Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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Executive Body to Meet Today
to Expedite Condemna
tion Proceedings.
Owner Refuses $1000 Tender He
."Will Appeal to Council to Trade
Ilawthorne-Arenne Land J
Instead of Coin.
Condemnation proceedings by the city
j -sill be commenced at once to take over
; sufficient property belonging- to Drake
C. O'Reilly and associates along Haw
jthome avenue to permit of the building
I of the projected steel span across the
'TCMlaraette River, If the City Executive
! Board this afternoon adopts the recora-
roendation of the bridge committee, made
at a special meeting held yesterday aft
ernoon. In the meantime. Mr. O'Reilly
and those Interested with him. will carry
the subject before the City Council, ask
ing to have the north half of Hawthorne
avenue across block 11 vacated, the ob
ject being to give this to Mr. O'Reilly
In exchange for the portion of his ground
the municipal officials w1h on which
to cross with the new bridge.
Proceedings to construct the steel bridge
w-lll be carried forward as rapidly as
possible In the unwinding of the great
. amount of red tape necessary in the case.
Mayor Lane and the members of the
bridge committee realizing there Is the
strongest possible demand for the struc
ture at the earliest possible moment.
They will not delay the matter one mo
ment more than is actually necessary
fo make certain they are getting a good
bridge for the money to be expended and
to be sure also that everything is legal.
As has been previously publlsned. the
bridge will be of the lift-draw type, and
will be about G2H feet wide. The act
providing for the brUige Is so closely
drawn that nothing Is left for the Execu
tive Board but the building of the span
at the place named and at the grade al-
, ready established by custom. Efforts 041
behalf of certain Interested people to
secure a new grade that the bridge might
; be built sufficiently high to clear the
larger vessels that pass through the draw
very frequently, seem doomed to failure,
as that point Is fixed by the act Itself,
and there seems nothing to do but proceed
to build the structure as specified in the
charter amendment, adopted by the peo
ple two years ago.
. Seek nights Only.
Mr. O'Reilly and associates declared to
Mayor Lane and the members of the
bridge committee yesterday afternoon
that they have no desire whatever to
"hold-up" the city, buf merely want what
. is right In the premises. Mayor Lane, in
. the name of the city, made a tender of
HOW to Mr. O'Reilly, so that when con
demnation proceedings are begun In the
. Circuit Court the municipality can show
that- a tender was made and refused,
this being necessary In such proceeding.
. Mr. O'Reilly said he would not name any
: price for the property controlled by blm.
: as he felt that It might look as though
: he were trying to compel the city to pay
a certain fixed sum before it gets the
property for the bridge right of way.
"We feel that we prefer to have con
demnation proceedings or some such an
. arrangement." explained Mr. O'Reilly to
the Mayor and members of the commit
tee. "I hardly know what Is the true
value of the land, and will feel better
satisfied If the court or a Jury fixes It.
; We are not. In any sense, trying to force
, the city to pay us something, but we want
to have our rights protected. We have
urgent need for the property under con
, sideratlon. for the loading of our boats
i and other purposes, but. if the Council
will vacate that part of Hawthorne ave
, nue lying south of the proposed bridge
right of way. and exchange that for our
property, such action will be satisfactory
' to us."
Report to Be Made Today.
The Executive Board will have Its reg
! ular meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
- when the report of the bridge committee
' will be made. As this committee has
f virtually full charge of the matter, there
t Is no doubt the board will adopt the re
I port, and approve the type of span rec
f ommended. The next step Is to advertise
; Tor bids nr construction of the bridge.
' and It will be impossible. It Is feared.
' to let the contract before the election In
'. June, at which time the people are to
vote upnn the question of changing the
location to Market street. However, there
seems to be no danger of a change, as
all over the city push clubs and various
organizations have passed strong resolu
tions, favoring Madison street, and It
seems that site will be approved by the
voters, without doubt.
Judge Bronangh Penalise Men Ar
rested In Raid.
The six gamblers arrested In a raid
April 1. pleaded anility before Presid
ing Circuit Judge Bronaugh yesterday,
f and were fined as follows: J. TL. Price.
; 125: Harry Wallace. $2S; J. T. Shea. $S0;
J. C. Davis. 125; C. Dangerfleld. $50.
J and Harry Olson. 125.
Joe Houcett pleaded guilty yesterday
1 of larceny of 1218.60 by embezzlement
I from the Star Laundry Company on
I Peptember 1. a He was sentenced to
three years i'n the penitentiary and
, paroled. The money has been refunded.
Ioucett was formerly a driver for the
' company. He is said to have fallen
behind with his payments to the com
: pity, and was accordingly charged
with embeszlement.
Circuit Court Notes.
Judge Gantenbeln decided yesterdsy
morning that E. C. Meyer Is entitled to
fc0 mages from thf Clear Lake Irrigation
A Lumber Company, having been em
ployed as foreman of a logging! cam-.
The company offered no testimony.
Louie) Cohen, fined (GO by Judge Van
S. ante for having charge of games of
"freeseout" at Blaster's saloon. 246 First
street, will be obliged to pay the fine.
Judge Cleland affirmed the judgment of
the lower court yesterday morning.
Judge Morrow took under advisement
; yesterday morning the suit of Anthony
: Hardy against C. F. Bunker, over a
' S30-lcechest at Ltnnton.
California Is Bountiful Host to Dele
gates En Route Here.
"Delegates from the East who are
coming to the National Convention of
Retail Orocers at Portland by way of
California, are being elaborately en -itertalned
In that state. Yesterday they
were met at Los Angeles by local and
state officials of the grocers associa
tions and were taken in a tour of the
city and vicinity In two special obser
vation cars, making the "balloon trip
through Holly wood. Santa Monica,
Ocean Park. Venice and Kedondo. tak
ing lunch at Venice. In the evening
the wlsitors were entertained at a
banquet and reception given under the
auspices of the Chamber of Commerce.
F. B. Connolly, of San TPranclnco. sec
retary of the California association, and
Coast director of the National associa
tion, with others will have a private
car attached te the Ohio train and ac
company the Kast.rners to I'aso Rohles.
Iel Monte and Sn Francisco, arriving
at that city Sunday. The party will
be driven over the city and suburbs
Sunday afternoon and Monday will be
entertained at the Fairmont by the
California Fruit Canners' Association.
The delegation will arrive In Portland
Wednesday and will establish bead
quarters at the Cornelius.
The Mississippi Valley ' grocers are
coming by way of a Canadian route, be
ing reported yesterday at Winnipeg,
where they were entertained by the
local organization.
lie Attained 7 7 Tears of Age and
Was Identified With Karly
Julius Ordway. 77 years of sge. a Pa
cific Coast pioneer and formerly a well
known business man of this city, died
yesterday morning at St. Vincent's Hos
pital, after a prolonged Illness. Mr. Ord
way was born In Newport, Me., March 6.
132. At an early age he removed with his
father to Orono. Me., where he received
his education In the common schools and
In Foxcroft Academy. He came to the
Pacific Coast by way of the Isthmus of
Panama, arriving at San Francisco In
ltg. He was engaged for a time In the
lumbering business at Kureka. Cal., later
taking up the same pursuit In San Fran
Cisco. Later he engag-d In mining In
Nevada near Plnoche. After three years
he abandoned the property and returned
to San Francisco. There he met the late
W. C. Ralston, banker, of that city, who
Induced him to come to Oregon to as
sume chsrge of ttw Willamette Steam
Mills Limbering and Manufacturing Com
pany. Thie plant was destroyed by lira
a number of years aso. and Mr. Ord
way then became Identified with the It-man-Pouleen
Lumber Company. He re
tired from business several years ago. He
He was at one time a member of the
Portland Bosrd of Education.
Mr. Ordway Is survived by his wife.
Iflri. June McMlllen Ordway. a prominent
member of the Woman's Press. Club of
Arrangements for the funersl have not
yet been completed, but the services will
be held Punday afternoon from Holman's
Chapel. The Interment will be In Lone
Fir cemetery.
J. T
Borden's Ancestors) Came) to
America In trie Maj flower.
J. T. Borden, trsvellng representative
of The Oregonlan circulation department,
who died of heart failure, on a St. John
car Wednesday evening, was horn 6
years ago in Taunton. Mass. His an
cestors came over In the Mayflower of
which he wss) a descendant In an un
broken line.
Mr. Borden had visited sll the towns on
the main line1 of the Oregon Railroad A.
Navigation Company from Portland to
Baker City. He made two through
Central Oregon by team. On the day of
nia drain ne left Baker City on the Chi-
. i'H.wiiw mi win , m . imi i a T
i : . i
The Late J. T. Berdea.
cago-Portland special in good health, ar
riving In Portland the same evening. He
boarded a car to go to his home at St.
John. This mil the car that caused the
shocking tragedy by which the little
Cerrano boy lost his life on Williams
The deceased wss the best-known travel
ing circulation representative In the state.
Thousands of people alor.g all the rail
road lines In Oregon knew him well. He
w as of happy congenial disposition, a
valued and trusted employe and beloved
by his sssociates. Mr. Borden had ben
twice married, his first wife having died
a number of years ago. leaving two sons,
one of whom Is now at '!ldenda!e.
Wash., and the other at Twin Kails.
Idaho. His second wife survives hlm.
p., .
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The Late Jalla. Or4way.
Will Erect Six-Story Structure
at Fourth and Ankeny
Plane Drn, Rids to Be RecelTrd la
"ew Hays, and Construction Will
Probably Take Sis Montlia.
Realty Value Stimulate d.
Blake. M-FJ Co. will build a snt-stot-r
and basement building at the southwest
comer of Fourth and Ankeny street a
Plans of the new structure have been
completed by McNsughton. Raymond
Lawrence, which firm of architects will be
ready to receive bids for construction In
few days.
The new quarters for the wholesale
paper concern will occupy ground space
of 12S feet on Fourth street and loo on
Ankeny. The plans accepted provide for
six-story building of heavy mill con
struction, with the Rrl story of steel, the
facing to be of cream-colored brick.
fnder present etlmtf-s the building
will cost from to tio&.ooe end will
be completed In about six months. Ki.
cavatlon la to start as soon as pnealM
and the work will be pushed forward with
The site la half of the property for
merly occupl-d by the Iexter 8taol-s. de
stroyed by frre on the night of July
140S. The half block was bought by the
Mercantile Investment Company soon
after the fire, and this company sold the
Fifth street part to K. . Crawford, of
Vancouver. Wash., for about ;s.0o. and
the Fourth street pl-e to lilake. McFalt
Co. for about I-ii.Ouo. The Mercantile
Investment Company Is composed of K.
House. F. A. Reed. I. G. Iavldson. I .
Palmer. J. M. Letter. J. C. Heck, all of
Portland, and Frank Perrlne. now of
The part of the quarter block owned by
Blake. MrFsil Co.. Is estimated by expert
realty men as being now worth lloo. ooo.
It Is located in a part of the city that has
been built up In the last year or two with
high-class buildings. On the Crawford
half of the ground there nnw' stands a
substantial brick building, fully occupied:
across Ankeny street Is located the new
building of the Pacific Paper Company,
recently completed: across Fourth street
Is the building owned by the Corbett es
tate and occupied by Neuatadter Bros.
Within a radius of three blocks some of
the moat important business buildings In
the city are already erected, and In a
few months a number of others will be
constructed, notably the Intended Im
provements on the property of the Cap
tain Thompson estate.
Blake. MrFail Co. Is an Oregon corpora
tion, with branches In Seattle and Spo
kane. It Is separate from the San Fran
cisco corporation of the same name. Vh-n
the building Is completed the firm will
occupy about one-half of the entire build
ing, the remainder to be rented for busi
ness purpoars. The building will be well
adapted for the purposes Intended, as It
will have a large lobby on the Fourth
street side from which will rlee ample
stslrcases and elevators of modern type.
A light well will aid In furnishing good
light to all stories.
lilake. McFall Co. has occupied a build
ing on Front street for many years, and
Is one of the oldest business concerns In
the city. The fact that th two big paper
houses will be located on the earns street,
with only a narrow passageway between,
will probably draw others to the locality,
for It la well known that paper-houses In
all the big cities of the country are
grouped together In one localltv.
The erection of this big bullJIr.g will
have a stimulating effect on vslus of
property In the vicinity. Just as the build
ing of the others did. Values In the vi
cinity have advanced to a remarkable de
gree In the last two years, and a brisk
movement In realty In that district of the
city Is almost certain to come almost Im
mediately. The first floor of the new building Is to
be devoted to the offices and shipping de.
partments of the concern, with probably
part of the epae ava liable for stores to
be rented out. The upper floors will be
arranged In such manner thst If. In the
future some space la set aside for con
verting Into offices or small factories. It
can be done without Interfering with the
business of the firm.
Beneflt for Seamen's Friend Society
The programme to be given In the
Armory on Saturday evening for the
benefit of the Keamen's Friend Society
will be a most Interesting one. Beside
solos by Mrs. Ri Bloch Bauer. Mme.
d'Aurts. Stuart MrOuIra and Miss Alice
Juston. there will be several -chorousea.
a violin solo by Miss Lucia Barton, a
Dcouipn ciance. nana-t o-nar-a bilanclng
by Penson and Hale. T. it. C. A., fancy
dance by Miss Leila Bradley and Charles
Townsand. A very unusual event will be
the hoisting of a topaetl from lbs ship
(unsivon. now in port, by sajlors while
tney sing rnanile etiorouara F. W.
Goodrich will be one of the accompanists
for the -evening. Tinkers will be on sale
at Kilrs Piano House today and to
priRTLAND. Mar '77.
IT T7 WBa'mtirsI ImfafM
ft? .-
Biggest Bargain in
Portland Homes
at Gregory Heights
V' will build yon a home to iult, let yon mora ribt In, and pay tu
your rest money for awhile, and when fully paid for will fif yon ths
deed. . Xo forfeiture for sickness or out of work- A nice, clean, resi
dence district, where yotj srilj be proud to live. . Every convenience
of life, and close to town.
Ask abont free-rent-for-Snininer offer.
Come to our downtown office today (Saturday) or Sunday and fro
out in our anto.
We bur cheap, sell cheao. and
fire yon the profit. Office. 418
- ' - '
Coroett EIU, 5ta and Morrison.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's VegetableCompound
r.altlmore. Ml "For lour rear
rny life waia rrucry to nie. 1 tine red
from 1 rreiru lari
ties. terrible drag,
iruijf tuiia:iot.s.
extreme nervou.
ties, and that alt
rone feebnjr tn mr
stomach. I bad
riven up hope of
fter be-lno; well
when I I iran to
Compound. Then
I felt as though
new life had been
riven me, and I am recomnienilin'-r tt
to all my f fiend.." Mr. W. S. Kow,
Lanvlowne M.. Uilllruore, MiL
The most luo-rstful remetlv in this
eountry for the cure of all form of
female complaints "i J. Till K. link
ham's Vegetable Compound. It has
stood the lest of years and to-dar is
more widely and tn-cc5fully used than
any other female remeiir. Ithiiruml
thou-ian-ls ol women ho bare been
troubled with displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid ttimnrs,Mr
reirularities. periodic p.-itns. backache,
that bearinrf-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion, and nervous prostration,
after all other means had Tailed.
If you are sufferiwr from any of these
ailments, don t cive up hope until you
bare riven i.vii i i.. l 'malum s rge
table Compound a I rial.
If you would lle special dTice
write to Mm, l'lnklianv, I.rnn,
Mas., for- it. She has rulded
tliou-nml to licnltti, free of
haff- In lui 2 btim X f - Tml
r!nfs.'l I r. M to i r. W 1 lir-h: l..c;
fft in fa : I ar- nrs XI A lft-rfvas; trr-
tti-al. 41 3 tnrh. rten-l -r. T ln h- , T -I
I tomwMr Mny :i rnir.u(r; f -as ' r-. 1ft
h . S4 mlnwifsi J i -mev r--3 u- to -
mi. at ft f. U . r 77 Iik hr.
Mr 77-
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pa harrsm-tier rrn r. aa ksr - t
N.ri r.m Ku-Bt jr siuu'n a htats-st rv4 r
tlvs-ljr Mh ofT thm a . i f-m cmm 4
rm:na has fa: n jmi r the lassat ;a houn tn
ml jw-w-t r m t tria ymrtn l--in ftafss in mi
ft f. M l( was at ill mln'tsa! at ftp"-. .
tn4 uratw. .a. It l f.r in rf-sb
an4 murh mir In fwuutbra Xaho aj4
,oMhm t'tah.
Tha In-Tir-s&tlosna mrm for sr t Ihla allav
trltt rioajr.
Frr eh SS hur riu'.r.g m -tt!tM. Mar
f-yrt arxl n1 U ln!t 4 ho-a-ara . axi-af ,
hlfi-nc lo wsatwrt -n 's
OroaT- an-4 W aarilfglfa-4ht,i,; aoato;
ahtrnna l mor,y a'r.-. rihorra. ARn II HRMA
rRl'lsvr-Hira fa fhl tr-tlT. Ma 17. at hi lata
rsv :tm-w. TV4 rt-t at . ramwsi i I rs,
rhl, aa-4 3a ysai a. 1 1 moMht an 4 7 4ty
"Tn -aanaaay 1 aa a r- tnl- nf I! af-Tt-ar. r
Isfsrics. a. K. an 4 A- M Ta rfniiva ara
at KinWy rhavk waaraj avn.-ra tac-a-atiar.
BnRnrx-lB thia w-nr. 5t M -t Tlma
ffsvtsrtlst. a4 f-a jrwara TTm f-mtlrf ara al
Fiai m part car i irun-ra. imtifa haraMklvr.
URAVJniR Al Hakar ruf. Tvr'r
1r i t-aa U. rar-ft. KvnTml a l-ra
ffl B I Kvmmtrar coal, t ka " fcaat Wra
v mir.f cual (tvaa mora b'ti a a 4 ,saa
aao. Chf-.M, Br U:n aa4 a ai ta a.t
a i a. fhot.M alala A J tall.
t'Inrit Vtx -r",w,ri aJaar fra-a trm
iui in our aan rnr.intsa Mania
a rortaa Ceav. 4T WaaAiaia a. avota
pbia .
EUrtrle Fixtures TZZZ
t rl-r-aa ara riht A H a or uaraais-4.
Ua(ra F7!s-t rtc TVetaa. ai tlBta atrsxac
IM af ! n r Kaivsra JTraa aa4 all fllvtrwara
' 1 1 u fS rftatsd aa oo-d aa a orsfoi
Plating- Woraa. tail. aa4 A-dar. Maxa u,Hk
C. K i-irintl aa4 W.i:a4 Aaatrmitaa
Jr-atr daot Coal A ra t'oaipa.1.
t ' 1 1 T I .ir-rmrr Mo? h t "soaaa
I a if. Sk II I l lee a V
.- P . -
-'1 ' .
: - '
TkT wsnt r feelpj
develop the wonderful re
sourv.s of that district.
Th.r se4 farmers ar.4
f ruitsrewera, a a a k e r a, fl(x"lo rm. law
vrs an4 ltbor-rt. Kv.ry
avenue of activity prvseats
unusual cf.kortut.ltl.e.
Thouun4i of acres are
now betDa put und.r I r rt -fatlon.
wttn thousands ft
trri more stiil to be de It la a new dis
trict, with the crportunl
tlvs and common
to a new district- Tr.ere
Is not another district ta
lbs entire '.."est wnlch pre
sents so onucti to the toai
Investtrate tie Coluesbla
River slier. Tea can
not afford not to.
For further Information
write to .
A? 'l.a.a.a ats-mt-at. rmr nn-sasl m4
J"--"i.l, at IO A. U J. T. VX Lsav, &4
7 r.T At ra-mt:r ri 'nr,
Vs a-. J K.-. h : irtss-r at .
aa'-'. J-" . fc- -- svj ,fe f F"t sx. a
"I n. nf; i -rSaT r a i. Mar a:
I r U , tt i II;-a Kmil. Tlf4
a rxl tsattrata (.. t (-. ie rs
i rlh,, a la- , O.urr. rSsSTtat Ittas a" 1
k-aat Nl&ia erew tn at 3 P. M
J "Vi - in vitrei. r,tara.nt c.amblaJa
OTT kl fa borx f fee pasvetta 1 J1 K V
m. .'fr, At(-.a r. '. afH 14 .
1 I BiociM 12 a-e. S--fc ffauat-.Tar of
Mr. ar.4 M ra tan l r II
lake f- .a r-s f r.Ta tm asa-r rm of Itta lasat f
Kune-rai tr-r -. Issa1 A 'sf a a 4 Kt
h h atraatA !uf-i, Mt eft. i I I M
f'r.e-firla rvrs, t'sj,. ( r.ltskKl. IcttiUM.l
Kikaw l t me!T).
I" - AI Ji IvrataJ mrm -f tfea lata Kanana
i. is b-. J at iMBr'.w at. kVisa
Ct.taaucb m sfeajt-. '.a a&4 I .r a a. I
det UnteM. al 1 .& I H VJs:r.ts. f
ld!es' AuiU'an h.ff lis- sf t rra,
Zl. li A H. h't f as. -s-. i fu . r it.
IMti ir.tet nbi Is r -saw a aatv.4
Cmstry .
VAX HKNrttd.AN- T ara- air. M, J",
at a A. Jsl . At.r.t i-atnair-a aa saw.aec.
t--a nt JsAM t r- if i Iv-sw-esw .sr.
M I yara uf.-, a .J av i mx avr-f lata
s.m. r K .t( aw. n- . rsa rvt urvt .
May rw. ai S f a I M twrvtrrva at im
!' f-fl-sa'a I aanTt fwaiava. A-tsa.r,
N T . -vapara r -ftw et-T.
KH-J-t- Kp At r fasti r tsaa-r. sa
isiribral(i at . May X M am r-ex It, i . u TT .
a-ste-j 4 a- etat-a-t-r of Mr aaj kr
Jafr.a K'..!UT 'tai fr-a. ! -a
ta fce I al Itaia. M .ta
rausTia l-srwl. ar..l in ! t r
t r ri.-.a. t. mi m V. M. Iniei ot le-waa Kr
rr M mtt.
MK'Kr-jjos-Vir . rrjta Mirk:aii,
a t r4 yra-a, S-.aa-,i m it sf 1.
M keltsoa. of T-a M ultnifii,!i airs
Kunnei lit taaa f:a' rrom raa3en-pe
Miii'iev. Mar i. at 3 I' M irrwnaa a4
')ukiniai a r-w f jx- in i text u
.-r .t: s7-a lnisfmtit ormaaai-s, l smelr 7 .
OIU-WAT la .Ma r'.tr Mar ?, Ja.itaa or.
ar a;sM T7 i-ara S rnit-.m, SZ 4-ia
y r ie-ara arsa r-sy.-s t fui: Jb ::x l atisn4
fubctti -tl-rwa h;(h ail 1 u aa-4 at !.
mu m t 3. :rv1 ac 4 rtMaa atrwaVav a
3 I M fui-iii, May j I ttsrtt-set ts-reaa
"ir (Vtnatasy.
UKW IM At tfea ratr.l'r tasnra taaar M-c-tan;,
a. Mar T- msws I. I s a, as-4
T 4 er aa S Z3 Amy. Ta futvs-raJ a-rf--J'
a' ; ta fca. 4 at lh S-v rii-rs ai
a I M. t.-iar ri4al. Mar ' -sNda
lnvl-4, ttnarmjaaat M 4:uimaJi Ca-ta-aaat-r.
AT Hi N - Fsfc-faJ rw sf is lata M-
-- (1 a A! !: te be.f al luBir4, Mr-
k -.ia-a A (k.tuf h trJet., 'ili tA I'ic-a
ta . ariar ftiay, al 1 P M r.-.r -
r-n-e-T rw .r iaiif tar afaaa. ----(
Ik:-ef-t ss s rmatir .
rKliui.uii-T!t ftsfsswal arttfai s-f rf
Kr .1 rr-.aark. tssVow3 artfa o rra-
f wt.l be h 1 l tPsa fevitt.-r aat4et.r.
-? Ttn a. - . lata at 1 I M twn.'ar.
Mar rkaaa lavi'.at. Uwirmeai Ma.l
boaiah 4 sm sstr y , .
LVfcJTKH la th'.a rr W ayl-raav.
lsr. aa) t yaa T mcrt t r.. j (tit r
maltha an. I ba a pa-4 : A. M iaa f
I s-, r et t'e-, hi t'B or-ara. ll-
nNlnf. Wl A.str tad fc.aasl ft!
tene-ara. MCKattes s) fettl
Inm-n. Ilk eaa trtee.
lt OSTtoe ml f .
a. r r t l l r a so, se aed
Lady eueees.t. rn Mela S. A taea.
r t i.ra-nvRvre ro, r-ii
ewe. I 1 si. i i it. us leex. lmi
r. e"- rtta. re. rtaaee
smot. ajse IIIIIIWI. I
Hrt-dTK-MlfsOX CXI re
lee eee Aiaw. M siaa
ti tHwrr aa . a . v n
? CORPS XnalTi sr. re.
J qu.tnd to seevmtftle et thtr kail.
3 54 and Mert . at T.1S
J' s o'clock oa Suettar eceatas te se
th.nre ta a bedr te eitecd ta.
V ait fete imlf. .t ta. T.l.r.MrMt
M.lSodut on .rca.
11. R A. M- trlal roaveratlos
this tFrtdarl ev.nlas at I sa.rp
Work la real area nrM. Vie
riors Itr ec4.c K K f.
l.Tt. sea.
anfl a M i - a i r-c-mm -r.l-fttut
Maearn:c 7 r r. a ti La r"f -ay
. tivBln T o io a. art
In M M rtira is.iora
cma t - r-.. r V M
O M KTKAI'MAN. erMavry.
.it tahi'h ixr-nf: no 4 a.
T AM' A M aT lal rrffitnuBI
r'. a rrt5ar. t: o a, ataja.
4. x M 7 ". aai t aenre o
y "C M t Ttr to at tarrd irsa runera.
r V ' r la" tr'Hbef. a a K
taata 4rx n. j- a,". r.. ai.t a ra-
quatvtawl. u H. U'l.N. 4a-s
MT. Tam-r tt;c KV x A
F. A. M S'mi4 rcr.a-Bi-(aa
t:a t rrj ia j ) tte at t a coara
ttorm !a ttsa M M Asfrw
1 t. R tOtjea. aeiitary.
eWAHixiT-x rMAfrtn. no ta.
RAM p-r-:al rcftvoratia iMi
irr.tlayi tlt-a at afca-av Wora
ia rrtiai ar-! -daaraa V imimrm aa-
at THTLJC HAlTrR, S; ) r.
C irtedci m-
s " w sJayl tietirg T .'O a rca.
c ---r .T c r d-r W M
1 jtc.xs;; at AU-or AT. tua ia. I o n. r
r rrvaat:t tr;.a r"i a y I mmn-ixM. at
-eoara. V ra la t - aasv -n-r-4 - aa4 aaac
tisaaj awT a4K .rsarm. V .-r-a a ' - -tsss.
tV'iMt, 1 raaaj-y.
xr !fH iififtii or mt Ht. n w
v . aits-M -a-tv T- a -araeM nwa . f
Toca-ajf -- C ta -4 for a-av-a. a-Mf'ai
!!', May T" i. at 3 f" M . t- --. j a
ate--a ? aStaw--a'.a " rvr. t .-;-
w-a rt T ' - - B f ; --. J"Va W " a gesVfMaJI
.ttmjr. Ia C atva.. a.atra-
esa, st si .1
stale w
UIW1IO MUI.MS- r-n.. r-seeeel ear-.
r.. srs aa ev I. I .... ta. set.
. Sr T (tlx ev.iT.s-r
r r, immm i -
at 1ti:a( Tttct.f T---9.r Nr.i e4 Ta.rsdar Mat
-TH r. .T-f a r -
"K-t W-SrMi.v s.S N'sSts
-tS K btMl
rrrre x Si . ties. TVs. see.
r k w . tit. a ;?a
tTme Tt-1 . r il- I ...... Tu
K.m. t.wa Uuwm Te.M ell -..
WtnM aat4a. I'ker Stark Oeapeatr la
-TMt toi(ATi or Ma. nrr-
aa tafMaai.aMa nei4r ait.
a-w!-. Sr M.t. -.
! a. Ciii e( tk. ... Wml-
T Ca lt . iMta. ie t. a .
.-a Mrr a e-a -r f -a ltarmaa
v la t.a a-r(mia.a anua. a- e.iaeu
I1, mt 1 Tul aa tie : r c ak4 araae-ry
fs afcir-aa - ; ?. . :--. T V 1 t- Ma 4.
J f aia Meitta Ji'.'.). .c aiaA
aat I f -tt:nt Kitutdsi
Nt 1 a 1 ha Ttat
LYRIC Theater. 7th and Alder
w t. a or mat ts.
The Pvrv'tr t.ynr stca Owrtr ta tse
.esifl Sta-&ra tt.&
Haauts of tha Blua Rldva
M.ila.n wmmj. Tee af. TTbe-rs-aar aa4
f Jaaafa Wrt :.i t -t-nantia V- aa-i-ara
litama. "Uasa f an-Ti
stair e. a I ere m.i
-STeek et M.r tWS tstkt at the till a.-
( sttdk eapi i A lrasi N.
.1 1 , lMarits I mm i I raak Mkuwaat le
lo-lla a lateral Mile. ttaae( Utrwarst
A4?unl aai-ara uaa, Mata at All Nal
-THB UMIM or IUvOrT.l."
Ti ainta-j hr lm l-oi, laa a..tM 4ramaii
flaar-ar. In aa a . a hot at a--wn i feV'A- :jt.
!ia ir. M-a-a hl a tr ai.exS S M trta
ma er f t - faenoaaa K,tlian t.-'' "taa
l-savsatrar af I iaH pet ti a U'l ; tr a-t -.
1 ha rh Maaicae UteaU ar-ui,t
tnuairlata I
Wtttiea dally. ': abaa avt fticat.
I ar4 ; w
THE GRAND-Y.oJ-v,n.JeL.,
still or msv 14 fit. ss.
Malta- rrwa. tae.
Kvealae ri M p. lae sal W , tm n .i . see
tut.p-ie4 yr Mwa film K.-aaa Ta
a-aat t mo i-irtra-a ia ra I aaalar.
Ttsa a9JSa4 Mai m raaai ls-aai. a It'it-aJ
4 ' ar- a and Rte athar hea mcIm s-aa f actesr
"- Vat li. tMl'J. Vlllni,at Lm , iar-
ta -at a in i a tay eSs-ta4.
I4' T-J AM MLjaTltMT,
ere-ai tleaai tartA
CfaWf t asa Tarat!' artl. ta.
mat as. -a. sa. -rr. a-. -rs aa. at.
T. m Ciena l i I . Ik fas- atu
10t3OAM. 2:30 P. M
;.mee Hca weekdara I JS P. "U.. .
fturl.v. t U I', tl
Aimi.iin 1. eeefcere. ttc, nmn4.
stan.l. .4X, imia. .! eatra ll)l(dra
Iti.ach.ra. I'X'. l.r arxl.t.n.l. tic.
l-aWw laar "-
Hys under li free to blearbera
- eune.nav.
f J Opeas S-itmsi7
AS i ETtrytluii Kcw
'j, We are solos te
f Ifm rat-h liaffl.e while
f i is saaticc r-J
ra-.iattir.-tr. Mens see.
arc star aa. Mate sea.
mi m k ot ttrt t rat r
(W Ton AY.
Naar anS afric-ttr madr houa. hunt
by alar work.. Kuli rmbl haMmrnv,
r H t Isuhdry od lol let. t J t In at - room.
trim f trwt,a-c, dl r In a" - rrvom. tMtnfrt-a
ft4 kllrhi-o. Four Mroam, tth
iNsom nl lars a ; p n c porth, ro-avM
f i oc ra throucttoui. Tbia houaa mual ba
t lo ra ai-.ra--lata-.i. Ia on arSaltH
Ureal. roa i I h ls-at rar aertlca on
-Mde. and len irtinutta' rlda
rrom I ! fat all caaiar. l't Icay ivv.
t-aa jr ifrmt.
SSI Olsra Slreee. l .rrr
Elegant Home
Thrava Urc room a asti1 rarrpdon halt.
flfl an i iui.r . inmt ni t-a rxrrha
front an ba k atatra on firat ficvor
dlr.iujr-room l-mrt and tan-rlevd. .ata
rai. in Jn. TKr batjrtvtma,
la ryra rlotUg in each, lar- hih.
r : i. Ur.fn rtoria an1 bark t-rxh -n
aster-on i r.oor. ar nnue, tt con
irurtlon. c-nrrplrtr l ve r v detail lUo.
rat4 nar -at 2 11 irri! n, Hr
Chorri ireftu-. f'ri-a f:a. fla0 CaaAtl,
tatc monii.ljr pa r mnta.
The Shaw-Fear Company
:Di ftfairm trass? t.
Ks'iV. Hcneliks, Fcnr-Rcc CcHh;
AtfrartlT , (Tu: rar a-rhn, and ri:r . Mat, mora I a&
co m . m u rt VI . n '-r 1 3-.
tirand r. r.od-fr a-r--ntn, rn-rta-tslork
-and-' rama bur. ar ; f u.l lot.
ai v, oc.a n.sxrai rariica. it iaca lda.r
WT Ciet-tleaetr "ISS.
l'hM Main 3 : 0 t.
fVrta'l frms-f rf unrlr-ara-d fit larr? !n
onri.aH sUatr.' t ran t- hni1 fr
retii i-rt -r acta. Ad4ra Imii
All.w a a Snt
Hertrs Weis.f ee
(reel Smt
a I. (.orntiiut liotaia
w ronir
Cheapest Lots
in Portland
$150 Up
Tertne tt per mcnth. It minutes tfide;
no forf.iture for m'.!r r-ayments
account f UrkntH or lta cf wora.
fome tfore tt.. choice lots are cone.
six MoNTti.- hoi n tnrT rarsc
to lot t u-.ra. om. to our ofice and
le h II over. .If you are Interested -a
wtU lake ou out In ore of our autotne
ti'.M and stow jou the p rc rl y .
SIS laraHt dallelaa.
Holladay Avenue
Only 51 5,000 a Quarter
e are rrrr-ara.1 t aeli a!!, ene.tsalf
er quart. r Inl.teat en4 citrate t&te
It win be aorta fisftt as voa as
the ae
Steel Bridge Is Started
Q-iartera In Hi. l-allt). nm rn
fmruro on ev., are brlaa
Ina !.. to .. t .).
quarter blvk,
pood income. The exten
sion of Morri.on street is
assuretl. See us about this
propertj-. .i.,, .
515 Chamber Commerce.
West Side Snap
Fifth street. LYixlOO, with
Pkh1 7-riHim house, in pool
rejiair. and rmly minutes
ritie from the Post f fire.
Prioe onlv
$1200 rai-h.
313 Gerlinger Bldg.
ITaat M f Kaat Third b-alaran Tmt
Vm la ans' K.swa I Kverrtt atra-aTav. for
.. T Ma rat ba loi:-it now for )oaa
IKan lla ra-ai raltaa. It ta aie-rlat!-? -d-alrabl
for latirn.ry. Uxarr or earriaar
'bja, rauiai1an or v atehouaa Afur
July a rai road arur ran ba put .;
Tlrd atraai ronnocltnc itl mty
Qtner track la lon.
ma for &axtlrulartm.
C kaaiarr af a
Cornar lot. ,f.t ls. arith raw and
modarn bomav Thrr-a Mfcm-. Xmsgm
1vinaT-room. lth fir par I'rlca ia
lew and aajr ttrrti ca ba ma da.
4I Stark street, t ararr linit
East Third and Conch
Tare quarter ttlo-lia er either ef tb.Tn
ran roa t-. txiucM et e Ai
eoliil areund i...l inMm. .r-r . r -r-tH.
Il.a-r tulnM te a
cion tfce troprir -i.rr ,r4
a 1:1 soon take II In . Thn a HI tbe
prtre be douKie etvat it Is eoer.
tne about It.
A e-aaa
Beats ess aasocUte trltb $10,000 caaa
vacled ia food PrlA bosiaeas. WD
pay tS per cect er more rtarlj. Ad
drsaa 8 123. Or-rfoniaa.
One ef the r..t f.r-me ef SfS s-re. tl
In m!tirtloti. ,1 fetr.x . fttr4 tv
pl-lns.. acl I th. tw.t tr rntln. frull,.
the t..t sairiul i.titl: ItmNvr .nousn 4a
?T fr t ' . l.t-4. : v. tnl' frt.m N.
-nr.lii, Ism Ml Cour.l-r. It If. Irmi
Csl4nlBWf ef aaill dallSlaa.