CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBBGONI4K TELEPHONES. eountl..R SiJ'yjs t-ltT Circulation Main 7070 Manag-lna- Editor. . ... I .Main 7070 c"dy Ea',or T.MalS 1070 Bupt. Buildings Main 7070 Horn. A 10M A 09S A. 609S A 609S A 6095 A (095 A COOS AMUSEMENTS. BAKER THEATETR Third and 815 Re FemlTl1 benefit Yamhill tonight. BUNGALOW THEATER (12th and Morrl i2n.T Balc'r Stock Company in "The Girl ... uoiaen west." Tonight at 8:15. R;r,I.I,?UM. THEATER (Morrison, between sixth and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville. - touignt at 8:13. ikand THEATER (Washington, between . . j-tk vaudeville a luxe. -"j , i.og ana V f. M. VANTAGES THFATER (Fourth and Starkl ?30 P M vuavl". :30. T:S0 and 'Ivrfc T.?T.55tr55r'.th.. Ald.r TonlBht i8:is. ' " KanCl1' ,v Movlna--plctur .how oVwi, """" na valng. J to X0:30 ROSE FESTIVAL WEEK Mail your friends in the East The Oregonian during Rose Fes tival Week and advertise the City of Portland and the great State of Oregon. Order now at the business office. Orders re ceived by mail vnil be given prompt attention. Price, 20 cents, including th great Sun day edition. I I -VN-E R TO Jl'tvim T?.- . i"" apZlntl ... rcucrai Dentin, a dinner will be Kien at the Commercial Club, Sunday evening by the alumni of the University of Oresron. Owing to the number of --" i. .m win De present the invitation lms been restricted to the alumni with the ,t rental Judges W. D. Gil- InriVJ r "Olverton; State Circuit Jurtjres for Multnomah County; County JudSe Webster, the faculty of the dif ferent departments of the University of Oregon and the president of the univer !"y; Geore H. Williams. Portland's most esteemed citizen will be an honorary guest. Judge Hean is an alumnus of the t nlverslty of Oregon, having graduated In the early seventies. He has been a n gent of the University for several years. t L? l" J!"r f his recent appointment that the dinner Is being given. The com- '-.r "w ,.of arraiKements consists of F M. Mulkey. B. B. Beekman, Dr. E. Joseph, Jerry Bronaugh, J. c Veazie and Charles J. Schnabel. Roller Agents Oomplais.-City En- daveelftlayl0r W.S tBken to task yter uo) afternoon, during a meeting of the street committee of the Executive Board for alleged failure to finish up tests of road rollers, for which bids have been opened. Mr. Taylor was charged with negligence and one agent intimated that there has been "manipulation." but Mayor Lane is satisfied that it is largely deposition on the part of the City En Tavlor d ,fav"a"y ne concern.' Sr. think. ie,c a ,hat each of the agents Jll 5esPeC-'ve roller, should be recommended. Gives Picnic to Employes. The man- gepowlrnthe Port,and Hallway. Sght isfer Company yesterday gave the ' a e,eries; ot four picnic excursions for the entertainment of Us large num ber of employes which will be giv?n during the Summer. Employes of the about f "d Ultlr fami"eS- aregating aDout 600 in number. -J-.. .Jr guests of the company at Estacada, where ; T Z, "u"us ana a pavilion are main ay me railway company. The icii Portland at 8:30 o'clock yester day morning in eight cars and did not ctuiu mini iaie last night. mblcomo arch Torn Dows.-Under .....un ut ne Llty Engineer the h of welcome, which was erected one year ago near the Union Depot, is being de molished Mayor Lane and the members vt the street committee of the Executive j.uaiu ureraea mat the arch should be removed and issued the order yesterday morning. There has been much trouble over the placing of the arch. The con tractor failed to complete it on time and . .V i. cny- owlS his men. None will pay them. Two REAL Estate Ruira Co. reported the sale of two parcels of ... . oeing 3 lots on the K W cor of 20th and Flanders, belonging to I. Lowenpart for $S.000. which was pur chased by Morton Colin for a most mod ern opartment-house. The other piece being 75100 feet on the N. w. cor. of 14th and Davis sts., was bought by Ballou and right for, who Intend to erect a large building for their wholesale auto mobile supply department. Will Exhibit Roses Today W a Money win hold a rose show of hla own today In the corridor of the Chamber of Commerce building. The exhibit will in clude specimens of all the varieties grown hy Mr. Storey. Thl. exhibit is made for the reason that many of the roses are now In full bloom and by thinning out the blossoms the later buds will be in better condition for the rose show next week. Monday Musical Club The Monday Musical Club will hold its first annual reception and musical thLs evening at Chrlstensen s hall. Eleventh and Yam hill streets. The soloists will be Mis Harwas and Mrs. Millie Perkins. Several other excellent numbers have been pre pared by members of the club. Akavai Sholom Services. Services will he held in Congregation Aliavai Sholom Synagogue. Park and Clay streets, tonight t 8 o'clock. Music by the choir under the direction of Gustaviu Eseman. To morrow morning services begin at 930 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson officiating All are welcome. Prohibition Rally. Rev. J. R. Knodell Plate Superintendent of the Oregon Anti Saloon League, will address a meeting in the Friends' Church, corner of Main and Kast Thirty-fifth streets, next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, in the interest of state-wide prohibition of the legalized liquor trade. Aid Day Junb 13. The Aid Society of Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal Church have been granted by the City Council June 1 for the purpose of selling at 10 cents eoch beautiful souvenirs of the new stone church being erected at the corner of East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth street. . Domestic Art Exhibition. The do me stic art classes of the Y. W C under Miss Bernice Waring, invite their friends to an exhibit of their work in sewing and millinery, at their rooms seventh and Taylor streets. Friday. June i. afternoon and evening. ro lou Know That the best home-cooked lunches in the city for both men and women, are served at the beautiful new Y. W. C. A. building corner Seventh and Taylor sts. Hours TtoP.V1- to 2 p- M- and 'UiSrrAK os" Rducatio.v. "Schools and Education- will be the topic of n L ,JOM,h B' Wlse s rmon at Temple Beth I6rael tonight. The service begin! at 8 o'clock. Strangers are welcome PATJ,'VuHrME MEETtNo.-The regular monthly business meeting of the pltton ilome Association will be held thte morn ing at 10 o'clock, at -The Home" 5 Michigan avenue. Take "iy car. FOOT OruHHTctv -n-r Cm Tw o to alight from an eastbound Mount Scott car at East Twentieth street and Haw thorne avenue, at 6:40 o'clock yesterday morning, Ernest Bolunbri, an Italian laborer, employed by the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company, sustained Injuries which necessitated the amputa tion of his right foot Just above the ankle. Bolunbri was a passenger on what is operated as a "through" train. He requested the conductor to be let oft at the point where the accident oc curred but was told that the train did not stop there. Bolunbri started to jump Trom the platform between the two cans but evidently changed his mind, but not until he had been thrown from the steps by the movement of the car. He retained his grasp on the hand rail and was dragged about 60 feet before his predicament was discovered by the con ductor and the car stopped. In the mean time, the man's right foot had been badly crushed under the truck of the rear car. He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital. The Oregon Citizen. The first Issue of the Oregon Citizen published under the auspices of the Civic Federation Society, has made its appearance. L. D. Mahone is the editor and W. G. Trill business manager. It is the official paper of the Civic Federation. H. J. Miller. Francis I. McKenna. W. R Litzenburg, John Ovall, M. C. Reed. John Bain. W. G. Trill, w. T. Buster and Lv D. Mahone are associate editors. The paper is to discuss all matters pertaining to the civic growth of the state and city. Band Secures New Uniforms. The obtained new uniforms for all the mem bers, and they were taken to the club nan on AiDina avenue, near Killings worth. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the band will make its appearance in a public concert when the players will wear their new uniforms for the first time. Commission Charter Oppbosed.-At the special meeting or the Sellwood Board Of TrftdA TllPalnv Tl1llt thAra ..11 discussion of the commission charter for and against, with the result that the meeting was practically unanimous against the adoption of the commission plan. Sellwood Club to . Meet. The Sell- wood Republican Club will hold a snecial meeting in Union hall. East Thirteenth street and Tenino avenue, to iiisriin amendments to be voted for next Monday. Excursion to rnndA Tta avw a. day, on steamer Bailey Gatzert; leaves Alder-street wharf at 9 A. M. returns 6:30 P. M.: SI round trin. Phone vr. ia. a K119 Jay H. Upton has moved hies law nfflco to 735 Chamber of Commerce. Dr. F. B. Eaton, eye. ear. Medical bldg. NEW WOOL RATE SOON HARIilMAX LIXES HOPE TO SAT ISFY SHIPPERS. Unless More Protests Result Com mission Will Consider Contro versy at End. The general freight d Harriman lines in Oregon Is at work on a readjustment of wool rates affecting an snipping points in the state, which rates, it is expected, will meet the objec tions oi ine woolgrowers and manufac turers. This statement was made to the Rail way commission vestrrinv Uv t7 tt Coman, assistant general freight ant r.r the O. R. & N. and Southern Pacm,. lines in Oregon. The new tariff sheets Will De OUt In a short imA ar. protests are made hv hinrwirc rttv.;n very short time thereafter, the contro versy Will be consider K.- ; sion as adjusted. a ne investigation or wool rates was held by the Commission on Its own initia tive and was the result of complaints of inequalities in rates made by growers and manufacturers- All th tooflrv.nn.. . that of the railway companies, had been taKen at aaiem prior to yesterday, when the concluding hearing was held In Port land. It was at this session 'that Mr. Coman announced the desire of the com panies he represents to- adjust the dif ferences with the shippers. The new rates, it is understood, -will apply generally throughout the state. The main shipping points of scoured wool are Pendleton. Echo and The Dalles. Most of the large manufacturers do their own wool scouring, however, and these bnv and ship wool In quantities from most of me stations in ine snip country of East ern Oregon. The Hnilwav ""V-im mi.nlnn .nB i closed the Linnton hearing by ordering me united Railways Company to stop its cars for passengers and freight at Second and D street in Linnton. The company has erected its depot opposite Clark Terrace and the order will probably result in the cars making two stops at that town. Evidence yesterday from a dozen or more witnesses indicated that there was something of a factional fight involved. It was insisted by most of the residents that the corner of Second and D street, because of being In the main business center of the place, was the best stopping point. No question was raised as to the sufficiency of the depot and the company officers asserted that it was located where it would serve the most patrons of the road. The investigation of the Portland-S?a-side rates will be concluded by the Com mission today with a hearing at 11 o'clock In Portland. The testimony of the ship pers has been taken and the railroad com pany will have Its innings today. The Investigation Involves commodity and class rates and rates on building materials in particular from Portland to Seaside and from Astoria to Seaside over the Astoria & Columbia River railroad. What-You-May-Call-It Visits Portland "Tanker." Strange Frea-k Animal With Part at a Hog and a Deer, Trots at Master's Heels. "THERE passed through Portland ves I terday an animal freak, which in most respects resembled a wild pec cary, or wild boar, but which had other marks which -were entirely foreign to the peccarv f am i 1 v rh. .ni.i - i - possession' of Dr. C. W. Stone, from Tucson, Arizona, who stopped in Port land on his way to Seattle. "TuSker." as rr. Stnnn nail. 1.1- usual pet, has a hog's hind feet and a ueer s rront reet. The front part of her body is set low, and she is built for running at a great speed. Her bristles instead of hplno- t l. n w ii ii liKe those of the peccary are porous and brittle. The navel is on the back. She has an affectionate p . n r o r-1-1 . seems to be of a loving disposition. One Of her most rAmarlmhl. . is her cleanliness. The box in which she was kept for 48 hours on the trip from Arizona wm ahnlnt.l -- " ii c iroru dirt when Portland was reached. There ' "o oaor wnatever In her pen. and she seems to take pride in keeping things neat. Tusker was found when about a month old In t ti nniurt,.. . . on the line between Mexico and Ari zona. Her mother had been shot and she was taken and ftA mtiu tin had attained the age of three months. Then being turned loose she persisted In following the wagon for about a THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, ! . " The Safe Way No matter what your posi- f tion is at present, save your i I earnings, that you may es- 1 I tabhsh yourself firmly in I business life. g Have a BANK Account I- Deposit a dollar as often as convenient with The Oldest Trust Comnanv In Dreann And enjoy the knowledge of being secure against de pendence. ! I 5 We pay from two to four ? x . i 9 per cent on deposits. Call for our statement and Book of ILXrtJBTRATIONS. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS BENJ. I. COHEN President H. TL. HTTIK K Vice-President DB. A. 8. NICHOI-S. . .Sd Vlce-Frea. B. 1.EK PAGET Secretary W. J. G ILL Assistant Secretary ft C. W. DEGBAFF ...r.hl.. month, until Dr. Stone took pity and made the animal one of the family. The two are now the closest of friends and are in the habit at times of going out on the street together, Tusker al ways sticking close at the heels of her master. This strano-a ,.-., . . o v . . ' id supposed to belong to the Barrabossa family. The .oc ii una ever oeen tound is in the hicrhoal- a . 1. I lated peaks of the Galurlus mountains. VANCOUVERITES TO COME Twenty Autos From Washington City Will Be In Rose Parade. VANCOUVER. Wash.. .Tunc' 1 c c,tI- Twenty automobiles from Van couver, decorated with roses, will join me auio parade at the Rose Festival in Portland next Wednesdsv. Pnii,,,. siastlc automobillsts are making ar rangements to carry out this plan and the following have Rltrnlfiort thi tention of entering their machines in me procession: Thomas p. Clarke. JnA A. t. nrm- I T. f. Phillins f T -c -l- ' - ' i' i iii v wil COX, Dr. R. D. Wiswall, C. C. Grldley, Victor Martin, Thompson & Swan' Henry Christ. FI. v.. Rearri a hi T3ii J. H. Jaggy, Paul & Bryant, and Dr.' v. .c. ms, ana otners will follow. FLORISTS. The Tonseth Floral ComDanv am now located in their new store In the Marquam building, 325 Morrison, with a display of fine cut flowers, palms and ferns. Phone Main 5102, A 1102. WHEREJ0 DINE. All thft rlellnnoloci nf tYia n .1 Portland Restaurant: fino nrivoto . ments for ladles. 305 Wash., near Fifth. Northwestern People In New York. NEW YORK. June S fSni,i Northwestern people at hotels: Portland jresun: x. c Emmons. Holland: Dr G. S. Whiteside. ; Tacoma Park Avenu: w Tr tth well, Mrs. W. F. Hollowell. - Seattle Broadwav Central- n. a. Herald Square: H. Gladstone. Willamette Tent & Awning Co., 23 and 25 North Front St. A.....,.bo, UUmW aicepuig rooms, can vas and Japanese Porch Curtains, Wool and Cotton Flags, all sizes. A 3968. Main oca Baker to Have Creamery. BAKER CITY. Or.. June 3. rsnenlai After considerable delay this city is i uiivo a. creamery. e. D. Severance, a local man, nas his riant almost com lllllllllllllll - ' I The invisible' Bifooik - TV e have every facility for doing skillful work. Our consulting-room was built especially tc our order. It is designed upon the latest scientific principle. Everything is convenient to our, and the entire examination can be made rapidly and systematically The arrangement of artificial lights, the measurements of the room, our equipment of instruments, are all based upon the experience of the leading opticians of Ihe country. What is still more important, we bebeve that we thoroughly understand how to use our outfit. We have devoted hard work and study to prepare ourselves for expert Z&rf W TvmS w b6en aS thorgh and careful as could be desired. Ve believe that we can give you glasses that are a perfect fit in every way. !No one in the world can do better than that; COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Oregonian Building. Jtz iff ji; -f0 git" i 1 Cf i L (K( i If ! J pleted and on June IK It win for business. This will complete a chain of creameries owned by Mr. Sev erance, including one at Rock Creek. i.iby, Kicniann and Halfwav. REMOVAL SALE F. P. YOUNG Seventh and Washington Sts. THE QUALITY SHOP. REMOVAL SALE Our present quarters are too small. We are going to move Into a larger storeroom. 290 Morrison street, Corbett bldg. now occupied by the Llttlekost Suit House. Great Reductions in all Lines ONL,Y CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED.) $4.00 and $3.50 Allover Em broidery, yard $1.48 $1.50 and $1.00 Bands Em broidery, yard 48c $1.50 Kid Gloves, P. K. or Dents' style $1.25 25c Fancy Veilings for 15c $5.00 Silk Parasols for $3.48 $2.50 Allover Embroidery, per yard 98c 75c and 50c Edges Embroid ery, yard 25c $4.00 Long Kid Gloves, colors, $1.98 50c and 75c Chiffon Veilings, per yard 39c 133 Sixth St. JUNE 4, 1909 i i One Place to do your trading in our line. Call and open an account with us. "We offer you for Friday and Saturday: Malt Vinegar (C. & B.), bottle.. 25 Kippered Herring, 2 cans for. .45 Ferris Hams, per lb 20 Snyder's Catsup, per bottle 20 Simon & Weil's Matzos have ar rived; also Eastern Boneless Codfish. We deliver to all parts of the city. Phone us. L. Mayer & Co. Portland's Oldest Grocers. Both Phones. 148 Third St. ORTLAND PRINTING A 2281 Main 6201 EVERYTHING But Women of Woodcraft Building 888 Taylor Street, corner Tenth Za the watchword for health and vlg-or emfort and beauty. Mankind i learn TDg not only the necessity but tile lux ury of cleanliness. SAFOUO, which naa wrought such changes In th hoot, anunneM her sister triumph MAIND SAPOLIO POS TOILET AND BATH Iclal soap which energizes tlk Whola Tinrlv .tn.l. .v. . i ?.. . vo iuv uuuuutuua SkSSl . .j na Bxujmrauilf SIOW. gsjas) sh sUraiEslata. FLATHEAD RESERVATION OPENS JULY 15 Send a dollar for our booklet describing best method of obtain ing the most valuable unimproved land ever offered by the Govern ment. O'Brien & Bowe, Butte, Mont. Fine Pianos For Rent Ellers Piano House now ha. . more fine pianos to rent; some used mostly new ones. Terms very reason able. Rent applied towards purchase 3o3 Washington street, or phone ExchI 23, or .A. 2350. Gold Seal Fire Protection Hose Goodyear Rubber Co. 01, S3. OS. 67 Fourth St, at Pine. It's Time For Tuning Pianos are frequently not only out of tune, but also an eighth to a fourth off pitch in the Spring. Listen to yours' Notice It? Action's stiff, too. perhaps. We 11 tune, regulate action and remove scratches quickly and reasonably. Eilers Piano House, 353 Washington street. Phone A 2350 or Pri. Exc 237 Printers of Hiney You've probably found in buying Clothes that the main thing is quality; the fab rics used, the tailoring, the linings, trim mings, "insides" of the garmentsthese are the critical points in buying Clothes. Questions of color- and patterns, of models, of fit these things- are plain on the surface; the garments fit or not, according to your own judgment. It doesn't matter what you choose to spend, we'll show you the best Clothes made at $20, $25, $30 and $35 Tfie' Dey" Time Register SAVES TWICE ITS COST EVERY YEAR r-. t PORTLAND RESERVE RILHAM This bank is especially equipped to handle reserve counts of business men, and pays 3 per cent interest time certificates of deposit. patronage. We Are Expert Lens Grinders We skillfully and correctly execute oculists and opticians prescriptions. We ruarantee & reasonable price and satisfaction. WOODARD, CLARKE & COMPANY FredFrehn,D.D.S. $13.00 Fall Set Teeth. $6.00. Crowns and Bridge work. $8.00. Room 40S. Deknm. Open raungs IU1 7. of fjryg w 7 If you employ 30 men, about ten of them are lia ble to be at least ten min utes late in the morning and the same number may quit five minutes too early at night. This means 10s 15 minutes' loss of time to you, 150 minutes or 2y2 hours a day; 2y2 hours a day for 300 days equals 750 hours a year, and 750 hours at 30 cents an hour amounts to $225 actual loss to you. Add 10 cents an hour as your profit, $75, and your total loss is $300. Our "Dey" Registers are inexpensive, will last a lifetime, are fully guar anteed and will earn you at least $3000 in ten years. STATIONERY and PRINTING CO. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS OREGON ACCOUNTS We cordially invite y ) Write for catalogue and prices on sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, well and culvert pipe, pipe for septic tanks, etc OREGON A WASHINGTON SEWER PIPE CO, , 41 N. Front St. MT. TAMALPA1S MILITARY ACAIEIY. San RafHel. C'al. Fully accredited U. S. Army Officer. Only Western School with Cavlary and Mount Artillery. Open-air Oym. and Swimming Pool. $600 and TOO School year Opena August 18. Arthur Crosby. A. M., I). J).. Headtnaatcr. IQCHWAB PRINTING CO IWSOLICITS YOUR PATRON AP.F 2 "74 STARK STREET ac- . ti on c I our :