THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. " y - - vkjixxu o, AJU. gOOeerignced Salespeople Wanted in AU Departments-Apply at Once-Portland Agents for Bntterick Pttm PnHfrntmn PjmfagtaoiSale and Display of Gossard "Lace Front Cgrsgts-Mrs. L. C. ReddingJExpert Corsetiere From Factory in Ajgn Ihe Meier (IS? 99 18 Every White Article Reduced-(Few Contract Goods Alone Excepted)--Marvelous Values 4. " Xltt'4&ViiSiKCV:t, . .. . PL. The OTP at. ' .'.Trmo "UTma TIot" t-i u't , , . . . ' The great '-'June White Days" continues to attract a record-breakine- bnsri. ThmiI.v , , . j j a jr guiiig inio store history as the largest days in volume of business we have ever enjoyed in the month of June, and we hope to beat both records many times before the month has gone by. There's a reason for this marvelous selling, and it's not djffldtto understand. Our fixed policy always to provide the greatest assortments of seasonable merchandise, merchandisTf style and quality at absolutely the lowest prices, more than holds good during this Big Annual White event Every white article in our immense stock is being offered at a reduced price-the only exceptions being a few lines on which t.n manufacturer controls the retail price. Included will be found everything In white wearing apparel for women men ana cnnaren, as well as white household effects of all kinds. Thousands and thousands of monev-savinx, nnr,,- y Q C C viva Look to your needs and share in the phenomenal values now being offered. for the shrewd and economical shopper. Women's White Suits at low prices. Women's White Costumes all reduced. Reductions in Women's White Waists. Graduation Dresses, etc, very low. Misses' and Children's White Apparel. All White Millinery greatly reduced. All Muslin Underwear greatly reduced. French Underwear at very low prices. White Hosiery and Underwear reduced. Laces and Embroideries all reduced. Great Values in all White Parasols. White Ribbons at special low prices. Knit Underwear at very special prices. White Belts and Handbags reduced. White Hosiery and Gloves reduced. All Handkerchiefs at reduced prices. White Silk Gloves at special prices. Extraordinary values in all Corsets. Boys' White Apparel low priced. Lace Curtains at specially low prioes. Curtain Materials offered very low. Art Linena at greatly reduced prices. White Blankets specially low priced. Extraordinary values in Cut Glass. Money-saving values in Stationery. Very great Values in all Silverware. White Silks and DreBS Goods Sale. White Wash Goods of all kinds reduced. Table and Bed Linens specially priced. White Footwear all at special prices. Men's White Shirts all greatly reduced": Men's White Neckwear low nrirW Men's White Handkerchiefs Trousers, Bar Men s Underwear at very low prices Vests, Men's White Coats, Aprons, etc., at special prices. Boys' White Suits, Blouses, Shirtsand Waists on sale at special low priceX AU mail orders carefully attended"! The Meier (S? I Store's 1 009th Friday Surprise 1 Scarfs and Center Pieces $3.5Q to $15 Q Vals. V4 Off In the Art Department, Third Floor, for tomorrow's 1009th Friday Surprise, we offer our entire magnificent stock of Clunv Btyfcs in prand variety; values ranging all the way from $3.50 m to SI fin l of them at a reduction of one-fourth off regular selling prices. 4 buy all you want $1.00 Mirrors on Sale at 49c Ea Tomorrow, in the Drug Sundry Department, a special lot of Hand and Stand Mirrors, in celluloid, wood and metal backs; just the thing for your dresser and shav- A t ing; the best-regular $1.00 values, on sale at this price, each take advantage "C 50c Silk Ginghams 25c Linen Huck Towels 19c Tomorrow, in the Wash Goods Department, 3000 yards of new and beautiful silk Ging hams, plaids and stripes; very best patterns and colorings; the best regular OC 50o values buy all you want of them at this low price, yard take advantage. Tomorrow, 600 dozen fine quality Linen Huck Towels, size 19 by 40 inches; 1 O best regular 25c values buy all you want of them at this special low price, ea. 1 "C Sale of 300 Men's Suits $22.50 Values at $13.85 Per Suit The Second Floor Clothing Store offers for tomor row's 1009th Friday Surprise Sale an extraordinary bargain in Men's three-piece Summer Suits and two piece Outing Suit3. All this season's high-grade garments for business, dress and vacation wear; all pure wool Worsteds and soft-finish Cassimeres, tans, browns, greens, grays, dark silk mixtures; also blue Serges ; every garment handsomely tailored and fin ished throughout. Ready-to-wear apparel equal to ' the best custom-made garments; all sizes, regulars and stouts; $20.00 to $22.50 values; your choice to- morrow only at this unusually low price while they last ; special $ 1 3.85 Take a look at our Morrison street Window Display. Mail Orders will be carefully and promptly filled. Lawri Mowers $2.79-$5.59 500 Meat Safes $ 1 .OZEarfi $2.79 $5.59 $1.07 WhT' 50 i?- Lawn Mowers, with three blades and 9-inch wheels; high-grade steel knives; regular $3.50 values, on sale at this low price, ea TK l14"ln LaWD MoweJ8' f0M bla, 10-inch wheels, ball-bearing, best models made; every one fully guaranteed; regular $7 values, each. Tomorrow great special lot of 500 Meat Safes, every one flyproof ; well made and finished; Rood size: treat sm1 J tf Tomorrow, 200 Hose Reels, 75 feet capacity; strong and durable; special at , ea..69y U Boys' $2 Wash Suits $ Boys' Khaki Suits $ 1.18 Tor tomorrow's 1009th Friday Surprise Sale, 1000 boys two - piece Wash Suits at a wonderfully low price; fancy stripes and ohecks, plain and trimmed collars, embroid ered anieid, galatea cloths, percales and white piques; Russian blouse atvles. in &e-fis 3 to u years; sailor blouse styles, in ages 5 to 11 years; the best regular $2(1 ff I values, on sale at this special low price, the suit take advantage of sale.V" fl xomorrow, 1W boys' Khaki or Vacation Suits; Norfolk coat and belts long ( 1 1 Q pante; well made and finished; good materials; ages 5 to 16 years, at, suit!P I 1 O Boys white Waists and Blouses at very low prices see them. On sale on 2d Floor. $2.50 Auto Veils $1.2.5 Ea 3Qc-35c Fancy Ribbons 17c Yd 25c Dutch Collars 1 2c Ea SwV ' lJiZZSe' and lender; a splendid assortment to 0 1 O? select from; regular $2.50 values, on sale at this unusually low price, each. P 125 Tomorrow 20,000 yards of fancy Dresden and plain taffeta Ribbons of su- 1 1 q"ali.ty; best styles, colorings, combinations; 35 in. wide, 30c val., yd. 1 'C Tomorrow, m the women's Neckwear Department, 10,000 plain linen Dutch Collars 3 inches wide; sizes 12 to 14; heavy 4-ply collars and wide bands; 25c values, ea. .12 $1.50 Silk Gloves at 79c ) 75c Hosiery Reduced to Only 39c the Pair Tomorrow in the Glove Store, another great seasonable offer ing of women's 16-button length Silk Gloves, all the best standard makes, with double finger tips; black, white and a good assortment of colors; sizes 5 to 8; the best Tft regular $1.50 values, on sale at this low price, pair. . 5? C -Mail orders for these d-Iovm nmmnti.. j , For tomorrow's 1009th Friday Surprise Sale a great offering of women s fine Hosiery-silk lisles, lisle and gauze, plain f IlKlPtt- torn hrmHoJ V. -: j i i , ' u a,iu laue nosiery; black, tan, light blue, pink, white, Copenhagen, navy, champagne, helio, Alice, Emoke, etc.; immense assortment, nil cio- ;n j 75c values, on sale at this exceptionally low' price, pr. .d"C 'ifit Rot ri ill J'fikNi . . Men's Panamas $6.50 Vals. $4.95 Tomorrow, a special lot of men's gen uine Panama Hats in all the newest blocks ; all sizes ; best $6.50 lj A Qr values, on sale at, each. Pt'0 Refrigerat'rs $10.49 Ea Special lot of 100 of the celebrated White Mountain Refrigerators, made with massive walls, interlined with sheathing of charcoal; cleanable pro vision chamber of heavy galvanized steel ; 60 lbs. ice capacity ; well made, handsomely finished; a I1 f Af great value, special, ea..P vF.rS Butter 56c Tomorrow, our great weekly offering of 5000 two-pound squares of good Creamery Butter at a price far under the market value; full 2-lb. squares. No phone orders, no delivery. PC Buy all you want at, square. OOC Sg Regular $6jjjandBags $2.98 Ea $2.50 Jewelry at 5 9 c Ea reJaT fik fi ' han?somely bned and fitted with coin purse; best d0 OO regular $6.00 values, on sale at this low price, ea.-take advantage of sale.$2.98 SSSTcS SS?- Slini atest J. Waist Sets wT i ' , . 6 latest novelties, beautiful pieces, and a exeat as- rr sortment for your selection; values up to $2.50 each, on sale' S cdS?.. 59c PanerrrEve?e ?tatlonfe Department, 1000 boxes of the finest quality Linen 1 C aper, Envelopes to match; best 35c value, on sale at this low price, the box. .1 "C $5.00 to $7.50 Parasols for Only $2.98 Ea $ 12,00 Couch Hammocks $7,95 75c to $L25 Undermuslins for Only 49c l ?u l Practical hammo and seat for the porch, camp, bungalow and cozv cor ST hammoV8 made heavy canvas body, with green denmi-cerd M O C To '' el,mad6 finished; $10 and $12 values,ch.$7.95 .rTJV Mushn Underwear Department, Third Floor, 10,000 pieceTof popular-priced Undermuslins to be sold at a price about y value. Corset covers eownsTn drawers, in cambric and muslin materials, trimmed in lace, em broidery tulkf A insertion and beading; 75c to $1.25 values, on sale at this speTiaTw pS. .49c Men Negligee Shirts that Formerly Sold for $5.00 Reduced Down to Only $ 1 .35 Ea TUT J . . . ! ' more gooa news ior Shirt buyers. We've been swamped with requests to continue last Friday's record-breaking sale of men's Golf and Negligee Shirts, so tomorrow we place the balance of the lot, almost 3000 shirts, values up to $5 each,, on sale at $1.35 eaoh; golf and negligee styles, soft, attached collar or without collar, silk mercerized materials, French flannels, fine madras, ""fanny stripes, dots and figures, also plain colors'; all the" best colorings and combinations ; all size3 ; wonder ful assortment for your selection; T W values to $5 ; on sale iiTiday at yf 1 .35 - . Great Sale Women's Summer TWccos $35.00 Values $16.?5 Each The Big Second Floor Garment s?Wo . i nfinii. n! j " u.tia iui tomorrow s XOOath Friday Sugsgalgi5gdlot Women's Prinl bradd and full-length tucked net sleeves, trimmed in narrow nuet net and round yoke of two-thready-al. lace: other. trimmed m uiuny, msh crochet, fillet bands and all-ovpr m: bromery dyed tomatchthe material. High or DtchvTf lace; colors momde Catawba, rose, pink, copperT-lShTTTr champagne, natural, white, green reseda- nT; flTT rr this season's garments; regular $35 valie TZ9e for Friday's special sale at the suitT"only 1 O.C O $ 1 0 Rep. Suits $4.85 Each 5000 Shirtwaists; $2.25 Val. $1.28 ITtT' EP1 lot of P111 tailored imported Rep Suits, 34-inch semi-fitting, smgle-breastea jackets, notch collar, patch pockets; pearf button-trimmed, full flare skirts; white, pink, rose, light blneJ&et lavender, gray, reseda and tan; only 100 in the lot; come fcyi Or?' early. Best regular $10.00 values, on sale at, the suit.ST-Ot Tomorrow, 5000 Cotton Shirtwaists in lawns, dimities, Indian Head linens and mercerized materials; plain tailored or fancy styles- pret tily made and trimmed; great assortment, all sizes; rem- CI ' OO lar values up to $2.25 each, on sale at this special price,ea.S A 4&0 'i