Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Tnn mohxtxo orecoxiax. momvvy. mat m. ioor.
"R "AI t:RFAL ESTATE 1 for MLt-rAM 1 n., f .me w,vTTl:. . i . ITZT V. - l .Z7"
aaL.ST b11 my new 6-room hou at 310
East f.Oth at.. Just 2 Mocki south of Ha w-thorne-av.
cars and Mount Scott carllne;
all mod m and complete, on corner lot
f,0 by 1M; fruit trees, etc. ; also furniture,
etc., for sale. Term part cash, balance
to suit. Fee the place and If you
like it, we will arrange prioe and termn.
Telephone B 2517 or call at above ad
ore me.
"Rin-9 corner, 120x108 ft, 4 modern
b. oui n ow on prooert y . with vacant cor
ner suitable for store building; prevent
monthly rectal 77; price Sl4.0; worth In
vestigating If you want a cho!' Invest
ment. M. E. Thompson, Room 4 Commercial
"lub bldg-.
FOR SAJ.E by owner, a choice 7 -room, con
crete house, choice neighborhood. close
In. asphalt street, tile floor In vestlbuis
and bathroom, hardwood floors In dining-
room, den, back hall and one bedroom;
concrete floor In basement, furnace; every
thing you could wish for and the best of
everything; only JOCGO. Call up East 127
Full lot, for warehouse or other pur
poses, on T.'pshur, between 19th and 20th.
5250. This Is situated In the midst of
the manufacturing: and warehouse district
and will not last long.
212-213 Commercial Club Bids;.
Owner going away; new, modern, very
Ftylish; In prettiest park: large Hvlng
room, 2 fireplaces, furnace, laundry, 4
porches, with sleeping porch Finished
attic; block, from car. Both phones.
153 ACRES Yamhill County. 50 In crop,
good truildinc. well fenced, on county
road and creek, phone In house, water
piped from g-ood spring to house, yard and
. barn ; fruit, walnuts. stock, machinery,
etc.; price $u0; would take one-half or
two-thirds In Portland property, balance 3
years at o per cent. I. Fewsrd. 227
Meridian avenue, city, phone Tabor I4rt4.
IF you have an automobile yon wish to sell
or trade, and will take a reasonable price
for it, I can sell it for you. in short ord-r.
J. A. Randall, 315 Oregonlan bid. Main
MV". modern. 4-apartment fiat build Ins:;
Nob II ill ; exchange for busings building
or acreage; suitable for plaiting. Owner.
AH 124. Oregonlan.
EXCHANGE A country store near Port
land for prone rty. either In Southern
or Eastern Oregon. Address Y 12J. Ore
gonlan. No asenis.
FOR SALE Grocery store, house and lot,
with good trade. In Valley town; wlil
take a little property in exchange. X 123;
TO EXCHANGE Staple stock merchandise
and house and lot In good country town
fr city property, will pay cash differ
ence. Box 4-", Kelso. Wash.
220 ACRES of land at Huntsvllle, Ark., we!!
improved ; over 4-"M fruit trees; price
"Will exchante for Oregon real estate. Call
room 16, 2ou! Third an.
1BO ACRES wheat land in Morrow County to
exchange for city property. Will E. Purdy
Investment Company. 2-4 Third at-
85xino BETWEEN TIMamook and Thompson.
Irvlnsrton; value S2-V. for Portland Horn
Telephone bonds. V 133, Ore gonlan.
SSflOft EQUITY In modern fr-room house,
fruit, flowers, berries, etc.. for vacant lots
or small farm, phone owner. Tabor 144.
ACREAGE on Oregon city carllne to trade
for Irvmgton property. T. A. Rutherford,
rWS-6 Commercial block.
WILL, trade for what you have. Gua Smith.
401 Buchanan bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, l-acr tracts on Ore
gon City carllne. 411 Commercial bldg
TAKE furniture as part payment on tot,
concrete walk, paid. 227 Ablngton bldg.
ONE to five acres Powell Valley. Ma
cadamized road. O. W- p. Electric Ry., 35
minutes, lOc fare; water piped for Irri
gation and domestic use. Public school.
Free mall delivery. Electric lights. Tele
phone. Suburban Homci Club Tract. Finest
acreage adjacent to Portland. S30U per
acre; easy terms.
245 H "Wash. St., corner 2d- Phone M. 8033
A 4928.
$1000 will buy the finest 5-acre tract
In WilsonviJIe. the earden valley of Ort
gn ; streetcar passing property; terms,
3-0O cash, balance pavment to suit.
JMX 2i, acrs. Joining Joncsmore, In
Montavllla. 37000 TO acres of land. 1
miles south oT Beaverton. $223 Lota
on East 37th st.. 3 blocks from w. W.
car; terms 325 down. 310 rer month. A
Groener A Co.. Room 6. Cambridge Bldg.
CHOJCH fruit land in 10 and 20-acre tract
i5 an acre; easy terma. at Lyie, Wwh.
Equal to Hood River in every re-irpect. Let
us show ou.
42t Lumberman's Bldg.
GREAT bargain, must sell, B or 10 acres,
cleared, to get cash; land worth 320O0 if
sold at once i9i0. Salem carllne passing
property and nar river. Land sell At
t.-.On per acre and up; thl la a snap.
Home phone
ne a JC.7.
20 acres, close to citv, on O W P
carllne; running water, no gravel; a good
buy. Venduyn Walton. 515 Chamber
of Commerce.
-0 ACRES Finest fruit land, uncleared V
mile from Husom. in White Salmon Valley
?X-hu ln U' valley at 1100 per acre.
1 131. Oregon lan.
W E have some attractive buy ln Portland
acreage Columbia Trust Co, Board of
Trade bldg.
NICE improved 5-acre tract, near Portland,
cheap. 1019 Board of Trade.
Six-room house; West Side; not to ex
ceed $.Mhk. in the neighborhood of 23d
at. pref.-rred.
322-324 Board -of Trade Bldg.
If you own a desirable residence lot we
will build you a T or 0-room house and
ou pay us back on installments; an ilK)
house costs $2.". a month. latdlaw In
vestment Co.. Commercial block.
lO OR 20 ACRES of good land In vicinity
of Eugene or CorvaLt. on stream or
creek, w ith some timber; must be rea
sonable, with terms. Addrens U Ki
Packard, general delivery. Portland.
X WANT to build Immediately and will buy
a reasonable priced lot or lots on Port
land Heights. Ureenway or Smith's Addi
tion. iaa pay about half rash. AC 12L
"Wanted A fclx-room modern bungalow
within walking distance on the East Side.'
N 134. Or-gonIan-
WaNTED House of 5 or 6 rooms; fair
payment down; terms on balance. AJ
12t. Oregnnian.
!W ANTET 5 -roorn cottage or bungalow
East Fide, cot too far out. W 127 Ore
gonlan. X WANT 5 to K-room. houe. between Burn
side and Hawthorne are., west of SOtn
st. V 123. Oregonian.
CHOICE bomes and building lota our grest
et need; we can -el them. Columbia
Trust Co.. Bard of Trade b;dg.
VAXTED House an !ot comer West Stle-PrU-e.
te-ms to W 12d. Oregonlan. '
WE sure locating a homestemd colony and
nt the right kind of pep?e to join u
river bottom; good soli; no cruiser's fes:
eacrt pays his own expense. AB 120 Ore
gnnfan. HHMESTPAP rellnaulMhtneBt. 7.50.000 ft
yellow fir, 6 miles from vlilaite, g.-d roaJ.
small bouse and barn; price 2.m. 617
Board of Trade bldg.
CENTRAL Oregon homestead: rich soli,
fine water; no alkali: locating fee IiO
Wallace. 374 Washington. 2 to P. M
HOMESTKATrS. iolnlng. near portland
IccatlPK fee 1 per acre. Room 14. Mul
kf '-y bi'ig.. 23 and Morrison.
CILJCTZ claims; we pay cash for claims
from owners. Nelson A Whit tier. 417
Board of Trade.
TJMBFR lands wanted. C J. McCfmcxta.
U4 McKay bids. scmb,
Wou'.d you like to have a bau?1fil.
low. roiling. grn alfalfa foorhiM farm r.!
f w trr-a. a stream, a fine vkw of the
valley and hi -c j.ped mountains, on a
fine automobile rod. nir Porr land, so-cn
to have an electric carline. for $-V pr
p It will produoe toes of a'faVa per acre.
Net profit on acres $&At. One seeding
lor life. No care.
It takes deep, rich soil, drainage and
proper eubroll.
If this statement Is correct this land la
worth f'JZt anl mill soon s:i for $5uo per
acre. Come and see the alfalfa.
We have sold to six Agricultural College
professors and sil experts. l.-rn what
they eay. lo.fsiO tcrt at a brca:n.
23 Board of Trade Hia.
10.000 ACRES
Low rolling foothills; s 11 extremely
2p; large percent in cultivation and
e'eard; balance clumps small flr and oak;
will sell for one-fifth prUe asked for same
kind of land in same county. Good term.
These lands wer bunched toget her when
price were very low. Want to make
enough profit to buy an automobile.
i23 Boaid of Trade.
$50 PER ACRE 140 acres. Columbia
County. Oregon. 60 acres beaverdam. ::0
acres alt cleared, lojp bouse of 4 rooms.
3.0K).000 fet of saw timber, living stream,
good fishing. 7 living springs. 3 acri
orchard, barn, outbuildings, head of
cattle. 4 head of work horses, ail farm
Implements. 14 mile to school, churcrt.
store; nothing reserved ; household furni
ture, all iron; guarantee any man that
this Is just as represented ; will pay ex
penses to see this propery If we And bona
fid-' purchaser; rite freeir. Northmest
Timber Co., 520 Lumber Exchange bldg
All fenced and on the Irrigation ditch.
1J acres cleared, -room house, barn lftxZJ.
plenty of water for irrigation and a good
spring at house; within 7 miles of Hood
River, right in the midst of the best
apple orchards In this section. Price t:e
por acre st your own terms
84 4t?i tel.. Board of Trade Bldg.
l-.O level land, watered by 2 runnlrc
streams and well at house, has a'out :m
acre in crop er.d pasture, tame- fine oi !
no rocks. 4 miles to R. It town gooi
county road. 4 -room bouse. 2 barns
chi ken-house and woodshed; nice young
orchard; crop go Wltn ih- place; this
la certainly a snap: will se) for f 14
per acre; Investigate this. Room 301.
Washington st.
FOR SALE Santa Rosa and Sonoma Coun
ty. Luther Burbank s home, invite home
eekera No droughts, no floods, no irri
gation, no malaria We are sub-dlMding
three tracts near this city into fr-acre lots
or more. Als. a largo Hl of lmproed
and unimproved propertWs. "all or write
for booklet. SANTA Ki iff A REALTY CO.
434 Market St., San Francisco.
30 PER ACRE for 4'HX) acres of the finest
garden and general farming land In Cali
fornia. 6 milM from .-n Kranctsco. now
renting for si. 50 per acre 10 dairymen
The land Is perrt:y leel. eay rati and
water transportation ". W. Moore a. 200
Sutter St.. San Francisco.
lNVr5!EprMl,cln,t fruit ranch !n
Hood River. a.-res bearing, best apptes.
B acres more ready to plant; acre ar.
den and 5 acres meadow; stream through
place. S1.VO..O. half rasa. A, M. Pope. R.
F. D . Hood River. Or.
lO ACRES. f2000. fruit farm. AO m!!g from
Portland, on railroad. at station. oxj
Winter apple tree. 5 ears old; 100 wal
nuts, some cherries and small fruits; ton.
open ground . h"ui and outbuildings.
Owner. AE 130. Oregonlan.
Chicken ranch. 2 s-rrs. land all
cleared. 1 horse and wagon, 400 chickens
IOO ducks, younc one; buiMtnss ani
Implements. J. Walker. 1 VJ Third Main
FOR SALE Wl Improved farm 144 acres.
.5 acres under cultivation. 20 acres beaver
dam. 114.00. Louia Bechtel. Salem. Or.
6KNT for oor list of Willamette Valley
fjrms before buying; lands shown free.
Olmstead Land Co.. Saiem. Or.
BARGAINS Improved and unimproved
i ' 1 iaous. samara m C.
SPECIAL offer Win eil i.-O-ncre farm and
stock, on eaFy pamentit. Call and sw us. 733
MarquambJ.ig.. portUnd. tr.
ALL good ones. e- a-L Colombia Trust Co
Board of Trade bldg.
SAWMILL with 10,000,000 feet A I red flr
capacity 25. 000 feet, railroad and Colum
bia River transportation, good Hum and
plant running every iy. Have contract
for 50.t-.-0 n- at good price. 10.0"0 w.
handle and will accept good Portland Prop
erty for part. Plenty of timber can be e
cured at reasonable price, l, 123. Oregonlan
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattlsv
&2 Chamber of Com me roe
DO you want 100 acres timber cruising 10
000,4100 to 2.OW.OoO feet for 12 . per acre?
AN'e locate you on something gord. You will
have to hurry if you want good claims.
Call or write today. 721 Board of Trae.
WE tJ-e headquarters tor timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds Klnnoj A
tetampher. 531-31 Lumber Excnange bldg
TIMBER LANDS. $2 50 per acre; I locate,
you purchase- also some Govsmmcnt
c:alms- 211 Worcester bldg.
5AWMILL and body of flr timber on Colum
bia River. A K 131. Oregonlan.
Hon, Vehicle ud Harae
WHY buy
t-cond-hand vehicle when we
can sell you
new venic:e at about the
same price as you would pay fr an old
one? We are located outside of the h!h
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wax on a. buggies, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
322 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE A very har.l-me Kentucky
galted saddle hoi se. black gelOlng 15 1,
hands hlKh. weight about 1175. & years old;
rides and drives perfectly ; guaranteed in
every rvspect. Kramer Stab.e, 15th an J
A Icier st.
FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham
bletoiiian g-ldlngs, brotheri; thoroughly
broken to the city; as nne a pair of cir
nrKe horses as you can find; 'iiht at"ut
12t each; price for the pitr f l-vo. Can
be seen any day at the Fashion Stables.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rest any kind of a, rig
for business purpo'. diy week or
month. Phones t ast 72. i; Haw
thorne Stabtea. 42 Hawthime ave.
TOCNO horse, sound, good for work driving
or delivery; also two srti hirmvi; buss?
said aint new te: delivery gn; w-u.d
C'f.ulrr trade. I5 Nebraska u 1'hoB.e
Main ifCOS. '
FINE pair of young horses 5 and years
old for sale cheap, will guarantee true nd
sound; wlil lsv purrhaer drive hlnv::
bav more horses than I need. K.:rk
Hoover. 313 Water st.
AT Cnion Stockyards, one carioad of horvee.
You will find 15 head nice young yearling
co lie and 20 gmwn ones.
TW fine sinsrle drivlne or nrfin k-
Inquire comer lrtth and ritfton iti, port
land Helchts. Phone Main Mi.
FINE young handsome driver; rasonab'e;
standard bred ; shipped f-m Iowa: cl-y
broke- 21 Glenn ave. Hawtnorne ave ear.
ONE matched team. ! and T years old
weighing 2i-0ii pounda. 4-)er-o.d
driving mare. Phone East 4S04.
WANTED Good farm tam and wagon
muat be sound. 4vl Iekum BIJg
Bl'PERT A HALL. S0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horsea. vehicles; low rates on business rlga
HORSES, mares, rigs and b ernes
kinds for sale. S9ft Montgomery.
ONE team. 3200. one Ifc-'-O. one lOA. fowr
single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East fcttark.
OXE good horss for sale, city broke. CaU
at I04& Williams m.m.
RI RBKR-TIKED buggy and carriage; good
condition; 1 10; loo. 47 J 10th st
HORSES and marea for sale. Ro citv
F" R SAI-R 35 well-bred young driving bones
at Union Stockyards.
I I - i- i , i - i oh. i;ilt.
1 Hni rbtrlrt and llarsrM. I
WE have Jut received head of h-rsee
from the rotintry. w'lr-j rruit be s-ld a?
on--: tnis stos rofn r.f on tn t.f
dapple-gray a-ldlnrs. e;ht ;-. age
ar-d 7 es:s. -.u?i 1 1 nr: - S in
every way; p:r bar ge..iirtr. age 7 aaW
M. welcht 14"i .1. pri.e ;. pair l. y
m-res. weljrbt 2t.-.n. as" lO and 11 years.
1; sorrej ge ijr.g. weCnt 137 5. a
y'r- 115; or.- Tay h--r. u!it aut
14. thin in flean. but e uri'l ar.d d
worker. $-!'.. gray mr. w-.chr 1 ZvO. ac
y-ars worj every wa. '. s-.rrel
horse, lo years old. w'rtit 1W. on nui,
III sell cheap; 3 jtw. ori'i, wlc'iing
eroui ooi pounds ea h. your rhol. for
4; handsome pnv. r ears. Krai:
for chl.tlre-i to rid and drive. read
of stna.'e horsea. welpMng f r m lo.. to
13. .o. ac i he nht ; r 'c. T -e hTvi
will be thoroughly tr.ed tn harne and
guaranteed to be Just as repres-n .L
Rose City Sale, 11th and Je.ler
awm sts.
ap. pianola ptano; cost fnv.
w nn o er si wort tt of music ; good as
r.w; or will trade for some acrea- land
lOQl Grand ave.. or phone Woodlawn lu.
FINE apricht ptano for a!e or trade at
C O Pecks warehouse, 2d atd pine St a.
AX 134. Orrguniao.
CCTrA rr"hry rlano for sale. A bargain.
75 N. frtb st. .
J-TTUXPER. 29 h p.. A-l condition, auto
mobile tn trade for rel estate at FuLkt,
231 E-erett St.; 4Ce.
The follouli.g aitirlrs tast be mo'.A by
Ji-ne 1 :
1 coffee-mill grinder.
1 Hammond HellmUL complete with
pumi and balls.
1 1'ower mot.,r.
1 5-11 -1, motor.
.Vodhury concentrate.
1 Kcater generator. 15 v. 100 am.
1 I-Ot copper Sheeta.
1 l-"t wo4-d puiey . -
1 l-lb. Gavin oaride feat ma-htne
1 One-ton Garvin rjanide t-i ntacine
1 I.ol small too.. t-a and dies, etc
. 4,',MV,,r n1 patents for
Gar!n riiid procvaa.
1 It unpaid acuut.:a.
t 4o., .;..Kartt buf'dlng
autm; i: p i jui it a. 1
Assignees Gerin t antde Ei;ra. i: n O.
UNOiKI M. 1-iH re d. r No g
""V. ' . four-burtee l-.-.iab:. araa
Tr. S7 5... gAS i '. eo;:4 oM
M..rr:s chair. 44 lo. j . t:.g :00m sun. cu.
;c" f h ehlehr.aji. es'.ense'n ta-
be and e hlch-ba--k. roM,ter-el .ba!ra
f-r I7 SO. f 15 wil.ow rvaer. 5. .thr r
era as .w a 7ic. -Mna c!-r;.
e.therr 1 BBei. $'.u b.a- k wa nut
b.rm suit. 1.-,; w. -t ;,.ck ws.nut s.
brd $:s. nut''! foUi.rg be-U. -abir.!
f".-i:ng t-e. 17 . tr n t. !3
ki:cba H --. hr .wi d'sri
Ui carpet a nd rue, a I n bouse fur
Datitr.g ijtHla of ery Vj n;.t!on. always
on hand. Uth a w a.-.d Art -las
hand. Get our r ''" e i cnu and
outfits first. Wea'.em Sa.vaga Co.. 4C7-.'i
c'f&r st. Mala 1K4,
For Wring, holstlr.g ir. ewr.eret.
Arjthir.g fr'n v up t, m lncheg la all
lengtna some ti4:r n t
A NTTII I N ; IN 1. r:.T1 NO
All slAca and kT. 'a cheap.
I'l U.KYj
All k!ir I mB
OEf.jl. MIAntN'i. 7TC
M H ihIK A t -Vfl.
S47-35.1 CItswn S: . CoT Ath.
The House of a Millie Raj air. a.
35 standard makes, drop-head m--.tie,
all In gld order, that we are going f
eloew out rer.l!e of pr1e; a.A
b-.a-top rnacb:ne at year c w n price; 40
f t n.i.s tnis opportunity to get gud
machine cheap, as w have g t to s'.l
to make ro..m 'or a carload 1 his w
r.f,,r Machines p-ntel and repaired
White Sewing M3"hlr.e ptor.. . Tj. Jonsa.
proprietor. 420 Uashlactoa st
FOR SALE Finest houseboat on the Pa
cine Coast, contalnmg 14 rooms, bath
rom, lavatories, hot and roid water In
each room. Thoroughly seaworthy. AUa
one launch 30 ft. long; one launch-house;
one launsh 25 ft. b.r.g and launch-house;
one floating swimming ur.k. For sale to
gether or separately. App.y F. S. Msrria.
room ft. Chamber of Commerce.
Anything in j-n from S-ln. up to 14-tn
either black or srelvanl-!. in new or sec-ocd-hand.
;et our t rices ani save money
M. ii A HI. i- rNS.
347-353 .;:i-.n St.. C r. th.
ANYTHING In ti e iroa or kindred llnea,
M BARDE oc b.iNK.
Rlghth. Gitsan and Hoyt Sta
The House of a Mi. Hon Bargains.
- 'XTRA' t rs rails,
ah sizes acd lengths; get our price and
ave money.
SI7-353 Gltsun St.. Cor. Mh.
The House of a Mliilon iiaxcalna.
AM THING in machinery or parts and
kindred lines.
S47-353 Gllsan St.. Cor. ftlh.
The House of a Million Bargains.
FOR SALE 21 -foot Truacou launch, ft- H
P.. wltn awning, cushions. lamps and
boat house; In perfect order pri-,- $VI
may be seen at I'ortUnd Rowing Cub
Address a. H. Kerr, car Wadnama A
Hrr Brua.
If Too Want Anything Call ea
M. BA JtIK s-j.Nrf,
The house of a million bargains In any
thing in the iron line.
EXCEPTIONALLY nne lot of furniture and
superior steel range will be old at leas
than one-t hlrd value ; party leaving city
at once. 5Ci Washington st.
SAFE 20 second-hand safe that have beB
taken in exchange, iuw iirlcejL case or
NEW. n re-proof aafe; new slr.r'e bucrr
harness. hand-male ru t-be rt --.mined lro
roii -top dck and chair. 175 Grand ae.
DO YOU want euppl:ea or rent fllmf Wa
are Independent, do not belocg to the
trust lna w3 Rot behind
b.dg.. Portland. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all tnakee. S7i to 0O. fally
guaranteed, easy t-a tner.'s . ren'ala, S3
Ter r.onth. Pacific e:atlonrT fig, Cav.
3o DAIRT family cows, oaw r all. 4,0 and
up. W o:uk car to K'MUor-.h sta
tion, south 3 bio k. CaU ater 1PM
phone Sell wood 773-
F.-K SALE I -aw tm-hoi art hip mn4 library
In At corres'x.ndence e boo; chean AL
142. Oreconian.
FOR RENT ar.4 f-r sale ches?. ccn :-ia mo-t-.n
o.cture outfit, e'.so f. -r s. ate. CZ I'h-.a Mala
DON'T forset to look over liruci: i
bunch of Kousea. i A'.bLca ave, w nwve
some bargains.
PRACTIcaLLT new. high-crad furniture
of a sVroom house at pr:.a sale; eeea
by appointment. I'hore B 24-
LAl'NCH 23 ft. 1A it P. rocV r..m .1
hs.f ro ; mil; dem'-ostr. Afcse 74
7'h st. f'bo&e Se:l..i Oil.
FtR SALE Heat drr 4 ft flr trl o
wood at lostn marhe priea ) ar
3J1 Water st. Phori Mala 74M. A i-44 "
F-"R SALE rR ft K N'T
I-cffltsf and hvcinf enctnea
RAILWAY Kgi II'MKNT 0. ; 4 l.t g,.
srrvFvw vij pi-rt-F!K rx-
lf N;K fTlm seriew t.T wins Stcre
opt.con slides. sup(.,.e. 1.', H a;n at
LARGE black top r-' w trt. miM 74x49 feet
far stole cheap. phre Ma'.a Ai.S.
Headquarters cooks, he! pars. California Wis
Depot. P. Lorat L 14 '4 UaIo LJjO
WANTED Photograph tupn agents- beet
effer on Coast. Culvert h. Dekum blig.
WE secure poet r ion for our mamsaia
SpeciaJ tntmbcrshlp, Y- M. C A.
W ANTED Live agecta to sM rhoo ros
puns. C. F mora Greit. V. aao, c
EX PER I FN' r:l farmer to a-w pocatoa la
young ma-nut gruva. 2A :a:a aC
jo o. ry.Mxmvt for gradu-itea last year;
men and women to 1 a: n t a r tver t rd in
lht weeks. helf t o .ur poati-tia.
r t i'luttM earn f r.m 415 ia 35 wekiv;
ETert initru'-t'r, ioia free. nt f r
at a igue. Mohler Ktru of Co. la sea,
3S N' Tih 4th at . Port. and. Or.
CLTTTIKS and carriers. sTclal tiimt&at ton;
fl.-i" rrurt jnitr :o aroefe f..f I nele Nm;
e xam 1 r. itvn June 12. abaolu::? ao t:
! U-ae . if you want pra;aratloa, aa ka
Irnmeotatar: app'icatcn muat so In t
not rest week. J a. Iflo aViatca aWaoo.a,
M. Kay br jg.. ct.
WANTED Partner ln real estate buslneea;
no e Xpert en c necessary and ver y in : e
money re.j.nred. at party ran make
lo to f 2cai per month. National ft can y
Trust t o. i2a Washington at., hwm
THE 1'nlted Trade School Contracting Cv
nducts trade r o. j and wants men to
l-rn trt-kla 1 ng r electrical
trale: no fi j. r. ae . hjnli'i have leartied
In few m n h . ataly work iuara&lae4.
Addroaa l2o K. W( H. loe A n -. a.
SEVETtAL clerks and carrlera wanted at
or e , ar aclal esan.inat ion neat month
A l pit cat ionB muat be filed InUf Join us
attd ouaii'j . no eapecse unlea aptlnt-a
ai at 527 Lumber E-achenae, aay and
W ANTI.l Knergetlc j our. a" man with srrx'l
habits and sn.a.l rapt'al to Uk active frt
... w !- i" -. : iirwm - r great prxwi-
1 1 v o i. aTf veacmgtin il
At A
WANTED First -class, experience! aaleamao
for farm land prtpoiaia Fas? :
smalt rash payment . ten gears' time
(i'Mxi man can ea:.y rpake f to H
l-r month. AN 14.Y Orrgar.lan
WANTED Salesmen to rer,t one of the
leading nurseriea of the Northwest. Lars
toe ; choice territory; cmmlaai'm paid
ekly. if yota are a hutier and can ail.
write m Albany Nurseries. Aluany. Or.
c n 11 AXrs. jh .
Employment ono Men a Department.
24 North Ikr-hd rt
Fh"naa Mun and A 1 S2d
II ajp free to am p lay-era-
WANTED First -e:aas ail around candy and
I'-e. cream rr.afcar Must be reliable; at-:y
A.a Rrat-c.asa brvad mikr; ma hlr.a
v P- steady b. s--d aiasro. Andrea
Inker's llakery. Hakr City. te.
WA NT El immedtatelr: 34 railroad labnr-
II per dav r f iu bora
Atiy nationality exceit ;nlu or Tutkt
I'unhar pariteulara. aj!trc Nortberm v'ai
I rm la Lumber o. (li t. Cal
WANT K is sta j ea a gen t s foe C rawm. W a ah -In
a mn and I 'la Ho lw tva of upi ar da r f
1" '"" tpulaiioa. Ilio per montit . I Vx)
Mvaatary for bandlirg larrltAfy Addraaal
for Interview. AN 14 4 Orrfoasaa
y lt HA1JC Half interest In real eat ate
buana. wltn tars l:at of property,
muat t neai . b"C.wt and know tttat be
Wants to learn ta bctttitw, liltla money
f'qmrad 324 v Washington st . room 414
TLNGt APIIFltK wanted m I st rorwetry
lt' ?! to .xt to start, antrsncw exam
ination June 14. 3 -tin u and quafy n
formatlcn free. 42; Umbr CsHange
WANTHp- Itallaay mall clerks. patc(rica)
elorks. carriers, eaminstiona la I'ort and
'n. rr-parwi)on trm yranh'.ia Inatitwte.
leapt. 1U II, Itocheater. N. X-
WANTED Honest man to travel wit h
w aeon show, a 11 i; kvta, hacd.e rah.
' eaah required, eecudty, axpnee.
not navry Aptly &oI Ablngtoa b.dg
W A N T H I A man for general out aid a ofyco
work and foi.actlnc: (( salary - i4
and give as, raaidaac and refer ancaav
A km OfiJltlaa.
WANT EI ! metal nikr; elty; 414f
Ut, pointer. 4S. sur.derer $i f., otbra.
PA" IKIC Lkt'LOl yi'NT CO.
tcw. 13 North 24 st
MAN and wife wanted far work am ranch;
man must be hoellr and wuiieg to a o all
kir.ds of wofk. coupl without chlrsa
pr rerr4 x 121. urcfoetaa.
W A NTr.D A g4 llv paleamaa to aw; wal
nut tracca n ewsy Miaivni Ma. bet
I j r-'p-! un a tha mart! ; big cttnoissom.
f ia.i Ml reetr.4 b.-:
LEA.HN to eperata motion plcturws; operal-
orw earn week'y; Warn bua-nae la asrt
t : me. Ieaone reaautiabeB. MS Washing,
r-n near 17.h.
LINEN HALFHMAN For an up-to-date de
partment ln first -c la as bou; tnuat be
a thoroughly experienced Al man. AN 14.
WANTED Young man of good education,
to take active lntret in a clean and
ell- pa ring buslneaa . s?M be
Gaaiotiguay. i27 Lumber Exchange,
WANTED A man with nnn mechanical
ability as a helper on l!r, clean work.
O 121. Oregonlan.
SALESMEN", experienced, steps line, spe
cie. ly talking points, new; big commis
sions. F. W. Main. 73. Iowa City. Iowa.
TWO men to learn automobile business
J at once 02 N. 7t& u Mala 44ii. a
8PK'IALTY salesman with 10 to go to
t "al 'ort.ia and sbara profits. 517 Iioard
of Trade.
WA NTKI Two chalnmen and 3 axe men
for l'itrnmn Survey. Apply between
and 11. A. M . Room , Board of Trad.
WANTED n first -class waiter and one
second cook. Apply 33 North First at
Overland Saloon.
BOY About 17 years old. willing to work
and make himself neefuL Lion Clothing
Co. lHo-170 Third at-
WANTED First-class Insurance man. A4-d-e-
International Au'.omotlle League.
ltuffalo. N. Y.
W A NTEI F xierienrd bakers helper- no
Sunday wora.' Mt, bcott Bakery and
Grocery. Lenta, Or.
WANTED Watchman and engineer, must
be experienced. W elser Steam Laundry.
WeUer. Idaho.
WANTED A window trimmer who la
fair sign writer also; young man pre
ferred. A J 12 J. oregonlan.
EX I'Kltl KNCKI) advert lrtr g aollcttcrw; g.
I-rl.f..a4 -nly: fofrmian.. Clyde a4
vertuing manager. . tVd ou.!aouia bldg.
APPRENTICE wanted to leant Jeweler
trad ima who has had some ex part nee
preferred AC 1 2". Oregonlan.
GOOD, strong active boy na
n.p!'i)mtti Apply Troy
Sol 11 W star.
k aafdra steady
Laundry Co,
TWO good wvodhau!era owning heavy teams
to haul Wood SleavCy; City. AJ 12d, Orw
g uo.
WANT;le Man with to tnvaet with
ervtcaa. AJ 1 t. Oregonlan.
FH TO (vutvn arer.ta. new effar. Call Dawl
lisyea btuUio. Y aablngton m.
t V Sixteen, wanted to work In repair
shop A V 124, Oregonlan.
-Il -T MiHti'HtH-nfiTiat Tr"'r. a.
rour4 man. Catnerth. lkom b . dg .
A KIliT--.AK butcher wanted at Joneaf
Mwt Market, l&l 4th at.
FIMsT CI.AH1 salesman; cempesvaai ion
larre. 21A Commvrrtal bids
W A N T I; I A U'Sar with card. locattaw
g'-d AC 122. Orgontaa
WANT Ht Urenwd bW Inquire at 413
t lUamatta al . Kageoa. Or.
AI L- If t'Nt tailor wanted. 3l4 Oilman.
K alama. Waan
WANTED PHyelclan for effice woraj m
ldh- Addraaa J. B Nelson. l'nin. Cr.
pt.4KI?T waavere wartted at onoac Apply
f-ortiand Woolaw Ml... U Jo no. Or
jKWIlI.KIt war ed A at the O lleit-
kemtxr Co. ja M-rr-B-o si
p.,MPK., wanted 42 WaafcTngtosj at
lir.l.l ANTFIa 1 M UX
EX I" VII IE K "EI sser.orrepS.r end
l-er Al. 144. Or(iCUR.
W' N 7 ET A n experienced atitrawi at lij
17th aud Morr.aon ata.
W WTIll) A artel to aaaiet with a
m ura. la r.DHrt at.
W AXTKI" 'itrl f-r generni bewsework.
ama.l family 951 East tta st N.
Wanted- uiri to ae!et with genaral bowsw-
"' Apply 7C4 aadera at.
C'tttrt c-wk and aw'tt witn hQaeork.
io hprlng st. Port .and Haighta
BLANKET weavers wanted al onc Apply
I'oruaad Wooden M;..s. St, John. Or
GIPI. t nsatat with general ho view work. fcaj
t buy kr st.
W a VTKrwi.rl for second work. Apply : gt.
i GmI girl for gereta' hu k anst
h g"d oi-k . wag'e tl n-r Ap-t-
to H w '!'m. rt l-ac:n i ut J a
cu:t "o . I;;u ar-4 !.. or Ul
ae.. North
HANM N laidrc AGI.Nv'Y.
3t3 U air.H-n at., o T. 5 1 f upataStaV
I'ii.o. Main and A ."'
Help auip.!a-4 free 10 on.p.oyera
Sdl W !. of man lew ring r a ' -xj rr n( a-a p
I rr at men t. der mat n.g y. In t' dual tnttru
l!o0 Vf ti .m. a; e. la : e V 1 pwvt
laid It Uf . itb and W aaMngtnn.
AN a?l around lady lrncrj ir and efT.-e
aa;tatit wan:d by 't I-wmt-er A !
'mi-ar. r Ad4reaa In owa ln4 rillbg
and f.'Jnr A L LA.
v A N T ED 4'apable worwan oer 2A to a s
Slt nuMftf, ore who cou t leave c: t y
f-art f time preferred. ayv N lit. ore
W'l l.t give msmed ledr w-tbont children
t :.rea f ur ma.ed houw keeper, c rorc f r
carir.g for rooming house. 7 37 Chamber
of Commerce.
W A N T K I om fet eo t gtrl for general
housework, email fan u : no;
wages Apply 7 vj Fiandera at 1'bone
Mala mj
r.UVViMN for general mer-' V a n A. tae.
In gnod iun!rt toa bardv to
rti list bate exper !r nee ; gnu w a gea. Ap
: Suit. tHla. Wort man A King
WANTKI' tlirl for general hqaanrk Mt
b a -d cw. gnd good hw a p-r. C4
Est BumsMle.
W A NTi: D ft en ned. csrMe acma ti f cr r-
s i-n i t-i po:ti .p iatti . mo Roth
ei.iil bxlg . ib rnd aatx.r.gton
llANtKVS Jtr- A'.KN'Y
sj v;on
fc, cpa'alra.
I' Mala
lAPMllKN'rKU girl f-r reoklac and ra-e-al
houaewu-k. Wlil ) a o 1 wages.
:i Kaamey ac. bat. 24. h as.4 iith.
OIKlJ l to If year of a. to work In
factory Arply at oor. a b an-i lax n -X e
" f. 4th and Dwta ata.
Wanted 4eia to make , rv Bri(j m9f.
a'l.rta Appr rtan-latd Faciorr No. 2.
irand aa and -aat Taj ;r et
rXI'f!BIKn:H girl r .e roohmg ml gen
eral ojae .fh. 7V irvtbg at. x ; 4 . IV
I hna A 112
SAI.FM.ADY wanted ajt ra experience
atd be wla aaaae a. I at iha
a ar a'.y 1 hurman. tt fun and elet-
mha itoar i.AMrr AaKMr
34 Mh.!-na at., p -na 3Jt.
Mam s"i. or A : ;
1-XI KItlKN- :n etarctiera and
h P 1 . sv Laundry, ore ad a
4a .mn
m a ' Me
and Leat
W A XTIa ' J" rl af 14 f M aw-e l- Ka p
b'-(bar WMb Sa.l An y S-l Me.-r.u
aa. be4 of J-f-r aoa, at. n Main t-U
E I'll KIllS'i'KIl girl fcr geterat bawae-
ojk. sma.1 lam.;. call awrciaga. hi
Market at
Oll'L w a r. t d fr if: fQwt : amari
Pnor.e K t
' ,J " Ally lie e
WAN7VD A girl foe aari wea and aa-
;."?'?-. cb.d. Ihaaa La at
I4 .4 Tl - .am ok. a
W A N T:t Ea rameraj a-rs foe awwrtl
J 'Vm7lki l : iw nvt a.
Woman -a
-r a-
V .Ji Ma:a rS.
SU t-afa;. g-'i: en
WA NTKH itn to ess: at la geer go aa.
ora; j m family, ava ch:;4wav. 4 taaC
3d st Noxtn,.
fitltt. te de bo-ua-e or . ama:i fxtt-.tir. p.a'n
f'k'b ria.t borne J74 4.aa iitn
tear i!moti
r" c faaJ r of 3 etew-w.
a part oven u w"A i- a.
W ANT1.I A g1H la geeiat In Sonawwork
srr.all family. ao, wages Ho E, lTth
St. North. Phone East 477
aiJl' ' housework ; bo la an 4 ry.
774 Hancock st
PH TVmJKAPH se--1vv yoti-g lady ogpe-
rkncavj. wway. Cu'twrtn. ikum b.4.
W A NT EI A goed gir for second work.
Apply ftllakelyr Hall. gV Jeffrrworfi r.iwi.Ni s;u girt f. r geerat hoUain
and cocking, must be r4 . 741 Irvlr.g
W A VT:d riir; fc general k4ari god
3H Fat Ai-tk. Tsbr 1 '. sa, U 1.
GIItL to as? in general housework. 13i
Last 71st North. East lt3.
SKI KT and Jacket bar do for te a tern t lost
rm at Sllvwrneld'e. n anl M-rr.a.
WANTED Immadlateir. gocd sMraae for
lunt b and dinner bourn ao0 Jafferson,
iSWi"'WBI,r 000 lr ranch, leauuw
W A VTED A gtod housekeepor. Main 3U.
fciS Everett at., cor. len.
WANTED Chorus girla. Apply Lyrie The
star a- M.
EXPERIENCED finisher In dressmaking
shop, 174 I nlon ave North
Ol HI, wanted for ganeral housework- aaA
IJth st. Weal tlda.
Good plain cook n anted today,
legion st.
43 Waeh-
Oo D cook to prepare lunch and dinner
Apply mom in . 340 Haaaa.o l
WANTED At 77 West park st a good
kitchen girl; 373 and room
WANTED A girl or midV. ered womaja
f or general bousewerk. 4(7 wh
IMh st
Girl for chamber work.
Gol girl for general hQework and rook
ing. North J-ban M a.A.
W ANTED iirl f-w grneral hou
U rand ae, cor. Mu.tnmh.
CilRL wanted for light taonaewa
M 4h 1
Xck pkoi-lK anted to piK and pa a
straw b-arr:a. pi r-1 v of wit. plcaer are
s area and th cna Is targe . f a aat : :s
a.ou.d o-e prepa-ed te camp Fw far-
tj--r parti. r.t te Hood lx:er
Fr:tgrowerar I nlon.
WASTE! A practical bookbinder w no
Cetatar-oj the tT brthw f tt sraC
AUdra-a A'laa Eaton. Ksaca. cT
r;.ANK:rUtAVM'J wanted by
C.ty W oo.ea M l a. Oragoa C7l.
lKH Ng fn afcn hand a4 lipyvrifist t-y
axt-aet- 4 a montn t-' l4'-k. Main 444
FleK TT.tricnjr AvigxY nLaTa" w..e
good teak'fS f- gWn. 414 saal Wig.
anontk ao fcg :at-a. a&j Mck
W A NT ED. snartra-r at
nt twtualry O
g 3
3d Tt,' AT IPX wAVTttWk 3IJK.
a W'llkessers avaad fWeks
skkrKJUl. ate"arrr pw
il3 yW of age. cava f.rr, A-l t
ax. 4 tac. a . t I -1. '-e. gxs a
tpITloS t r scan as pan kktr at
a-aaMer. n a yea' jnr'a t wf
r f tar4 at 4 pood n I j i 1 r ft.a
WATl ra!llf a y etsetiaAfa law ties.
gfaphrr; bewt fa f ee,c ea AL 1-1. ..
A raa wttn tfce e-aet of ra'ae.
r ea wart f-tMloa aa ast aavrtr.ka
Irquira at lla.4fcg lrwa. a Ad st ft l4ve
MU'DLK '.K1 b-wwt. a-tar
sr-aa W -aC-ew fai ' w aa t i t
s-Are i'r ttft et a-M la
e - R i a.
a i a -
t-'y. M Iti
Fl !!.T- M.Ja r -aker aH aiatl ; y-et
ef (Tfr-t-,, I heee 1 fc-kA or 14 t.4
lr4 liofTmsas
yn N1 caicpj man !ia p ' ' 'w iw a
a- t. or e r C.i Xk.a JtC
A 1 XA. (Pt4a
CO K ood all a rowed a-Ver economical,
ratable. tiao. W. N. it la. ; Nana !tn SC
YM Nl Japaaae fla1Tt wants aa
Uh tai ur AL ll. ip(!ia
H- SfcT e eaoirg by Anaius TAoenpeon
bi Ma n i
MAN ard W a arf r-a,t .
4Blf. At. 113 0-goe:r.
aa 0W4 ta
JAN TTOR work d--a at Right. Ca.1 Ma. a
:4d. Jfett ii.rd.
M A N". 71 tn . re m peetewew. wana work
In bua " -a hnw. -m :.:. tvg to ok A4
drawa loou i , Cty.
CVMinil, bouaec.eanlrg bv the hour Pb rka
Ma n V 14 1 b.,
O MrcilXT and rellsMe ste-rrNer deatrw
I' can ke-p t a . bae Y m;.i
e !n te.atirwa.a A fcw Vr0
alaw pbpa Main ;T.
ITH(vHU HKH r:blew deanre noeutlon
1 1aUr e7
3KW ld o alT kteda neat'.y dnw. wd
cioihea remodeled Hat . AF i-O. Ore-
FI T-C1. ask dreaamaatng at lowest brtcea
Mr Angola. 2a 3tk and Mala.
K J . W ft Tl.rH. el e-t. grsduat
tu.-aa. Poeo M:n 2c.I. Fverett wt
YOCN'c. wMow of education and refttamaet p.a .;inei of It Jng cvft- pan I n 0
rg or elderly o.tAa. AL 121. ivegj
tua. O'MI'HTrNT g'rl easts to do gene-wl
b wee-x a ard evoking; no ChUdrea Ap
7 l a U r st.
F.ELJ a fit. E Japarea g-lr wanta poa t-ai la
arotiabJa faa-l.r t S1. fvr4iias.
Ltr"K cur.'hi aoJ ar sraicbad fl'v
fair. a .ej fr and da Itervd Tah
Wom N wants work by th day
Wocm 741.
W AN 7ID W a. -ng a4 cleaning by day.
Mia ;:. room ii r
tlll-t girl wa
ffay week Main
i EN-c A TTf. NTI -N
fWat evai aat siav reaw.l icas la the CTy
ea" InaM. -ta,n pw ? ! v oe. a few
ratlin, a.- a nKrr a-uyw tHam k.
rat or.aa, Aft-g to ea war 44
Itr W Kx tat bl M "
l",AU '"'H t a-a. aur ea.nxiae-a Una eg
racae-e a fc . ca.k w.'r. e-t-t frwa.
ar-i-al - y Nv rwe Sa'esa e
E H4 sa.-wa a re-nfr frg- yer hms
fr" c,( t't III r art an at ;4a. .
Ufig, A k ax-4 kaaua. I wow
Main a:..
W ANTt ! At cerw em a4 raf-d toe le.
in p"e tK-org kvra c- fatr . g a- Ssa
s aia-e t r? a- 4 r"lis. A-t4a
ei l xw4aa) . vn .a4 ca
THIlt K f hasMkatr'at, at ee-a
d m at a rail Mrw " t hnii
Ma.n 7-x,
OCH rattal avi.aa k aQfp4 trr raMau
H y-cr tr-r aa aanaa' uy sa. ktiva
a A 1 (in-. i ewv a b g
Y ANTLts Ml tlXAMOtk
W AN TF D Maw a rest -A rlMk'pg gag
T-a. wo a:a Ity bau HoUJ f rmiabtfc a
t-isr-a.t r'- l3 .sl, at the r
t-aa- 43 3d St. Nrt. '&M Mill I : 3
1 "IU. y-ewr swevwd'hse rtrf-e ! w-a to ts Forg
Aw t-W Co . r fa U gat 4 wax. Fbo4WS A
X3. Ma. a 41.
WANTl'l la Per !. heaa. barweao and I'ct
" ' "r 3 f weeka. to W& M tatUr
toana. AN 144. org-n;en
W VTrt A : I k:nCa sr. w ae ofw-e Bg
a.raw W c. Ma.n CA
Lawn Vomm aatifatio
i.araatrei 1:0 N leiiv. Ma n ;i4
WA.TH)- tmrr4, state snake and pJlraV
A 1 V. Ov agon t an.
PT cash paid for yoer fmit jra : pronart
attention alaaya !a hna laat u;
WaNTEI 14x14 wan teat, xyortabie
tant AL 114, Ofe.ot.laa
HlwHE.T rniCEd ta d for fjmiturw phone
1 ast i74 I9.4 (lra4 ave. ccr Taylor
FOB krx7.
Ititt HtNT.
lvmUhe4 KaaH
T M K NEW ft C o T T
Mwr.! Ark-nr an4 l-irna:de
Every tMr.g t ran4 naw. holkc'ik and
fn-.;of',.r: ratea rK-r r e. -"rce bv:
JoCHN'Al. liLlxJ..
Cor $th and lamlilii at . opp. F. f ;
furrvlahed rooms Sullea and nin
bf day. 7ie to l b- aai. 44
l, ttjeetcaTS dei paas
door, take eie a-or to Ad. :h. it a
THE HAltToN. ll.h and Alder, new man-gn-e4.t.
newly ranotatcd I hrauc ho t . ; O
out aide rooms, steam heat. ! tnc He h!
etc.; momi 410 m n:i up. a-,ue with
running w a tar. .- i to .-. elegant
pubi.e parlor . phooea and bat .is free.
NEWT..T furniahcd rooms, steam heat, e'ec-
trlc Ugh la, hot ana c d water, elegant
Vathrtk..m. both fl,nr frea. 1 ut the p.aca
fr irami wanting a rM-r.i bme for
tnodarata expense I bone A a.Ml. M
HTra. CLAIINO. 743 S U: aday ave . eaa
a of pteal bf .x'xe. fume-ed roonwa; h H
ar-4 oold watrr. lo mtataa wa g rrmca.
te- of city. frwe baths. Pact haaiMt.
llceaa ltst 3.
HTK1. l.KMi. corner ad and Mam eta.
fur t. -a had ar.d unf ur-ntafaad rooms at P.
eonsb.s prtf-aa. matlita eoateaiaacae.
pte the I'.a-aa.
313 oak. pT. c;u arrif
Just'-i . nsw atd cantlf fup a.t eJ6 vXiancas. taut raatna b.e.
Wash!ngt o and I7ih. trt-ia fa m lab ad
rooms, aing a or an S4 ta. a l madam con
xofciaacwa. l weakly s a SaaT. M
1I4K kil.Mih litis. Marriage, cor a-k.
n.ceiy I aij ad rooova w ik all oa-
THK MrHCM-iy r -. k an W aa :rru r.
a" a r . . j f.rKaal rcMM, kA 4ka4 csa.4
a t.ra ,ar a
13 a. 4 u
Tt! K HtX l;h aed Waahlngtaw Mo-lee
xmas a-so "w aeepie, w ata.
aiU A lk: Main -2
THE trsTE Jo4 fanawa. raaaiM. raw
fj?-r.t rv tei.r-.. ne a H'.fi fra i ;
. MA. iwt.l K Mra aiaad J aCaie
Ft KMM.l l IUr"a I row-n ka. gas
fara. ata4ej or teaibt 4 i
Tla 3AklU'll. 41 C-lntata. ra
ba,:. XMDa. o 11 4a. 4 i la 44 mi
TWK rHAlK'K ; A.Cff--.n, can
tv 4a 4i r e wea . twas.eet
MOT El. MvX AHClt - BtacVrew go W law fw;
A ecila4 tkk ia'K. ear a k
Tln I ki; far4aad rwt
4. rv.r'er kc wr-.Ma
THE A N -rt 1 .t e a at 4 e.iaa, gar Oarg
rs U 4raMmwu. kw4k f - ra a
N K W 1 T fursia1 r4 a-::a e.f Pxtci S 1 14
St. awecn Waak.rgto aa.4 aiaia.
llA lth al r-;ww Waaurg w a 4 A e 3
5 f trtairf ra.a. .a;fe.. p.,a sod'ew
thriiiai 4 at a 1 m 1 an Irtrsls waaaUg.
M I I T f -et,-a-a3 cave nwl r-g roa
r ol ! aia '.t b -mw. 4k. ;o
tl A 41-01. ;t Ma'aat at
444 TAtl"lt. Wear l.-X 4eu
a - 4 a f t t lajra, it:;v.a, ttaH,.
at- a. t e a.
11 I : T tl rm;aed rsaava f r pent ar
f e aa.
r " fT'.efl s.eepirg ro- at c-.
nit4-a. 2 a wa 4a -a M xrr... t
it'vvnliv I r me mrit c - etueax-
larffe p.fvh Z'- Il k W 1 a ;vi
Nl' l l-Y r-s?need roewva. 7 gc emee prw
fanea Flaw ta:h a4 phofea Hi "!h al.
ritV - w fr-e,:a ad r -,i ran aa
r-rat g f rrn,a 4-2 7n . r a
TWO nicei-r r rrtH rooma. both and ts.e
I"' i4 x i 4: a s.
ON- r two Pc-r m a a ' I wsoe-n rrna.
rr S-;s V at IMh and i t.
M' ELY f-. rr hed front room S"-4 w 4:k
Soar Jt'efKI
ON tt fcaTy fu-elshaj room. C.caw la. 4rt
Xli 4L
Paasji kw fTtanio Vwaxatr.
Hi M V - raai jA pr-t ata ftnl'v; a'ttarl
!.' f.-ftirj fr .rt --ftvu. r rhl a-4
; 1 r. . a,-?! :-se y w i e J a a a'ee
ama rf r --rn if da'ref. ; ae of J r ' t- -r
m ll'.ihfa, laur.Jv :'vi. tiM H
I'1""', l-a-a. e- - - 1 -fcea a h lra
r the .: v rft:.rk f p-m car we; a
en p eS dat.r tSr V e 4 -a a ,1 .
at e f,-r to y c g'-a or ? -r man sd
f- t:nm p . c ;...--.. vl Wa'.k.r.g rt.a
tan. -a At ; W i. , 3n:gometa at. ."uor
M M .n..a
FI ' '.ATi Y furr-aj rr-nt rar.e-r ruMa.
a ao ,: 1rfc-e Pvini. in Tew m .-1 - a
S artmrnt ttfU'ot if rea.ox .
' - - r.lce pr. p. a . , .-. ft bott
11. E A N T frcr t rtv.m to residence dts
V C;,nrt'1ovWK. s.k:rg O.atanva.
at 1ft tn.
Nr I.T rr- ae-t r-y-att re- an oec-rd T-.rt -
!V er L ,,Tr c"- ;k r.d A.der.
1 f t Ma n 17T.V
rr- 1?VI cT Nlce-jr furr'.hed rooms,
on b'up" :l gent. am a
31 I UVIXrt-AtTratt.e -r furr.itad room;
h-v ae at.odvtn. w a -aing uit'.aara, Ma. a
PcKlern. f ni h1 rf""ni tn anjiteaj
-. rr:a:a fam: y ;fi, Um at
c : e a n . aaa. eaih xsa..v
: N-rth iaik at
r nrwrwkv,ew
TIU Et: tjrfurr::u4 1-oon.a. ij Taylor 4rt
a.. Mot ult) cr fter 4PM TyaaJay
l-ttK at 3M MorrLson
Modern In e .. r- .-e t . a.aean heat.
e'e-f,. t'chl, M ar I at-etee 1.
trr POJ :
' r ad bo. Pey ssu lrw.
"" '-Jrt rr.eali
taJend so-4 kiat
a aaia. Ay. te4.
te ak
TMK ui.KMmiu, ir-, nrd .-ir.
f -rt:.',! Itn. -.tie r e-, auUe $:4
-rr arj i.p. , pe jt.,.fi Plar.
'1 a- , f-ra t- gi.eaia,
,''c,"'i ' ' d , ...; r.t t t..a bf.ari.
3'k per m,ih, . ma a oenta
XliTl-.Nl Wemaa s t .. s ear rr.-n
w:ih t..--d. uee tf ,,t r.-rr af.4 J .
V.-t. i-io F.T-a 1 . X a I -ar.faa N
lirwts. cM"c' W oman s k.
rVare, I at Mrx M L J)o:ber
Tl'fC MOKMIHI.V, : V-ran a?, fwoitle
-O- . rt..l.;i, r r VI . a r. a a ma r. I 4.. J
. bsl la e t J , pr;.-e an.4-; rwit p.ww p".r f , it-.
" ' 4 We a . g ptr , o k.
A alee .Uee et- h atid kiart aa-4.
Hi:: t "t'NUU ft and Mvrrt-
a..--.r t-;-e4 t..t a.d et twrr.. iSi p-et .
iar4. falaw kM, g y. nI.rt ab-e boa
T Hi: I I MT I.I. 7S XI ark el . rw r rr
a a !ae4 f .rn f.f. a t-.c-.ard an. .4.
etw. raw.itla. rae wa-a,g c ataarw
Tit K t7ARK, rrt tith l.gbt. airy paanva
jl k A. bat ax.4 4 w ate
It VH r g a ar.-t ea a
... t. c a: 2 ki rw ia-
iwa con
: -1 k
1"Mf h-aN tn frltsis 3 aasUtr.
IIU'NT Uim'M i:h board. l: : a sTa f tYi
--a e rwm. m'l or. t j r;t terns
k.t-g. Oa.a.r.g .':. r, i-.ns raak
! st. fctar W aai..: in.
It k Rjy and r-on for tw a. a:b. pbona.
- c 1- . wa k rg 't
;tt l-Jv.a Ma'n ivl
LAKwi. r-ort pr-n, oifc aJict f-w ft. h-eak-
-" ' i'-t'T . t" l 1 e. MaAlf, V.
b e. I 1 4v eat .-.r , . :4 . r . . 43 : v
H"M and bPS-'1 . rtna cfphirg- vpOr;aJ
ta'.es for 2. .; W ei aa
lt.-Hi avrxj pv-m f.r two. a.l bnisia oona
for -.a. 4.1 W iiiig at
Pit IV ATK t-ar-d gpd rc"m 'r.r g-en:ieman
14 ;3ia at. Itaea karpana and Ad-r
Tfe !. moa: mr-U'tc apar-iment-
tn If Mllttti. a-iy pBTl.:rBOft, ttt
c .iig ecu mi aie a to. t-eautll l.4 .'cn
ateia bu..lirs. x e w abd uP
foanJ'.M, r. oat t -a - .a t 'e tarea. f r
t.. hd or utif r fi!aii 4. ont a i.0r call
at t-rtme.-.a gr. be hap; .;;, j.rn
In etery sulie . Uatihi . . at a-l fl
land.aly -r a 3a.n iul-J or A C7.
3- ThN-t-rwrn sieam-beate4 ayanrpent;
mvlcrn. on 11. h a;., p tin ef M r: toon; w'; a I shs .es and i.ght f.s
turea ar.4 gas pj v-.g Urea-r lrt n
1-eOatead ar4 ai-r'.rga. tA a klc-ea
t raaura attd pootu table, a hire
Ltt.e r-,e
D A V M I' ! F It lNVrTMrVT CO.
i-1 1'ard ff 1 raOa H.og
14KINX APAHTMENTft. I4.b aad CHamMx
4 bl.cka frtim klcttriauia e iv. a....k.
bu.lil.rg. corr.,:!,y t.: .T-cJaaa, rumia.ed
In r. 4 and t-rom fami.y apartments;
oain. r.a.i. :am beat.
10 aier. e.etator. fr-w phor.a. rom
-swe..i-a.r c. .-..:.r. Janl:of stvkw. from
ini : or - rv i. w. irom
uaf urauahed eons
- w " n jh . r . a . :r, a uoi i
loog ana be lurpr .aed.
N W. comer iiat ar.d .andera New 1
f t3rniatd slleg of tlm-a po.oma. hat ard
.it w a; er ;n e er y an tie . w i : h pri at
bi h ; ready for ' boaaa - keep.
t Atp.y to J an: ior
THE ftHEFFIKl.n. 7th and Jefferson ata.
bnfurn.ahad arrtT!ir.t, with bath; evorg
-...-;.. - . t. eel-JI'I4 HK4UO&:
ab.e rant. Main .'d a
TH K M AltLpoK .t'i;i -room apartmant.
3; at ar-d Fat.dera. N'ob li IU dlsUkct,
-r ry ronta.ni4 Mam TMl
M. W room, a
C-or. Ve !en v ea .
gan. ii Atir.i
am be a ted fiai. saodam
e-t a s.a rant. W. L. ItoP
a b.dg.
JK"VI nxMA fcoiira a ar.d room ft-r-
t ,a!itnr i. M ci.mtim.m. 44
ta .A4 iLtb a-4 Jfferal
T rfttir'.U'1 Turr.' rMmi w M k pel.
t ih ard twfrt kittta,
da.ana 5T4 J'srk a.rael
CrU'knuw art nct(Mv a-roawa
awocar a at utatait I : i k axd C a. aaa k.a.
THK P AT TON. e.0 risptfeea; t ar.d 4 pow
;an.-r.r.t. Uth bcai t w at er. ;g. jiv
N r A wr f-tf -tbed rat 3 P-c-r a ba V ga
eat a.e., r ru-t , f- r a a. rirx
' "i aatcr . . po .:;a pawn, a k aat
J rt' rent K4satS- 44 P . . r ; at
Mot 1 i x pofrn r ai . fatr -fafl, '.rr. mer '.ate
f".aea r r. : rt 1 4m .r . a'., aaine "f
'' t"a -r:.e wv.ti-. twUw tka
-t aaa-d 1 K-a Ca. U.MZ
M . N a- cn wyr-ep Dtar W at
It p lr a:ia STt ;.ih a. .
corner lt..i
tKIs. 41 th:1 ST. -Th -d a.fl V 1 a-.;
'.'sf', P-''P, t-.. r ' T . t t-(N.-n
4 .. (i-ii-a Apri;.t i; ; vt .1 C
IF y-.-a eal xo frti p-fCaa r.a'a ga
p a t aPt t c f.- t a: j" In Ii ..a
r to a.i t i.ri'i
3 17 k n Ir.Sfc. rw
l! U rst. ..ftl.Sr
fa F W . mo-J- n 4 a - d 7 r-in Bit 3f4 N or : h
o s at kt ;n : (I
V -i i i n ? e-w f ar i;: T4 3 :aan
bt- '' A a , 1.1 a:h at
TMf ' e. -e Tat a 1 rvr r - eirw laanirw
r; ' kl SJ a I t.w ktan ?- A
ass, r.N m-.jerw f gas rat.f tar
aa sx ii.; r'ar S - ii
r'Y fea fat -n hoa Nb koogtiaa.
1 -..a Ma.n 4414.
ekee-aakag K
l;ii'. )! t:n at; I.oum k rep-r g nr.4
S '& - a Poma
4 r K e-iat. y.-t-i a :a a!i ar -flerw wo
t-,.rrt 1-.. k al tt.a K al --
t. --t aa. tr t ... k
l"l IT. II1 No., c.p tr Pwr-rar-e 7
t . rtr. a. j n,..;. I ' a "l.g
K W aac'.c t i,f a a
41'- .ea -. ar W t r-- i t aa 4: k
an Aj- w .er.r.,i
ATTH KTI K rat I rai .w,4 aorrh.
a :n, a r v ia. lil i:h
St Ik' Sim & mrn riat I a
o b M .fc a A ;,-. .-, ieat44 a a
V : I T v T roaw a
IPS :wk a
T': ' to a-t pa -a r,.T..'
a-f-.r..r,a, la k ox. 1 .( 3; .,a aA.;