20 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. SUB-COMPANY MAY BOSS TACOIYIA LINE Plan to Avoid Friction on N. P. Is Hinted by Rail road Men. COTTON IS SECRETIVE A. D. Farrell, General Manager of the O. & W., May Be Dropped to Lower Place ChleT-t Will Meet. That a subsidiary company controlling: tne present Northern Pacific track Portland and Tacorna will be formed Immediately, Is the opinion gath ered rrora an authoritative source yes terday. It Is believed this company will have entire control of the track to avoid the divided authority and consequent fric tion necessitated hy each of the three railroads concerned In the agreement operating: on its own schedule. W. TV. Cotton, general attorney for the O. R. & X.. left Portland last night for'jfew York- Mr. Cotton said he was going on what were but general matters of business!, hut added. "I may take a hand in doing some work on thH agree ment." Mr. Ootton. of course, referred to the agreement announced two days ago by General Manager O'Brien, that the, tracks would be used Jointly by the G. N., N. P. and L P. While it may be no more than a co incidence. It was announced yesterday at the offices of the Spokane, Portland at Seattle that H. M. Adams, general freight and passenger agent, would leave for Chicago last night. A qurotlon as to whether he would continue on to New York elicited no response. Among railroad -men the opinion was quite generally expressed that a meeting would shortly be forthcoming at which the necessary details would be discussed regarding the formation of a new com pany to handle the Taeoma-to-Portland tracks, and as the North Bank Is so vitally Interested in the deal, the natural assumption Is that Mr. Adams will Join the party. May Cat His Powers. That J. D. Farrell. general manager of the Oregon & Washington, would at the same time find a limit placed on his au thority, which at present extends from Vancouver. Wash., to Seattle, was an opinion expressed with some conviction. It Is thought that while Mr. Farrell will undoubtedly be provided with the position of an officer In the company to be formed, his position will not be of the executive nature It possesses at present. The favored plan of an executive board of three falling, some railroaders had the Idea that an official not at present an officer in any or the three roads con cerned, would receive the appointment of prrfcident or general manager. Just how soon arrangements will be completed for the practical fulfillment of the Harrlman-Hil! pact cannot at present be ascertained. 1'slng. as undoubtedly will be the case, a force of men unparalleled In railroad construction In the Northwest, construction of the second track through out could hardly be. completed Inside a year. And It appears certain from the opinion of various railroad men that no attempt Is likely to be made to operate until the double-tracking Is completed. To Continue Appeal. An Interesting feature about the agree ment has been divulged. It appears that the Northern Pacific appeal against the decision of the Interstate Commerce Com mission decision, will still be continued. While there can be no further question of a gateway for Portland, the question as a legal point still stands, and an at tempt will be made to obtain a decision from the United States Supreme Court aa a precedent. Other gateways are likely to be de veloped "In the course of years In other parts of the country and the rights of one railroad to bottle up a particular part of the country, only permitting access from certain distinct directions, will be tested. A further point involved is the test made of the validity of the Interstate Com merce Commission's decision in general on points commonly believed to be out side Its Jurisdiction. 20 S. P. GUESTS COMING SOON ICow Portland Will Kntertaln Ticket Sellers Is Still Question. What does Portland intend to do to en tertain the ;o Southern Pacific passenger officials traveling through Portland June 5 to the A-Y-P? is the question being asked among Southern Pacific officials. Already both Tacoma and Seattle have notified Charles F. McFee. general pas senger traffic manager of the Southern Pacific, who will conduct the party, of their desire to leave the string out for the travelers. The passenger men consist of assistant general passenger agents, district agents and general agents, and an endeavor la to be made to give them a thorough edu cation In the value of- Portland and Se attle aa places to which tickets may be sold. The visitors will cover both the Rose Festival and the Exposition, and as they will be selling transportation to both Portland and Seattle Immediately on their return to business. It is felt they should be thoroughly acquainted wtth the condi tions governing both cities. To ObwiTe Holiday. Ail the leading railroad offices are showing a tendency to observe Mondav aa Icomtion Day by closing their offices. AH the railroad ofTlces In the Wells-Fargo building will be closed, and It is under stood the Northern Pacific and other roads Involved will follow suit, although prob ably the ticket offices will have to remain open until noon. Railroad Pergonals. A. E. Martin, division passenger agent of the Chicago. Burlington & Qulney. at Pt. Joseph. Mo., was a visitor on Railroad Row yesterday. Mr. Martin is being edu cated in the Northwest country on the plan the Burlington road has been nor sulng this year. H. Dickson, city passenger and ticket agent for the Great Northern, returned from Vancouver. B. C. yesterday, after making one of his regular trips to Puget Sound and British Columbia. After a satisfactory trip to Walla Walla, extending over a few days. John M. Scott, assistant general passenger agent for the Harrlman lines, was In his office again yesterday attending to an accumulation of correspondence. There was a similar accumulation on the de.k of W. W. Cotton, general attornev for the system in the Northwest, but this will have to be neglected, for Mr. Cotton left lest night for Chicago, en route to New Tork- FIRST TRAIN AERIV1N3 AT MONROE. AND YOUNG WOMAN WHO f . m .e. -- t ,ii . ' .-Vz-T .VVV;. : . k. . jr ' " U ;v, j FIRST DECIDED RISE Varm Rains of Past Few Days Start Water in Columbia. TRIBUTARIES COMING UP Downpour Ha Been General Over Entire Pacific Northwest Snow in Mountains Melting Ilapldly. Little Danger of Biff flood. During the H hours ending at noon yesterday the first decided rise of the season occurred on the T'pper Columbia. nake and Kootenai Rivera. Br noon Sunday the stage at Portland will be about 11 feet above aero, with a farther rise In sight. The official readings re ported by the Weather Bureau show a rise of l. feet at Wenatchee, . of a foot t Lewis ton and . of a foot at I'matUla. The big rise m-lll reach 1'matllLa this morning and Portland by Sunday noon. Honnei-s Kerry station, on the Kootenai. reported the biggest rise yesterday. 11 feet. Wenatchee waa second wtth 1 feet, and Lewlstnn and Umatilla tied for third place. During the past 4t hours there has been a general nUnfal! over the entire Fact no Northwest, and the neevy snow In the timber ts melting rapidly. n the wheat belt there has been a heavy downpour, but the ground was thirsty ana nine win run off to swell the flood. The rain and generally mild weather will assist greatly In melting the snow, of which there la still a large amount In the mountains. With conditions remaining the urn for a period ox 10 days or two weeks, a stage of about 10 feet Is looked for at Port land. In the Columbia at the month of the Willamette an eight-foot stage waa registered yesterday. There ts a heavy current running and steamers bound tip from Astoria are delayed from an hour to two hours. The current la strongest In the channel. With a rise of four or five feet more the river will spread out and reduce the current. Steamers operating between Portland and The Dalles have a hard time making tne up trip. Old-time pilots have prac tically given up the Idea of a big food. At this season of the year the river Is ordinarily at a 15-foot strge near the mouth of the Willamette. The continued cold with the river at a medium stage has dally reduced the chances for an excessive high water. RIVERSIDE BRrXGS BIG CARGO Large Amount of European Freight and Merchandise From New York. With SOO bales of hemn a.- -B-- clsco. S0 tons of general cargo from New Tork and 30S packages of European freight, the steamship Riverside. Captain Ram elms, of the American-Hawaiian line, entered at the Custom-House yesterday. The vessel arrived nn fmm Cm v- i Wednesday evening. She will leave down The hemp came from the Orient and waa cleared at San Francisco. The Eu ropean cargo consisted principally of earthenware, liounr. wnii nn n i and enameled ware. From New Tork me treignt was general merchandise for local merchants. The Riverside ts dis charging at Columbia No. 1. RECEIVES INTERESTING BOOKS 5w Work on Maritime Matters on File In Hydro graphic Office. John McNulty. nautical nurt t t..,- of the local branch of the United States njon.jr.pnre vnrice. cas received a num ber of Interesting works relative to the work of the department. The books have been placed In the library and sr. to the public Mr. McNulty Is Interested greatly in the new additions, as he has supplied a large amount of the data con- lainea. The work of the United States Hrfm. graphic Office baa been expanded consid erably during the past Winter, and com pilations have been received In the local office which will prove of Interest to not only maritime interests, but to the gen eral public also. Printed copies of the following sublects are on file for general distribution, and the public Is cordially Invited to make use of the opportunity to get them. Apply by telephone, mail or personally: " Port Fa cilities." "Use of Oil to -alm the Se "How to Observe the Heights of fe Wavea." "Earthquake Seamanship." "A BOTTIaE or MILK AND HONEY. Vita?; J.'1 ' ,r-- : V - . aV 32: V. 1 -. . St ; . tU.'--1 t, Htudy of the Cauees of Rtrnd!r.gs of Ships." "Submarine Sound Signals " Among the recent ad'lltlons to the ref erence HHrary for the public la a nestly bound lo volume of "Commerce and Navigation of the United States," of pages. This will prove of much use to statisticians, debaters. Chambers of Com merce. Hoards of Trade and all Interested In the subject. Another highly valuable publication to the first l.sue of the South Atlantic pilot Chart. This chart has been asked for by navigators for several years, but owing to a dearth of observations has not been constructed until now. The use of the office has been always In the public's hands. Japanese I.lner launched. VICTORIA, n. C. Mar rr-Amld the fluttering of released pigeons and fount ains of scattered colored paper, the new Osaka Shwn K:!.a liner Seattle Mam steamer i.inxubEMK, ! te Arrive. Kama From. Prat, or ral rriM,n Hlverslde n Fr.nrl.ee In Alliance. ...... '-rnm lty.....n Data pen port port l.unk... F.ur.ka v frawr. i 'l.tnok....t.y Ar Tl.i.m'voa . M y I'r.ik.n.r i:.slir il.r I:o.. intj yr,nc.eo M.; ,';, H .ock'tng. . . Co. W. Elder .n 1-edra. . . . j unB rlMdaled to Drpswt. Name S"or rjej Mver.lt1 S.n Frandsea Mr Aill.nr. -- H.r M. Mai of Cat .. San Francisco (ar Kureka K..r-ka M.y 's- Ti l ;my.k M B"ia H. Rlmon. Tillamook. ... Mr Ilr.akw.i.r. . - iv-,. Ha June R ' lty San Kr.nrucg Jua. W. t. i d r - n l-eiro Jun Arabia .Hongkong. . ,Jun Entered Ttiunday. Rlverslda. Am. ai.am.hlp ( Ram seUus). with geaerai cargo for i-aa Fraadsco. Majeatlc. Am. steamship (Aodsr soa. with ballast, from 8aa Fran cisco. Wsllealey. Am. steamship (LlnJ qulst), wltb baJLast. from Baa Fraa clsoo. AsanclaB. Am. steamship (Brldg. tt). with fuel oil. from Baa Fraa dsco. Cleared Tnaraaey. Asuncion. Am. ataamahlp (Rrtdg ett, wltb ballaat. for t-aa Francisco. ass slid Into the water at Kobe the day before the sailing of the steamer Akl Maru. which reached port last night. The nea- steamer, to run to Puget Sound In connection with the Milwaukee railroad, waa chtistered by the daughter of Mr. Nakah.uilil. president of the Osaka Sho shon Kaisha. V reeking Steamer Due at Astoria. The VNcklnv ttmp B... C. - . n - -v i ua, ui ui. Puget Sound ' i . e , ..... rlVO In Astoria Iht. I T-w - - h..'. u.ua. in. uiiu pany owning the vessel has been awarded wui. t. u, rvae uie standard Oil barge No. 91. whu-ti t. i.i.- . . i . - submerged and on her aide at Smith's wui te necessary for tbe oil remaining In the tanks of the barge to be pumped out before any work can be done on the vessel. Captain C. M. Alden lined $15. Can taJ n Charle. xr a ' . . steamer J N. Teal, was fined 1 In the Mnnlclnal Court . - .. the speed limit In the harbor. Captain " .r,r.riul D)T COUHBel. ('(p. tain Alden was arrested on complaint of Harbormaster Speler. Iater of Same Vessel JJ Years. MARSHHEU). Or . l.y rT.-.gp.,,,, " aptain A. H. rian. master of the schooner fthrr Buhrte. haa resigned and for the Bret time la many yrwra that CHRISTENED RAILROAD WTTH V.V a I yt '- M - it l lilt! 1 2T . jfjr wrearvstiOE- vessel will go lo sea with another raptaln In command. Captain II. C tjrimm. of Han Kranclaro. has bought the eetlrlrwr master's Interest In the boat and has taken command. Captain Olson will give up sea life and with h'-a faml'y will move to a homestead In Coos County. lilch he recently hied on. He te one of the best knoen captains on the Coast, and has been ma.ter of the Kther Buhne since she waa htalt In 1T. Marine Notes. The oil tank steamship Asuncion sailer at midnight for San Francisco. For Coos May porta the steamship Alli ance will sail tomorrow eenmg. The steamship W. ft. Porter arrived up at l.lnnton Isst evening with fuel oil. The steamship State of California Is scheduled to sail for San Francisco tomor row morning. With passengers and freight for San Pedro and way porta, the steamship Oeo, W. Klder sailed last evening. W. H. Utile, local agent of the Ioa I -timber Company, will move his offices from tbe Oak-street dork lo the Lumber men's building June 1. Arrlvala and Departure. m a Tl .1ST). War ST Arrived Slean- Mp A.llan-. frrn fea l'a. .iram.itrpi Vje.lic. fran San FianHkre; rrimt.j tv s I'en.r. from Haa KranHtr. eatira eteam.hip Nonk'ind. fr s.e Fraeo: lam.Mp . K 1 -1 . r fr Kan l're ant var; atamlp I'aaraoea. fr Saa YTtnr 1. o .lamMp V" S I w.p. for . "r an-- !.ro. Icjntilp AlUQrloh. for ka Frascie. .forla. Oe . star TT Cadl'les at the moutti or the nr at a I wt pir.Mi h ; ln4. south. 74 mile.: wealHer. rlmi4r. ArnveS at 4 te tf4 i p at T A M efram.r W S Porter. frym San rvaneiae. SalkMt at a te A at. Sl.arnar llrw.k .1 -r. fr rw. liar Arrived at 10 1 a at ar4 !-ft op at 3 P ki steam.r K.mor. rrnm TMiamoek Arrived at 13 noen tarkiln Jamvs Tuft, frena Kan Fren-!ero tot.ld. at H at ItrttUh t ark tiu.f Klrm lna Antweer Arrived doa-a at 4 P. M 4ttean- r r'.w.de. N.t-rt Mar tT netted yaate.. d.r fiva-n.r Kaoeaa 411. for lortknd via San l nrt o. Tnkohwnt, Mar 7 Aertvel FnpreaS ef Japan, from inrjm, f.r Itnskor-s Kan Franrfcw. Mar Jf Sal'-ed eteen-er ral.v. fr Wlllara. at.amer Svaa. foe (Irar. Ilarber; Karkeerlne S CI Wilder, fir tfnnolulu: aieerner Nebraian, foe aaltne rrua Arrived Steamer M F F'.aat. rrm Cwa tar: iMp Crown of oemthf, frm Antwerp; Karkenftn. Ketia'a. from . w -raetla. Aa. trails: ap FT-! Tiever. renin ,mm a m rhMrr Poafa M Planmir. renin C'ail.o: berkamlae tluaka. from Nawraaile. Au.iralla- TidVn al Aataarln Frbtar. msh tw. T-iu a. M . . . . a rl s yn a M . .. t faat o P M . . T 1 fe of f M....a feat NO DANCING. SAYS OWNER O. W. Ilosford Declares Ills Mount Tahor Resort Will Be Orderly. That the resort at Mount Tabor, per mission for the operation of which was granted by the city council bv a vote of seven to six Wednesday, will not ron tatn a dance hall or any resemblance of one, 1s a statement of Captain O. W. Hoe ford, to whom the license was grant ed. The place will be conducted solely aa a skating link and an tee cream parlor. The building Is IX bv 76 feet Twenty feet of the frontage will be used for a refreshment room and a dressing room and the remaining space will be oc cupied aa a skating link only. Captain Hoeford objects to the term dance hall being applied to the plaoa, saying the name Itself la not compliment, ing and because he Intends to conduct a respectable resort which wfll allow no dancing and which he deslrea to be pat ronised by a good rises of people. Mount Tabor residents, said the Captain, have aa erroneous Idea of the purpose of the rink. The license ahlch Cs plain Hoeford ob tained, prior to the filing of a remon strance by t Mount Tabor residents, re fers to a skating rink and make no men tion of a dance hall. The Mount Tabor people, however, are ohlecttng on the general grounds of not wishing to have In their community a public resort of the noisy kind such as a skating rink or a dance hall might be, and to which boys and girts could flock nlghta and engage In noisy pastimes. BROentRH Al'S-rr.ltrJt'MON reamed r. MrnevTboaa-. AO. tared; Cora A. Fvrgwsoa. 37 e;tr SirctaT-SHATTt'Crs: Faulk-nar A. over si. eitr: Mary Allan er.r-.terk. ewr l. II T. i"Anprt.tJ-rTt.fnjohs Bearpa;ii. ta. Itpk.n: lxulae l'i:uan IT city Hi: tKK-A.vrr Keo inhur I- v-aar. (!: Anr.a kl.na Andrrwoe. ctl n.rillMi iTXM voha-M J.a c Fam ine", .u Centred. a. Wart. ; Alios H. Ctonnlaaf ba.ii, I, rlly. HIGr-N-liV"riE Oiarlae C R!T4oa. Vf aitr: Mars-aat M Towa. -J crty ni.sViiiriS-Uiin c. Kraa. Ml ettr: e-i. a a-ojoh. ti el't rHi'l.-nAHk-l - Spraeka. tt. ST. Jn: leura 1' - - is rrty SikTM' NS-naRHtX'iTTiN J T-'lH IV. mon. var 51. rl't; Hm.n If arrtr a-loa mat l. city Waddl-s and vta1t:ie a A Ca, 1A'ah:atoa aide-. Hi w r ae<a aia end waaa i U. 1 1 -" till 21 Uli ' :; i 1 . aT-je-vI le I Mora earror. coal and raw as.li ware aeaf enroad la '.(d than In 1 t'i7 kut tea. aortr wa. re.l.i f-r w ri i .pp w a. c- t-nm mora fr s0. o-io Celiaa yaxe aporia earraaaal 4 :..(.- v o- HI BOAO IS DEDICATED Bottle of Milk and Honey Christens Railway. MONROE PEOPLE REJOICE fnrver Rallmad mw Crarvmllls Keawrtea Ulrh h-e-tlon of Hen ton Cnttnty E. H. Belknap fVe- llrrre Prlnrlpa Add rraa. MOVrof: Or.. Mar ST. a peel alt Two thouaand Henion County people welcomed the arrival here Katurdar of the nr.t peeaenger train over I be Cor vallls Alaea Hallraad. Mlas Pansy Howeer dedicated tre pew railroad by breaking a bottle of milk' and honey, tlio r-onteela of tbe bottle representing, the productions of Han ton i'oimir miss Howaer refused to "ak a bottle of wine, because Itenton Is a "dry- county. With the wards- -pv this solemn act dedicate tins hlshway as the Corvallis. Monroe Alsa Railroad" Mlas llowsrr dedicated Monroes first railroad. At the Monroe picnic rrounds. an appropriate programme waa rendered, the I'nnallli Marine Hard formatting roti.lc. E If. Htkna,, prealdcd. la his address he dwelt at length on the re source, of ftenlon County and Monroe and vicinity In particular. 1 (- then spoke kind words of Mephen If. Car ver, promoter and builder of the road that now connects Monroe wtth t he nortd. The speech struck a popular chord and Mr. It-iknap was cheered heartily. Alter the programme dinner waa served, the roasted steer donated bv the Wllhelme being served cold. In the afternoon there waa horeeraring and a ball game. The corvallla High School team was defeated by a Monroe learn. Is lo Among the visitors were 7t excur sion!. ta from Corral .1 a. Miss Howaer. who dedicated the rail road. Is one of Ihe foremost contestants for the honor of representing Henion County at the Portland Roee Festival- 1000 TO MEET HERE NORTHF-fl! IHPTIST roTT. TIV TO ASsKMRI.K SfM)X. Deliberations Will Be Held at Whllo Temple IVnnt Jane SS to July Important (Jaeatlons. An event of the greatest Imporianee. not only to local Baptists, but Jo mem he r a of that denomination In all prta of the t'nlted Ktst.a. will be the North ern Itaptlat Convention which will meet In Portland from June ji to July 1. This National meeting will bring In the neighborhood of leoa delegates te Port land, and It will determine a number of queatlona of moment te the Itaptlat de nomination. The eeaalons will be held In the White Temple. Among the matters to be considered are Ihe problems of city missions, rellrf agenclea for tnlnl.ter a. ihe budget and Its problems denominational end mis sionary publtcetlona. and relations ef stale conventions to Ihe Northern Haptl.t Convention. One of the snoot Important questions lo he disposed of Is thai of providing revenue by a sys tem of tlthea This matter haa been discussed ai various times and It la thought that majority of the dele gates axe favorable to an adoption ef system wherehy members will con tribute a certain percentage or Ihrlr Income lo the support of ihrlr church. This meeting will be notable from the fart that It marks ihe second gath ering of Haptlele ea a National or ganisation. Prior lo the meeting In Washington. IV C- two years ago, Ihe denomination bed no union only In the metier of missionary efforta and the denomination publications. ,t the Washington meeting the proposition to effect a Natlonsl organisation of Bap tist churches wss adopted after much deiberallon. and the meeting of le at Muskogee. Oklahoma, waa the first flrst meeting of the body under Ihe new system. There was considerable op position to this on the part of Ka.t em Haptlsta a nrst. but at the later meeting the merit of ihe plan waa completely demonstrated. It la g Slg- nincant fact that this policy was origi nated by Western dclrgalra The pro. gramme covering the tarloua sea. tone of the convention Is now being pre psred and will be Issued In the near future. Onmpromle on Cone-ret e It rid re - The commit lee adopted a plan of arbi tration for adjusting the difficulties that have blocked the acceptance of the rein forced concrete hrtdr screes P i ll an'a CGeeWo TEE COESE DOC 131 Thta great Chinese doctor la well heeara Ibreagheat the Monbwaet karoeea ef ale woasertal Mid aaarveleea raiea h ', edar ber aided by aU kie patleeie ea the creates! ef hta kleo. Me treale ear and all dtaeaaae wlta pewerfal catenae root a herbs and barks that are sauna's tinkaona ta the medical ectance ef tats Country WUk IkwM.kanalaaa remaaiaa ha swarastaoe te nra eelerrav, eetaeae. sneer troeblaa. S urn a Ik-aa. an i anaaaia. stoawawau ver asad fclataey lew e-iaete dlii.ii. mt ware ..4 CO.NSt LTATIUM raxsi. Fatteeta eaatotda of rttr emte ffer blaaka asd ctrcaiara lacloee 4e stassa Tbe C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. DOCTORS It la not aa much In knowing a grai deal ako-.il many tt.lnga. ea ti kaowirg aiM sbout a few I.MBH Whoa a dorter graduates from a nvelfral Oxlrfa It la after the variola pro 'aeors have tried to Impart their knowledge to t.i-n, and It takes about 1 2 or It pro. Ia. ots la the various lines of study four -ars to Que. try a etu-o-r.t for trie rrarl lew of R.iHllrirt.. and Itien be la le-r.y licensed Oot tl ja 'iried. l"oa a eane man at. Pwct a itiiMical student lo go form from a oi . ge aa thorough In knowledge In each trench aa the individual rvlranr re ho f inda It r.ooeearr lo devote Ma entire time to a single ub;ect. .. h anato or cl.amlaiti. and a t" la then far front, perfectr it S m peer tule that won't work bo.h wave If one era. feor I. net competent - ' 11 Biudanl el eoout aril.iRii. e la e m I latrv. h.L,cgv. h I S- '"!Ar. ol.tetrl-s. sur--er. pat ho cay. bsc ter.olugy and Ilia maoy other breaches too numerous to mention. '- he I. ekpecled la be thorough in. bow ntoat the taw recruit of a mexl.ral student be eapecie.1 lo retain What l."r.r'ha.'b,i.',n"''a,.,r I ... on- " . 7 ' " ' t fie aorlnr ta lie .postal --r ... Irea In acme oe a r pv rl i m . utedv.nl.irg - - anq ta inrfrlon have eomething worth advertlama i A vert '.""" bu.li... witb Hare, it la partly ,,ur o. n leuiu for Vol. don t have to accept the statement, of every .loct or , .. go , " Vl 1 atrsng. lr,M ,e , ,.a. .o much for gr.r.ted If b!- ks eld bualn 11 .hst wa f..re would be failure, everv d.v Klgut tn tbia town dew--nT"'1V,r,,t ,"t "bOUt won.l-rful auoria.. 'J'! tC ,Ve "P,Zr',V -"lon fc f or patient. do Tknow o... . . .. -eiir.i isnif.iir have been established at r quart, re for 1 1 yeera without su.nenalon or . -.n.. , . 7- " -? TAepUeof " 4 T'"lmi rWerenoea. and wtii haod.e your Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Cored If you are thlr.klng treatment, think RIGHT TREATMENT At the right time. A tittle neglect may cause greet rrteehle ana P-ril your whole future. If you don't n..1 ,7ee 1, T..7 1, , eaa, sad Shin ptaaaaea, KteUaey end Hla.aer IM..H, . - a . S-r-e. rwl.f.l ftwelll... H.r.1... I.cwla. ..d l.n.TrZevv-wit ZtJZT " ' all.y awd al: Spec. I ... limTTZl f- "r cure, are lower than tbe general family aknlrlu or ''""' Medicine, furnl.h from our own lJor.torv foYr,."oT ktrience and prlx.cy of our patients, from l. te I. 4s a couree. If you r.nnot r.:i. write for our free eeif -e.emlr.anon b.ank. Many cases are cured at home. aaaay HOI MS a A. M. TO r. Jl, AM II XDUI ritOs II TO 1L St. Louis "ffl4 Dispensary t nnxstit mXD ao nunii i. rorcri.AX n. oil GtUch on Rest Tw-enty-elghth street. An - j . . .......v. . . - . -1 r . 1 1 .a thorny can be obtained front the Oouncll. and a lawyer will be eeencled. Tbeee tare will determine the law arwd tbe facte con cerning the whole oueatkm. and their da. rtaton will be Anal Tbe span was bunt S the "N'orthwct rtriige Wortia and met fi H was re'eeted bv tee rtnllra .... w'hicn the exr-ertant mfuhrr mn.f - - - ..--w.vi, 1J iu II w Uil dread, pain, suffering and dancer, that the very thought of it hlls her with apprehension "d horror. There is no necessity for the repro duction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is Safclv rassed u ithoiH inv dmoer Thie oreat or. t ,.--r..i - . J a. - - a. ' we. auu auiiuwi Jul remedy is always applied externally, and has carried thousands a M-Araaaa. k s A . . a.1. .L . VI -UUI.I1 IUI UUIII I 1C .Wam - trj ing crisis without suf fering. aead for free bonk eeatalalac ae aJ VUX aULAD FIELD RXCClATOK CO. Attaata, Ca. 11 mm cured DONT DE DISCOURAGED! DONT GIVE UP HOPE! THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU! ACT TODAY! In my rery e. tenet re ararthn learned a few truthe that are VI . J srsry man. rlret of ail I find that tbe rery serious and ao.ra.lal -incurable cases are due u.ually to NKOLKa-T rELA.V An,nJ. 1 now that many men suffer yn Tl.Aim an.1 ar.i.l7 'ar.c. m.t.-T -ix . r.-at." an.i practice THKIR II r-Al.Tll rtinKXT-ll lrlr ........ . . .- c. a a-far-t. t niri Ihemaelvea wlUl some potent ro.n neyer could cure, so TliKATUKNT lm wnat rrieep treatment meana in ca.ee out of ten. The last state of the Is worse than the first. Juat before yt a line further in ihia . . and a.k lounelf as la whether followlrg In trie too Hah footsteps of cure ourMll with no.trurraT looktna r.r treatment that wi l not - . . in ..a. 1 u Will loweet fee possible I CURE PERMANENTLY Weakness. Varicose Vein. Orfinic Weakness. Debility. Loe. Hydrocele. Contracted Diseases. Specific Blood Poison and all reflex ailments. EXAMINATION FREE I offer not only niFK Conaultatlon and Adrlce. but ef every raee that comes to me t wi;j make . er.ful K.amlnallon end Inagnoaia with out charge. No ailing man .houid a.g.ect this opportunH, to get pert opinion about hla trouble. 1 1 1 If eu cannot ceil, write for Matanal. r-hart Vy erricea are one. II day from A- M. to 1 I'. M. aad faodai a from 10 to 1 p " The DR. TAILOR Go. ttiH wjon a - ' i s r act... i. ' , . FOR MEN NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED m.'" erowd Into Mm. U ne aoctor are la suoceeaful la a-w. i ne aoctor Who la suoceeaful la nril. . ... . . . - - - . not ca a e ond d.mtra all hie time to li. nd is ttieretore general :v a man .r.ri.-H. l.mc --. w ...... nt and fur rate aa Board beosuee of a)lec-ed defective ron. struction and deviation from plans irl periflcllnnj without due authority. ef the nana ffMoret aerM.. ef yest e. tbe stage to forever tehened e. tbe Keith circuit. Mr K.lta b.a it orders ttiat eo wi'la mm her la la w laht. will ka ln,-rated la k.le hoo. No w oman's harriness can be complete -nhoui dul dren; it is her nature to love and want them as much so as it is to love ihe beautiful and pure. The frilii-il nr. I c -. I .W-.,,-!. ' 1 w. v.wt.d ..li 1.11..1 na hnu-n-.r :. r iv.. k. ..u swTawaa. lJ YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED i bare unl rlablr Rl'IN to dose Y to . T At LOR. Tbe Lesdlsg Saeseellet. o w syai:rrr. nilL ta. onrx.o. 11 v u iT Al'lL a w V I s:: UaA VRn) ft. an jr "i Are ..r -v;'r r.tjr r.n ar t m v e-vr, -a ire? If I "J J. gret It. jS!