RID AT, MAT 28, 1900. quipped Department Store, The Recognized Style Center of the Pacific Northwest Y H (( ( 1) VCf.D Vi Y h WJuteJVaists izz $15 Values at $1.89 AL SALE of WHITE or Saturday Will Be Charged Yill Be Closed All Day Monday Sale Neckwear 17c Spring and Summer Neckwear in the moot up-to-date and striking style; included are Wash Slock, Dutch Collars, Lace Stocks, Windsor Tien, Linen Collars, etc.; all new numbers, but some slightly nufwd from counter display; regularly 1 7f .... MAM S- KING I mm 'ras aa w I worth up to oOe each, for '.he hite Sale : 1 mmL BRIDAL OUTFITS 7T T SSL ' 7 - V- CORSET COVERS wf 7LL BE ENTHUSED JJ ' i I J T i. vl I VWS 7iV Otr? DAINTY LINGERIE te IWuslinwear Reduced Offered in exquisitely dainty undermuslins. There are thousands of garments and cidedly the lowest ever mentioned in connection with merchandise of such superior of this, department, free from skimpy cutting, perfect in construction, finished r all who come. Attend this sale earlv and buv freelv. therebv savintr monev. r mf w r p - - . naif Pr ice hand-made and domestic id mussed from display, but p to the laundry and they )pellence in finish. There are hie the IOT NO. 2 ss to tell you that they are chemise in a profusion of priced at $1.75 to $50; in you at Half Price Short Petticoats Plain hemstitched styles or finished with em broidery or lace, made of pood materials, refru larly priced at 95c to $4.00, for the Annual White Sale priced like this: 95e values, sale price...... 6-1 1 $1.00 values, sale price GTc $1.25 values, sale price 81 C $1.50 values, sale price $1.00 $2.00 values, sale price 81.3 1 $2.25 values, sale price . SJX.oO $2.50 values, sale price.. 31.67 $3.00 values, sale price S2.00 $3.50 values, sale price JJ2.C 4 $3.75 values, sale price S2.UO $4.00 values, sale price 52.67 b aisle on a special purchase of it a figure far below their real rners at a little less than one-third an choose from corset covers and ade of india linon or fine quality l witn lace or embroidery, per- o nave a combination of all-over extremely pretty and dainty combination suits, y worth $3.00, now sell ng at the low price of.., COMBINATION SUITS, y worth $.VJ5. now sell ng at the low price of. . COMBINATION SUITS. y worth $4.00, now sell nr at the low price of.. retrular- 51 .95 recular- S2.32 regular- S2.98 Women's Drawers Plain or circular style, made of mus lin, cambric or Nainsook, very pret tily trimmed in lace or embroidery, all at extremely low price, including extra fine French hand-made pieces. 75c and S5c values, special TQc $1.00 values, sale price 67 $1.25 values, sale price 8-lC $1.50 values, sale price $1.00 $1.75 values, sale price 81.17 $2.00 values, sale price 31.3-1 $2.25 values sale price 31.50 $3.00 values, sale price 82.00 $3.50 values, sale price 32.3-1 $3.75 values sale price 32.50 $4.50 values, sale price'. 33. OO $5.00 values, sale price 33.31 Combination Suits Consisting of corset cover and drawers, corset cover and short skirt or corset cover, drawers and skirt and princess slips; they are elaborately trimmed with lace or embroidery; the materials are dainty nainsooks, dimities and lawn.-. Har gainized like this:. $ 2.50 to $ 2.75 values, special 3 $ 3.00 to $ 3.25 values, special S $ 3.75 to $ 4.25 values, special... 3 .3 3 .3 .8 $ 4.50 to $ 5.00 values, special $ 5.50 to $ 6.25 values, special $ 6.50 to $ 7.25 values, special ? 7.50 to $ 8.00 values, special..... $ 8.50 to $ 9.00 values, special $ 9.50 to $10.00 values, special $10.50 to $13.50 values, special..... $14.00 to $16.50 values, special $17.00 to $21.00 values, special 315.78 $22.50 to $25.00 values, special 316.67 1.29 2.30 3.29 3.89 4.79 5. GO 5.98 S 0.08 8 7.89 8 9.00 313.38 Corset Covers Domestic (raiments or French hand made garment, in immense aMrt ment. every style and every price, from 50c to $5.00 included. They are beautifully trimmed ith lace and embroidery. Some are made of all over embroidery. Reciilar 50c, J,4f values, sale price only drl fWV values, sale price. ....... -lO 75c values, sale price. ....... JOt R5c values, sale price. ....... C7 $1.00 values, sale price 67 $1.25 v allien, sale price H-l $1-50 val'jes, sale price 81.00 $1.75 values special at 31.17 $2.00 values, special at 81.3-1 $2.25 values, special at 31.10 $2.50 values, erial at 31.67 $2.75 values, sjecial at 31. H-l $3.00 values, special at 32.00 We'll Tempt You TOTsY White Underwear Women's Summer Weight Underwear in vests and pants. Vests low neck, no sleeve, lace-trimmed or silk tape finished. rants knee length, elastic-ribbed, good full si.ea. Numbers 4. 5 and 6, regular values up to 35c the garment, for the White Sale, 1 On choice of these desirable garments at the low price, per garment, at, only lob Women's Elastic-Ribbed Vests, Pants or Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, low neck and no sleeves, plain finished yoke or lace-trimmed. Pants ankle or knee length, tight or. lace-trimmed umbrella knee. Union suits, low neck and sleeveless or high neck with sleeves, ankle or CQn knee length. Values to S5c, garment. UUU Women s White Hose, in plain lisle, mer cerized lisle or lace designs. Regu lar values up to 65c, the pair, at.. Regular values up to 35c the pair, sale price for Friday, at, pair Boys Balbriggan Underwear, shirts and drawers, sizes 24 to 34. Regu lar 35c values, choice, Friday.. 39c 19c s and 19c Children's Hose and Infants' Socks, me dium or heavy ribbed and shaped ankle; also lace hose in white, black, pink, light blue, cardinal and tan. Sample lines and odd numbers of regular stock. All .a m sizes in the lot. Reg. value up to 3oc. I I C Boys' White Duck Caps, in good assort ment of styles with leather sweat a n bands, leather-trimmed. VaL to 85c. Tub Taffeta Ribbons 23c Plain Taffeta Silk in full line of staple shades for hair bows, etc. All pure am silk. Reg. values to 35c, special, yd. ZOu 0' When we snapped up this lucky purchase we made the most fortunate stroke of business in our career as merchants. 'Twas one of those chances that come only once in a long time, and we were on hand for opportunity to give us a chance. The whole immense lot 250 dozen was offered us at a price absurdly low if we took them alL Now just stop and think what 250 dozen means 3000 ll'ai'jf. But we knew that we could sell them at a price that would make them melt away like June frosts. So here they are. Made of extra fine quality lawn, linen, and other pretty white goods and trimmed in an endless va riety of styles with lace, embroidery, tucks, etc. The illustration shows four styles. See the Fifth-Street Window Display. fk O Q C H. Regular values up to $15.00, for our Annual WhiteSale the price is only pl mCj HiQCil Qjey gy Prrr o - n 11 White Goods in the Ready-toWear Department sJfUltZ A i UIl seconj floor. All white tailored serge suits, all white linen tailored suits, all white duck and linen skirts, all white serge skirts, all white dresses, all white silk or wash waists, and everything white in the Suit Department is to be had at a reduced price while the Annual White Sale is in force- No tion Bargains Bolora Dress Shields, adjustable, to be worn with any dress without sowing; worth 50c the pair, on sate at . . 35 Heavy Linen Tiniah Thread, for butlon, carpels, etc.; black only worth 5c ol, nw at 3 spools for...lO Hair Eollx, large size, all shades, regular 50c value, on sale at.-20 Hair Baretua. in sht-U color, larve sice, ecial price, each 15 Bone Hair Pins, assort ed shape, six on card. CM card for lO White Baaticc Cotton, lanr size spools. 5o0 yard. No. 40 or 50: 3 5c soul for 10 Robert's Gold -Eyed Needles, best Kn:lih makes, all sizes, worth 5e paper, at, ea4..3 Imported CaUle Soap, lanre 4-lb. bars. 7"e value, on sale at. .-19f Pinand's Eaa d Qui nine Hair Tonic, regu lar $1.00 bottle. .7JK Cheney's Lists rated Tooth Powder, in large size can, worth 25c. on sale for, the can.. 10 Annual Sale White Dress fabrics Three thrilling specials from this section and every one of the items we present here is on goods that people want whether the price be high or low. Take advantage of this offering and stock-yourself well with the best and most wanted weaves. Best Cr earn Serge Yachting serge in the best quality ever ma.Ie to sell at $1.50. The very opular ertara shade of white, pood width and splendid finish. Makn splen did skirts or smart Summer, suits, hundreds of yards at this remarkably low spe- r4 4Q rial sale price, yard. . 1 1 I J Cream Mohairs Sicilian or brillisntine weave, four gi'adea at sale price, and we're sure you'll not hitate to buy if you 11 examine the cuality. fl.tVI grade, the yard . . . .7TC flj grade, the yard l)S M .VI grade, the yard. .SI. lO tt.OO grade, the yarxl..S1.50 White Jap Silk What's cooler, more dainty or more sightly for Summer wear than white Japanese silk? Here's a special on Jap silk, 36 inches wide, a regular 71 $1.00 grade, the yard I lb Regular $ 1 .25 grade, yard S9 Reg. .M grade, yard. 9 1.09 Silverware Specials FOR THE ANNUAL SALE OF WHITE Four-piece Tea Sets, regularlv worth $"... for Friday at.. 35.91 Four-piece Tea Sets, n-gularlv worth $1.-T0. for Friday ...S12.25 $20.00 Tea S-t 3 1 -1 .9." $23.50 Tea Set 19.93 3 piece Tea Set. $.v.V) value, Friday ..SO. Co 3-pieee Tea Set. Fri.lay, at S7.SO Itread Trays, worth $1.50, Friday, al.9Sc Itrrsd Travs worth $2.25. Fridav"...S1.08 $5IH1 Cake Ilaskets for Friday, at Sl.TO J..V C'overe,! llaking Dishes, Friday .S2.95 $.'! Sugar and Creamer. Friday, at SI. 95 $1.50 Almond Set. for this sale, at S3.-19 $2.t5 Spoon Tray, for Friday, at S2.03 $1.05 Hat Pin Holders, for this sale SOO Four-piece Coffee Set, II regularlv worth $lsno. for Friday ...S 13.23 CUT CLASS IN THE WHITE SALE. Kvery piece of Cut tilass in our store is un tlerpriced while the White Sale is going on. We are Portland agents for the superb Libbey Cut ItUm. Name etched on every piece. ROGERS' SILVERWARE. ttoren ouverware, a fancy tlesigns at spe cial White Sale price-. lea Spoon, set of six. for this sale, at.. 90C IVfert Spoons, set of kix. Friday, at S1.5S Table Spoons, set of 6. Friday, at. set S1.S0 Table Forks, set of 6. at this sale, for. SI. SO Oxfords $1. 69 Four thousand pairs of white canvas ox fords for women in the annual white isale, come with light I weight or extension sole, button style, also ankle strap pumps, bluchr or regular lace, plain or tippcl toe. Leather or covered heels, from the low ons to the hish Cuban shap. All size in each st vie and everv pair carefully fifted. In this lot are val- Q1 fQ uea to $4.00; your choice at CmiUJ BOYS' SHOES AND OXFORDS. An assortment of 1M() pair divded into two lots for easy eluding. They are made of tan. kid. calf or patent leathers; hlnchi-r. button or lace styles. All at one sale of prices, according to size. Size pi:, to values to sale price.. S1.39 Sizes 1 ot 7, value to $5.00. sale price.. S1.9S White Enamel ware and Nickel ware in June White Sale White Aprons, Like Cut, 27c 59c WOMEN'S WHITE LAWN APRONS, made with bibs, bret riles and with wide strinjrs or larce square aprons with xxkets OTp and deep hems. Rep;. 3.V val..Zl U Xtirses aprons, made rf heavy cam- brie, with or without bibs. Regular 7.V values, speeial. CHILDREN'S DRESSES, nf white lawn. Mother Hubbard style, with short sleeves andlowneek.lare or em broidery trimmed around ne-k and sleeves. Apes ti months to 3 years. Regular !?-.'J- values on spc- Q0p eial sale at the low price of uUu CHILDREN'S DRESSES, Ruster lirown style, made of white, pink, durk. madras r jplin. sizes 1 QQp to 4 yrs.; rep. .l.."a vals., spl. .UUu White r.namcl pitcher. wirth 55e. spe 1 -11 i5c Water ritohers f.r Friday's sale, at 52 HV Water Pitcher, for this Kale. at. fa.h G3 25e Wash ItowU. sp eial for Friday. . .19 3iV Wash ltowU, spe cial. St. each 21 35c Wash llls. for Friday's sale 27 Nickel-plated Towel Bars, worth 15c each, special Friday, at ..9 Two-arm Towel Ring, nickel finished. 5 c. value at 52 Nickel Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders, 2V value for 15 15c Tooth Brush Hold ers, Friday at 9 25c Whisk Broom Hold ers, Friday's sale.l9 $10.00 Trimmed Hats $3.50 Why not have a fresh, natty, strikingly pretty hat fr IVcoratic.n lay when it costs so little to own one. Now that May draws to a close the selling in our millinery department approaches the ph-nom-nal and one must- come very early Friday nming if they wish to have any alterations made on hat we sell them if they would wear it leeora tion Day. The most discriminating boxers of this city. yea. in the Northwest, all agree that we have the best stlrs at the low. est prices to he found in any store here about. Read the price di tails of two of Friday's bargain offering. Trimmed Hats, in rich and pl asing as sortment, the shape, trimmings and colorings that are most sought for by thi season's stvle seekers. CO Cft reg. values up to $H. special. . .OdlUU Trimmed Hats, in letter quality, many of them richly trimmed w ith very fine tjual.ty flower. erry one a deeidclly stylish shape and st le. worth up to $'Jt).(w), or flfj special for Frida.x "s s--lhng only, at OwiUU s ';-v . .. TsT' M sT:- .( J s-.. ,.m z-Zr ' " 'J