THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. THT7RSDAT, JUNE 3, 1909. DECLINE IN CHEESE With Large Shipments Coming, Market Takes Drop. SHORTAGE THING OF PAST While Oregon Manufacturers Were Holding Prices T7pf Seattle Buy ers Tioaded Vp With Kastern Product. Thb price of Tillamook cheese took a. harp drop yesterday, distributors quot ing twin at 15H19 eenuti. The. present local aupply Is not large, but a rood-sized shipment la due oa the boat Saturdy and another larger lot la due Monday. Unllka pre-vioua shipments, there are not enough orders booked ahead to take care of all the Incoming supply. The weakness was caused principally by the withdrawal of Seattle buyers from this market. Several cars of Eastern chAe recently reached the Puget Sound markets and for some time to com there may not Ve much Inquiry from the north for the Oregon article. Had the manufacturers in this state lowered their prices sooner, they might have kept out these Kastern ship ments. The butter market continues fairly steady. Production now does not exceed the de mand and supplies clean up well each day. Prices m the north are still above Portland, but there Is likely to be a decline there at any time, which may bring down local values. Creamery men here would like to a lower level established so that storage operations may he commenced. It Is the opinion of butter men that rela tively high prices will prevail In the Bast this season. Zn the big butter-making; sec tions the market continues to show a strong tone. Some of this strength Is believed to be due to the free buying; by the oleo margarine makers, who are using butter of current make for coloring the artificial article. CONDITION OF TUB FLOUR MARKET. No Talk By Millers of Any Early Advance. There Is no talk on the part of millers of an advance in flour prices In the near future, though jobbers are predicting a rise, and some of the flour makers are de cidedly averse to putting any further burden on consumers. No business of importance was reported In the grain market yesterday. Oats advanced at San Francisco, but prices here are too hlRh to permit of shipments being made to the south. Consul-General William H. Michael, of Calcutta, writes, under date of March 20 an folic ws In regard to the last memorandum of the Government on the 1908-0 wheat crop In India, which deals with 90. T per cent of the total wheat area: The report discusses mainly acreage, as the estimates of yield have not yet been made up. The total area sown Is now re ported to be 25.685,300 acres, compared with the 2t.075.8OO acres of last year and with the 27,063.000 acres forming the average of the Ave years ending 000-7. As com pared with last year, there Is, therefore, an Increase of 4,800.400 acres, or 10.9 per cent, whereas the acreage still rails short of the older average by 1.O78.T0O acres. On the whole, the condition of the crop is reported to be satisfactory, but the unlrrl gated crop In the United Provinces Is said to be poor, and In many places more rainfall was great ly needed at the time of making the re nort. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Kxchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay May 29-ft0-8l.. . 8 1 29 S 2 June 1 2 8 4 14 Total last week. 24 5 So 18 68 BEKRIE3 ARE BECOMING PIJSNTTFTT!. Market Should Be Heavily Supplied Today. Csmtadoupes Mere. Strawberry receipts yesterday were large and If the weather continues favorable, as seems likely, the market will be flooded with berries today and tomorrow. Xocal fruit ts coming In more freely, some fairly large lota being received from Mt. Tabor and Clackamas County. Prices naturally were lower yesterday. Rood Rivers sold up to $3.T54 per orate, but other Oregon berries moved at S2g 3. California berries were also plentiful and good stock sold around $1 1.25, but some poor lots went as low as 20 cents. The first cantaloupes of the season were received by Page A Son from Brawl ey, Cal. There were two crates of them and they sold at $5 a crate. SMALL HOP CONTRACTS MADE. Twelve-Cent Market Firmly Established In This State, Several small hop contracts have been made In Oregon in the past few days at 12 cent a A number of dealers have or ders at this price and a considerable business could be done If there were enough sellers or If yards could he found where a full specified delivery could be guaranteed. A large contract was written In the Chehahs section yesterday at 114; cents. A San Francisco letter states that 2250 bales of California hops were lost In the Port Costa dock Are. Overrmpply of Chickens. Poultry receipts were again very heavy yesterday. More hens came In than could be well handled. An effort was made to hold the market at 15 cents, but it was necessary to shade prices sharply to move them, and sales were made late In the day as low as 13 cents. The epg market was dull. Receipts were light and prices were unchanged. Bank Clearings. clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 91.411.6S5 M00,4t,9 Seattle 1,151,165 146.491 Tacoma ............. 1.025.753 6,4.804 Spokane . . i.oitu.ui z PU.S95 PORTLAND MARKETS. Vegetables and Fmlt. FRESH FKUITS Apples, USSO per box. ytrawberrles, Oregon, 2ijf4 per rrate; laitiorma, zrc a : i. 26 pr crate; cherries. (1'u l.-S pr box; gooseberries, crate; California, -5c $ 1.25 per crate: &Uc per pound: loganberries, l per crate; currants. 12 o p?r pouna; cantaloupes. 5 per crate. POTATOES Buying price. $1.75(91.90 per hundred: new California, 45c per lb.; tweet potatoes, 4Sc per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 pet . ack : carrots. $1 25; parsnips, 81.30; beets 11-75 ; horseradish, 10c per pound. TROPICAL. FKUITS Oranges, navels. S3 2S IS 25 per box, lomons, $1.75 to 4; grape fruit. $-'t 50 jj4 per box; bananas, 5H 00a pet Vuiitw . I'nicwppiea, li.ou'fl o per crate ONIONS Bermuda. 1.35G1.50 per red. $J per liu-k- crate; EOETABLKS-Artichokes. o060c dos.1 asparKus, 7S(tfl2o per pound; beans, luiiac: cabbage, 2o per lb.; caull- nuwf-r, a pr crate; cucumbers. oOcO J1.26 pr dozen; lettuce, hothouse. $10 i-c. una, lenuce, bead, 35o per uv.oi., uu.vmb, i3idc per dosen; parsley, 8M5 Per dozen: Peas. If nir nmirt1 ra. lshes. 15c pr dozen; rhubarb, 3f 34c per pound; spinach. 5c per pound; squash, 75a v y-rt vu4, tomatoes, Mexican. ISO i. 50 per crate. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc ,?TTrtck,PCM: western rall'tntr. FLOUR Patents. .26 per barrel: ewaightal S5.80; export.. J4.T0: Valley. 13.50; graham. vvjrt.. wnoie, $da per ton: cracked. ISf per ton. BARLEY Feed, 35 pei ton. OATS N'o. 1 white. $40.50641 per ton. MILLPTt.FFS Hrw n S2 Krt ti- - mid dlings, 33; shorts, J29ffiJ2; chop. (24030; roiipa oaney. iduujf HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. 14 0 18 per ton: Eastern Orwnn l1Sff?'t- clover. 31H31I: alfalfa, 1314; cheat, fit 9 Dairy and Conntrr Produce. BUTTER City creamery extra.. MUe: fancy outside creamery, 25&'Jc per lb.; store, ISc. (Butter fat price. aver age 1 cent, per pound under regular but ter prices.) r.utiS Oregon ranch. 23 24c per dozen. POULTRY Hens, 13 15c; Springs. 22 V, 5f25c: roosters. 10c: ducks. 14fii IFr- 0-e. 10illc; turkeys, 20c; squabs. 3.60J per doxen. CHEESE Full cream twins. lSUfiltn per pound; young Americas, 16g?17c; California. 16 17c PORK Fancy. 10c per pound. Veal Extras. SilSUa ttr rtniinif A-i-lt- nary, 7o; heavy, 6c. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Kte. DRIED FRUITS Apolos. 8'4r -oer lb.s peaches. 74 Sc; prunes, Italians. 514d14c; fcti uiita, rremn, .ttf oc; currants, unwashed, cases. 9&c: currants, washed, cases, 10c; figs, white tancy. 60-lb. boxes, CHo: dates, TATViC. SALMON Columbia River, l-lb. talis. $3 per dozen; 2-lb. tails, 12 95: 1-pound fiats. X2.10H: Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 05c; red. 1-pound tails, 11.45; aockeyes, 1 pound tails. $2. COFFEE Mocha. 24 28a; Java, odrlnary. lT20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820o; good, 16lc; ordinary. 12Htl0c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 1213c per pound by sack; Brazil nuts. 16c; Alberts. 15c: peanuts, 7c; almonds, 13 14c: chestnuts, Italian, lie; peanuts, raw, 5Hc; plnenuts, 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuts. 90c per dozen. SUGAR Granulated. S6.05; extra C. $3.55; golden C. $5.43; fruit and berry sugar, $6.05; Honolulu plantation. fine grain, $8.00; plain bag, $5.85; beet granulated. $5 85; cubes (barrel). $6.44; powdered (barrel) $9.80. Terms: on remittances within 15 days, deduct e per pound; If later than 15 days and within m H v i . Vound. Maple sugar. 13018c per pound? oaxx uranuiaieo, la per ton. 11.90 per bale; half ground. 100s, $7.50 per ton; 50s. $8 per ton. BEANS Small white, e.80c; large white, 8.60c; Lima, 6c; pink, 4c; bayou, 414e; Mex ican fed. 4tsc. Provisions. BACON Fancy. 22c per pound: standard, 10c; choice, 18c; Fngllf-h, 16lTc. TTrnv SAT .T frTWUT. I. i . " " ...j. ..ovular snarl clears, dry salt, liHc; smoked. 14V4o; short clear Tl 11 m Art r 1 . n ,01. . . . 14Hc: Oregon exports, dry salted. 14o: smoked, 130. TTAVia IO , r tit 1. T o . . , . . -- ' - t . "V . J LU 10 IDS., 18c; 18 to 20 lbs., 16c; hams, skinned. i-:uicB, 11c; cottage roil, 120; shoul ders, 11c; boiled hams, 22 23c: boiled pic nics, 19c LARD Kettle rendered: 10s, 15c; 6s, 1514c: Standard pure: 10s. 14c 5s, 14c Choice: 10s. 13c; Ss. 13-c Compound: 10s, 914c; 6s. c. SMOKED BEEF. Beef tongues, each, 60c; dried beet sets, 18c; dried beef out sldes, 17c; dried beef lnsldes, 21c; dried beef knuckles. 20c. PICKLED GOOPS Barrels: Pigs' feet, $18; regular tripe-- 10; honeycomb tripe. $12; pigs' tongues. $19.50. BARRELED MEATS Mess beef, $12 per barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family, 14 per barrel; mess pork. $20 per barrel; bis ket, $22 per barrel. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1808 contracts, 12o per lt 1808 crop, 9luc; 1907 orop. 45o; 1B00 crop. lH42c. v WOOL Eastern Oregon. lT22o per pound; Valley, nne. 23(0269,0; medium, 23c: coarse, 21c. MOHAIR Choice. I455o per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. I. l17o lb; a,TY k,'?V?i0- -" 1 5 16c pound; dry calf skin, lS19o pound; salted hides. 98vtc: salted calfskin, 1314o pound; green, li FURS No. 1 skins: Angora, goat, $1 to !i-2SLa.dser' -!5o0c: bear. $820; beaver. $6.50 8.60; cat, wild. 75c$1.50; cougar, ES1"?.?0"1 "nd daws, $3010; fisher, dark, 7.6011; pale. 4.807; fox, cross. S3 to $3: for, gray. 6080c; fox. red, $35: fox silver. 35 to $100- lynx. $S 15 marten, dark, $8 12: mink. $3.60 5 50: mujkrau 1525c; otter, S2.5094; raccoon, 6075c; sea otter. $100.-W0 as to size and co!or skunks. 65S0c: cl-et. cat, 1013c: 7 1' tft,V eoyoto- T5c$1.25; wolverine; CASCAHa" BARK Per pound, 6 cents. -T rORTI.AD IXVESTOCK MARKETS. ' Prices Cnrrqnt Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Mors. A weak feeling was general In tha cat tle and sheep markets, with the supply abundant and buyers holding back. Steers were quoted at former prices, but cows were cut a quarter. In sheep, tho weakness was particularly noticeable In yearlings which declined a quarter. The hog market howed its previous strength. Receipts for trw day were 58 cattle, 603 sheep and 235 hogs. CLatej sales at the yards Included 10 steers, average 1048 pounds, $5.15; 18 cows average 1104 pounds, $4.15; 81 cows, av erage 864 pounds, $3.80; 24 cows, average S39 pounds, $3.75; steers, averag-s 835 pounds. $4.75. Local prices quoted at the yards yesterday were as follows: CATTLE Steers, top. $5(95.25; fair to good, $4.604.75; common to good $44 50 cows, top. $44.25; fair to good." $3.764; common to medium, $2.503.50 calves lo?:..5s5'60: heavy, $S.304; bulla and stags' $o5r3.6; common, $2di2.75 HOGS Best. $7.758; fair to good. $7.257.60; stockers, $86.50; China fats. $U.730tj:7.00. SHEEP Top wethers. $44.26; fair o good. $3.504: ewes. 14c less on all grades; yearlings, best, $4.26; fair to good. 14 Sprlng lambs, $5. Eastern Livestock Prices, OMAHA, June 2. Cattle Receipts, 4300. Market, slower to lOo lower. Steers. $3.76 O.10; rangs cows and iielfera, $2.755.70; canners, $2.234.00: mockers and feeders. $3 00 3.75: calves, $3.257.25. Hogs Receipts. 12.300. Market a shade higher. Heavy, $7.25&1.40; mixed, $7.007.1S: light. $a.90U.25; pigs. $4 76 6.25. Sheep Receipts, 700. Market, steady. Tear- Ungs, $3.758o.75; lambs, $7.25g-8.25. KANSAS CITT. June 2. Cattle Receipts. 9000.. Market, steady to 10c lower. Native steera. $5.356-90; native cows - and heifers, $3.O0fc6.3O; stockers and feeders, $3. Tout's. 50; bulls. $3.4085.2S: Western steers, $5.40g6.7S; Western cows, $3.75'5-5.25. Hoss Receipts, 15.O00. Market. Be to lOo higher. Heavy. $7.2537.45: packers and butch ers. $7.1067.40; light. $6.757.20; pigs. $3.75 6.75. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market, steady. Mut tons. $5.00-6.60: lambs. $7.009.25; wethera and yearlings, $4.75(U7.60; ewes, $4.26(8.26. CHICAGO. June 2. Cattle Estimated re ceipts, 19.000. Market, 10c lower. Beeves, $9.10 G7.20; Texas Bteers, $4.70(56.30; Western steers, $4.66SG.25; stockers and feeders, $3.60 f5. 56; cows and heifers, $2.60(38-40; calves. $6.507.60. v-i- Hogs Estimated receipts, 27.000. Market 5a to lOo higher. LlRht. 8.R'g'7.32H ; mixed. $a5 J'7.45: heavy, $7.05(S7,.r0: rough, $7.06g7.20: good to choice heavy, $7.207.60; pigs, $5.85 8.S5: bulk of sales, $7.20S7.40. Sheep Etlmated receipts. lS.pno. Market, steady to lOc lower. Native, $4.00'56.50; West ern. $4.25gi?.2iv yearlings. $6.2S'97.4n: lambs, native. $6.25SS50; Western. $6.60fiS.TS. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, June 2. Closing quotations: Adventure . . . SH Allouez R9ij Amalgamated . , 84 "H Arix Com 41 Atlantic fli. Mohawk 66 Mont c & C... 2. Nevada Old Dominion... 544 i. 'Mcuia las Parrot 35 Qulncy $o -'ha nnon ....... 16 Trinity 13 United Copper... 9 U. S. Mining. ... 50 V. 3. Oil 33 424 Winona ........ 6 Wolverine 148 Xorth Butte.... 55 Butte CoaJ 2fis Cal & Ariz 13 Cal A Heola...670 Centennial :24 Copper Rangfo. . 81 4 raly TVest 7' Franklin. 16 Oranby 13 Greene vanane& Isle Rovale 27H Mass Mining 12 Michigan 11 NEW YORK. Juns 2. Closing quotaUonst Alice 215 Leadvllle Con.. 44 Brunrwlclc Con. 6 L.ltUe Chief 8 Com Tun stock. 20 Mexican 75 do bonds..... ISHiOntarlo "330 C C Va 60 Ophlr '105 , Horn Silver 65 Standard 175 Iron Silver. ....lis lYellow Jacket. . . 45 Irled Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. June S. Evaporated apples quiet; fancy, SK'S'SHc; choice. T7to"; common to fair. 55c Prunes firm, particularty tha larser sizes, ranglnsT from S"40 to 11 Ho for California fruit and from c to 80 for Onegon 60-0a to 20-SOs. Apricots are a Uttls mors active; choice. 10 1040; extra choice, 10tt10c; fancy 11 a 13c Peaches quiet; choice. 54 Sc; extra choice, V W6Vc; fancy. TSSVic Raisins firm; loose muscatel, lueiiio: choice to fancy, seeded. 4 9i6'4o: seedless. l.6oi London layers. $1.161.J0, RISE IS CHECKED But There Is No Halt in Stock Speculation. READING UNDER PRESSURE Listing of Steel Shares on. the' Paris Bourse the Sensation of For eign Exchanges - Gold Goes to France. JfHW YORK" Tl.r,. 9 ' rae advancing; tendency of prices today al though ri . . ... i. sue mantel was still maintained. Rartln -.i.iw - j , i uiwr ; and tha appearance of some lmpor- , mac stocK was of actable sympathetic effect on the whole list. Another center of strong sentimental in fluence was United States Steel, In which tbs recent persistent and prolonged advance gave way to a reaction of a point. Its upward rush to 67 y. in the anal hour had a strong restorative effect on the whole list. Foreign securities markets seemed to wake up for the nrst time to the Importance of the listing of the United States Steel shares on the Paris Bourse and this topic was the sensation of the Paris. Berlin and In soma degree the London markets. There was lacking any de tailed description of the process to be fol lowed la the Paris operations, but tha Inter vention of a syndicate or trust to act as a holding company in France for a block of X-nlted States Steel and to issue against this holding Its own certificates was assumed to t the course Intended, such certlflcatea serv ing as tha medium of operations in the Paris market rather than the corporation shares themselves. Aside from the strong sentimental In fluence on the value of the stock of this im portant new departure, this method of op erating In the new Held would have Involved an Important accumulation of the actual holdings of the stock. When the stock start ed upwards to a new high mark its strong sentimental Influence was asserted in the re covery in the whole list. The activity of the Atchison issues in face of the announcement of the Atchison converti ble bond issue was regarded as rather sug gestive. The stock and the older convertible Issues ran off. although -the subscription privilege at $104 for the new bonds repre sents valuable lights for the stock, baaed on the ruling price for the older convertible Is sues. Estimates of private experts were taken as foreshadowing a poor showing In the Govern ment report of crop conditions, looked tor next week. The rise In copper did not prevent the ccp per industrials from figuring conspicuously In the early reactionary movement. The en gagement of $1,000,000 In gold for export to Franoe was not much heeded, the plethorio conditions of tha local money market be 03 as much feared as It is approved. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $4,680,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING- STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing . Bid. . Sales. High. Low. auus unaimers pf log 51"4. 51 6114 42 3a a 81 6754 68 43 37 171a 69 93 11114 132 .... ..OW 0-7B Am Agricultural 3,ao0 42 Am Beet Sugar ... 2,000 3ys Am Can pf .... 1,300 al Am Car & Four.. 400 57 Am. Cotton Oil.... 12,200 ttSji Am Hd Lt pf. 1,600 43J4 Am Ice ecurl.... 2,400 . 39 Am .Linseed XML.. . 60O 17 Am Locomotive. . . 8,400 64 84 40 38. 81 67 tW 43 37 1714, T jn omen oc ter. la.tfoo 04 ao prererrea . Am , Sugar Ref.. Am Tel st Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am "Woolen 3,2O0 111 HO J0 132 132 2,400 140 94 140 14014 800 lolli 10114 10194 aw iHJk Anaconda Mln Co 2,100 67 50U, 50 Aicniaon do preferred . Atl Coast Line . . . Bait & Ohio do preferred Bethlehem steel . Brook Rap Tran . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather. . do preferred " . . . Central of N J.. ii.ouv 110 ai 109 6O0 loo 104 104 IOO 128 128 127 1.000 115 114 115 83 600 29 1.800 79-T4 29 29 78 182 8 1,200 182 182 2,100 SO 20 29 1.0O0 104 103 103 . . j i-trt av Ches & Ohio S.800 78 Chicago & Alton.. 200 71 78 7114 78 i 4 184 153 73 42 63 81 80 1 Uhlcago Gt West. 600 ' i 4 k.UlUlBQ 0 H tV moo irait. 1 tt C, M & St Paul.. S8.600 153 161 iuio v uei dc iron 0,800 42 Colo & Southern .. IOO 64 do 1st preferred. 200 82 do 2d referred- . 41 64 82 . Consolidated Gas.. 800 143 143 rnjuucia ... J.,zuu 26 Del & Hudson. . . . 8O0 193 E & R Grande . 1.OU0 60 25 26 192 192 49)4 49 do preferred :.. 200 87 87 Distillers' Securl.. 900 40 40 Erie 16,100 35 34 40 35 61 0.0 lsx preferred. l,4O0 62 61 do 2d preferred, 200 42 42 42 General Electric. . 2.20O 161 180 161 Gt Northern rvf . 9 7nrt n-nf iat i-ri7 Gt Northern pf... 2.700 147 147 147 Gt Northern Ore.. 3,900 74 73 Illinois Central 400 147 147 146 15 44 85 24 14 41 31 45 Interborough Met. 2.4O0 16 16 44 84 24 14 40 81 46 do preferred 6.000 43 88 25 14 41 31 47 Inter Harvester . . Inter Marino pf . . Int Paper Int Pump .... . Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... do preferred . Louis & Nashville Minn gc Bt L M. St P & S B M. Missouri Paclflc. . 6 000 2.100 100 400 1O0 2.60O 700 73 3 73 600 139 139 139 ai) 137 136 137 8,0f 7RV 75 42 72 Mo. Kan & Texas 2.100 do preferred 421 42 National Biscuit .. National Lead . . . Mex Nat Ry 1st pf N Y Central N Y, Ont & West. Norfolk & West. Nortel American.. 200 106 1,800 87 600 B3 105 105 86 86 53 03 131 60 89 6,600 131 130 6,300 Rl BO 200 1.10O 82 8114 Northern Pacific 10,600 148 147 147 Pacific Mall 100 2BU. Pennsylvania i2.00 135 135 35 135 reupio v,as ... .L.ZOO 114 P. C C & St L 113 113 80 Pressed Steel Car 3.10O Pullman Pal Car. ...... 46 44 44 187 Ky steel Spring.. 700 45 45 44 Reading 10S.4O0 165 153 154 Republic Steel ... 8.900 31 20 30 do preferred ... 3O0 88 97 97 Rock Island Co.. 600 32 31 31 do preferred ... 2, 20O 70 69 6V St L & S F 2 pf. 400 45 44 45 St L Southwestern 2.600 2S 28 2Sli do preferred 2,700 71 70 70 Sloss-Sheffteld . Southern Pacific do preferred 1,600 84 R2 83 S1.70O 124 123 123 Southern Railway. 26,000 "2 31 70 41 81 70 41 33 62 69 do preferred ... 1,300 Tenn Copper . 100 Texas & Pacific Tol. St L A West 600 do preferred . . . 600 71 41 '62 69 62 69 Union Pacifio do preferred TT S Realty TT S Rubber . V S Steel do preferred Utah Coprer .. to,io mi 2O0 87 70O 84 .. 1.10O 39 ..151. TOO 67 .. 9,300 122 190 190 " 7 83 83 39 38 67 64 120 122 SOO 51 01 4 01 Va-Caro Chemical. 15 8O0 Wabash 2.500 do preferred ... 11. 500 Wertem Md 1.5O0 Weetlnghouse TDleo 9n0 Western Union . . . 600 Wheel & li Erie... 300 Wisconsin Central. 100 52 21 64 21 84 75 It 50 21 53 '20 83 7niJ 10 52 21 63 20 83 10 68 tSV. 6 Total sales for the day 780,400 shares. BOSD8. NEW YORK, June 2. Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.l01N Y C O 3s... 93 do coupon. .. .101 North Pacific Ss. 74 TJ. S. Sse reg. .. .101 (North Pacific 4s.lO-2 do coupon. .. .102 iUnion Pacifio 4s. 102 TJ S new 4s reg.118 Wlscon Cent 4s.' 96 do coupon. ... 121 Japanese 4s..... 88 D & R G 4s 97l Mniry. Exchange. Ete. LONDON. June 2 Bar silver, quiet, 24 5-16d per. ounce. Money, 11 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; for three months bills ts 1 per cent. NEW YORK. June 2. Money oa call easy, 12 per cent; ruling rue. 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Tima-sgan steady, stelal 4as 2 2. per cent; 90 days. 142H' per cent; six months. 3314 per cent.. Prime mercantile paper, per cent. Sterling exchange. steady, with actual business in bankers bills at $4.8630 4.8633 for 60-day bIIIb and at $4.8790 for demand Commercial bills, $4.85 4.861. Bar silver. 52 54 c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds, steady ; 'railroad bonds, heavy. SAN FRANmsr.O. .Tun. 1 Bn. v. 62c Mexican dollars, 47c. Drafts, sight, 2c; telegraph, 4c. Sterling on London, 60 days, 34.88; sight. Stocks at Lntdon. LONDON. June 2. Consols for money, 8414; do for account, 84. Anaconda ...... 1014 N. Y. Central. . .134 Jiorfolk & West. 9114 do Dref ftft Atchison 112 do-pref 10714 Bait & Ohio. ...118 Can PaciHo 187 Ches & Ohio... 80 Chi Grt West... 5 C. M. 4 S. P 1564 De Beers 14 D & R G- 57 do pref 90 Erie . 36 do 1st pf 54 do 2d pf 43.14 Grand Trunk... 22 111 Central 151 L tc N 142 Mo K A T 43 Ont st West . 5a Pennsylvania ... 69 Kand Mines.... 104 Reading 79 Southern Ry.... 32 do pref 72 South Pacific. .. 127 Union Pacific. . .195 do pref 100 U. S. Steel 66 do pref 123 Wabash 22 do pref 55 Spanish 4s...... fig Amal Copper.... 86 Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Juna 2. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Gold coin and bullion. ......... .$ 47.569,438 Gold certificates 26,763.410 Available cash balance..... 120,170,659 POTATOES ABE HIGHER BEST STOCK HELD AT $50 A TON AT SEATTIJE. Berries in Light Supply Minnesota Grades on Hay Will Be Adopted. SEATTLE. . Wash., June 2. (Special.) Potatoes advanced shaft-ply today. The ad vance was from $3 to $5 per ton The best stock Is now held at $50 per ton and few good potatoes are selling below $47 and $48. The total supply of potatoes In the city is estimated at not to exceed ten oars. The loss in resorting is said to have been much heavier since the recent warm spell commenced. - Berries were ' scarce today. No Cali fornia berries were In tha market and few more will be brought ra.. The retail trade Is well cleaned up, following two holidays. Trade In all lines was brisk today. At a meeting of the State Railroad Com mission and the various grain Inspectors in the state today,, it was decided to ac cept the Minnesota grades on hay in this state, commencing June 10. All hay com ing to this market after that date will ba Inspected. It wis also decided to reduce the Inspection fea from $1 to 75 cents. Eggs advanced to 27 and 28 cents. The supply was limited. Word cojnes from the country that shippers are holding stocks. Butter was steady and unchanged. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce la (ho Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. June 2. The follow ing prlaes ere quoted in the produce mar ket today: OnionsRed. 65c3$l. MlUstuffa Bran, $28.60aO; middling $S335. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $3.25 2.00; Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, nom inal. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, $11.60; garlic, 45c; green peas, $l.0ig2.25; string beans, 3-'c; tomatoes, $1.501.75; egg plant, 1214loc; asparagus, $12.25. Butter Fancy creamery, 25 c; creamerr seconds, 25c; fancy dairy, ' "24 c. Poultry Roosters, old, $1&5; young $99 12; broilers, small, $2.5003; broilers, large, $3.50 4.50; fryers, $6 7; hens, $5 10; ducks, old, $55.50; young, $68. Eggs Store, 24 c; fancy ranch, 26c. Cheese New. 1213c; Young Amer ica, 1516c. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin, 1217c; Mountain, 612c; Nevada, 1320c Hay Wheat, $1722.50; wheat and oats. $1620: alfalfa. $810; stock, $89; bar ley. $1014; straw, per bale. 50S0o. Fruits Apples, choice. $1.60; common, 40c; bananas. 75c$3.0O; limes, $45; lemons, choice, $3; commons, $1; oranges. $1$!2.75; pineapples, $26. Receipts Flour, 330 Backs; wheat, 45 cen tals; barley, 16,295 centals; oats, 770 centals corn. 620 centals; potatoes. 3075 sacks; bran, 75 sacks; middlings, 870 sacks; hay, 860 tons; wool, 499 bales; hides, 670. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Juno S. Tho London tin market was unchanged, with spot quoted at 131 17s 6d and futures at 183 3s 6d. Locally the market was dull and somewhat lower, with spot quoted at $28.87 2. 12. Copper waa lower In the London market, with spot quoted at 60 and futures at 60 16s 3d. Locally, the market was Arm and showed an advancing tendency, with Laks quoted at $13.37 13.62, electrolytlo at $13.12 1S. 87 and casting at $1S13.25. Lead declined to 13 2s 6d in London, but premalned steady at $4.354.45 in the local market. Spelter was unchanged at 22 2s td In London. The local market was firm at $5.175.22. Iron was lower, at 48s 10 d In the London market. Locally it was steady and un changed. Changes in Available Supplies. NBW YORK, June 2. Special cables and telegraphic communications received by .Braastreet's snow tn following changes in available supplies as compared with previous aocounts: Wheat. United States, east Rockies, de creased. 3.063,000 bushels; Canada, decreased 1,644,000 bushels; total. United States and Canada, decreased 4,707,000 bushels; afloat lor ana in JSurope, Increased 700,000 bushels total American and European supplies de creased 4,uu,uou Dushels. Corn, United States and Canada. Increased 1,764, 000 bushels. Oats. United. States and Canada, decreased l.UbS.UUU DUSIheiB. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 2. Coffee futures closed quiet, "net unchanged to o points nigner. Bales, snuo Dags, including June" at 7.00c, July at 6.60c iand September at 6.10c 1 xwo, 8C; NO. 4 Santos. 8o; mild quiet; Cordova, 2 a 12c Sugar Raw, quiet; fair refining, a.2oj centrifugaal. 96 test, 8.92c; molasses sugar, 3.17e; refined steady. 1 Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. June 2. Butter Steady. UQUiieneB, . a e , uairies, 2924c Eggs Steady at mark, cases included firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 2114c Cheese Easy. Daisies, 1213c; twins. long horns. 1313c NEW YORK. June 2. Butter Steady. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Eggs Unsettled. Western firsts to extra uisia, 4iu"v seconas, 2U(jyZOc New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 2. Spot cotton closed quiet, 10 points higher. Middling uplands. ii.i 11mm mifs uuu, 11.WC. j;o sales. Fu' tures closed firm. June. 10.88c: Julv 10 a-.,. August and September. 10.86c; October, No v ,.-1 1 1 li t nu iecumocr, Au.sac; January 10.77c; March. IO.8O0. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. June 2- Wool Dull. Medium grades combing and clothing. 2529c; light fine, 2126c; heavy One, 1422c; tub wasneo, otvoc. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, June 2. Flax closed- at SL7T. New ' York. Columbia University nn Wednesday conferred the degree of doctor of laws on Dr. Abbett L. Lowell, pnesident of iiarvaro university; count von Bernstorff, German Ambassador to the United States! and upon John Spooner, ex-United States Senator from Wisconsin, and Air"1 -Mosely C, M. Q-, of London. England. TOP MARK FOR JULY New Record Price in the Chi cago Wheat Pit. FOREIGN NEWS BULLISH Wet Weather in Texas May Jielaj Harvesting Profit - Taking Late in Day Causes a Reaction. CHICAGO, June t A new high mark for the July delivery was established In wheat today when the price touched $1.20 per bushel, which la a gain of o compared with the previous high point. The market closed Arm at net gains of GHc to Tc Extreme bullishness prevailed in the wheat pit during the .early part of the day. but in the final half of the session much of the buoyancy was lost, and prices at tho olose were from Ho to c below, the opening figures. The demand at the start was based, on oulllsh foreign advloes, advances at all the leading European grain centers and wet weather In Texas, which may delay harvest ing. Toward the middle of the session offerings became more liberal. As a result of this profit-taking the July delivery sold off from $1.20 to $1.11.19 and the more dis tant futures declined about lc from the high point. . The market rallied again, however, on buying by shorts and closed firm, with July at $1.18. Corn scored a sharp advance early on buy ing of the July delivery by shorts, . but lost part of the gain later, because of liberal realizing sales. July sold between 71 c and 72 c The market closed firm with prices up o to c, compared with yesterday's final figures, July being at 7172o. Oats were firm, but th-e market waa less buoyant than either wheat or corn. The market closed steady with prices a shade to c higher than yesterday's final quotations, July being at 58E3c. Provisions closed steady with prices un changed to 10o higher, compared with the previous close. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.19 $1.20 $1.19 $1.19 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.08 - 1.08 1.07 LOS CORN. .72 .72 .71 .72 .69 .69 .68 .68 .68 .68 .67 .68 OATS. .64 .64 .68 .53 .44 .44 .44 .44 .44 .46 .44 .44 MESS PORK. 19.62 19.55 19.37 19.47 Sept. Deo.. July. Sept. Deo.. July. Sept. Dec Sept...... 19.60 19.67 19.50 19.60 LARD. July 11.12 Sept 11.22 11.18 11.05 11.26 11.15 11.07 11.20 SHORT RIBS. July 10.50 10.52 10.45 10.47 10.60 Sept 10.65 10.65 10.47 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Rye No. 2 87o. Barley Feed or mixing. 75.7tc; fair to choice malting, 7677o. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $1.57; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.67. Timothy seed $8.0- Clover $10.00. Pork Mess, per barrel. $11.47. Lard Per 100 lbs.. 819.60. Ribs Short, sides (loose), $10.42 O 10.62. SldeB Short, clear (boxed), $10.7511. Total clearances of wheat and flour w,r. equal to 18.000 bushels. Primary receipta were 227,000 bushels, compared with 836,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, decreased 4,007,000 bushels. Estimated necelpts for tomorrow 1 Wheat, none; corn. 182 cars; oats, 157 cars; hogs, 26.000 head. . . Receipts.. Shipments. Flour, barrels 22,000 27 8 00 Wheat, bushels 7,200 60,400 Corn, bushels 630,000 280,000 Oats, bushels 666,300 242 300 Rye, bushels 6,000 1 000 Barley, bushels 130,500 3.400 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. June 2. Flour Receipts 44.979 barrels, exports 8224 barrels; market quiet but firm. Winter straights, 26-65 6.85; Winter extras. $4.85 6.70; Winter patents. $6.60 6. 85; Winter low grades, $4 75 5.80. Wheat Receipts 53,500 bushels; spot easy. No. 2 red, $1.47 asked elevator and $1.47 nominal f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 Northern Du luth, $1.3Snomlnal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.40 nominal f. o. b. afloat. An active covering movement sent July wbeat up to a new high level today, reflect ing the strong cash situation. Later months followed but eventually the whole list eased off under realising and favorable Western crop -news, closing unohanged to o net higher. July closed, $1.25; Sepoembeo. $1.16; December, $1.14. Hides Easy. ' Hops, wool and petroleum eteady. Grain at Ban Francisco. : SAN FRANCISCO, June 2. Wheat Firm. Barle" Quiet. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $2.10 2.10 per cental; milling. $2.100 2.20. Barley Feed, $1.651.57 per centalt brewing. $1.62, 1.66. Oats Red. $2.10 2 30 per cental; white, $2.152.20. Callboard sales: Wheat No trading. Barley June and July, $1.45 per cental asked; December, $1.38 L39. Corn Large yellow, $1,70 & 1.75 per cental. European Grain Markets. LONDON, June 2. Cargoes, firm, walla Walla, on passage, 44s 6d to 45a English country markets Steady. French country markets Quiet. LIVERPOOL, June 2. Wheat July 8s 6d; September, 8s 6d; December, 8s 8d. Weather, fine. Wheat at Taooma. TACOMA, June 2. Wheat Milling, blue stem, $1.3001.35; club. $1.14. Export, blue stem, $1.24; club. $1.14; red, $1.09. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE. June 2. No milling quotations. Export wheat: Bluestem. $L24; club, S1.14; red. $1.09. Speeding Autos Bear Same Number Two Red Can and si Black One Form the Latest 1'nsxle for Police, to Solve. COMING down Washington street at a great speed, its tonneau filled with passengers, a bis red touring car iarely missed colliding- with, a Twenty-third-street car near Sixth street shortly be fore midnight. It had no sooner dis appeared up Seventh street when a sec ond car of the same description, tallying In every point, came down the same street with the same rush. Standing on the corner, a policeman, who had scarce ly recovered from the first flash of red, had Just started to Jot down the number of the car In his notebook: when the sec ond car passed by. He looked at its number and gasped. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, but both cars had dis appeared up Seventh street. The occa sion for his wonderment was the fact that both cars carried the same number, 1087. The patrolman made his way toward his call box to report the strange case to headquarters. He turned a corner, when an equally speedy machine, black aa night and filled with a party of pleas- LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS mass ii.ii ESTABLISHED 18S9 Oldest Bank on Pacific Coast Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit Wo Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts and Travelers Checks OFFICERS. W. it. IADD, President. EDW. COOKINQHAM, V. -President W. H. DTTNCTKLEy, Cashier. B. a HOWARD, JR.. Asst Cashier. l W. LADD, AlKt Cashier. WALTER M. COOK. Asst. Cashier. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. . ,.C f It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. f It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. - ,p BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. ure-seekers, flashed by. He looked at Its number and pinched himself. It like wise carried the figures 1087. Here was a mystery. A complete re port was turned In to headquarters, re sulting; in Captain B. A. Slover making; it a subject for special communication to Chief Grltzmacher and the assignment of Sergeant Klenlin to the esse. But de- Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH Lumber Kxchanse, FORTLANO,' OREGON. HARTMAN & THOMPSON BANKEES CHAMBER OP COMMERCE invite attention of new residents to their efficient and conservative methods of a gen eral, up- to -date banking business. IRaTELEBs OCIDK. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer FOBTLASD-ASTORLV. Round trip dally except Monday, for As toria and way landings: leavlns; Portland at T A- M-. arriving; Astoria 1 P. M. Return ing, leave Astoria 3 P. M-. arrive Portsand 8:45 P. M. Sunday excursion, Astoria and return. Leave Portland 8 A. M. ; return P. M. : fare (1.00 round trip. Portland, Washinrton-St. dook. Phone Mala S619. Cal lender dock. Astoria. Lf.a. .k-wrtjti.rt CAPITAL $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits 3500,000 DIRECTORS. EDWARD COOK INGHAM. HENRY I CORBBTT, WILLIAM M. LADD, CHARLES E. LADD, .f J. WESLEY LADD, 8. B. LINTHICUM, FREDERICK B. PRATT. THEODORE B. WILCOX. spite the fact that word was sent all over the city to keep a sharp lookout for the duplicate numbers, nothing mare was heard of them. Ban Ang-elo. Tex.--The total wool clip for the season In this section will reach 2.500 000 pounds. ' TRAVELERS' GUIDE. $66 alasa frw-'WksJT AND BACK INCLUDING BERTH AND MEALS Only g a 'Day for 11 Day SUMMER KXOURSIONa via "Inside Pas safte" from Seattle to Land of Mldnisht Son Totem Poles: lee Floes. Glaciers. Mirages. Fiords. Mountains. Islands and Forests. ONLY TWELVE EXCURSIONS RESERVE BERTHS NOW Pacific Coast Steamship Co. E. F. D EG BAN DP UK. P. & F. Aot. 249 Washington Street Portland HONOLULU and back $110, First Class BeaU Them All for sailing;, surf, boating, surf-board riding. (u.ah.thl.a swimming and aquatic sports: fiahin s;. base ball, tennis, grolf. automobilinsT. Most at tractive spot on entire round the world toar. Five and one-half days from San Francisco by S.S. Alameda (wireless), sailing- Juno 5, 26. July 17th, Augr. 7. etc BOOK NOW and secure the best berths. Line to Tahiti. New Zealand and Aostrafisi S. S. Mariposa sailing July 1, Aug. 6. etc Tahiti & back $125. Wellington & back 1260. O. S. S. Co.. 673 Market St., San Francisco j$amburg-Jtmericaa London Iari Hamburg. Pennsylvania. .Jane SjBluecher June IS Deutschland. . June 5 "Amerika Juns 19 P Llnc'lntnew) June 9!GrafWaldersee June 24 CIncin'tUnew) Juno 12iClevel-d (new), June aa ITALY 8. 8. BATAVIA via Azores Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa. JJune 3, July 29 " MOLTKE . t'June 10. July 22 " HAMBURG fjuly 1, Aug. 14 Gibraltar. 'Naples and Genoa. Hamburar-Amertean Line, 1GO Powell St., San Fnudiica, and Local Agents Portland. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 9 A. M. S.S. Rose City, June 5. 19, etc. S.S. State of California. June 13, ete. From Lombard St.. San Francisco, 11 A. M S.8. State of California, June 5. Rose City, June 12, 2u, etc J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent. Main 2d(i Alnsworth Dock. M. JT. BOCUS, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d Bt Phone Main 402. A 140a. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO'S Steamships Roanoke and Elder Sail for Esreka, San Prasclaco and Lost AKareles direct every Thursday, a p. M. Ticket Office 132 Third, Near Alder. Phones M 1314, A 1314. ' II- YOUNG, Agent, COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wadnesuay. 8 P. M-, (ram Alas worth dock. lor Nortb Bend. Marshfleld and Ceos Bay points. Freight received till 4 p. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first-. class. 110; second-class. ST. Including berth, and meala Inquire city ticket office. Thtrol and Washington streets, or Alnsworta. doas-l riiMi Mala Ml, '