(ram ft VOL. XXIX.- 0. 15,134. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 31, HX)t. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WIND BLOWS 32 TO DEATH; 50 HURT Tornado Ruins Town of Zephyr, Tex. LAURIER WANTS TO T ZEPPELIN MARY ADELE CASE ADMITS BETROTHAL INADEAU'S ACTION 1 nininrn nnmw ONLY KIMONO LEFT BRIDE0F FILIPINO CAR COMPANY TO RETIRE, BUT CAN'T BREAKS RECORDS SPEND S2.S00.000 rHulMLd unAUI LIBERALS DESIRE HIM TO LIVE ON FIRMS ENGAGEMENT IN PARENTS nrilN WARDROBE TO AND LEAD. LETT EH TO MOTHER, PREVENT EI-OPEMENT. OUN FIRE STARTS, BURNS BLOCK Brownwood Hurries Relief Train to Scene. CELLARS SAVE HUNDREDS Horrible View of Desolation Meets Doctors and niw Hillsides Covered With Debris and Mangled Bodies of Victims. VICIWJ OF TWO DATW STORM. Iead. Injured At Zephvr. Texas AO $2-o.i. Key West. Okl. . lO X4 loo.ooo Iwpew. Okla..... 7 12 .vmnwi Lanxdrn. N D . 4 20 no. 000 Caeaeltnn. N. I. . 3 10 20,K Scwtrliii ft 11 73,000 BROWNWOOD, Tex.. May JO. A tor nado of great fray struck the. little vll lags of Zephyr, in the eastern portion of Brown County, at 1 o'clock tnls mom lng and left a path of death and de struction seldom paralleled. The death list bss reached a total of 22. and the number of seriously or fatally Injured will reach 60. Partial List of Dead. partial list of the dead Is as follows: T. T. Cabler, County Attorney of Brown County, and wife .and two children. Mrs. Artie Hart. ST years old. and son Robert. years, of Zenhyr. Miss Gertrude Huston, 26, Zephyr. GIbbs CJoyce. 2 years, son of Professor Cloyce. Oscar Ware. 82 years, and two sons. Harry and Frank. Miss Jessie Wre15 Zephyr. W. O. 61 mm cms and wife. Zephyr, and two children. Bertie. 2; West. 12. Ben Brown and wife. Zephyr. Alma Ramsay and son, Ollie. 12. Zephyr. C. M. Carter. 40. and wife, 36: s son. 12. and 2-year-old Infant. Zephyr. Captain Collins. 30. Zephyr. Ruby Campbell. 2 years. Zephyr, and Rodney Campbell, infant child. Zephyr. The storm formed a half-mile south west of Zephyr and swept down upon the villas, cutting a wide swath directly through the resldencs and business dis tricts. Nearly 60 houses were demol ished. Lightning started a Ore which de stroyed one entire business block. No effort was made to fight the Ore. as the care of the dead and Injured de manded the attention of everyone. A section employe rode s handcar to Brownwood and spread the alarm. In two hours the Santa Fe Railroad was speeding a special train to the scene of the storm with nine surgeons and s score of Brownwood citizens. Storm Cellars Save Hundreds. Hundreds of persons directly In the storm's path saved themselves by taking refuge In storm cellars. More than 12 bodies were terribly maimed. County Clerk Thad Cabler and wife and two children, who had gone to Zephyr to spend the night, were killed. The big stone school building snd two churches were demolished. Brownwood hurried her second relief train at 12 o'clock today, laden with pro visions, clothing and necessary articles and carrying 40 nurses. Three persons are still unaccounted for tonight. Children Blown Two Miles Two children were found dead late today two miles from town, having been blown that distance. A special train will leave Zephyr tonight for Temple, carrying the more seriously Injured to s hospital. The storm swept the earth for a distance of probably leas than s mile. Burgeons from Brownwood found a desert scene awaiting them. The hill sides at ZeDhyr. were covered with de bris of all kinds, carcasses of animals and human bodies. The ruins wers dimly lighted by the burning buildings, and the cries of the Injured rose above the roar of the elements, which threat ened a second storm. A hog roaming through the streets was killed while attempting to devour the body of an Infant- Bodies were found twisted about trees and In every conceivable attitude. Residents walked the street. almost nsked. Houses which had escaped the storm were turned Into hospitals. One house col lapsed on a family of nine without seri ous injury to any of the occupants. Brownwood. which organized the re lief work, has the situation well In hand. OKLAHOMA STORM NOT FATAL No Lives Lost, but 1 2 Injured at Key Went. OKLAHOMA CITY, Ckla.. My 20 Later reports from the stcrm-strlrken district near Key West. Okla.. toniajht are to the effect that no lives sere lost, though the number of Injured is shout li Charles Branan. poatma.fr at Depew. Makes Known Wish to Leave Pub lic Life, bat Party Brings Strong Pressure Against More. OTTAWA, May 10. (Special.) It la learned that a few days previous to the prorogation of the Dominion Par liament. Sir Wilfrid Laurler Intimated to his colleagues In the Cabinet hl dealre to retire from political life. It la thought he la growing- weary of it 4 bit num. Lasner, se viiiti 4 , Retire, bat C..M Uses sea 4 of Party Prmsn. 4 4 4... ............... .......4 political strife on account of advanc ing years. The health of both Lady Laurler and himself la also not so ro bust of late. It Is said. However, thi leaders of the Liberal party so strong ly deprecated such a step on the part of the Prime Minister at this juncture and the great danger to which the party's Interests might be exposed by It, that ' he Is said to bare abandoned the idea for the present. It Is not at all likely now ho will retire Into private life until he has once more led his party to victory at the next renersl election In 112. The Conservatives are waiting for that day as they concede that nothing short of a political cataclysm could possibly overturn the Laurler administration while the Premier lives snd leads. THIRTY PEOPLE RESCUED Launch Sklddoo Saved by L)fcsTlng Power Boat. PORT TOWNS END, May 20. The large launch Sklddoo. with 20 people drifting helpless In the Pacific Ocean because of the breaking down of her engines, was rescued today by the life saving power-boat Audacious, stationed near Cape Flattery, snd towed to Neab Bay. The Sklddoo la a flab-buying boat owned In Anacortsa. which cruises near the entrance of the Straits of Fuc. Today she was out with an excursion party of Anacortes people, became dla abied and would have gone down with ail on board but for the Audacious. EX-CORN KING IS MINER George II. Phillips Says He Is Done With Grain Fit. BAKTTR CITT. Or.. Msy . Special.) Excellent showing of mineral In his Baker County mines has caused Georg H. Phillips, once the center of attrgr tlon throughout the Nation as a "corn king" when he cornered the Chicago market, to place more money In develop ment work. He Is spending s few day in the Oranits Mountains west of Baker City, where be has three mining prop erties. When asked If bs ever expected to enter the pit again Mr. Phillips said "No. 1 am done. I would much rather pin my faith and fortune to Baker County mines than to play the grain market.' ONIONS PROLONG LIFE? Mrs. Barns. "W ho Said She Saw Washington. Deed at III. Bl-LLEPOXTAINE. O.. May 20. Mrs. Rebecca Bums, who asserted that whe a child she saw George Washington, died here at the age of 111. She attributed her longevity to eating onions twice e day. PORTRAIT Or COUNT ZEPPELIN AKT TWO CLOSE-RANGE VIEWS OF HIS NEW AIRSHIP, WITH t 4 ' v " ! 1 w-e' j . f J r- . . j " " . i ' 7 ' ' C ' m ' '- "-e t-m- e- 1 1,1 11 ',' i" i .... i. ' i.issi 1 " , " ' , 1 siaii.ii ' " "" ' ' Airship Remains in Air Over 22 Hours. 456 MILES WITHOUT LANDING Royalty Gathers at Berlin, but City Not Reached. COUNT HIMSELF AT HELM mart l nil rr Favorable Conditions Front Frlrdrk-hshafrn Noise of Beating Propellers Awakens Folk and Crowds Cheer. H1-.RI.IN-. May 20. Count Zeppelin. whose remarkable performsnres In hit first airship brought unbounded honor to the Inventor, accomplished todav the most striking fest In his career. 11 guided his Zeppelin i II from Frledrichshafen to Hllterfeldt. a dls tsnce of more thsn 4t miles, without landing. The iourn.r 1.11M n-. .1 hours, and. so far as known tonlsht "PP'i'o is still la the air on bis return Journer to Fried rirh.h.r.. He has already beaten all records for dirigible balloons, with the opportunity ot greatly Improving the pereformsncs. 11 we announced that the Count would come to Berlin and land at tbe Tempelhof parade ground. Hundreds of thousands gathered thers this after noon. Royalty Ready to Greet Ship. 1 ns r.mprror and Empress, several of the Princes snd the leading officials and officers were present. Toward even ing searchlights wers set si work la anticipation of the approach of the air ship. Soldiers kept an enormous spar ciear until half-past 10 at night, when dispatch from Bllterfeldt announced that the airship wss returning to the starting place at Frledrlchahsfen wl.lrh caused Intense disappointment. Count Zeppelin, who personally was charge of the airship, and whose hand was at the tiller during ths greater part of the journey, had not allowed a word to be mads public rela u. 10 nis intention to undertake an endurance trip. It wss. however, com mon Knowledge that he purposed to seise ths first favorable opportunity to proceed to Berlin- In Ms newest craft, the Zeppelin II. which was re built to replace ths one destroyed near r-ch teratogen. Voyage Begins Favorably. The voyage waa begun ander favor ble conditions. There were a lowering sky. rain clouds and a strong side wind, when the ship left ths floating hall snortly after o clock last night. The airship ascended directly for a few hundred feet. and. passing over th town of Frledrichshafen. proceeded northward. Early In ths morning ths people e Trouchtllngen. a smell place la Cso tral Havana, wers swakensd by th noise of the propellers of the craft. which waa passing slowly. This waa the first time the Count had journeyed over Bavaria snd hla srrlvsl sa bou snd a half later at Nuremberg caused th grestest surprls to thousands o pleasure-seekers, who were preparing for th holiday excursions. Maneuvers Over Xarrtnberf . The ship maneuvered over th rlt and then s csrd wss thrown overboard stating that a greater amount of wate and benzine had been used than wa expected, and that the craft would de acend to the surface of Lak Dutaen telrb to replenish th water supply. This, however, was not carried 00 Count Zeppelin continued hla cruls onward without Interruption la s dl rrct line toward Berlin, passing ovei several towns st s low altitude until he reached the frontier of Saxony. Instead of landing at Leipsle. th Count put his craft through a series of maneuvers for 20 minutes, romln at times comparatively rloe to th tops or buildings. It then went on. lOwicIidH ,a fas I Merely Anno.nm Betrothal to Toang Clans Npreckels, bat Does Not Net Date, for Wedding. ORHrjo.v CITT. Or.. May sa - Special Miss Mary Adele Case Is really engaged 1 o young Oaua Sprockets, far she an nounced the fact in a letter to her mother that was received hers today. The liter was written May It. Besides her mother. Miss Cass has a brother. Charles, and a sry Adels Csse. Vn rssrtress Mepset ef Her lUnnan.t ts z ni I lose Ssres,ele. L. sister. Miss Mlnnl Case, residing In Ore gon CHy. When I read th published report la th newspapers." said Mrs. Caee today. I did not bellev them, for only a few days ago I had received a letter front Mary that was written Msy 10. and ah Id nothing about the etursgetnrul to Mr. Spreckele. Mary baa frequently writ ten about Mr. Spreckele. mentioning bis nam In several of her Inters, but she bss always spoken of ban as on of her friends, and said to us that be paid her considerable attention because she Is American girl, and that b also paid soma sttentlon to other girls from the United Stalra. "Mary said nothing tr.or than that they were engaged. 1 do not think tbey es pet to be married right away, though I hav no Information on this point. Mary leaves Paris for horn June 4. snd will stop a day or two In Horaford. Ill . to visit my brother, flh will probably reach Oregon City about the middle of June. SAVES THREE FROM WATER Seattle Man Is Thrice a Hero Within Few V 8EATTLH Wash, May 20. (Special y For ths third time within a few years Julius C. Smith, of tut Nineteenth ave nue North, s collector for th Osus Drawing Association, has rescued peopi from drowning. Lsat Friday evenlnar. while Smith wss seated In the stern of a steamer at the Msdiaon Park dork, he heard cries for help. He jumped from the steamer to ths wharf and ran to the outer end of the dork. He saw an upturned boat snd three peopl struggling In tbs water. Smith with his clothes and even hla shoes on. lesped Into ths water, grabbed Mies Hstlle C Walker snd swsm to sbors with her. In th Summer of 17 Mr. Smith saved Sherman Moras from drowning In Lake Cnlon and In the Spring of lzs ha saved th life of Lincoln Pontius In ths Yukon River. BAILEY TO COURT FAVOR Will Itaa for Governor to Complete Vindication. At"FTI V. Tessa, Msy a. fSperisX) tnitsd States Bensur 3. W. ilaly wiQ os s candidate for Governor, according to tbs statements mads by hla chief luteal supporters snd persons! frtende la this stale. It la green out by them that Bailey has at last bitam convinced that ths publlo st large Is not satisfied with ths result of ths If1alislve vindication given htm two years ago snd that he baa determined to make another stand for th Indorsement of the Democratic rank and file In Trzaa by making th rsca fur est year Idaho All But Breaks With A.-Y.- P. CTfinn DCinVTfl DCTIIDU UPlllC U I U U U lli.HU I I U IlL I UUiUl U lit t Governor Now Regards Mc- Kinley Incident as Closed. WANTS STATES TO UNITE VUltlng Exerwtlve Wosld Has Ore. (on, Idaho and Washington Name CoBimlnlos on I'nlforan Railroad legislation. Rut far the recein of a tle-rara from i.eneral IMrectar I. A. Nadeau, aslistsc- lortly explaining t arrest and ejectment or A. D. MrKlnley. Idaho ChaimluloMr. rrom th Alaaka-Tskon-Psx-Inc Rxpoeltlea grounds, and another telegram from Mr. Mckinley saying that th matter had oeen properly adlusted. Oovernor J. H Brady of IdiiAo would hav turned bark 10 uoise rrorn PortUnd last night, his official staff and the entire run, .P sa members gotnat with him. I now look upon th matter as closed Incident." said Governor Brady at in Portland last night, "and w are go ing to Seattle to do all ws ran to malt ha opening of th eaposltion Approved of McKlnley'n Coarse, Two days sgo I telegraphed the J! rectors or Ihs Exposition that I mould attend th opening, and bring with me my official staff. I certainty would not hav gone there and found the Idaho Com. intsaloner under arrest. "I hav every confidence In Mr. MrKln. ley. and yesterday when be teUmtraaiied m of the trouble wired In reply that I oei.eed he was doing the right thing. I a1 sired General Itrvrtor Nadeau asking for an explanation of tbs affair. Informing hint that our pert r was to esvs for See it l wtthia two hours, snd thai I dealred an answer before one t pert ore. Nadrsa's. Reply Was rrorapt. 1 oid not e I pert -to reewlvs Mr. Na ssau's reply heroes lea Vina- Rn 11 waa then within two hours of train time. But It was too late to postpone our de parture sod I left word to have tbe tele- a" "am sent to m on board th train. Mr. Nadesu's reply, however, waa so pro root tast I received It before we left Mote. lt ssusfsctotily explained the situation snd I sellers thers will bs no mars trouble. v e nave spent thousands of dollars la making a showing at ths exposition, ths plan of the grounds having an Important part In tbs beauty of Idaho's building. w urns sgo wnen It waa proposed to put a 'deadman. or post In front of the Idaho building on which to attach a guy wtrs from th bis) (larpole In lbs exposi tion grounds, we protested, and ws do not Intend to bars the Idaho arauada dlangured If ws can help It. Officious Employee Blamed. "i"" ne trouble or yesterday wss wholly duo th offlctousnees of soms of ths under employee When I aeatt.s for the purpose of saslstlng tn bs selection of Ihs sits for ths Idaho building I met Mr. Nadesu and lbs d rectors and found I Nero pleasant snd courteous Tbey treated en royslly. I inins, however, ihst ths success of 'ha esnoatlton will b-a better insured If Ihs control of tbs grounds Is mors thoroughly eentraltsed In th general management.1 Speaking of other Northwest matte Oovermar Brsdy declared htmeeif la fsrar of Ihs Governors of Idaho. tmr snd v ssn.ngtoa con rem ng les-ether for ths purpess of securing ths adoption of unl form railroad laws. Talks of Railroad Ian. Tbs trsneportsiloa I asm a of ina Ihr Slates. aaiq uereraer ttrs4y. sr as closely silled that I stolen uniform rail rosd tsws would give settee and quicker relief In rats d:ffereoces then ws could bops to secure from th Int.r.eate Cora meres Ocenmtesion. We would then have s Itttla Interstsus tee.rlwae es ras X WHICH HE MADE RECORD BREAKING rXIOHT YESTERDAY. Society Girl Who Married Oriental Ilefaaes to Be Shaken la Alle giance to lis. band. CHU'AOo. M.y 2. otpectsl Mrs. l.eon Alsrken, until last Tuesday light hearted and happy elyn Hill, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. A. t. Hill, prominent In South Fide society, today tearfully met reporters, attired In a kimono. Her psr- enis hsvs burned sa her ether caching 4 : 4 4 : 4 4 4 J. II. Heady. er I a j taifh Hi start. letted rerllaaa 1 eelsrsey. 4.4 to prevent her run ulnar asar with her Filipino husband. Yesterday la court th mother of th tearful bride knocked Alerkeo down srier had re'ueed to surrender his bride. la reiallstloa bs rsught his angry moth er-in-law by the ankle and deftly tumbled her In a screaming, discomfited bean. Then he escaped, waving a m amass err. llflrste In his hsnd. snd snnounctng he would visit Ihe Hill home today snd Isk awsy bis bride. Consequently sll papers sent repreeenletlve to Ihs residence 10 witness Ihs latest movements In th In ternational romenrs. If Alsrken attempted to recapture hla bride. It was st long dlstsnos. for th bouse mas guarded closely and hi weepy bnds snnounced sns would net attempt ts run away wits notbitvg more than a k I me ns 10 wesr. Her parents claim Alsrkea bss hypnotised ber. The girt Is a does prisoner st lb bom of ber parents Msny of ber rl friends snd as ee the art a w bora sns rejected for Ihs Filipino celled on ber today st the sotlrltsUosj ot ber parents snd tried to shake ber Intentions, but Is no avail. REMOVAL TO BE OPPOSED Smith and Williams to Appear In I J be I Case. Tnesdsjr. INDIANAFOI.IR. May 24, Delsvsa Smith and Cbsrles K tt llllsma. owners of ths Indlanspolls News, charged with criminal I'be! In having published arti cles elleged ts bsv Intlmsted corrup tion la tbs purcbso of ths Panama Cs- nsl son by the t'nlted tistes Govern it. will appear before Judge Ander. In Ihs lolled bis tea Diet Met Court In this city nest Tuesday to oppose Ihs removal for trial ts tbs IHetrtct of Co lumbia- TEDDY ATTENDS CHURCH Dels) Departer From Nairobi Ite. caase Skins Not Heady. NAIR"VI. British East Africa. Msy XV EX -President Roosevelt st tended church here this morning snd la lbs sftemooa V ladled ths Csthollo Mission. Mr. Roosevelt delayed bis depsrture for Kijsbs. 44 ml.-e north of ber. until June 2, because msny of th skins sf animal a Sot by bis psrty nsvs not yet FLOWERS NOT JO BE SENT I'nl recall y of Washington to Abolish Gradaatlon Cm KATTI.B. Wash, May a- 4reclal k of Waah- Tbe faculty of lbs Cnlverelty Ins-ton tae aeked Ibsl flower bs sent is I ha of day ex.rr.eea tomorrow for tnetnbetm of Ihs graduating class, ss It has been de le abolleh tbe praetors. Josselyn Gives Out Budget for Year. BIG BLUFF ML BE CUT DOWN Great Carbarns and Shops to Go Up Near Oaks. NEW LINES ALSO PLANKED resident of Power Corporation Ala Anaoance on Unarm Proas Fast Early Work, on Casadero Power PlanU rvtarrMroxiixfi itrtMurrxrt tut roiritxp RAILS) tt. ut-Hf a mw it roriT. gfceds. fes4ry sad rersir npa Celling Sees Slug tno oo zvsavs sea Z.OMI an fee ae. aM.utMl.4 Xew (.lest .too CeeaSeee. Cll,tt,tnM SSdee recest fraacktee Street Imprevemeete la year csrfeeree at Seilaoed 0iHmm fee eaasleiree at Se.leaod Ciertne bsr.disg ......... lt 5e 1 toe t Steeas Maiv-a ............ Extensions of lines, new equipment and bs tm peel loo of Ihe bj'.ldlr.g. tmtili a -id Alder strrcta. mi'.l mean an expend!- urs this yesr of ItlMm sad sa in- rreseed imouit f.w the same purpose la 11. sccocding 10 R " Josael-n. pre.o-nt of th Portland Rail mar. tight A Poser Cncr.nsny. who returned front Philadel phia and ot ber taaatern rule) Saturday mamlng. Tbe first work to be performed nt bs tbs rutting down and leveling of lb bluff at Yacht Sid'.rd. l miws north of ths Oaks, where a steers above! is st present Installed, snd In Imrasdists sreruon os the lend sf a gencrsl repair snd building shop for th entire street railway s s- s. as at It as ousrtrrs ts bouse a num ber of tbe cars st pre pent stalled la d.f- fersnt carbarns. Tbe shops will I l onrlwd -e ee I . . 4 I INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS wrw, MlKln.ea, l : r ee) tt. I" r l-mt C-Vattr mW& l kw V. rtm 4rf tml I .ga 3 CtM Ed-fesji fshat tatm mf S .r.si la mMtvb.v Z9 s"i- la atr. Imt I Or(-t rte-4 at l-ima, Tnu a4 r. Uoaaxir w4)sr, mn4 W Na4l i wn,itlafn Tart will anaaa tawxanal a-44r-waa at Is-aMt axtsrC dajr. 1 2 All arwmmt .ra.aj erfBp;a at in assftirfvsa for ofssa.av4 cTMKaia at Sa 1 4 a r -r. lajaarilaa ta as4 at Mul t a fr.xr -aar at :isiara traar. kaidirc mtin. faa-a V Aiiwr4rv ata aaj j fan Ha t..t k" fr tut, aim mj rur. - a. rTwSso4 raa aaaat -in raanaia vr anafk Ta 2 faaxitr r r ah mm4. K 'r-rm lata aaajr lwc aasra ta ftr ... a4afaat fw.w S Tw2ff-aas9a la tT-- r Tat jara a r-c kiua 3 aa la- TrnT tartsptr a mirts at ifrartjp atia aswi M him I a 1. Wra wir.sae aaaita m r -11 Tm c r at CWaa rraat-tat-a t 4V Blwwwttr IM fftit evyra I Ittat ttrari - l.uaata isae-ealaia lf varla raaaifa, l.afattsa ra- e. rata ta S T r ti fwaat m tan T aay, la taesilatr. fad. if raa I.-- Aitim a. -iat-4 a a, mew I mi S. (wall aama ra.la4 a INatr fri 1 ia aasva aaa ta lwan ,j4 I aaa t -F- 1 l 1 an4, ltts A4iifl Ijifat a4 rrtiiwst. Aaa aafl a-r aa.-aiaaS a .. .- a ItftflNMm ttmftts. ftattaa vaaa .rtxesw af Y.me fc . Mkall. (( taa c tr - A tata?-fWr .f k ! M I e.'4- 4pi4 .ffw.t, at . 4v irida. a 4 Mill- Mvr4aaa aar aa ta 1 4a tea M at .1- . fa !& )! fclaanat M t-.aatka a4 rai,aa ta -if.4 Ra;.(aa4 lair. . 14 l"a 4 A fxwfaaiia, e-rrai, i wtut far ata4aa pC aiw4Tet.-i ata. I a a a w t tiia.aaMa V a:iar ra.artav4 tt" Kaik -aa4 aaa t2 Cma araarsl aaarty. srra- laa IX Crw. tt akii . h !ff axsf sjtsml ara t nVdr I. ritsaa4 aa4 rtat. MrMifwr twaa aaa''aa 0 m ji ra r wl Va . aia - I Qeterngf ftr .4 r ffadt r rVe- ta Mr IV :atar T m-cm at asi t Fair laa 1 tr V It c-iara rar 4r af 4-fcrtwt ma Ca4a r tsstM , at ITitat 1 'r-w,- a lassTtdaa ( ttarrfc lava 14 AHt4 Vlax-k mtsf 1 dbtlsa rtbe-e-' w4 a Tagi. ar-ar v"' -mtkia i r 1 la fcaai f rVHjeekt ir.ejsssg.t ,, ra 34 Hav a 11 : tatas. tj IT . Jt . 4sMra al4raa '' far wrratste 4 fe eg K-Tea r-ngvsv 4 MAavew-ssI t-aj ! la.v-x, tas-d IsscS d -- - t.raa aa4 tta c raa 4aa jtipg gaikrfirj, aatS:4 frr ff-e taaai ta ! I"aa 14 j art a -at an: a t. -. . r hrwf-" rV.l.Mi at I .s.tsrv1 , laa 4 tfwi rai ta tr4 tfcrw.4. srvt -.. r-4a I f Vtfn van. t r . T sr. tt a ii is a4s f -r Jt. r-.a tv f - i,, aaw 4 4't ert-a k t. . 'Ccacluded on I'age 4 I 9