12 Tun MORNixn onrnnxi The Greatest, Grandest Gathering of Timely Bargains Ever Known at This Svlendidj Embroideries irbfEorfc 45c Yglu?atal7c OUR 318TH FRED J Fresh, new, dainty, snowy embroideries and hundreds and hundreds of yards of them offered in this sale, picked up at an extremely low price and made one of the thrilling features of oat sensational annual white sale. We secured them at a figure that brings them to you at a little more than one-third of their rerular value. There are edges, insertions, all-overs, corset cover embroideries, and 27-inch flouncing in Swiss, nainsook or cambric. Buy any length you want. They are not in short strips, but few pieces, and we can sell you what you wish. They are divided into three lots, priced as follows: Embroidenes regularly worth up Embroideries regularly worth up Embroideries regularly worth up to 45c the yard, special "I 7 to S5 the yard, special OC. to flJH) the yard, special t?C for the White Sale A V for the White Sale JC for th. White Sale?. Oi7C lrrl I nnf C enclenne na lorcnon uices ror inmmmr wah dresses, etc., 2 to 4 "1 O V Ufa LiULCO inches wide, at extremely low prices. The values as high as 20c selling for. leiaC Values up to 25c at.......,........lJ Values up to 30c at 1T low prices. The values as high as 20c selling for. Values np to 35c at ....23 .Values up to 4- at 33e Values up to 40c at ....27s Values op to 50c at... 3T 1 "1 W In bolts of one dozen yards each, '2 to 11'2 inches wide; white Valenciennes Iju-m, dainty patterns, re- A Q V CI l MrdCeS uiarly worth up to $1.25 the dozen, special for the White Sale at the extremely low price of only nOC Q D. Dozens of articles on which we cannot give price details. Look through our sDdLG AilCCS OJT accessories aisle, right next Washington street, and find white sale reduced ; prices on entire line of wash braids our entire line of dress nets our entire line of wash dress trimmings our entire line of laces our entire line of neckwear our entire line of white belts our entire line of white parasols and umbrellas our entire line of white knit underwear our entire line of women's and children's white hosiery our entire line of women's and children's handkerchiefs' special prices on gloves and special prices on ribbons. ' Annual Sale White Wash Fabrics This is indeed a bargain carnival on snowy white wash goods of the sort needed for Summer gowns, lingerie, children's dresses, etc. Mothers who are fitting out girls for graduation or communion time, will do well to investigate the bargains offered in this department. Housewives and those with linens to buy should pay keen heed to the linen bargains that we are showing in this extraordinary sale of white. warn: Persian lawns, 40 inches wide, splendid for the construction of waists, chil dren's dresses, etc. Eegular price 20c the yard, for this white sale special, yard.l3Vs DOTTED SWISSES, fine qual ity, all size dots, yard 18J WHITE FRENCH BATISTE, beautiful soft finish, regular price 35c yard, white sale 20 WHITE FRENCH PERCALE, a fabric admirably adapted to the construction of smart tai lored waists and suits. Refni lar price 60c yard, special 4S TABLE LINENS, Richardson's fine Irish damask, three extra specials, come in several de signs, nicely finished, 75c qual ity, special, the yard 56J $1.00 grade, sale price, yd.SO $1.75 grade, sale price. S1.48 Special reduced prices on all pattern cloths, napkins, towels and white dress linens. BED SPREADS S1.48. Large size, with cut corners, fringed sides, crochet pattern, regular $2 value, spl.. $1.48 BED SPREADS, Marseilles pattern, full size, extra good quality. Regular price $1.75 each, special price, ea..1.25 TURKISH BATH TOWELS, large size, full bleached, made from double twisted yarns, sale price, each.... 19J HUCK TOWELS, heavy Ger man linen. Regular price 25c each, special sale price, ea.20 PILLOW CASES, made from extra heavy sheeting, 3 lots on sale for the annual white carni val. Don't miss this great sale. LOT ONE Regularly sold at 15c each, sale price, each. 11 LOT TWO Regularly sold at 17c each, sale price, ea.XSVi LOT . THREE Regularly sold at 20c each, sale price, ea. 15 WHITE SHEETING, a strong, durable quality, warranted to wear, 2 yards wide, on special sale at, the yard. 220 LINEN TABLE SETS Consisting of extra fine dura ble damask, pattern cloth, and one dozen full size dinner nap kins to match. We invite spe cial attention to these beauti ful goods. The designs are artistic; the finish is extra fine and they come in all size 8x8, 8x10, 8x12, 10x10 or 10x12 quarter. $14.00 sets priced at.. 10.50 $15.00 sets, sale price Sll.fiO $16.00 sets, sale price S12.ISO $17.50 sets, sale price S13.00 $18.50 sets, sale price $14.00 $19.00 sets, sale price S14.25 f2l 8ts' 8&le Price SIO.OO $22.00 sets, sale price 810.75 $24.00 sets, sale price S18.00 8ets sa,e Price SI 8.75 $27.o0 sets, sale price $20.00 ARDSON-S DAMASK PATTERN CLOTHS, with handsome border all around extra heavy quality, 300 in the lot, 81ze 2x3 yards, extraordi nary special for this CI Or great white sale, only. .$0,30 TOILET GOODS Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow der, large size can, rep ular 60c value, Kriday ale price, can... .23 No-Seam Fountain S yT lnfes, 2 -quart iu; 3 bard rubber tubes: tl value, Friday 69t Tooth Brushes, extra val.. fine quality, worth to 25e, Friday. . . . 10 Whisk Brooms, large size, worth 20c each, on sale Friday, earh.15 Absorbent Cotton, for home or hospital ux, large size pound roll; worth 40c at '23 C Writing Pap sr. large size e a b t n t box ; 50 sheets and 50 envelopes worth 50c, at. . .250 Writing Tablets, note size, ruled pajwr, recti lar 10c value for..70 Initial Stationery, each sheet stamped with your own Initial; recn lar 50e box for. .290 Collets pennants, spe cial lot. emblems Lant ern eoflcges. worth .VV each, on ssle at..3J)0 Net Shopping Bags large sixe, regularlv worth 25e eaeh...lOk White Pleated Shirts Made of good quality mate rial with attached or separ ate cuffs, coat style, lA-ineh pleats, perfect fitting and very much - in demand by men who care for appear ance. A superbly QJ 1C good $1.50 grade atuli I J Men's Light Weight Ribbed Cotton Underwear, in white, blue, brown or ecru. Shirts and drawers; sizes up to 44. Regular 50o the garment, sale price 75c the Q7P suit or the garment. . u I 2u Baby Week Z 57i:'; Everything in the depart ment is reduced for this week's soiling, and with these specials added, inter est is sure to reach fever heat by Friday. Baby Bonneta, of white lawn or swiss, trimmed with lace and embroiderv regularly worth up to $L.2o; special p rn Friday at, each...0li00 And regular values up to $1.25; spl at Baby Shoes in all color, and sizes. A bargain that you want to be sure and take advantage of. Worth to 60e the pair, at 17 78c jj!iijjiLiu!. HI. I 'TfTmtTTW,w MfsftMrvHrm lrllirm-lsWiMiHt?siisisriiiHlliH'1f'IW1iipitiiiH'T1tT'Wweww!'?- iimutUM.ii.u..iUu..iu.tiaH Announcement This announcement is made in your interest. Flea, read every word of it. We have just obtained the exclusive agency in this city for "Indestructo" Trunks. We are glad to be able to make this announce ment because of the benefit to you our customers. " " "v mTCTiiKaiea. wim i no utmost care, the manufacturing ss and the materials used in "Indestructo" Tranka am ar.li ik. standing of the makers, the National Veneer Product Company of Mishawaka. Indiana. This thorough investigation has satisfied as that we want to sell to recommend to our customers "Indestructo" Trunks. That they are all that the makers claim for them. ; . ra?r-.VTaw- Prot ill:!;';! yJ 3.?.' 'T -T" .... The special feal WUu..luM.u..iuimiiiliin.iinuiiu.iii.i..i...i ;i.....V w' , DESTRUfl TRUNKS :aras of ''Iodestracto Trenks sre orlcinal sad them Is: &-yer Insurance policy oroma cuarantee irora tne mantifrtarr warninc to "baicac iiMikcti " A ruarantee of saviog la cscess beg ace charies. A stock of "Indrttroctos Is bow on dis play la our windows and in our trunk de partment. Cocne In and permit as to pr aent you with a hand tome sod iaieresunar book of trarcL SOLE AGENTS Infants' Long or Short Go at a, made of IWfoH cord or cai-hmcre, a 1m 0f poplin, daintily Irimmnj 1th fancy braids. Valnoa to .-,.(Xi at 93.-1 8 ArtDep'm't. Whit Scarfs, siz 18x54 inches, select roar own 'JoKipns and have them stamped free of charge, sell reirularl t r-ncn, spe cial for this sale. WHITE WASH 63c BELT Women's belts white wash fitted with buckles, plain or embroidered signs, rep. values to 35c, special... SILK GLOVES Women's cloves, or lisle, one or clasp style, white black, sizes 51 6 ! 2 and 7, up to 50e pa sale price WHITE PARASOLS Fitted with Directoir handles; splendid terials. Buv one embroider it to your Summer regular price $1.75 each, spl of materials. pearl tailored de- 17c 19 silk two- or 6. values ma- and match OPENS our ANNl 'Kerchiefs 35c Doz. Women's and children's Hsndkerrhirft in the bet kerchief sale of Ihe sson; included are children's Kchoul Handkerchief, with colored borders or plain white henuuitched Handkerchief, that sell regu larly at 5 each for this gratet of a!l 'JC While Sales priced at 3? earl., or, the do... OwC All Goods Bought on Credit Fr OTI Your June Anrnunf Sfn OLDS, WOM COMBINATION SUITS CHEMISE. DRAWERS -f Vb cf W' PETTICOATS &Jr .cr 5s aaasaamaaaamaaaaBaaaaaa r i r y s am , LJ, T ) W.UW III! .llP'a-".A'w-.- . - aZ'.' 6" ALL OF PORTLANi OVER THE STARTLING BA. Thousands of Pieces of i Choice amontr the cfrpfl5somenf Every need is cateredTodicelZUoled J quality and workmanship. Thev amthr xnm rrrrJ nn . .,ZTlZ: iT. lTT. .. r- ' " fawry neea is caierea to ana prices quoted d qiLtyBJduo! grade upon which wevTbuilFthesd with care that characterizes onv ntrmi.n. - "jl - i fimiiitim j ic tct aurt ana mere are savtr Night Gowns Women's Gowns in Hubbsrd or chemise style, made with full length or elbow tleeves; necks, high, square, round or V styles; yoke finiabed mith dainty embroulery and lace. Kvery ne crisp, fresh and nea QQft Keg. 11.75 values, special at... jQQ Night Giiwns in large aortment. regular ftO values, pecia:P4 1Q at the low price of only 0 I I I J Night Gowns "rlh 3 to PQ HQ to f 3Jo, now selling at tjlO J Nigh. Gowns, worth $X73 PQ HQ to H.25. now only OOlZu Night Gowns, wo,th tALO to o.00, aa!e price.., Night Oownt. worth .V50 to 6r. sale price.., Night Gowns worth i0 to $ .2-1, aale pnr. . S3.89 .S4.79 .S5.69 Women's Petticoats The mo-l eovplete stock of rettienats in the city to ehooae from, and bargains such as you never saw before. Plain hemstitched or moat elab orately trimmed effects or ornamented nth lace or embroidery, or fine French hscJ-err.broiJcrcd Petticoats included: 1.00 values, sale price l-i- value, sale price. . 1JW value, sale price .........S f 1.75 values, sale price .S f 2 00 values, sale pn- J 2-2- vslue. sale price. G7t SI l.OO 1.17 lJ 1 1.50 Women's Ch emise t .4 a. Af a. hot i or 1rftf i in or mhftl.1rry; lle- ft, Include-J in tins lot trr qua ill x Krtirb hnl-mi 1 T1t. Ml prlr, $ l a- Vealu, Ml prtc-s. t Valttraw, ) (.rtr. $ ! f)tasv . rte, I X '" m 1 UeBi. kelk frt-w. J Tt Valwra, Ml jr-ioas , I l1 vlut, Ml pr-, $ I aluem, m prW, !- vjoas, m: t '. t "fc 1 lrtrw, 4 ss J ttk. aval let prt.-, I 4 r UlUM. Ms r !- . $ VlltiH, M. r1r, $ & vftiuosa, Mt rn-, ft A Art -.asl.a-.as m.l- Let 4 ft 1 uet. Ml frf-w or tortff c!Mh. ssi n or lrlmmMt. irmv f 1 1 S fhrtltlM. JI.OO ::::::::5:SI ....... . a i.int ::::::: -PafO O e - V C . 4i 7 53 ::::::::St ,., $ T I a 1 ,l,i,c. mi prioa. t S.aS v a 1 u. a. aala pn-. $ Sea v.luea, !. prl.. I 1 ! i valuaa. Mi p r 1 . IISS valu.a. aal. prlca. lltA valuea. aala prUe. 114 a values, aaio prlr. a -1 .. T T IT." . ... S.Oft l.tT 8 0 vaJuca, sale price. S 9 3.00 values, aale price ......S Z.OO f 3.0 values, sale price. . ... ......... .$ 211 $ 3.75 value. Ml price 2.!0 4.00 valuer, aa!e price S il.7 $ 4-V) values, aale pnee H.OO 9 S.OO values, aale pnre t ftal value, aale price .. ... ... .. S 3.J7 9 B OO value, sale price J 4 .(H) 6.50 val tic, aale pnee ....J 4.31 7.rl value, sale pnee. . , 4.J7 9 R.OO valnea, aa!e pnee. ............ .JS. r.3 I 9 P.00 Val una, aale price.......... J. (.OO !0..0 value, sale pnee T.(0 SI2JWI value, aale pnee .......... Sl I 1 -11 valtiea, aale pnee. .............. S O.OO MOO value, sale pnee ............... J. f)!3 I fI.O0 value, sale pnee. ............. .S 1 0.(H) Lot One c This assortment is made ,uiie;iii, tome Miigniiy at; all in perfect condition. are as good as ever. 'Tit of extraordinary beauty t gowns, corset covers, skir designs and qualities. Re, this stupendous annual u entire assortment thrown flrtVl value, aale pnee. 17.00 values aale price....... MR.OO vahtc, sale price....... i9J0 value, aale price....... f"-l-.'rt value, sale price....... flJM value, aale price....... "2Yfrf1 vat ilea, aale price....... J-7..V) values, ale pnee.. .U1.00 value, aale pnee -C.on value, aale price....... t7..'rf value, aotle price....... f 40.00 value, aale pnee .i.OO value, sale pnee. 51 l.OO $11 .31 912.00 913.00 S14.3 ?ir.tMa situ; 7 S1H.3I SHO.OO i?U3,l j'-:.r,7 ...30.00 fv"0.00 vslue, aale pnee. ............. .153313-1 SPECIAL A roustr.g; extra, rpeciai in the combination suits. W bouh worth and can offer thein to o below the regTilar selling price drawers or corset covers ajid : dimity. They art exquisitely fertly made and well finished, embroidery corset over aad i warmest priced as follows: COMBINATION SUITS, regu! ly w orth 1.:, on special q sale at this low price. . . . . . j L COMBINATION SUITS, rem' ly worth 1.7.. now nrll- P4 t ing at this very low price .ij i COMBINATION SUITS, regu! ly worth "2.r0, now cll- PI fl ir.g at the low price of U I it White Lace Curtains and Vool Blankets mm - ' t ,v ) Of course you will want to" share in these curtain savings, for thev are sue1 superior qualities, they will he an ornament to the finest homes in the citv Inclu.leil are Irish I'oint. Saxony, liniwl. Renaissance ami Arabian curtain in surprisingly goM assortment. The savins are rather more than a thin o:T the regular price, so 'tis well worth the while of anyone to inrcMigtf 3 aJ $-"..V) values, special, the pair S3. 7.1 efi.OO values, special, the pair iS3.?h" $7.00 values, special, the pair S-1.75 $7..V values special, the pair 2?r.ir ?)..V values, special, the pair J?.3r $10.50 values, special, the pair S.l)." tll.OO values, special, the pair !?7.3." 12.00 values, special, the pair S7.05 15.00 values, special. pair..S10.23 $16.00 values, special, pair. .S10.1l."i 19.00 values, special, pair . .2$ 1 2.73 20.00 values special, pair. .S13.SO r27JM values, secial. pair. .8 IS. 75 $,U.0 values, special, pair. .?22.r0 PRINTED BUNTINO FLAGS, un mounted, sixe 4x6 feet, Regular l.i0 value, on special sale at 70c WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, wit! blue or pink borders, full sie, goo weight, splendid" quality. Hcgular 1.7 values, sale price, per pair ?2.0r $.Y50 values, sale price, pair. .. .S 1.3r $6.00 values, sale, price, pair. . .1? 1.7C4 SPECIAL JUNE WHITE SALI PRICES on all white madras, wh:l curtain materials, white wool blanket. white enameled iron beds, etc Hige low Axminster rugs, bureau aie handsome patterns, regular CO fp price $3.75; special at giUc, FLAGS FOB, DECORATION DAY mountevl on strong sticks. Kat cclnrn sie 32x46 inches, worth 35e each 27