Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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IO MCHASflV I FOB SALE. I - . ' ' ,
TO TRADE for o-pasaenger automobile, mint
be up-to-date car. Hood River orchard, 20
acres, 6 acres In 14-year-old Yellow New
town and Baldwin. S-room Summer house,
lst year's crop 1000 boxes, value $5.vto.
a ieo 1 10-room house at 14th and College
sts.. value $8000. L 1S6. Oresontan.
FOR EXCHANGE 520-acre Eastern Oregon
wheat farm lor Portland or valley prop
erty; also lot and fraction In Seattle for
automobile or Portland lota. Box 8, Hub
bard. Or.
10 EXCHANGE Staple stock merchandise
and house and lot In good country town
for city property, will pay cash dlffer
ence. Box 45. Kelso. Wash.
FINE wheat and alfalfa land for sale cheap;
will take 6-room cottage as part pay
ment. A. Underdahl, room A, Lumber
Exchange bldg.
RIVER FRONT 126 feet river frontage,
1 1-16 acres, price 16500; will take part
good Income property on it. Phone Wood
lawn 418. P. o. box aos.
WANT to trade 261 -acre farm, close to
J orest Grove, for Portland or suburban
property. Percy Allen. 511 .Board of
Trade bldg. V
820 ACRES of land at Huntsvllle, Ark., well
Improved: over 400 fruit trees; price $3000.
Will exchange for Oregon real estate. Call
room 18. 250 Third st.
160 ACRES Malheur County, under Gov
ernment Irrigation project; all good land;
cash, or will trade for Portland prop
erty. 272 Stark st.
HOOD RIVER fruit land, small tract, un
cleared, to exchange for city lots on cash
basis; a bargain. Address Box 627. Cor
nelius "Hotel.
IF YOU have a lot. or house, or farm, or
business of any kind, that you desire to
exchange for something else, call or write
513 Chamber Commerce.
160 ACRES wheat land In Morrow County to
exchange for city property, will E. Purdy
Investment Company. 260 Third et.
EQUITY in 6-room house and half block for
land under $40; fruit, near car. N 139, Ore
gonlan. ACREAGE on Oregon City carllne to trade
for Irvington property. T. A. Rutherford.
( 605-6 Commercial block.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot to trade for first
class five-seated automobile. AC 135, Ore
gonlan. "WILL GET you anything you want In
trade for anything you have. Call 808
Ablngton bldg.
WHAT have you to exchange for denta!
work that Is guaranteed for 10 years. Har
vard Painless Dentists, 382 Washington si.
I . .
2.0,000 shares excellent stock, residence or
other property, Portland. vicinity. AB
128. Oregonlan.
WANTED Printing In exchange for dental
work. Harvard Dentists. 362 Washington St.
WILL, trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
401 Ruchanan bldg.
BOOKS to trade for camera, good condition.
Send tor list of books. AC 137, Oregonlan.
HOI'BE and lot to trade for Improved acre
age. 1019 Board of Trade.
180 ACRES, near Tillamook, sale or trade
Portland property. Phone Main 1174.
YOIT can trade any kind of property . at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
"WILL trade Home Telephone bonds for city
property. L 13S. Oregonlan.
. FOR LEASE term years. 60x100. well
located for warehouse or factory. R.
Ruetlkofer, 265 Salmon.
Horses. Vehicles
nl Harness.
JUST arrived, with carload of horses and
mares, weighing from 900 to 14H pounds;
pair good Iowa chunks, fat, young, sound
every way, weigh 2500 lbs; pair big 2400
lh mares, good workers; pair small 110O
lh mare; 10 head cheap farm or express
horses from ?.H.- up: all kinds wagons,
buggies, harness, saddle; lots of bar
gains. Red Front Stables, 15th, oft Wash
ington. St.
VHY buy a second-hand vehlclo when we
can sell you a new vehicle at about the
same price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE 4 CO.,
322 Hawthorne Ave.
TEAM, well matched, horse and mare,
weighs 2100 lbs., good workers; also pair
brown horses, weigh 2400 lbs., right out
of htird .work: big sorrel horse, weighs
1400 lbs., sell cheap or trade for driving
hor.e; pair matched grays, weigh llOO
each, good harness, price $135. Call
stable, lath, corner Stark.
FOR SALE A very handsome Kentucky
galted sarldlo horse, black gelding 15
hands high, weight about 1175, 5 years old;
rides and drives perfectly: guaranteed In
every respect. Kramer Stable, lath and
Aldtr sts.
$35 BUYS good bay horse, rides or drives;
good gray horse, fat, sore In front from
street work, $:15; big bay horse, fat, nice
looker, $45: good matched gray team,
weighs -Jatio. good pullers, price $85. For
Inspection apply 26 N. 15th st.
FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes. day. week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 4J0 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Bay horse, 7 years old. weight
about 1300 lbs., thoroughly city broke and
gentle, good-looker; can be used for de
livery or surrey. Phone Main 12,74 or
labor 842.
ONH sound farm team, weight 1100. for $20O
slfo two young delivery horses cheap. A. B."
Kirkley, Luther station, on Gresham car
line. FOR SALE Team, 2600 pounds; harness,
good 31 wagon; a bargain, $250. O W
Kalltng. 49th and E. Harrison sta Phone
Tabor 1746.
DON'T forget to look over Bruniell's bunch
of horses. 60S Alblna ave.; we have some
FOR SALE A new Studebaker spider stan
hope: very handsome and stylish Job.
I hone Main 1274 or Tabor 42.
I WANTED A good horse and rig In ex
; change for $250 equity In two lota at
( Ix'nts. C. A. Alvord. Arleta. Or.
TO TRADE New buggy or wagon or horses
Ivr first-class eecond-hand piano. 828
Third st.
; HUBERT S HALL, 3S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
1 HORSES, tuares. rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City
Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M S300.
GOTNG East, want to sell my saddle horse.
Inquire 291 Seventh st.
AUTO runabout cheap for cash or trade for
piano or Portland, Vancouver real estate.
AN 14, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE cheap, pianola piano; cost $900.
with over $60 worth of music; good as
new; or will trade for some acreage land
1001 Grand ave., or phone Woodlawn 10!
FINE upright piano for sale or trade, at
C. O. Peck's warehouse, 2d and Pine sta
AN 134. Oregonlan.
GOOD mahogany piano for eels, a bargain.
75 N. 6th st.
aflscelcmn eons.
LAUNCH 22 feet. 10 H. P.. good condition, at
half cost ; will demonstrate. Address 734
7th st. Phone Sellwood 661.
4-0 A R rowboat sliding seats. 22 feet; ex
cellent condition. Apply A. Bymhold. foot
of Morrison bridge. West Side.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak
wood at lowest market prices. Hoover,
SIS Water st. Phone Main 7451. A 5445.
Logging and hoisting engines.
1 MANGE Film service that wins. Stere
opticon slides, supplies. 165 4th St.
BOX. planer and cord wood in any quant I
ty. Standard Wood Co. East 2315. B 1695.
2 TEXTS, lxl. 20x35. and lot of house
hold goods. 3S5 E. Alder.
FINE soda fountain, glassholders. spoons etc
S3 North Third.
I CHINESE pheasants! lrde end, eggs for
I sale. Phone Wood lews. Mia.
I MlseeUameOna. I II . I " " i-mr.i.i r, mji a. I lOR RENT.
35 standard makes, drop-head machines,
all In good order, that we are going to
close out regardless of price; also 100
box-top machines at your own price; do
not miss this opportunity to get a good
machine cheap, . as we have got to sell
to make room or a carload. This week
only. Machines rented and repaired
White Sewing Machine Store. H. r. Jones,
proprietor, 420 Washington st.
FOR BALE Finest houseboat on the Pa
cific Coast, containing 14 rooms, bath
room, lavatories, hot and cold water In
each room. Thoroughly seaworthy. Also
one launch 36 ft. long; one launch-house;
one launch 25 ft. long and launch-house;
one floating swimming tank. For sale to
gether or separately. Apply F. S. Morris,
room 6, Chamber of Commerce.
ANYTHING in the Iron or kindred lines.
Eighth, Glisan and Hoyt Sts.
The House of a Million Bargains.
800 cords well-seasoned fir mile from
Llnneman Junction, at $2 per cord
Main 1902 322 Mohawk bldg.
FOR SALE cheap, 42 Angora goats; a bar
gain if sold at once.
230 Stark St.
22-FT.. new launch. In croori cnnHltln. CIA
H. P. D. S. engine, storage battery,' $25
carbunatte $16, all goes for $300; get
-iu cucnanan Olag.
FIR cordwood in 500-cord lots, at Southern
Pacific Jefferson-st., or Oregon Electric
depots. Oregon Iron & Steel Co., 339
Sherlock bldg.
NEW, fire-proof safe; new single buggy
harness, hand-made rubbertrimmed. largo
roll-top desk and chair. 175 Grand ave.
DO YOU want supplies or rent filmy We
are Independent, do not belong to the
Pa'vlncJ Film Co.. 303 Rothchlld
bldg., Portland, Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & ptg Co
203 2d st '
60 SHARES United wireless cheap for cash
must sell at once. P. O. Box 540. Make
POSTAGE stamp collection of over 3000 va
rieties. $450 cash. Address A. G. Brlncker
hoff. Carlton. Or.
c R. Hansen, jr..
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 152a
Help free to employers.
WANTED First-class pastry cook and
short-order cook; must be experienced
also Japanese dish washer; wages $45,
$40 and $30, room and board. Phone
Hood River 51.
AMBITIOUS man, good habits, for traveling
wagon show; take tickets, handle cash ex
perience not required; references and $400
required; good salary. Apply 607 Ablngton
Half Interest In old-established real
estate office, too much business for one
man; will give good proposition to right
party. Call 721 Board of Trade.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, postofflce
clerks, carriers; examinations In Portland
soon; preparation free. Franklin Institute.
Dept. 333-B. Rochester. N. Y. -'
MAN and wife wanted for work on ranch:
man must be hustler and willing to do all
kinds of work; couple without children
preferred. X 121, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man to learn selling
goods; a. chance to make good monev and
to receive good training; a little money
required. Apply SOS Ablngton bldg.
LINEN SALESMAN For an up-to-date de
partment In first-class house; mut he
a thoroughly experienced Al man. AN 143
YOUNG man as salesman for automobile
concern; one with some experience pre
ferred. Barnard-Clark Motor Co. 632 Al
der. WANTED Young man of good education,
to take active Interest In a clean and
well-paying business; $280 required See
Gastonguay. 527 Lumber Exchange.
HONEST, reliable man to act as treasurer
traveling theatrical companv; $300 se-
-VJit rf'qulred:J 35 Per wee and 'are.
y!3 Ablngton bldg.
WANTED Ftrst-olass buttermaker. Steady
position. Must take $500 or $0oO of stock to
be redeemed after six months. Address AH
143. Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class dry cleaner. Good
wages to the right man. Apply at once
Opera House Laundry Co., 2d and Everett
streets. .
WANTED Married men with families can
obtain work at the Crown-Columbia Pulp
& Paper Co., Camas, Wash. Steady work
for right parties. Apply al mill.
WANTED Stlckerman and combination
ehaper and turner; only first-class mechan
ics need apply. Parellus Manufacturing
Co.. 800 Multnomah st.
GENERAL merchandise salesman, experienced
young man. Commercial Abstract Co . 408
Commercial Club.
WANTED Young man as stock salesman for
a local corporation; salary or commission
AL 149, Oregonlan.
SALESMAN to handle complete lines for
wholesale cigar house, unlimited territory
liberal commission. AC 136. Oregonlan. "
SALESMEN, experienced, stape line, spe
cialty talking points: new: big commls
slons. F. W. Main. 78. Iowa City. Iowa.
WANTED First-class insurance man. Ad
dress International Automobile League,
Buffalo. N. Y.
WANTED A window trimmer who Is a
fair sign writer also: young man pre
ferred. AJ 122. Oregonlan.
TEACHER to teach a young man the Amer
ican language. Addivses Harry Chonas.
3ol Morrison st.
WANTED Competent drug clerk, must be
a good Balesman; references required Ad
dress O 135. Oregonlan. '
B?,T ?, to rld a '"'eel. Call Calvert's
Post Card Studio. 796 Washington st. En
trance to City Park.
TWO good woodhaulers owning heavy teams
to haul wood steady: city. AG 126 Ore
gonlan. TWO men to learn automobile business
call at once 62 N. 7th st. Main 4453. A
SOLICITOR to manage good paying propo
sition In town; no cash necessary. Call l-
o'clock. 221 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Experienced Turkish bath at
tendant at once; references. W 136 Ore
gonlan. '
JAP to clean up saloon and attend lunch
street"" CaU trom 7 to 0 A- M- 10 tb-
PERMANENT employment to first-class me
chanical draftsman: investment In busi
ness desired. Call 503 Commercial block.
BO-T,s wanted to learn trade. Portland
Ire & Iron Works.. 84 North 2d st.
SALESMAN for men's clothing department
Lion Clothing Co.. 166-170 3d su
SODA DISPENSER wanted. The Bon
bonlere. 338 Washington st.
,S5- ,WL& secu,r fln- Position for hustler.
V 137, Oregonlan.
WANTED Helper for the kitchen at Winters-
Restaurant. 230 Fire st.
A SOLICITOR wanted at 425 EX 45th at
Phone B 2244. Tabor 1078. '
WANTED Elevator boy. Apply Hotel
Lenox. 3d and Main.
WANTED Licensed barber. Inquire at 412
Willamette St., Eugene. Or.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main OoOO
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; best
offer on Coast. Cutberth. Dekuin bldg.
W5 aecure position Tor our members!
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
UPHOLSTERER wsnted. Apply Carmen Man
ufacturlng Co.. ISth and Upshur sts. -
Brf,(,H,oHANDJ8 ""ed. Oregon Planing
Mill. 19th and Vaughn.
WANTED A first-class meat-cutter at Jones
Meat Market. 151 4th st.
FIRST - CLASS salesman: compensation
large- 216 Commercial bldg.
I .
In Albina, Mori ta villa, St.
John, Sunnyside, Sellwood,
Portland Heights, Woodlawn,
Irving-ton, 'way up town or
anywhere, you need not come
to the business office of Th
Oregonian to insert an ad
vertisement. Just take the
phone either one and read
the ad to the clerk. Bill will
be sent you the next day.
Convenient, isn't itf
MAIN 707
And no matter what you want, this newspaper can satisfy you
If you want help in your store or kitchen,
If you want to borrow money, .
If you want to buyvor sell a house or lot,
If you want to rent a room, a bouse, a flat or a farm
A few lines in The Oregonian want column will usually satisfy
the want. Try it tomorrow.
'"'Situation Wanted" advertisements not accepted over the telephone.
WE WANT live real estate salesmen for
new subdivision: most liberal contract is
sued in the city; salesmen are making
from $500 to $1000 a month. If you are
not familiar -with the work, come and we
will teach you. American Trust Com
pany, HO0-204 Chamber of Commerce. See
P. E. Cleland. Call bet. 9 and 11 A. M.
WANTED One of the largest trust com
panies on the Coast want a few high
class, reputable salesmen. If you are a
wide-awake, live-wire man accustomed to
making good, you will have one of the
best chances you ever had with one of
the fairest and most substantial houses
In the West. AK 139. Oregonlan.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges,
35 North 4th St.. Portland, Or.
CLERKS and carriers, special examination;
tine opportunity to work for Undo Sam;
examinations June 12; absolutely no tl-eie
to lose: if you want preparation, see us
Immediately; applications must go In to
day, not next week. Pacific States Schools.
McKay bldg., city.
WANTED A bright real estate salesman.
Best real estate proposition In the city of
Portland.; suburban property on a new
carllne; lots $20; everybody buys them;
liberal commission. Apply to owner, 423
Lumber Exchange bldg.
SEVERAL clerks and carriers wanted at
once; special examination next month.
Applications must be filed today. Join us
and qualify; no expense unless appointed.
Call at 527 Lumber Exchange, day and
WANTED Partner for real estate business;
no experience necessary end very little
money required. Particulars National
Realty Sc Trust Co., 32614 Wash. St., room
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large
stock; choice territory; commission paid
weekly, if you are a hustler and can call,
write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
WANTED Man and wife to cook for 12
to 15 men, $50; room and board; German
couple on ranch, $40 to $45: others.
Maln Office 12 N. 2d St.
WANTED- Young man to do light work at
college for tuition in telegraphy. Oregon
College. S3 6th st.
WANTED 2 neat appearing men. 322 Wor
cester bldg, 10 to 3 2.
2000 PEOPLE wanted to pick and pack
strawberries; plenty of work; pickers are
scarce and the crop Is large; families
should come prepared to camp. For fur
ther particulars write to Hood River
Fruitgrowers' Union.
WANTED Lady or gentleman, partner In
something new; big money-getter; Bmali
capital required. 241 First et., Schade
bldg., office 6.
WANTED Janitor to clean office. $6 per
month. Sengstalbe & Lyman. 90 5th st.
BLANKET-WEAVERS wanted by Oregon
City Woolen Mills. Oregon City.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, bath and phone. 328 Clay st.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $.-. a month. 29 14th. Main 3893.
good teachers for Sept. B14 Swetland bldg.
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
WANTED, marker at Independent Laundry Co.
EXPERIENCED second girl In small fam
ily, good home, reasonable wages. In
quire morning or afternoon till 5 P. M.
The Luxor, 13th end Clay sts. Main 8105.
FIRST-CLASS wages to ladles' coat-maker,
waist and skirt llnisher; permanent posi
tion. 405 Fleldner bldg.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work, small family; one willing to go to
beach. 4U5 East Davis st.
WAITRESS wanted at Hotel Beverly at
once. Park and Yamhill sts.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 725
Wcidler St., Irvington.
WANTED A girl to do chamber work and
assist In dining-room. 73 Russell st.
GOOD girl for general ' housework In a
boarding-bouse. 41 Ella st.
WANTED First-class dressmaker for 2
- -- v,. uiuio. wait v.lto ou, aioer U A. M.
GIRL for general housework. 5-room flat
GOOD cook. Apply to Mrs.' w. J. Burns. 153
10th st. North. ion
EXPERIENCED wrapper, with good refer
ences. Apply at Eastern Outfitting Co.
WANTED 20 girls at Yale Laundry, 500 E.
Morrison st.
WAITRESSES wanted. 128 4th st. Palace
GIRL for general housework. 3 In family
Call at 784 Pettygrove, mornings.
CHORUS girls wanted for vaudeville act
Call National Theater, 7th and Wash. sts.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
good cook: references. 822 Jolmson st.
WANTED Immediately, good girl for sec
ond work. 300 Jefferson. Phone A 5346.
GIRL for general housework: small family
good wages. Phone East 3774.
WAITRESS wanted at 2S7 Alder st.. to
day. GOOD girl for general housework: good
wages. Call 40a Washington st.
NEAT young lady as agent; good salary
F 121. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKER wants help, experienced- also
apprentice. 420 Tillamook st. '
IRONER and mangle girls wanted. The In
dependent Laundry.
GIRL to do housework; small family. 780
Kearney st. -
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
250 14th, near Jefferson.
FIRST-CLASS ironer wanted, at 403 Jeffer
son. Main 7874.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
and oooklng; must be good t"1t. 741 irving.
Apply to
Second and Columbia.
COOK, country hotel. $60 and $50; ranch.
$40; 2 waitresses (resort). $30; man and
wife, cooks for hotel, $60 2 waitresses
(city), $8 week; family cook, $40; cham-
bermald, $.15.
343 Wash. St.
WANTED Cooks, waitresses. kitchen
helpers, chambermaids, girls for general
housework, second girls, girls to work
In candy store.
Large list of other places.
Ladles- Dept. 205 hi Morrison St.
In shoes, linings, drug sundries, ribbons,
etc., etc.; must be reliable and energetic
WANTED A competent girl for private
family of 4. In a good country town, near
Tacoma; must be well recommended;
good wages. Oall Saturday, June 5. at the
office of the Nortonia Hotel, corner 11th
and Washington.
843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help' supplied free to employers.
WANTED A good grlrl for general house
work; a small family; good wages. Phone
Tabor 82T. Call at 694 E. Taylor St..
near 30th.
WANTED A young girl to -take care of
two children, one who likes children; good
home; use of piano; $10 a month. 335
Clay st.
WILL give married lady without children
three furnished housekeeping rooms for
caring for rooming-house. 737 Chamber
Experienced, competent saleswomen In
notions, laces and embroideries. McAllen
McDonell. WANTED Two girls for small Summer re
sort In mountains; good wages. Cath
M 24 I6"1'8 Leasue' 210 Columbia bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Must
jo suw cook ana good housekeeper. 626
East Burnside.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
4d Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
GIRLS,. 16 to 18 Shears of age. to work In
factory. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-Ne-ville
Co., 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework; 2 In
family. 4.J8 North 32d su. Willamette
8-6 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8836. or A 326S.
LADY assistant, doctor's office; little
money required; permanent, profitable.
AE 140. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; small family; good
wages. 770 Overton, near 23d st.
GIRL to do housework, small family; plain
cooking; pleasant home. 174 East 15th
near Belmont.
WANTED Experienced girl to do cooking
and some of the general housework: no
washing. 233 N. 24th.
WANTED A girl to do some second work
and take care of child 8 years old. 393
West Park St.; references.
WANTED Immediately. good waitress,
lunch and dinner hour. Blakely Hall, 300
J erxerson.
WAITRESSES, city; 2 Heppner (tickets).
Seaside; cooks. domestics; others!
Drake's. 204 Washington.
WANTED A competent girl to do general
housework. Inquire 405 Imperial Hotel.
Good wages.
WANTED Bedmaker; free housekeeping
room for man and wife If lady Is willing
to make beds. Call at 43 Third st.
GOOD girl at once for general housework:
one wining to go to Coast later. Call 687
a 01-, two in lamily.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. C 2163. 765 Thompson st.. cor. 23d
St., Irvington.
STENOGRAPHERS should take the E B
U- road to good positions. It Is sure 630
Worcester block.
WANTED Drug laboratory girl for label
ing: must be competent. Address O 130
Oregonian. '
A FARMER of 44 years wishes a house
keeper immediately, with prospects of a
home. K 137. Oregonlan.
GIRL for general housework; Japanese pre
ferred ; references ; small family. 75 East
loth st.
WANTEDExperlenced girl for general
housework; no children. 260 Grand ave.
North, cor. Multnomah.
WANTED Experienced girl for second
5 in,PS 5r?' F' H- PaE- 614 Jackson
St., Portland Heights.
WANTEDA competent girl for general
housework, family of four. Call morning.
812 Kearney et.
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework; no
washing; references. 63g Kearney st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks
ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeper. 10 years' ex
perience accounting, wishes to make
change; best references. AG 136. Ore
gonlan. '
YOUNG college graduate, 24 years of age
wishes to secure position. Has also attend
ed college of civil engineering about two
years. AJ 138, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants small set of books to
keep evenings: best of references. Ad
dress M 136. Oregonlan.
BY man 38 years of age. bookkeeping and
clerical work, or position In geneaU mer
cantlle store. B 128. Oregonlan. f
WISH work as clerk In country general store
,B "ference: 10 years' experience. AE
14b. Oregoaian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man
w-lth some capital desires to purchase
working Interest In established business;
state nature of business and amount re
Qulned in first letter. AH 145. Oregonlan.
MisceMji neons.
SOBER, reliable man. German, wishes posi
tion as checker or other work In ware
house. Has knowledge of steam and elec
tric holetlng machinery. References from
large store and warehouse in port of New
York. Am not afraid of any kind of .work.
AF 137. Oregonlan.
WANTED A position as gardener on a gen
tleman's private place. AJ 148 Orego
nian. POSITION wanted by young man to drive a
delivery wagon. 427 Harrison st. Phone
Main 8185.
POSITION .wanted by German, 25 years
old, sober and steady. Address P. O. box
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes posi
tion and understands housework, has best
references. 210 East 16th st. South. T. T.
SITUATION wanted by an ambitious young
man as solloltor or collector; best ref
erences. Address AH 146. Oregonlan.
GERMAN butcher. 25 years. wants work
around butcher shop. AE 147. Oregonian.
WANTED Any kind of an Inside Job. by
a young man 20 years old. Main 6073.
JKANESE wants a position as porter.
Phone A 1809. Charlie. 30 N. 3d, city.
HOUSE or window cleaning by day, hour or
job; references. Main 3 903.
BLACKSMITHS All-round man wants posl-
tlon. town or country. G 138. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED A position by lady as secre
tary; knowledge of stenography; several
years' experience; anxious to go west.
MU? J- 2044 E. 60th St., Cleve
land. Ohio.
WANTED By young lady, experienced In
general office work, familiar with type
w,rite!: no objection to leaving city. V
136, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, rapid. accurate. ex
perienced, law work preferred, fine ref
erences; capable of earning good salary.
G 143, Oregonlan.
WANTED By young lady, clerical work
or cashier; can furnish references. 330
5th st. Phone Main 3616.
CASHIER or general office work, by young
woman. 7 years' experience; references. Ad
dress B 128. Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced young lady, po
sition as collector; good references. V 135.
BEGINNER, wants position as stenograrjier.
Small salary to start. Phone B 2162.
DRESSMAKING, shirtwaists and children's
clothing a specialty; prices reasonable.
dJO uth st. Phone Main 3C16.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs- Angeles. 326 Wash. St., room 216.
EXPERIENCED governess and Infant nurse
will go to mountains or beach. Miss Ethel
Eads, 455 E. 11th Eugene, Or.
EXPERIENCED nurse has private room, best
care, modern, reasonable, healthy, high lo
cality. Phone Tabor 851.
WANTED Nursing by experienced middle
aged woman; maternity case preferred.
Phone Main 4110.
MRS. J. w. BUTLER. colored. graduate
nurse. Phone Main 2651. 3S8 Everett st.
NURSING by a practical middle-aged lady.
Phone Main 338S.
A - COFFIELD water motor can do your
washing if you have no help; a good girl
will stay If you give her a Coffleld wash
ing machine. We send them on trial and
show you how to operate. Edwards Com
pany. 181 1st st.
LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered:
fine su-drylng. grass-bleaching facilities.
Phone Tabor 1530.
GIRL wants place to care for babv. Cath
olic Women's League, 210 Columbia bldg.
M 2451.
CHAMBER work in sul urbs, room and board
also comfortable home. H 144. Orego
.nlan. EXPERIENCED demonstrator wants posi
tion; references. Make appointment when
answering. AJ 137. Oregonian.
REFINED young woman wants position in
doctor's office. N 137, Oregonlan.
LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c
pair. Called for and delivered. Tabor 1587.
WANTED Work by day. Main 6638.
Room 6.
TWO young women want day work: 23a
hour; references. Main 9179.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of
nursery stock: cash weekly; outfit free.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem Or
WANTED By July 1. furnished house
keeping rooms or flat, or care of home
must be walking distance and desirable
location and reasonable rent; good ref
erences furnished and best of care given.
H 143, Oregonlan.
WE WILL secure a renter for your house
fT-PA nf nh,rm IJI1.. . . . XTX
- - - oc fiinuie,
Lumbermens bldg., cor. 6th and Stark. Phone
Main 3798.
WANTED Partly furnished 8-room house:
six adults; West Side; terms reasonable.
Address 442 Jefferson st.
BOARD wanted by man and wife In city or
; Mjm. j-'esiraote, X 130
OUR rental section Is equipped for results.
If your property Is vacant, try us. Strubls
405 Lumbermen's bldg.
COUPLE, no children, ( small unfurnished
, , ,: V . , Mc.r city, .j
142 Oregonlan.
TWO light housekeeping rooms away out
Just man and wife; A-I references!
Phone Sellwood 1093.
FURNISHED apartment or small house,
close In. West Side, wanted for Summer;
references given. ,G 140. Oregonlan.
TWO young ladles wish housekeeping rooms
In private family, with phone, bath and
i ....... . i 1 , vregouian.
YOUNG LADY wishes board and room with
Norwegian family. - G 141. Oregonlan.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED A good sewing machine, with at
tachments. In exchange for & lady's gol
watch worth $20. Phone Sellwood 513 434
Spokane ave.
To rent or buy a houseboat. AO 149.
WANTED Second-hand cement mixer and
donkey engine. See W. L. Morgan. 503
Ablngton bldg.. 11 to 12 A. M.
WANTED At once, 6 second-hand 4x8 pool
tables. See Qulgley & Glisan, 326 1st st
near Clay.
HARDWARE, live Willamette Valley town,
doing good business, particulars first letter.
Bote 3. Lebanon, Or.
BELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get leas. Phones A
2445, Main 895L
WANTED All kinds store snd office fixtures.
showcases, etc. Phone Main 8458.
WANTED Good late model typewriter;
state lowest cash price. H 140. Oregonlan.
LAWN MOWERS sharpened, satisfaction
guaranteed. 170 N. 16th. Main 1134.
WASTED Refrigerator. Owner only. Phone
Tabor 951.
SECOND-HAND cash register. Oregon Hard
ware Co., 107 6th St.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 106T.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phons
East 6204. 194 Grand ave., 00 r. Taylor.
WANT to buy 1000 cords of wood from Van
couver or anywhere to be delivered near
woodlawn. Portland. Courtols, 14-J2 Unlos
avenue North..
TIi-B MIL.NER, S50 Morrison, cor. Park
Nicely furnished rooms; modem: best lo
cation. T5rorM,AXoITOU.; 13tn- furnished
rooms, hot and cold water; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
.eventh. Ankeny and Burnslde.
5;eryth'--K brand new. homelike and
ZIZftA.f3 r-anable. Free bus.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
aeement newtv T.snm.a,dj . , ,
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $-2.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
HO,TEi-. ANTLERS S. W. cor. 10th and
---uingi.on sts. -sew, modern cor. brick,
very nicely furnished, rooms single en suite
hot and oold water In rooms: private baths
Rates $1 per day and up. Mrs. Granstrom.
NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec-
...v. .,,,..,, iiul ana. com water, elegant
bathroom, both phones free; Just the place
for persons wanting a flrst-clas3 home for
moderate expense. Phone A 52S0. M 5435.
HOTEL LENOX, corner 3d and Main sts..
furnished and unfurnished rooms at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Od
posite the Plaza.
312 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 564T.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.'
NEWLY furnished. Ideal rooms, convenient,
single or en suite, at The Larrabee, '27
Larrabee st.
FURNISHED FLAT of 3 rooms, bath, gas
range; Sundays or evenings after 6:30. 400
4 th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable. 349
Jefferson, near 7th.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms:
hath rthnnn. KO . 1 j .. ... . .. . '
v. t to 94 weeic.
THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder Modern, oen
tral. $3, $4. $5 per week: transient.
HOTEL MONARCH Mod-ern conveniences;
transient solicited. $65 Stark, cor. Park.
THE) DREW Newly furnished rooms. 162
2d., corner Morrison.
THE REX. 548 Washington St. Modern
rooms. $10 to $12 per month, with baths.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
FOR RENT Furnished room In private fam
ily; electric light; also unfurnished room. 1
block from Sunnyside carllne. 181 East S3d
comer Yamhill.
165 N. 17TH Large, nicely furnished front
room, modern, phone; suitable for two;
gentlemen preferred, $12.
BRIGHT, airy, nloely furnished bedroom;
every convenience, very reasonable, break
fast if desired. 791 Belmont st.
FURNISHED room in modern apartments
private family, walking distance. Phone M
238 18TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms,
new bouse, all conveniences, gentlemen
FURNISHED rooms. electricity, furnace,
bath; 1 block from carllne. 500 E. 23d st
Phone Sellwood 1362.
$8 PER MONTH, newly furnished bright
front room. In modern fiat; gentlemen
only. 351 6th. Phones Main 9334. A 3702.
NICELY furnished room in private family;
bath, telephone; walking distance; rent
$12. Phone A 2546. 128 I6th st. North.
CONNECTING rooms, modern conveniences.
large porch. 269 14th. Main 3893.
FIXE corner room, large closet, hot and
cold water; porch. 542 Morrison.
LIGHT, furnished room for gentleman, $6
month. 618 Qulmby. Phone Main 4004.
LARGE room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen; all conveniences. Main 6314.
NEWLY furnished light, airy rooms, walking
distance. 290 12th st.
TWO furnished rooms, modern. 334 Harri
son. M. 2205.
COZY den, single rooms, modern, fine lo
cation, large yard. 67 N. 20th st.
NICELY furnished front room, modern 375
12th st. Phone A 490L
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Very desirable unfurnished
front room, first floor, reference. 492 Tay
lor st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call
304 Montgomery st.
Rooms With Board.
Vnwn 1n . . . .
. r . .. ...... acpcvl, steam neat, t
electric llehts. hot nnri .olH n
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10
per month, and up; publlo parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests -transients
solicited; excellent table board.
$20 per month; single meals, 25 cents.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 21st year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary, 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
Heath. superintendent. Woman's Ex
change, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brether
ton, supt.
LARGE front room, suitable for two people,
with board; $6 per week; all conveniences;
also table board $4 week; good home cook
ing. Aster House. Seventh and Madison.
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St.. family
hotel, modem, new management: board
optional; best table board; prices mod
erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms in Port
land; rates lowest; a ccmfortable home.
THE LINDELL. 269 Market: nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable: fine walking distance.
THE OZARK. 225 11th. Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ONE large room nicely fitted, all modem
conveniences, suitable for man and wife,
or 2 gentlemen. 701 E. Burnslde st.. or
East 3206. '
LARGE front room for 2: good home board,
private; very reasonable; West Side. 751
Kearney. A 4379. 9
HAVE nice large room with board, horns
cooking, all conveniences. 107 16th st. near
Flanders. Phone Main 6513.
BOARD and room, suitable for man and
(wife or twa young men; lovely home.
Phone B 1079. "-
NICELY furnished room; running water with
board; strictly first-class; beautiful 'lawn.
181 1st. cor. YamhilL A 3580.
BOARD and room for two; all home com
forts. 663 Washington et. A 1912.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment.
21st and Flanders, Nob Hill district.
. every convenience. Main 7516.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; modern
4-room unfurnished apartment. Apply Jan
itor. NEW 5-room. steam-heated flat. modern
conveniences: reasonable rent. W. L. Mor
gan. 503 Ablngton bldg.
FURNISHED 4-room apartment; Immediate
possession. The Sheffield. 7th and Jeffer
son. Main 2506.
MADISON PARK apartments. 4-room apart
ment: modem, aiectrlc elevator. Cor. Park
and Madison.
COLUMBIAN and Vlctcrlan. S and 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbia.
THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders; 8 and 4-room
apartments, bath, heat, hot water, $18. $33.
Apart men ts.
The newest, most modern apartment
house In Portland: every convenience. In
cluding electric elevator, beautiful con
crete building, beau.lful view and sur
roundings, most reasonable charges fur
nished or unfurnished: don't wonder call
at apartments and be shown; both Wh nes
In every suite. 624 Marshall st Call for
vttyjuv -taui -!. i or A -657.
H?I:1? APARTMENTS. 14lh and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St.. now briclc
building, completely flist-class. furnished
In 2. 3 and 4 -room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, fr-e phone, compressed-air
cleaning. Janitor service, from
$25 up month; some unfurnished; coma
look and be surprised.
Corner Thirteenth and Clay Sts.
8 and 4-room suites, with private baths,
beautifully furnished: complete for Im
mediate housekeeping: free phones; excel
lent Janitor service: an abundance of hot
w-ater all the time: easy walking distance;
prices reasonable. Phone Main 8105.
N. W. corner 21st and Flanders. Newly
furnished suites of three rooms, hot and
cold water In every suite; with private
bath; ready for Immediate housekeeping.
Apply to Janitor.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jcrferson sts..
unfurnished apartment, with bath; every
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
JEFFERSON I AN, modern 2 and 8-room fur
nished apartment. $20 up. 16th-Jefterson.
NEW unfurnished flat. 5 rooms, bath, gas
and electric fixtures, fireplace, furnace,
with hot-water coil; no dark rooms East
15th and Oak; reasonable rent. Rodgers-Hart-Gibson.
14e Second st. .
FLATS 11 Tenth St.. near Burnslde- T
rooms and bath; all modern improvements;
business center; $40. John Klosterman.
Board of . Trade bldg. Wakefield, Fries
& Co.
5-ROOM modern flat, vacant June 15- splen
did, light, large rooms, furnace, lawn in
Jr.oni ?nd reRr; $2S month: no children,
ot" t. Phone from 9 to 5, Main 8705.
FOR RENT 7-room modern .flat, 331
Montgomery st. Inquire at the Red Front.
1st and Taylor sts.
MODERN. 6-room upper fiat, near West
Side High School. Inquire 175 16th st.
corner Yamhill.
MODERN, up-to-date lower fiat. 6 rooms;
adults Call 88 Mill St.. near 7th st!
Phone Main 7S39
IF you want to rent new. up-to-date flats go
to Sixth and Wasco: best location In Holla
day. See owner, W. Reldt.
7-ROOM large light modern flat. Apply
367 16th.. bet. Mill and Montgomery.
NEW. modern 6 and 7-room flat. 309 North
19th st. Main 8670.
MODERN 5-room flat. $27.50. 784 Glisan.
Inquire Graves & Co.. Ill 4ih st.
TH REE-room flat; all conveniences. Inquire)
223 Market. Phone Main 516.
VERY fine flat In choice Nob Hill location.
Phone Main 6618.
ONE new 5-room flat, 6th st. between Hall
and College, 426 6th.
NICELY furnished, sunny, modern flat, 8
rooms, pantry. $18. 845 S. Front St.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best In city for money: short dis
tance, from Union Depot. Take "S" or
ICth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st.
"?S?NTA-"--18'r mh- near Yamhill (taks
W car), furnished 2. 3 and 4-room house,
keeping suites by week or month. $5 and
$20. respectively and up; hot and cold water,
steam heat, baths and phones free: singla
rooms. $7 a month. Main 4697. A 4739.
THE GAYOSA. Grand ave.. cor. East Stark
St.; modern brick building, olegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot
and cold water in all rooms. Phone East
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors:
nice suites from $12 up.
ONE nicely furnished 2-room housekeeping
.apartment; all modern conveniences; tele
phone, bath, etc.; only $18. THE MER
CEDES. 20th and Washington sts.
THE NORDICA Newly furnished apart
ments for housekeeping; strictly modem.
Grand ae., 1 blk. south Morrison. E. 341$
IDAHO. 389 6th st. Housekeeping and single
rooms. .
THE SANGERT, Washington and Trinity,
near 19th, furnished apartments.
532 WILLIAMS ave.; furnished, unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also single rooms.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. $12
and $15. 492 clay st.
THE MILNER. 3uO Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenience!.
13 2 furnished housekeeping; rooms; &as,
bath, sink. 651 E. Morrifon St.
THE ELMS Two and three-room furnished
apartments. 191 14th at. Phone Main 6307.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, with
gas ranges and free phone and bath; close
to central part of city; very cheap to
married people onlv (no children). 32t
7 th St. Phone Main 1799.
THREE furnished rooms, 168 10th; large
living-room, bedroom, kitchen, electric
lights, gas. phone, 2 double beds; don't
object to children. Main 1708.
TWO unfurnished rooms, with basement
kitchen in lovely home; free gas for cook
ing and light; $20 without kitchen, $15.
656 Glisan St.
THREE or 4 clean, nicely furnished rooms;
gas range and all convenionoes; nice yard
walking distance; references exchanged.
433 7th st. T ,
2 LARGE, well-furnished housekeeping rooms;
private entrance and lawn. 54 North 23d.
Phone A 8271.
NICELY furnished front suite; electric light,
gas, free phone and bath: $16 per month.
609 Johnson St., between 14th and 15th.
8 OR 4 completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern. Call before 10 A. M. or
after S P. M., 187 E. 14th st.
IF you want 4 finely furnished housekeep
ing rooms in private residence, phone
Main 5527.
TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms,
near Steel bridge. Phone East 1783, between
10 and 12 A:- M.
THREE furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing; modern, private residence. Phone B
ENTIRE floor, 3 rooms, bath, nicely fur
nished; light and pleasant. 226 Grant.
SUITE of 2 cool front housekeeping rooms
. for light housekeeping. 421 6th st.
TWO cool, nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas. bath and phone. 387 3d st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Phons
East 107. 425 E. Ash st.
FURNISHED rooms and hnusekeeplng;
rooms; bath, gas. 426 East Market st.
NEWLY furnished flats; private baths; 3
rooms, $37.50; 5 rooms, $65. 390 12th.
FOR RENT Modem 6-room cottage, ce
ment basement, $22. 446 Union ave. N.
East 4621
HOUSES, flats and stores rented: good
service, struble, 405 Lumbermens bldg.
10-ROOM modem bouse. Nob Hill district.
Inquire 747 Glisan st.
MODERN 9-room house. 211 23d st. North.
Key at 207. Phone Main 8023.
NEWLY TINTED, modem, 7-room. comer
house. 215 McMllkm st-. near Steel bridge.
MODERN 8-room house, 104 East 18th key
next door.
MODERN 6-room cottage, near East Side
High SchooL East 1619, B 1S86.
MODERN 8-room house with bath. 447 Main
st. Inquire 394 Salmon st.
MODERN 5-room cottage. 89 West Park.
Inquire 85 West Park, or phone A 5162.
MODERN T-room house at St. John, on
Decatur and Polk. Phone Woodlawn 327.
FOR RENT Nice .-room residence. $:i
walking distance. 20 Whl taker st.