TnE MORXTXft OREfiOXTAX. rnin.VT. MAT C. lfKI. PITIFUL EXHIBIT IN KANSAS COURT Religious Fanatics Give Testi mony in Rambling and In coherent Manner. - SHARP AND WIFE ON STAND Case Against Kplloptlc Youth, Who Was Member of Band, Is Dis missed After He Gives Kvl dence Against Leader. KANSAS CITT. Mar 27. An unusual spectacle was presented In. the Criminal Court here, today when James Sharp, known as "Adam Owi." and his wif-. Melissa. "Eve Uod," took the witness stand at the former's trial. The testimony of the couple proved a weird, pitiful exhibition of tears, lamen tations and wild sayinKs. Mrs. Sharp wailed piteous!- and screamed so loud she could be heard In the streets, while "Adam od" wept al most constantly for the half hour that he was testifying. He explained in detail the beliefs of himself and his followers and told of me doings of his band. Tells of Vision. "Brother," said Sharp, addressing the Judge and weepfnir. "it all came to me In a revelation as I lay asleep last nfKht The Iord said to me that my enemies are my friends. Now, the Lord means that I must turn that saying around. If I am to find my friends I must go among my enemies. That's Just the rea son God led me Into this courtroom. He wanted me to be among my friends, so he sent me among my enemies." Sharp denied that he had shot Patrol man Mullane, with whose death he is charged. He had, he declared, fired into the air. The prosecutor has dismissed the case against William Knghneli. the 2l)-year-otd Minnesota lad who was a member of the band: Enghnell. who Is an epileptic, waa a blind follower, according to his own testimony, of the man Sharp. Boy Tells Sad Story. "I went with him." said the boy on Hie stand, "because God revealed to me that he was David and that he preached the truth." He said he'had given Sharp everything he possessed, "because he was Adam; he was David; he was the father." "Did Sharp have revolvers and riflcsT the prosecutor asked. "Yes." "Why did he carry them?" "He said when 1 came to know of the faith up In Minnesota that down South they had put blm In Jail for preaching the Bible and the truth.' The revolvers and rifles were .to keep evil men off." Enghnell told how In an encounter in Canada Sharp and his band had stood off 60 policemen witn rifles. ELLIOTT NOT MURDERER Kvldence He Murdered Annie Pol tera Goes to Pieces. LOS AXGELE3, May 2T. Later Inves tigation tends to clear Ben Elliott of suspicion of the murder of Annie Pot ters. Sheriff ii am me 11 is convinced that Elliott is Innocent of tjie crime. Tiie Sheriff today took the bloody and torn shirt found yesterday to Mr, it in Troplco, at whose home Klllott lived, and after examining it closely she said that the young man never owned such a shirt. The hairs found at the scene of the crime do not fit Elliott's description. Elliott has admitted that he entered the store of a merchant In Troplco four times and took an amount of food and some other articles of small value. He tells what apparently is a frank and full story, and asserts positively that he never saw Annie Poltera or knew of the murder until he read of it in the newspapers. ROOSEVELT'S 22 VARIETIES Itesnlts or Hunt So Car Total 8 6 Beastle of Many Kinds. NAIROBI. British East Africa. May 27. Theodore Roosevelt, who is at present the guest of F. J. Jackson, of Nairobi, has accepted an invitation to a public banquet to be given here in his honor August 3. The results of the expedition's hunting trips have been assembled. Mr. Roosevelt has obtained 86 specimens of game of 22 different varieties. With the exception of six specimens they are all for the National Museum at Washington. The naturalists of the party have ob tained about MX specimens of birds, ani mals and snakes. DIPLOMAS FOR BIG DEEDS Olympic Games Committee Honors Charcot, Zeppelin and HakiU. BERLIN, May 27. The annual commit tee of the Olympic games met today un der the presidency of Baron de Coubertin to arrange for the games In 1910. The silver cup offered by the Turning Club of France for the best exhibition of gymnastics at the recent games in London was presented to the German turners. The presentation of diplomas awarded to Dr. Charcot, the French ex plorer; Count Zeppelin, the German aer onaut, and to Colonel Balok. of Sweden, also took place. Dr. Charcot, who Is at present on an expedition to the South Pole, received his diploma by proxy. STRIKE IN B. & 0. SHOPS Mill Be Called by Machinists' Offi cers Against Piecework. BALTIMORE Md.. May T7. It Is an nounced that James W. OH'onnell. pres ident of the International Machinists' As sociation, and the presidents of several other allied associations will meet In Bal timore tomorrow to call a strike In all the machine shops of the Baltimore Ohio Railroad in consequence of the fail ure of efforts to settle the piecework con troversy. "JEFF TOO OLD": JOHNSON Colored Fighter IVnes Not Kxpect to Meet Cnw hipped Champion. NEW YORK. May ST. Jack Johnson, the colored heavyweight champion pugil ist, made this announcement from a boa in a local theater last night: "The public nor anybody In this houae will live to see James J. Jeffries and Jack Johnson fight. Jeffries u a pretty old man too old to get Into condition. He carries too much fat. I am confident and positive that the public mill never see Johnson and Jeffries fight. I am going to California to Ocht Al Kaufman." "GENTLE MAX JIM" WITHDRAWS Corhelt Says He Will Leave Black Man In Jeffries' Hindi. CHICAGO. May IT Jamea J. Corbet t J has given the following answer to Jack I Johnson, who has announced his desire to box six rounds with "Gentleman Jim" la Philadelphia: J "1 have no desire or Intention to fight Jack Johnson. He la In better hand now that Jtftries has undertaken to restore the honor to the white race. When I an nounced that I was willing to fight John son :t was far from my desre to get back into the old fighting game. I felt merely that seme one had to challenge the black man who had a chance to defeat htm. Now that Jeffries has agreed to meet htm there is no occasion for me to give any attention to Johnson." JURY IHDICTS HASKELL OKLAHOMA GOVKKXOR DE CLARES PLOT EXISTS. Says Jury Was Surrounded by Secret Service Men. and Only Cer tain Evidence Admitted. TLL8A. Okla.. May 27.-lndlctir.ents against Governor C. N. Ha. (cell and five others were returned by the Federal grand Jury here today. They are charged with having obtained titles from the Oovern ment to town lots In Muskogee. Okla.. by illegal methods. The five co-defendants of Haskell are: C". W. Turner. A. Z. English. W. K. Eaton. W. T. llutchlna and y. B. Severs. Bonds In each rase were fixed at frtx Governor Haskell said regarding the In dictments: "As a result of four Government at torneys and an army of secret service men surrounding the grand Jury and limiting the testimony to Just what suited them, indictments have been secured against me. I am thoroughly satisfied that when the whole facts are made known In the open, the Government at Washington will not approve of these cases, which practically all the people of this locality know have no merit. There has been no violation of the law in any particular. "The later disclosures in this rase will speak for themselves, and show plainly their origin and Intent. "The only embarrassment to me In the trial of this case Is that many witnesses may be brought from a great distance, and other expense must be Incurred, which, unfortunately. I have not the means to bear. Howei-cr. my numerous friends In Oklahoma. Including many Re. publicans, have generously shared the ex pense up to date, a klndneM that 1 have sincerely appreciated, and only regret the expense of further proceedings on that ac count." VVU WILL NOT INVESTIGATE 'o Formal Charges Against Chinese Consul at San Ermnclsco. WASHINGTON. May 27. Minister Wu has found that It will not be necessary for him to make a personal Investiga tion of the situation In Ban Francisco, w here some complaint has arisen against the Chinese Consul General. He had planned to visit fn Francisco before to official trip to Pen, announcement of which waa made today. WJille a number of rumors have reached the ear of Mr. Wu. no formal charges have been filed with him against the Consul General. In view of the difficulties of the position, the minister holds that the Incumbent la discharging hia duties In a satisfactory way. If developments should warrant, he may return to Washington by way of San Francisco, taking occasion to stop at the city of Mexico. He la ac credited representative of China to Mexico aa well as to Peru. FREIGHT AGENTS IN CLUB Pacific Coast Men Unite for .Both Business and Pleasure. SAN FRANCISCO. Msy 27. With a charter membership of 3S. the Pacific Coast Local Freight Agents Association was formed today at a meeting in the Hotel Argonaut. The exchange of Ideas as to the management of local freight offices Is the main object of the oncanl xation. but social features will play a part In its future conferences. Only rep resentatives of railroads having- terminals on the Pacific Coast are eligible to mem. bershlp. Officers were elected as follows: Presi dent. W. J. Hardy. Southern Pacific. San Francisco: vice president, T. W. Pate, Santa Fe. I jam Angeles; aeeretary-trea-aurer. W. D. Bridges, Salt Lake route. Loa Angeles. After the meeting the members took a sight-seeing trolley ride about the city. "COLONEL BILL" GALLANT Thrashes Masher Who Aocwts Hose Cos Man. on Street. SAN FRANCISCO. May 17. Overhear ing an Insult addressed to Miss Rose Coghlan. the actress. "Colonel Bill" Thompson, well known In sporting circles, thrashed a masher on the street last night. The man escaped after he bad been severely beaten by Thompson. Miss Coghlan was on the way to her hotel from the theater when a well-dressed stranger accosted her. She paid no at tention and hurried on until he spoke to her again. Then she heard male voices in db-pute behind her and turned in time to witness the chastisement of the villain by the hero, who did not know the Iden tity of the actress until revealed by news paper men. MORE HONORS FOR TAFT President to Become Honorary Mem ber of English Masonic lodge. WASHINGTON. May 27. President Taft was informed today that the Kngltah Grand Lodge of Masons had granted a dispensation for the organisation of a blue lodge of Masons at London. Kng.. f be composed entirely of Americans. The dispensation was granted by the Duke of Connaught. grand roaster of the Grand Lodge of England. The Duke and President Taft will be made the first honorary members of the lodge, which will be Instituted June X New Tnrk Ttioznaa H. Healv. nofed restaurateur, and bis two brothers, hut received notice from hia Franctaco otriria'e that ther see to Inherit aa tha Best of kin tha Al.ono.fNMi aatate 1-ft there by Thomas Fox. California stock braedar. SENATE DEFERS E TAX VOTE Aldrich Gains More Time to Line Up Forces Against Progressives. DIVISION IN SUGAR FORCES Cane Sugar Men Aligned Against Beet Sural Cummins Beaten on Two Amendment Aimed at Great Trust. WASHINGTON. May -Hy the deci sive vote of SO to XI the Acnate decided today to postpone until June lo further consideration of the Income tax In con nection with the tariff. Conaid. rati m of the sugar schedule waa continue I. but sfter two amendments were voted upon the Senate switched to a dtacuaaton of the possibility of getting a vole 1.1 the Bailey income tax amendment. Mailey argued forcibly for a vote, but did not succeed In prevailing upon Aldrich lo concede a vote in advance of the tariff schedule. Sugar Interests at War. The two amendments to the sugar schedule voted upon were those eliminat ing the Dutch standard test and lowering the duty on refined sugar from I so rents per pound to l.sp, cents per pound. Both were aeirated. the former by a vote of 3 to 47 and the latter by a vote of S3 to Si On the first vote 11 Renuhllrana voted with the Iiemocrats for the amend ment, but on the second only seven Re publicans broke rank. It waa considered somewhat significant that the two Louisiana Senators. Foster and McEnery. the only Senators repre senting a cane sugar-producing stale, should have bean the only Itemorrsta lo vote with the Republicans on the lutrh test provision, and this was mad the more slgnlncant because today, for tha first time, the possibility of a sharp con flict between the cane sugar and beet In terests was Indicated. Cummins made this the text of a lengthy speech. The cane sugar men did not reepond. Cummins IVad forlorn Hope Cummins advocated the striking out of the I ulr h standard teat and the Hirr-r. entlal on relined sugar. This action, he tnought. would restrict the proms of Ihe sugar trust and thus cause that Insti tution to lose Its domination In the sugar trade, while on the other hand the beet sugar makers would be benrntcd. Pointing out the danger ta Kf development In the L'nlted Stales by the v.iiiuu-q aamtsaion or free sugar from I'orto Rico and Hawaii and the Philip pine Islands. Cummins questioned the wlstlisn of permuting rane sugar event ually lo kill the beei-sugar Industry, as he aid It might. He said he had no doul.t that Cuba would also la time send bar sugar here free of duly. "I would rather raise the duty on raw sugar than reduce It." he said. That Senators should address one an other In the third person, aa the -rVna-tor from so and so." and not uae the per sonal pronoun, was the ruling today by Vice-President S Herman. WILL HANG MURDERERS THKKK FILIPINOS SENTENCED FOH KILLING JOXEM. Specimens Gathered by Chicago Sol. entUt ICecovered -and Suc cessor at Work. M A N I LA. May 2. The trial of the native tribesmen who murdered !r William Jones, the noted anthropolo gist of the Field Columbian Museum, of Chicago, tn IsabcU Province. Luzon, last March, was concluded at Ha yon luu.iy. i nree or me natives were sen tenced to death. Ir. Jones was attacked and murdered by hostile Ilongotos near the headwa ters of the Cagayan River while study ing the habits and customs of the tribes of the Interior. A party sent out bv the Government recovered a large part of the valuable historic specimens gainerea by tne cnicago scientist dur ing nis two years' travela In the Islands. 8. C. Sims, an assistant curator of the Field Museum, arrived In Manila a week ago from Chicago to take up the work Interrupted by the tragic death or Dr. Jones. TRACY FIRM IS IN DEEP Brokers Liabilities $0,000 and Actual A.Hcta Only $100,000. NEW YORK. May ?7. According to a report Issued today by Receiver K- O. Benedict, of Tracy A 3o.. tha brokerage nrm that tailed recently, the New York office of the firm baa liabilities of about VeO.oo and nominal assets of about tU. U The actual assets, however, the re ceiver -states, do not appear greatly to exceed xuo.uuo. PLANTERS ALL-STAND PAT Hawaiian Refuse to Consider De mand of Japs for More Pay. HONOI.lLl". May 27. No concessions In the way of hUher pay will be made to the striking Japanese sugar plantation laborers, according lo a resolution adopted by the Planters' Association. The meet ing wss attended by plantatl m man agers from all varfs of the Hawaiian group. , ASK DAY FOR GOULD TRIAL Counsel for Both Sides Will Be Heady for Court Jane 7. NKW YORK. May IT. Ouna-1 for both Howard Gould and Mrs. Gould, who Is suing her husband for a separation. Joined today in a motion before Justice Gerard asking that June 7 be set as the day for tne trial. Engineer Goet to Penitentiary. CHICAGO. May 17 Robert K. Scott. formerly a mining engineer of Alameda. CaL. was sentenced today to three years' Imprisonment at Fort Leaven worth on a charge of having made INCDM ACUTE DISEASES LEAYE THE BLOOD THIN AND WEAK The Tonic Treatment UAA.A Cured This Hartford Man Is Shoeing Remarkable Results In Sunn Cases. When the body become ran down. either as a result of overwork, worry or severe ill news, an examination of the blood would aliow it to be weak and watery- This condition is called anae mic, which la the mexlical term for Idocalleaa. The common vmptocua are paleness of the lip, fraxns aial rhiVks. Iggrtnese of breath and palpitation of the heart after I )e slightest exertion, dull eye and lose of ajvtite. Aiurmia itaelf is a daagr-roua Oiseaa and it mir gradually paaa into ooosompt inn. It mnst be cured by treating Ha cause, which la the jioot condition of tle blood. The vital flnul mnst be made strong and head thy thereby enabling It to carry the Beeeaaary nourishment to every tissue ; Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are the greatest builder of neb, new blood and tM-y have beeneuriiifranarmia and other blood disease for near It a generation. daring which time IIk t have come to be recofrtuxed aa an inTaloable household remedy. The statemeut of Mr. X. la. Prickett, of No. 71 Asylum street." Hart ford, Conn., ilxiws how tliese pill cure cases that st ubbomjy reads ordinary methods of treatment, lie says: i "A few years ago after an attack cf pneumonia, I waa greatly ran down t nd did not regain my strength with tlie help of the doctor' medicine. I waa atiort of breath and my heart tauned tne anon any exertion. I had roustart, throbbing headaclte and waa so Dervoua that I could not tUeep well. What little sleep I did get did Dot refresh DM. I had no life or energy. "I had read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pill and decided to try tliem. A few bnxea helped me and In a short time I was entirely n-tored to health. Pr. Wil liams' Pink Pills are a good tonic and I can heartily reennimrnd them." A booklet. "Iriseaae of the Blond. howinr wliat Ih". Williams' Pink Pill have accomplished In many severe dis order will be sent free on reoaeal These pills are sold bv all druggista. or will be sent, postpaid, on reori nf r-iee. 60 cent tr box : SIX bnxea for L&O. by tlie Ih-. William xi M-ine Co., ochenectady, K. Y. plates for the coining oC money of the Araentlne Itepublic. BONI GETS SATISFACTION Ioc Custody of Children, bet Is Named Kdocatlonal IM rector. PARIrs May IT The dec (.Ion e-f nuperior rourt or Count lionl de Caalel lanes appeal of the rM hrAuehl hr blm for lua rusiody of his children was handed down today and Is a sarllal vletory for the Count. It confirmed the declaion of the lower court giving ti.a mother the custody of the children, hut It set forth that the father alocte had Ihe right to choose their Instructor and aesignate tne college In whir a they were to be educated. furthermore. Prince llelle de tvagan Is epectflcalty rirluded from Ihe Hat ef persona au thorised to vialt Ihe children and the Counla contention that the Influence of the Prince Is pernicious la thus tn effect sustained. The costs of in ap peal are divided. ir tne parenta cannot agree on a school for Ihe two boys within a fort night, they are to be sent to the Lycee oi janson, wnere only the mother, the grandmother and. George Gould may visit them. Tha declaion set forth alao that, "whatever the character and Mat of the iTInce de (lagan. It la not right that the prlnceas Impoae upon her chil dren the Influence of her new husband tn prejudice their affection for liielr father. MEXICAN PLANS FAILED Suicide Lost fortune In' Central American Ilepubllo In Mine. IvOS ANOKI.KS. May 27. A. G. Gun 1 her. the mining man who allied hlmalf In a Memphis. Tenn.. hotel last night, was well known In mining circles In Los Angeles. With his wife he lived for many months at one of the principal hotels, and also at a fashionable apartmerrt-houae. While here, be la said to have been 'en gaged In a mining deal In Mexico In which he lost S.'OO.uvO. and later Invested In Mexican lands. In which be also lost heavily. Ills ventures completely exhausted the family fortune. It Is sskl. . lie left here a few months ago In a disappointed frame of mind, and suffering from bodily ali ments, lie was about CS years old. Ills wife's family lived In Memphis. BATTLESHIP AT SEA AGAIN Mississippi Knd Visit to River Cit ies and I leaches Halt Water. PORT EAIS. La.. May ST After a quick run down the river from New Orleans, the battleship Mississippi went through South Pass successfully today and stood oat to sea- She anil probably reach Prnsacola tomorrow morning. AMUSINGJNCIDENT. La Sunday the crowd who went to ran St. Johns to Inapeet the property, and Incidentally lo catch the mysteri ous Mr. K:fl-s was treated to an un expected Incident. Many sleuths who were hot on the trail of the Man of Mystery eyed everyone with suspicion, and everyone seen working away from the crowd waa followed cloaely. A man from Hi. Johns who was stroll ing around the property with the Intention of buying m aa surprised when be saw a ponderous figure on ihe rua coming nearer and nearer to him. See ing the rrcwd waving handa he be came alarmed and made tracks. The ponderous figure -ratty Leva put on an extra spurt and the chase became exciting till the latter gave up in ex haustion and much to Ma chagrin on seeing the supposed Baffle escaping from him. The fpenton Ce-, treading Hub-dlvlalon Agenta. report that tbe alarmed man. who afterwarda found out what the chaae meant, returned to Kat Ht. Johns Monday end bought lot. He couldn't be chased away so easily front w hat he knew to be a oo4 Investment. Chinaman Given 30 Tear. rUlLI.INGHAM. Vsh. Msy r7 I .ax Wing U ah. ef Oakland. Cel.. convicted of marderlr.g his elave wire la the detention ahed at rXimae last August, was today eenten'ed to 3 years In the penlteet.sry. The Hiipreme Court yeateeday afirmed the conviction and the eenteacw fouosred today. 4p? to. OUR SHOWING OF .MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Carries you by easy stages from the extreme to the most dignified conservative styles in both pattern effects and modeling. Whichever end you favor we meet your ideas adequately here and at our usual MODEST PRICES $20 TO $40 B EN, TRACK MEET ON TODAY! OUTGO'S' MKrrrs IIKK OI.I RIVAL. . A. C. AT CtlltVAI.LIK. Team vf 3 Men I a-a tea r .a gene. All In (eood Condi lion With Y.x rrptioa of fcprlnler II uaton. CNlVKRflTT of onJOS Kugene. Or. May 1. Special TWenty.ane men will represent Oregon In Friday's dual meet with her old rival al Cor vallla. The men have been training faithfully for thle Anal contest of the season, and with the exception of the premier sprinter. Huston, are In better shape than at any time earlier la Ihe season. Captain Huston, however, has been away all week In Pendleton, where he presented the t'nlrerally of Oregon cup lo the Itaker City team. Ihe winner of the Kaslern Oregon pre paratory school meet held there laat Thursday, and has not had aa oppor tunity to do ronsistant training. Weather Indications point to a muddy Words Fail to Express the Importance of This Remarkaole Sale of Women's Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses For Friday and Saturday SUIT EXTRA Any suit in the house without Arks son's label marked $30.00 or 75 Any suit in the bouse without Arhe son'i label marked $-40.00 C'J 95 Any suit in the house without son a label marked $.V.HJ ? $19.75 to f.V.0O EVENTS" O GOWKS Value up to 110 Sin.TTs Gown, aluea up to r.Kl iSalT.SO BATHROBES EXTBA Value up t oSS. (0 32.03 mmmmmaBmBBBamma'aaaaaMmaaaaaMaMmmimaMaaamMmmaaaaaam "The CHmaxw Tailored Suits "Ma.le of the fmet men's irojwrted a or tej and serce. made rihl here in our hop by etprrt men tal..r. The njle are clever and smart, be art n 7 the mark that diattnsruiaoca exrluattrnea. We're proud to oiler yoti these majmiS eent suila. JToud of Ihe wonderful ltie, the elegant stjlc and ujerb laalonrur, and of the fact that we ran sell Uiern for half what any tailor would ak jou. If ra aae saUat Pa kaik seaoe taatal I an .1 "r ao. aa. Sane aa n i v i . s - V ;1 t SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER track, whu-h w-ll present any record breaklr.g race Manager tv R. Itean. Tealner liar ward end the leans left t-ugene this evening tor Albeay. In le aiiwMnf IHey will lake ihe train rrem AlUany to tvrta:lla, (rcoa'a cnltlr will be aa follow a. Ie J m4 Saaa tlaie Wms. Smm, 7:e ae It 4 !.. Bfk ate tM M I i tarvU ft er4 fee laia I -. lMetta attia la 1 a t v. tt.A.4.!. i -ar? aHt a1 !: rare aik kae41e llealaw. Itaekma. jm ' tif-i ' la aaialia Halaa. Latest aate. Ilia Wla I'aed lama ttrteiew. Heeatae. ttafcnel Mt WrlMita K-p-rat. Ilewate. I " - aa.t -w i. uama. ait. et trlntT- Ki:t. V1 tier-a.a - X-l. . M . I H r !'"' thi-K.... V.-l. Htlrta v ' - " r taa Jofcca as at-te.a Nine of tils I am are freahmra. Taft Aananrlalo i. A. It. Man. VTAiUUNUTON. May Jt. Pre.l.lent Taft today accepted honorary membership la Ihe Associate eVarlelr of Crispin l"oan. J. A. R-. at Buffalo. N. Y . said to be the largest O. A. R. Prwt la the country. Han Pedro r-hlp Movements. RAX PEimo. Msy IT The steamship Oovernor railed today bound from fUn I "'CO to Seattle via Ran FYanclecA and Voile value Voile to w value Ache. mi ACHESON CLOAK 6 SUIT GO, 148 FIFTH i t Eureka with rretgrd and r.aaeuaw Tha at ea mT Aleeiras. arriving fenm rv-i r t Arena. tfeugM !. veda"oil Ilea, (itoamee labels amve4 today (mm ae Hmrtr with a anlsed rana of Itamhee end abmglev ttleemec Harold Ivnae er nved fmm ;ras Harbor with tsavoej feet of lumber. l"-rartueea t.-dar lewmee William IC Murphy end Tamalpela for tiraa Mar te u lua Kram-taoo. and shut f.w Helling ham ta ea Prannao. Hank Chang Approved. ORKXJC!AJC Kt Hf. Wash. Itigiow. May Tie Comptroller of tse urreeK-y hit appeorod the ronveeawaa of the Malheur Oounrv Rank, of Nyeae. r. Into the Kleat National Hank of Nysse. with tsns capital. Wool I 'Ire Near TVosian. NORTON. Mass. Mav r. -Three w- lVfhauww buroed liwt.t m pfla ea JAHN LADIES' BATHS 111 kinds given ander trained aur S laaaklll at. PWeeea Wale S.IT4, A SS-44. SKIET EXTBA Skirl, rejrular 70 Skirt, extra $1.95 : $3.75 value Divided Skirt, broadcloth; $7.75 up to $1j JACKET EXTBA Jacket, new and acket. new and up lo the 7C unute; value up lo 17sJ Totlrit Coat in gray all wool materials: regular -ti.(HI values on- CI Q QC saie for X ZJ J SILK D BESSES Ilesnilar $"J value...... IveguJar i-TJ-O value... . - . . S 0.7 St -1 BB0ADCLOTH JITliPEB SUITS Value up to $Z7J S9.73 fte-gular XV I'.'; ark 1!.hm. K(Tuisr 7.V lilack line. ...2'Jf STREET a 1 ie-a aa laaaaa mt saltafe . is wauk ease; a'lssia ST In i t aaar I I "I. earasln ss e ikieak. an, saas reeee aesax. eta) aaar I el I si real ear. te saaataaeis tsaaam. Q5D 103.0