Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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2S. 1IXT.
Officers Clear Courthouse of
Labor Leader's Friends
and Patrol Corridors.
state Attorney, In Closing Argu
ment. Declares Respectable
I'nion 3fen Are Back
of Prosecution.
CHICAGO. May 27. After hearlrur State
. Attorney Wayman vigorously denounce
Madden. Pouchot and Boyle, labor lead
ers charged with "grraftlnjr." the jury
retired late today to consld-r Its yerdlct.
The etate' attorney declared he wa
fighting not against union labor, but for
"Thousands of respectable union men In
this country are behind me tn this flaht."
he declared. "The wives and children who
have felt the bitter paiuts of hunger be
cause of Maddens grafting strikes, are
with the prosecution."
Attorney Brady for' the defense. In his
address, declared the evidence showed
conclusively that the Joseph Kllcka Com
pany had paid J10" to George Andres to
settle the strike at the Kllcka plant, but
Insisted the money never reached Mad
den. It was announced late tonight that the
Jury so far had failed to agree.
During the evening 25 policemen ap
peared at the criminal court building and
cleared every floor. Many friends of
Madden were waiting for a. verdict. They
were not allowed to walk down stairs
even, being herded Into elevator.
It was rumored that this action wa
taken after the discovery of a plot to
reach the Jury, but the State Attorney
denied this.
Two Officials and Woman Spend
Night In Idaho Mountains
MOSCOW, Idaho, May 27. ( Special.
X-ost In the mountains while ret unit eg
from Princeton, whither they had gone to
try a case. County Attorney George W.
Lupplser, IVputy Sheriff C. C Brown,
and Mrs. Kdna Pickets, a stenographer,
were forced to pass a night In the woods
without shelter or food. Their Buffer
tik. particularly those of Mr. Pickets,
were severe.
It was the preliminary hearing of three
men charged with horse stealing that had
taken them to Princeton. The case com
pleted, they started homeward, a dis
tance of 22 miles, at dusk.
"When darkneM overtook them they
wandered off the road and soon were
floundering helplessly in the forest and
dens undergrowth. All efforts to regain
their bearings proved futile, and finally
they settled down to wait for morning.
The night was cold and they were with
out food, so that their plight was serious.
When dawn broke the search for the
road was resumed, and the party finally
regained It and thenoe carre on home.
Card-Players Flee Through Back
Door When Animal Enters Front.
COLFAX, Wash., May 57. (Special.)
The "Bull In a China Shop" probably
never created so much commotion as did
a real on which entered Hess & Sons'
clear store on Main street last night
about 9 o'clock, scaring some of the
card-players In the back room almost out
of their wits. The animal was one of a
herd belonging to Henry Lark in. a local
butcher, which was being driven to the
' stockyards.
The men In the card room made a hasty
exit by the back door when fhe bull
came In the front, but he was driven out
by Lark in without breaking anything.
A few minutes later he chased a couple
of men into Kincaid ft Cave's billiard
room, and was attempting to go tn after
them when lassoed by Lark in, who tied
him to a telegraph pole until this morn
Forest Grove to Spend $11,000 on
Xcir Bailding.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. May 37. fBpo
claL) The contract for the construction
of tha new school bulldlns; In the
north part of town ar the corner of Main
street and First avenue. North, has ben
awarded, to Loynes se Moore, of this city,
for the sum of $11,311. The other bids
were a follows: John Taylor, til,;;
Btarrett Son. S11.4A&.
The contract calls for the completion
' of the new structure by the mMdle of
September. Forest Or ore has encaged 14
teachers for the coming: year and th
proposition of adding; tha 11th grade for
the coming year Is to be put Co a vote
of the patrons of the district oa Juno 20.
Walla Walla Farmer Sells SO, 000
Bushels Bluest em at $1.15.
. (Special.) GeorR T. Welch, a farmer of
this vicinity, today cloved out the last
holding of bluewtem wheat In th Walla
Walla Valley for He sold M.uuO
WJth this sale the old crop has iron.
as far a any considerable holding; li
concerned. Welch, It Is said, was offered
11. at one -time for the grain.
Ex-Ad jntant-CJeneral Mat Answer
tp Embezzlement Charge.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. May 27. (Special.)
Information wa hied today In th
Superior Court charging- Or tin Hamil
ton with embezzlement. He will be ar
rattened Saturday if Judge Mitchell and
his attorney are here then. The chars-
Is the same under which Hamilton was
held by the Polloe Judge.
.Continued Kroni First Pm-
and th-y were eager to try their lurg
again. Weil, they 3id, and a whole -lot
of them have ion, too.
I ventura to say that th!s faith In
Patten has bouirht many Sprin howtis.
pftld dreumakers' bills. prol uc-d thatr
ticket. InochMnl, furniture for the bouM.
clothe and ahoea for little Johnnr and
Mary, and rent money. Women don't, aa
a rule, risk bljc money. They quit q-Jlckly
when lack la asalnst them and take pro
fit that would look "plkerlih" to a man.
Moat of them have quit now. too. ratlu-r
than risk a blic ilump alien delivery day
for May com-s. Oh, they're wise. Meet
of them are winner In a small way. It la
true, but that's better than bena: out."
Patten's operations In the market today
were confined - to small to local
short In May wheat. The price declined
to $1 314 around noon. Evidence of the al
leged b'x short interest in Ittlaburjr and
New York was not apparent In the pit
operation. The deferred options in wheat
i had a good decline upon optimistic crop
i reports In Kansas and the country at
larxe. The trade was large and Inclined to
j ellinif.
Wheat Dearer Than Flour and They
Ron at Lo.
Wl.VMPFii. Man., May TT O-arTrg .to
the continued hfgh prir of wheat, all
of the smler flour mills In Western
Canada shut down this wk snd the
largf-r mills have drWd to run rm short
time. In Ontario nearly all mills have
closed. Wheat is much dearer than flour
and b!g mill! are rtinnlnar ar a lo.
Class Attains General Average of S 1
Per Cent Ir. J. lie 1 1
Fifteen younir nurses were graduated
from the frit. Vincent's training school
last night In the presence of an audi
ence that filled the hall to overflowing.
The new hall was decorated with an
abundance of ferns and palms and the
young women were recipient of huge
bouquets of flowers that almost covered
the stage. A programme was rendered
each part of which was applauded with
much enthusiasm.
lr. J. Bell presided as chairman and
Introduced the graduates. lr. Otto
Blnswanger delivered an address of
congratulation. Father O'llara also
made an address, and Monslgnore Rauw
presented the diploma. Miss Elizabeth
Larllna- delivered the valedictory ad
dress prepared by Miss Ada Allen. lie
tween the features of the programme
Grimm's orchestra played several se
lections. After the exercises the graduates and
friends were entertained In the dining
room of the training school, which was
beautifully decorated for the occasion
m the class colors or red and gray.
Here a banquet was spread and the
graduates feasted while the Juniors who
had made the preparations for the oc
casion did homage to their departing
In addresses and the remarks of many
physicians present particular praise
was given to th class. The "percent
age attained by Its members Is th
highest ever made, the grades averag
ing 81 per cent.
The following graduates received
diplomas: Laura Cecilia Troeger. of
Portland. Or.: Catherine Kngenla Mo
Cabe. Portland. Or.; Jessie Evelyn Mc
Gulre, Vancouver. B. C: Dorothea Sel
ward. Alberta, B. C. : Anna Belle Fhinlda.
Morris. Minn.: I.urlle Olecarla Petri.
Fit. Michael. Alaska: Mabel Tomella
Anundson. Silverton. Or.: Mary Ada
Allen. Baker City. Or.; I.lllle Jackson.
Astoria, Or.; Katurah Margaret Wll
mot. lone. Or.; Mary McDonald. Rich
mond. Vs.: Margaret KUen McKlnnon.
Vernon. B. C.; l.lzabeth J. Hendry.
Portland. Or.: Elizabeth A. leaning.
Condon. Or.: Mat Klein. Salem, Or.
Accuses C. C. Vaughn of IVIni; De
vice to Steal Gas.
Refuet.1 to pay a raja bill for his w1f
from -hom he Is awparmid. rot C. C.
Vauarhn, a broker, into trouhk ystT
day forenoon. Mm. Vaiurhn, on belns In
formed by a collector for t h- Portland Ga
Company that Vauarhn positively tlllnd
to pay her bill, lopt br tamper and dis
closed a plan which Vaughn In alkcnl
to have Installed for the purpose of dr
fraurilnf? the company. It conn!itd of a
mail "tapper" fitted Into the eu:-ti- plpa
Jufft behind the metr and made It pons) Me
for f:a to jco to the kitchen ranjc wlirv
out b-ing roordd-
Aa a result of this d;jrmir the Oai
Company proce-M, ajralntrt Vaur hn. a
cut-in a warrant of arrant on a rhanre of
larceny. Vaughn vn taken into custody
by a deputy ronff table and released pend
ng a heartnff.
f Continue, rrom Flrtt ps-r.
eled In automobile, succeeded tn cutting
nine four-foot sections out of nine cables
carrying KO wires earn and put T700 Sun
set telephones out of commission. Inf
distance cahles were not molested. Tha
fire and police systems are cut off.
Tha Mayor said tonight:
"It hss been a long r.ght and a hard
ore, but right was on tha side of Pasa
dena and this city has won. The Sunset
Company Is now In a bad hole here. First
It must make a regular application for
a franchise. Then It must sign a pled ire
to abide by the city ordinances. It must
pay the pole license tag for tha current
year and tha amount In arrears. It must
pay the costs of tha suit. Then the
application fur a franchise wilt be con
sidered. Manager SeeJey, of the unset com
pany, refused to say what action tha
company would take, but It la probable
that It will ask for another retralnlr.g
orrer In the morning and commence an
action for damages asainst the city.
At McAllen Sc McDonnell's Is of more'
than passing Interest to the people of
Portland ami the publlo itenerally. This
firm has always enjoyed th repntatlon
of carrying; strictly hljch-irrade. depend
able merchandise, honest values reason
ably priced. In every department,
whether Pllks. Dress Good. TJnens. Suits.
I'nderwear. iloves. Hosiery or House
KurnlshlnKK. the aluea are surpassed
by none, so well known ar their meth
ods of advertising, never permitting mis
representation of price or quality, but
when they have a particular Inducement,
truthfully advert it. giving bona nde
price reductions. The Immense crowds
that have attended th present sale, which
has been heralded In the columns of th
daily paper, and taken advantage of th
exceptional bargains Is but a natural re
sult. Every effort has been put forth
by the management and strict attention
Is given the requirements of their rapidly-Increasing
patronage. It la. as w
say. poeltrr evidence that honest value
truthfully advertised will surely win
Have to Speak at Sllverton.
cial.) Oordon K. Haves, of this cltv.
will go to Pllverton Paturdiiy to deliver
the Memorial day address. Judjce
Haves will deliver th Memorial day
address In Oref oa City next Monday.
Victor A. McCreery, Wanted in
California, Arrested Here.
Her Father, Ctto 'White, Krdland'i
Capitalist, Say McOerrjr Ha.
Wife and Children In Pasade
na Ther L'loped In April.
"I can eTf:!n that alright. T know th
woman tSy mean. It will only be a few
days until I w!!J return. Th only bad
thing about It Is th notarVty It Is
:vlnc th lUUe girl."
fjrh wa the statement of Wfor A.
M-Oreery. a pharmacist, when brought to
police headquarters last night after being
arrested by Patrolman Jo liurke, at
Fourth and Alder street, on a bigamy
charge. Trie u:hort:jr for his arrest
com- from Redwood City. Oil., at th
Instance of tn father of his bride wpo
wsa Ml Mirr Alloe White, daughtor of
Cyrus While, a lu-dlai.d capitalist. Mc
Creery eloped with Mjs White April II.
of this year, and was married by Jostle
Jamie Har.rx.n at Pjrdwood Kry. Mc
Creery was a drug clerk In Upland
and piel as a single man.
It Is charged by th young bride's father
that Moitnr t.a a wif and two chil
dren In lTud-r. Cal. When seen In
I'asadena t.'.e wytiian admitted that Mc
Creery Is her hurar.d. according to a
local member of the detective bureau,
and exhibited a marriage certificate to
support her statement.
Tne father of th alleged wife number
two tel.-graphed bla brother. Albert Whlt.
of Chehaiia, Wash., to com to Portland
and local th couple. ( found them
Wednesday and swore out a warrant for
McCreery arrest and filed requisition
paper with Ctounty Clerk Fields, which
were forwarded to Governor ite-nson yes
terday. The arrest was not medn. how
ever, until last ntrht. when Albert Whit
pointed out McCreery to Patrolman
An officer will arrive today from Red
wood City to take charge of the prisoner.
McCreery formally waived requisition last
"I am willing to go back and explain
everything. It la only a matter of th dis
grace and the time." he said.
Ills wife was sent for and only aaw
her husband a f-w moments befor b
wss taken to hla cell. Mrs. McCreery Is
apparently a srlrl of about IS years of
asre. pretty and refined In appearance. Phe
showed no visible signs of rrtef and
k!!u-d her htspband at parting. They hav
been In Portland since their marriage.
Prlnceaa Alicia Ixe Way In Foe n
New York Harbor With
690 Pahftencerft.
NEW YORK. May 81x hundred and
ninety paenftTs on the Nortn Grrmin
I-loyd paiers;-r steamer IVin Alicia,
who expertd to be far out In the At
lantic rccan tonight, pasned the Ume at
rort A ad-tworth. not out of slht of the
city. The cause was the around Ins; of
the Teasel as kht groped hr wsy sea
ward In the foe
Althourh wreclcina tuaa went Immedi
ately to htr asMlstanc-. all art em pis to
float her were unavalllna. and late to
nlcht her bow wss still fnst tn tha mod
flats, surrounded by rocks, which are
abrejist of the battlements of ths fort.
Despite the predicament of thm boet.
thwre was little exalte-mnt on board. The
T-sl was In no imminent dancr. The
work of shlftinc the rarto w-nt on
throughout tha clirht and the tugs stood
rr-ady to resume thrtr attempts to pull
her clear tn the morning. It was expect
ed that witii the coming of day she would
be floated.
About ITS Member and Ouewfa Are
Present at Banquet.
Th Newcomers" nub met last night at
th Louvm to welcome new and pn.
pectiv members, to discuss plan for
future eairgment and to discus par
ticularly the matters of permanent head
quarter and participation In th lloe
KeativaX. About ITi member and truts
wer present.
After th banquet speeches wer mad
by th officer of th eiub and by Hnca
Kouts. chairman of th " Home-Com I n g
Day" eotnmitt for th RM Keetlval As
sociation; It. 8. M. Pirobeeaer. ri W.
Hchlueter and G. C. Nlcr.oisoo.
C C. Colt, president of th club. Fred
Muller. Its s-eretary. if. w. Kawyer. vie
preetdent; H. V. llolden. treasurer, and
other member also gar short talks.
Tbs rsarilssitl M. O Kortos. OsklSAS
A. 11 cr- n. t bl'-avifo; rr&k, gTrssk
Nkva. !cv7ua, K. M. U!rciltMSe hlcAo;
! ; Mr r. 4 M rs. A. " -rlir-. Irioa
nle. Jr. i kLavri: : U t:iria.n, t-mj rn
c i o . 11. - AI11. Korfil um, C- W.
1 rl . K J. LL-Ji-T. utn.h.. MIm A. T
1.1 v intr""!. !c liii, V . h;iawir att4
.r. M.r. . W M'-Ls 4. Ast'n; ;.
A. lrfT. -tt ; E r havn Kri
c Mr- av:d M rs. TV It. -orfr. ta mti
ukat: M. A I rummr.
.nrk; w k. Cuirta-k. Hf Kruri.. n
At. omavns; A L-v irtr. hU ago; a.
Itti'lr-vr vnil wtf $n fncl"r0i i. L.
iHiL.'ir. K rj-riav ST . . I b.mun. N - York:
J I ro. Nw Trk: M. l'rkr. ifs nn-j
rtauchtff. W.iosta. t"L; J t"-ir. m:fn n4
r mji c ic o : Jrj'.n l. Jss-i km nl k. bi
rtfo. V 1 rar an 1 Mlf. MantHo,
V. im. 'rrs A A 'rn-r. isnar,
Fry. Mr. an4 Mrtv " W It
HutTavIo; JotThIr. L 1 n y . t1l, i. 1
inf. r-vn Frn- lco: M rm I. Y: H
iavr-trta. A- A. 1. i-fcta. S.w ork: W A,
Javtnc. Sr!i; A. V. I j-onvr4. huth rmi;
F L Frii. 1 rwS-r-wcKl . 11. Vui lrf
1-tx. Max l-W.m N-w V rk ; 11. H W . r
t mi-vhav . J H lurd y am4 wit. l"1t'.Ejrc
T. ii-raT H- lul. t. l.l--. nwu-r. jf
: A. I- K'lsr4s Pn Krmnrituw. li T.
J..n.. i- v..-. Mr aal Mr, t- hC W !-,
Han rraaiaro. j. Kn.a, A lavm ! : A.
tui(: J J. ftwart. rait LeSk. J It Uur
Ji;h; J . .- ron, N-w TTk; 1 H
!a-l.oi. V. M AtorlA: p. Ank.r r
w&i.s- X"::v: J - T him-ji, jr. mud m if .; iZ. F (Tim-, Hvi:): O. F-
1 Hf-. fcl i - ub6lir.c Han FVvju:1i
. C T n T A. , v -v.
! P J nrir mA. Tacram ; T H. "s-iwi
In - 4 wl's. ti-ifw ; A. I . Kl'-Ji- . lh
Aw T - J T I! ifur-l. i. K. It-hir--r M
fst-bk- T -aTO'-t . F- J r at:"!. M
"an ra "- . A i J-v loaVi1; J ' aa pl
Farst. ClncXnnAU; JU. tiatMtin. Mrav K.
iviit.rr 11 "-iLzj
t: 1 - -- v
V? t T
TT.vshls, Taman; O. I. LwUh. Suk fruifkafX
I. lrtf. r. Khl. Jr . CW.trkvIV . J A-SArC-vn-'r.
IV. II Kaa Knu' l- ;
H. A. I d1 wf M:m Urmam Kl...-U
sji4 tii Uoys. I'lttAw.tiTS. a. I -. .
Wviinry i:i ; y i Hum W. Nw llvn.
I V. Trs-T. Naw XU. U . 11. L-tiVf.
mn4 c rhlMrro. a--. : W. II. Jar si-4
tfili . Mountain Iat. Minn : It II. K rvo.
rVT; J. c. 3.rr.ujul ht liui; W. H-
W:1. ; " llsMaavrrl. fp--sl n. t T. Ufa-
mr. K Itt4-1V Mrs -vr-t; .vtv4
n4 diuchur, Cl!ffs. H t Hsck tvnd wif.
MlnsrsJ spring. O. J. (ttximan, M. IVt
fxmr.B A. U Mtrton. f aiil-vr4 ; A. U r-n
n. ( b :: c. A. lj it, ff.r:
!;. Abenn; J II. Tvr m-v; A. E
11. .rworTn !?. nba. Mich; I T
W. U linatt, SCrta. J. J"Tlra. -nin,
rt-a iriiss. w. .'hMtiaTs, oidaodsi:
XV. is. x. Klso : A. iiis an 4
wlfa Mvrsbn-ld: J. T. Tsylor. Hii.s; it.
(umU and wtf. A U H ta-y, 11.
.loaf. ritT: J r r-.oxYt. form 1it: W. H.
Krfat. I . Ci r-avr A . J. Kiiaj. Kan I- rvji-ico ;
H lrf. K. lllo"!. lancaater. N. II ; J.
Huns. Kmtm (Ht; lr N. K Hnjudif
and wir. u!rr-; Mm H II. Vstson. mm
11 Wiima, TifTit, hl: L. H f'httftnphfr,
Sn Jom. n IC fHowwv. lu!uTh . . W.
hrhmltt. i'hirsro: - T Wi.mii sn4
wit: Iurks; Mrsv V 11. M rtwrm mn4 sn.
W !. U'nn ; M . w ltTnl. Th llr: ir.
A. f(v-nion and lf, Tsooll: H. K llunc.
ItXiUism; Mrs. M. it tvil. hu rr-nclsbro:
M. H. Vrnamsa. In ls-: A. O li-'idrin.
irto. Mich ; W l. (.um-r. Ut-;i; r.
Itichsro tuid s-afs, Orion ; T Pninri:l sn4
ir-. air. a. r- and ;f. Hirk
Htx-k; Julls A- ron-ty. . inlcx-k : 11 It.
raibin. spukint: A. t Prsawr, KdtnoSTon;
. . J-r. nal:li; . Jrtort.. hn Krsn-
" "hrl- K a Hurrh, Stvtl 1: J. H
Grand Pre-Decoration Day
For Friday, and Saturday Only
Unquestionably the best bargains in high-grade merchandise ever offered. Note these remark
able bargains.
& ; pry)
ti " "v---J 1 r-;
i "T'ls- r"-wr. V'lyf 5
J : -f
IrSvvr-' '"r ffJZL.
vlJ ' w J ,t
i .
Now is the time to purchase a suitcase, traveling bag or handbag,
AT A SAVING OF ONE-THIRD. We mention a fevr of the spe
cials aa follows:
Genuine leather suitcases. $6.50 values, for S-1.75
Ebony fitted, leather traveling suitcases, $23.50 values. .$19.r)
Basket suitcases, $5.50 values for $-1,113
Basket suitcases. $3.75 values for
Ertnf in yonr fan for remodeling ssd repairicc into the latest rtjlet for
this co mine season. Special price dnrlnf th Summer months, .and ail
fnrs remodeled at a cost of S 00 nvA tipwards will b ytrxl f rr of
chirr. Briny in yonr fun now, and tc a-iTi.-tu of r:r!mr rnr.
1 .
"1;. -S-'t 1 -v
nrtm. Xavtrtavrtf ; K K. '. As4 ;
Mm L TTj-ksc. ttesb:s : K'ri V -.:;:,
Iiri 14ro; J y. ltor4. Ua .a;
J. It-mtl. -iti S K ABdr-A, At.r,
M C r vrwata. 1 j w 1st , T It J m vr .
siti. A. A- Army, t- W r:i-, ll. J
li t.ntanti. J. C Cxnr- I -eh wt. It. 3.
Holwn ao 4 "-?. Tn : . 11. It liin,
IhMt-. L. W. lir-- 4Mr . r U. M
1-s. aV-h; M-vr L r.)o. T ;
M r C F. J Jo d.; M m V. 1. Wd-
vrxJ. cUt; I bsiv Moat,
Cbarli Tatson. 11 '.UaUorxa.
T1.S tanpawrlsalU .u panla. Va.t: It W
Fr-man. . Mrs Oa. Kl'r ae4 "'?.
I s' -4 . a T O r c . 1 uvn n . W. .1
1- Ua-kr. JijTwrion, J Wtlih. i fumb-rf ,
I- srr. ('nrin. W rir;t, n
Trk. li Ci-'w. -:!. K K Wi!nn V ..,.
V. ai;; r W . V .!. n. M An
aimn. Iff Annla lrkitn. ij-Mn-r ; N-s
l "X"raw..n, K'rbdki ; Mrs 1 t. ari lor.
O M. Kil-y, buftft, a . a. T-vr S:l
rioa; II K ll-4". H. T, li:i'Sr4.
i.m . R H. !.. i;t ari4 aVv. fa,m:
J A. Orn, Jr Ulnar-. !- llk:nan,
Howbart . N. W. l0--nfr. K- 1C ( r
t-ain . iA. J. Morsn. Hartford; fl l V..a,
rlir; Mrs. A. K ltmlrk K XV. A,. -nt
taka. C. ft Lvs; nron Mi. ton' W o. M ' ,
ioM: Clajnoa trfc. Jtti: J K. Mantn.
M-rrt;l: J I Uavmlitoiv Aaturia. leaU
Kma.y. artfrii. J 1 Tvrra-r. Aatertav; J
I- Mavskotk, n rranrttxsB; A. fcC K nia Nw-a
Is . 1 oavdr. -itr: luka i.k -:.
' 1 Maria ar4 wif. i . port : Itn K.
nwfi -.nd rtnlf-ti. Ol-nwooU, C l;r,
AIIni C Uulrf, Irout lak
Tiia 1M. fcaHam- I. ) Ortrk and :r.
Misnospotis. 11 A. IImim-. tlir : (Wrs
V llA-on. t la!aOl. K W. Kuka. S.
artl. II. A Kottof. Hartoi; Jo l-:!ajit.
J tv. Jafnbwa. ei:r: A -t-rt V;.Mtl. Ta.;
Ita-fa isrg. J A. AaJwaoa. A4na; Cdarard
f.rtIa.. A 't rial . C W . VXamar. T
Iir-r4. rl.r. T Jor- M v Mnrtaa.
M raii lata : I. A N'v Kim ; S. II K a i
" -Tiitg 1; crw,-
& Jil
CtHrW tea, v siMt rs. S Mtn I e- rw
w y siewsjsiswaisissssi m m-mwm J 1
Radical redactiona prtTxil throngbont
our millinery aection on deiirmbla vtxet
and drcu haU, redactiona from 25 pr
cent to 60 per cent off, and lexs than
cost of maUrUL Valaea aa follow.:
Street and dress hata. ralnej to SIO.00.
for S1.9S
Street a&d dmi, Taiuea to S 12.00,
for ?2.9S
Street and dress hits, rmluea to $11.00,
for S3.IS
Street and dress hats, values to $17.50.
for SG.S3
Good Clothes always score,
whatever the' game business,,
social, recreation.
Style, tailoring, all-wool quality
are what win for
Modestly Priced at
518.00 to $40.00
Hart Sckffner & Marx Clothes
Sam 1 Rosenblatt & Co.
Cor. Third and Morrison Sts.
Sam: M K tty. a-!-: fTark U". a
laii. Camu. Jj K. loavavrd. V a. -a V. V4a..
W at Mott;.a. A. J rxtv. A
J ackann. rii y ; laa r. 7 a"-m a .
raMr HaiaW, T S Melva-aM 4s4 W.f-.
jssPdaHua; H J. ttl-avs. Monmaatb, J
1 fsv t . . olum kvia ltr. IV lrxa.. ;
Vt qx. M-r acii i r. . cr iitj-: J i ounn-,
U Caaaiar. U. A. VKbk K13-rttfa. M
1'ulafety. hhr4, O-art-a II a l! and wif
Kav . ' i t4v O-iuiak: tt v . C. 11.
Moora iHMma, kts. A IV Cbntlaa. Co
qn:;:a, cr ; Mrs N J Ni' n. A-fo".
v as'i : An-t lark:na. JUlitk lia kir-av.
oxt:aad ; r? u Map;. At4cxlosa . W f.
t&. Jcafca IC M ar w.'i; avr.d w .fa. Ktn.
M. Jot-fh ar4 w?f. N Tok; T. W ijr
dr. Trouida; tl N V a Hatntr; A
Jarka, Mra S lo!nbr r. L
Anr4a: T O HuSVat.4 n4 oa. H .4
11 "r . Joa-pt) Kpr. tui-fwowt; U A. N,
city; Mrs. 1. W To pp. It . A C Claw-
U ood.aaij, Fttxk M Mr.
TJa- aTkarsaw Uaaa H A. Httt-mt4 and wlfk.
ft yVasMaar; J. H II art artots. it f- S-r h '.a-M-r.
tiroma; FrM M araa avsd fml. haa
I H s ; C- 11. IAaI .aivd and fan l ) r. Frr o ;
l F. Skasa, f-n. W. ' (alia ssd .fo.
l-hia-; U K. WtM-Hsrti. Mrs J. K Mvr.
haaattia: A. II. WM-r. XV . A J-htiPlna.
lb UaJaama: C- T Warklnt. lTT-4 F-k, Fu
!( K. H A1m. rWiti la; J W;tT. Tsa
laal-S. Mra, c" C Ka.l. aitvrta. Mr a
W. H Tauoc. Kaa ftaiifiaoo; Mra M. Nlra
lla, Favtaita. W. A- Hapa. kVavA lanrlro;
Vk. J. ktaxoa, Aasmsdav
Tlvs arl-cttaa M J Kao'.l ssd rtfa Al
ias. Raa . M 'IvaMa. .ak.an4; J. tC
liu-aaii and tir, M-tr F. Hoawli. Marsh
raid. !. C: Mra. 11 llaru. iwoa; U A.
Mu'Urvft, flu. s S. 1 hormrr and ardf. X J Cirrs.s. rit; V. Ptattac. l"M
r. R II IWrrj . 5-a rrancoo . J It.
Irt4r. N f ark . I i" Of.. H aahlti -t.a.
r " : M r cWra n.. avkit;. i w.
Fourth and Morrison Sta.
$50.00 Ladies' High
Grade Tailored Suits
A limited cumber, representina' all tha
sew shades, aa well as black ; best tailor
craft garments in tha country, ralnes
to $50.00. for only 21.85
Sale of GirU School and
Outing Suits
Actually worth to $22.50.
A special lot of misses' suits suitable
for school wear, sixes 12, 14 and to 18
yean, actually worth to $22.50. for
only 9.93
$1.25 Kid Cloves S3 $1.75 Ladies' Parasols .$1.12
75c Dutch Collars 49 35c Wash Bells 21 C
Babies' Bonnets, 231 values to 75c.
Children's Dresses. S1.9S values to $6.00.
25c Ladies' Knit Vests. 19.
25c Black and Tan Hosiery. 1.
Ladies' House Corsets, values to $2 00, for OSc.
A current of cool air is constantly in motion in our storage vaults
keeping furs in the best of condition throuchont the Summer
months. Store your furs now. DON T DELAY. PHONE A 12:5,
MAIN 1295.
rt . TW; ft M CWral, Vasau Clt
1- Wl.'aa. 1 i-wvl and X. k,
I".ar M r . w I. k ar,d ,!,,, t . Y Janaa-st, 4itvaaa. r. ,
i. L.n4ra, F-r- and.
M-aas. S fa 1 1 1 : M Mrk a KT
St-d iX-. . Dakua m.i u. J.
fl Itfd-r--. li. pt.,, fcl
r ran- j . 11 ij ( a iw.i - v e
Sfcd M -a r L. f.n!iB and f-ml j ara
- rr7. Mr l li ICwvj mrd a, V aa
Msrrit F rnaart. jr jf o.iu-a. Mr.
J U! S. V aa M vtt:t:, C M Jr tr,
l V ibJ'eHi-. F U Irt.ard; li.
J I J r. f- aaNax. ATona ; M a--rs Uuur In
dvas.tka. A Km Ho a4 m.l. KlpavTaS.; A.
I Airra. Iwnr. k H Vm.rr snd
l?a. It l4.flr. A-iaT.a. c W A'ataaJ-d
Katm C-it; F Hakr, North 1
M I'l-rra. lrand liarida. kv a H aaln.
At" or: a : Ja-y.hina (H or.6l. Ha Fmja. !a-r-o ;
It. XVriaThi, J lUitob, Aatxna; A- Laf-far.H-h a if, than fTatr lamno: W W.
11-a.aa-ll, -a!Vi. W. F W (v.ard Wa ht&c -a.
A la ! and a if a, haaA; V ra K.
1 r?tir.dlr-c. F-u-c ; J XV. hr.,iv. Iara a,
Haa.and. It K W h ia, J A. Ualfi a. J.
M A l;tardn J t 3 am -a. ' K.
Mr.tilTa. K M Mlrkltf A Hh-rr. ;.
14 Macln Mra, A J K am mar. u mm M f
Jurmas. II 1 liall, J u, Taotv Fiar.n
Nian. T J. n ;can. J I t nr. J
Ma;.-r. V J la M r avr. Mra.
! - ltai. M -a H-ar ha. Mra. 1r -Fora.
y:u N MrHola, Mra M. 1. M rick,
V a K v. MrTifk. J Uvrirh. Jr . h A.
Urowar, ! H 1'Urhanaa, A. t Afnrv, J
! Cofnav, V hraadt ssd -ari. Vl r. srd
Mra N F Fiir.-r. K W. WrifM ar4
-tx v. J M mmcv. W. 1 H -:th u.
I r S" J Itata.and and 'fV J T"V '. rriarv.
It. I amir and wi!. M r- ft llatl-i.
M. K : C of- and w!f IV. M -k r.d artf.
; 1. tulla avsd tfa. sia'tana 1 j- r.a -.
M r.rhur, -lw-a- i (or Jvwi Fr-d -
'ws-rl I. 4 rllrhlfH' trT1 1 a A
LI ;.) t