tot: Moitxixo onrnoxiAx. rarn.vY. mat 2s. ioor. Your Enthusiasm Over These Ifemsifesl Bargains Is No Greater Than Ours EE STATIONERY SFLS Eaton Hurlbut's Vellum Box Paper 33 50c Congress Playing Cards, pack 39 25c Post Card Albums, hold 100 cards, special H $1.00 Picture . Puzzles, 150 pieces 69 65c Puzzle Pictures, 100 pieces 39 Eagle Steel Pens, all styles, doz 6 NOTION SPECIALS 15c Shirtwaist Belts 9 5c Safety Pins, 2 for 5 25c Combination Shoe Pol ish 12 15c Wool Dusters 8 5c Coat Hangers 3 HAIR GOODS SALE New Large Carved and Sculp tured Barrettes, a great variety of styles, values from 35c to 75c, Friday 29c Switches for adding to the abundance of your hair and par ticularly adapted to making puffs, $2.50 value, Friday $1.48 Hairpins, bone or celluloid, all shapes and sizes, Friday 3 for 5c Hair Nets, in sanitary tubes, all colors, regular 25c, Friday 17c PICTURES AT 39c EA Etchings, size 10x13, in hard wood frames, with lj-inch white mat, Friday 39c Natural Colored Landscape, size 11x14, with lja - inch gilt frame, fancy corners. Friday 39c Carbonette Pictures, size 11x17, in 2-inch hardwood frames, large variety of subjects, Friday 39c Another Sale of Bath Room Fixtures 75c Nickeled Towel Bar...50 20- inch Round Towel Bar...45 $1.50 Nickeled Towel Bar. .85 15-in. Nickeled Towel Bar.. 35$ 18-in. Nickeled Towel Bar.. 35 21- in. Nickeled Towel Bar.. 45 18-in. Nickeled Towel Bar..lOc 21-inch Very Heavy Bar. .00 $1 Toilet Paper Holders.. .50 75c Wall and Flat Soap Dishes 40 Toothbrush Holder, 4 brushes 40c Nickel Toothbrush Holder SO $1.25 Glass and Soap Hold ers GO 25c Toilet Paper Holder... 10 LADIES' VESTS Ladies Swiss Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, trimmed or plain yoke, value 79c Special 63c Ladies' Fine Swiss Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, trimmed yokes, value 63c Special 43c CORSETS Our Nadia Cor set, selling reg ularly at $1.95, is placed on sale Friday at the very low price of. . .OSp These corsets are made of very best qual ity French cou til with hose supporters at tached, Friday 98c PYROGRAPHY SALE A1125cArticl es I c Including Panels, Match safes, Piperacks, Tieracks, Whiskbroom Holders, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Nutbowls and Pic ture Frames. A big assort ment. Friday 1 7 Cents iflfiM ft P V VYi-sCc FRIDAY LACE SALE AT 1 5c SPECIAL Another lot of odds and ends left over from our Anniversary Sales; new, clean, pretty, dainty, white, ecru and black net, Venise baby Irish laces; insertions, galloons, appliques, medal lions, i 1-2 to 7 inches wide, values up to $i, Friday special. .13 Friday Embroidery Sale at 25ct Special Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Edges, Insertions, Flounces and Corset-Cover Edges, in white and colored effects, in open and blind effects and patterns, from a inches to 18 inches wide. A STUPENDOUS SALE IN OUR WASH GOODS SECTION The prices quoted are less than wholesale cost, and yet these wash goods are all new, fresh, 1909, Spring fabrics and stulcs. A heavy demand is sure to follow this announcement, or the Summer season is just at hand and these specials make ideal Women's, Misses' and Children's Dresses and Waists. The excellent qualities, combined with the unheard-of low prices, make this sale doubly attractive. Don't fail to come. It will repay you. 5000 yards of English Jacquard Waisting, in a very large assortment of floral and figured Never sold for less than TheseSuperb White FRIDAY MILLINERY BARGAINS Shapes at 59 Cents Flowers at 19 Cents We will offer today 20 dozen more of those fine large new Spring untrimmed dress shapes in black and natural. These are identically the same shapes that we had our immense sale on last week. This shipment completes our purchase and after these are gone there can be no more offered this season. These hats range from $ 1 .25 to $3 ' FRIDAY 59c Friday Only at $3.00 Real Big Bargain 300 very pretty, stylish, new Trimmed Hats, in such a large variety of shapes and styles of trimming that a selection can very easily be made. These hats are the product of our own workrooms, and while the price of $3.00 is a very small one, we are so confident that the style and value we are offering are still further advanced by skilled trimmers that we are justly proud of these sale hats. id patterns in all white. 35c and 25c a yard Goods I 4chtj&gOTheseFine In the Flower Department we offer one table of flowers in large variety of beautiful blooms, including roses, lilacs, marguerites and others at, FRIDAY 19c BUNCH Another lot of Children's Sum mer Hats in fancy straw flats. .Tastefully trimmed, prices run ning up to $3.00, FRIDAY 95c CHANT1LLY LACE VEILS SPECIAL 79c We offer a very large assortment of these the most popular Summer veil, in black, white and colors at a very special price. Round, oblong and square, in large and small patterns; all silk and princess lace veils. Regular value Si. 25, special, each. . .7 ALL SILK MOIRE RIBBON' 18c YARD For Friday we offer 2000 yards of all-silk Moire Ribbon in a very large selection of colors. This ribbon is very popular and sells regularly at 25c a yard. On Friday at, special, yard 1 S Black. White and Colored Tuxedo Veils Half Price 3000 yards Colored Wash Goods in printed voiles, printed batiste, woven suitings, self plaid voiles, solid color poplinettes. V alues ranging from 20c to 35c a yard Syrian, Armenian Hand-Made Lace Another shipment of this beautiful Syrian and Armenian Hand Crochet Mats in a varied and unique assortment in designs, pat terns, shapes and sizes, EVER Y PIECE OFFERED FRIDA Y HALF PRICE Friday 25c pieces sped! lO Friday 60c pieces special 23 Friday 65c pieces special 2T Friday 75c pieces special 35r Friday $1.00 pieces special -12k r ' t s- iooo Men's Fancy Colored Golf ' ""cm. yji panciui ana colorings, i nese snirts are well made, carefully finished and properly sized. No seconds or inferior quality. A great assortment of stripes and figures, in blues, pink, heliotrope, corn, violet and mode. MEN'S 50c NECKWEAR FRIDAY 25c 200 dozen Men's Four-in-Hands, Tecks and Barwings; plain colors and fancy figures and stripes. Three Hundred LINGERIE and WASH DRESSES SELLING REGULARLY FOR SI0.00 A fortunate purchase right at the threshold of Sum mer enables us to offer several hundred beautiful White and Colored Lingerie and Wash Dresses in the smartest models shown this season. These garments are allVof the same high character as the models illustrated. These dresses are princess, empire and lingerie styles, in white, ma is. blue. pink, lavender and many other colorings. In the collection there are more than a dozen distinct styles. Every size from 34 to 44. Some are plain tailored, others are lace and braid trimmed. From the standpoint of style and variety this exhibition and sale will surpass anything ever before seen in Portland. These dresses will be of fered for one day only. FRIDAY $5.85 140 New Silk Dresses at $9.45 SELLING REGULARLY TO $28.00 The silk in these dresses is of excellent quality. You have our assurance as to that. The styles speak for themselves, and you can see at a glance that the price, $9.45, must be con siderably less than the cost of making. Many charming models of Fine Messaline Silks Foulards, in all the most desirable shades of the seascn. Some designed with a beautiful yoke of net and1 finished with lace trimmings with cluster tucks over shoulder and on the sleeves. Colored Fabrics 1 0c la Friday SI -25 pieces special 50 Friday $1.50 pieces special TO Friday $2.00 pieces special D5 Friday $2.50 pieces special 91.05 Friday $3.75 pieces special ?1.G5 1000 Mens Co!orefl Golf Shirts Regular Price $1.00 FRIDAY SPECIAL 53c Shirts, in a most attractive as- 23 LAWN KIMONOS Long and hort Made of fancy figured lawn and Japanese Crepe. Persian and fancy braid trimming. Long, loose. flowing styles. with and without yoke. Short kimonos are loose and belted styles, short. Ion and puff sleeves. Values to $1.89. 98c SHORT KIMONOS sacque styles. with orwith-rkli'1 out collars. Reg. SI "5 values. 85c DRUG SPECIALS Dioxogen. 1-lb. bottle 50c 15c Witch HaxeL bottle.. lie 5-gr. Bland Pills. 0c sue..20 $1.75 Swift's Specific 91.23 50c Dandcrine for Hair 3G 5c Soap Bark. 2 for r 75c Rubber Cloves, per pr, 3a Fountain Syringe, white rubber, rapid flow. 3 hard tubes. Regu lar price $L75. . Friday $ I ,V JEWELRY BARGAINS Shirtwaist Sets, consisting of lorig and short bar pins: Eng lish, Roman gold or silver finish. Special 39c a Set Dutch Collar Pins, mounted in gold and silver; cameos, tiger eyes, amethysts, jets, etc Special 59c Bar Pins, various styles of hard enamel, sterling silver and solid gold tops. Pins of d c s i r d 0 1 e length for collars. Special $1.43 A-Y-P Coins. We have them in the three sizes, and mount them in scarf pins, brooches, bars, etc. At 50c, $1-00 and $1.50 $150 SUIT CASES $1.93 Straw Suitcases, leather-bound, patent locks and bolls ; regular $2.50 values Sl.OS S4.00 STRAW CASESSj Heavy locks and bolts: leather comers, double riveted, shirt fold. $5.00 STRAW CASES $3.98 Waterproof and very light, straps all around, s h t r t f o 1 d. patent locks and bolts; very strong. R PcgmoidSuit Cases $3. f 9 Shirtfold. linen-lined, straps all around; patent locks and bolts, heavy corners. $8.00 Suit Cases $4.93 Leather, shirtfold. patent locks and bolts, straps all around; heavy corners. b: 1 ft r -r 1 r w 1 ir- 1 A' Fancy figured f "w1 nd m r, A