17 BERRIES ARE HIGH aek; carrots. 91 2A: parantpa, S 1 Sv; BIG DEALS Ifl STEEL day, ft per e: a dara IH r-' cent : aim anoatha. If per rent. pr-m mercaatila patr. 1 tit per rear irriinf exchange atea4r, a ttfi tciual kui'nMt xm WIRY WHEAT OFFERS fi ... noraera'sn. loc pr pouna TKOP CAL R l ITS OranIt Davtll. II tt ?& oer box. V-moai. fl inrt trait. THE UNITED STATES "NATIONAL BANK (.i;od4 T.r bos: banar.aa, ft aa m pound: pineapple, f I a j rr-r mtm bankwra bj.i at $ i2a) fr y ant and at for demand. Com- merctal bilia, 1 4 l : J. rUer b-ara. llSa Milcaa daira. 44e ltonda. go em men t. Arm ; railroad, ir regular. LO f0 N". May It. Bar aitver ateady. i a nrrrauas, H-in l.v per red. f per a.ric Vfo ETABI.ES Arttebkaa. AwOe : paraaua. ' tt 1 2o per pound ; pna. i 12-.e; cabbaae. 2c per lt. ; cauli Supply Is Not Sufficient for Lo cal Trade. Price of the Stock Forced Be yond 64. flower, $3 jvr crate; eurumbera. 4" Liberal Supplies Hold the Mar ket Steady. per d ... lettuce, notnouM. i v 1 & Mr bo; lettuce. bd. 3S-e pr doaen: onion, 1JH&1 per doxea; paraler. PORTLAND. OREGON --c per aoien; peaa. tj .e per jKiomi, rj Juhe. 15j per dzn; rbubtrb, lt 2 So P" pound ; spin ax h. ic per pound : Kiuuh, 7 to 24 I lid per ounce. Monery. lai per cent per box: to ma too. Mexican. i:a Tha rate of A lerount la Ttie opea anaraet for ahort bill la tSffit-l P' cent; three month' b!:ia 1S1-1 per cent. S-50 per crate. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITxVL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. a ATNSWOETII. President. R. W. BCIOoXEB, CHr. B LXA BASJTES. Ylce-Prrtident. A. M. VTRIGHT. AAtiit-ixt Cashier. W. A. K0LT. Ami 'tint CasUax. RAIN KEEPS CROP DOWN SHORTS DRIVEN TO COVER LATER MONTHS WEAKER Dairy and Ceaatrr rraaajea BTTTTEK Hit creamery, estraa. ISe; TITE MOI.NIN. UKK(iOMA. :h. 1 L'KI-V r. M.W -".. I'.Hr.t. Utac-ee at 1 I .ON rr N . May t. Toner.; for moaey. 114: do for account. 1 14 ana eon da io N Y 4ntrl . 1'IS Ai'hiM.n ........ 1 1 : N-.T!k at -t . vi i U pimf . .... t prr f .... Pe-t 3 hte. . . . I IT .ret a vt . . . . vh tan 'a-in 14 V l'BMj:tni4 A he at hlo.. ; V.Un Mines..... 1 Chi lrt V et. . . 3 Heading C M P....134H Iwulh. m Ry Z S l ller I S d. pre .... 7 I U h outn racific . . . i?a"a do prf h Lnion i-tnc... 14 Erte d pref do tet pf 3-: V I" "1 4 do 54 pf . 4- it do pr-f It trend Trunk... 2- V 3"Mii HI Central .10 1 do preT "'" I. S HiH i-n!h .... v Me K at T J'Amal Cppey.... f7 fancy outelda t-r-mmry. rit'-IHc Pr lb - at ore. 1 he. Batter fat prlcea tvtr are 1 S centa per pound under regular bat ter Brlcea. t Vegetable of Nearly All Kinds Arc EGf.H Oregon ranch. 23rso par a oxen. Bulk of trie Market Tranactkon Are Iclcal Wcallacr Conditions for the rOULTRT Hena. HU 14' i prtnga. Z2 : Firmer Spring Chickens Becom ing Plentiful No Demand for Coarse Wool. TZSc: ro4ter, loc; du"ka. 1 4 tj 1 ic ; geeaa la Thee Sliarrn. Money Coo llnars to Flow to New York. New Crop la Thl. Co. air 1. IWarlh FortMcn Adrlcww and Iorllnra Abroad. IOtiHc; turkeya. 20c; aquaba. 2 & el per oozin. C'HEESK FtjII erum twlna. ITftlTUe per pound: Young America, UOlic; tinnmii. l tr l c. pork riB'-j. toe per ponna -ai Lztrai, lulo per pound ; ord 1 iry, 7c; heavy. c. The rain jr weather la Interfering wmA'y w1:h th stra. w berry maxket. Reee 1 pt s ara not lanr ennuj-h br ba'.f and vbat la mora, the crop, alray a email on, la llknly to ba fur ther cut down. Becaoaa of tha light offer ing, prlcea hold up flrralr. Hood River tMrrlea aold oa tha atraat reatarda.7' at f49 4.20 per crata and other berrlea g-enarally tZGZ.&y. Oallfornla baniaa wen moatlr poor In quality and tha beat brought 91. SO per orata. Iog-anbei i li aa ara arrrrtna; mora rraaly and mora at (1 91.25 per crata. Gooaa barrlaa wera quoted at cenU. Tbcra ara not many orancea oa hand sow, but plenty ara os tha way. 1 Sxoapt for abbaa-a, moat Ta;etablea wera firmer. Walla Walla asparagus waa aca: and quoted at $1.0091. 0 per box and Oregon gran at 733 f centa a dozen. Pea wera alao aearea, Orefrona eel ting at 7J"S centa and Oallfornla Telephone at centa. Tbara waa a better demand for hotnouaa lot- NEW HOP MARKET AT 12 CENTS. That Price Offered to Aurora 8 mall Acreage la England. Tha report of 1 2 -cent bop contract be ing made In Taklma and California wera fully confirmed yeaterday and have blocked thla market, o far aa any business under that figure la concerned. In fact, off era cf 12 centa made to three Aurora grower yeaterday were refused. Nine centa ta be ing offered for lfr"Sa In California and last year's crop ta worth the same money h A letter from a conservative Indon dealer said the acreage In England hi been reduced C000 to 000 alnce laat year and now stands at 20,000. and furthermore that the land la not being highly cultivated. Conrad Kreba returned from an Eastern trip yesterday and reports that tha brewers are very lightly stocked with hops, due principally to their fright over tha pro hibition movement. Ha thinks they will be active buyers when tha new season opens and this will cauae an advance. Consump tion Mr. Krebs places at 22B.00O bales. and the production, under tha most favor able condition, at not over 200.000 bales. With exports double or triple the Imports the brewers will face a shortage. "I believe the market will be not leas than 15 cents after harvest. said Mr. Krebs. at the Belvedere. "After that. prices may be considerably advanced by a bull movement, because' nearly all the dealers will be long on. hope. Most of -the crop will be out of growers hands by that time and those who do not sell up to thea will be aa strong holders as the dealera.' ALL GRAIN MARKETS ARE SLOW, Weekly Shipments Prom the Prladpal Foreign Exporting Count All the grain markets were dnll yeaterday. There was very little Inquiry for wheat and practically pone was offered. Barley and oats were eko slow. The Merchants Exchange reported weekly foreign shipments of wheat as follow?: Argentine shipments. 2.016.000 bushel; las: week. 1.S84.000 bushel last year. 2.44O.O00 feushele; Australia shipments. 200,000 bushels; last week. 920.000 bushels; laat year, 13,000 bushel; India shipments. 1.440.00O bushels; 'last week. 1.010,000 bushels; last year, Local receipt, fn care, were reported by 'the Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay ; "May 22-28... 4 .. Id 3 20 May 24 fi 2 4 2 12 ;May 25 . S v 2 .May M 3 2 ' May 27 4 1 Total last week ...18 4 32 23 SPRTXG CmCKENS ARE CHEAPER, a&eeefpta Are Increasing Fast and Prteea Irop. Epring chickens have made their appear ance in large numbers on Front street and prices have undergone a sharp drop. Test er day's quotations were 22 923 cents. Other kinds of poultry were ateady. The egg market waa a slow affair and former prices were current. Cheese shows a softer undertone, not he- cause of any better supply locally, but ow ing to less Inquiry for coming shipments. up to the present time, there has been no change In quotations. The butter market was steady and well cleaned up. COARSE WOOLS ARE HOT WASTED. Barer. Win ?Cnt T.ks Loww Ormdn At IrMMTit Prices Th. baytnc of eoan vully wool tia. com. to . stop, and unless th. demand ImpYonrM or lower prtcs are accepted br rrowers. the local dealers ax. llkeljr to keep tnetr hands 01T this crade of wool. Portland buy. crs. who bava been taking on the low,r irradea rather freely, have found they could not dispose of them In the East, except at . loss, and they have suddenly withdrawn from th. market. There Is a a-ood demand for the better grades of th. Willamette Valley product at men. prices, out xno.it or this quality has been plckd up and what is left unsold Is coarse wool which the Eastern trade does not want now. Bank Cloarinca. Clearing, of the Northwestern cities Tester. cay were aa rouows: Clearlns.. Portland ........ KMi.w.) Seat:le 2.1s...n.i Tacoma K'.YT'T. EpokiM -- hJU.SIS P.alanc.s. lI.uTo 1.1T.V'1 65. l TORTU5D MAtlFTW. Ormln, Flour. Tatd, Kim WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem milling. Mlllt; club. ll.:oL21: Valley. 11.17. fWl'K Patent. $J.:3 per barrel; atralghta, I5.SO; exports. Jl.TO: Valley. I3.&0: iruso, W W; waole wheat, quartera. (&.bi). CORN Whole. 13 per ton; cracked. 11 per ton. BARLET Feed. $3 per ton. OATS No. 1 white. H'lS-fjll per ton. JilLLSTI'FT'S Brsr J so per ton; mid dllnrs. $11: shorts. $:$i,i:; chop. $te: ro'.ld barley. $39 a ST HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. $149 II per ton; Eastern Oregon. MMfM. clover, flltfi;: allalta. $1$ u 1 ; cheat. $14 9 14. $0; vetch. Illgllil. Vegetable, and FrwM, FRESH FHUIT3 Apples. lie 1.5 per pox. Strawberries, Oregon. $1W4.1S per crate; California. 11 10al.&t per cms; cherries. 141.:3 per box; goosebemes. uTo per Id.; loganberries. $13 1.:$ per crate: flfrs. 12. 5 per box. POTATOES BuMng price. 1 7tl.lt per hundred; new I'allCornia. b ti 4o per lo. ; weet potatoes. 4U. r,.r pound SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, 'gl 13 pr CtwcetVa, Dried Frail. Etc. rRIKD FRl'ITS A-pple. lc per lb.: peacbea. 7 t be; prune. It all ana, SWtftc; prunes, French, V c; currant a. unwaahed, caaea. -Hc; currant, waahed. caaaa, lOc; flga. white fancy. IW-lb. boxes. Cc; da tea, 7S7VC. SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb. talla. S2 per dozen; 2 -lb. talla. $2 93; 1 -pound flat. 12 lOS ; Aiaaka pink. 1-pound talla, , t.'c; red. 1-pound talla. $143: aockeyea. 1- pound tali, corTBfc Mocna, 24929c: Java, odrlnary. lTvtSOc; Coeta Rica, fancy. l0 3Oe; good jci'w; orai nary. i;:io per pound. l. it waunuLa. Hit 13c per pound by sack; Brazil nut. lc; flibert. ISc; peanut a, 1 ic; ajmonoa, cnaatnuta, Italian, llo; peanuta. raw, 6c; plnenuta. 10 y 12c; hickory nuta. lOc; cocoanuta, irOo per dogaa. bLJAK liraouiateo. .; extra C IS u: golden C. i 45; fru'.t and berry augar, .OS; I noDoiaiu pianiauon. nna grain. a.o; ; plain bag, $582; beat granulated. cubea t barrel), $1.43; powdered. barrel i 16 3. Term; on remittancea within 13 daya. deduct per pound; If later tnaa 13 day and within 30 day, deduct ho per I pounu. xapit sugar, lotsiac oer doudiL pALT Or a nutated. 12 per ton. 31 IK L-er Daie; nan grouna. loua, 7 M par ton; $ per ton. PORTLAND UYESTOCK MARKETS, Prlcea Curreoi Locally aa Cattle, Bhaep s4 If oja. Tlvn-k receipts were light yesterday. tej.,i or r.tcp, which, though eaay In tone. id at former prices. The cattle market waa quiet and rather weak. Hoga continued very strong and full prlcea were obtained on the beat offeiingsk. Receipt for the day ware la cattle. 41 calves. 67 hogs aad 73 sheep. Iai sale at the i ar-l included 224 aheo averaging ez pounds, ax XJ.60: ao arL av aging 1LH1 pounds, at 3. Id bogs averaging vi pounds, at 3; 7 com a averaging 1 13 pourwl. at 34. SO: 1 bull weishlr.s s pouno. at $3; 3 hogs averaging 313 pounds, at 37. KS. ltrZ lamoa averaging &7 pounds, at 33 2ft; 142 sheep averaging 73 pounds, at $3 3; 3 boas averaging loo pound, at 37 0r; 33 hm aver aging 179 pound, at 37.73; 14 boss averaging pounds. t 37; A calve averaging 24 pounds?, at 33; 47 lambs averaging 6i pound, at 3': && sheep averaging tr3 pound, at 34. Local prices quoted at tha yard yesterday were as follows: CATTLa Kteers, top. fS.2303.SS: fair to goo a, 4. i3Q o; common to gooo. f 4 a 4 &'J on, top. 34.2Mi4.&i; fair to foci. S3 7S 4-2A; common to me-1 lam. $2 Bt; 3 Jw; ca.'wa ;'uw.w: neary. i04: tu.u and su 3C'i: common. 1 2 'J T HUii Uest. .bill: fair to good. 37 23730; stocker. 30O&&O; China fata. 36-7 7 OU. 8HtBP -Trro wetnena. S44X-4LAO: fair good. 3-i.3Mi4; ewe. Uo Wm on all grade yeaning. tet. no: fair to gooo. 404.23; bprlng iambs. luOM). Eastera Llveateck Mi KANSAS CTTT. May 2 Cattle Receipts 10i. market steady: native steers. S3 2i tM T.60; rows and heifers. 32.303.75; Blocker anu xeeavrs. a o to; nuns. i4.vira j; caive. z; esrem steers, .evt o. cows. .f unario. Hoi liecelpte market lOc toi hulk of sale. 14POf 7 35; heavy. 17 JO 0 7 40; packers and butcher. 37 Ou 9 7 33; light. Id v T-l.-.; pi. ..-. r a. 7 hheeo- Kecctpts jOw. market stesdr: muttons, j.wcl3; itmhi. lTOOuBu; wether and yearling. 84 nofj 7 3. ewe. 34 i"i'flw: Texas and Art son a muttona. 84.M) a o -O- OMAHA. May 28 Cattle Receipts 120. market steady to strong; western a'eer, 1 SoatlO; cowa and helfera. Il(0u54): cannerm. 12.30tt4.nv: at o-iters and feeders. 32 Oo &..; calve. 33 20 v 7.L3; bulla and staea. S3 oo j oo. Hun Receipt 14.ooo. market 8o to loc lower; heavy. 17 IOi.IT 30; mii"l. 1iKf 7 light. 3707 IS; p.ga. 34T09A25; bulk of Lie. 34.Vu 7 1 j. Kheep Receipt 170. market ateady; yearling;, 85 73 a d-7A; wethers. 83 8y U OO; owes, ex" a u is m-e. n zobi CHICAGO. May 2- Oattle RsceVots ea- tlmated at 1 VOX: market, aimna. iieevea. 83 Z04i7 7S; Texas steers. 14 7fil 3; West ern steers. svT&aOSo; st or n er and iedTS. 3.ouwano; cows ana neirers, 80Ve3O; caive. IA23UT.MI. Hon Kecelnts estimated at z" ooo: m ar se t. mostly inc lower. Ucnt. 8e007eO; tnneo. neavy. 707 43; rough. s.TTi.io; gooa to cnoice neavv. it .iT4: piss. 33. A3 '00; bulk of sales. I7T3V eneep ite-e:pts i imiiM st K - fcet weak. Native. 9tf 4i; Western. 84 2-5 tr70: yeaslinr. 823 r7 2V lambs, native. Eastera MUlag Stactka. BOSTON, May 28. Closing Quotations: Adventure 10 Mont C st C 23 Alioues 4H Nevada Amalgamates .. 0:4 inminioa... " 1 Arts Com 4 "J Osceola ........ITS Atlantic tS Parrot S3 liutte Coal 2'. S Qulnry frO 1 oc Arlx loi-, -hannon 14 Cal A Hecla. . . .Cti Tamarack 7u 'entennlal ai"4'Trlnlty 1"S Copper Range. . . 81 United Copper. . . 1 1 H Italy West T;r. H. Mining.,.. 80 ankiia is :L a. uu 4w tiranry 1 tan 43 tireene Cananea. loti victoria 64 I sie rtoyaie. .... ; in ona ........ a Mass Mining.... 17 H Wolverine 14T Michigan 11 North liutte... . 07 4 xionama 1 NEW TORK. Mar 24. Closing quotations: Alice 20 I.mlll) ron. 45 Urunswlck Con. H Com Tun stock. 2 IJttle Chief. Mexican imtarlo .... 4othlr . . . T . "4 .125 do bonds. ....ivi O C Va ,l Horn Fllv.r BS istsndard . IT 1 ITcliow jacket... S Iron stiver lid Metal Markets. NEW TORK. May Z. The London tin market was lower today, with .pot at fill i:s d and foturea at (111 17s d. lo cally th. market was easy with spot at I8.TV4ei.llH- Copper was a ltttl. lower at It ITs 44 for spot In London, but future, were un changed at 111 lis Id. Locally the mar ket was firm. Lake. 11 IH1I elec trolytic. 12.S2H fll.tSc and casting at 1 04 0 11 US- Lead was lower at (IS 3a fd In London. The local markwt was firm and a shsde higher at 4.1S0 4.4SC apelter waa unrhanred la Leadott and Arm locally at ( IIS 011 Sc. Th. Kngllsh Iron mark.t waa a llttl. higher, with Cl.Teland warranta quoted at 49a, The local market was unchanged. CasTe. and Bi NEW TORK. May 2- OoITm futures closel 5 points higher to S point, lo..f ; only two months showing any change. The French market closed net unchanged t. Se lower. June. 6.&3c; September. tt.lOc; Deum ber. 5 94c: March. Wf. f pot cc fl ... quiet. No. 7 Rio. IttSlr: No. 4 Kan'.oe, t'l c: mild, quiet; Ourdova, s12Vc. Sugar Raw. steady; fair refining. 9 42c; centrifugal. Vd teat. S.92C; molasee. sugar. 8.17c. Refined, quiet; crushed. 6 6.c; powder d. A. 05c; granulated. 4.U5e; confectioners A. 4 T!Vc; mould A &.&0c; cut-loaf. ft.&c; subes, B.20C Iairy Prwdoc ba th. Feet, CHICAGO. Msy SI. Batter steady. Creameries. !!(j!lsc: dalr'.es. HtJIK. Eggs Stesdy. Receipts. ll.lSl: at mark. caMs Included 1c. Arsta. 14 Sc; prim, firsts. Hot. Cheese Firm. TalsVa. l$Stfllie: twins. llHCHHc: young Americas. 14S lc: long bona lis. II so. NEW TORK. May 11 Butter aad ch.es steady and uncharged. Egss Stesdy; state. Pennsylvania, to cholca, white. 14 SO So- fair 'l vVsol at ag. toula. ST LOtTS. Msy It Wool UachBrged; territory and ealaro mediums. T$a.l4c; 0:Tc; Una, nu:ic & mediums. 1 NEW TORK. May 2 Builnru at the k exrbaaae In the two hour before noon today reached a. most as great a vol ume aa for the weole session yeaterday Knormous tranasjctlona In tTnrted; ft '. a t s flteel were almost altogether responsible for thla revival. It appeared tt at the demand for tbis iiock came laxgel f from a ahorx Interest and tha eve of a pre-holtday seemed to make the uncovered snort a uneasy. Aa aggreeive bull party to United States lel forced the price a p from t be st art toda y iM and when It touched ax heavy atoploaa orders for th ware uncovered, which f urn for a large unloading oa the part of tbs long a At Is Is not ewatomary to record traneectloue made oa atop orders, the trans fers of United Htavtee Steel effected, during tbe day ware larger than the total repre sent ed. Lemand and production of all forms of steel are growing, but some apprehension 1 felt that an Important part of buying ta going Into slocks, being Incited by the con viction that bottom prteee bad aeea reached and aiming to provide not only for prevent but for future need a The prices of copper rose agala at the metal exchange, but the copper industrials he little part in tbe movement ta tbe market. Tbe preliminary eetlmatee of the week's currency movement gave premise of a large rioo to banking caaa. tbe Indus from the interior having been heavy Sue- treasury operations have supplied 31.247.wu to tbs bank and. there bas beta no ship ment of importance during tbe wee, lbi combined result promisee to Increase tbe banks holdings of ees to the extent of axly 3w.0ajv.vvO. Tbl would bring the eont received by Kew York from la- tenor points since the middle of March to apwaxd of jl 000.000. Tbe current re demption of ban a aotee at the United ataiee Treasury la running large and furaiabee enotner evidence of the slackened needs or circulation. Tha position precludes ail uneastnesa oa pari ox speculators over tbe moaey prospect. Tet New Yorkers continue te bor row largely la London. It la estimated that -ew York would be making large shipments of rota to Lonaon. were it not (or this borrowing. Ibla thua contracted sra mii- ' to com. du. aad b. llQulastd wne. cro.a begia to move aad ta. Autu Ul. .n l p meats from this tounin i.au Bonds w.r. Irregular. Tota4 a .ame. $ Cuud Btate. tv na. urucel hs.C per cent oa mil during th. week. VLOMXiB BTOCJC QUOTATlONa. CI High. Low. in 1. AKUwOharmer, pf. ei ', Ccptr .... lx bi -e 3 84 "eS JS v Am Arncuttunu .. j Am M Sugar.. 1Tj avs Cm pt . .o Am Car A Foua. 4.ol Am I'otLoa oil.... Am 111 mt Lt pf. a Am Ic. Ilecurl... l. Am Lins.au rtl.. 4- O Am LKxfmttve... l.oiv Am Sex:t Kef.. 14.1'A tts ITS MS "-a 1 1U 1B4 14U. 1T. Ur f.rr.o ... a .1 lS ;S Am huimr Kef fc. o Am Tel m Tel . m.OAI Am Tobacc yt.m ...... jm nuowa ...... Aaacorxle Mia Co.. X''J AtchlWfa 4.44i 1'. . 1l. 11S l"S do pr.f.rr.3 ... ...... Atl 0st Line. .. It Ohio l.ouO 114S JUS TV 1 do preferred ... . . . Bethl.bem meet .. I lrwj nap Tran. IM Cutloa faclno. . 1.4. Centrai feather.. LvoO si do preferred ... r.atrai A N J "r-e ak Cf.lo . 19 Cbtoujo at Altoa.. aoo Chlr.ga it W..I. C j Chicago at N W.. 1 . "J T T1S S IMS 1X1 43 's 1 14 15S aVl si""" $s t: is l's lt: T4S 14T 1S s 'ii" s e: )S IS C. M $ St Paul.. t.4vw C. C, C 61 L O.lo Fuel mt Iron .auu Cwlo nouthero lf-S 1 41S do.l.t prf.rr.d. do 2 1 Dre(errd. ' axvf CofisilMatl lias. . ) 'J Com 1-ruducie ... Uel k Hudson cV l H Uraada ... 1 iir; " a do prWerved ..... . B-1S 4's P-jUlleTS becurl.. I Erl. n.- J" Us, ' s l"S 14. V "S 1S iS Ma, 1st LII.P.II.1 . to do 3d preferred. f- i General K.rrto. . Northern rf... 1.4 Ul Northern tn-s.. 1. I' lillnoui Central .. Interborouah Met. 1.8. do pref.rred ... 4.4-JO IritT HWMCf .. ...... Inter-starlne pf... . lnt l'ip I e0 Int Pump ........ l.e Iowa Central .... 4' JC C Boutherm ... 1. .X) ?4S 1S 41 "IS S US s 1 4 do preferred ... ...... Lout, A XuMllo.: 1"N fvT-S lirrs Minn a Bt L l.nnr) X. ill P t I I M. v MS 13TS ITT is 1V Mlewntrt Paclflo.. AT.. 74 Mo. Kaa aj Texas l.fruO 4s do preferred ... ...... ..... "1 National Itlecutt National lsad ... s.$v aTS Mex Nat Rr 1st pf lei ed. B-l' MS 1"S N T I er.tral 1 ao 1 1 eat, 14TS IS . I .'IW. UiS ii." N T. Ont A Weex. B -- 4IS 4 4 14T4 lk A Vkeet. !?) ew. North AmerVan.. Northern paclBo.. 4 f- 14TS I'aciac Mall ..... I'.nr..r1vaata ..... fta. u Peorle'. Uw .... B.TUO 1144 a I. P. C C sr tit L Pressed Bte Car 1 Ov 43 S Puumaa Pal Car Rr Htee fiorleg.. luulf ti l.VS. 1 - 14 41 1V. P4S J To 4 rrr, ea irS 'S eS 41 S -ttS tt ' "fc T. l.v. s s tt.puD.IC HIMI ... e. TV-' do prererreo ... 1 - VTS $IS T'.S ana US lWk I.lsnd Co.. do preferred ... l.v-0 Pi I. h r I if. ." hi L Houthweatera do rre'eri ed ... .!' ... s t:.w-Bhefr:d .... 1 rijuthern rirlUc. lS.leO irS s T-S 41S s M 1S ins i:S 'S S do oneferrd ... IVO Bcuthem Railway. 41 do preferred ... f- TVnn Co;. per . ... fV.t T-xas 4V l-actfc. l.tvo T-l. ft I. A West 4- 4 1 1 &-S o preferred ... - Cnloa PerlA; ... TT.X 1-S do preferred ... BT Realty ...... S". ft Kuloer 4 V sa V Bteel X!t .Vrt :S Ao wrmi 4VT 1.1 It 11 4 Vtah Copter .... 1. 4 $2 S1U IS av.v. Ve-Caro Chemtosl. trt r-o fcn Winua V" S:S - - S o rreferred ... 16 r MS &.t Md ion ill t eetlnz!o-ije Elee - at ri I tilon 4-- a v e i i. Weefem t'nin ... 400 T4 T.s WIimI s L F.rte Wlt-nBln Centra!. T 11 Total sale, for the day. 0P.r aSares BOND". NEW TORK. May . Closing quotations TJ. . rf ts reg 11 S V T O 1 ISs. . . 1 S do coupon. .. .lot . North Pacific Is. 7 4. C a. reg I!S North FaclAc 4. 1"V do coupon. ... l'" I n Ion Pseiflj. 4..I02 do coupon .... lr Japanes. as..... at D a R O 4. T 1 I M.aey Itxcasauaga. FlC. A FRAXCISCO. Mar It Cllvan- bars. use Mexican dollars. 4"c rraf s. alght. Ic; telegraph. 4c. sterling. 4 dara. 11 US sight. II II XEW Tint May 21 Motarr aa rail easr. 1 ay 1 per cent; ruling rate. IS per cent; closing bid. IS Per cent: offered IS per cent. Tim. aoacs dull and steady; Dally Treskssxry Hi si ssasas, f WAJHIN'QTOS, Msy 31 Today's staie ment of the Treeeorr baianeea thowi Atsllsble cssh ba.ancee III.4S1 (lld cia and bullion 44. IT?. Tit Uold certincates Sl.TUl.CO POTATOES FIRM AGAIN POOR STOCK HAS Br.t- WORKKD OIT AT PK.TTXEU IVrrrlfos Krarre and SO Ccntg to a Dollar Hlr-her Poaltry I. Weaker. IIATTl'K. Wash.. May II Much to the eurpnee of ewry one. I.r r le. Jumped rrom IS cents t. II a crate bee. lod.r aad wieor ;.r. w.r. c.esnt enort- 1 ne rr . I' ' " 1 decidedly Ims ih.a e.pecS Fame al Keaneww-k pe.ated 1 pii 1 . ft 4 t - gon .hlpr-er. were atul lh oa.i t-i furnl.hrd berrfcea K.nnewieaa. in. rwmmr day sold at l sad lw. ta.r SI - aO'l - lon gni . certain what th. supply will be tomorrow, lllsh ri'H ar. I .ka f. f.- I'nt kiom w.r. arm aasia too.r r-w.r (tn, k he Iwa ,.rr t -"-O ..i- vsrttasa sd twrjth.ta ro.,.e ., - Kset.ra Washlnrtoa and locals are qaoted t l. . Amnroa iflraarea 1 o 1 1 to tor isa ie.t. Cabbage went ap to SSwSS tenia Hr.e were IB r-'l I eut.pir aha weaa.r flpnnge are com me la fraMiy and tr.'.a In a large m.aaur. rMp.,a... lur in. .kn.M m n.n. I'ficM oa in. istt.r Wl l prwbeb'.y b. cut Bent wek I. IT ortila. Cffia were olMi.tul. But reaioer e pricw. pr.alled- gh1pp.r, are holding sag. n.eas was . aJt. But a. tower. aiutier was steady. QCOTATlONg AT A! rBANClUCO. rrtoe. rU Imr Timmmtm te rfc. Bay Ctty AM FR A NCI goo. May II Th. follow. tag prtre. aer. quoted la tbe irotata saar k.t totart Onions Wed. flails. MiiimbSb tiraa. ;KI Kl middusga. 11SA . . . Potatoes oratea nureanaa. - "a . Petiaaua li.ra.aaa, aemlaal, swaeia, $i-l$ egetahla Itoinoaee rnr..ra. 1 . 1 . ... geruc. ulr; greaa paa. 11 einr-a brans, 1 : laoalM. Il-Hrfl "1 g- Biant. Itgimtl aaaarafaa. 11:. .13. Hutter ranr rarwiwrF. .. , ' . aeenda. I1S1 faacy dairy. Sao Poultry atoeatera. old. lil: yesBg. s 11; br..V.r, errsll. 17 - "ft 1 . Baollw. Urge. II ISO III: f-rre. 14. T. pens. I. at 1. duck.. u.O. ftaj.t. e.r.g. Ittfl. Fees store. 14 He; r.ncy raafa, una h.e New, Italic. Tuung America. ll'IIKHe. Waul e mm l-iame an. aaa ll.ltc; Mountain. 4tfl3c. Ne.ada. Ilaieo. Her V hal- Sl,a?; wnrai anu oaia, list ley. ajll: alfavifa. I 11; sta. ia: Bar- 1 1 1 O 1 . ; t k w y .w v. w -' - Fruits Apple., rhntra, $1 SO; oommoam. 4c; bananas. TV-s( It 00: llmaa, IIU.l temona choice. $1, cemmaat, 1 1 . oraagoaa. $ltllJ: plneapp.aHV $ll llM-aipu r .our. . . . -. . - centa..: barley. cent.,., oata. a ca- Is: beana. $04 aarka; r..in . iu enters; p.. ton. T44 Bsu-k. bran. 1TI Backs: mid- dllnsa, -0 Back., hay. $11 10a. . wool. 101 bale,, hides. liO- faravta aaad I'laawl .4 ew Iwa. TORK. Msy SS Flour Rerolpta. 11.610. em pons 1T.IIT. Firm, with a moder ate taqulry. VA'beat R.TOlpta, &4.00O; exports. X.T apoL arregular Ka S red. 14S Baed; No. 9 rod. fl4dH aaked f a. B- aiioat; No 1 Kantera Uuiuth. $1 IIS aeml aal altoet:lNo S bard tvinter. Illt nominal afloat fob. Opening lower oa .rt.h cableak wheat aeon recovered aad for tha rematndar of tha day wsi firm oa ball sapponv followtag anfaverabie roporta from K a nam a. with a lata reaction. May closed Ia higher oa maalpulatiea. eater months being tee either to Vac not lower. Mar rjasod al $lV. July. I1S4S tembor. I lM Uajcember. Ill's. Hope ct.ailr Fetroleum bteady. Ml dee Firm. Crala at Bo. FHANC1BCO. r .AS Mar IS. Wheat Fir 11. rley Feeler. foot quolatlone V. heat .hipping. I11IC1 IS; milling, browing. II 10O 1 1 Harl.T rasa. ll.sssja.Bivt; II 41SV1 H1. i lagi.ia; vona 4-a.aya.v black. aomlnaL Cell board aajeo tvhaal No trading Uarl.y Ioreator. II IIS 91 114 Cora Lau-g. ye.iaw. ll.14ara.T4. Crala Mark eta. livtwiN. May TI Cattoai quiet, mora r lees nominal IV alia V, a.1. .a passage. at tas Id. . Fngllsa country margetB. arteaay; rreajaca country nsrkata. away. l.nTRfoni. May II WVeal fa ItSd. repT.mbor. 4e 4Sd. leeceraber. 4a ISd. eveeth.r. cloudy- s VI boot at lleaattla IFHTT1.IL Mar It Wheat N Iltlr.g Quotataona Eteort. blaoatam. 11.14; cluh. oeipts. Vilteat. 1 cars. II 14. rod. tl.4 tt PS la. I sara. Wheat tat Taaraaa TAOOM. Msy Tt ling. W. stem. II latjl tt: club. II la. aaprt. $iwo Stem. 11.14 club, lilt: rod. II prleal Frolt at Ma. VorV. NEW TORK. Mar S Kvaporated lie plea Brm. Fancy. IS4Se: rbotco, lay TSe; prtsna. $, and commoa to feiB. I4 $-runoa are firm er oa tb. troaot aad Brm ta tha local market also, where there .derate demaad. Quotation, raag. rrom 1SB to 11 Ss for Calirorata trutt and frwas Sc to te for Or. or. . So-se. ta'la-too Apracets amchar-ged. Choice. Ilf tlt extra choice, llSCKVc. and fancy. 11 g lit I'aarhe. quiet. Cbolco. It; ertra choice. IS4c: fancy. Ttfisc Raurtns anchaaged. I.nnee muerat.la $S f 4S; choice to faacy s a 3 d. 4 Satire: avaodleaa. $SwlSC Bad Loadoa Is j era. j $ i.: n .sark Catttau Marfcaai. TURK. Mt 11 Vttn Fata easr. June, la . J u r leTac. a.. au.t I rt. ad aanl.B4r. to .a.. March. 14 Tie and November, IITtc. I '. fWj m N.r IS T T -. January. 14 ' : c boot mld'tling ap.aas II 44e. mldd.iag 11 i Baiee. 41.141 baiea. ieu-f. I.IVKKP.L. May II Mops la Loadoa. racioa v biciht, a . a. fTauseoai at Mlaaoapolla. HrnXEaFOUS. Mar SI ilag, ll-ITS. OlirtOO. May . AddltlMtal aafsawr sKle repocte rgardlg th. aatal ryop eg Kaaaaae rasaad an atraaca la price, today, but nearly all tbe gala waa loot aa pcSi -taking. pncM at th. ciob. betng asarhauigo4 te 1 rent higher, compared artta ye. tee. daya Ana J Bgurea. Alt'.eusa th. anerket d'.- played eo.etder.bl. Buia.hnese at trmea. It was Bet . each a ch sugg.et aar unusual d.na anrauos for the lerta.taatioa tomorrow cf ta. fameaae wr la the May delivery There was considerable buytaac br aborts la that eptlow but .f - larlBM wee. fauny Hboral at all tlaaea aad at the high point aar th. day th. prtra eg that dellvwry waa str.l t coals Below tbe best saarb. ef tbe Beaaoa. twrasrded a f dare ago. 7 he Btaaurket eeoaed weak, etwtag t. bearaab rorotga advice, wblca . r. reaet test ts decline, at .early all Iha $WTBetp.l at.' ropeaa grata axaarheta. IdeaU saajhar ro. dltiona ta this rouatry for the aew eroa, aad llboraj receipts la lha NortBweea. TB. wvaur- kef, with tbe esceptle. of tha May opties eaead oAT later la th. day aa pr"C.t-1a I. aad caoaed about eaeadv. $urtag tb. day M.y aod botweoa (lais aad II Hi., auad rld at SI $1 lfc.ll a ert. eat May eoaatraets aknaiouaced after tradlag Ia4 cleiad for the day w.r. largar tbaa had boo. ea 00040s. botrg gT 1 Of HI anahaa lb. Cora aaarBet waa weak at lb. wart. but aratlmeal aaeoa boc.aae balnea Tb. ket cloaod Arm al aot galas mf a. t. e coat, romparod with a .' ere r B cieoa. Roaewod prodi.taktag la aais caueod sharp alump la $rtcoe at tb. otert. I the May delivery recovered a. I of t He $ s round, advancing Ban Ikaa 1 coat coaortbaT "by shorta Tb. cloae wae area Mar. but eoey for aatber doltv ama BaaU quot. Hosts bot.g S coat btgBee to S V loo or tbaa yoeieeday". Baal qwotatloaa Trade ta arovtelea. waa tacllaod t e drag and a falrty stead r lata waa saaatfoafed ail day. At IB. eieoo. piltos sara 3 , looer to 1. coett. glgBer. Tb. loadtag fal.re. raa4 WllatAT. Or el t'j Clea II Msy $111 $1 S J r 1 14 s ll'S Bopl I S ltl II t s 1 14 I 44 S Lee o IS 4 at ..;s .1 4IS s 44 s 1 la I L 1 44 S I S CDkX Msy...... .Ft Tas Jur...... aa eas .Tie 4 a pt...... .' ' I c $: a its OAT 4:s -:s Mar I .IS .1 4 Jar It tit. 4IS 4fS n-.pt...... al aw .S 4IS Log 4 .4IS .44 w .44 S M KA PORK. May II TI list II Tt HITS Ju.y lara laat 11 Tt iaiT. III! 1 1 .4 nil 14 a: w ' LARD. May Ju.r sept...... II1S ! as t. isns I' Hi I44fs u l4aT. aa at aa.ee assia la Be iiort rtina May... Ju.a ... B..H . . . I4js I4j. nits Hits I4.1S I'tlS 14 IT a, tills ".t a... lata It le tlrala aaatletica: Total c.eeranoe .f wheal aad leaf wore equal ao 14 1 see bwalaela rinra for lae snowa y riradetreet a we I I il.aet t.,- . .rn..n . c. . p : a 2 TT See bvtebela. eoaaparod o Ith St4- ... . - . an. ini i aoir.o fcallaata4 rw.i.a. foe -.... . J beet. Bone. eora. $41 ere. Mta, 111 care: rteeotpta. hlamenla "r. parreis. : . .. i . ""4. -w.o.O ......... 4.B4 IT 1,1 Corn. bu.t..a ...444 la. 14: 104 eta. a.i.4 144. .44 XIAt.e bu.h.ie. ........ I 1 to . . . II 44 t ., bo.hele n . n 1 r f If . mf inc Dirnira-uarK motor ve- tidc Company, hairporatctL OtTers for Public Siibscrip- bon 1000 Shares 7 Pre ferred Stock of Tie Barnard- Clark Motor Vehicle Co, Inc. at $10.00 per Stare. Orgcaaaxaaa U aval aar tava Law, ot the v Slat, of Oreajew. Fay UirMtwa aatel FartW Particulara Call er Writ. The Barnard -Qark Motor Vehicle Co.bc. CM fae. suae! Carat. 532 Alder St., PorU-nd. Or. T 4 T K t-K Star t.rll'IV ALASKA r fom W f ..A. a, tS. sava aTt-l, Jur IS, . July m. Auc.t 14. f-frlrllr Hmltr-J to f fsi-'in rnun,. np 4vitKer. ia.t-s up mr csrti.r. idt -rr- mtio4i4a. Ltevrtii ti-wsvrv m lootv i.yvl4 b fnitra ' cue CCA.BC!AnA,VllIElaia!l LOTE lj lAjSsa Tea Ton. aV. Norn aj. Swedea And Dcnxaxrk (war II . . May V 1 r.:4 rtalea Jvate 1 Cr";..n. Jaaa I II. .Mg Oaf, ' . r II I a: tog Bigi. All Miaaei r.a Alia t r .rt i.i f.5 toi-B.-4. v,TC4 cs-t.. ft. A taV J"Jif"'N aft. ., I4V TA .r. m tabta B4B K fcfcjjwo. .4K M.tv, mT I LstaMwaU Al Sletimer Qias. R. Spencer l K T LA MV1T(1111 Tto ter .a si I lg Imp dai esc4 bl.4ar. for aat .ay Iaa4.ara laoa Lag a.i aa . err;. in. Awana I r g B.l.i 1? I- al . arrtt. P iuael laK'.ar -. M a rwlsfw I W : far ftl OO WliCierM 4ft dMh. ' ti 4 t-'t T-r rt.(eaw M:a w DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFO REIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS LyoTrofoeirnirQeirQ If you Buy More Timber Build LliUsandRailroads Add to YourPreseiit Plant Pay Off Your(Floating Debt Increase Your Working Capital Please take notice that vc purchase out right timber bond issues of first-class quality, ' in amounts from $100,000 to $5,000,000.. For quick action, address us direct PcaLodjnbxiglitcliiig SlCo. (Established 18G3) 181 px Salle Street. - Chicago. 111. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It Insure, sj-sinst dost, mad and gtroot Doiseav. It insure, aoainst al:pprineg and IaIUco borsow. e It tnarureg aariast cracks, tiifictaCTatioo ar.4 c-ostl J repaxlra. It assarra k s-anitaj-y and darsblg street. It aasarrs coaBtricnUoos rork.maasbjp and best matauiala. It aasara. perfetrt aatiafaetioo. ErruLxrino iksukakce is batest ajtd ettexst WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 IWk B-uIvlinir, Tort-iad, Or. ffamburg-Slmcricaiu fact tt. J r.4 1 J. . 4.4-Bf t 4T4T .... J TA Pl .M-1 jaaaba $, s r.4J 'Is J mf. CS.r1ta.tTi 4. lm Itan KtBawitra.L ITALY e4T- a a hiTivli iJ.e . j. r y at : T K r I v.. ia j.r a Iiaal 1.1. B1 :Ja.r 1. Aag 14 J:brallar ..los aaaa Oeaosv SummerHoIidayCruic TO JaultMal. antmi ki. (. II aV4-AlJ. aBALTIC .a Mr aaaart twta a-re. rrabiat aiaa.ara g 4s.e . aaian ... Tarsl teBt. leg lrtM M. eery . here. waaaberg-Aaoiawaa I aoo I aaa Basal Loool A.. -w ritcii-oo ronTuiH o l n -y .. at wB..wi Bur .vsi 4 kt mm-.iM.m Trmm A rt I fc. rs t.Ansl. B 4. m4 cuit4wia, Mmp SC. IS, 4 t- v 1 1 p CMy. at m I . -. Tr -m l. rat- - 4 raao. Fr it-aV M 4. -V. Kawak tt,, Mif ?. Jmmm 11. ... taalt 4ff i If tss). al (tawa tt, I aXsT. J W. r avac Tv. I be- a, A cit. M J'.-Ji rttofll leMk. Mo J. M It. T.it AH 143 M I wet Mlm vl A twOSL Ae - m V. cu - want to .- H Tsttritu ctniast. BMuTlmi AH TaT -bs.i::r.r ar-Jt' H ? :r S "f TSTaa-T- r..it.4i 4.1a'hir . 1 at T- m. t.4Vi r VaoBawS f I- aVX. i s-4 at ta, 1 trt-ut Kah - T SV-T ASai v t-T V. A-ae4 e- ;tiay4bjl r f ? : r.4 J J'- Ab Cat, HMK NuWtVDC wiVta tv r-Pwrt r-s-l I.M t 1 VW. N4 mmJ , , V ts . f . u 1 JLx ti t hiniini in ul llUrvLILULU ut ti to. rtc-Ws. COOS BAY LINE 1 - RbajK-r MtA& at fcn M-tM re-t. Itv4 w lUi atebo. r. M . f a A- v. ( rt. Him 4. Mm mi 4 4v4 C fas v 4, an rvM4 4 rl. a4 c,u 4 r tai . eo-F away! - - 4 ! r r-sf ftr.. . O . awT-e a. 4 .AVaatV ! i tv .a) g . ft 4 -. i4 lar- gr nk. ar i-bx. it ir 4 4 - . . n 4VrrM . 4.Mrt A 4a. ty. ra M mm H NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO S. S. Ceso. W. Oder Sails for K.aitli, San Kratx-iaro and Ixa Anjflci Msy 13. Msy 27. Ti-kt oific. 12 Third Birr!, nrar Alccr. 1L Y0LN0, JLtU 3