A THE MORNING ORECOXIAX. FKIDAY. MAY 2S. 10O0. 21 HOPS VERY STRONG Market Higher Because of Poor Crop Prospects. TWELVE CENTS FOR 1909S That Price Paid in Sonoma and Yakima and More Said to Hare Been Offered in. Oregon. Ths hop market is showlnc decided atren.th. The taadancy of price Is atronaly trpward mad there la erery reason to believe the new crop win open at better prices than prevailed at the opening of the two last crops. The Orearon crop Is koine to be a llsht one and the Eastern dealers have at last found It out. New orders are comlnf in every day for contracts, but they are dif ficult to secure. Nearly every a-rower who was disposed to contract his crop has al ready done so. The uncertainty of the yield also operates acalnst the maklnc of such aareexnenta. Twelve cents has been paid for tba comma- crop In California and tt Is reported the same price has been paid In Yakima- The Oreeon market for 1101 waa. until yester day, a Ik-cent one. but lo-cent contracts are now a thins of the past In this state. An offer of 10 cents was made yesterday by a local dealer to A. Gross, one of the best-known trrowers of Independence, but wss turned down, as Mr. Gross declared he had been ofCered better than 12 cents by a Salem dealer. The transaction that raised trie California market waa the contract In by C C Don ovan of too bales or 10 sonomss at it cents. According to a report from North Taklma. Isaao Plnoua 4 fions, of Tacoma. made a one-year contract with th Taklma Hop Company for 40.000 pounds at 11 cents The Oregon crop Is. beyond question. In a bad way. With favorable weather In the next two weeks M win Improve, but as things stand now there Is cause for alarm Several - large yards have been abandoned, or at least will receive no further atten tion, and many more may CO the same way. All kinds of g-uesses are being made of the probable yield, some dealers placing It as low as 40.000 or 50.000 bales, while others still declare there will be 70.000 or II. 00k bales. After the middle of June the guessers may be able to come nearer the mark. The California crop, like that of this state. Is backward, but the latest advices are mora favorable and Southern dealers have raised their estimates, some up to IS. 000 bales. New York estimates are also being raised. The following cable was received front Nuremburg yesterday by Isaac Pin cue 4k Sons, of Tseoma: "leather is unfavorable for crop. Pros pects are for small yield. Hops are back ward In Germany and Austria. Belgium market Is firmer, but not qootably higher. I-OOD CHOP IX LXWl-ITOX COlXTRY. Except In Lowlands, Wheavt Condition Is Favorable, I.E7W7STON. Idaho. May 27. (BpedsX) with the exception of the grain on the low lands Immediately surrounding the city, the crop In Idaho and Nes Perce Counties, Idaho, and Asotin County, Wash., Is In a most promising condition. On the lowlands tha condition Is critical at this time, as rain la needed badly and unless the present threat ening weather brings good shearers. It is feared the yield la these sections will be light. The lowlands, however, represent not to exceed one-tenth of the crop acreage, which would not materially affect the gen eral yield of the Lewlston country. The high prices lam Fall and the strong market during the Winter have materially Increase? the crop acreage and especially In those sections of the prairie country where large areas have been Isolated from railroad transportation and have been devoted to growing feed. The operation of the line Into Grangeville. together with the strong markets, has caused the farmera to seed every available acre to either wheat, barley or oats. The farmers are each year In creasing the acreage of Fall grain, and It is estimated this season at leest 75 per cent of the crop was Fall sown. The Lewlston country was particularly favored last Winter by escaping damage by frost and the washing of the soil by the snow waters. This damage In sections of the Inland Empire necessitated .the reseed lng of the crop, but in no Instance have local farmers been compelled to reseed. ! yield for the country directly tribu tary to Lewlston Is estimated front 0.OOO.OOO to 7.OOO.0OO bushels, with about one-half of the crop wheat. These are ths estimates given by the grain companies, a hi Is repre sentatives of the farmers' unions claim the production this year will not fall short of 10.000.4)00 bushels. MORE STRAWBERRIES COCLD BE CSED. Cool Weather Is Keeping the Crop Back. "New rigs Arrive. There was the usual shortage tn the strtwberry market yesterday. The weather Is not bringing out the crop fast enough for the local trade and high prices continue in force. Oregon berries sold from $2.30 to 4 .15 per crate, according to quality, and California berries at ll.S031.G0. Loganber ries were In fair supply and slow sale at 1191.10 per crate. The first black Cgs of the season arrived from Yuma. Ariz., and brought I2.SO per box. Apricots are selling at 12.50 and prunes at $2.29 per box. There was a good assortment of vege tables or all kind. Green beans were lower at lO eenta and wax were fitm at lt4 cents DEMAND TOR CHEESE L.S ACTIVE. Northern Cities WeU Supplied With. Eastern. Article. The cheese market holds Its own at fh old range of price but the dem.-.nd Is not as active as It was last week. The North ern clues are well supplied with Eastern cheese and are not at present Inquiring for the Oregon artlrle. Butler cleared up well at th reduced price. Eggs were steady and unchanged. While the production is decreasing, some local firms report slightly larger receipts, prob ably because Seattle 4s not taking its cus tomary supplies from, the Valley. There wss a good demand for chickens of all kinds, and prices were firm. LOCAL GRAIJ MARKET IS OCTET. Crops Condition, tn the East as Reported by an Authority. The local grain market waa quiet yester day and there was no change In prices There was some demand for wheat, but oata and barley were slow. The latter continues firm In svlte of lower prices In California. !A wheat crop report. Issued by th Bleep, Ey. Mill. Compsny. of Minneapolis. Just received here, say, of conditions tn ths East: For the past several weeks wa have watched very closely the progress th! crop In th. Winter and Spring whW see! lions, w. find condition, based un 7ne best authority to be as follows: Kentockl and -Tennessee, from present Indication will produce a good crop, both m omZ and quantity. The Southwest. whlcS in cludes Kaneas and Oklahoma. Is fully t?o to the average and Improving every d.e notwithstanding the adverse reports that are being sent out. W hav. a representa- t!v It. Kstr.su T1ry who h.i trl4 throuih Kanaaa. Ok iahnma and N'orthrm Missouri ind exm mined tha crop c . ty. tod who confirms tha abora Information. In th Northwest, that Is, Minnesota an 4 th two Iak.otaa. saodlnc was completed undtf favorable condition, In la tbs Cana dian Northwftt has a.o Ix-en nnlahd, and it now dpnds upon Natnrt to do hr part In producing a bumper croa In the sec tion a To expect present favorable renditions to continue la all these districts would be oft reasonable and before tha crop are har vested we will, without doubt, hear of cer tain sections having either too much or too little moisture, rust, sren buars. Hmaa flies or some other pest to injure the quality and quantity of the y .!. These different conditions cannot be predicted and must be considered as they presmt themselves. Oranttnc. however, that we are givon a large harvest of fine quality In the United States, It is not reasonable to expect that we shall see rnuh lower prices between now and August 1. Block are tow everywhere, and already the Hoatbera miller ts beginning- to purchase new wheat to be delivered during th latter part of July and tn first half of August. It is not likely that w will again, for a number of years, see as low a ran ge of prices for wheat and flour as we had sev eral years ago. Bread today, even at the hiirh prie of flour is the cheapest food to be obtained. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by th Merchants Esrhang as follows: Wheat Barley r.cur Oata Hay May 4 M 3 May 24 5 2 2 13 May 2i. S ' 4 Z May 2 8 2 22 Total last week. IS 4 S2 8 23 YAKIMA WOOL FrLABOX ENDING. Very rruepeious Year for rVtockmea Clip BfiB4f Good Price. NORTH YAKIMA, Wast... May JT. Ppe dal. ) On of th beat wxl and sheep sea sons that has aver bn experienced in this vailey Is now coming to a clue. This dis trict embrace all th territory Jetw& ilenburg and Kennewlrtc. with North Yakima and Proeaer aa tha two big wool market. Arthur W. Coffin, of Coffin Broa, make trie following estimates on the e!ip of ths preaent p n : E! renhtjrg. 64O.00 pounds; North Yakima. 7 . 0.0 00 pounds: Troser. 1O0.CK.O pounds; Kennewlrk. Soo.O.8 pounds. This shows a total of l.S.ooo pounds, prac tically all of which has been marketed. Ait of this wool hs been sold at from IS to 18 cents a pound, bringing th total valu to over $2 35,00. Mr. Coffin says that there are at lat 7AO.OO sheep on th range In this district from which this wool was taken. Mr. "otTln figure that half of thee, sheep will be turned Into trash. At a head tills w.il mean orer HX.yv4 thfct win realised from th mutton. Th sheep In da try Is eery profitable this year, wool bringing about csnt more than last year, and mutton be ing correspondingly higher. Rood River Berry fthlpmeat. HOOD BITER, Or. May 17. apeMal. Th strawberry shipment today were 1 crate, witn th price at $. Th ahipmenta that are now going out are largely being en to Portland. Spokane and Meatus. Th weather has again turned cooler and nt material Increase in shipment la looked for in th next few day. rOBTLAXD MA&KXTsV Grain. Flaw. Fae-s. Eea. WHEAT Track prices: Bluest em milling. U. 3991. S5; club. S1.30w1.2.; Valley. U.1J. TIXUR Patents. J.2& per barret; straight. -3v; ex porta. M 7; Valley. 5 M; graAam, 0-O; wble whet. quarters. $O.M. CORN Whole. . par ton; cracked, fit per ton. BAK LET Feed. $33 per ton. OATH No. 1 whirr. V-j 41 per tO. MII.Ll-TL'FTS Bran. $21 per ton: m! dlluga. IZZ: shorts. 2a-J; chop, $ZOs; roiled barley. $30 tf ST "AT Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14 9 1$ . r.aiifrn Oregon, muii clover. $11912: aifa.fa, flldU; chat. $14w 14 frO. vetch. $14 a 14 40. Tegetble ao4 rratt. rRKfH PKITT8 Apples. $lf - $ per box. Strawberries, Oregon. lUOdill per er1: California, SI .t) 144 P-r crate; cherries. 1 . 1 24 per box; gooseberries, fo per lb. ; loganberrea, IQ 1.19 per crate; apricots. $2 0 per box; plums, $1.2 per box. figs. W per box. I'OrATOiv.f uuylns prlca. $1.7$wl.fa pr hundred: new California. $vo pr H.; Sweet potatoes. 4c per pound. PACK VEGJCTAhLfcS Turnip, tl tS pee jack; carrots. $123; psrsnlps. $1 50; boats. $1. horseradish. 10c per pound. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2 2 $3 25 per box. lemons. $17-j4; grape fruit, tt &0t4 per box; bananas, & S t par pound: ptneappJes. f4 3u. per rrtt ONIONS Bermuda, l;-ttl-6 per crat. red. $2 per sa-k VE'.KTABLES Artichoke. f0 9 Oc doa : asparagua. 7 4tt Uo per pound; beans, 1-Wl-c; cabbaa-e. Htje per ldb,; cauli flower, $3 per crate: cucumbers. 4ocd $1.26 per dusen; lettuce. hothouse. 7i (a f LOO per box; lettuce, head. 2HT0e per doxen; onions, 12H(rl&c per a oxen; parsley. -c per doxen; peas, 7c per pound ; rad Isbee. IBe rr d- x-n : rhut.arb Jiay.v per pound: spinach. 0c$i; squash. TSc C H : par box; tomatoea. Mexican. $1.75 per crat. Dntry and Cesntrr PtixJue. BTJTTKR City creamery, extras. 2Hc: fancy outside creamery. 2o i 2" o per lb.; store. lSc Butter fat price aver IS centa per pound under regular but ler prtcea KOtis Oregon ranch. 29 24 par doeen. POULTRY Hens, l91,c; broiler. 2 43ac; fryers, 2'.' 2.V-; roostera lOc; ducka, IttelSc; goes. lOlic; turkeya, 30c; squabs. 1:0 v2 pr dozen, CHEESE Full cream twins ITOITb per pound; Young America, leals'sc; California, 14Q 17c ew-ac. PORK Fancy. lOc per ponnd VEAL Kxtraa, ac per pound; ordinary. Tc; heavy, tic Croceele. Trrtee. Frnlta, Kle. DRIED FR1'!T Apples, Hc per lb.: peaches, Ihkfttc; prune. I Lallans. IWec; prunes. French. 4tc; currant a, unwashed, casea. Sc; currants. a h ed. cases, lac; flga white fancy. W-lb. boxes. CUc; datea. KALMON Columbia River. 1-lb. ta!a. 92 per dozen; 2-lb. talis. $ 1 -pound 2 1( ; Alaeka pink. 1-pound talla. OOc; red. 1-pund tails. $l4; pound tails, 2- sockeysa, 1- COKFKE Mocha. 24 3 24c; Java, odrtnary. 17ti 2fC; Co:a lues, rnry. ia .c; gxi. l5rtlf; ordinary, l?fltc per pound. NUTH Walnuts, 12fjl3c per pound by sack; Hrarll nuta. Ift; n.l-erla. 1.V-. t,anu:. "c; almonds, llv14c; che.-nuia. ItaUaa. lie; peanuts, raw. 4c; ptnenuts. lO.jr 12c: hickory nuts, loc; cocosnuts, nc per dxen. bl'OAR Oranulated. Oj; ex:ra C. $i ii; golden c, $"4j. fruit and berry sugar, floil Honolulu plantation. fine grain. $); plain bag, $i.!i: tt granulated. . H.', cubes (.barrel. $0.46; powdered barrei $ 3U. Terms: on remittances within IS days, deduct e per pound; If later than 13 days and within .10 d. deduct &. e per pound sis pl sugar. 1 5 1 He per pound. tALT Jranula:d. 13 per tn. per bale; haHf ground. lOus, $7.30 per ton; tWs. 9 per ton. Fravisloais, BACON Fsacy. 22c per pound: standard, llc : choir. !- Knr!nh imm Vnr HALT Cl.RKI Regular short clear dry salt. iac: smoked. 14e; short clear oac x ft. neavy ary salted. 1J- S smoked. 14 Sc: Oregon exports, dry salted. ic, smoked. 1j tC. llAMri lu to 18 lb. 1c; 14 to 14 IbA lc; 15 to 20 Ila. lc; la ma skinned. l"Sc; plrnles. 11c; cottsg roll, 12; sbotii--r. He; boiied hanu, kj 23c; bo Led pic nic. lc. LAKE Kettle rendered: I'Va. IZe; fia. lSc: Standard pure: Ks. I4cv oa. l4o; Choice: 1'. 13c. ft. 'l-i,c Compound, lus. PHc: &s. Sc. SMOKED HKLK. Beef tongue. ach, c: dried beef seta Her; dried bef out side. 17c; dried beef Inside, 2lc; dried beef knuckle. 2x- PICKLriU OCmuS Barrels: Pigs feet, 913; regular trip. 910; honey com tripe. 9 12 : pi ri ton guea, 9 I SO. ItAKKELKD ilKATs Me beef. $12 pr barrel; plate. 914 per barrel ; family. 14 per barrel; mess pork, 9- per bar re.; b le ast. 922 per barrel. nop. Wool. Hide, Etc HOPS 19 contracts. 10 3 12c per lb. 10 crop. l,IWc, luT crup. .,C: lw4 crop. lSlIc WOOL Kaetsm Oregon. 1 7 O 22 o pr pound; Vai.cy. fine. 20ai2ac; medium, iv Cvre. 21.-. MuHAIR Choir. $403 per pound. HiLl-;d--Lry bide. No. f. l-uilo lb: dry kip. No, 1. lStfl4c pound; dry Mir' ikia, l$lc pound; sailed hide. , wC; salted calfskin, lllo pound, green. 1 Was. FURS N" 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 t 91 2S; bsdger. 25 l- - bear. Htt.'i, beavar, 9.VaSWl cat. alld. T.VOJli"; cougar, perfect head and el .. f l. 1) A her. dark. rivOll; pale. MIOul, fog, croee II to $i; fx. itray. u ti : fox. red. fox. stiver. tii $luo lnx marten, dark. $412: mink. $S!lfiaiX-mu-k-at. liv-i'-; otrer. 'io4- r. co-n. WwTic; sea otter. $luov2 as Co size and color -hunks. lUtyftvc: rivet, cat. lo0 lie; aolf. $.'.r3; co)wt. "ic.ill 2i; civrm dark, (iy 0; wolverine, pa. $23 2Vl CJLfiCAlU BAKK-ftr pound, ft ceaia. RALLY IN STOCKS Pressure on Reading Ceases and Prices Rise. BUT TRADING IS'NOT HEAVY Sliarrs In the .Vnr Trj Good Trust Offcrrd to the Public Rumor of Combination of Indepen dent Steel Companies. NEW YORK. JIr Th, stock market todaj was relieved from vptculiUvt liquida tion In K.adlr.s. wlen prov.41 tb. dpr ln tmctnr ytiterdar Tb. dUcwtlBunr of this s'.l!ntr opnwl tb. wsv to som. rv vrr. Tb. tl . . 1 '. . .r kJison .nilr.lv In ti. hands of th. trpd.rs and wr. not als nlflfant. Tbs niam of tb days t r.n artloa. f.ll to tn. smallMt total fur any day's tuln..s sine ..rlx In starch. A f "1 tlai of attrition Is b.lr.s; dlv.rt.d to th. riotati.jn of nw M-uniiM. th. f. tarv. In tbat rMcfc todsr b.!n, tb. p.t, lo ofTrlna of stocks In tb. b.w I'nlt.d I try Good. Comp.nr Tb. formation of tb.s rom i.r y has Mrr4 to mpbuiM aa Impr. slon that a B.w aortas of Industrial conoil datlon. snd m.rs.rs max b. approachlnc. This iratmslon wss a Itflor .o m tn. concrt4 advane. la tb. IsdaptadMl stMl lndu.trl.a Humors hav. tM.a eurr.nt fur som. Mm. of tb. proj.ct.4 formation of a tao;a:n rompanr to tas. ovar a numo.r of the., companle. tn.t hav. op.rat.4 s.(.a ratelr. tti.i of th.ra b.lnc In th. Houtn. The -onvlrtloa I. h4 tiM tbat th. worhlflt of th. n.w combination will not b. amaa nlatio to th. iDlt.d b late, tlxl Corpora- Th. Gould rroup of raT.roa4 propenlel Wt. rnoilctiaulr ftro&f. 1-nlt.d total.. MmI b.ttOT4 tta rscord prt-. assln.tr - Ths He.lni racardlna th. rrala crop pn s.llon was tllstUkct.v Improvwl feeing In fiu.ncwl by tb. hopeful opinions I li I mmm , ,1 by tn. Pnr. Current a. to the steady prr. cms of Winter . fie.t crop op to tb. pneml tima. Keports of damac. by Boods tn th. lower alls.le.lr.pl Va.bry did not rec.ie. mu'b att.ntlon. Tb. better reports cone.rntn tna crops mads operators lone of atari. 1 --. dlalnrllned to ho.d them oer ths aporoaca Ins l tire, days- holiday. Chiraco is r.port-d to b. ladlR( money ,n x, Tork and ths rat for tiro, toans ov.r th. y.ar-.nd has failen to S4 nor cent und.r tbls l&fiuenc Jinnd. war. arm. Total aaleL par valua. 4.&u2.a ItliM BtalM bonds wer un cbsased on c.41. CLOMINU STOCK (JVOT1TIONS. Ooelng ..... . , Sains. B'ri. Ixiw. i,.a a. .Is C ne'.mer. pf 2. s; V ai w tl u An-.al topp-r IT aj-, r-t X. Am ASTlou.tural .. l : ij . .v.- Am 1 t rtusar 1.4-" . a;. " l tr " n M ls Am Car s Koun. Imi v oo . Am Colt OH... oi fci' is., " Am 111 a X-t tf X Aat lr Jiecun... 7. i'j w ,,-4 Am Lai i ml.. .' 't ' 1. 1.;. 1;.. Am Lmojowuv.. 2. f ivm (:w f. 7 v Am bn.l a Kf . UJ . y-Z tl, do rnlurel M..J Am Bufw Hef.... tee) lsja 1M4 Jij J Am T-j Tfc if lw li.Jl Am TWiKamw. - . . . . . . ... . . . Am Tobacco pf. . 11X lul 111 A ft. t no.tQ .1S1 . -. J . I - r Ul i . V i. 1 AlcrilMi 1' J.v 4 do pref.rre.1 ... A- J. j, ! All' Cout I Jna. .. . 1 ' lALt 1 M4 1 v iialt a Ohio I.Sj, mt l4 ' do prefarYl k. Tehlenem b'.eel .. l. .1. T.I., 's Ilrook Hap Traa. 2.e "5i T S 1 enedlaa Vaclno.. 1T. ITuw Central t.th.rM ' 1V v do preferred ... 1 A) lu Ontral X J I Che. a ofrio .... l.acw Ta rt4 7T4 'hla a A:toa.. 4.-1 7v 70 Chlcaso Ut V..t. W a ' 4". Cblc a N W lej t. M a tft Paul.. a.pye ltS 1 1 y. 14 c. C. L" Ht L... 7;. - Colo Fut: a Iron.. l,.e 41 S 41 41 Co . 3 a IVyt-tbm-n.. 2 Ge . 0414 c 4 14 do lmt piilerred. lw ;4 si S 21 f.t t erred . - Coreti'iQKU.1 On... fc.o Ifu. 143 14. u Cbra Pro-Jurts ... 2.V Zi ii a iiui-i.... jm 11-414 mi I a K l.ran. l.tM fru. &S do preferred ..... ttr.!m' IMXtirt.. l'K 4o. 4C 44 1 , 24 1 do let rrefrrr.4. ' ' V 61 fc ip. d.j 2.1 j r-rerred. -1 41 14 . 1 41 flerrr.1 l.eclrtc. 2fO 3 lw 14A4 Jt Northern r'--. 1. la4 14A. 14.w i: Nonbcra or... 1,2M - 71V 72'. I::inols Ontral ..... 44 lntrborcurh Mrt. vn lAt 1514 n do preferred ... t.W-O 4ii. 44 4 Inter lt.rv-s.ter. .. a u Inter alerln. S f . . 4" Zlt S . 24 Int P.i-er tU 13 11 Inl I'un p clv i" ci:rsi ... r 41 ai w K. C V. utnera.... 1. 1'jO 4V4 -.-4 a " j rri.rfel ... 73 x'u:s a Naebvt:: isa ist i?4 Mir-n a P: L. 4A M. HtPaSRM. I H7' 1T J17 f'iua.ur1 l'tcec. 4 4e 7ft4 7t 7S K.r a 1aas l.ceA a: v. 4:t dl prffre ... ...... ..... ..... 7.. Nation. I I'.ertlt.. . Natural iMd . . S.l'e 7 M Mrs h jet pf M', M rta, N Y f'-n'tta lo lra X Y. tnt a T.tl. - 4. 4 . e-. vort'.'.k a .et.. 1--j r. ... ,. .'(a-th Anen-an.. 7' fc-le "l fc!S N..r: icrn rsc.hc. B.HM 147 147 la-in- Vaa ff, "cnne!vila -'- nnj 13414 lf4 . 1.2-.-0 1114, :114 IIU P C a t-t I u IKe.l f.-ei ter l.0 41 4S e.-t, Pu.'n.r rl far In Ry Hl fprlnc. 4 44 41 I'.eadlr.f 6 r. I.VM4 IM14 M, K'lut.T r.eel ... 5P S t w (1 1 ; r. T . rr 3 4 ; o 1-4 174 f4 R-k le'and Co.. j- :a. :, fm o 1 r. ... ; A T 1 1 . 70 7 1 : t l a h r a r. i 44 4 .44 B: I twii.th.exKs 5 ! 7:14 1: r:.. l' rre'-f ... & 4 "A tv.-. f 7 Ul-e-r.ft'-M .... "0 S4V, , 4 Southern I'ar'o .. 4-w 11 13S. !r? '-'i f f --r 1 ... Cmithera f'.sl'war. ..Kl ail. ji ' f.r preeerred ... 4 O T it C5i 4. Tna 'ptr ..... .. 4! Teas a IV'i . l.l H"11. Tji. n i- a wai . s-i. r.; fit pi.fe-rel Tf-i ' lj s. ti.l-,n I ti'-'ri- ... I f 1S do r ?--T 1 ... . . ..... ..... e"4 t. lir.'t a.t U T.i.bber ..... 1 rs t4 . V U s ; 1 Tri 4.- : i. . . i do trei-ei ... 4 7 e li., f'.si ftte'r .... 2-& . fl ' o Cberr!ca;. 0 ffo; '4 Wi .an UVO 71 U Is.i, 44 1. rreferre ... 417-0 tvi Mv rn. 1'ie.n Ml . 1 ... ' l -11. H .t.r I r- 1 . 1 TAW T L --. a I. ?:-e W:n Cer-ra. 7 9 T..1.1 Site, fir the der. 4? shir-w. BOPH SKff THRK. Vsv 27 flo.1r4 quotatlottst r . rf I re 11S X Y CO IHl .. e 14 do coupon. ... V North f'acleo a.. 74 V V Se re !! North Pslflo . I -li. do rtupno 1-1 'T nlon P..-lflc 4s.ln V w 44 re !14 Wlecon Cent 4a. . 4 do coupon. ... 12 1 Uapsnesa ....... sa X a R u 4. v-7K Rracws a s.sia.tv tTvrx"jV. Msr 77 Consols for money. S: do for accour.t. Anaconda ...... !H XrfoTV a Wst. Atrhleon ....... 1 12 s. ' do pref do pref 1-T 4 ft..... "Pm'.l a 4 ihlo. . . . ! : peansrtvmala. ... C 1 1 ' ! n O 14S P. erd sllae.. . 1 w 0 494 4 Ts. l V 7 I 4 12.- 11. Ik. ltM. r . 172 s : 1 1. 1 be c a Mo :$". i'.e.dlr.s Chi Get '.. c m a a p I. llcer. ...... L a K ! do pref ...... Er.. do let pf . . . . do 3d pf II! Central i. a N Mo K a T. . N. Y. c.ntml.. , S rWiutbern Ry... . I'A do nrrl . ! 4 "4 -ulh l srirtc . 7 11. 1 fcton t'aci&c.. ,50 ' do pref . ...... . V. B. fle .ft 1 do pref . 42S A'aht.li ....... . 1 t do pref....... .12 '?T.r!.h 4. .... . 424 Axnal Cnpper .113 Mesry Eirfcaaw. f"lc Lnxnov. May . J7. Bar stiver Qul.4. S4s.d P"r ounce. M-vt 1H 0!S PT certt lb. rat. cf d frount In ths open market for .hort :;: 1. 1 I llls p-r cert do for thrt-e nwt'.hi b::: l. l -14ti 1H per rent. r7W T"Rlt. tnZr 7T Money on c.M .r. 1 H tt 3 rr cent; ruling- re'e. 1 H per cent: r. miu bid. 1 per cert: offer.! at 1 v. per ce n t . Tims loans T.rr soft and falrljt actlvs. . JS)?4 per rent- 44 d.ea. i4 pr .cent. .11, m.athi. S 49 s. p.r cent. I'rlm. mtrr.ntlle peper. 3 S 4 per FfiL aterllr.a- .ach.ns. .Te.Jy. with a.-tual tatl. ns In hanker. Mils st It n:ltll lit for 0day bu.e and at M :l f ir d-xana. Commerciai fci:.. II I14UI i:v. 34. r .user t: ho. Meal.n dollar. 44a bond. 43o4.rnm.at. steady; railroad. Ira. AST TOA.VCIacO. May 7. t;lv.r ars el s. c. M-tlcaa dn::rav470 I'r.f.ttht. 1st; telecraph. le 'l" l-onds 44 Asia. Ilta. Imlly WUH.'N.iTON. May 17 Toder. stats ment of tb. Treatsury .howsi AT-llabl. c.eh na'anc.. .$ 1 3 a 131 :d coin and bu...on ' T 2 Oo:d c.rtiac.te. Ivol4.1uQ Hak naaariajsra. 1erinra of th. N'orthwxast.ra eltlea es l.ro.y net. as toljoats: , . Cleartntra, r.'.snre. 7r" ........... . ait tat ( tn jKeatti. ............. t.a;a 4 4l;4 Tacoma :j-l 1111:4 kpokaa. 1.111 lat 3i4.:ii BREAK IN CHEESE PRICES EUSTEIIX STOCK CAUSES I.OVi:H MAHKirr AT SfMTTLE. r'-atra Ircllne and nmter Will He Ixjwtt la a Faw Daya fkac- It Oata Drlrojvd. EATT1JB. Was.. Mar TT ac-t Tb"4w wa a staau-p tMwak la tb. taaaaa sr.ar ar. oa Urv:y to tb. arrival of 1(1.4 carloads of WUmaa, rheaaa Orearon Tl.la, mook ch.aaea erofrd a cent and Is quoted to. Olsht ax IT to IS eenta tYlacabaca t.laa droppatd to 14 to II cental Cream ttrb-fc went to la eamta anat Utnburwr aaa wam aowa a osnt to 1. s. wasra alas waakor. with Easta e.;d at 2i twnta and local, at Tel ... r7 csmiu. Ilu'.tar Is watak and oarec jclce. nr. W k-d 'or Katvrdar. alLboush lha pctraas snay bot lamoa .ffaetlva ur.til aeat a e. a Ktraaabarilas wer. loaaer. beina eara::r o4a aboatl evnta gal raaa.Mara pneaaa. Tba to9 aa at.na.ww- saoca wma 94. Looaia sen be. 4 at and Oraatuaas at 3-4. Vl'aa baaras dropped 4o lO coats Cbh.se alas a)arllna4 to 1 mlJ, It ou . .( "arkaat aU around aaa t reeaa .rooda. -aaat sra la kaavy ampply .ad lowsrr. srtta lb. lop t .334. Hspons bar beat laeahat ker. tha trat womis ksv deroyad many . 1 a. of avals on tb. rlSaatt k-ta. Tb. wa:ier bass baaa oold and damp and tt-.a crop baa nut siuwa and baa fallen aaaevy prey to lha tram. Many farmsta ax. ri 1 1 una. a ea a thla Ula data OCoraTio.xa at bam ikancisco. rrkosa rakat taar raaalaaa la taw Oar Ctty Jarkaaa, Ar rRANCIi?aJs Mar TT Th. rollow In s pr Ire. a.f. si uwl ad aa lb. yrsdao. mar. k.i today: Onions lied. 1 1 1 I V Mi ietuffs airao. eO a sOj aaldst:taca. 133 a sa lototoeaa Oresow llartaaka. IIUSIW. It. Unas liurbaasa, aomlnai; awawta, 1 1.2 4 w I 4a V.ajssblas Itotbcaaaa cyco ml-rv f44f4W; rarllt. tiflal sreoa teeaa. 112303. .trtn beauia. Saafrci UimaUoea. 1 1 J u . wO. sec plant, Sue. I'ul'.r raiirf cre.Ti mry. :114c; cre.merr atua-la. 34c: t.ncy d.lry. 34 He Puaitry itooatera. ..4; 141: rwtind. ftV 12: broiler. ean.1.. 4 . . t r o : .e larsa, ISIVU4: frene. Sao ; . h.n.. tj ts; docka. o.d llelll: younar. t44fl Kfra Mof4 3 Sf; fancy r.ah. 2H t h.ee. N.w. 443 lac; Y.ur.a America, iss a i4a. Wool couth Plains aad lt.a Joaquin. 13 I lo: Mountain. SsflSo. N.vaaa. 1444;. o. 11. y 34 he.t. Ha .2. aabe.4 ittj o.la, 91A071; a:ta.fa. ssiajlA: stoca. Is7: tar l.y. $11SI4; r'.raar. 1 r b..e. &o sJ eo. klrulta Appiaa. cho.a. 1 t: casimea. 40c; bananas. Tft4j43v; llmea 1 4 J ft . lemona cboica, $i- emmona. 1; araaaoa. I1U1TA; pineapples. 1 1 (f a. llec.lpte Kl..-4r. i.Tl Quarter sacks; wheat. 1V4 centals; l.rley. ue4t cm. a; oata. ft'e c.ntal.; t-.it 133 aascke. pot.. I ee. 2-r74 sa' ks: braa. 103 afka, bsy, &JQ tuns; (tool. ZIl bale., bldea. lax. TO H TULVD UVMTUCa MAKKlTTtV. rrtras Crvesad Iacaally aa Caul lev. ttha.p and iea. Tha stroma of tn. hoar rasrkeK carded prtcea 1. !.!. aarata yasaRarrd.y avad tha asal tock ao.d 444 4 tern. b-sea poor bs found buy.ra lor th. past two weeks re c.ipts of boats baas. Uven under (a. tral. s reeiulrmnta t:attl. Co r. ( . n a d ae.a t. taiwa of th. raoral frae rwr.i.ta from tria Isoutk and t te t. .1 atMrt akold did aot mow ov.r 11.. 34. toe. a.t. .bout aless.lr. Tb. ton. of th. sheep market ass ateek. K -celpts for sa. u.y w.i. I oettWav. a4 Him and lit ho.a tst. aale. at lha yards Incladed II hesa. avaw.ar. lai poun.la. 1: tt; 11 hears, aruaia . pounce, i.e.. 14 !. asecue 1:1 pounda. 17 34. 1 atat. avor.s. Has poun la. 4.40. 13 boss, alerua lie pounds T ;. 11 bora, aaeraat. la; pounda. It. ;4 sleeta! aa.ras. 111! pouads. . sioca-a. av sraaa 4S pounds. 14 to. 11 cowa. aiitata -4 pounds 3. i: 4 r.tt.e. aaer.a. 4.4 pounds. II; 4T bora. aef... is. pound la. I bul.a. ar.r.s. 1113 p..unds. 14 14 t cowau aa.ras. llai poumla. 14 ia 'al pn.e. quo!. 4 .4 tn. a?us yeat.rdar War. as f . . .oe a . l ATTUa-eiaanv top. 11310 4 14: fair to rood. 11 ;se;, common to soskI. 11.4- Oosaa. top. 4 2i44 f.lr to r,-t. ,1 40. eomiroa to roe ' urti. 1 2 V0 J ca'aeaa. l- P. l-.Oi 4o; haati. H5-U4. bu s sat . ..a ..'"' "eat. i:7i4ja: fair ta arood. !i"..J,,I"; larkara. Itaiev. China l.ia aili-l.l- T-p w.;a.rsm. faAa: f.lr arood. 4US0134. taw. 4,. l... ;j t-au. lair to cood. 4aala24. kprtna lambs. K4M raaar.ta 14vsaisra rrtawa. KAVBAa CITT. Mo. May 77 C.ttl nee.tpta. 4I.; market. ete.Jy S.iir. era. SSit:: na-.le. co-a .ad h.f.ra. '"'I. '"- and feebler.. iu;;i 'U.a. 4iri04f32; Weatern iteart, 444as 7'-: Haaiata cosva. Ii 71.4 I'- 'fa HeeipLa. 14 '-. a.ra. rtaafa Itu a of M.eak, w T 4; ' t.e.vy. :.. TiO: p.cker. a&4 bu-.rheca. Hal 40 l'hl Mi.;:o. pi.. iioMaio ne.p Jte. tav t'"'. market. steady. Mutton. l;S(41: iit.U. t'siiTT.- e.r. Una. aad saiUtia, . 4s. .an. 444.4 "tTII OM4IIA. Mar ST Cattlas Raw Celpts i2 e). niaik.t. .I..dy Wee tern .te.es. liW. Tea.. ate.ee tlu r.t.. co. .nl hel-.ra. lelM: laaatra, iiU4. c. .... iivhIki Hoars I;.-e pte 12 cext; market. ,(rMf. ''a. 17 40t 1 45: m a. 1 t: ; i M .': il . piaa. t: .2j " ej-.e.p lie. .:;:.. 1 Ycarllnsa 1 lilSl rnarl.t ne.de. lambe. ;::ei ;i. rill-AfiOl V.y 7 C.ttrrec.!pt. .aw tlm.:d at IV"J. tn.rbet. e'e..) r.,, IllailTU, T'laa tl-ra 14 7:. wdjn w . era .-..re llllnin, ilcl.ii t.j f.1. r. lu;';. a... and beifera. II4o4f la 1 :;-, . ee. 'ma ed .1 74aoa- n-.r-ket. atea lr t .lron Usfcl. I'. l-f7 7 Biiaed. 17 rj 7 Ji. hc.ar. I! IT It V r....?i 17 lu 7 7--. -d to ti. h,,,,' 'H"'0. t a. tVo.ro a vu. tu.k cf N t 17 -I" tl 1 Cbeep l...-.:pts afiaalH at 17 two war. ket, loc lo..r N.tle., 4 4iO Western. Tf. (itkav-. . ?-a-.:nc I'. : j a 7 .-e . :.mM, a.tKa. laSoekao. w.amn. ;u.tiu KM Mlala WOtTTOX. May JTT Cloatac gixtallcaia Ada.atura sta'Vont o a er il Ai.oue. lis, Sea. da ;, Am. aamated .. 44 . i.d 1-otr.tr.loa. . 3-4 I Aria om lis, ier:4 . 11 At ..all. ! S I .rfyii "' "1 . ..... - - -V W't 4j ' -' m....... .103 ! n r on 1 a 1 1 v . . . . an 7 enterals 4er.tenalel ... . 1J ilrm.t. '3 4a. "I per Kta . H V 1 mie-1 cv-pev"" 1 ' V We.t r a Minms -.v 4t.r.k:ia !., f., .. "! firanhy 1.5 ft.h .1 ...wwov ' .nones 1 . i r . lei. Itoy.. .... 7TV W ln..ra 4'... M:nlaa-... 1 7 V H .rlf.a 14 Mlchlsaa lo North li.tta.iri i;a NKW YORK. May 7 Cloalnai auotatlcas: A'-'c Z2S I.drl. e oo . 43 lirun.selck Cn. iii.. 4 blef s Com Tun staxk. 7 v.ii..a 7 do blinds. . . . . 17 ' irlsna " ' " " 1 - . f 4" a V. t 4..M. '"l"'. Mora H'le.r . Vt.rd.rd l: lr.a Mirer I.i is. .... Ja.c..l " aaal at M. taata. T. 1 .01-1 . M.y 77 ...Woelri.. t.,ct. aadluma. Slaj:::; taa, UyJSs, r S. Is'C. GQODGRDPWEATHER Causes Sharp "Declines Wheat at Chicago. in HEAVY NEARLY ALL DAY May IkrllTery r-ho aaa Moras IMrtnnras Than tha Distant r'slarra. Stamp la CVaarast Oralna and IroTltona. CHICAGO. Mar ST I assarak anatnaar eoneiitoes for re p.. rrjaa t. tr.se eossatrr caaaased atsarp doelttaeaa In whasat today aad r.nal es-nrsas aiosss set li a 1 1 arf 14 t. ISa. Tha m.rkast was aMaavy ts. eotlr. day. with tb. .arsrptios of a snud sn sa aaanr ta tha "'. "kick carraM July ha f a seat akaaaw "er4.ys c.. Tbls anara was dws cbl.r.y ta bartna fcaaaad aaa a I pl.t svT a kaasal crop epe-t wha ts Rev ta Raaaaa anal wha d.imed t et I. tha . rlta vaattaad rka aaaa. of tkat coop is ea Ta Mar dseilvsaer dtsptarsad rhaa aaiant fatarea aarry ta Usa aaaaa of caasranaa kv aliaHty artat tha I mask was aot artroal aad pel. mm anally ptailea. mt to aei-tas 1 1 1 ira as aUsar an aaa Isurrir.r tn. Say frtcas rracrtaataal arvsar a ranara of IS ta 1 4. Mar sMlttiat katwasa I'. 41 4 r 3 li 4VI and ulr bea.a.a t7 lV aad 1 Tba mark... cl srsaaa az.4 oc-y 44 tr-r m "lera th. k-w PU.4. ktay at II and J. y at II I4s,eiliv ftaats. wessitser for Ota tr voa ava4 aa a4- m sea. tocal abaaasxsa cat aklpptaar rewaaad pcocBrptod aestlma f csora Uaday. reaattltlasaT ta iarp 4lrltneas. T.a raaar. am Mar wm be t.oea 77 Va aad 7b v aad for 3a y aaas. la !. Tha aaarkaal cliti 1 ajmeast a thai botaa. wtia prvass 4. ta SWs bs.w fa.fi dev. May fcslca ax fa. aad tm'T at 4as.4J av-a... twclltaas of I ta as ta aaak saia aaataaad heavy Uau!3at3oa ta Ua op! aa reemitinc la a wassk tnarkM aa alar. Tt. snarkee. raasl at ttascllaea af S W ISV wlta Mar at rat., aad Jaly at 41 .. Tha atusr-p ta .asaiaa areata taduceal 1Ti. r ml ram ana la- prsrvtataamav M'k raamii.4 la a sau snare baarry .Jl day. clceaed sak at 4e:ltaaa af l ta irtaya pared wf.k eea.c t.y. aaal earuraaa. Tha laatt af Trada will Mta-iay. trnttT. Mar.... Je.T.... eru ... II It It lira. 114 I los s 1444 3-.4 s. 3 41s sOR?l. 1 lia. I 14 I Sa 4.14 a. 11 I I4k I as 1 ea . M.r... Ju r... ".pi... lsa... M.r... Jo r... Tt . . . 11. 7144 .TJ. .Tl 7ls 7li. .44 4 4:4, 4-4. .is, 41S 4:v 4:a OATH. .4: .414 .4. s. la US 4S .41. -44 -4 .1 J4a .444, 44 w isr rinaC. II 1744 t 474 It Tess, II 4 14 H a 77s, 1 .4 It 44 II UkD. 14ih iii:h it;4 IS II s, HI14 11 10 11 14 II as. IO l 4k IIOMT RinjL I ITS 14 17S ! 71 la its 11 Its la 91 nils, tails, ia 11 M.r J j r kept M...... July kept..... M.r Ju.r tt rr4 la 7T s. 14 14 47S4 15 IS 14 II, It Tl II 14 44 14 sept 4 .an quoi.tiona wra aa follavl: 1 ear M r t a Itr. No. ;. i:. I'atley rae4 or tnlvlna. T4 TIs; f.tr ts cb'-ir. m.ltlns. 7&sa.Hc l':ai4M-.ve 1 autbaeaHaww. lt-44; Na I Nor. b. .tan. II 7fc T'm.thy a-el l4-r4) os.r t. . Pork Meeaa. par bfcl . 1 1 TT S 1 1 IT t. U'4 I'er lo pounda. 111. lit risa 4:de. (lnoei. 1 1 4 1 1 If 1 1 M p:de. anort. cler tboaadl. Ilkll tttk. lira. a atallMlra. Total c.arar.eM 4- wheat aad floor vara asquaj to :io.e. boeh... Prtm.rr re :r'a ae. 14 4 Oe. luahejk, rparel with IIS4KS4 buehels lhaa OorreepoadUis dar a ) 1 11 1 .s-aa. ttm.ted rasc-rt. for lanvam-.: r-h..t. wr!. ,t cara. oata. 341 cars, bca, leretpta, hlpcaeta'a aT"':TTZf ji.44-1 nil. " ;S.bi"'" in ... Cora, b-uah... all lH 111 .1 it., buehe .141 a. ... ... lite, bua..a I set 1 , ,. 4 44 le. ira Cirala aaral ISaala-iss tat Meat Ytera. N-TW YORK. 34ar 7 -rioaar Shscp, II a bavrvasl.; rmpoata. ITaa barr.. Ous-at aal arasady. w llace-Irta ants.; eapor-. n p-e h-,h. s:a l-paat. trrs-tralar. S. 2 red. 11 at Mad .levator; Ka 1 r-d. tl 47 .a. afloat; N. 1 Norihe-rm Imluta. II ft. asoo-'ital f a. a a-'-".!. No. a bard IVlaier. 11 as aommal f s tv afV-al a s-att.r :ia. of cr. p aowa was reported for HfTl ila-a boaar pceasaura asad aaevtrra daadlaas ata-tuiad la wfcesat sso'ar. Prl"aa at on. lima see. . r,, r. i-bt. M.r cjoai at 11 7. jur mx 11 :.s aeramhar at II 13s and I -bear .t i tj lie pa aad pastroaeam O ie.4 y . It lies aad Crala ad saaa ttaailnav N musciICO, Mar 27 -a-B.at aad bar;ey firra r:-'t Quotattee.- V net -aa-tpinc llls3Ili satllle--. J lor. 3 JO I'.r.-r rA. ItsStflTS; braatlaa. llUtf 141 4..I. Med. ttl)S.Jo; wklta. i 1 S-an. bla-.. aoti.la.l t'.:i.boau3 as. .. 4 he.t V. tr.dlrsc l ar .y M.y. 11 fcM I TTssl ulal 4-err. lana, y..l.. Illoaliv T. invDOsf Mar but ".dr. mm.tmrm t -m lai.n aulet. Wt;it . -a. o. 4Haea.ara. aa aaa a. l-isllsr) csr.airy markets 4 fa 14 a . r rm.m leaairr aaaiiai UVtm-OOI. Mar IT tarkeat. J.le . V4. reptecbec 4. d; taaxwaaber. la 11,4 4 ealk.r. tnaet:e4. TIP"! M.y fT m-hmmlV -rm b'.4s. s-.m. II I-1 l. c ub. 14 r-.r-et-t u.mmy "an. Il-Jl. 41.1. li II. tad. I4.IK. Wataat at aaallka. ariATTI.IT. M.r 5 7 v . n..u:.,, aasota. ""'4. liaport aiaai-n ana, II tl. rt. - " - -" e 11 e ss n .. v. 1 . - - ' a e - .ccif. t Xc. 1-11054 4l(. ivarnn 1. j. J ' sdvsc r.p-srt a peaaev r.e-a.t f. pi-urea, tut a. .'.t t. ,B rttr .w m, pr.. law.;:. Ci:.:i-.m f-att. IS nllkt 4.srta trisaat luea to .. a a? est. " Apricots ta arma.; arup; r clae. . aa Il5l4o,tT -. aad fancy. le.rnoa art mtvvnar immG'.ry tat. a.a. aairjllca. but tb. ar.ak.t ta e. er la arm 311.r altk r. s..t. h. ' t. sr4'.c t. ttrl 4s'' aad f.r-.,. It,!,. lia.alRa firm. 1.- a...al..4 a ar- r.w. to f.n.a. 4 V fl 4 . c . -.' A s. 4.' 4 a. c. and 4-oa4 -m ; t era. 1114313. Hatrr l-rsedsaea la Uaaa taa. rmrtfi a. . . .. 1 err.ie!M. iltlit: datrteav. li.ll. " - j . .4 m.ra. caa.a tadadasat. 14m-. B-Sta 1 4 S C. p , E-V. ; I S)C etL'.TrT'''?- "vlli: rwrna Tsvai'-i". a-t-r-s iT.n.aa. I4t;a4.r Nrtr T.1KK. M.y 17 ,hoea, ... .sc.. s'.e.dy. aaat-tet taaVasa aasal aaaamr. NKW Y-Rv. M.y 77 futu-a. " 'el ar.e i. ret sir -Se-to Tea ...... Vai at t ,:.rr: J... a i . ... at a.'SsX L-w.att.Uar at kP-wiaTia. A; j rasaaaaaal tad r r ip laa MTJ4TX17AJJ4U. Mar IT 1T. Drta-a rraatt ad e Taa-b. Kf Ytiltlt. Mav ST ac u . a " m-l LUMBERMENS ISTational Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It tninrct) atrkla-rt dust, toad and ktrr-st Dolr-ra. r It intcrr-p a4--aiast aUirpenortsa and farina- tarsia. It Int area wxn r rack, k, tJixinrir-kU4n aad coaliT miirt. It assurea a aanitary and durabla trtxU It assurr-a srooacirntioas trorktxianabjp and beat snatariala. It as surra fstrfr-rt aalifict:on. , BmrLiTinc rxsxniArcE 13 eaxxst ast ettexst WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 817 Bwck Duilduijj, rortJand, Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. KITJllLltHEO laax. BROKERS STOCKS .BONDS GRAIN Nr small aa4 mm aaa r taw Prtitesirts Rooms 201 (0 204. Conrh PTrfMfn t. m fcf. Wt t. tStaWtatt. liMw-, lV::aV Ka-r tmwattvatr. rair r?t-.:t . A Tr ; -f.l,.cr . t . . tr.t-sw stM-r.r. S 1:0. Ti-k-a. tiatvir. cT-t4a lt, -,--4ra4. 4 .v ; graasft.itt, a MCa4 Mtwiwtt. K-rwr TORK. Mar BJ T la4a tla 4r--i aaa ;wr .:k rrt aut4t-a t I : 8 -j at-. 4 ffuturaa I . si V th Wal m muwi t .m aaAsf. MltUtob taac ..t m C-n aa-lr ta TaM: 3a. sof at C4 av4 : 41-ra. tfai 4 1 lym i Tr Vt mi-.tt aaaa ftfm. : 1 3 . S f c-oc ; sriro. tie, la 0 11 1-; tvi UlIH . I' 13" r le4 aaa .nrr.t.Ad ta ltcti4on laa wtx-t n.r.M aaa a tf. P4:mr a 4 b .ht- at 1.1 H fl ta tr ,j ott I--. : ; r nax -at aa a aaa k:.!.r at 1 ; : s. r. U -r. 4t,.h irvta a-.rlta -aa artir4 t aa i f.r c !- . rj aarraeta 4a4toa..r aa (batvi aaa rj-oria-4 u'H. Jt Mil'.l koa-. W:4 vp.ftnaa 11 aid tt.f. 11 4a t:a taa.a, rniviraa riowttval r. M-t. 11 Jaaa. I ; Ja..r. l -c. Ai.ui. atarrats-r. ! -?; (Klclkar. . X triVV-r I --ar mbar. 10 ite. J attar jr. !. S4ar. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS X. M raavts aad- huea.s4 ta X . Andera-aa. lot a. b.o k t. Caatral Al bia. .. ......................... Jora O asea t. Martha lleewata. real of tot X. S. t. t. Uataia I ark Wl..im 1.s.rs and a:f. ta It w l oraera .1 ai. lot lu. b;sca . A-b4ha ...... .......... I i lie men -1 air. ts Usala lar- e. t lot 4.1a. .rn II. met li a..oaa akd hats.d I. w N rtrsl: h. lot 13. r.u.M.lt a ttlmati Utu. Home. .t.j:.ieiA. Wl -uty 4A4 m:im to 4AI:I ; -urjy taaeatmeat l'tc.paar. let a. t-ak a. Caaler Adu.uoa ta let roruanl C II 4 cpnaaua and wt. ta Ida t' f'er'er. i t a b.asrk :. aaanjadda 7 - ltd Adaitlsn Aatn It. Jtki'4 .ts4 aira to tria IsC rmiin. tut a tnwa u, t.aiiai A t ir. a , rt.iph M. INvfua aad sat;, to J.me. a 11. .0. 1.1 , b a a. 1.-er 1 ... sW-la. tx u.artoa fo T c a et V 1. .. .t lot 4. block 1, Va.;.y ... Add'.' a Lo-.a lie. 'tare .ad k.etnd'to llirr 4- Ciakana. lot a. IWck P&. tkood- 1 Teas I aaa a. 14 Liao I aoa Til . tl.araat kt.rvi. la. a TvuM Omtaay 4. aitnuMaa. 4et A. la. b-.-tck 11. K ...ri.r Ce rta V. I'..,, to I C sn. d:ld4 T l af ket a b.sx-a 4. a.eo a.l of 1.1. 1 ta a kl.ck a .... a-1 ef 11.13 14. k,oca a a.1 la 4a.t l'e-et..T.d I'. a .... ,. f ' r ia. Ni,a,.:ai ts War.la II la. lot a 1; In,. I ts 4. :a l. i. is. 14. 14. kasca a. . Ve.t I--T1 .d -r t. c. Iiajiftjfsl .r.d .If. t. vllnn'. II. ka:ia, acdiaided T-ia r .-t a k - I ; a eo Lit It., kaxa . In. 13 14. la blawa . k-aast -asr-..r.d I art M.ry I .ear t. r-mrimm II Mow' last a Hera 1 4.1:44 lloraearteaad .. . Oeet.r 1 ll,.t el t. H H H.a4iae ,,t mf Ho4 . Jail . i . Add"... a C-"d Sec....... e as- t. k-.tcaastk Mea. .ie: P4 f 4e4 al M 4 k o S.4 Cl'.y r:.i 4.:a and .:fe t. Jea l.r t .1. ket a. 4.4 14. ll:.sVer-. Additia J I. 4.r.e.n. Ireaavrar t a v" "m1 I-.rta. a b-aaca I. Csaatr.l A . - t a . ... t' Laita .4 a fe t. Js' m" I ta. lot a ki. f. 4 e.tr.i A.rx.a Ja"-.c II. If ura ..3 a.fe t. It W '""s lot 4. k.oa . 7-reaaaont A4- d:t: O.at.a IVhraaa art 17a la Ia-a a Mr. a. ioi a. a-oca 4. UM...m. Ad;'. IPS Al- a" r4l!i and ..if. to Jasr.e. k.rbr.i'.iau 4. 9 eq ... r t taa In . of e 4 . Murray l 1. la oec'.-r. 1. 4..n'ua. I. aeatk tar.. 1 cat lie. ....its .t .1 t. Afr-ed ra'oraiava! .rl. t a t a ;.. l.rarc, .... . It. It rraal'.-ri ar sea;, t n l-a'l." Atrial. a ..I 3. k-aacb k. Illsbiad t '.o c r..rt ascr tsc Joeeph klr. .aad a'f. 14 Joht H ) cf :M 1 a k.axa 13.. i . r u s... Ad '. Hon ..... Mer.r J I-e d ate . .if. t. Mee. H. INs.ee. a.l a. of f .,,4 or e --.r. a4 s. ef Kvllat. s. , f -t . la laaaati, 4. 4at a. tejss. S e.t It il ...an. .a ar.d are-, t. Ott.'bl.! 1 III II lO.kcw I II an t an 4434 tana aroa ITT "tea la. 14. kaora IA I' A i. J.tr.. 34e...r.J 1 1-r.c a. 4. t a. t-i t- C-rma Me 1 "4. SA e Ira. Il.r-.ra O.-rd'n'n.d !f."la" .rr-a l- ei.r I ..14. ..t . klck la 1 -vaai eadi J H Utttria. ,.d a, If.' I. p.irl,r " k;ak 7 a. lert..d Tra4t r. e? Cereea' t. " ' 1 Asdee.n. lot. 14. 1 k.aca t. 1 ram tl . r. fV-t..r-.d It'.. iv a Yri.et ra'la c It" T - 1. l'-t 7 4, 1 I. Kea. . 1 -.r ... t. 37. J II.'.!.!.' 1. Is :a 7. 1 .:a is. 1 1.' ... S V I ' - r4 ant .tr. ia rmrm rc.. tee. l.-d r.n.nt'r.i .t fij. e cf In M 4I4.4.. ars til t. :re.b.m. la fee ;a ' la. 44, 44s. w i Jamas a.nrert t. A n rsnaea lota ZA te. .n. bwa It. lirsu, lle'.M. II Iteiee-eea and a If. 4. W C X.rfc. acta ta ia ra. ..ra a i.,.o. ard ' rtot.vr ait 'aatr. 'i. ' Heiai V Laid I e. tna asar a a V coreer .14 wofnli. wofa K T M tkerd. ,er-. ta It a. MrV.. 1.1 is. t'txa t. it ia I. and let. 7. a Mo t, ta,i,. i.wi.tts Addlttaaa t. ka 3rt- lafe4 Ke.toa kVj aal wifsa" V. "ni " "r" "'"''a. 1-ts 7. a. b.ock a ard '... 2 k'l 4. i:aaas.tt. Jl!lla . . .a Maria r.rl-M ta Usren-4klt-4ier Cw, 141 rre. . . tT aa 1-aaa 1 Jrse aoa-ia tasiasr-r 3tiat m r-eh!. 4s. an a. laaia ' 1'em o. Pes-era a. ' K.thaknai. a Jbnataa. lot SL bloca l- 4iceea w.y W I Jeas.dlt aad alf. ta taesra w.iii.rtr. i"'. a a J. a, .ax a iy Ismiaro'i Ad 1 11 St. . Sa W ) Nana and l!l to I'araai M"am et al. lat 14, blaxa la. Sort. Irvtaart-a Triaa Ua4 1 aoi.rr le jis,,' 'fUr! bat. -a 4. i 3. baack a Mad roaa 111.1 O J Cr-1. aad wif. ta Jea-rli K'aar. k .etas, ta ee. t le. T ua.. niP I aeaih. raaca I aaat aw.rtraaa Truet a lr ieets..n Oma- P..T t. J.r It Oiaa, 114 av-eesa crsenm.nc.r.s at .take asn aeutb 441 Cramer of a k-a r. tract kaossa a. Ih. i'nrrimm flare O'ors-e t !. and wir. ta rtat 3r'as.da, lot 4. b.ara 44. Irstava tea tl T. ft ad eon ta R M Oray' and a'-X 40 feet of lot k klo, k 84. 4 aara Add tk'l belrr.tis aae'svaie. t. ttrTV ' aim ' .' ai ner. lot Z. kloca k. Kant Irainc- trai . ... at.i. E lse. .t 41 ta o.arlea rekna! a 1 r-f inc. !ae feet ef 1.1. a 4. tact T. I "lev View far A44 Iraa "llr 1'an A.asc-cle 1 loa Ia r Pi" lsid.se. lot. l. i t.a 7a Itoas. " ty I ark K k: Neb., and aifa URL tttrai. a-.a. Iota a 7. rioca I. t-pion r.-k . J 47 l.lr ar3 .if. te J x lw- l"t 1V b;ock a, Moaant T.kew 4-entfaJ Tract ttlt t 4J. He.,aaj ail haab.al ta Prai t-. A teaaj, lot. 11. ix blavb aa rletmAtt .... ..... r a !"--- t. t 1 Aairoli.' tot" 1 block 44. Terao. 7.... 13k I t I 1 vaoa l aok Lisa ar-l 1 ) ana SMI Lira Ls Ik 3 Kka Total Liwrna tfrrtirr a Tarrr cxx am a la-sd aaf Trad, a .An. Akarlraca a apocta-u. rtava tear ilarart. ana. tha TTUa TttAVsT-I-ltHtr t IDR. CANADIAN PACIFIC t-aa Than Four Dsawa ut S4paa WimT SLUSC BETHIEN KOXISLA'a QlllICAXD U,LKfOOL st a,a aaa tbs beautiful .t tsrraaisa a 'see- aad tka aaaarlaaal asea. real. a. ja. rep Neltit.at tetter aw it. t'.aana tbasa I I lu'"V'inWii'iM ee i n.awa aaabea aaa. mmm annas Aaa err ti-ket as-oat. a rii4 far ml: '.las a eat-a a-d t - a - 4 I . H. A-a r. a. Ill M at, TWtlaasaV fkr IStetiiner dus. R. Spencer rtmti.iMv. t. tai ki 4. Hewad trlr . a eare4 kc..r,d.y. tor AS-ler-a 4 a. a i.a. .. l..s.a. T'.i arid at t A M. ernala.. A.ior.. y I..!... Irr leaae A.ier.. 4 I' M . . rt s I ..1...4 a l. M ..a..... .ar. rau.s. a.1m4 .fc j return leata 1 iir 4 I a 34 tet-a V M: f.r. lit r. aal t-tJ V,.,..,4, .aK.ala at 4e. fbasaa IS. Ik k4 S 4.4W kaadar daaca. Astoria l-avkJttiaaro m roaTtjir a a rta. y a.iect .leaaaer aad ta. m aa. .11 I" a ttaant : ... a i-Ma .,.a. a a at it eie! t-avUfaswaas. Maty 7S. eaaasa - lr aaa. a. t. eae a-rx tn 1 ., t te J S : aa. Ir.t ia, . 1 1 a at a a Mew t ll. Ma rs. Jmm It. e. ks. paaa. est t ...f.ewla. s aae a. Is. saa. J ST P.aerc.. 1.-4 at.rv Ma' 3- A r e. on. IskI. at. at. klM 14 tL v- 'V 7 . a-t .4. a. IMl Mala aw-a A leak NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO S. S. Geo. V. Oder Pai' for Karr.a, Pan Frknri.-o mr.& Ixa An.rr!e.k May 13, Ma- -7. TV.et taifioa 1S2 TiurJ trtart, near Alder IL YOUNG. Aa-cct. COOS BAY LINE tka ataaaaar k K..A a m A 3 a taaiaa ran. U.d saeey 44 ... r. at . f..., ITael -11 tea. fee bans I l , Z -a Sbar p.ta r. , . . s. 4 r U .a oar ase. .:a I , M f a..l- a.aaa I.e. m. .mmm. ,; u4 . r ., a aa We... 1.4..C en. a . . . . I keaa siaea 4aa