jHJHAl.M, UKI-XsOAIAIV. MO.M)AV . MAY 1JMK. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AGRICULTURAL UrUXCMg. EEALL ts Co.. K. Tan-.hr: MITCHELL. LEV." IS bTAVL'R. E Mor 2d ART OLASS AM) MIRRORS. POVEY faf.Oo. OLA ad CO.. i:a tc Handera. ACTO AND BICYCLE blPrUti B ALLOC .is Wi.lL.iii. Mi e-.il - BABBITTS. SOLDER. ETC. PACIFIC iit-TAL WKa.. :j .. iu. BAliS, B IK LAP A.VU TWINE. W. C. .SQ...N HA., CO.. 1U.-34 lit SI. BAkLKIKS. ROYAL BAKERY Co.. Jiia and Everett. BELTING AI MILL aXFI'LAKS. XOTT-LAWa Co.. 40 isi at. BICYCLE AI BICYCLE SINDKltS. BALLoL a. W....lir. M t n si. BOOKS ELI.KRM. THE J. K. PILL I.O.. ; 41. BOOTS AXn SHOES RIBHEV t.OOIIS. t;-'.ljif AN l.ff, f ii - . fc. Co.. lio Front. KRAUSSE RKO.- 73 1; St. fp.i.scs suo?: cb.. e sth st. BOX MAM'FACTIRE RS. MCLTXO.M Ail LwililEii 4t io.. CO.. PteU Ex. SO. BITTER, An POULTRY. D. C. BCK.i Co.. 2'-il0 Ti.lru su Cash buyers country produce. EVERPIXr; a- KARKEU.. 140 Front. BUTTER. EOGs, CHEESE. ICE CREAM. 1. B ICll.VjciXD Cji.iAili.Hl' Co.. IS Front. CHEE.SE. PORTLAND CHF.Ui Co.. 181 84. COITEE. TEA AND BPTCEa. EOTD T Co.. .j at. CLOfcSET dt DEVEi.S. 1-T X. Front. CONCRETE MACHINERY. BEALL At Co.. .y u E. ljr.i.nl. CONf'LCTIOXtKT JORRt RV ALrXN L'AM'V llLh aud Cisan MODERN LVXKF.CTliY CO.. 13:h A Hoyt. CORDAGE. BINDER TWINE. PORTLA.No t'Oi:IAiii; Co.. Hih fc Northrop CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS. J. C. fcAkii. ironi and larat-l. DAIRY AND REAM III SUPPLIES. & CKI.iai.LU 140 Front at. DOOM, P.ASH. PAINTS AND OILS. KELLY, THOKaKN & CO.. Ji-i4 Union m, RAiiML'SSEN A: CO.. li4-!lHl 24. DRUGGISTS. BLniAUEB-FP.ASK Lill O CO. CLARKE. WOOoU AKL LFiUO CO.. Bth H. DRY GOODS. n.EIfCHXE?., HAYEK it Co.. Front 4k Asa. MEIER & FRANK COMPAXT. EI.ECHCIC AND GAU JTXTUBES. BARl-.ETT . 4'S-4; Morrison. ELECTRIC MACHINERY SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC CNQ. CO. 213 2nd. WESTERN ELECTRIC VK8.. 61 6th. IXtD. (.IKlCLKIf.S AND PRODUCE. LE.NSCH faiiob.. Front St. FIREPLACES AND TILES. BARRETT o. ' 4.-4i2 Morrlaon. FISH AND OYSTERS. PORTLAND FlriH CO , 34 Front at. FRUIT AND PRODUCE, W. B. GLArKE Co. 108 Front. -EWEN A KOSKEY. 12S Front. RCIT8, EGGS. POULTRY AND MEATS. IjKYEK. iioLLAM A CO.. IZ8 Front. FURNACES AND REGISTERS. MOORE-M E AO H i-: II CO.. 42 1st J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO., Front 41 Mitt. FURNISHING GOODS. METER A FRANK COMPANY. FURNITURE. UK Y WOOD BROS. A tt AKBFIELD, Ia X. Tenth. GAS ENGINES AND LAUNCH FJ. P.EIERSON MACHINERY CO.. 182 Marrlaoa. GRAD!-G AND ROCK MACHINERY. BEALL s. CO.. ;9 E. Yamhill. GRAIN. FLOUR. FEID, CEREALS. ALI'.ERS RRl. Co.. Krom tc Muja. PRUNE CROP G000 Willamette Valley Orchards Are Heavily Loaded. LIGHTER FARTHER SOUTH Frost Said to Have. Done Damatre In Southern Oregon Lands About Salem Prove to Be Ideal for Prune Culture. SAXcETM. Or.. May 30. rSpeelal. Indi cations are for a reeord-breakln crop of prunes In the Willamette Valley. While jrrowers have been frreatly worried by the frosts and the dry weather. It appears to be the general opinion that the crop has not been Injured. AW C. Tlllaon. of V. C. TlllBon & Co.. discussing the outlook for the crop, said today: "I look for a very heavy crop and low Trices. The trees are loaded with more fruit" than the branches will support when it reaches maturity. The fruit will be small. The cold weather did not hurt "Willamette Valley prunes, and so far the dry weather has done no damage. I was In Southern Oregon last week and In some places In that section the crop will not be much over 25 per cent. It seems to be the opinion down there that the frost has done the damage. " H. S. Giie. of the Willamette Valley Prune Company. Is of the opinion that prunes have not as yet been hurt by the dry weather, but that unless there is considerable moisture from now on fhe fruit will fall early and will be smalL Mr. Gile states that estimates of the Southern Oregon crop range from S to to per cent. During the past decade It has been prac tically demonstrated that the land in the hills south of Salem Is among the very best known for the production of high class prunes. The original growers in that section passed through severe ex periences and suffered some los.es be cause they didn't know how. All 'were confident that the country had great merit for prune growing, but the busi ness had to be learned. During the early experimental stages a young man In the Rosedale neighborhood decided that he could make more money by Inventing a practical stump puller to dig uo abandoned orchards than by try ing to raise prunes. While he experi mented with his machine a sister went risht on raising prunes and was finally crowned with Fuccess. He dropped the stump -puller idea and began to take notice that there was big money in rais ing prunes. He then set ""about thor oughly learning the prune business. After several years of practical experience he reversed himself and decided o start a model prune orchard on a large scale. For this purpose he selected land such as all successful growers agreed to be the besf. and started his farm on one of the most sightly elevations In Salem's famous prune district. The trees were selected and culled from the best to be obtained in Oregon s most successful nurseries. They were plinted under his personal direction, by the most skillful help that he could employ. They were placed at proper distances and every care was taken to overlook nothing Liat makes for success In fruit growing. Today he. has one of the nn-st three-year-old prune orchards In the Wll lamette Vallev. Such orchards are row worth. In 'the California prune ds trie la, from jjoO to GROCERIES. ALLEN LEW is. 44 :.4 iront at. MAS' .N'-EHRMAX A Co . 4th and Everett. WADKAVS A ro., 4:n and Cik. W ADKAM.S A KERR BRor!. Hort ard 4th. HARD WALL PUSTF.KS THE AAMAM Co.. 4. J '.nrit:.r bid. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. JOHN CLARK EAKliLL-nl o 104-lOa Front. 1IUKS. ITKS. WOOL. KAHN BROS . ll Front at. ICE CREAM MAUrACTURER. HA2r.i.U't Lr.F.AJi .'... l A rtoyt. IKON. STEEL. WAGON MATERIAL ROBERTSON ll .lAl.t. A IMl Co.. T Fns!. KODAK PHOTO SUPPLIES. POP.TLaNp i-Holo SLH U Co. I4a M. LEATHER. CHAS. L- MAfTI' K a T4 r-nt atrn. LUtSIWK COMMISSION. PORT, union .-..,cKV i.a. a Vauatia. LUMBER. NORTH PAC LilaK o . 3C Wel'.a-Farao MACHINERY MERCHANTS PORTLAM) ii ii.NLR V o irt. ZIMMERMAN- ELLS-LROWX. 2d and Aatt, MEATS PRANK L. SMITH co.. 22A-2n Aldar. . MET AL W I MX1M H. J. C. BAYER. Front and ilriL MILLINERY. CASE RETST Co.. l.o and Oak. MONUMEJkTS. PLAESINCJ CRAMlt lo.. J.;T tA. w. w. 1IIXAR. MS E. Morria tc PORTLAND MARRLE SORKB. Vm tat. ORGANS. CHURCH AND PARISH. PTtLe.i'.a i-lAN'o iiotfE. ;Vub. at i'ark ata. PAPER AND 811 ELF BOXES. POBTIAMi I'Ai tR i.i A if,., i.a, oak. . PAPER AND STATIONERY. . W. p. 14 , ALL. loi Front. PHONOGRAPHS. BHERMAX. CUV a Co.. oh PIANOS. EII.EP.M PIANO Ilol r-K. WaaS.. A Para ata REED-FRENCII PIANO Co.. Ai a Ilurn.lV b li ERM AX. CLAT A CO.. a 4, Mortuoi; PICKLES. VINEGAR, ETC. KNIGHT RACKING Co.. 414 Eaat AMrr. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S4-S6 Front. ROAD STREET-MAKING MACHINERY. bEALL A i:it.. E. Yamhl'.:. SAW MANUFACTURERS. SIMOXDS MrXJ. Co . Hi lat .:. SCHOOL FURNITURE, SUPPLIFM. N. V. tcliuuL ttKMILKb Co.. 244 d. ., SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. H. WOLF A SOX. 73-7S Pirat ac LOWENBERO A OOiNo co . uD A Imna;. -TALliI?i0 MACHINES AND RECOKIS. EILERo PIANO I.oCaE. Uuh. at Para Ma. .-V A.'ON AN D TRUCK WORKS. NORTH Pacific Waoo.n wuHKa. atb and Hoyt. VINES AND IJQI OK.1. BI.l'MAVEK A H. H. lu 4th . HENRY FLECK EX STEIN A CO. 04 Id WIRE AND IRON WCRKS. PORTLA.nl WIRE I. UKd . 24 Evaratt. FINANCIAL BONDS AND STOCKS. OVER BECK ac COOKE Co.. 2ib U. at TTada. FIRE LN6URANCE AGENTS. A. H- RIRRE1.L Co.. 2.,a-3 M:Kajr bid. . J. CLE MEN'S. CoremsrclAl Club bicia PETTIS-OROojiMAYER CO.. Boaxd of Trad a bide STOCKS. BONDS AND GRAIN. POWNING-HoPKINS CO.. 2..1-4 Couch b:. TIMBER LANDS. PMBOHT A BRAM.ET c. T' C. of Com. FREDERICK A KRIB5. 82 COam. of Com. JAMF.S r LAFTY A CO . 1-29 C of Com rw pr acre, and all woll-lnfrirrnM no ple concede that the famous Salem prune orchards will In & fww years outrank those of California, aa thoy are already attracting fruit buyers from that twurni as well as from France and Germany. Nowhere, it Is saM. can the famous Ital ian prunes be raised as successful!? aa In this section. DATLT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May SO Maximum tempera ture. 2 degraea: minimum, ftl daareea. Rlvar reading at S A. M . 11. feet: cbaasa In last 24 hours. l. feet. Total rainfall 15 P. M. to 5 P. M-. O 43 larnae. Total rainfall atnre September 1. l&u. 13. M tnrhea: normal rainfall since September L ISO. 42. to Inchea D-Oclencr. S 43 Inohea. Total sunshine. May 29. 7 hour. 2 rnlnuiea; poaplhl. IS hour a. 24 mlnutea. Uaroowr I reduced to aaa leva;, at A P. do S lncisea. PACIFIC COAST WEATRTRR. oeervatlone taken at ft P. M Pactfle Time. May So. lbov: WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure baa risen or the entire district, axcapt In tha extreme aouthweac but rain In appreciable amounts rtaa fi.-n generally In Wea-.ern Orecon and Western Waihlngt'n. while only traces of rain are reported irom Eastern Washington and J.uthern Idaht Ingh wlnJi are reported rrom North Head and Tatoosn Island. The temperature haa rleen throughout tha entire dlatrlct. except in the axtrema North west, and very warm weather 1 . reported from the Interior va:ieys of California The Indications are tor poaeir.le enoaers Monday, escept n Southern Oraaun and Southern IdWlo. 1 he river -at Portland Is ateadlly rtetna and rtaaee of 13 feet on Monday. t4 fe.t on Tue.ly Bnd 15 Xcet on Wednesday are DIED. THOMAS In this city. May go. Thomas J Thomas, aced 71 years The deceaaed was a member of George Wrlaht I'oL 0. A. R. and a.o the Brlcklayera I.nlon. The remain. are at Flnxeys cariura Funeral notice hereafter. FET 'n hls elty. May so. at bis late r-I-dnce. 4.t Mildred avenue. Kdeln Fey. ased W2 eara. F'uneral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. P.R ANrE-l The funeral aerrtcea of the lata r.rnest l'randes win be hell at 373 Chau- ".,.,"7"..'. M 'Mondy. Fri-nde Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cetn BEXXETT At tha family residence. RSI Eaat 33d ec. May 2, Thomaa llarey iiennett. aae 32 yeara 6 montha it days Funeral services v.r.1 ba beld from tna family residence Monday. May 31 at 2 P- M- Interment River View Cemetery Servleee at the grave private. BFLT In this city. May 30. at tha family r,nden.e. 07 Eaat Ninth street. Waiter c r't- d eara. 5 months and 13 Oaya The funeral eervlcea wlil ba held at the above residence at 2 P. M Tues day. June 1. Frienda Invited. Interment Lone .r Cemeter) . BENNETT -At tha family residence. 6,M Kaat 3.4d sc. Mar 2 Thomaa Harvey Ii-nneit. aae 32 yeara S montha IS daya Funeral servlcee will be t.:d frm ,aa f.ml.y reeidcnce. Mn.lay. May 31. at J ' 11 Interment River View cemetery Services at tha grave nrlvate. LISLE -May 2. at the family rx.ldenca. 1. vurela.v.d station on Munt r.ott rar I ne. Jamea Llele. aged 73 years. Com rade, ;f the u A R. and friends ara re.pectfully invited to attend tne funeral service,, which will be held at the llr" wood ileth.dl.t . 'hrh . t7". ' May 31. Interment Muitnoraaa' Cemetery services, which will be held at the Laure a.. i ' ,-nurcn at 1 p. M. today. Cem.r.r'y ' "l"B, Hu.tnomaa DoaalBt. McEsttee CUrsaagB. raaeral ptreor. 7th aad PW Pb..? mZZS. Lady AaeUtaat. Qglo, .f ,cij t.aiT; eas. ti Id at. Lady aaalstaat. ( hose at. MI. 3. P. FINLET SOX. sa Lady attemdaat. pheaie Mala B. S Me IS. IFI.I FR.RVB eV . . era. 171 RaaaeU. lail leait Lady 11aal r. 8. DUNNINO. Uaeertaker aiur. aes imhb c f'Doa MrENTEf-ERlCSON CO. r a drrtaS asai aadr aaalataat. e Alder. M uu. UcLE May 2. at tha family residence. J.aureleood station on Mojnt ricotl rar line. James U,.e. aed 73 yeara. Com rades of the o. A. R. and frienda are ,. spe.tfu.ly invited to attend the funeral AMUSEMENT ft. SEATS NOW HFJ.UVO N T c. (.ooimix FJA (KOIRlt H At Helilg Theater Tomorrow Nicnt and Thursday Mat. -THE EASTERNER- Next Wetceeav and Thursday Nlfhts -THE GENU S Prtcea $2. : SO. luo. Tie. Oo. BAKER THEATER T M x Ortoa Tvater Co ilr.c t Ieeee. tieo L. Fr. .general Manecer. lst ee of the popular FERRIS -LVRTMN. IV -THE TOY M AKER-- Oreatent f a): s-sceeeea Parrtln mat lr.ee WMdmII). 1--. anv s-e I UtI'r.M Faturdav T aiven to a.l chwlren. r-ver.lr.aa Itc to i Matinees "S-. .c BUNGALOW THEATER Pl-ili'i. V:i !1T. A 4':t .F 1. HtKIK, Maaoger. This eea cr:v t your eeu aulrk. Baker si-k i"mT"-i in THE QP.L OF THE GOLDEN WLST n- -tur-Ur K. r.; Jvc-, -vw-T ff IjfeiT- LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder wrrs t - vat ?o . .F1RS.T 1IMK iN ANV siTar.R. Aotiaxua M-C4Uler'e RoeaaailW! M ele.a I rmnm. "IX E K tni Prod iced under directive of IferVert Aahtea Eerv ev.ame- at a IS Mavree. Sun ov. TueeOv 7-ur. a- 1 ?a'.iv e-nXTAL I1QL1DAV NLtTUNFE MOMiAT. MAIN e. A lte Mattaeea La, annd.ja aad HaUdaia -aVa THFATER IVUSiUV Weet e4 Mar l Camilla nAi-rille. AAe. laJd and 4. trie. t.llsjMwah M'trra;. Meats and Ma'ette. aerea, l.votl vleyee. a.aeeta e4tera. .mr4 lerta, Orrheatra end Ptratiree THE GRAND-V.uJcr.Ued.Lat. WEEK STARTING MONDAY. MAT II. N njr, til I en or EAil IPOIhE. Lelbert LAadley a f a Mwtiaw. Keeeler aaicl Iwjsss. Weatoa aad Yeettiat. lanui lUalea. Fred Maaer. fi laailasi una. Matinee prices lr.c any seat. Evening prices 13c and 2.Vc. liox seats SOc. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaoderllle, Stara eeT All Naloaa. THE SAYTONS Enropr't t.reoxea Novelty 1i ) ninata. Stvee-ial AeVled Atiractloa. THE MURAH m, Til MR FAMOUS DAM IN. IKM. Matinees daily. 13c. two shows at Bight. ISc and 23c. STAR THEATER (Supplied by Morton Film Exchange.) Tne 7-eat .'vi War It. me. THE FTMI-Tf KLI Mt . Ar.-l f,.e omer r.me 5r s-!.l a'tr-a.-tlon "T:illV." MAN-EATINi I.ION. Don I li to Vote In the oat-y rontest p cnllnuoua performance 2 P. M. to 10. SO lOe TO ANT sE.IT lee. BASEBALL lUrreatlea Park. Coraer Yaagha aaa T eel y-fewj-th Sis. SPOKANE vs. PORTLAND mat -v, 21, 2T. at, an, at. Two Oatne DfroralloB Mmy ZU 10:30 i. M 2:30 P. M. Ottms tr!n wflc day J. JO p. M Fuiflnv, J 3 p. M. A'lmifsirtn B!i-ri-r. J&c; Orand pTand. f.ic; Box-, ;-r.r xtrv Children: bleachers. 10c; (irandatand. ISc. Idle Oar Friday, Bot under 12 frea ip bU--hra MEgnXO XOT1CTA A. K. AM A. il. ip-:l 4-ornmu-blration MTCtr. 3kl' 1. at S" A- ii , Ma -CIC TefT.r..4. U ssm l ay kt t- fuiiA-rai of our ! Hrih-r HotMrrt i'.rt Jr rrr r. t at Lrr.- Fir 'mttmrj 10 A M Mntra Tw-a'- 4 ,n aitTxl Vis itor eeriav. j lr.-r"i. -y oMr f W at. C. SV Ml LaLsK it, rVrr( mry KAJtMo.vr leonr.E no ia. x. 4- -fc A M iU fommuni' r!oo tnla (Mondajri nirm at T-3o yclrk Wirfc to th M M. Ssj r-4. Visl'ori tr coT'l.a'.I la- WILLAMETTE IT-iE. NO t. A. F etc A. . Sj. . rtiminubl' css'toa th1 iMontl) i -ar.ir.a T-Ju o'c.o'lt Worn n W. W. cr-. Vtslttn e t r!nrn com, v f.fceKih. -ftmry TVANHOE leitK-.K N-. 1. KNIOMTR fif TYTHIAit Hu r ir.tlnv in their rati hall. 1 .tit ax. a A ..t ( . t'-nifrht. Visitor lnvlt4. K M LAM K, IC H. r.OTAL r!R.!,K N'r W O XV Military shut mr.l dar.r VMtilr vi lr.r. June W O W. Trmp;-. u lltft iret Kf raravbrn uta. Admiui m I rnui CuMMITTtt: CLASSiriED aAJ)VXETISr5rO RATE la WTrt X-cmbT 1. imi LUir aav. rw a. Par tAmm. ttaB, ; IM ama d cn-sf railrt tlin ....... Jtm Mot aa lhre cf-pcu(if uaii m iM-ma mi r Mea enmouux timj aa r"! b word cout Uaa mm t nrm a4 imtifmniii, aad no m4 rouair4 fur Irt thaa ! liner. b" mm tdsninal mmt ram rowcutlf I'mn tik umm lima mm app lr. 1 ha mhmm ratM mnY la 4tti1iiii mtm mni-T w TtMaVas" aa n i all iihar risaalllra tisn mr-ptinc thm follow la . railOBllno antc-d. Mai. r-ttuatl'to. UBaird, r "mala tr K-rnC. k"onu. prtvai FacnlllTa. ff ommm and tiosmrd. krl-vta f amill-. ke-f.aji: lUotni. prlvai amliW 1 hi raf mm flier ata rln mntiiiiMi fta Y mt a Ib ii tnaerrt.oa. spaA-a ! f b -cw la-dar clamaa la Bvtjrrd b otrtMiUt al 14 Ha ie Cba A rrHrH will H rrvea fr all l4-t adaA- BjTvnUiBi. Th Ortxtalva tll mm naclfrtakt- rorrft t rrrora or rWu4 aaaarr ltnlra lhl rmtxH la rrtumrd TO 0(TT-OF.TfrWy PTKO THa Of. trnnlan will rrelva rp by mall, prvvidod uill litt remit are fr a da-ttnlta iiln 1 Of Wira la tw-Bt ArkDMtpdKrnB( . rfmliur tatU b forardHl orompiljr. . rharra IU S fir t oa ib,a rtrMl tinea apparttrict; In lha pauer. re niunorr or wards la cactt llaa. lo offV adiirfM ! rtulrwaV M-a resnlar form a-len. and rovnt thta mm part f tha ad. Aaawer ta tdrrilRMu arUI ! forwarded 10 pal root, prrovl4jxl lf.ad--dra-id laqiped ea.eloaea ara f urnlalxafsd. OREGON HUMANE SOQETY PREIIENT. Mala Sod. HCHAIABV. Mala tS. MI MANE OIHCIIt. Eaat 47T. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500. acre stock ranch. II per acre all fenced, all tiilah'.e. euh.tar.tlal Improve ments. In Ioue-ias l our.lv; or will as chanse for Portland property or close in acreaae rtavlng difference. JTKVOI ak l)tKHIG. Pheee Mala 43. 344) atark Bt. 212 and 5 ACRE TRACTS All cleared ar.d curtlvateS. eloea In. en Farr Road. !- per acre, one-tblrd caao. ta.anca to u.t Mt RrHT a r 4 swell. s-e tark at. W TODAY. OPENING SALE Greswell Fruit Orcfiards Yon can't bay a fuIIy-doTei-open froit orchard in good con 'dition for lesa than 11000 per acre. Hero' yonr chanca to fit on for SiOO per acre. One fonrth dovTt, balance fin equal annnal paymenta, beaxlaf 6 per cent interest. TUESDAY JUNE 1ST the ale of our threo, Tire, trn and tmentj-arre orrftard trmrta will borrin. C'rrswcll it Wated on the main line of the Southern Pa cific Kailway, 13." miles south of Portland and 12 miles south of Kucene. Soil is well drained, free from underlaid hardpan and very fer tile. Just richt for apple, cher ries, pear, prune, walnut and berries of all kinds. We will plant orrhartls with auch fruit as you may desire, and care for them for five years under fhe direct stiperx ision of Hon. W. K. Xewell, President of Oregon State Hoard of Hor ticulture. There is not a more practical or successful horticul turist in the Northwest than Mr. Newell. A pleasure to show you the land. Buy now, before the choicest farms are taken. A.C.BohrnstecIt Company 212 Alder Street, Portland. Phone Main 1274. ACREAGE 1 acres, near PortUnd: excellent plattlna proposition: 18. r. stations an the land, and only one mile from Salem Kieetrlc. Tualatin station. Moat alt un der cultivation, a or 1 acres of bearer. dam; acres of strawberries and pota oea. This Is an exceptional buy at I1IS per acre. Wells, creek, etc. Every Inch of this land can be cultivated. CHAPIN&HERLOW ! Chamber of Commerce. Irvington Bungalow 5 room., new, modern, hardwood floors, paved street, lot 50x100. H. P. Palmer -Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club B;dg Great Investment 11 lots, comfortable house, Portland Heights. It will pay you to look into tlus. In a short time you can double your money. ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade Bldjr. NOB HILL HOME Terms. IJ.O0 down. per month. F:ls;rt rooms; solid stone foundation every modern convenience. The moat select rielnhSorhood. riOM.ITV TH I ST 0MSSST (Owner I iMtl iVaard ml Trade Hlaa. l none Main 447. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At rwrreat Rates. Batldtaa 1 mi, laetallaaeat 1 aaea VVm. MacMaster Q3 erewasr Black. FOR SALE A beautiful home with every modern convenience, renter hlch.rlaas proper ties. No. IJ Kaat Twe.lth. North; eaay a:k!i:s; dlstai.te. a bio. k from car. I'ri. e and terms rtrlit. Must be sold at once. ree it. then ee ti. Jl'h ek DKHti. 24 Merit at. fEOsM.li nun. 14:! ImncHM k Ut ffir(ir Klds 'aoaaa, Sla.a aeil. eV 4 La. tW TODAT. THE HOUSE COZY A beautiful -room home en ta rr. S o c ' . , r r 1 lice et ibBk. . . .... - - . 1 e:nt , .Is. Ktl;i, plenty of trees 1 and shrubbery fl.ete water and aetser i 'ifii. I'urchae.r can aeil o.'f lour PRICE SGOOO CHAPIN&HERLOW 3S Ohamter of V omnifrca. Business Lots On Bandy rt-a 1 Are Very Fear. We Hare Kereral Thai Are IToflt Makera. HRMKMRKM t!jat this la a re stricted district. an4 rhn these are sold there still be do mote ksaUcaa lots for sale. Portland Trust Company of Oregon . K. ( ar. Talr Oak Sla. STATE IHRIOITED LAND' FILE TODAY a a ee ISS sue tree. LAND OFFICE Welle-1 arse II Ida. EAST PORTLAND loee in wholeaala diet net, with southern I'arific trafcase. a No 1 Investment. I'rlce at.d terma on In quiry. et aaTii :n itiwTiinMr. . New Bt.mntn I, n . , . . . , . owner. (.TOTd eurrcindincta. I'rtca :4'i. Terma with eufMci.nt cash pay ment. Bal FUtata In-partment. MERCHANTS SAVINGS Sc TRUST COMPANY ti' Waahlna-ton street. $35 "e Heat or Sale f mnn Meldlev ,. JUUU days .... in tinted, in beet of rondltlonl X block frot.i Hroadway ear. J blcba from school, half hour's a. w I'hatnber of omm. rce. Would accept 11 purvnaae. r-al- ance to h paid mor.t h.Jr. r-ce owner 1 rourin el. For Sale by Owner nrsr-rlaea home, a ith every modern vnvnen.e. rertraj. ht'iKlan pmi-ertv comer. West fid", save c.r f.,. .i bnde trv.u-e ynr trice and Mrtku lrs are OWN Kit. 41 tio.i l at a 1 ki: sTstcarr 4IUITI, L-ola lui.g, Inc.udlaa Imrov amenta. ISer c a t ask, Hal. a Mf a 1 . See Sf t.M (4 IHKN. tss-a c erwi 1 sm,. rhocea-M Ikii. A UAL r-STATK Ilt-ALXBUl. T A braham. aoft AMestea b:4 slate SUA Ar3r.es. . V. dl v'a. M. AetA l 1USU.14 bS faker. A'Ttwd A. tit Ab-setee !. IteM-a. Ski..;e U. 01 J -t::.fl, b.s ilrrelL A II r, slrKar t.la Steal aetata, la. jrmn . e. art(.ft, luaea. etc. Rrabaker 4. lleaei.ct. 103 UvKas bis M. aa Chapls Heriow til frie.btr Cemsaeexa Ceok. B. .. 4 Ce. SOI corbett bds Field a. C. at. Ca. Iloerd of Trade bids, Jeaatacs Ca. ktaia ISA ao Oraseatasv Lee. IC K. reeaa 4 1 1 Corbett bide. Parrtah. 'Wsiklas A Co. t4 Aider at. Rlcardaoo. A. It . SSI Oetm. Club b:c achatk. Gee. r XA4 Clark st Matn or A tSt Starke. J. p. a Co. IT2 Stalk St. The Oresn Reel Ketate fM, Grand tn aad alsllaomah at. tlielladar Addlliea. Wa"ftel. WT O. 3S Umtr Rlc4Sf4 bids Waiter, a. T. SC Cer. tt Md Wlitte. Tt w. S-T v, W . h ' f . . et " rOB SA1J5 UAL KSTATE. Rnt-F-Ffl r r aala ta all raru a.' tba eHr: a -rea.se casse In ax4 f.rriia la "ree .sa aad tVie.:rct.'t; ITioeie A 41 K Ir.rer SV.eat prr il-J.ts t-utrber I.s-r.e b:is l"OR f ALR ea easy te-ms: l-twa cottsse and lerse lt.. "O ra.r.. ta.a.'vre 111 per mor.-h T. r I'of.er. Arleta. tf . lit. e.-ott car, ma. at.'I'r.JtV le-eeea berea. 'c vision M bines f rem iut-e-. ave P-u.t. fi.evt wti se cure. 4-aaer. I'bona It .l. N IJa, tvtte sua. OH EAT eacriace. mvt ee-1 at eece. a lota ene b ek f cm It . e t V - ree ave la ejulre at X." s ri aatwastoa. iree4ea bids, room IT. Ma:a 51-1 rRAiTIONJL iet ee, trim eve. aear A! beta s . eae tree l!vt, a'l er ria.f cask t'alvee. &ZX . bamber . I'naae.i rt 'R S A Lit br career, bun.-siner la Irvinstae S14 E. JOt b St N le liiawanH Ca:l aad ave tv OUNr.lt atet se-t at eace vr 1 le aew 4 resMsi Sca. 1'w4 r. saia- Ca.l roe v l-e le er becsa.aa bias let en :! Helmca. bear I ttn rt.br eaaer. fc 1. ba.m.a roR ae'th'rj ta Par" srd real eatste see ce?umb.a Tjel Ca . J vard of Tiala bids TH r: beat b-ee re l41 I A44itlca t.boe; TxfftAJrr jnnrroJf .arena. 1 a. ap saal liii. r'Sl UU WEAL t-STATr- ir roc w-XNT TO MAKE JIOVtT MtKK It TOl R CITORTX NITT. K - tSaV e-SXt ' 1 r m tht 1 r-c- in th e v. mil tSe 1 fl c - t " h in a T t I t. Ht I 41 rrs-c-TV. Kl4b rt.wA t a ( 9-rm t cr..f as . , ,n.b. r. re . . ff a : see -ei e- 1. 1 I .f --i "va-t its l 1 mr, ? 4t".; ia if- s-.-t Hv.t. '! f,4 aa, T- C lf ear la J-OWb . -.. k :t - ) t -rt W J 1 4P .4P " 4 fr4sj . , - rrstt -.?', - f 4r . -.v ii fir 44 f l r u 4 riwr .t ik li 1 Z mt. mt4 , 11 Tin. rr.m.n Trr-. r - t-. , Cwt-1 - 4- "fas.. r.t-t. ( sarttt ) . or, - . B m.-.W- j I -s fs eaar 1-. 4 . f I't4 l r f of r sf a ) 3 " . il Id m.f r -pdi - -!'- . t 1 1 h --r-fsl fcM h4f. ,.r-ri. s J . llt.. v 4 .I... !4 f 1 - t-r. '-ruftAl tla-m 9tef raff sfa ' I n KX. MnQtaTI CRVPIl a '. 1 r Sr I c-r : ct r 1 1t Mfh.i let l UMl.. 4T fc J1 tMs4 u r rla f fr e f cmt i Rvun a rtnnntv.n -. W- 11 -;. v4v4 - l t .. f.y ;. ,.,r ,tw in J"- -"' i r f ' Mabi .)4 in4 -r ri - ' It, .ril ir - If yr-XA k r . .t li "t ; 4 t- mri m .-tj i : ' f - r. I ' 1 P If a. C t at Ul tl" n 't'-sjbr rw 1.1 -r r-i w$-ti j. , W, U oam.in Inc.. IV 'VTHV1I t A A 1 0 It ' v K -v A M 'Nlll n I lark. it of ih ivTinrrj-Mai ,rk in M.-nitui'ii ,H;i'i i I h T r.-srxj r-.-u in m J r-rtri 1 t . rarnl. v'pnl I 'i.il, fo:: 4- l"-t tan rlrfitit ttspsa-. 4lvo, uo u tta ast.t & m- ttlH tf ru tj.tn minif m 1M1U 'V r- iv.ia -juirlfc. fr It a nm A N J-'- r . Tm ar.4 Viu iM V (tr M r rLvrR jo.vrs co HE l. J.MATK ANO iH: i n til n a n k. KTW KAI.AN l A'.KVCT. tlS IVM-Itiu 1L CLI II lii.Oa .AIX 4t. A. tial. Tin nrnr or ikvinito?,. BhxztwS rPtT i tiT.o.s. l.OTt JPa'.OO txt.i"Di i iui ifnrvrm WONTULT roi.l ETT li.Ll0 THCSK UAIS TfviX A ftTtet. :VvW in VI NO TO X HOMt tm rv.ra h rrr4a. nriUf,!n ari. jmi rv--r RAPT V AtV rT HM "r-" fn T-room hrviw4. i-.h full n eU o ( . t4ar 7- I. Iiaa watr V-at(a plant. c mm t o.s- tni. 4v ra- a ft- t..m $:-a " h t I nr tlie iti' f . f-ar moaLltw " Hul'-ai If a-it a all -;rft a t-r. SIT ft-r4 of ?r4o . 4tk tr4 0k. VI"t'T TAJmM I-rwi n tv.t. re ii-t.iti it, 4 wirriitii.l. e-n sr at 4r. fTrU r v ra-rds, taaft retr ml a.Jraa'ki a r-ur. 4 ms, lsA4tsfBani. aiiria- ; t -. i ae 4 n, t-.-waa m MtxjM ?at-nr r. lor f r pai.vfr jox-r r-. - rriT aMI-lt H.MR 0irf'r Jr At off o r-rkina, n mmli at Mffiflr naw ",. r--rr. o4 aar-fv. . l r ha. W!!:rtipf1p rar. Jkt :..'. ar t r tn n. s1 J"---. ali trt f-.t. 4.a.l lm r I 1 fr fbaniara.ar r AT MTU T Tta far thai I a offtrtvu r1rffa w-t m t-er.4 ihap tha b:vhi mm ! at 4 hsn.'.r rxaat th buy tM ilia Br a4r4i at - O . it r. 1 iwih ji'nks ot".irT. Si? ?I t ommamai ub 11. tva inviv-ut'N tMMR teta !-.. fa:h a4rit-.a a.. ae, rvxt to4 mm mmm imw rra , a" "-n a r ' r II 1 l j h-j.'n 1 omiat, C 1 S 1 . o art :al (".ak ft - .. -..: TT l-AKK. T fm tha car. a!l tv,t.f fnaaia rall- f Ora 4 u a Mar .ka 11 r. TAl.xrn jovkh rovrTt t iui vimov rno'HiTtoN " lt .4ft l-is-ar IfM lttwL 1 ChPapaw bar ai P yt V a&4 C".a t tsar 1 a-trt tr.tTVw TltK r-ss!Pat rtssr.T bf fct ; t ava- 'W ai . . bb t-. mt 1'tw-r rr.or.1 err.tr VSa. r -" ai-4 '4af. r .y ; 4 W W lASk IZXO V.i::iami A a. 4 S f t J eaa tt L catetiavsat Ji-K HAl.lt or Ira 4 a, 1 raxm bM a'l modwr tv. naif M -fc rmm -a :ir ta m -n-lai..a. I ra -4r motti, bate! aedbv So sa-orth of t.e f uf. .ttira at a -- fact m w.ii I tr OT U. Ir.f l-J2 " TV CtaU TtPTTTaWsa Itaaaka 4W- si- bsaa a 111 ! Ca l-r l-b mrm In proM a2 ttt t- v5aM. Na u-atarai Kdaaaiy A T rvM C . a-a- lralo 41 lHVIV iT V-tOL4AAT ! Ml - a kavw aaa.rai ivrr, astar Komat fc.rh ea ivria ra oncr.-: iM tn ! ; r tM.a ? I ara 1 1. a. a mho iwrs a'! at 4 iff lf-uma 4 l-i:lir iv. t; Ab.MLn Kts X K V 1IT"S Ift t..UA 1 AX 1H .V fj Wa Ka"-a - taar Hr--4r afei'-ti o-r-tt ara to Ml-. c Wtlic.tw. a ' sr lsnrit a": ar. 4 lia:J- m La strop t:$ AMrtt b: r 3t CaU. fe: antra motihir. tip-to-data fc'Jt-ft.oa ft rvma. batn. ba!L U baao- loranon I b ra-fc d rar Oa nrr. 1120 iLaai ormaL boa Tal IWVINOTO.V d hart a Bumbdr nf chsibiro qttAJnrb la Xfy inf ioa at 1 ra- t . . pr jc- It IV rAlJUKH J.'VTS 0 M TAN T, S 1 J - S 1 1 I'ammortrta. Club Hide Kon hAteE a taram. bow ft-rm baa. rarnaet U mtm. balhrrvorr, rl-t -iy ituxltfa AA.i bp on bar. bont Wo4. r'H Al.r. icoitrto cor Kaat h ; aroa.il huao. krar t'llalnn, 41VW, 444 rv. fl ..r tiPth w-ar mas htniih, m .th v North . a fhoaa rOR KAl-K fm fi!r, aaar tar ma ;Vrmrr lol, I tn 1 a t 00" rid a cianor 4 ra.tcbB b:.t n N IC a V b-t lino. A4 ja--tit l-afidia. 'i 4 Z'O a.4oj at. ra,m l I a n Ainiarvth, r.aar I'a't an a-. " rt. must a.i quia-A, W. V Vmjnm. l.ltf VW ...lama a. AAt.K by i,r, rai r fm-a f it wmr a a a. M MtV-ar4a. K 1 a. m -5ota f A-a. a tr ma T 12, m)aa Mt T aa --'".-a fftaaa br Maad.taa 111 ta rtaotfanoojc. N "V m4 arn b rw -s. h oa - aa a tla. I or I lota. r-rser At r4 nr bao s fa AA tflaa. t rm "aa, ( ts- -. M uj . aiaof, OK ULa-ktU UTIIL I" WANT T M K J.JT V Y. K lx" W ''it ; I ted u sr : in r T A Y 4 Iht v ia tan t TV 11 t V At VI T M 4,. a -1 ? f re- - ! I -t. a t- j.r; r" of J- fta - a . ... if --v 4 , t ; '.ca SrW 4 1 r - 14 rt f at - .- , ' . Hi, fc.- n..fh 1 or h a a a. 1 li 1M. VTTU t C tr l.t.tt.ir 4 at a 4I4V. ij a4 .a:a Ml A a-j rT is Vi sx-v- . ' " " ll Sine S abe-sa 4;b, . a-i I -a - t"- r ' ' r-- t I m' t a.-. : f : t.- 1 ,.r-k r- fi S : .-- , ' .' 1-1 a A 1 xs,.,,., v-r avi. . e a t s..4 ,a . :i hata A Mr' !." T1.1 T I -1 fa. r IkiWV, . !H ar 4 1 ! ! 1 ' f r r ' na. .a - f T'," ta-rt a f-.. trirti frtt. 2oi.l 4 b- r- a,,"i4 r 4 . i , n h a . i a t a 1 .k a:i v, ---. a a k a . .) 1 .air t M , . . . C b ta a r. ... I . 1 : " . r .t. 1 a-asta it . "ai.l H A1M.i.n. ,r.Al.TT 0 . or Jr.1; ar.td li a a : hot na a a. T a tbor i 4. 't T f fa r.4-p and mo c T -I -v.tr. 4 a.tt. 4r, ran?.41 a;a r a a-l!i t-r ri trt laa1 n I T-r. i at ; 1. fu:. .Ytirrt . iftia-nt. aurtlrj ia fc anj -t.. : . I I--vJ f -r ((.'M'f . r r a r !!. ' . . ; f- t-i. Ki i . r-t.m h...a K . Iv...t p-nia a c I'tt.rf b.. m- . ,T1 '""nl r( ., Lnfti ..! a:; at a . - r.r-4v. ta,4 t t um.prii at- m mi t:i 41W Car ft Nlra 4" JI tUMln it. (rU"a t -rn - "fu ::n. t Mt 1a...-t. n Atar-rT rr..r. M lira r.d bu aurt v i( U.t.ttx, kwat Oid IAVJVM It tNVtvTVrVTCO, Wa tava a f:!t HUJa bn-rra Jtiat rr n- r:aTd four b:.( aa frcm tha fn::h, h I r.oma. ftpr.., bm.i-.n b..r.k aara, TN Tr" I - ' Pitt IrtTKI It IV IHJ.V t-li- Ji N Ki t M I N T. IW-IIA v. oirt mat : .ai flub H TH ANI MIU. bT H.lK A tnm t m . ..a- fuTr.a.f- ar4 fi-- rl-- Plr la r a.jT.a. jn r.r a n 4 f.n m lar tiilfiutva a k 3 " " 1. 1 fs . .5 - tri.l-aji haiia u at f . vv (ai)l t.- ira or. t'.J-a at iT rr, 1.1' -Kl . , . IT far4 t.j Trad I ail ar4 Oak Mtssm bwMa.- ta .ha taaw srt rf lr-:riot; wt)h t- UrurT up la di-t; r! Oiao: a, I aj nacie, fc,i.aer 4. aic . fa-a p( it lv i u.wrn J n tu rvwrAXT, 5 1 1 I i I . -t. m i-a J i-.ub I.a.. 4.3 Ai'RKJl f 7 reft ttttrr or ffnrlai a t.a a.ua of tha a r'ff't tpitx-Ia' car ina, rurnnj ;.r S a to c!a 4 ut t.as Am A i Ptw.l i t ran ta ba tr o4 urlioa J 4 TIN Itlnvipf a b fm tha r.-a a m -an ai.ra a.i tui t ln.i r1 .a:h- u l I air.-rJ. in t fao luTTw4a a ; j':4jr a r.ta ..- or ih - : . 1 s . (k r Tfa ti.ttls irtia aa 1 sa t .r-t 1 1 1 ?ani;. houa at rr. a i r 1 ouaa N a AI'AKTMfM II. t f. pTK Cort-s-r 1st. : r tha . hMi ,r. Vbr : b ar-4 utitar.a ata. 1 a a t-. ra iHtatv r.fM I.a ar. ml i Aaima. U A La. A Via l-.-KHb ! bt-rftd m N T 1 k jo- a ai4 efvea san ai4 f!ri4-r au'.rul rtir rrtfiiii Kfaa a: -. :!it:jot. If u, ( , I N - b ITTTl a-hrv, .1 4 I rt...r A - a, Itm, C. Mlt.b 4 At r r.aoa at a HVlt.T'. HT I v baia tm a. mn '"h oa ars a utim ; er . . a . aK fct'trit a : A talf pir J.ia At ltM iat-a (fssT V J", rrT , -.Mar. :'f- Tsr"-'h At4 Itla tt s-. ta Irt-tt..-. iaT-4 at.'pfl , fra Ja cf f.tsr '4 a l.a'sati at I i 1 A (itp- iiit far t, 'kr.a a va a ia - aaf to No a J J, VWTI.ANI li 7 a, tvtl 1 V l f.r.f cr 4 Mitir a a: , at, 4 . - rr . t : .1 T . a. t r.? tj-Uc r 4 i a . N:. aaj la.i. A TrwM C . AiC w aakw. lla t'j T lis ruts.Mt -4-r r r-J-m1f f rn i:T a d r-.t, aa. t a t'a ra-:.na. r a r.4 - -a i 5 1 a f '-a - l rar a t-.m tt..:;Ar l-i.aAa. :i ar. J Mvr.oraM 9im rt'U f. UK oAar. )-.- a4a taTA. fe.l fadB , a a -a at . ntar i a - fti -.'.adT. r-r rr. e-r t a'-b. Ji 1a-lj .a 4 J ta a'-a AdUtta 1' 5 AI'AHTMI I II.H MC HIT -K TAa 'a Mtitii chv-lft 4.B4 owari:A M tba W ao - t. a II IV I' l.tt KM JON Ttjt OtirANT, SIS SIS lotntnarv ai Club li.lc CI"WVNT a:4oa ha a4 ba.on4dnta t.-u a-4 kit.- '--no. t-'e-H.aa. ,. at " . a t "( -. n- tpp j a. Va.n Hi KMV a IMNTM.r Z'.h l-djrr tfiafi a I. . Hr ; t. ar .1 aA, A FINK 41 rantn W rvtaa-. ora 4il (' rr.4 , .... a. d lier i t ta .sa T 3. text 7v. aauMra ,t a., rhaa. flno a! t. ..; bt :... 1. r in ir-a n:an b W It It a- 4 i.a a r'U l-vl.n 5 lta tia1rt -ai 4tb iaar Uoon.u -hMp. du a, ". fa-rr m -va -v. A T- "t . r 'f al 4tn ar.d l4. tbrirtt bona Jl 1 2 . a I-'T. t M;--its, ca rar T rOr.rH bt-bUfba i a. a .4T-,-tr jv :-.. fta.i baa. man l aa-, t -r-m 'j.-ftat laa. FOfH row fatal. N TVaat-lrrton at ; oap 'line anOa. V r-at M.la. nrarr.a n -j fdT rr.. w nar AN liZ. ttanDiaa Fast lu wnsiuf. ani a :t li. fotr.fr i';f. f .r II IV rAl.MbH-JoNK.fi ( iIPaT ? I T -1 . 1 I L.tnmprrlii C!u.b ;U( LsOT .V-aaTV tar-n!. f T 'r: fu f I fv-w -i . r.b at 4 TN n.ir I V... , 1 fT a rbtM TaXxir 451. It -1 K H AIK In Irr.rn r-t tnv1am hrua rar rrticr f 'it i.ottum. J N'oat?.; r.a4.ar car. OV le.U ' '" o ! i aa t-wra-w ta tr Aa-mcKitf.-m: feeaj- fi:rav.t of . a r ra u4 aa C4w.a.lean A Ablna-ies b-l. f-n Ihr rt-ifcat. ferar Ml --1 car. t-,ti a h, ts-fi.a- Ti r I ara a '"ti no oa tir. $:ort run. :. ftn'r". rwr- I t'.t jIH liiat! rr1. A . nOi3-f a, a .4a 1 r. f t. :l rW r- --T p ia--.r. t.h ITTCKt. UliM to li STn. rar Ha:h, rr A-Fham S"ro r m. mt i .ft , l ha nrl II ai ft. -A, Vpr-r-n at f- - t ' tar p-a -1 Man 1 V r U a a ah. b a A ..: i . - .ri W r "a f r-TT,. I-., -d 1 ba f va v t .fi fit arrr f.i 4-. 1. C.r ata-BA