Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Taxpayers Oppose New Char
ter Prepared by Com
mittee of 15. .
Changing of Madison-Street Bridge
Ja Thrown Down Excise Meas
ure Termed Disastrous Crem-
story Bonds Approved.
KI eh teen of the 33 measures to be
voted on at the coming election were
favored by the Taxpayers' League at
Its meeting yesterday afternoon In the
Chamber of Commerce. This action
ratifies the suggestion of the com
mittee composed of W. B- Ayer, Geora;e
W. Bates. Rodney L. Qlisan. L. J- Gold
smith, Thomas N Strong and J. N. Teal,
appointed to prepare & statement cov
ering its recommendations In the mat
ter of the amendments and ordinances
to be presented to the voters at the
June election.
The committee recommends the re
jection of the new charter as proposed
by the committee of IS on the ground
in substance It resembles the present
one, and that its innovation are too
radical. The commission system is
considered Inadequate for a city of t
size of Portland. The committee be
lieves that the old charter with such
amendments as can be made to It at
this election should be given a lonirer
trial in new hands before being dis
This special committee also tfdvlsev
the rejection of the charter amend
ment suRKested by the . committee of
seven, as too trifling for serious con
The committee recommends the amend
ment providing for the Issuance of
150.000 of crematory bonds. A crema
tory, the committee considers, an Im
mediate necessity and as the bonds are
payable In 10 annual Installments the
Issue does not constitute a heavy bur
den. The committee reject the amend
ment changing the Madison-street
bridge to Market street, for the reason
that business has adapted Itself to the
present site and Its removal would also
entail an extra cost of $500,000.
being? a low rate, has no quick nine effect
upon the debtor. Vote yea
The amendment provldins that the ac
ceptance by the ritr officers of an improve
ment halt b final ! aimed at an atua
that has ron to larso proportions. A con
tractor on city work htvitit f unshed h is
contract and had It accepted In oo4 faith
h w t K mrneva if v nfflcera la atl'l nr rtnr our
present system hafela to ba held up la hla j
par -for years at the, suit of private owners. !
This Is an oat race, and ha ruttel In I
Increasing; the cost of city Improvements In
Portland from ! to 2 per cent. "onirw
tors have been kept out of their hoaestly
earned pay for years and ran have no as
surance of receiving their pay at any fiacd
time. Vote yea
The amendment aboltshlne certain boards
and relating to water bonds ts defective and
Insufficient. .Vote no.
Vt Yea far Malaa
The amendment nrovldlna trr the Issu
ance of bonds to construct water mains of
19 Inches and over In diameter hard.y goes
far enough, but Is an Improvement on pres
ent conditions. Vote yea. '
This amendment allowing the Council to
fix the salary of the lty Engineer at any
reasonable figure, not less than 1 2 4e a year.
The preaent pay Is entirely Inadequate. The
Council has lately paid Mr. Mo4eka. an
eminent engineer. .'wO for a tmw weeks
service and would do well to pay a cit
engineer of first -etas ability a good salary
Willing to Draw Lots With Al
bee and Munly to Decide
Who Stays.
; r-.
Gothenbnrg Plan Jolted.
The amendment granting a franchise
to the Oothenburg Association is re
jected. The committee considers It
dangerous and vicious in the extreme,
and that it would tend to corrupt the
dispensary system.
The measure known as the excise
board amendment is also rejected on
the score that it would disastrously af
fect hotels, clubs and other business
enterprises. It Is considered inadvis
able to abandon the present system for
such measures said to be radical and
untried which could not oe perman
ently maintained and would result in
a disastrous reaction.
Tbe Full Report-
Following Is the complete report of
The new charter proposed by the com -r
is ia in substance very much like
the old charter, except In the radical change
t.fifi.tJnn of a small and well-paid
Council and the merging of all legislative
V1w.rir functions in the Mayor ana
I'nuncll. It seems to this committee almost
. mn irtlen a. chance. The com
mission plan, as It is called, has worked
well in some small cities, but no city of the
first class has so far adopted It. In aah-ine-ron
T c. which has I under Congnesa)
a htrhlv centralized administration, the same
nrinHnlit has not. so far. work very well.
The old charter with such . amendments
as can be made to it at this election should
be given a' lonirer trial In new hands bt-fore
It Is cQndemnetl and thrown into the Junk
pile. Vote no.
e ' e
The charter amendment suggested by the
committee of seven Is too trifling for serious
consideration. It only provides tnat news
papers to obtain the city printing must tx.
at least one year old. Vote no.
The charter amendment to resjulate wlr-
nT. etc. has for Its ultimate purpose tn
creation of the offices of -electrical Inspector.
Inspector of stationary engines, purchasing
agent, etc. The League does not consider
It wise to create these offices. ote no.
The amendment requiring franchise hold
ers to keep accessible accounts commends
liseir aa a just ana proper om. ote yea
Women's A axillary Favored.
The amendment authorizing a women's
auxiliary to the police department
necessary. ota yea
The amendment authorising the City
Treasurer to purchase bonded warrants
of trifling Importance and a treasury full
of bonled warrants mould be of little use
In a panic ofce no. "
The amendment authorising banks of
capital of .-. oo to receive city deposits
on givtrg proper security seems a proper
one. 'i ne security Mint sunicient
capitalization of the bank, la comparatively
unimportant. ote yea
The amendment authorising; the City
i rea surer to loan city runaa on tne security
ci sunety oonas noes not commend ltaeir
hurety bonds In a panic, the only time they
mould be needed, would be about as useful
wet gunpowder, and the suretv romnanv
mould naturally consider Itself as liable only
me oana naa iaue. vote no.
The amendment modifying; the civil aerr-
rexuiaxiona is goon aa far as it goea
e e a
The amendment to the civil service reg
uiatjons referred to under this number li
th foresting recommendations Is also 4
ry proper .me and would doubtless tend
to Increase efficiency of employea Vote yea.
The amendment authorizing a Deputy
Ci-rtc for the Municipal Court seems neces
sary. Vote yes.
Th amendment authorizing the, Cltr
Auditor to act as the clerk of street viewers
a proper one. as lis only purpose ts to
ensure the good form of viewers' reports.
ufce yes.
The amendment requiring the Auditor to
awertaln if any liens exist before making
payments for appropriated streets has be
come necessary as cases have occurred where
mortgee. by such proceedings, have lost
their security. Vote yea
; r- ..... v
r t
jV-- jsl ' '
: V . - A '
Mla Charlotte Helaaey, Papmlsir
C.trl at M. l-aaeta' Aeadesny.
Miss Charlotte Telaney will play
an Important role In the serio
comic drama entitled "Rosa
mund's Triumph, which will be
presented by tft. Francis Acad
emy -students at the Helllg
this evening. Friday. May 1.
Miss Delaney Is a very popular
member of the class of 10 at the
for a longer time, and If It needs authority
for that purpose it should be given It. ote
. . a
This amendment allowing the Council to
Increase the Cltr Treasurers salary I noi
recommended. The salary
Treasurer is sufficiently provwea ir al
ready. Vote no.
This amendment allowing the Council to
lncreeae the salary of the city Attorney
mrong In principle. Tne amount idouiu w
fixed in the charter, vote no.
Tkl amendment BrOVldlDV for iht ISSa-
ance of tlio.OoO of crematory bonds meets
Immediate necessity. norownmi "
regard must be done, ana as m-ee ponui
re payable In is annual Installments It
amounts to but mali anticipation of the
city's revenues. Vote yea
e e
This amendment providing for bonds for
the construction of tb Broadway and Lar-rabee-street
bridge calls for a U.0O.ttOS
bond Issue and only the most urgent neces
sity would Justify It. still In the view of this
committee the necessity exists at this point.
nd the briage must oe ouu- runnnu
growing very rapllly. ltn nearly an n na
wholesale and retail business, t'nlon Depot.
nlarea of amusement. K . on tne wes sme
of the river and three-rtfths at least of Its
residences on the tast aiae. i nie orioae
Is therefonn an absolute necessity If pros
pering conditions are to continue as they
are, ote yea
Is Cevrert. But
The amendment relating to electrical wir
ing Is. in th- ud vment of this committee,
correct in principle, but should not pass at
the present time, because the electrical com
panies are at present working under a re
cent ly passed ordinance making the apace
IS Inches on each side off the center of tha
pole, and It would be an Injustice tn com
pel them to Immediately undo all that they
have done; also because the ordinance Is
defective In that It does not omit from the
operation that portion of the city where
the wires are now being placed undvr
ground. Vote no. - .
. e e e
The amendment to change Madison -street
bridge to Market la unjust and would cur
tall an extra cost of ahout fS0o.Q. and as
business has adapted Itself to the Madlson
etreet bridge It should remain where It la
Vote no.
The amendment authorising the construc
tion of the hherman-street brtdgm and the
Issuance of 1 1 Mj .0 of rlly bonds could
only be Justified by an urgent necessity,
m-htrh In the view of this committee does not
exist In nrs-ard to this brMi. Vote no.
The amendment prohibiting patented ar
ticles tn public Improvements has a navr
of the middle or dwrk aes In it If the
citizens want a patented article why should
thev not hae It? And If they have It. then
why should thev not pay for It at Its price?
A law to abolish patents would be more
In point and Just about aa absurd. Vote no.
The amendment to grant a monopoly f
the liquor business to the Oo then bar Asso
ciation and to provide for a partnership of
the city In the profits, seems dangerous and
vlrloui to the last desnee. The corrupt ion
of the dispensary system would accompany
It. Vote no.
r.irle) riaa la Radical.
Th Excise Hoard amendment to rec-ulate
the Liquor traffic ts also a radical departure,
but In th other direction, and would if
enforced strike disastrously at clubs, hotels
and other business enterprise. ' From even
the standpoint of the frohibltionit It would
seem unadvisable to abandon tte present
most effective battlefield of local option for
such radical and untried measure that even
If maintained for a time could onW result
in a nnai ana disastrous enaction. Vote no.
Street Rededlemtloa Approved.
JTYm amendment requiring a rededicatlon
of atreeta where a vacation of streets Is
sought for the purpose of remodeling a plat
la a Just and proper one. Vote yea
amendment providing that the city
wa the soil in streets ordered to be
ed D resents man v inri... .
The right of the owner o us the land In
Xtoim of his lot la unquestioned until the
lmiTTKmDK U rd d ihe courts have
held -that he now owns It afterward if
so. mbat la the oity to do for son to fti'l thU
low places and mhat must the street con-
!t? Th.. "9 remove
witnmpts to eat the
knot in the only reasonable wav thT LJ".
ote yes.
tractor do with
The referendum demanded on the vehicle
ordinance doee not meet mlh the approval
of the I-easu--. and in Its opinion this ordi
nance is just and reasonable and should
pass. Vote yea
It Is proposed by Initiative petition to ap
point a commission - named in the act to
establish and maintain a municipal p-rwer
and Uirht plant and Issue citv tvrv1 fr
that purpose to tre amount of 9;. son SOS.
The lnu at this time advisee very
sironsiv aaalnst this proposed plan To
issue such a large amount In bonds entail
ing tremendous Interest charges would
necessitate heavy tax burdens that would
cripple the city to the Injury of emery man.
woman and child In It, and experience has
shorn n that municipal light and power plants
are often a heavy burden upon a community.
Vote no.
If after an examination of this circular
It meets th approval of any voter It can
be taken to the voting boor h and a cross
can be marked upon the official ballot op
posite the numbers suggested, as for In
stance. llx. 107x. lsx. etc.
As a last word, the committee nrawa
great caui'.on In increasing the debt of the
city or lr. any action that mifbt impair its
commercial crmoUt or post ton. Whether a
etisen carrlee his capital tn his head his
hands or his pockets. h- la alike Interested
in maintaining the supremacy of Ma city
and the prosperity and happinesa of bis oma
The ameBdmm for the bonding of asi
" .... . i mDliniL 1 hti
Jut And proper. -Vtit.
Cot People In New York.
IloK for t'nltrd Opposition to SI
mon. but Othrr C'andldmte Are
Not Expected lo Accept
III Proposition.
Brll.vtnir trt th d-f.t of Jn.rph
Flmon for Vvr la pojalb! only bjr
th .llmlnatlon of two of tha thrra
nppoalnaT cn1Mt.. Ptat Senator Dan
Kltahr. Ind-fen4rnt candUlat.T lat
ntfthi lsu1 an optn letter to Judca
M. O. Munly. th. IVmocnitlc nomln.a.
and State Senator Alhee. the other In-dt-nendent
candidate. In whlt-h he pro.
po.ea that they meet and draw lota to
determine whlrh of tha three ahall re
main In the rare.
Senator Kellaher'e propoaal rontem
ptalea lht the cantildate thua aelecled
aikall rer.IT. the unur.tmnua aupport of
the other two. With tht. con-entra
Hon of the antl-SImm vote. Senator
KillaliT feela ronlent that tha fi.
lar Republican nominee ran b defeat
ed. Senator Kellaher'e propoajtl la aa j
letter From K. I la tier.
T Mr. M fl Munlr and Mr. l tt. Atbea.
0nt!.m.n -
It .-Vina that the of Jth S!fna
for Mayor la .opar1:aed bv ha-lna IhM.
rantlll. In th. n.lrt. .l e:almln m r. p-
rtil prlnrlpie. In nipo!jinn lo th'M
e.nt.4 In Mr. KlmoB, I prnfxM. 1
you thai m. tti r-f i kb4 d . : fl br lot nt-h
two of ua thr.. ah.;l ml-.tiilr.. from tha
ronteet. In raw It aheuld tall to m y lot
to withdraw I prnml.. to to th. luc
caa.ful candidate mr hearty .upporv
1 make thia propo.itlon lo . eltlH
I bell.. thai th. d.t.'al of Joarph hlmul
and Ih. prlnrlpl rrprwnlMl hy him I.
paramount to th. pereonal auer mm of .utter
of ua. Vary truly oun.
PAS KKLl.Aliril
"It la not too lata for the (ptxramon
to Mr. Simon to ret together and con
centrate their atrenrtli on one candi
date." a aid Senator Kellaher laat nlcht
"If Judse Munly anu Senator Alhee ara
alncere tn tnelr dealre to brlna about
the defeat of Mr. Simon here la an op
portunity for them lo prore It. The de
feat of Simon ran be accompllahed by a
united opposition. "
Manly and Alhee Silent.
Neither Juda;e Munly nor Senator A I Sea
would dlacuaa the Kellaher letter laat
ma-ht when notified by telephone that
"Urn a propoaal had been laaued by Hie
Wat i-lde candidate. There la but ai:.-ht
probability that either of them will tub-
acrit to ita term a. Both of theae men.
throuKh their frlenda. have or a an I led a
campaiirn procramme, and undoubtedly
.111 take the position that It la too lata
now to concentrate the Simon oppoeltlon
followlnc the failure of other negotia
tions In that direction earlier In the con-
In Issuing; the letter Senator Kellaher
denied vigorously that It could be con
strued, aa an evidence of weskneaa on
the part of hla candidacy. lie declare
that he la entirely aatiailrd mlth the sit
uation and regarda that hla rhancea of
election are far more bright than thl
of either Munly or Alhee. Me Insisted
that hla only object In making tha pro
poaal to the other two antt-.'mon ran-
aiaatea was to make .absolutely certain
the de'eat of the assembly candidate.
Any likelihood of Senator Alhee consent
ing lo participate In any lottery at this
stage of the game la believed to have
been diminished yeaterday a hen he an
nounced hla platform. In hla declara
tion of prtnetplea he dec In res for the reg
ulation or corporations and llouor Inter
sts. preservation of the Initiative and
referendum principle of government and
an economical expenditure of municipal
funds. Incidentally he takes a fling at
machine politics, to which he pledges his
active opposition.
Alhee Announce Platform.
There are nine planka In the platform
on which Senator Alhee aeeka election aa
Mayor. They ,rr: Regulation of public
corporation a. regulation of liquor Inter
eats, guarding of franchisee, value re
ceived by the city for all moneys expend- 1
ed. fair play between city and contractor,
appointment of competent men only, per
petuation of the people" s power from the
Initiative and referendum, emeereet effort
for a greater and a beit.p city, and first,
la.t and all the time. oppoattkn to ma
chine politics aa typified by the political
recird of the Republican nominee
"The atrong feature of my little plat
form." aald Senator Albee yeaterday. 'la
that It means exactly what It say a. as thosa
who know me will readily believe. "Our
friends, the enemy In criticising tha Inde
pendent candidate overlook one very Im
portant feature of the primary law. and
that ts the recognition It gives to the rel
iability of all things human. The provision
to which I refer Is that one providing that
when there has been a mistake in select
ing a nominee of a party, aa a very large
malortty of the people of Portland believe
wa the case In our recent primary elec
tion, there Is still a chance to correct tha
error, and heneo the direct primary law
provides for the Independent candidate.
Tha Independent Candida! Is, therefore,
under our direct primary law Just aa
much ae those who enter the primaries.
Verteen Active In Campaign.
A- Verstee;. choice of the IVmnrrtu In
the primary election, la conducting an
active campaign for election aa 'ouncll
man from the Ninth Ward Mr. Verstee;
recently filed hi acceptance of the Demo-
cratlc nomlnatloo and will contest with
Councilman R K. Menefee. Republican
nominee for re-election, for this office.
Mr. ersteeg Is a member of the Versteeg
family, pioneer brick manufacturers of
this city, where Je has raided for 44
year. If elected, he pledge himself to
give the people a psxctlcal businesslike
administration. Ir. Versteeg contends
that taxes are onerou and must be limit
ed In the Interest of civic prrurreaa. He
advocates more adequate transportation
faciutie across tne nver and a
garbage crematory. He opposes th India.
criminate granting of franrhleca uol
the rif r.u or the people are protected
Campbell to Addrea Graduate.
MARhHFIKLD. Or . May ST. TSpectal.)
Commencement exercise at the North
Mend High School will be held Friday.
May . P. "mpbell. president of the
Vnlverslty of Oregon, will deliver the ad
rirtea. There are three grwluatea. Mia.
Mildred K. Rood. Marlon H. Reynold
and Ralph W. Coke.
J. -. r -I '
a, - . t "
rivr. rnttK rioom
Bristle Goods Department
3e Klerinellk Tooth Finish 2?4
Wc Kent Toolh Hm-h 20
a WooJlark Toolh Hru-h lift
7'yr Hair Ilrushe. 11 row -II
fl.r Hair Hrtuhes, 1 " row, SI. 31
vl.CKl Meal Hair Hmshea, No. 1 Sir
.VV 1 .a. lies' C'orr.b -1 1
7.rK- Ijt.ln-' I)res.siri(r ."oir.b ISC
Yle Iji-Iics Iiresaini; Comb l.g
IL'te Kifie ("omSs H3
l.OO C'lolh Kru.h H-lc
4"e Infant Itru.h 13
ONE HALF Orr. oa Celluloid Hair Brushes
Art Department
.W Facsimile Water Color, both in land
scape and rr. srt". really mounted and
frame! in handsome 1-inch p,-!l frame
with fanrv erticr ornament., claw ie
i,li 1
7.V Hrptojactior. of farr.oua Oil 1'aintino.
tnounlei on aorted eojor rnotmla, framed
in peal 1-inch cold tnouMmp ilh fancy
eomer ornament.. i;lasa 11x14. frame
lone worth double ................ .23
tl-0 Karaimihe Walcr 1'olor. oncinal and
Uv-lo-latc, framed in handsome 2-inch rrld
mouljine wilh fancv comer ornaments,
riaa atxe 12x2 ' 50t
Rubber Goods Department
f l-V) Gauntlet Clove.. No. 7 and f, Sl.lO
$l.v No. - Fountain Syrirtre. 4 hard ruH-
her tube 91. OS
rj.'al No. 3 Comhinaiion Water lioiile a vf
Synnce Sl.ttS
flA't No. 4 Water llottle and Snr.
at 51.00
fJ-V ladies Spray S3
lOe Celluloid Rattie G
IV (Viluloid Hal ties J,
1(V Fancy ball piven aaay wnh every ale
oter .W.
Stationery Department
2.V Fjiton Hurlbut'a Whit Linen Tahlrta,
ruled and unruled 1TC
l. Katon Hurlbut'a While Linen Tablet.
ruled and unruled . lOt
le IVnnUon' Ked Initial SeaU, box r?
1 1 Sl't Hubltrr Hands, aji't iJ!e. Ih. hx Sr"
.'IVc Rubber bands, ass's si res. '4 lb bt 123
.'0p Katon Hurlbut'a Hot Pressed Vellum
Paper and Kn-loies. bn !!
:t"ie Hurd's Pound I'aper. in two sires C,
Lie White Linen F.nvrlope
Perfume Department
Lie Swanadown Fare Powder...
2,1e Woodburv'a Facial Powder..,
2.V Sal in Skin Face "Powder 16
2-'e William' Talcum 15
ZTx Lyon's Tooth Powder for 23
Uile Kubifoaro 2 for 23
.W Cosf'i Dandruff Cure 3H
Sanitol Cream 13
0.V Madeline Snow 22
."iOe I'harle' Flesh Food 31.
Drug Department
1 V Soda Itiearbonale, pound ot
Pure Cream Tartar, half pound.. 10
2V Sola Phosphate, pound .MereV., 14i
10e 5vap Hark. pVg 3
IOe Soap Stone, half winds. ........ .5
2-'tc tilyeerine and Rose Water, bottle 1-1
IV Pelrola. half-pound ran
l.V Paraftine IOC
l.rtrt F.artbquake." the irreat carpet
cleaner 60
Sundries Department
MV Seivsorti. 6. 7. 8 inehe 23t
1 doit. Sanitaa Toilet Paper 4 4t
$.1.00 Oarden Hose, with Sprinkler ?3.33
X'te Corkscrew .......IT?
ftOe Thermometer 27
7.1e Alcohol Stove -IS
.1c Flower Seeds G for 3t
$1.00 Alarm Clock 69
Soap Department
10e Sapolio
2-1e Cuticura Soap
1.00 4-lb. bar Castile Soap.
IOe Williams' Barber Rar.
2-V Saift'a Friendship Soap, per box lot
5V -Jet-pen' fi-cake aortnjent 2 1
China Department
f'V Imported Sucam and Creamer with
neat design and up-lo-dal shajies, pr 23
Vie Cups and Saucers, hand decorated re
ilesii-ns, full size, tine imported china 23
2-f 5-ineh decorated Bread Plate., floral
designs, prod quahty china Jl
Small assortment of old and end at lesa
than half price.
Pyrographic Department
Kvery article in our Pyrocraplir IVpart
ment. including Itose. Panels, Skin,
leather Pillow. Leather Matts. Neclles.
outfit at ONE-THIRD OFF
la only
The amendment inrreasln th Interne en
l.Unqant asi.nn.nta from C to 1 s see Is rasntls and lntawl.4 to fartlHat.
Ulalr collation. Aa It la now. per
NEW YORK. May 17 (Special i Jf
Lett, of Portland, 1 registered at the
Hoffman House. 8. M. M-ninfoca. of
Seattle. Is at the Hotel Albert-
Are you i
ad on i-a.
Sea Grerory'i
Porto Ricans Raise Voice .in
Lower House.
TilC Plant to Go l'p.
VAXCOIVER. B. C. May 17 Spe
cial. A lumher mill an4 plant
ts to to-e erected at Harnet. near here,
to replace tha atruclur reeeatlr da
iiroyed by f.r
lilll to Limit Powers of Assembly
Call forth e-peectt from Ir
rlnaca and Opposition
from I e moor a is.
WASHISOTOX. Mar ST - Porto Rlcan
affair were aaaln threshed oat tn the,
House todajr, the remark betnc baaed on
th bill taktnc from tb LeaUIatur of th
Island certain power now vested tn It
and providing- for other reform. Ooualaa
of Ohio. Olmsted of Pennsylvania, and
tott of Kansas, advocated the Mil The
a 'lion of the I'orto l(l-an Assembly In
rrfusln to Masa the appropriation h'.ll t
characterised hy Ioieiaa a revolution,
ary. The Porto Hlcana had aa tter rhun
piona Martin of I'nlorado. ciarrett of Ten.
nessee. and 1-arnnsa-e. th. r resident com
rnisshmer. each of whom represented the
l'orto Klcan tn th Hcht of beinc dented
a voice In the affair of their tSovern
ment. Martin protested acstnat the pro
pie helnar made servanta of a "carpet.
tsg government.
Assembly I Itrvoluttonary.
TVmalaa arrelamed the fouse of
Kale of Porto Klco for makinf It
Cltlon precedent, a he charied. to Ita
aeaent to appropriation, that the ese.
cuttve council or upper body trrt to
certain legislation.
Tt amount to revolution not htn lea.-
he ecllroed. He dec-Ured thac while
revolution mutht he )talined In cae of
oppression there had been rio oppre
slon In Porto Klco. He defended the bllL
i arret t of Tennessee 1e-lareo that s f
fains, were more In the hsnds f the
people of the Island under lipantah rul
than they were under the roraaer acu
Jumping from hi .seat. Itrrtsj got
a rotand of applause when he declared tbat
porto Rico would be stilling to eurrendrr
her custom datie nd much more In e
chrnr for rtgCi and pntl-ge enjoyed
by the elsle
"fjive m some of those he eadalmad.
"and you will hear here in Wast-lna-ton
hurrah from Porto Rico bl.aalng thl
I iivf mm ent
Ornoaing the but In Its er.t!ret and
entering a general dr'-n of the Porto
Rlcan people. Martin of Colorado, de-
Preeident Tatl vhould "go alow
regard to Porto Klco.
(on(reunMti Trying to find Way lo
let fond for Coo Harbor.
WASHINGTON. May 7". Represent at tv
Itawley today eotnferred with the Chief of
R-ngtnera with a view of saving the utt-
eapended b:nc of th approprieiioo for
Ry, amounting lo ahout SSaa It
ha fr a red t h.s tnoari. If pot a
pended before June s atould ta turned
back Into the treiy Inas-much a Cos.
gree last eesaion ulborted tbe as of
thl money In the ooeratlon of the new
dredge at Coo Ry. Haley roritend tftt
that action wa equivalent to ca pre cl -tloo
and therefore the money e auhject lo
use any ttm danng the exit rwwl year.
Th engineer are Incl'ned to accept 1 1 a w -
ley Vkew and tsl'l subm It th questlofl to
th Treasury Iiepartmeni for a ruttng.
closing down
that n
Hen ftetllng annownced
Taft Consider Cornell Mata for
Itockhlll'a Job.
WAFH1NOTON. May r. Th ltt per
son considered aa a poa.lbl tarr or to
Vr. Rorkhlll. a American Minister to
Cl-tn. I ITofeor J. W. Jecika. of Cor
nell t'nlversit v.
would rloe hi tore aioday.
Take Hoard of lUJat-allon to Task.
At a meeting of A. J. bmlth Poet No.
I. i- A. It- held Wednesday night In
I'rlon Hall. hVllwood. a rrsolutloa wa
unnlmouiy adopted deprecating the
action of the Hoard of Kduratiatt, in re
fusing to permit pupil of th pohllc
school to partlclpat la lb cbeerv -anr
of Memorial day. Th resolution
Is a foiloa :
W Mntt. ttfi. SVSel l-d ef rcertlaed
V I f ..if fa .l.n. t. - s-mlt ef
I h. nil l . l. rl. ea .( .1 !. t Ha.
t nl . tJ pwpt . -f M)4 s tbr p.
I " , - '. ,"'1 .lili tt-. It1r,ta Iht
t .r In tir.eni. Ihrir t.led er
ratr a.4 ef Waraltv -.asc-ai a raatfSelta
aat e-t
TK.t.fera. Ve It cese.4 tev A J smMH
!nt . a fi A M , th.t te lev- IKat
a etfcee r II T la all ts. Cele .a a as
JMH I- tfels I as ' s ce. aa . esa.m
lake act) ea I v r-.rt ef I r aa aa.
ennry, atxa.'-d l'r. s-sstr)a a. 4 aa.
ieaelved. TSsI ts alt of eeat
ts. sn4 s. t. r iBarH la fvra."4
a rfr eT t.t. rvi . 1 ta t. O pwa) af lb.
c.ty fr aU .1. . ( -a.
1 v. rv issiaslle
J n ninmv
Store Will Obaerve II Memorial
Iay by Closing.
Prom opinion received yesterdsy
Monday will be almost universally oh
served a Memorial day by Ih lead
ing factories, manufarturlea. storea and
ofnce'a of Iortland- ftepartmrnl atorea
atad clothing atorea have decided to
cloae their placea of buslneaa.' and the
rellroad ar Rebating the matter with
on another, office of th tottthern
Pacific and O. It- at X. will b closed
all day.
"It I a wise and bappr thought thai
rauee u to close on such a day. If
for no other reason than to honor our
sacred dead. It would be our duty to
close." said Du McAllan. of Mr Allen
at McDonnell, last night. Ther I on
thing Memorial day ehould not ba
mad for muement. employee of mill
and other lndutrtal roneerne no doubt
win appreciate a holiday, and work all
the harder for getting It the balanc
of the year."
"I am not In favor of rloalng down
Monday." td It. M. tiray. -for the
reason that funday la Memorial day.
hut owing to tbe fact tbat other atorea
will close. wtll not stand out.
"I hellrve the day ehould be oh
aerved." aald Inuta toenbltt. of v
Rosenblatt At t o, 1 m In favor of
Nervous People
rrr. .rcttr'rr-Y . 1
. . i t
I. T. - -.: eij,.
Specialist in All Branch ef Dental
The woman who docs
her own work ought to
have the very best of
everything to do it with.
Take this matter of
dish-washing, for ex
ampleit pays to use
Ivory Soap even for that.
Ivory Soap deans the
dishes as thoroughly as
any soap can; while, at
the same time, it is so
mild and pure that it
does not injure the
Ivory Soap
99tS Per Cent. Pure.
and conduct oar laboratory.
We o
22 k. Crown, extra htary
Bridx Work
Good Plata
No charge for extracting, when
other work ta done. All work (ruar
anteed trn year.
I bad SI teeth eilracted. plat mad
at the Harvard lental Parlor. JtJ
Ws.hlntrton l, absolutely without
ssla. 'Can cheerfully recommend their
method. MtUi. M. JOHNSTON.
SC2 Waahiartoa Street.
A bank aeenunt is
lb. fotindation for
your ltisines. 1ruo
ture. Each dollar
a.ltled in a brick in
it erection. Start
building at once by
tlfpoaJtine with thia
bank. . We will help
Open from R A. M.
till 5:30 1 M.
Saturday, 8 P. M.