TIIK MORNIN G OREOOMAX. FRinVT. MAY 2S. lOOO. 11 at ' ' ' " - ... i . 1 - " aaeaaaasa a. 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OHEGOXUX TELEPHONES. . .. re State. Hot,- Cojatlnr-RWT Main 707S a ri'jr Circulation Main 7070 a Mn5inf Editor Main 7 A Bun4ay Editor .Main 7070 A oS Compoj!n-Room Main 7070 A o; City Eaitor Main 7070 A 0tS Sut- Bundles. Mala T07 A 0 AJItSEMESIS. HSII.IfJ THEATER (Fourteenth an 4 Wilt-tr-t'n oti. Skinner as c.,lrrl Frldeau fri "The Honor of tha Family." Toatchl at S : 1 5. Bl'XfJALOtv THRATKR-rlM an-) Morrt-piiii-B.ikr F-c-k Comranjr In -The Una tlon of Mr. Tipp." Tonlht at :li. BAKER THEATER iThlra and Yamhill) Frri- Hartman in "The Mayor of Toslo." Tonight, at S:1S. ORPHEUJI THEATER fMorrlson. ttw.a "jxtn and Fv-nth Advanced vaudeville. Mat!nee at 2:i5; tonight at :IJ GRAND THEATER (Waihinton between Jev.nth and Park) Vaudeville de luxe. 2:30. 7:30 and P. M. "Jf?? THPATER Four,h and 8trk 920 o MU v"leill. 30. 7:30 and LlVrZ THEATER Seventh and Alder) ?u nirti Cr,n' " 'Hearts of the .ue Rids- Tonight at 1:15. 6TevIrv 5?TER M""" Fctir. .how o-ci5k " a0l ve3lo- to Se:2 ROSE FESTIVAL WEEK. From June 7 fo 12, inclusive, the Third Annual Rose Festival will be in proprress in Portland, and many people will be Tort land's guests from throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Orego nian has made preparations to re port events on an extensive scale, with numerous high-class half tone illustrations and descriptive matter. Everybody will want to tell their friends about it in other fities, in the East and abroad. Mail your friends The Oregonian during Rose Festival week. Or der now at the business office. Orders received by mail will be given prompt attention. Price 20 cents, including the great Sunday edition and postage. Foreign post age, 22 cents extra. Fast Arros lt Peru A b!r car oear- tnsr number 52s shot down on to BurnsMe bridge from I'nlon avenue at a. terrific speed yesterday mornlrc and ihen'on the lone; approach before reaching the firs: Ji.5t Side span tt made a slight turn on account of the streetcar track. The ma chine, then skidded into the sidewalk on the south side, of the approach with such force that the front wheels were driven through the barricade at the aide of the approach, where the wheels projected over the sidewalk. Fortunately the mo mentum -of the automobile was spent and it did not plunge over the approach to the. Southern Pacrfic yard ort feet belnw. Tlii is the second time within a week that an automobile haji been driven on the approach with such speed as to cause it to dash against the sidewalk and the barricade. Machines going and coming on tiie Burnside-street bridge appear to travel from 25 to 60 miles an hour. After the draw has been opened for a short time half a dozen automobiles collect at each end of the draw, and when It is opened they proceed at terrific speed. A serious accident is predicted, due to this custom. SriT Over "Woicm'ii Ftxnfs." Wo nien'e hats at from J1S to J.V) each, a high tarifT on women's stockings and now an injunction Is asked preventing the sale of iide and back combs, and barettea. Tire suit wes tiled In the Circuit Court yenterday morning. George Kibbecke and lils wife, Mrs. Aza. Holmns Kibbecke. are the plaintiffs, and S. B. IVerthelmer the defendant. Wertheimer, the proprietor of the Grand Leader store, at Fifth and Alder streets, gave the RJbbeckes a lease last July to conduct a manicuring department and beauty parlor in connec tion with the store. Rlbbecke says Wertheimer agreed not to sell any ladles hair goods, but that he (Ttibbecke) after ward gave Metiger at Co. permission to . do so. Then the Metzgers discontinued ; the Jewelry store at this place, while l Ribbecke says Wertheimer continues to .sell the. combs and barettea. He wants ' the court to put a stop to it. Bot Burglars Make Dash. Jacob ; Renner. j years old. and his cou.ln. . Peter Rittahler. 7 years of age. the "infant burglars." made a dash for liberty yesterday morning, when Henry : Rittahler. Peter's father, paid a visit , to the Detention Home of the Juvenile 'Court, where they are being held to ap pear before Judge Broraugh today. While I the father was talking to an attendant. ; they made their way to the street through the basement, and started on the run ' down the Montavllla cartrack toward .Portland. Superintendent Raker caught them 4 quarter of a mile away. They robbed a grocery store, meat market and residence in Brooklyn last Monday. Record Breaker. Port landers once more have a world champion in their midst. Miss Rose Fritz, of New York, holder of the world s championship as a typewriter operator, will give a public demonstration in the White Temple this evening, as one feature of the Holmes 1 Business College graduating exercises Miss Fritz recently wrote 113 words per minute from dictation of the Prince of Wales, he will have a skilled dictator tonight and those who wttneaa her dem onstration may see a record broken. The public i invited. Admission free. Services at Beth Israei "Peace and .Arbitration" will be the subject of Rabbi V ire s sermon at Temple Beth Israel to night The topic will be treated in con nection with a review of t)ecoration day memories. Strangers are welcome and tiie services begin at g o'clock. The choir under the direction of Mrs. Rm bloch Bauer, will render these selection!.: -s-iii Still With Thee" Arthur Foot.) and Praise Ye the Lord" tGreldel). Ahavai Skolok Services. Services will be held at 8 o'clock tonight. In Congrega t:on Ahavai Sholom Synagogue, corner Park and Clay street. There will be music by the choir, under the direction of Guslavus Bs;nan. Tomorrow morning services begin at 9:3.) o'clock. Rabbi n Abrahamson will officiate. All are wel come. Veterans to 9peak in Schools. j. dresses will be delivered at 1 o'clock this afternoon in all of the public schools on topics pertaining to Memorial day. As signment of speakers has been completed Old soldiers will take part in many of the schools also. Post to Attend Church. Sumner Post G- A 1 '' attend unnyride Metho dist Episcopal Church. Sunday morning T. T. Kustor will preach the memorial sermon on that occasion. Ministers- Meeting Postponed The Methodist preachers will not hold their regular meeting next Monday, May SI i as it will be M-morial day. The next meeting will be June zl. Special Roi nd Trip Rates to all points ! on steamer Bailey Gatzert. on Monday. ! acCOUnt Of Irnratien .1 . . 1" . observance. learner leave AW-r-street wharf 7 A. M.. returns S:15 P. M. . Build four to six-tory building full lot. I-ourtii. near Taylor, c. W p-iiert atent. Fer.ton building. ' ""c- Sundat Excursion to Cascade I ock on kteamcr Bail.y Galxert. Leaves' a' M. ; 11 round trip. 5 Wm. But your Tel. bonds for cash or trade. Conn Bros.. 1J) First. " Da. F. B. Batch, eye, ear. Medical bldg New Kind or Piumrit. Jon-l'k the couple who r- married liit in f'li. I and found out afterward Imt the knot . had really been tid. an anxious Port land young man and young woman ha-e ieen wondering since Wednesday morn ing wliether they will have to resort to the divorce court to straighten out the tangle which Clyde B:r.hley. a chum of the pro, jm-lo-rv-or-n ot -t o-he. has woven about thm. It vti alt a joke, but en which M. S" Glenn, of 41J, Washing ton street, and Miss A. Imrst. the victims, did not appreciate. Hinkley appeared at th marriage, license counter lst Tues day afternoon and a!d he wishe.1 to se.-ure a license. Iwputy Clerk Ylld Issued tt. and Hlnkl-y promptly paid over tlm Yesterday mormng Misv Iurt's s'jter appeared at the County 'Trk' office in an effort to fnd out who bad played tiie practical Joke, for she said that the first Ir.uinatton the couple had of the license being Isaued was when the notice appeared In the morning paper. "And will they have to g't a divorce if they ever want to mirry again?- Why. they ire not even en-Kag.-d." aha said. ihe was assured that the license may be canceled, and that no ceremony having been performed a divorce will not be necessary. Woman's Cub Ki-F'-riox Ton at The annual election of officers of the Port land Wimnni Club will be held, at Z o'clock tins afternoon, at the rooms of the club. In the Women f Woodcraft building The following ticket Is in the field: For president. Mrs. Ci. M. ;i!nea and Mrs. Nina Larowe; first vice-president. Mrs. J. W. Alexander and Mrs tt. ITitchard: second vice-president. Mm. J. Kir.lth and Mrs. Mary Frcr.; recording secretary. Mrs. . p. M. Jamleson and Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden: recording secre tary. Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell: financial secretary. Mrs. K. M. Rtinyan: treasurer. Mr A. B. Manley; auditor. Mrs. John rV-ott and Mrs. Nathan Harris: directors, two to be elected. Mrs. John Mcltoberte. Mrs. James A. TlfTt and Mrs. K. B. Cola-ell. Voting will be liy Australian ballot system and while It Is In pro gress a musical programme and reception will be held In the hall complimentary o the new members of whom there are about en. Mme. D'Aurta will be in charge of the musical numbers, which will be supplied by members of the club. Yes terday afternoon a committee from the club paid a personal visit to the coffee and spice mills of Portland, In the In terests of the home product campaign un dertaken by the club. Ctci.ist Couji.m With Auto. Harold Koenlg. a bicyclist 21 years old. was pain fully injured l.y colliding with an auto mobile owned by Julius 1- Meier, at the comer of Sixth and Alder streets, at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Koen g waa riding down Alder street, the machine was passing the Intersection of Sixth and Alder. Their courses converged In the mliliiln of the street, the automobile stopping but the blcylist being unable to che. k himself n time. Koenig was picked up at once by Mr. Meier and taken to the Good Snmatitan Hosplti.l. It was found there that he escaped with a number of bad hruLsea and will lie able to leave the hospital In the course of a few days. Did Not Steal. Woman's Ixjvb. Ir. James Slproat. charged wfh taking, steal ing and carrying away the affection of Kv.-t I.. Judklns, married. wa acquitted of t'-.e charge, when tried In the Justice Court, yrsierday afternoon. Mrs. Judklns testilie.l directly thai l!- doctor d'd all charged against him. The doctor testified that he didn't. Attorney John ll'-nrv Stevenson, representing Dr. fiproat. mae the point that the uncorroborated testi mony of an accomplice In wrong is Insufficient basis for conviction. Justice of the Peace Olson took the same view and the matter ended. He waa arrested at the Instance of the woman's husv band. But Lot to Build. Deed was recorded yesterday of the transfer of the lot 60x100 next tho corner of Union avenue and East Burnside street from John B. Miller to Philip Metschan et al., the con sideration being named at 11.. The northwest corner at the same point la now owned by Mr. Mrtechan and D. J. Malerky. and they have secured the ad Joining lot on which it Is Intended to erect a three or four-story business bulld-1"C- The corner is at present occupied with a frame building, but the owners Intend to have the frame removed and a brick substituted before a great while. JtTf l-s From Train: Injured. Under tiie lniptesslon that a Southern Pactne train, standing on Fourth street near Oak. was a streetcar. John Hansen, musician, who lives at ni Columbia enreet. boarded the last coach late yea terday afternoon and after it had started attempted to alight at Fourth and Market streets. As a result he was pitched head foremost to the pavement, sustaining a dislocated shoulder and other less serious bruise. He wa taken to police - head quarters, where medical attention was administered to his Injuries. Dbath or Thomas F. Lewis. Thomas F. Lewis died at his home near Monta vllla. May 36. after a short Illness. He was 71 yeans old and had lived In the neighborhood for more than years, where he owned a farm. He is survived by his wife and four children. The fu neral wUl be held this afternoon at t o'clock, from the family residence. Mount Tabor Lodge. A. F. at A. M.. of which Mr. Lewis had been a member, will attend the funeral services. River. Pikate Arrested. Oscar H. Rood, an alleged rUer pirate, waa ar rested last night by Stpecial Agent Llllis and Deputy crherifT Leonard. He waa caught in Weinsteln's Junk shop. Front and Columbia street, as he was attempt ing ia uispose ot a io ot Drass which he had stripped from a new dredge of the Columbia Digger Company, anchored at the Ankeny-aLreet dock. He will have his hearing In the Municipal Court this morning. Funeral of Mrs. Katk Gilbkath The funeral of Mm. Gilbrath. aged 73 years and months, who died May 2S. was held yesterday from the chapel of the East Side Fiir.eral Directors. 414 Kast Aloer street. Intermtnt waa In Roae City Cemetery. Mrs. Gilbrath was the Mow of James Gilbrath. a G. A. R. veteran and mother of K. F. Gilbrath of ft. Louis. Mo., and Mrs. Josle Courto. of Portland. Partial Report Received. H. O. Slbray. who l managing the queen con test on the Peninsula, yesterday received partial returns as follows: Miss Bessie Purdy. Peninsula. :a votes; Miss Hilda Brandt. University Park. U5; Misa Kllz abeth Metcalfe. Multnomah Addition." ; Mis Vera Oumnitrg. North Alh'na.' 5S; Miss Myrtle Worthen. North Alblna. n! jeveral localities did not report yester day. Rev. W. T. Jordan to IicTfr-Rr. W. T. Jordan, of the Central Baptist Church, will dt liver his lecture. "Down South in Dixie." at the Methodist gym nasium In Montavllla. tomorrow evening. The lecture Is full of Interest and good humor. Dr. Jordan tells about a coon hurt, a negro sermon, the moonshiners and recounts funny stories about the war. Will Discuss Stekl Bridge. The Port of Portland OommUslon w til me-l in special session al 3 o'clock next Monday afternoon, to consider the subject of building a steel bridge serosa the Wil lamette River. All who wish to be heard on this matter win be given an opportunity at that time. Speak at Lincoln High Schooi Misa Chapman, of e. Louis, will deliver an address to numbers of the Portland Teachers- Club, at Lincoln High School tomorrow morning. Her subject will b "Nature Study." a.-.d she came here pur posely to deliver this Wture. Fire in Meat Plant A small Maze In the smokehouse of tha Union Meat Company. Fourth and Gllsan streets, last night shortly before II o'clock, waa easily extinguished bv employes and firemen with the aid of chemicals. The damage was slight. : Stands Between YOU and WAIST A bank account, which not only saves worry;hut insures against want in old age. Open one today The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon We pay from two to four per cent on deposits. Call for ewr statement ana Book af -It-IAM RATIONS.- Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. L CORNER THIRD M3 Oil STREETS "Eli. I flHM FveoMew M I riTT'M K Yle-r.l4ca !R. A. (.. Ml HOU...U tln-hsi. k. ijt.r. pti.f.T muir W. J. t.ll.l. Aasistaat nweetarr t. W. KfU.RAFF (wblat PajmecosTAT. Pmtiim At the fwedlsh Methodist Rpiscopal .itln h. corner of Beech and Itorth v. l-k atreeta. there will be special Pentecostal services next Sun day morning and evening. MRS. VAN RENSSELAER DIES I'orcland Roldrnt for 41 Yrart Passes Astajr After Brief I llnrss. After a brief llln-. Mrs. Anna Van Ken sac la er. widow of James Coiirtlan.1t Van Rensselaer, died yesterday morning at her residence on park avenue and King streets. Mrs. Van llensaelaer came n Portland from Albany. N. Y.. aa a bride In li. and during her residence here has endeared herself to hundreds of friends and aouunlntance and has become a factor In th development of Portland society. Mr. Van Itrnoela'r wax a well-known pioneer merchant, who came to Portland In ISS where lie lived for many years until his health failed and they then re moved to a ranch near Mllwaukle. After Mr. Van Rena-laer's death his widow built the residence on King's Heights, where she has resided with Mrs. Philip Schuyler for some years. Mrs. Van Rerut slaer was Tit years of age. a woman of great charm of manner, a philanthropist, and of a most lovable and generous dis position. She Is survived by two nephews. James Vedder and Courtlandt Vedder. MR. SABIN ACCEPTS HONOR TlianLs I-dllloner for Nomination for Srliool Director. PORTLAND. May S7. lo. Messrs. George K. Van Waters. Andrew t Smith. Horace Ramsdell. 8. . Mears. J. N. Teal, Charles K. Henry and other Taxpayers of School Dkilrlct No. 1. Multnomah County. Oregon. Gentlemen: Your request that I heeum a candidate for flt-hool Director at the next election Is accepted, and If elected. I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties of the office. Thanking you for the honor Implied In your request. am. Youra trulv. R. L SAHI.V FLORISTS. The Tonseth Floral Company are now located In their new store In the Marquam building. J:s Morrison, with a display of fine cut flowers, palms and ferns. Pnona Main 610.-. A 110.:. FURNISHED HOUSE or apartment wanted. In desirable neignuorncod. on West 4lde. Address George P. Drkum. ZJ Htark street, city. Phone Main r3 cr A 1234- TAILORED SUITS AT HALF See page eight for stupendous reductions today and tomorrow on Tailored Hum. The Bartholomew Co.. 3M Washington street. M WHEREJTO DINE. All tha delicacies or tha season at tha Portland Restaurant; floa private apart. Bosnia ljr ladle. X Waah uar kuta. Roa Bound Over for Trial. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Mar 17. Spe cial Matt Ross, charged with at tempting to murder C. H. Delaney by hitting him In the face with a rock. ' arraigned In Justice Court today before Judge K. M. S.-anlon. and bound over to appear for trial at tha next session of the Superior Court. Ilia bonds were flxed at ll0. which ha waa unable to furnish. Vegetable: Peddler Soee Railway. A. P. Simonl. owner of a vegetabla garden at Troutdale. brought suit In the circuit Court yeterday arainst the Portland Railway. Light Power Com panv to re-oveT trl damaree on - Open an Account with u we are Ure to p!cae you. We Lave facilities, to deliver promptly as good are wanted, and if you cannot find what yon want else where, come to Mayer's. FOR TODAY AND SATURDAY Manhattan Cocklailj $1.00 ter OL Sauterne 65cperQt Cognac $125 per Ql Cantrell & Cochrane Ginger Ale $1.75 per Doz. VTe will be open till niwn Monday (Decoration day). Be sure and or der early Monday for your pood to b delivered. L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 118 Ttird Street. Both Phones. .Vi jj s. V - 7 Do you think $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 a comfortable price to pay for a ood suit of clothes? Which ever way you answer you'll think it a modest price for the kind of clothes well show you at those prices. We can show you costlier clothes, of course: suits of the most perfect type at $30.00, $35.00, $40.00: we carry a very large stock of such clothes: the largest by far in Port land: and we sell a lot of them. Store will be closed Monday (Decoration Day): do your trading today and Saturday. count of a col I ir. on al t -on ml and fl mon streets. April 3J riimoni ass he cMild not drive off the irarka because of a heavy dray In front or l-.im and tiiat the car came boa ling d..mn upon Mm al S mllea an hour. He says he aas cut. skinned and bruised so he c.ul.1 not work for tea days. Willamette Tent Jt Awning Co. 3 and S6 North Front Ft. "' Klsgs' -t..' P. Cenlem.rt Kid Glavea. Toklo Parasols. F. P. YOUNG Ladles Haberdasher, areata and Washington St. 75c Rndungs 10c Nark Length- 75c Dulch Collars 50c KmbroldWred. Hart or Ftirf. $5 Mothers Darninj Baskets $3.00 $150 Stndde. Elastic Be&s 75c Whiter Black. Brown, Navy. $1.50 Fincy Neckwear 50c 50c Lace Bands 25c Yard $350 Heary Net Veils $1.4S $5 ParaMls, AH New. $3.43 $1.50 La Thsca Corsets 98c 45cTatfeU Ribbons 25c Yi 75c$l EmlroidereJ Waisticgs 50c Yar. $150 Ttreador toil Geres $125 White. Black aad Colera. The Question of Protection AGAINST FIRE QThc Apollo (JIlub f Portland, rrijcm RRSTPUBUC CONXERT 50 MEN'S VOICES 30-Piece Orchestra MISS ELIZABETH HARWAS SOPRANO WM. H. BOYER CONDUCTOR HEILIG THEATER Monday Evening MAY 3 1 Prices: $ 1. SO. 1.73c. 50c SEATS NOW ON SALE Mahogany aad Oak Finis Haa is settled by the DICK" STEEL SAFE-CABINET Built on scientific lines, whl.h en. ables them to protect their roateats when areMaakf t a aalw keai. THEY ARE LIGHT CAPACIOUS ADJUSTABLE INEXPENSIVE HANDSOME PORTABLE CONVENIENT SAFE Crd Tray. Documents Files, Etc, Furnished if Required. kII HAM stalky & lULllllll PRLNTLNG CO. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS KILHAM STAT-T a rTO. CO.. raeliaast. Or. ''' aead le the ad4. Me i.iikm re.ti n.r iMo.-.r:j ,ai,i.ly. .,4 a pnM ea s:ai4ar4 tt ot MfiAtUtil - Name ....................... A44res SEASONABLE DAINTIES Tib, r.xtn YelW Krre I'earbe. U'. J-T Wrt tins; rrru- Ur ITioe fj'i; m, a!e t rice z e ' T,, '.. . . I esm- JUT O 1 . able Kitr ello t- nee IVacfces. 1 .s. !..; rcSU!r pr.ee SI.l-.: a,r,a le price OOf Haaanan Klrs Iine, ple. per d.ett Una; rrjml.r Price r-.. .: atrial aale pnee ?2.25 Ha. .nan Kxtr. I'ineapple. J" ... each, retr.lar nncs -V; rial sale pnee ' Oa fiirrairt. I'mrapple. 2. per 4,,n l.nsV rUr "pne " ..peel! -! fnce raner Urar-jres, regular price ;,Oe. s.a sale price STRAWBERRIES Thone your order early f.r frr-.li Stram bcrrie,. Will have tb cliret to be haj. ANT0MM OLIVE OIL OLIVE OIL or THE FITST QUALITY lUe ab...ue ptinty tr I hi. Olive Oil is cuat antoej. Ia l punly. it haa tho frrh. delicate and true ohv Havor Actoninl Olive Oil. gallon tins Afitoninl oUre OU. haif-pslK.ti im !!!!!!!!!!!!! Aatonini Ollra OU, Urpf pla.s Aatonini OUt OU. tncimra pis ."."..."...."......". Ititle oened at our More, and your trial is invilVd Washburn rrosby Co.'i Gold Medal Flour, per barrel WsahburnCro.br Cos Oold Medal riour. per sack.. addition JSl.rO ST.IO JCN0 COFFEE ted. It del with Our famous Jl'N'il I Vi f fee i. .r.f..lt.- 1 - - - - - - . . ... . 1 aim ma baa that drp coK.r of full maturity, is band-rlcancd and blen PER POUND. 3 POUNDS, Sl.OO D. G. BURNS COMPANY l 20S-210 THIRD STREET j l"" 11 We Are Expert Lens Grinders We k!Vfu':r tr rerre,.,! x-ul -.rr-.r ..4 e(l.natx pr . M ,p; lea. w ...! a raasa..'. aa4 uilacttoa WOODARD. GURU t COMPANY Gold Seal Fire Protection Hose Goodyear Rubber Co. ""ei a a at riM. gehveab Printing Co. litfrttf. Mfiyin rrt S T A R K m T M WL K T L? PORTLAND OREGON PORTLAND OREGON WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION .The rare anr attention sthirb your aceount receive at the bar.k. as e!I a tbe prumptues with bich your business transacted, are matter of importance to ou." We lake this opportunity of rilJinir jour attention to the individual vrrt ice l.ieh tbe Merrhat.ls National Hack tender. HAND SAPOLIO TOR TOILET AND BATS It Ba.aa tha tott etaaihisf s Va corad. It remove all ataaca aa reachaeaa, praraota prickly heat aa4 fcaiat;, a -id laavaa Lb skin whoa, safl, healthy. Ia tha bath it briars a rlow and axhilaratioa which m wscnian soap ejus aqnai. i ?c parting lha Titror sod lifa aaeisatiaa of a mild Turkish bath. AH Oracars mmA Jrcxits. i la for rataloaoa at4 trtre ea P'pe. rhlma.r pIsl arala tli. "'r- li a4 culvert vxp. p ' s-e (er pllo far. A a. lc ena-tiost t w hixgt-o scwr.n firsc t o 41 . t rmmt C Thevon Gill man r School son niiMu ai nsitisu. - ORII.f IL Bit ILUisu. Tka ane. SM'l.s ahte ia rwllssA faen.a aiaia . A llll, portland printing mousec; V al .- m,T. tVaoney Women ef Wood raft BatSd'.tur asi Trar , h FredPrehn4J). is. rn - a TWia. as a Mav. IU . '"! SUM . I rtrs 11 1 r 1 1 11 1 mi tt 9 e. m 1 ! .-ir ' m ar 1 1 1 isa a si.4.e4 a t. et 4 m r