTC i.-Ti.nB r. . - .. '.uiiiiii miures closed steady. June 10.48c; July 10 97c August. 10.01c; September. 10.87c; October' November and December, 10.S4c; January. 10.80c; March. 10.82c. J' Spot closed quiet. 15 points higher. Mid dling uplands. 11.00c; middling Gulf. 11 75c No sales. Marriage Licenses. Sil.CHER-DITZl.FR F"rl,r.,rl -rrr 2o, city; Grace Ditzler. over 1 ci'tv '" ' STEVENS-LEXHART-Jay W. Stevens, over 51. cltv- 1TT..1 .i .. 1 , , GETZ-ViORRTT.T, ttnu-i,.,! r r.. city; Beatrice Iona Merrill, over IS citv '' WOHlVM-Iln. TT T.rVr,,; Jacob Wohlemberg. 42, Pendleton; Rose"!-!1 Fietcher, 42, city. c. WARYRR-HIXk-T.r T.-... city; Lillian HInkle. 37. city " ttruor' HOCKEY-GROVES George Rockev Bt Rainier: Delia Groves, ns, city ' " GREIiTN-BROWN: Oliver Ray Green -4 city; Leona Brown, over is, city. ' ' iiiiAn.n.iLiLi-sTt.i'HES H. L, Fitz gerald. 23. Yankton- l-rrl. a c. , -,ty - -- . . o-:piieii. L, oSSCl;r"HUG.lfIEST:ia-renc,s A- Slsson. 25. tpokane; Mina A. Hughes, 23 cltv PREILINGEH-OHOSS Ernest Freilineer 25. city; Minnie Gross. 28. citv reluner- BARTHOLOMEW-ROBINSON Roswell Bartholomew in,.,... Yi, "w.e" son. 22, city. ' "oom- CLARK-KING John N. Clark. SS, Ful ton; Mary King. 25, city. ' ul il 1 VVIVj' :il':,i- ... . . ning over 21. Troutdale; Eva May Sher- ROYLE-BOIRE j. w. Royle, 32. city I Maggie Bolre. 30. city c"yl FREEM AN--KARP F. A. Freeman, 81. city; Louise Beatrice Karp, 03 0itv M'COXXELL-SMITH-Frank ' w Mc. Connell. 23, city; Lula A. Smith, "0' citv PIETRCE-GRISWOI-D Irving H Pierce. 45. city; Georgia E. Grlswold 23 citv BTJLLOCK-ERWAY Robert h" Bullock 82. Buxton; Trella Erway. 24. city. ' Wedding and visiting carta, w. o. emlth V Co.. T, ashlngton bldg.. 4tb. and Wash. The women -Df Paris have discovered a new method of stimulation in the tea cigar ette To make one about as much tea is required as would make two strong cups of JTJXn SELLING OF JULY December Option Stronger in Chicago Wheat Market. BEARISH WEATHER NEWS Weakness of leading Grain Markets of Europe Drouth Reports From Argentina Ignored Rec ord Markets In Corn Pit. CHTCAGO. Juno 3. The feature of trad ing in the wheat pit was the selling of a large line of the July delivery and the pur chasing of liberal qauntltles of the Decem ber option, by a prominent commission house. The July delivery was subjected to heavy selling pressure the greater part of the day. The prlnctpal weakening Influ ences were the continued favorable weather in this country and the moderate weakness of several leading grain markets of Europe. Fresh reports from Argentina claimed that ths drouth still continued and this and other bullish advices were seemingly ignored. During the day July ranged be tween $1.18 and 1.20. Closing quotations on July were $1.1894 1.1834, and Septem ber. 1.10H. Tho high-record, marks' for the season were established In the corn market when July sold at 73c and September at 6914c. Sentiment was deoidedly bullish all day. The range in July was. between 73724o and 73c. The close was strong with prices up lie to ligilttc. at tho high point of the session. Trade in oats was quiet. The market closed steady with July at 68 53 T4 c. Provisions were strong all day. September pork advanced to f20 per barrel, the high est point touched since the cash product sold at that figure In lilOtt. Tho market closed strong, with prioes 1012c to 40c higher. Tho leading futures ranged as follows:' WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. uy l-20 1.20 $1.1SH $1.18 Sept l.lOy 1.104 10!i 11C4 Dec...... 1.0S?, 1.085i 1.07i 1.08?, CORN. J"1 73H -T3 .71 .78 kfP' S9-4 .69"4 .68T4 .GDI De 68 .68 .68 .&s OATS. ul? -63 -6894 .5ST4 Sept... .44 .44- .44-4 .44 Deo .44 .4434 .4454 .44 MESS PORK. Ju'y 19.B7tt IB. SO 19 6714 19.8T1 Sept...... 19.70 20.00 " 19.70 19.97V4 LARD. lZ 11.25 11.10 ll.tO sPt 11.25 11.35 11.224 11.22H SHORT RIBS. July 10.624 10.624 10.524 10.60 Sept 10.574 10.65 10.674 10.624 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm Rye No. 2. 8S0- Harley Feed or mixing, 767To'; fair to choioe malting, 77 5f78c Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1,674 No. 1 Northwestern, $1,67 4. Timothy seed $3.90. Clover $10.10. Pork Mess, per barrel, $19,874 19.90. Lard Per 1G0 pounds. $11.20. Short ribs Sides tloose). $10.6510.65. Sides Short, clear tboicd), $liail.l24. Grain statistics: ..J'!"'1 clearances of wheat were equal to 2000 bushels. Primary receipts were 156.000 bushels, compared with 290,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 3 cars; corn iiX cars; oats, 134 cars; hogs. 18.000 head. . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 40.600 20 500 JVheat. bushels 7,200 46.700 Corn, bushels 64,600 19 600 Oats, bushels 682.600 3051000 Rye. bushels. 4.000 10,700 Barley, bushels 88.500 a one Grain and Produce at New York. loy YORK. June S Flour Receipts, 12,, 00; exports, 5807; firm, with a moderate flemana. Wheat Receipts. 34.800. Spot. firm. No. 7 red. $1.30 asked, elevator: do nominal r. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 1 37 ii ?y-2.aV afloat: 2 hara Winter'. i.o4 I. o. b. afloat. Following a steady opening, wheat turned Quite weak under bearish Western crop nows and selling by big holders. In tho afternoon prices ral lied on reports of a strong cash position in the Southwest, but weakened again near the- close July closed $1.25; September closed $1.1: December closed $11441 orH,p, Steady; cinc Coast. 1908 crop. Hides, wool and petroleum Steady. Grain at 8aa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 8. Wheat Firm. Harley Easy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $2.102.15 per cental milling. $2. log 2.20. P cental. Barley Feed. $1.3591 BTM per cental; brewing. $1.62 4 1.8.1. . .o-VTJi.",2-102-20 per ntal; white. $2.1oft'2.20; black, nominal. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. n1!ai,I)?:ei,lberi 1'88 cental bid, 1.00. asked. Corn Large yellow. $1.70 1.75 per cen- Europcan Grain Markets. ..!ir,I7ERPOOL" June 3 Wheat. July. 8s lld; September, 8s 6d; December. 8s 4d Weather, cool. English country markets, steady. French country markets, steady. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE. June 8. No milling quotations Export wheat, bluestem, $1.24- club 1 14 red. $1.09. Receipts, wheat. 1 car'; oats! o cars. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. June 3. Wheat Milling, blue stem. $1.J01.35; club. $1.14. Export, blue stem. $1.24; club. $1.14; red. $1 8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS F. H. FTuiht and wife to F. L. Smith, i-ius o. w, oioca a. Lee now Park.. J The Lee Rowdier Co. to F. L. Smith same lots G. F. Bell and wife to H. W. Leincke! lot 1, block 8, Lincoln Park... H. Hamblet and wife to Emil Kleck er, lot 10, block 19. Fairport H. Hamblet and wife to Paul'Krtsch' lot 9, block 19, Fairport Bertha M. Hosford and husband "to T. H. Fearey, Sr.. 1 acre, com mencing 15 4 rods east and 23 4 rods south of N. E. cor. of N E 4 of Sec. 5, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E ." W. H. Ross and wife to Thomas Roberts, tracts 6. 7, Bryn Mawr Park John Budelman and wife to Marie' i Forsythe. lot 1. block 12o, Caruth ers Add. to Caruthera Add Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to P H Weinland, lots 27. 28. block 14." Berkeley . Robert Giles to A. 6. Klncald, lot" "25" block 2. Mansfield Add. to Monta viila J. G. Holmes and wife to F w' Hoeekar, property in Sec 0. T. i N.. R. 4 E S. D. Brlggs and wife to Lucy ana W. D. Lockwood, lots 11, 12, 13, block 8. Arleta Park No. 3 R. I Stevens to J. J. Graves, lots ll SI. 32, block 2, Laureiwood .... T. E. Lewis and wife to L. R. Lewis G acres In Sec. 4, T. 1 S., R. 2 E. . . Same to Hattie L Daniel, 6 acres in same section Same to same, lots 3, 4, block " B Terminus Add John Schmauder et al. to Peter Ku bom, lot 13. block 10, Lincoln Park Rena L. Herrick to Carrie E. Vos burgh, undivided 4 of lot 13, block 18, Lincoln Park Annex Arnold Myers and wife to August Stilger, lot 10, block SS, Sellwood . Queen Investment Co. to Ben and Q K. Riesland, property In Sec o0 t. 1 s., r. 1 e ; P. L. Crawford and wife to H. M Fancher, lots 11, 12, block 6, Wa verleigh Heights University Land Co. to J. M. Orrick et al.. lots 1. 2, 3. 4, block 133, University Park Frank Cruikshank to L. F. Eck'eVt lot 1, block 15, Tremont Place...' E. J. Ellison and wife to Christianne S. Preston, lots 19, 20, block 7 Irvlngton W. O. Palmer to J. J. Kadderly," lot 7, block 9, Cole's Add. ... 435 4S5 650 230 230 1 10 10 200 125 eoo 8,900 1,785 1 1 IO 600 10 2.100 10 1.200 1.000 1' 7,600 20 C. Kadderly and wife to Henry Kad- uoni, uuuiviueo. a 01 lot 7, block - - - - - -. - - - - 19 LUMBERMENS National Bank 4 CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It Insures against dust, mud and street noises. It msnres against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street, - It assures conscientious workmanship and best material!. It assures perfect satisfaction. . c BITTJLXTHI0 INSURANCE IS SATESX AND SUSESX WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1883. BROKERS STOCKSBONDS -GRAIN Bought and sold for rash and on marrlo. Private wires Rooms 201 to 9. Cole'j Add J. J. Kadderly et al. to Henry Kad derly, lot 7. block 9, Cole's Add... J- J'. Kadderly et al. to Catherine Kadderly, lota 9, 11. block 1. Mid way . J- M. Turner and wife Vo" " H h! Bchoolneld et al.. Iota 21, 22, block 25, Arbor Lodge Mra. Xfc s. Pengra. to 1. B. Penftna'et al., lot 12, block 14. Cloverdale Extended No. 2 Victor Land Co. to' "Frederick' Bathe et al.. lot 2. block 4. Gem Add Jamea Sargent to W. II. Conant, lot 4. block 10, Greenoe Heights V ? .r Lana Co. to W. A. Marske. lots 8, 4. block 5, Corona Park i?. ,.uf,4 to Ella M. Pease, lot 18. block 12. Elberta. Clarke and wife to Ella M. i 'S.' J' blk 12. Elberta Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to J. c Hurley, lots 18. 17, block 10. Tremont Place ' LjT- UuBois and wife to A." Gleiis'ch L,x,Iotf 21- 22, block 13. Santa Rosa Park H'. ?,obl.a and wife "toVa'me, "lot n- J10. 13i Santa Rosa Park.... i, o IffWTr4 and wlfe t same, S-I?',?- 'ock 13- Santa Roaa Park... t iSy .E?vl55 & T Company to Hanlah B-onclai lot 4. block 149. Caruthens Addition William Cssweil to Willi' Oscar Mast lots 40 to a. block 3. Pacino (-oast Abstract Company's eubdl- of 23 to 27. Glenbaveii M Hosford to'"wi'liram"'cc'r "Mast! lots 43 to 4. block S. Pacino Coast Abstract Company's subdi vision of lots 28 to 27. Glenhavea J- J?. TValEamot et ai "to" William" Oscir Mast undh'lded H of lots 40, 41. 42, block 8. Paolflo Coast A-bstraot Company's subdivision of lots 28 to -T, Glenhaven Park vV 1111am Oscar Mast to -Peter Warier" lots 40 to 40. block 8. Paciflo coast Abstract Company's subdl Park11 l0t 23 t0 37 GIennTen George Woodward and "wife " to" "Alfred Thompson et 1., S. H of N E U fa,L,; H oi N- ot seotla B. townshlD 1 south, range 4 east.. Title Guarantee & Trust Company to lola Peddlcord. lot 14. block 2, subdivision of lota 1. 2. 7 8 10 North St. John .'. Moses T?lum and wife to Ben "selling;" undivided 2-20th of 70x125 feet be ginning at N. E. corner ot block 178. SJlty Samuel S. Summer and wife 'to" George w. Akers, 100x120 feet beginning at Intersection of S. line of Mvrtle street-- with W. line of Lownedale etreet E- M. P.asmussen and wife" to Bernie McCann S. 40 feet of lot 6. block 10. Ladd'9 Addition J. Martin and wife to C. A. Phillip lot 13, block 5, Nash's First Addi tion H- w- Lemcko and wife to " Charl'e's' ' jr. 250 1 1 4O0 1 150, 10 10 220 223 100 6,000 4,400 060 10 ..v..,,,, jul a. uioua o, imcoin rarx Eugene Sullivan and wife to Lydla Werner, lots 1.-2. block B, Center Addition to East Portland ........ Eugene Sullivan and wife to Lena V, erner. lots . 10. block 9. Center Addition to East Portland Rose City Cemetery Association to Ada Ross, lot 18. block 41. eeotlon "r," said cemetery William G. Beck to Martin Keating lot 12. subdivision of lot 1, Paradise Spring Farm Martin Keating and wife to Susan CurtUs, W. 41 feet of lot 12. subdi vision of lot 1, Paradlee Spring Farm B. M. Lombard and wife to Alton M. Woodard et al., lots 11 3 2. block 21 lots 9. 10. block 24. Railway Addi tion to Montavllla Joseph Allen Leas and wife to John Jessen. lots 18. 33. Tremont Place; also E. 14 of lot 19, block S3. Tre mont Place Antonia Geisler and husband 'to"cL. Lamed et al.. lots 7. 10, block 11 Paradise Spring Tract Oliver F. Evans and wife to Max Loewenson. lot 4. block 18, Caruth ers Addition Title Insurance and Invemmont Com pany to Rebecca L. Clapp, lot 2, block R, York Minnie Price to L. A. Milne. lots 2o! 2fl. block 191. XTnlverslty Park James H. W. Willson to IT. J Will man, lots 7. 8. block 4. Rosary Security Savlnpn & Trust Company to Caroline McKenzle, lot 17 block 84. Jlelle Orest '. Louis Guth. Jr.. and wife to B. T Buckley. N 33 1-3 feet of S. 66 2-S feet of lots 3, 4, block 2. Strobes Addition Percy TT. Blyrh and wife to Joseph Schmid, 60x139 feet beginning at S. W. corner of lot 04. BIythswood. . Amalla Burckhardt and husband to Phoebe A. Burckhardt, lot 11. blook SOO. Couch Addition Mary G. Hart and "husband to Ethel A. Ward, lot 3, block 20, Katharine Moore Investment Company to Willie F. Ccffey. lots 6. 8. block, 22, Ver non 823 900 T0 1 8,500 400 10 2.900 8,760 3,800 700 175 10 2,550 1,000 IO 230 1,000 8,500 J. B. TMckover Company to J. j Fo'ien 1 , . . 10 11 hi..). 1 r, . t. , ..... .0. uivl. j., naiHUl rarK , . Frank 1. Ball and wife to Jercie B. Collins, 00x00 leet oemnning BO reet E. of Intersection of N". line of Kear--ney street with B. line of Twenty- Joseph H. Xash and wife to Ada "c" Roes, lot 10, block 5, Kash's First 1.400 409 M. A. Welsh and wife to Peter Bauer" Charles B. Mace 'and wife to' " iionaM .".1..., muu uiTKuiiiiiiK m center or East Yamhill etreef 150 feet east of i il i tiun street.... Sarah L. Alford to Sappho B. Harris, 2,300 , 101 o. oiock i, and un divided H of lot 23, block 8, Hlgh- 204, Couch Building' Telephone St 333 A. 2337 land Park Addition George W. Fisher and wife to Charles Jackson lots 10. 11. 12. 13, block 2. Ivanhoe Addition ... Amanda M. Walt to Edward Me'nden hall Company, lot 6, block 4 Cen tral Alblna ........... "rank Richet and wife to' 'chaVles" Not- .f1 al- Iot block 6. WHson'o Addition R-, c-Lcr'ft Ir,d wlfo t R- H.""Mason". lot 22. block 8. Kern Park ..... ?"?,, ln,vstment Company to Samuel Iveill. lot 6, block 53. Vernon... R. E. Menefee and wife to N. C Hal- 7"r-"??,r- I- feet of lota 17. 18, block 2, Brans Addition Portland Trust Company of Oregon to John Gardner, lot , block la. King's Second Addition V. . . Orville O. Jennings to John Gardner! a- !od 16. Second Addition ... M. L. Holbrook and wife to N A. Gee et al.. lot 21. block 4. St. John Park Overlook Land Companv to Carl G Anderson, lot 3. block IS. Overlook Gregory Investment Company to H A Townsend. lots 47. 43, block 20. Gregory Heights .....77... J. A. Pettlt and wife to B. O. "wood's" l.ff., 20-2T' Dol-ashmutt & Oatmane Little Homes r.o. 4... Tohn Sommervllle and wife to " Robert G. Conklln. lot 4, block 4. Eastland Robert G. Conklln to Edward Kaston et ej.. lot 4, block 4, lOastland . . Alvin L. Baxter and wife to William H. Bender, lot 9. block 108. Norwood 8. P. Osburn et al. to Henry Albright. lot 2. Osburn Park Tract .T ( TviMr on1 wr. t- n ." 1 10 B. H of tot 11 end TO. U of tot 12. blook 11. Miller's Addition ..... j "I'otal --. ...$88,229 LAWYBHS" ABSTRACT A TRTTST CO. Room 8. Board of Trade blfl. ' Abstracts a specialty. Have your abstracts made by the Title ss Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. Streetcars to "Depot. VANCOU VUR, "Wash, June) 8. (Spe cial.) Over tho S. P. & S. railway tracks tho ground In dispute between two track-laying crews & few days agro tho Vancouver Traction Company will extend Its streetcar line west on Elev enth street to the union railway sta tion. We're Expert Movers Pianos moved by Eilers experts are never injured. Try them next time. Phones A. 2360 and Exc. 23. TRAVELERS GtJIDE. CANADIAN PACIFIC "Less Than Four Days at Sea WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL Two days on the beautiful St. Lawrence River and the shortest ocean route to Eu rope. Nothing better on the Atlantlo than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamer. First -class $80; second $30. one class cabin $45. Ask any ticket agent, or write for sailings. rates and booklet. ?. R. Johnson. P. A.. 148 8d St.. Portland. Ot Steanr Chas. R. Spencer PORTLANU-ASTOR1A. Round trip dally except Monday, for As toria and way landings: leaving Portland at A. M. arriving Astoria 1 P. M. Return ing, leave Astoria 3 P. M.. arrive Portland 9:4i P. M. Sunday excursion, Astoria and return. Leave Portland 8 A. M. ; return 9 P. M.; fare $1.00 round trip. Portland-washington-St. dock. Phone Main 8619. Cal lender dock, Astoria. SAN FRANCISCO ft PORTLAND S. S CO Only direct steamer and daylight Bailing From A insworta Dock. Portland, 9 A M S.S. Kotte City, June B, 19, -tc. KatHtSi f sT -an . From Lombard St.. San Francisco, 11 A. M "-. "tate of California, June 5 S4. Rose City, June 12, etc J. W. Hansom, Dock Agent, 31. J. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent, 142 3d St NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO'S Steamshirs Roanoke anfl Fldpr - Sail for Ksreka. Son r-'mn..i.. .. . Ansjeles direct every Thursday, 8 V. M. o"".b "2 imra, fiear Alder. Phones AT 1314, A 1314. H. YOUNG, Agent. COOS BAY LINE Tha . r ... I) I, i - . ..... . .... , : . . - nait Air,!-, leaves port- Coos Bay points. Freisiii received tiu 4 P M. on dajr of sailing. Passenger rare, flrst class. 10; second-class. 7. lncludlns berto. f'"'"; -""Ju're city ticket ottlce. Third 1 600 1.500 ,000 1 400 1.S00 1 700 600 ' 700 2,123 10 750 1,055 1 10