I THE 3IORMNR ni'.nCOM.W, FltlI.V. MAY 2. 1IMI. BLACKMAIL CASE MAY HAVE SEQUEL "Jim McCarthy," Bad Man, Declared to Be Myth and Search for Writer Starts. EXPERT TO BE EMPLOYED Treasurer Quick Gives His Version of Affair and Prisoner, Out on Bail, Says Whole Case Is Political Game. Continued Vrom Firt Page ) ley. MMd recently h ha been krpt out of the room a much as pova.bl. A taie men! made by a lk-quur dealer In limjltn that h and two others ha1 contrltwited H caah to py Blakenlry for inf.uen-rlr.ir the grand Jury Jn illicit liouor ju-nc cases hu b-n reported to the rHutrlct Attorney. This man. when approached by offl-Lal. refused to testify about the maAter. BLaJcesley's only occupation here, so far as the citizens remember, has been tltat of court bailiff or trrmsid Jury bailiff. It is asserted that although this work Is Inermittent and pays only S3 per day. Blakesley would at times be flimh with money, lie was continued as a bailiff by Judge Thomas A. Mc Bride, recently ap pointed to the Hupreme bench from this district, although the Beoaon-Kapovikl case was tried before htm. The leniency of Judge Mc Bride In this matter, how ever, may be accounted for In the fact that the Blakesley and McBride famlMes are pioneer friends. It la said that Blake ley' mother and Judge Mr Bride crossed the plains In the same party. Taken all In all. the case has many ramifications and one of the most unusual features Is the ln.!etment by a grand ury of Its own bailiff. MORDER IS VERDICT and which Is Incorporated In the Indict ment of Blakesley. Is accessible to th public. Three other letters are with held by the District Attorney, and will not be given out until after they have been submitted to the Federal author ities. Four Ix-tten Sent In AH. Today. Mr. Quick said he had re ceived four letters in all and one tele gram. All the letters purported to be written by McCarty. Blakesley. he says, never wrote to him or threatened him. He. says Quick, posed as the go between in satisfying the alleged de mands of Mccarty, of whom Blakesley also expressed fear. "No. I never saw this man MeCarty." said Mr. Quick today. "I don't belleva now that he ever had anything to do with the matter, even If there Is such a man. I told my wife about a year ago of the trouble I was In. and re cently we talked It over and both reached the conclusion that Blakesley was the man behind it all. "Blakesley came to me with the pro posal to rob the Courthouse vaults, burn down the building and sell the dupli cate records to the county. When I re fused to go into the scheme, the threats began. MeCarty was represented as a revengeful man. As told in the letter published, he was supposed to have killed a man In San Francisco. Receives Telegram, Too. "I finally gave 1 1 SO to get rid of him. and then there were more threat ening demands. The money was always paid over to Blakesley. I never wrote any letters myself. After I began to ignore the letters I received a telegram one day. It was from Portland, and said: "Klther you or the other fellow meet me here Saturday." Blakesley was here in St. Helens when I received it. but he could have had It sent by some one. or could have ordered it held in the Portland office for a time. "Last Tuesday I received a telephone message here In my office. A voice said This is Jack MeCarty. I'm at Houlton. You'll get a letter tomorrow and the receiver was hung up. I don't know whether the message really came from Houlton or not. The letter followed the next day and I took the matter up with the grand Jury." In answer to a question. Mr. Quick said the mention of the diamond drills in the letter was the first reference to them. He said he had never heard of any diamond drills before. McCarthy Myth Is Pozzle. There is apparently no foundation for the identification in Portland from Mc carty's photograph of a bartender in St. Helens. There are three saloons here, but until within a very recent period no bartenders were employed, the proprietor of each running his own place of business. Blakesley is out on 1250 cash ball, which by some is considered small In view of the fact that he is Indicted for a crime punishable by six months to two years' imprisonment. He has re tained Harrison Allen, of Portland, as his attorney. Blakesley pleaded "not guilty" In the Circuit Court today, and his attorney will appear Saturday for the purpose of setting the da-te of trlaL Blakesley today refused to talk about the case or say whether or not he knew Jack MeCarty. He is keeping still, he says, on the Instructions of his lawyer. but promises that there will be startling developments In the trial. The Intima tion is given by Blakesley that politics, principally, is back of the whole matter. "Quick Is sore at me because his brother was not appointed court bailiff. and Judge Campbnll appointed me. Why I helped elect Quick County Treasurer. "We opened up headquarters for him dur ing the convention, and it never cost him cent. I never got a dollar for all I did for him. and if I'd been wanting to graft. doesn't it look like I would have demand ed money for the work I did for him? "I have been In politics here for 15 years and attended nearly every conven tion. I belonged to the old Simon crowd, and Quick was with the Mitchell crowd. The Moody right was particularly bitter here, and it is natural that some scars should be left. You'll find that some one else got Quick's money, and that they're trying to make me the 'dog. Business and professional men In St. Helens are attempting to keep from ap pealing to favor one side or the other. This is a small community, the town having about 600 population. Blakesley's backing may be judged when It is stated that his brother-in-law. J. H. Wellington runs the principal general merchandise tore: another brother-in-law. A. J. rnv Ing. is the town druggist; a brother. Wal ter, conducts one of the three saloons another brother. Charles, is Deputy Sher--lf. and a third brother is connected with a nearby logging camp. All of Blakesley's family are standing hy him. and he says he has had offers of assistance from others. Attack Blakesley's Record. Among the old scores that have been dug up against Blakesley here in the last few days is his alleged connection with the forgery of a deed In 1&1. Andrew Kapowskt. a homesteader, got into trouble with the authorities and left the country- The Benson Logging A Iumberlng Com, pany. of Portland, sought to acquire tax title to the homestead, and brought suit, naming Kapowski as defendant. Albert Cleveland intervened, claiming title to the land, and presented a deed bearing the purported signature of Kapowski. ex ruled March 1. 1T. In favor of D. B. Keasey. of Portland. Before the trial of the case one of the witnesses to tha sig nature was brought here by the Benson company's attorneys, and it Is common talk that this witness Identified "Toots" Blakesley as the "Kenowskl" who signed the deed. The suit collapsed, and Blakes ley s part in the matter was presented to the District Attorney of Multnomah County, whrt-e. the fraudulent transfer of the property occurred, and it Is said that the matter is still pending In that office. The last grand Jury attempted to trace down reports that Blaaesley had solicited money from disreputable houses In Rainier for protection by the District Attorney's office, but failed to secure evidence. Grant! Jury Leak? It Is stated by District Attorney Tongue. however, that the grand jury became con vlnced that Information concerning Its proceedings was leaking through Blakes- ROSELAIB IS III COURT WAIVES PRElIMTXAnr HEARING AT HILI.SBOKO. Secures J. A. Jeffrey as Attorney, to Whom Prisoner Deed Equity In Farm Property. HILnSBOp.o. Or.. Mar 57. (Special.) John D. Roaelair. confessed murderer of his girl-wife, waived examination when taken into court today, and was remanded to Jail to await trial at the next term of court. The prisoner was represented lv J. A. Jeffrey, a Portland attorney, to whom Roselalr made out a deed for bis equity In his ranch near Buxton, thia county. The consideration was ."!, and as there a f mortgage on the property It Is virtually a sacrifice sale of the land. Thl transaction means that Roselslr'a children by his second wife, now living n New Richmond. Wis., will receive none of the proceeds' of the sale, of the prop erty, lmm week. Itoeelalr s daughter made an appeal to her father to dei the land to hla children. Mrs. Rosetta Dombrower. mother of the murdered woman, left today for her home near los Angeles. THUGS FLEE 111 AUTO STOP CONSTRUCTION CAR AND HOLI VP KNGINEER. Aberdeen Police Itefnse to Credit Story of Daring Robbery Told by W. A. Johnson. ABERDEEN. Wash.. May JT. (Spe cial.) Hive men In an automobile stopped the car at the crossing at I! and First streets about 1:30 o'clock last night and lumped out. and grubbing w. A. Johnson, engineer of the Peterson Contruction Railway, gagged him with a handkerchief, tied his wrists and ankles and then rifled his pockets of SIS In rash. They did not take his watch or an umbrella which he carried. Aft.-r the thugs had tied and gagged Johnson, they buttoned up his coat and stuck his umbrella between the coat and vest, threw him to the ground, entered the auto and disappeared. The holdup occurred in the business district, but the police do not credit the story. Johnson says he lay for a long time before he was able to release him self and walk to his home. John Doe Warrants Out for Hobos at La Grande. SPANIARD FALLS VICTIM SEASONABLE! BOYS' DEPT. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BURGLARS TAP DICE BOX Secure Saloon's Cash After Second Visit to Resort. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 27. (Special. Did the burglars who entered the Home saloon stop to shake the dice for the drinks and thus accidentally discover the cash they were after, or did they have advance Information aa to where it was kept? The saloon was broken Into twice. On the first visit the burglars gained entrance by brewing out a glass In the rear door and reaching through lo the lock. They secureo not even a drink. On Friday night they were more luckv. securing 11.. which waa hidden in a dice box standing on the back bar. It has been tne custom each night unon closing for Peters to leave change for the bartender who opens up In the morn ing, ana mis change has been left In the dice box. Body Placed on Track and Ground lo Bits by freight Train Criea of Illres Heard by Paen iter Night of Tragedy. I-A GRANT K. Or.. May CT. t ft peel si After deliberating all day and far Inn the night, the Coronef i Jury In the caat of Damlon A Ion so. a Spaniard who was ground to a pulp under the engine of a westbound frelg.it at Telocaset. at 4.1 Wednesday morning, returned a verdict to tl-e effect the man had been murdered by parties unknown and traced on the track during the night. Residents of Telocaset testified before the Coroner's Jury that Just aa the Hchts of a westbound passenger were failing from view at 11 o'clock the night of the tragedy, they heard a scream aa of a man In agony. I'assengers on the train corroborated this testimony. The other witnesses were the trainmen, who told of the man being run over by the freight and of hobos being seen In the vicinity that night. Among the iapers on the man were a letter of introduction from a Denver agency to a stockman in Fort Steel, Wyo.. another a rabman'a license grant ed by Havana and other cities In Cuba, and a poll tax receipt from a province In Spain. It Is understood John Doe warrant have been Issued for the arrest of two hobos, a colored man and a white man. who had been seen along the railroad that night. CONTEST AT MORO TODAY Public School Pupils Compete on Track and on Rostrum. WASCO. Or., May S7. (Special.) The Sherman County field meet, declamatory and athletic contests will be held at Moro Friday. May . The sports will be held throughout the day and will end In the evening with the declamatory contest. The schools participating are: Wasco. Moro. Urass Valley and Kent. Two years ago the silver cup was won by Wasco and last year by Moro. This contest to the yearly event of Sherman County and is always attended by prac tically the whole of the county. Special excursion trains will be run from all points in the county. MILL EMPLOYES STRIKE Two Hundred Men Walk Out at Kal Ispell, Demanding; More Pay. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 17. Sprlal The jno employes of the State Mill, a big lumber plant near Kallspell. Mont., have gone out on a strike as a result of the controversy between the Indus trial Workers of the World and the titlllowners of the Kali. pell country. The report of the walkout has reached this city through James Wilson, of the local I. W. . It Is predicted that the entire lumber Industry of the Kalls pell country will be tied up If the strik ers are not given the raise of S cents a day demanded. NEW RAILROAD FINANCED Detroit Capital Behind Scat! le-Ta-roma Project. TACOMA. Mar IT. The Sealtle-Ta-coma Short Line has been reorganised, with J. K. Murphy, or Seattle, as presi dent, and ofl.er well-known North western men on the directorate. F.. J. Felt, of Tacoma. who built the Pacific Traction Company's lines here, and II. A. Kastman. of Ietrolt. were appointed to finance the new project. The money has practically all been arranged for under a tl.6oo.nnu bond Issue, and work on the road will brain at once. The new electric line will be 30 miles In length, or six miles shorter than the Stone at Webster tntrrurban line. PLEASURE IS INTERRUPTED Man Who Cor to Circus With Two Girl Soon Arrested. VANCOCVF.R. Wash.. May ST. tape rial.! Samuel Manito, who came t town with a couple of young women lo take In the circus, was hardly start ed on his day of pleasure, when be waa arrested on a telephone message from Constable flassoway. at Battle tiround. who said Maruso was wanted there for assault and battery. Gaaaoway came In this morning and returned with his prisoner. Queen Contest la On. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May r. impe rial A voting contest to aelrct a carni val queen to represent Vancouver In the Rose Festival parade. June K. fee on In this cltv. Miss CTrace Powpe. Miss Franca FT.VOPHIH OS" THK ANNCAI. L'. UTATKMENT or TUB UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF leONDOS. ENGLAND n th Sim tr f Ir'mbf. lrtv mad lo t H Iniurtn. ""om m -ui-r of the 4tt of Or "(!. purniAini to lm ; Amount of rapt taI ta i1 an In cash (ttttuur) '.rrUa,.. .$ l3.0-O 00 Pr'mlonn !-, rel d urine th year tn cmn . . J 27 lntr(. aivtinu and reata r l riant. f the yir . 2A.217 4 I n om f r- m otnr riiri re - clvMl durtnc th ir lA.4Uftt Total Inrotn $ I MbrrmraiiL Iava pa i 1 dutim th yar..$ Lt Men! vtj during tha ear on ralt.l loch , Ctimmunurj and aalara paid during th yar Ta I lc-n ard paid (luring; th ar. . A mount of all othr pndl- 1 ur Item It t4 ta Iondon lit. T 3 M 14. MI 74 3" . 7 Total expenditure. $ ?7.is 13 Value- of real etat- owned . . . 2fcVOM) A4 Value of ator kui and bona a owned 622.752 22 !i n oa mortgage and col lateral. -. . . . rtvsh in hanks and on band .... ft. 33 0 rrmiumi in murw or ire lion and In transmission ... n.2 4 Total admitted a t $ .OM.27 l liabilities. r.mi claim fr i unpaid $ 2A.MT 21 Aiinun t of unrrrl fr'nuumi on all outtax. lng rl ... 32.604. 30 I)u f-r commtMiuu and bro kerage ...... All other liabilities . .... Itetorn Drtmiuma ............ .1371 GIRL DRINKS ACID; DIES Said to Hare Quarrrlrd With Surfi heart After Praer Meeting. niJUAMOOK. Or . May CT t oe-Hgl. IJUle Rlle- Hay p. the beautiful !7-yer-old daughter of V. M Buys, commuted e-uirlri at Blaine. r.. 1m ntct by tail ing; carbolic ald. Sl cjled thin morning. She atttnde! a prayer meeting; wita her sister and. coming; home ahead, went to the locker and tok th poinnn. It ! aJri the young; woman had quarreled with her swet heart on her wgy from prayer meeting. Total ttabt'ifte f 000.42 Total Insurance tn frcO I - cemher 31. i: IA 074.0 00 Bo tne fta Oregon) far ta Vraw. Total risks w riiten Curing the yar r.rim r-rem I n m s recelted dur- Ing the er -. . TT T premiums returned during tha -ar I ? 4-OK2 03 I Ueo t 1MT ST tM during the ttr . . 1 Incurred daring tha ear Tt ail amount of risks out standing ' r Oregon Ieero ber ni. Is IM( At K--T. hOHlirTV OF 1,4. MH. Br A 1AITN HAKKIMfN, of and for th Firm ol Cat ton, He. I 4Y Co., Oenaral A sent. Pi: ulr re: dent general agent snd at nm) In f s-t : FV K MiJtr, Ilident nrl Afrni for rgoii l ot- -fipe-f tat drpotlit not he'd f"T h ttrnr.ilnn u me po'T noiire or ron.pmv rtr.oo( te admitted aa an asset and iniTuae'i tn me punuinffl s'scmnt -rt the dT" t ui ih tote Trur-r fr tn prole. tlo of trgos policy holders only rnn'and aa-encles: rttta-Orosmaysr Co . R K M'nffr. o 5 l4 W HI D 3w1 25c SEAMLESS EOSEKor box ami re !!; colors blark anl tan, full rut and c!l ma Jr. Will b old sperial 3 pairs 50c WASH SUITS We hare (rrourd tofpihrr for this firrasion about SOO Wash Suil. mostly 1 valup, some brltrr will p lierial at f OC LONO PANTS SUITS In blue thibets and blark unfinished worsted: size from 12 to 16; sell ing rrjularly at 5S.S0, fO.OO and $10.00. Friday and CC QC Saturday vDiOJ Wa adTtrtisa facts only. 166-170 THIRD ST. Wotttan Throma Ii Info Move and May Die of II urn, ftFI.IJNOHAM. Wash . Mar 77 At Anarortr last evening. Mra. Kr4 Howell und what she guppoSaK-d waa a par k r ct old tea In the-pntrr atvt threw it Into he It, lt-hen iln . It waa gunpowder, and terrtnV riilmnti folu.mr. tho w h4o hotaa bar-ing f):id with flamea and th umllurt wrvclted. The woman waa n badly burned about he head and breast that it U not belietcd ho can recover. Mhe wa rarryl'1' four. mtntha -old Infant In her arms at th lm of th empl--tott. Tn child horribJy bume-J. but will rec-ivsr. I .ark off. Ile Qertrude Taadden. and Mia laabH fnedden havg already been nominated. 'TEA' IS GIANT POWDER TAILOR SUIT SALE PORTLAND'S LARGEST SPECIALTY SUIT HOUSE FOR WOMEN AND MISSES si t it r.i :h a Mar. COR. FIFTH AND ALDER Our One-Third Off Suit S The Only Dona Fide Discount Sale in Portland. "Nothing Re served. Every Garment Dears Original Price Ticket.-Take Up Any Suit in This EstablishmcntT Deduct One-ThirdOff and You Have the Selling Price. Jo Humbugging Goes Hcrel Every Transaction Legitimate. The Prices QuotedAre the Former and New Selling Prices. ale farmer Prict Vl Off Price Ftnner rrir VjOffPrk $H.0'. oiio-thinl off, now SOOS .-sr.'.... m-tlur.l off, now ?21.G7 $1 .?."). one-third" off, now $11.30 :r.u). no-thinl off, now 23.34 $1S.7'. one-thinl off, now 91 2.50 :7.'. ont'-thinl off, now S25T00 j?JtUK ontMhinl off, now gi3.ai $KUK. one-third off, now S2G.G7 !fJ1.9.. nnc-third off, now 511.GI ..'Ht. ono-thinl off, now S2S73"i fr22Jift. one-thinl off, now $15.00 .ir).(X). one-third off, now g3O.0O !rJi.7.r). one-thinl off, now S 1 G.50 ,'o.(K. oue-thinl off, now 933.31 "J7.V. one-tliirtl off, now g 1 Sl3J V.ix. ono-tlunl of f. now ??3GT3i :m.tni. om-thinl off, now.; . . .920.00 .7..(. one-thinl off, now 950ToO WOMEN'S SHOES FRIDAY 35 STYLES shoe $2.45 BARGAINS values to j.so i AND OXFORDS 40 STYLES $2.85 VALUES TO 4.00 SATURDAY SHOE BARGAINS SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Ion worth Now federal Jade. f F.ATTI.K Mar tT. 42xr I wnort h. for ears a lawyer In this rity. waa ivorn in aa Judare of Ih Wvatera rt-t ef Waahfnaton Ihia aft moon The oath waa administered r Ju1 . IC llanford. w hot bench Jud lun m uri tt will ahare. Troop lo Co to leallle. VANrOI'VKR PAUIUrKi. WaaH.. Umy 7. itfpex-lati A battalion eonetatlrta mpa r i-m r". r. and U nn4 a del a-hme-t of th r'ourt t F"keld Artillerr . itether with offiera. emll legate Kaiurflay t re e . attle to take narf m lh tnli'tary rd nal lourttame-nt June 1 to l. In rwnnr. lion with tlte nnrnlnt 4 I he A-T-l k orwition. . Wilms Arretted la) Neaille. h KATTLK. May ?T William ilen. t lr.on la many aialea aa " la Mbll VU on." was arread here toda y hy de leritirea. rhtrfH with feelr.a m fuitl from jut c--. The offer for hkh he im wanted now t tt robhery ef rxftetoffir atatloa I ?. rhr(o le-m Her It lf tt Auffutl he 1 iMoiinI to have ratte4 rot of f atattoa I In Keneaa i'it. my f I Are y oi ui etl ad vn r i rentmc? re tlrrf or HTNOPK1S OF THK ANMAL FTATrtUKNT OF TH K Union Guarantee Association of Portland, In Ihr of lifoo. on lh Jl .! of IWfinlwr, I, ntada to Hit Insurance Commissioner of the hisie cf itragiia pursuant to law: .as4!al. Amount of capital paid up In cash I ! rremlttms rerelv4 ilurlna; the rear In r-a.h S :1l lnl.r.,t. dividends and rrnli re--le.l durt n( t he f , Jre Income from oilier sources received durtr. the ear ................. . IT. Total Income IM,MMMH. lessee paid during- the yrar..... IMvldende paid during- tl r-r on capital stv-k t'nmml.Klons and saisrlrs paid during- lie yar ........ . Taxes, licenses and fees iatl durtra; the ear Arnount of all other expenditures Total expenditures... Aeoeta. Kurnlture and fixtures Value of stocks and bond ovnrd l.ans on mortgages and collateral, etc.... t'ash In hanks and ti hand I'r-mlums In course of rulie. lion and In transmission... Amounts receivable and asent' balance..... Total admitted assets. Uaklllllrs. Grose claims fr looses unpaid Amount of unearned premium on all outstanding- rik. Iua for comnits.lon and brokerage. ................... . All other liabilities t lllil -1 T.ltT.S k T i:in ii4t: I r.i :i t 4 I l ...... ...... ie e 1 ...... 141.32 0I i .int. i: i i lii ; Total liabilities Total premiums In force Iecember SI. la- MeilsM, la rrgea (or the tear. f.rnm premium rorrlre.) during the ear i-remium returned during tne yr.... !.oc paid during th y.ar l.oeea Incurred during the year Total amount of premium ouietanding In Oregon lecmber SI. I"t. Union Guarantee Association Hr V. B. UUIKt; ITesident. NTFKpeclal deposit ,.i beld for tha protection of alt the policy-t-nMere of the company cannot be admitted a an a.ect and Included in th puMle.ied statement, except the depo,u aritn the flaie Treasurer for tha protection of Oregon policy-holders only. f !. 31 t :i.j:i ':' 4 4 THE PIONEER LIMITED is the train between Minneapolis, bt. 13(11 anl Chicapo. Its route, the &ame as that of your let ters the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY Tlif Iiinr-tT Limits) lrare-s, Minneapolis Sicl 1. M. an-1 t'nion Station. St. I'aul. S-.35 1. M. tlaitv. Several other trains of this railway, between the T"in Cities nd Ciii":r, lesve at convrnifnt hours for p.ssenKer from th Went. Th Overland Limited, to Chiraim via Omaha, and the Southwest Limited, Kana City to C'hieaRo, are the popular trains. FULL INFORMATION' ABOUT FARES AND TRAIN SERVICE SENT FREE ON REQUEST H. S. ROWE Oerteravl Asent 1 34 Third Strwt. Portlaxnd. Or. 41 Vj-. V JJU ' tl I Sin rruciaoe Fonlaad ScatU OW.'gr?i:Jir......! Th Spciatr CJots ud Ua brtlla Houta of tit West, For Friday and Saturday A TTMELT SALE Of Seasonable Gloves, Hosiery and Umbrellas A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING OS EVERY ARTICLE ADVERTISED Women's Fabric Gloves LISLE GLOVES. 60c, 75c. $1.00 QUALITIES, 3?c Women", enrnuin Milanre Ijle. Koshm1 anj Kivtcr'n male; black hue ami c.lor, Kor Krt.lav ant SalimUv, .Vr. 7.V and" r ' fl.CKI qualiliCK. ptir OiJC $150 VALUE LONG FABRIC GLOVES. PAIR. 79c Women's . (.-butt.n length Milanei Li!c. Silt Taffeta an.l I.'le Chamois til.e; values up ; l..Vi, for Krilav and Salur- 7Q .lay, ir ." 7C $1-60 VALUE LONG SILK GLOVES. PAIR, 49c Women's Iti-button ler.c'h. pure sill, patent tip, clasps at rit; .hlacU only; Me ol 2 ami H; tlJM value, Kri.Uv and Salur- A Q day. pair HIvC lti-bulloit lenh Pure Silk Cilovea Niagara. Kn ne and Ktwr; black. hite and all eolor. inrltidm; new iMini, KM.bclii) Ct blue, abeinlhe. old rve. ele.; talar. pair V UU $15 CHAMOIS AND CAPE GLOVES. PAIR. 9Sc Women" 1-elai-p pemiine Knc!i-h tae and French Wai-h Qr Chamois, 1.X value, for Kntlsy and Saluriay. pair iOC $2.00 EMBE0IDERED CAPE GLOVES. $1.59 Women's pcnuine KaKsan Cae. with ne I rxva tside silk tj 1 CQ embroijcrj ; Ji.lK) value, Friday and Saturday vlaiDt HosierT Bargains CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE. 16 2-Sc PAIR Keys and rrU, fine.nbbed IjIe Slnrkin. in blark. rejlar ZLC 'Sf value, lluee pairs for JuC W0MTS S 75c HOSE 37c Women's fine Lisle How, black eround ilh Ihe daintiest embroid eries, all tie designs; blark laee box: black and colored C"T li, a!-- silk li!e; value tip t Tie; Friday and Salur!j, $1.00 HOSE 59c Women's fine iraure hije. in tan; erobroidenrj in ame eolcr. iia tl.e eetttel and i!air.liel lcii;t eer slioan; l.f0 tal ic, Vq for Friday and Sat unlay, air 3 jC $1.75 VALUE 0NTX SILK HOSE $1.19 Women" pure iKrrad Si!k H-e-r. l-..!e f.wt. tnyx" btnd. 1 ( in black, -abite and elm : tl.T.'i value, pair "V A A i UmLrella Special $ 00 VALUES. $3.95 Women I'r.ion Taffeta t'n-brrlla ilh si'k tajv e.'..-e. l.an.' .f J..r.; wart and 1 karat ro""cJ CM plate; value n fei.(0. QC f-r Friday and Sat unfay . . . . . J0i0 Umbrella and Paraaols Maul to Order. Repainsc and Ke-cnEt. Oar Factory en tha Premise. Guaranteed Corvrs, $1.00 to $5 00. Lrsaoa't Islcrc&izrtiUs GloTt 0rlri fej SCt. jfOR GLOVES AND UMBRELLAS C. r. Bert, Maoacer. ' S09 M0RFJS0N STREET. OPPOSITE POSTOmCE 107.0