Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1909, Page 19, Image 19

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WHEN" TOTJ MOVB5 you always need KEW
BUT AT NO-RBNT price; tb vlg
t:i exceed cost of movie.
w ei o w n" our ov. n Btrrt-ntxa : o-
Grand ave. and iu. Stark. I bom Cut 3MB.
NEWL.Y renoTite 9 -room home with beau
tiful r round. (HJxlO'J. corner Grand ivc.
and Oregon atroet. to responsible tenant,
only; at low rent. Particular caU on
J. Kraamer. 90 Fifth t.
MODERX house. room, furnt-t, elec
tricity and gas, $30; also g-room bouM,
Clackamas ar d William a., $23. Call at
CO I Dkum bid;.
ELEGANT new 7 -room honse for rent, only
per month ; stove and table fur
nished. M4 1st at. South. Call or ad
dress 189- Front st.
WF1 have houses, fumlstied and enf urns'hed
to RENT.
Main 371f. RICKMAV gc KINDLE.
21 A Lumbermen' I: tig., cor. 5th and Stark.
NEW bungalow, electricity, bath, cement
w i k 9, abates, on Fuit&n car line, $15.
Phone A 31.
FIVE-ROOM cottage. 810 ColTege. at th;
piar.o h nd some furniture; SO, Owner,
303 Mohawk bid.
NETW furniture of a A-room houws for rer.t:
$I per momh. Apply Cob urn, 300 Jef
ferson t.
FOR RENT Cottar. 124 N". 17th at.. &0 feet
north Gllean. Max Smith. bS N. 16th; no
' GOOD cottar for rent tuifumlshed, $15
month, or furnished. $.10. West aide river.
737 Chamber of Commerce.
6-ROOM cottage, rat and bath, full base
ment. South Portland. Room 10, Hamil
ton bids. Phone Main 5021.
HOL'PES, flat and trnrn rerte; good
service. Struble, 405 Lumbermen bid;.
MODERN 8-room house, 104 Eait 18th; key
next door.
6-ROOM collage. MO E. ISth at.. 915. In
quire r.46 E. 18th at.
FO R R ENT N 1 ce 4 -room reel den ce, $20;
walk Ins; distance. 20 Wh I taker at.
40t EAST 16th at., bet. Hancock and Tilla
mook; In Irving ton; $33 per mo.
FOR RENT J-reom house. William tre
dose In. Fox Co., 209 Second at.
ARB ron atlll renting? Sea Greco ry ad. oa
PM 16.
HW)OM nous, 3 furnished, rent S10; will
aell for $43. Sell wood &.
IfOPBRV furnished. ottg, aim 8 -room
727 Clinton. W. K. car. Afternoons.
ARB you tUl renting? Sea Gregory's ad. on
page id.
Fnrnlhe4 nonjiea.
-ROOM bonwi, nice It furnished, . on lflth
at- near Johnson, $35.
7-room bungalow, nicely furnlahed. fire
place, clothes chute, china closeta. window
eat. 1 block car, Sunnr)de, $00.
248 Aider St.
OWNEK lea-rinc. beautiful home famished,
large grounds, fruit, flowers, will lease
part; responsible couple. 6X) East Ok,
af terooona.
KEWLT furnlahed. 4 rooms, piano, In beau
tiful neighborhood. 7 minutes to P. o.,
nice lawn, only reliable people need an
swer. 367 10th t
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room flat,
every modern convenience; ail outside
room. Ajply C91 GlUan st.
NT CELT furnished 6-room cottage for rent;
within 10 minutes from P. O. ; West Side;
refexencea Inquire 831 Cth st
FURM6HED flat, t rooms, bath. gss ran re
call Sunday or evening after 6 . 30. 4u0
4th st.
FOR Summer, newly furnished fl-room resi
dence, 252 Ftout, corner Main, King
Height, $50 per month.
7-ROOM modern eottajre. near car. Monro
St.; new furniture; rent several months to
adult at $35. T 122. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room mrnlshed
house. 209 East tVth. near liolladay ave.
Phone C 1549.
7 ROOMS, furnished, nice location, fall lot,
$34. Home phone R lOlfl.
WEMrFT'RNlPHED fl-room cottage; lawn;
from Juno 17; reference. Woodlawn 879.
FURNISHED 4-ronm cottage, electric light,
bath, central. Inquire 73t? 7th.
NICE 5-room corner flat, furnished, large
porch, lawn, trees. Main
7-ROOM house 15 minutes from P. O., very
reJwonabie. 31:2 Worcester bMg.
COMPLETELY furnlahed 5-room new bunga-lom-.
Sunnygide; Phone Tabor 00 7.
Houses for Kent. TornlttrVe for Kale.
This Is something you do not And every
day. on tjth st., close In, we have 10
room of f.rst-'-lass furniture ; you can
keep boarders If you want, always full
and a strictly un-to-date place; rent $T.0;
this must be sen to be appreciated and
right away; urlr $700, half cash. 3t8
ftoard of Trade bldg.
Pl'RMTX'RE of 7-rocm. modern house,
price only $75, rent $15; East 0th; w also
have several 7, 10 and 15-roora house on
4th b 411 d" W" Garljkntl V Co,, I'jX
A SNAP Must be taken at once; IO room,
completely furnlahed; convenient to center
of town; rooms full. Call today 211 12th.
between Taylor and Salmon.
FURNITrRB of 8 room for ale cheap and
apartments for rent; apartment 2o. Wel
lington Court Annex, ST 15th t phone
Main 1245.
KEATLT furnished modem 14 room, con
sisting of 2 flats; rooms all rented; eao
rtflc. Will sell separately. 094 Co
lumbia. FOR RENT 5 -room cottage, furnished Pea
View, Wash., right on the beach. Phone
Main 8373. Portland. Or.
KEW furniture, modern, six-room house.
M onroe at., n 1 re location, fuml t u re $ t u ;
term; rent $25; snap. W 124, Oregonian.
ft ROOMS, Washington st, good furniture
carpets, rooms all rented. Rent rwiaonb:,
$50O. Term. S20 Bwetland bMg. Mala 572.
FTTRNTTTRH of 6-room cottage, close In.
rent $27.60. Inquire at bO West Perk st.
FTJR-NTTT"REJ of 7 -room house. $ rented a
housekeeping ; close In; a snap. 272 KILL
GREAT sacrifice, furniture of 7-room house,
17 17th at. North. Irving.
Bummer Iteeorta.
BATTER Investigate Colombia Beach. th
seaside capital of the Northwest. Columbia
Tract Company, Board of Trad bldg
FOR RENT My large Seaside cottase foe
July. Edgar B. Piper. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three
tory brick, on Grand avenue, one block
south of Morrison st. Rates reasonable
Further particulars at Uarimaa
DESK ROOM In fin, light ground-floor of
fice, new Lumbermen's buuJ.rt;. ATPy
Lewloa Land 4a Water Co., 41 new Lum
bermen's bldg.
MODERN, light store, steam heat, fine base
ment. Morrison, close to 10th. Loeweneon
Bros . 105 Sherlock bldg.
ETORE ROOM rear of drugstore, comer lth
and waington. baaement and llvicg-room.
chep rent; key at drugstore.
STORE Mm on prominent street. Went Sldi
new building; $23. S24 Worcester bldg.
FOR RENT Store, 75-foot deep, opposite
Baker Theater.
SMALL store for
rent cheap. 23 H Stark St.
D5XTl?'rS, PPortuaityW!:ker-n chair. S.
U. four tain. R:tter e.trlc engine.
n(m oracKet table. ctrle light flx-
OFFICEP Buchanan block. 2SK Washln:
tor; all modern appointments, best serv
ice!, jow rent. '
FOR RENT A few office ta Couch hid.
Apply Room SOL uc
DESK, room tor nnl 40 Couch bld.
IjFK room for rr-t blov mt, fimnfl
r.o'.r. 2s Start .
OrFICES or eommre)al amp,e - room a
Phoenix bMg.. H. W. cor. tn and Oak.
TWO floor. Front and Bumslde; very rea
sonable; long lease. Woodward. 104 2d St.
BrxixtM cH.otcita.
We axe not very good oa a "bore
wip." bat we can p'.as-e you where y oa
can make a barrel X money, as the fol
lowing will teury:
We will sell a comp4eteiy eo,a!ppe4 11
cry stable con La', n Ins the foioing. to-g-ther
with a l-yar lease, at a very
nominal rent: 0 carriages, l Victoria, 3
mbula.nces. l tally-lio. i surreys, 11 open
rUKK!-s. & lap bucr. 3 burses. $--nl
ynrnc-ss; w1I! Inventory about $!I.OO; will
iq aufk buyer at about wve on tne
dollar; gx-d and aufTlrient trial- given.
If you are in the market f'r , firs,
class stable, don't overlook, this.
2O0-2i4 cnamber of Commerce,
See Mr. MrClennoa.
WANTED Young man (between m and 3hj
a no im ambit. ous and wants to mmt-m
money In an o:d -established, legitimate
buiinew: I am alone. hae been In busi
ness over A years and cannot hand! It
mvelf; has not been offered for !;
wouid like to meet a good, reliable man
who will take one-half Interest In my
real estate and busines opportunities;
have a flmt-class trade tad a gr"und-fior
ofTire. rer.t very cheap; wi:: c.ear you
$!2.'V to $173 month. S 121. Ctegonlan.
This 1s bt er than a farm. A 14-room
house for em:e. West Side, close In. anl
always full; 50 per cent on money Invested,
Klre furniture, beautiful ground; avr
before on the market. No agent nee 2
answer. F 118. tyrecvnlan.
WANTED Partner for real estate buslne,
no experience nerMrr and very litre
money r 'l Jlred; guarautee Biles of jl
month, $7,wi; com me month looks still
tet rer.
3l'i 'n Washington. K,m i.HL
WANTED t onee. active partner to take
charge and manage one of the best light
manufacturing businesses In city; will
guarantee $ sj.ary. $750 If
you n business, call room ZkZ aval
land bldg.. 5th and Washington.
IF YOLT sre an A-1 salesman having a little
money, you can so -u re n interest In an
established bunnM manufar taring sn au
tomobile attachment that this ::!
stand the closest investigation. Call 72
N. ath it
$ corporation wants a Arst-eia
mivii engineer, also an assistant mang-r.
on good MK'.ixn by the ear; m-al take
a reasonable amount of our sto-k. whl n
Is advancing rapidly In price. a N.
Sarie. East Gllsan and 7in st. M.-V.
40-ROOM hotel, doing a good business;
long lease, cheap rent; will sell one-half
Interest on account of having to leave
for the East. Address T. L. Condon, fat.
John. Or.
WANTED Oook to rent and conduct hotel
restaurant. Long Beach. Wash ; good prop
osition r.ght party. Inquire R. . Wnl,
Kiver. Log Cabin, 1ST $d. 11 A. U. lo 1
P. M.
On S P.. near Portland, good town, old
established trsde. $14,000; good bright
stock, fine trade, easy term. L 43, Ore
gonlan. $3000 DEL1CATE.EN and grocery doing a
good paying buslcessi far m;e for cash.
Save 111111 commission by buying from
owner. Call or actress, 4V E. Ankecy st.
Invites closest lr.vcjptlgstlon.
WANTED Lady cr gentleman to Invest $"
to 9'""J In paying bu sines. One w;;.:ng to
accept pleasunt poe:tlon preferred- lwf--ei;cea
given and required. Add re Bog 15.
Central Point, Or.
BALOOJJ Remodeled, evarythlag new, 11r-r
snd rent Included. Must leave on account
cf sickness, doirg a bus!nas from $45 up
every clay; part cash. Cheap If taken at
once. Call Scott Hotel bar.
PRIVATE boarding-bouse, 12 regular board
ers, teen. 11 rooms, rent $"'5. fine furntrure,
g'ird, can and w -i 1 located. C.esr
above expenses. Pacific Reaiiy Co.. 510
S wetland blig.
OWN ER of growing business, tired of r !r-d
help, want eterty, sober partner to check
goo'la, keep plain accounts, etc. ; T,0 re
quired; tnerctk man can clear $3i week.
Call 24H'a Stark st.
TOt" CAN OET nctlon on all mining and
Industrial stocks snd bonds throuea bed
quarters at fatterlln t Co.. suit 3 Cham
ber of Com mere. W buy. sell or traUe.
Call or artta
FOR PALE Machine shop; on account of
dissolution of copartnership can be bought
cheap. For parulars call room C J-3
Lumber Kxchanga
FOR SALE or traa, flrst-clas c'.gfr and coo
fectiotery on busy corner, down town, good
lease, will sell or trade for house and tot
and part cajrh. T 123. Oregonlan.
MOTION-PICTURE theater, fully equipped.
Main street, good town, for aak, or will
exchange for real estate or equity In
same. Address li 111, Uregonlan.
WANTED A scber. Industrious man In my
real estate office to show customers prop
erty. See my agent, room 52i Lumber Ex
change, I WANT to buy all or a controlling Interest
in a first-class country general merchan
dise or hard sre and Implement business;
tan handle large touilnees. A 117. Ore
gonlan. CANDY factory with estaMlshed trade;
owner wanta partner to cp,lect and leera
the trade; a good show for honest man.
Cqjl room 523 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Wood and coal yard on R R.
tract, doing business of flOO dally. For
particular call room C23. Lumber Ex
change. WE have good business openings rn two new
towRsUcs: property free to those who will
go into btu'r.fii Columbia Trust Company,
lioard of Trade bldg.
PA country hcte at White Hlmnn,
$17.", per month net. wort h $.0-mj. for
LIND A HIOLET. 112 Third Rs.
ROOM INO-H Of SR. 23 room, fln soeeUcn.
$;H". Will take valuable re,;. eats
part payment. Pactflo Realty Co., 20 ewsU
land, bldg.
PARTNER $125 month, legitimate, estab
lished business. g'.lt-1ge4 proposition, ex
cellent opportunity for irexertonoed man.
Ikhh Washington st. room 413.
WANTED Rooralnf-houta, conf ctlenrry or
mall grocery in exchange for S acre
apple land near M osier. 10:& Board of
BBAfnFTJLLT rurnlened tnasaas and
icurlng par .or for aaie cheap. 2hone Main
145 or Main fcio-
721 Board of Trade.
DRT Oftops and notions, fine business, ne
competition, long leas and a great money
maker. 273 StarkySt-
FOK RENT snd f r sale cheap. coir.p . rr
t! n rl - ture ottflt. a 'an fl rrji eio. &264
Washington. Phone Mala
HAVE few hundred and service for any
paying; proposition; no scents. A 120, Ore
gonlan. purchase. seneJL un-fi.i
-b prtntlac plant, cheap fr cash, Addree
H--x J Central Por.t. Or.
CI'JARS and confectionery, ne oompetitlon,
business of 140 day. corner, big money
maker. 72 Stark st.
For F A L! Feed, parnt and hardware tor
at T rtve-!ty Park. Or. Oood reauo for
eirirg. Call Wood lawn 13.
SOLID rash business, paying $73 weekly
over and above all expense For particu
lar caU room 5i3 Lumber Exchange.
I'RCO STORE. Jong established, paying
well, to-date stock. Address AL 103. Ore
gonlan. RESTAf RANT
Don't you want a nrst-rlass p!r at low
priow? Call today 7jI Board of Trsua.
FOR RENT or sw.e. dising-rom ciose in, ca
pacity $ ro.e; cm?nodlo' k:tohen and
wrvlng pantry. T 12u. iregoilaA.
BLACK EAGLE 'Santlam) stock; sma' bkvfc
at bargain counter pr;ceL Fletcher. 223 Ab
PTA NT NO-MILL for sal, pay big; $7100
required. Call 2' t-t ark. st.
LA R"IE black top show ttit. sir 1x4$ feet
fr a.e cheap. Phone Ma;n MM
$S FOR 1S4 business cards; If. Sc. nM
Cly Prmtsry. Is 2 Id sc, a ear Za-s
iii nivem rn.iNCtA
Is rvH rAl.K
I will s:i it to t.-.e runt man fr $3?vw.
spol cas.. rfcr'T tr-jti te tl mature ec.
ei tduratf-1. u tratir, a--sman-ship
absolute. y r" uary ; the man aM
becomes my partner must be te
attend te tne setting of new bultv- and
assume the ecu re bQ)nrti tr-x-Ern-ftt
of ny co in t ax. j . sa-arr fuarr.'.j, the
buelnees ..l S'acd rls'.d inetis allun.
pr -j visions tr w b :m wi.l !e granted to
right psrtr. la your rr' state your
q ji.:fl:tionj for &:.lag the pus.tlott a
o-jti.ned above. My business Is semi - pro
fusion a 1. la firm.f stabi1ied. le pa :r.g
wei and tb best known of Its line n the
Northwest; almost ao competition; apien
d:d possituit.'.
WaatMl, young, active man a partner
In an tab:ttt-i wbo.esal and rwtail il
aad gasoline bostne, ha beam esri
lished IT years; has grown so lrs- that
owner can t hanfi.e aUone: it paye o -r
tios pr month now; tr:ai g!va for 14
days before bur!ng . 1' cash required.
a;i at room i:t Board ot Trad b.Ug .
4ta and uaa.
In thrtvir-g tow n ,f 6.. sp.ea-id Vca1n.
rsll and river tnar.srfrtUon, nne agricul
tural o ua try stirrcut. J .i. . hand an 5 por
t-rwaa. C'l cutter, ly i- a,d eatpmeau
Pn. e $lo. half cas-h- Writ for fu.; la
format ion.
L:E A MOODT. Washoogal. Ws.
A nic l!rt: facor7. a.l qu:pp4 and
In full running order, no competition,
Pyl over live per month clear prott's;
wnr I sfck ar.. must go awa; wi;
give yru trial be f one buying; cast
required. Call at miwm 3il lizard of
Trad b:3g.. 4th and oak.
a jo'd bi:t.
P-room, nicely smtii and fnrnlhe$
nous"-p:sg. in I , a i -.mwtu. c. in
fu.i rigt :ong. ret it -i it Dron;a, $?)
wiil haa.;:e it. n a $Ta jer mnih.
2A SiatX m. KoOTO 17.
1 3 room in center of city, $ i4 oah.
Look (Mi up
17 rooms, a swell plars. We suit yota
In tnythirr la l!r. sny locat.oa. be ;kr;:.Nwri.n a ex.,
7.1 llvard of Trada
Ains U:rar,u,, Aaen-y fee ah
iJhed Ijj, furfi'.:i free lc.' rmail n oa
opportunities m mercantile or tuaaafac
tur:r.g i.n-s. rr.y or oun-.y
THa, AMK.-t X--:R- ANIii.r- AGENCT.
41 Ablr.fUn liidg
ROOMS, tin furniture, good brick bldg.
fh"o rent. g--Mvd moner-msker. pn-a
$iM, ajou.d a.rept tin. bar claim or ral
eatat up te .VX. turne on Laar; this
Is wort n attention, call 11 Chamber
FOR "ALE Two grocery stores, one in
city and ore tn Sjurbaa town; the latt-r
Is such a dec 1.11 targaln tat It will sil
Hse.f A. I Chnsr.anson, 27 Washington
t. phone Uajv 1 y. l
11 roiui. on I'ark st.. doa n-tewn. all
furnished and a!! rente 1. lady i-k; m-at
s;i this week. ItM b-iite J17 Loard .f
Trade bldg . 4th and Oak.
Fl RNITt'H E. hardwar and ln-.r:kv-ent btaM
nes for cash, ftock $-0. .:uasn-ae over
$Ao laat year. p-at grvwlng Iowa
l.Umee Va y. Wiil mm'.l real ssta'e.
1 1 2j. regon :ifi.
FOR BALE Ii:ackirr.l:b -op. cfeap fnr cash,
prioe $.:o irr-;ui:cr but.irr.r. sno-k snd f j1
st t a. West Kr'jo, U sh. Carl Insssi.
FIHMT-CLA-HS meat market, the only one
In the town; also feed store; both located
on corner lot. price, $2tO0, W. O. Ualv
way. Tanks, Or.
24-ROOM house, en block from 4 th and
Washington, very cheap, or will trade.
This is a money-maker. Owner, 76$ vet
land bidg.
I WANT yourg man of meara to Join la
open-air bus ces. insures suNstan-'.al re
turns Reference- Jig 12, Ato
ria. 4r.
OWNER going East, fis will buy ha?f In
torest In a small cash business: ijrita:s
not peceesary. Trial given before you In
T caat- W 1 : 2. oregonlan.
WANTED Neat, yvung man with !1t
tie money partner in r-al estate busl-
: right man can ask b.g mMy. jft
&h s.
FOR HALE Grocery store, house and lot. good trsde. In Valley town- will
take a little property ta exchange. N 121
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Pletcher Inv. Co Abington.
f - ROOMS, srrlcfy mwVrn, Ideal for room
ing and boarnr.c-houseL M. AU Lea. Uooca
41. Corbett bldg.
A PARTNER wanted In a fin restaurant
at Washington, known a the Murrt
FOR PALE-1 7 -cow dairy; retaH ronte,
plenty of good pastures, easy terms: must
be sold at once. Phone Mala 7474.
FOR BALE on easy terms, 'tenner's candy
factory; cbeap rent. Inquire at baa 1
H IOHt'LAS!l advertising propoeitlon; four
hours a day; nt $:o a day. price $oO Ne
agents. Iu2 Grand ave.
GROCERY store at eoet and great dlsountl
spleodld location; aoout I12vO owner
70e awUaa4 btlg. bpiandid opportunity!
POL and cigar at 214 Alder t.. paying b'gi
muat go East the) Let; wi.l sacr.-Va, CaJ
FOR HALE A business that nets f on per
month. $So0; must be all cash. :7
RELIABLE partner wanted, used to farm
produce, wl.l guarantee rood salary, also
snare the proa i a CaU 241 l(ark st
1$ ROOMd. all nioa. light room. Ideal for
rooming or board:r.g -bouse. M. E- Lit
Room 411 Corbett bidg.
FOR SAXH quirk, restaurant. West (tide,
lunch counter and It tabiee; $300 take it
A I 113, oregor iao.
WANTED Phrsiclan with $300 to buy good
orb e with i i-ment. city. M.
74ia. or U lit. oregor.lan
PARTNER wanted for restaurant; expat,
lence not necesiary ; pay bl:; $23o re
quired. Cawl --4 Stark at
PHOTOOKAPH gal'ery. $'; maktrg nveey
dally; forced to !. pgrtlana Pioto Huo
p;y Co.
REAL EST AT FX bustnesa chance, fcadte arrv
tloym-nt a prta.ty. Hardwick 4 Boot a.
114 4tb t.
PARTNER WANTED For olld buslneaai;
prefer oOlce man . bu:ns s.iows $Vuo
monthly ssuea Call 244 Fiark st.
BAKERY and retnrant. with good lease
to esehange for Port .end property. W lax,
FINE urocerr "tors for seUe; dal?v am.i
$130 to $300; $2$ to $70 cash; win saU
at invoice. l 10-v Oregontaa.
lit'RNKK, grt se-.ap tnr a few days.
Flet- her. m3 AbSr.f'.a fc:.
FOR BALf--!ir store; beat rrfer'jo
e-ity ; duing od bus. nee. A 1 13. Ors
gonlaa. $N A P Hn-all case rroery. gonA location
must sail qutc. (rwner. 41 East 2tn st.
Rcm iMINM HOLtii. oi stsee and c
S7S htark at.
ORk eht-We have a good re for !.
Call 2444) tftark St.
B4RRER FHOP 3 rh-e tnr saJa North
Bead. Or. L 131. Oregontan.
BARREK shop for sale. Call Hotel HcrtT
lo-H and HjTt.
BAKERY and dUratsa. fin location.
cbeap rwnt, lease; Cr.e chance. 17t Stark.
FOR ntLi: Feed s -re. s i or a;f interwet.
buy-r to handle o:ce work 3T4 Wee- .
FOR RENT bv mon-h. imi'.l restaurant
with ODtlos of urlr. m H lis c- .
HALF Intereet tn saloon ; ffe ewner en
trai; lease, stock and Csture. Front.
A PNAP Psrir.c g-ry aad tanch counter
for a.. Mam 7:fa4.
OO T lA-roofltt rvoming-hensw foe aalet
terms to suit. I lis. Oregonlan.
DEPOT V FlfT AT'RANT, lease aad god
srade i:i tark si
COVFTTTONfR T. r'rir "d tobacco .-or
.. E. iS'ims't, low rent, prjre right.
- iv. rami e-szate ornca. g -od v
s.tion to the right man. Z' Mark st.
CIoar fJTANn. comer, cheap rant,
ei, J71 etaxk t.
Fare! i are f alow I -mora axaee fer
). rent I a snap, lit pr SMsih; l
In la rwns. be'.as the wnr u-e
r fsemi; th: is a chanc at of-ea
f und; furniture assarly new . prica $:;
tioe eaU, ba.ance ou ran pay aMf sew
make it. tiruaat a Zladow, a ; f laard m
7 raua bidg , i aj4 oa.
COXnxTJOVrHT si ww from $30 t $3O0t
7 e to sj -j. ; r
boaaa. u 4. "J; bota. all
7"- -rw at ino.-. a.l
We x.:ii your It a.
2334 We si '.a in tl
K Af s Ijry goods, sr scl :sg
tuslasax osntra..y mtsih. pnaelal bwl
" "'wet, f-.Uif t-wa X ... ,! torg
i ivoue, $J.'-sj. prer-y $.. sr w;.l
ocept wa,l-Aacaced s-tjaad t--pa"ty ta
T" pmymeai. T. V. Loag. Wn is.nSa,
W eaa
w 4e04 CAJlIf
will boy best bsikes property la Ta
Wssa . lot rox'oo. wirk BM4tni
building 't same, pari gw-d rssi. is
cr:n in va.ue; a tna.q; present
b.ie4 to ae'l Addr f. O- lu
414. Vancouver, wash.
f)AlXX.N for saia, rentraL proait ear
rer :oig Irsui. Ijw rent, t mrir
Th a poa:tiveTv good a3 as oeduvarr.
H-a mm betweaa 11 a4 ft a' clock. lxs
1st St.
H vn BAKEKT and rseuarant cwmpiete.
doing good t'nlii'M, m growing part of
the dir. $-fk" Bagley. Oefngag
fcidg Mala 2i3
9VjQ WILL, BUY dental sfrios rieartag $o
mem . over and above eatenee . i he
beet lo-atlnn In lort.sad; party leaving
town. n7, isreguntaa.
WIS caa 1-x-ate yo la payinf stn sea Pa
f 're buving b sure and ass us K.:ney $la Unbir Kx chans
bldg phone A 41.
FOR ALri Bakery, best town ? pan
handle. t R exterjrloa now budding Ad
dress p O Bog AiX Newport. Wash.
OltO-'EKY 0TRK, oomer.
new etovk. ;: Maik su
good trade
FOR -xvi bustnejsa Investment Inquire rootm
21 o.:tr.g lnr. a bldg. Mt C.
HAH'IA IN Pa rbar shnp for sa.a (mll er
adurae N M 4rwf.rd. ) : . t-r.
I0L lt(KM. down town, "low rent, learsj
th.s 1 good buy. 5 72 M'k St.
O N F YJ "Tl ON E K Y snd light g rorry at or
f "r saa cheap. Art pTxa.l St.
PAHTNKR wanted f r paj lag shop; UtXi
money required- Call 1 4 atara st,
A r4oft comer saloes for sal cheap $ort
land Iitewiug . o . :otn and iaur
Mt T he partrer at one; $14 required.
J (.oom r a 14 emt: ton bldg.
jor and ivn.
I.WT May T. cm BMwetl e . near car
1 ne, on s: wo-vd car. at tranefrr point.
W P iraniVr nr or bi Morn"
and AMtf, on 1st. sur tufst of pe:s aim
d smon l rrnirf Return lo i4 ll.dwe.l
ave. and receiv reward
$n lir.WAKt) oTered for the return of
sult-a. ror.talntng three IK!TM r.arlneia
l:oeim tiT. and caaa. tean fm II. e
I n:.o Ie t. Portland, on the morning of
Vav 1 N qjciilun asked Jerk, llA
Forest lirove. r.
L"T- Patweea ML Tabor and VmIiwb.
hundsr. May ?i. lad s go;d watch, w it n
er.rre-ed ia-h; liberal reward. Phot
Wwodiawa 1 v-rj
I.Ti uvatiwy. Cca. Wortmaa A Kin.
13 43 ThufS4r. valuable haad'Afl eor.ain-l-.g
mutwr kre let tens. -r-ee M;a
It or A 1914 Reward.
FOl'NI Where ha rr matt raw as r reae-
ated. retttmed earns day 32 yrtnt
Vain 474, A 1174 I'orUaSMl Csfe$ liaAT
Vactory j. Met agar
XoKT A rol'le. white far and paw, small
collar en neck, name ladd ;e. Under
p. see phne Mala 1714; reward
LOT Abstract In Park Ps. ea Woed
lawn car. Mar I. reward, lu. 0 N, Or and.
r ae tmmm.
m on xt roii rvuniiiour ox siiuRT
ir you need rei, cmb aa waat ta bar
row private. wimowt aeur es red
to maks a ea oq your ;aw.ry. d'-aj
P' "" ar4 f urn, ture ( ram
'""' reoelpia, life lusureoc gwllrhaa,
and ea au valuable ceUstsrsia
fcV . ti i. t
First and ecud a-or-.gge as 4 eoerrseta.
1 h.e cuapsxy is oiaLt;4 Cass't
Capital f-r tee purpa of loaatrg meey
ai reasuaaote rates to tbcasj w ltm taaai
wiil ah ocoo.s.ouait. 1ju ca arrets
to repay la wek.r or toonlkly easry pay
wnt at tbe towasft aad beet raia la ta
ctty. A. I bus. tees str; t.y cueOueatlai--!
or poe Ma: ea,
13 haiLl luB li-g , 141 44 U
U BE 11 M lta.NKa.iieV
CAU. AN 1 kKa ta
FOR A c-'N i iaL LOAM
o.N ot H b A La it X.
CH tArU- T AS I Bi-.-r I LACS TO
ajRhoW MNKl.
KVi.ii $1 I A1U OFF HLil c..4 COwT.
CALL, 7 l.LI-1 M N Bl. W 1UTK,
bTAlE rt I K1TT CA-
MOLtU b A. kt. T p. M.
w rra. and hath. ixr.L p. u.
MONEY advanced ealarid paopi aad etb
er upon their own namee without aa r
li; cbaapeei rates, waaueet pameais! of
fices la ea priaopaj ciuea. ae um4
snoaey by gti;u.A ny latms ft res.
oLM AN. if tvibbar a. a-as e Bkdg
chattiu loan a
aetaltmeat cana aax piano, fnrmltara
warehouse rwceipia. horwee. tawuranc po4
Iciea salarlas aad all kind of euriue4V
414 Abtngtoa itidg.
M nil GAii iva, contracts far deeds we :nr
real eaiat aeturuws, bows .t on ctt
truperijr or lauua aurwhera la trga wf
Waj-inun it u. Nat.s, aloili iuia
bi inn. m i lg, 4;n and aiara eta
Oa Improved ciiy property er for bwitdusg
pu rvaea. I ( rearer time. Us-erei ta
ra meat prl Uegas. meaay dead a trocrswaa. 2 a kuuaa XA
aad 4arx eta
Fleary of money to loan at ft aad f
par ceut oa real eetat secarny.
t-UW. p. MALI CO.
$u altf Abiugioa l.dg
EM PLOT EW LOAN CO.. 331 iHgla bAdgl
Majr oa li stsi maat paa.
$300 000 ea Usprevei etty as tarn prw
bui.ding or sna s 1 1 Itjaa at loweai i
arge loan a aperia.iv. j. u
Co-. 411-14 bruaif bdg.
W can piac rt
aortgage eatidiag law a
r $.:) or $. at f e.d 4 tr c-&t- t. -
luotuia Troal Cm, boad of TraA bldg.
keraga cratfa
- ..a b.dg.
Le nsaa ivm..
Iu4 iab
WE BUT t orelgw snoae . go'. g m
Uaaiaatsa, 1 rwsf eaasA 4
i-ewke sa Cw a.4 Was a tag wet at.
lit klhUlAT E
a.i s-c ur :t.i
O A.N ft front S3 te 144 mm
AC 1 Uarka A Co, root
blag fauna Mai 4.
$300 000 TO LOAN, serge
a awsgtait-
build. ng toasa. so eat r
111 raiiu bMlg.
W. 4A saw, a.
LOAN ea reai ee'ai aad st; k:4 af per
aai wecmr;:y. W , A. bi .iaaa,, rwa 1
wakAiMa bug. ki:a s,l
Loans ox real etate,
ILardLag sk Kra.ds Co . 44 c. sf C
MoNalT ta loan, aay amount, ft a ft par
3 rery sa gaits. U $ia ec
A LOAN for th ashing, aaiary asr
Tae Loan Ca, 4i Ukua badg.
M v N kl T Co loaa ea rai eatate. msrtsagss
UuiM Ko.n 94 tr.iner b.dg.
kONKT loaned oa real eetat e aaortgsge eg
Loli aLom.n. fti 1 aha ar.
IOW ratee: w loaa money diaaaesaAs
and jewelry. Mara A Lia, T4 3
atoey is loan, first aad eceg aaortgasa
purchased. 3L. L P.aut, Hat g.
ataia fuBda laaBArf 4 mm
fttat fund loaned. 4 per real W. m T h ana
l-OA N e real, ttnvmal. ckattet er ewiatar.
ai severity C W Pa. . at y. 44 Faataa .Ag.
gt'ICK Inene e a .'I aoctarltiee . w rjj,
4 Vthir.gioa b.wg. i'bas Mia eUtvft,
fl anew as gtejBi-eg )r!l
l Itimai I ka as
' A gj bl. La.ea44L Jsaan 4-
ahhkgta c
IOAX4 wanted fl en g r ft
rar, Vuaae prwvrty. H 1U Oregaaiaa
MONEY eld test at mew t pAae 1 essAdea
liel. wa securn but r .
etm for taiaao. a.roalosr sss 41 ' s r oa
aecsasis ad aur
ytwekaaea JKd . aaaia w ashiwstsei n
wii4. t-.ix:
For a lei of f W.j. oa a,j ai to ef read,
ad W..! (ey la j-er c-ot tnterest t- 1
yverw. V 1-. letiaclaa.
r A NT K r
It y ret-r
-$rVl. I ver. 4 far rent; siesr
sett $rr C.l 34$ tiers, a ear
WANT 1 1-OaN
Oa ft room k e and 4 lotsj vnn pwy ft
per ceaL W 1-. (toala
$33,000 MRT1A.1E trr aale at liberal die.
count cn n.-aeia Wt r .?e property.
Hoom ftlT lioard of IraJa t .0.
W IU. pay a 1
t roprt y -)
No SMreatsx
acord . .4 ad a
WS rag placw firsv cnertrege
aa$ butici&T
4wva .o.usssi vust t e,
a i 7t4
MONET 1 toa ea rmpewved city pes party.
Una at ac Master. 1 Vl erveeter bk
Fx. CI AX. JOT1( rA
rilaft FoH l4'Nt-a INVITED.
Votiaj ks I tx fry g.a. t ' t 1 rVmfna
Cur.ct tse . a f J t a a
Couaiy. Crava. w 1 rle aea.ed t v : e f
t- e urehaee of c-a;jo a aia t. lbs a-rao-a t
cf t c : y t houMb i 4. or at y aat
w. f. up u tha ar .r o .. a p m .
ef Ju&a 1. I V ea.4 .a e? : be .a
caro,ttvstis .f tit bmt 4 S- - - rs a-k
4raeiig ir ,! si tla rle of 4 par cer.u-a
Pr SftAwrn ta s .e e ml anr .
ar 4 tt. :. ta lan.i r.atea 4
V '" I - t-e cte4 b:c a tw.
' " s.4 at 1 Ka t Tifrfaf, al
Sa. be due ta to aware a-er ie.r da-a.
ritwbt after yars rr-sa as 1 Ca:a
ta n.s sra v'4 trkr ttj by in be f
tr a su-.t- r-..r c.f , (Urc t ; Mj
city. a-T-'-4 1-e-sbar 14 tw 7. 1 .
'f iik avitaxwar eo
f"d br a a; . .e be 4 la
east city oa Ar . I, xa- w Ai t- fr
ah 4 Us sasa-a-t. C'f H te
the leccW f sal4 ci: sal s;. U
t'Slb r It drae j a tb euf-a
JSi b tt star KAm. ' Te kt ts
reer4 ty it. C n.t. CVWfc-'l . : as 4
eiry ta r.' t at T 4 a.. b:S- lr s'l'r f
Ifa Cavuts.,1.. let! Joae; a. -f . May 3,
1W AKvttirs U t'.ta, eoor4er o t3.s
t it? Of Jasii.
A ANT:r J'tds for
w Sou, bunding at
r strwetioti ef t-.ich
ma..u iMsied t ...s
the rSro, (tk S
be reeiv at
ca al e i r.!i (V jnho jM ttn t 1 3
0 ock Boon on baiutiiar, June l. Iva.
f'r t.a ct.f.'r',...n of id -c a - s
3fgh e-hoai bw.d.rg. special
reca.aad o I aad bes:it-S.
or the t-itls l-e j. r a-1 j. .at e . a-s-h
a.:d m jh t-e aco-i;4- :d by a "ci r ' 4
check r $ pr cert of the amow&t bid
1 -atl and s; r ailm.a ca a a s at
the Kcbool i era c-fTaoe at tfce
t-ousw, t"f ra.iia, t r s rn or a t t .a rf.a
of R $C M- .area, tii U.-nb.r Lao-ce
v :dg . I'ortlajid. r be t-oard re s
ie right to ret atr ee-d a.i tia W.
A- livcbatsa t Wrk ax hoo; tc No ft
V- A. vwarterTrasrars oiTlra, J .'2 A'y r
Atnai. eWatta. W ae4t . Mar Z . l- era-'d
l- no-- la trr-. r.i..r-4 oa c
"'I fv:.M s f-4 a-1rrr.aa: er htatt--er. J s
K't tsuutd." an ; a' itteni "VMn:arfr
I . A . ff. .e. a ." WI-. bo fs--.4
at th'-a cfTioe u&"l 11 a c.-a. A M. M w
Cay J use 14. It sal t v.on of r f.r
o.r-sr rw . i r.g cwa w - & a iimr. -u bfi
or. 4.rzox.e'-a.S aKwl l.-v f-t fif'.b. 4 !-e
laO, test ifai'w t ? ; a . ee-
g1. :r.g:e seww, A g uaraa- 5
at ef te anwet c f fc tnst aootLary
;.rjf-;. Tbe r .t k f r A to ; t
re-t ar r or a l b s oe (at i?f
la" - "J are w r ; be f-jr- e -j ar p: icai
to Vaj W. g Uy4 V M
CFriU eg rfHU'rrinf 44 j rir-.aeee. Tort
e r.a. Or. Mi I. . p -. 4 C
r-sw-s a trlri.a .a. w?; t d at
' offlne ar.ui S c.t-rk I M . Juae 4,
1 la aii J . .
Ua( of braa,-h wa'.er aM sr '. "-w
ar-d b ard o at ) ort nb, -r I .ax
cma bo soon epoc ! n ca 1 1 a - a r4 a. r 4
f ..I tr esaivs lutr. e-i at tb.s efT;.-.
Te I nltod a:stee twavrvw l rM te
rt any e a I fci-' er ry tart ; f.
l.nvwpea rrtait.:i,2 pr" av i b
a.'a! "lrj-pLaw ; r . 1 1: .-I a " aad
accreaeaed te I r a. cl'.fv t.t-g iaartew
maavter Fwt 4aa v
TkNlJ. K4 ar tnvttad f "T tfc e.tetieilo
of tb WC Tal-of Vethodist Ei-iecoj el
Charch. Csi, . M. Ii.awk. arbitet. 44
Motosnery st
Arbtiecta. rowtrwetoea. e-rneoew got peeifte
pwlider A Kminvr !.-? nr4 af Trw4
AZA HOLMES KlhbaVkC niiah.t skia . b.m ' a, ar.t.t:a aad err.e-.-peg
i.ts removed . fcairdfoea.c g. nauHr.
lg aad ry tssbt, lavgaaat at ex a
at na.r gnosis 1a ite w i at ui pr
rajiuia, uitaa Masar, a aM A.4r
l-A If I KB Ask yoar mjti.ta for caichswaer
baaotd I rat-d p. la i r ear aaewa
as tae bs-.. satseL l :,a-; leas ne
tber ffcitttMata U:-T.r 1 I read Pl.
at sold by dr.cs-ste eaerywbete.
tsc alu k a. Ohtyr
r!saaea w omen c bildrea. Ne
coerce for ra -iiai.os Ik 00m ;o. lirwad
1 ba:er bldg , w aabiagloa aad Para i
siaia Awzx, A $wt.
LE:RArtLI eswpaay fewrg for lee:y
pax.,a. ei'.rer e-a . 4 u s a. t from;
bjtu oa c e; ucc'.ar ;v ixt.aai la
tv.Co--a hufaaa. 4; A- ky b.dg.
LK- 1 ' 1 KM E. s?eT:a:-et. ds-eeaee of women
s:l lrg ar-.-. tee crrw;4, u a a
wm. no apoewtav . or o r .ta 4.4
A..UT bldg.
EirtEjaA ea'ta fee rest. e:i
bsofas yowr Caerfbaw lease
aoed can, rise eeo-e-4. 1 r
Urvas. Vmm 1e-taM
trie A NtEMON CO. avta .,,4 cotui
Hoot I 1.. a. swre t ma'. f r .cav pe
r i. $ per b i 4 taa lr - T J
I lore. 41 AUsay bldg, Uf r:,a
Die WALKKM. pocta:rsi. gutrkly cwraas
4 tssassa of awe. b-wd a.4 ea a disaae,
fa. o.oora.. swe!'a s-aada, k 3reV to.a -4-der
aad pi.ea. 1 ai 14 c lN.ri.aad. or.
FOCND f.aca vaara etl atieatiosj is
gtvea reeaodertag of faa;s by up to-dsie
l rtmmtn bsi ih CV r t MliUavesr. -al
Morrtsosi St kaisaja bdg
LaWT aaa sa reeXerwd 4 atw x r r
1M 7 ab.eia. a -a, treau bar
aasvey. 3- kamaoe es., a-ea. at a aa4 ( a,
kiu e-llt:a t nt;r. saes-al set et:niJ
a ler l r. 3 3 A t b eg m -v; fim 9
A. M- te ft I. M. We. ta.etttg at A
Ma Cssrtwngat ia ag va.p tceai-
asata I ac -aJ 'orn.4ica ra:id s-s-.
:c awrgaey ?; AV.-eslr.atr aig at ieaa.
ALP ALK A HUGH'S, a ey pieaaaat at 4
s sr e ; 1 e rew-f -r last i-ut.a la
Pvsliaa. Kx It ltaol.;ea U.Cg.
W t'MiTTC Whtwr y ur i:.ew?
Kuius $.fw;t rt .
a at- Ma:a
-! N If.
L'B Paswott'a tbe Orl al Katie Mr
f -C rbaimatiaa. tr.;u1a. frs
for Sa-e, l a.w.a bua. ai au tra -s-a
ftKXOlt A marvwlows rre far waasaea
ta a on: an-aey rfaH if it fai. aracw
$L 1 J . pierce 414 A s-ky t ,;g
WM tN-"ona:t tr (-sail for a.l aiUaeais
aad urery. 4SO Weab.r.gtea L
UIOM asT prtc paid fwr etnblcg eg rsl
hair port la a4 )aaaar. ksn.aa
CAflMVIA'f ewaee taken Ba
rur 1 h law. aj asci.
MoU- wrsnk e. rjra3, ha:-re-wood
Mr. M l i..C 4.4 ..odaer a.g. ki:i
FAC1FIC latredweteg Ot foe lowers e rgl
peupie; low 334 w las sa
tTt MA!.l.k, nv'a: Si". tst . e-e at ipat
P-ps. we aaT:a 40 a Waaa a w;g
k.WA P-AT. a a.-e 'm;
-re e--
era.p troatmestt. I
c rv.iuwieta exo.
tirI.A r" A V rfs ss-"ir-g ar.4 a,, ,
treaimeata Keca 13 43 ask, st.
BlA I-M OF FP- for a 1 r9. Ir a
; aaa st- Maisf W A Ara- waaiaNg.
Al ? aes-w ef et-ieei -ea"-4 - aiT 'a,!
Ie V H. roe ; ; V- (e"(u
r 3 asx a A3,
WK.tlH tsa4 asr
lasiashas ftsls
ew wws liawaia, aaw k tr.Suae
" -avj-Cerw bv saa raSA.a,
f eat azi tab baisa, 1-- k t
3 east Sit at ....
wr. 1 sia-j
J a i.flraa e-.atee .
er iai a-aeitBftjtn, . ae rht r -e
aas..aaiua k a-a S - 7. A 34 1 1 W4)
-a,: b -i. a aad Aaaewy
Tltw eatvf ew atmag ' MKisg Uk a) 0 4
rg V. bm -r a way K-.a ltt pw
a--t : ia tlsa ILat, at ;
r-rr-.j,- ri-sxy ahsf
Mas.e Cw
31MMM tUstrtTTOKY.
Milt o ol U. iu Mam. aw tk 4
etdiae aai acta hwm aad S4aa:axg.
It. O !!.!
v . Am-t vravTa,
Aei.t tg lo ' .tg aa4 ta . j agV
- - wa ec --S I tauts Maa AV-sf.
A assay am aaa$ AwatjoSa.
'.as Sa Pvoofaaael. sr-iavg omg aaoa-w. T
t-e sal asisana St W aw.U. ta aw.
a3 U oaea;e blg . Vd aav4 oaA. 34. ftesa.
PAIL Hat LU uw?w aai aaaoa. Vea.4
b-wa -M- 8S. ; A oar at.
Montana ama! ir:v Laoraory
as4 ore-tea. ag worn. ; Msnaa s
H- H. Ml'l'EUU eity -at.aaw ' kg
of CntMr. 3. .la :4, A 3S.ll.
ft. T Ji mtl Fwatcsa bi-'g . 13 yware
prwetw la orag.a. g yoa A Maa,
KM WON a t V N kae remervag law
aa.c-a to tsuwai.4 Iw-ard Trade b.g.
CUMNO; It. ClUllT. $N 3-'T C
or .wocs.eaNo. Main -a.l A 444.
rp 4 lean lag sawllary.
$tt w-ate f 'ra c re'-a . a CeWewtal
rag n. w a, n-- lg Uvtia,
l:j It. a aa. Fast 3: l li.
tt S eal.rrt e-f? t e?o. arr law. lets
wisia Aijuti , a . 4V.1 iaM..tor b.g.
TA ln. 11 Ni 4) ill, sb:p
:4oei avr.- acia i-rlc, .. r!ai.
arpe4 leaw: latg.
liNK t'AlU'KT LI? Nix. VoKKI wul
-.n- Sawa l neee . r -t w of k g ar
a&iaKa. I .... a l.avet Jia. 44 Ji.
lH O O Ft.KTCHKH, the Veor' f
cnta c hir i t atl f . t epecla .et ;
trate a.. l..s cf tbe fot sitbeut danr
U.'ariKto. ta b.m and tae be Caaa
a3 A.iaay bi-g Mala m'.CZ
1 ol N,j Im&r gradnate ftirwpe'ji. anafef
vir:!. sap rauais, gi!fjul lair , rmod Hh e4 Washiaa
tn. rm a ;a e.a t;jg
W M l;TKU.K aM Plosar.e levey. tbe weiy
a, wa- cr .rx.;i aa iA t t-e J'.y. I'wr.t.ars
t-cf t g . W. cwt. 4 aad
A-Cer It. M-: iii l.
SUM EI II . L WAHIi. rblroiodit aad sasnl
vaTLet Sw.'.e 14. 4 sj W aaj)ia tsv A 4ia
Cbirv5slr ar -cic.Meg lira M t. ItUi.
nuw r P.i'ter 4 I toa Ma. a 3a. X
CMJluix T. crartevrtsg arf. sr-a.m. Mr.
lct.aL. ; . :t4 t.s , j iik aa Mr.
At t' K HAVi'T. rets and btlca a?
' t -g. ea,iie la, Aa Moftaav
T N svn-X lit IB Cv.
:.3a rr-at .... 1 a. tat, r ra, Tft 4xa-
; Merri-. it: .. Ttk aid oaa;
v ea.a.g tace,it.g a wages 1. a t
rt'f-S'or'e A ratfrs-f.
LAt trg Ifefsmi ry sw boot of f-bsjrsbavcy. left
34 . I w-. at 4, o .
le ina 34w4w
FAt-:rtc ruxTiao i u; n r rniNa co
M j4!W fee- fai r aw.a, 1.3 34 44.
tesag 34s
Ai-.l I K a V ia. r 'C ray. rrai. .
tt-astt. SJ. .r- sx. i4 t.ias.3 aa B 43
ad PaAdlory.
3C 34. nut R It A tt N ts4 CO , g44 Aakasi
sn. Ptaoaa Ma. a Sa-i.
Lawalkev ewal HaaSaagW.
C1IA L MoH K ft Oa. T4 Freat. leatHa
of evwry 4.-ar..( va, le.aa. sbfrsv 4r4iasa-
J. A inu-'.U'HJl-:s ITATHtN CO. 1
tab.lae4 1CA JS Frct Wt,
IO K tr-M'ws t'r. eta tn-!a::ir-ea
strwag Ms(.iary Co.. t-i-.exa, W aaa.
ItAbTT wrFMiiR cxi. jrs ftia.
AX. A S.A ifat.a oa t s-a.
H'rX'l AL ea a:wrda; a rrvlar tbe sti set
tualc 1 aid 13--. Mv.ea. lie;
r-ew attack of ilc-:r I 4 . 9 resa.akT yrl we.
AtdaiSAS Muale Co. IO 4 au
EktL TH.kUl' h, VaoJ iwrber paapQ
of c . A 4.a Plfce 334 BCs.a 3043,
Stnitv taaaf of p Ba. m
Ma n 1 i aO, l aa a- a eia.ty.
Oat si pat har Ptay W4awa.
I rt It U Ni'MUHIT,
4. VISIT !etw l.g
tJ atl Wa. :n:i -a
a. -T -Ms:a 3. rwa, kw 142ft,
PwAaata, OUa msad
KA"stV b- rX
A ixv. atbarw pal t ua aM'a,
as. 4 cm Cur. 34 aai Tayaw.
Pa la i sag aad pa
It. r
CMHiaiENsEX Co.. w a.i rwpwe, ria
1 .a ia'a: eg Tta ar-4 f ftar.
l-waewt asad
tC C
1 I'MHT. a
; It f r-.r airjat a,aae. tVaa sa.
J. 3. HIKMitlkLM
paaarn askhalt Pav:.a cu
te 4- S-4 W aatar k-oV
na. X Cfccatrorttrr- t a., strwot pavtag.
we-a aa4 crvaw-ts. 3:4 twa.U 4
r4aae 4a
D a
firm. Atuaaa a vg j-hJM
a i- A -a4. iau4a(, ft) laaa.
ouTkll'l pooetg '" to Oiam. wf
Am . rb aad v-wArtz. M ;sTjl
LA Vi aAFK A lv bl CO. fleboi
A 44 - lt-a':aa ia I j hat aiav
TliE ko.-UH ftAFC CX . 1(4 S4 a
at Cat-jry Msiuil Ua4 aalaav
e - wca-w eav, a k aA Aleyt.
Lo-sa. 3. sr.
TllU Jaxas t MsrvHa.; ki'g new aaa
4 as
ftns--a .. w kl :a 3:.av
A I AO trevia coas avag a.: a4T- g n nana p. fx
C Cav 441 aies at. laotA leaaf.
PtTTtw, g sixj!:itic, :axg,
Th a-'a4 s (c o-aans Iw ta V irv
Woo., tia a4 l.teraii a-a. Ibssbe 11 1 e la
ea baage 3X 11 we A 1:3.
UK A T . B t
w f af e
far !fea k'r'1 trpw
I ra 1- a
. 41a a... JT--OBK
ejbt go. AT -a avar aart
The Typesrrt: s
c aw.
irr-TAU r :j rw. aa a.
at n a waj ttfxs:-yxsiY-.
I rwTt ' r,5 r4- X
,M m:.-, r-asraj.rv l.f , a Sa-eV.
sja- . w. m r .. fcfc4 r-.f-af s.s.v 1
a aar -a N U ;4 ar .... a,
w. .4 t.aed
tjirN-r rs iArrn ox
!cw- Inta-t-riM 1
' 'J"-;i-T twa4 a-4 t4 tar
VT;- . iwx. aa la
1 j Kcaa Me. a 41 ar A r34t.
Van iiok.x TvtN.rTs:wi cxa.
J 4 rlo rr .irg a eraVtpa
TaarkUSi sVoiSaa.
Tt KKlsH saiv aw oraot mm mm ka4iTw
caax she ar.-.s Ma a A .aXA
Meaag wsd teaL
vrrar-n. pmt wood. 3iab
tfc - :
W FV Ll. Ml 4t BftJ 4 Cevwa?
r't'-.r .vf f rw 1 aay
'V :wed ta ay fast :ty.
-at cJ g-r-owib gr oak ar a aak assj
Wi StWVa a -4 a,tSer rbaar-r g-aSaav
At ct ta a c-t log sea '4 4 hag
jer b a traaUV
K r-c . f v - a aasw.
m r;T ax i i w . 1 n a nT3. fxkFXT.
lumbar r4 ot Moatavt Tabsr SC
capital axt $n7KFT-rai L4kx
tt - AND W a l. i:Ni3TN?C
n-an ..-Tft a nr..Mu:, kan-im
v; r;X ,,KT ,J" 1 1 aaii
At : k in a'x 1. : t;: a i, -:t v , r
inn rxt-n i rrTi an:v m:i n. rrt
iru o.nt iv:r.ikk.-T ra:n tx mt.
i; aAPLTT ItrelT
At I ,T
I -es -1r g (ri ;4-
FH''Uf I'atatLtat ......
fiiar Orcia I .awaiw Psvs -. ..
Iranrara j pr sSS, .
Weat Kic-
Cor a. .:a Miwfrr ,
rer;4aa Paai a a r
-ret trxe 1 ar.rer
Poreat o rv a p kj.n(.r . ,
FcTest itvs J aaaattcar,
A r -1 -tr. r 1N1 .ax. 4
Or K , Kir-r-ee ,
e Peawo&g-nr
13 a ra.
4 15 p n.
T p m.
- aV B.
T a rw-
4 p m.
ft b4 a vn-
1 o p rw.
$ 40 p Ska.
T 1 av
... M 1 1 : o e-
u'''- rettaf ...
r" o a spawns. ......
W awl ItlCe
Cor 1 saaowgor.
ribwMdaa -aarer
P"! !roa I'aawnrer.
I" 'rt i-o-w raaaafe
Fotoat cr4vw I irr-r j rr
. A n .
1 '"rf rhor.l.d .
At .ntic T - 1 1 1 . - . ...
?.lr.,-r.r-! .... lrwSft;.
'"'J'fc.'" 'll.j.4 ...
. rf 1 . .........
F.- KfK...n. -nr;,4 ...
' 'rm I . pr . . .
1 .;.. Liikm.
f m.
T.r.-n. .t-4 yri .. .
I mi ut.j.r .i. . . . . 15 c
u,.t Ko.nJ limits t J -tft
A. V.
A. X.
r. M.
' I t
A. M.
A. M.
1.4 Nri l.t .
Tii.. .tr4 ir.m. i-aprM.....
r.-o., n ) Ml.u.1 .rrl.l . .... la
. .r.a .-,4. Elm,..,. It.n.
" J. .........! I l n.
A.:.. I .. c-r ..... . 1.0 , rv
tvior.r l.. ,.. t.
Art!. I., Iqr.Ml. , 1
n.if .r ... n.i..,4 ...I '. k. riv
K...A. .... ''-14 CT. .1 S a rr.
.... ,t4 l'i.t4 lK.. ... jrw
I'. H f -ri Tt p4u Tl.n.
v, li tl, a.
C 1
."rt 1 Tt, . t.h ut. r. rr.
J 3rt 3 aWt N - T 4CT tTT 4TATIOX.
ftsalhers Psm sSaa,
t-e vtr g pen lax d I
pa: as I ae t ,.r .....I T aa, rw.
as 4 U a la,
Arnvirg -w(i axd-a I
r-av-.a 1 aaaetvgtr . 0 " 3 . m.
W as I aaaer.saar 1 I Ma tv.
t. at aTAPION.
eease, Pwetlawd aft seaitw ftUaUwaty Ca
Lseix.g poruand
Xa abd i.mrira 4- ajar as ft 4.3 A M
r r I U .. t a auL On-.aha. Kaa4
Oi). C 1 - . 1 .:: tga, p aat. t i.tWf,
laiapai. W aahliittia, ktbUa I aa
)ikMa I, Uiid4a.(ia. !-., Ubtte Pa n .iw
t.awa eAoover abd ibtsrn.Uia
t. lcal .4 ir
N-' k 1 ' 14 .... 3tr k.
l".-r j-ma M PsvW ("'ir. aha, kaf.k.a
Clta. bt ...a. I. ra.a, v o..
Uir.t . v a at. e-a. a.;-: .a, 1 'art,
I, b-aatia.-aa, h...a ...
ie aaivwm ava.4 Aaterxwadiaia s.e-
l I;a
ta.umHa p.'wr 1 esavl- HP. M.
A ( r .i.g 1 -can iavj-. d
Kr-.k !.-. lJrr,.;4 ........ T pO A 34.
4rom . Aac-ag Pawl, Omaha, X uiut
City. at. L w-.a. P ..:! ape aaa., a.
Isnftbl. WatiHact.a, K h . r . w a. Uar
lo.e.eX urai.uSa .ai t a. hilt Pa. moth,
e:oa. ax.owwr aad later naad.ave aia
f.t t a
C i-ts teoal 13 pee
la .a ad awi. j .ra Xa ;fia, ........ 4 4.1.1 y .
I .ra 1. ti.aia, h I Stti. Omavr. a aaaa
0F. C a-cw.ak. ..:. fy.. uti, Ca-t.eir.
1 amaau WaaMur.a. Va hUa Paar.
ao rt. lra4a a- , Lj , tewldawaaa,
W bit oa, Mavassna, atxea a mBv 4
laar!t P-ct-l aad fws Baiara aad Tst.
tot-a llA llfO A M , a 1
ft .u. I ei r. k. LAtzt-tod for TNia.a:: 13 A M LeraW fer 1 aft
at. 4 1 a C ft tataoa ft p. kc
La 'If f Port .a g ffe 3 ro Qrsvf
lti a t to, ft ft, lu.a A. M - !
4 id. ft A'. 34.
ArrtTlag Past and fe-r
? a-vd
r '. 1 4S M UUu 1 front e.era
T-ai'8 - aa r-. sa
v;..e abd tu ftia-.i
lr-au frotn Wl
-4 A a,
Arre!g Port'and frv Fare an Ore--
11 ! - -ce a ao, 1. ed A. 34.4 1A 13, $
a . s a- at.
rwikaad katl-v, Ugw
T"!eAt OTlca aafi Watttnf
. rt era a ar e;rwels.
CH 1 i. A 1 Ai,
Oreenw O'T .a. 4, ; . A M WW 4
3 r-. .t t r 4 Is . wCIr ft P ki . tbe
IO Ova. 11 p M : lt .if
--aHert and U-'lt ar.od.aie p.i.. g a
7 4 3. ft 3, aV li A- AC. lii 3
ft . 4- 3 4 ; j: :$ j kt.
y alr-a lew a4 Trws- a 4-5. ? 4
av ) 3 A M li 4A, l a 4 . 4
ft a as p. m
arta avt 4 rate aeJa a pelfte g S-
V W 43 A- kL, 13 4X 3 , 4 4A, ai
P st
f r-r Vat!w
Suset .r ca era "Wstting Bo, faaewr $
ar t Vkavst-.-rg- raa-
m --4 - : -A. no, 3v ft 1 v
ft ra. .o ft - 1 ; l. ' 1 f 1
V I ' I 1 t P I It I n
'V s 1 " f eV 5 4K. ft ,X ft
1 : ar.
-t 4 at r " ay ta ewcy snan ft m laaf
car :ifi si T r M
I: y srpt aVuaday. Dw.!:y avrwtst
ywrwA. p. D, C Cks,
4Ai :aJ-k- Aft:a lavT.