Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1909, Page 17, Image 17

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Corvallis Wool Pool Not Sold
at Auction.
Some of the Individual Clips After
ward Disposed Of- at PrlTate
Sale Larg-e Deal la,
Eatlern Oregon.
Th largest pool of .-vTlllaznett Valley wool
mad op this iumi, and ona of tha largest
lota ever pooled wast of tha Cascade Man
tains, was offered for al at auction at
Corrallla and then withdrawn, th bid bslng
rejected by the pool manager.
The Corvnlll pool contained 10.800 flaseea
ffrn'tlni 10O.00O pound. The quality of
the wool In the. pool was rood all around,
and noma of the fleece were exceptionally
fine. There wa a large attendance preeent
and tha bid submitted were 2oa cents.
cant 2554 cent and 23. cent. The hlgh
eat bid waa made by A. Wllhelm At Son. of
Monroe. Tha manager, however, decided not
to accept any of the bid, and the pool wa
broken op. Afterward aom of the Indi
vidual clip were eold to the buyer present,
and all the wool will probably be dlapoaed or
In a few day.
A wool pool of between 3000 and eOOO
fleeces ha been made cp at ScV and will
be offered to the highest bidder 6attu-day.
fie-rerai other small pool have been made
up In the atate.
One of the largest private wool aaJea In
Eastern Ca-egon this year ha just been closed
at Echo. Tha Scouring Mills Aaaoolatlon of
tbat place ha sold to J. P. Dufur, repre
senting the Rhode Island Worsted Mills.
253.000 pounds at a little less than 20 centa
Weather Better for the Growing Crap.
Trade In England.
The weather Is favorable for the hop
crop. ' There ha not been enough rain yet.
but every little help and the warm nlghta
are to the farmers' liking. There t time
yet for much of the lost ground Ho be re
gained. The market waa quiet yesterday
and no business was reported In contracts
or spot goods.
The Watervllle Times, of May 2L said
of the New York crop:
The unseasonable weather of the past
w-eelt has kept the hop yards In check In
this vicinity and at Dresent there Is net
rwuch or a showing In any of tbe yaruV
For the most part the yards are very un
even and It la prophesied that there will be
a light yield hereabouts. Thia Is due prin
cipally to the tact that few yards have
been set oat for the past few years, aa
there has been no encouragement for much
of an outlay in the hop business owing to
the extreme low prlcea that have prevailed.
English hop trade circulars, dated May
10 to 12. say. In part:
W1M. Neame and Co.. London There la
no alteration In the situation business Is
practically suspended pending a deunlte
pronouncement of the Chancellor of the
Exchequer! attitude towards the trade
It Is to be hoped that the protest raised
from all sections will result In a substan
tial ..curtailment or the government's ex
traordinary proposals
H, and H. I.e May. London There ts
some Inclination to operate In the remain
der of the English crop, which can now be
bough: at less thsn half the cost of pro
duction with tbe acreage at not more than
83.OO0. anything may happen.
Manger and Henley. London The saleable
hops are getting Into closer compass every
week, and buyers have difficulty In execut
ing their Orders.
J. H. Meredith Co.. Worcester Huslnes
continues on retail lines, the inquiry be
ing rhieily mot out of merchants' stocks
but 85 pockets of growers' hops passed the
sealee last week. There has been a smsll
demand for choice arades. but none of
these can be found, while useful mediums
are scare and maintain late rates. Prices
for the lower qualities are depressed.
Bernard Blng writes from Xuremtrurg
under date of May 1 on German conditions:
The plant haa wintered well and work In
our hop yards haa started already. Our
market continues rsxher active, aa Eng
land seems to take advantage of our low
prices. Stocks are retting smaller every
day and choiceat goods are scarce. If con
sumption during tne bummer months keep
up. there will hardly be any stock Wt to
be taken over Into the new season- Prices
are unchanged. -
Light Demand for all Grain la I ooal
Th grain market were alow yesterday.
There were some offerings of club wheat,
but the demand waa not brisk. Th slump
In barley at San Francisco took away some
of the strength of th local market. Oata
wr ateady.
Local receipts. In cars, were reported by
the Merchant Exchange aa follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay
Mar 32-28 4 . . l g 2f
May 24... 5 g 4 2 1
May 25 S 4 2 9
Total last week. IS 4 52 8 23
Decline In City Creamery Market to :4-4
Although butter 1 none too plentiful In
the local market, the easier tendency In
other markets ha brought prices down
here, and today th city creameries will
put out quotation at 2fiA cent, a decline
of lVi cent While production Is belter
than It waa earlier In the season. It Is not
up to normals owing to the poor pasturage.
The egg market held steady. Receipts
were light and tha local demand fair.
There wa a good Inquiry for chickens
and moat kind of poultry and prices war
Oregon Fruit Bring I1rm Prices Plenty
of Southern Produce.
Strawberry arrival were lighter than
expected yesterday and the market on
locale wa firm- Oregon berries sold for
the most part at 12.75 to 11.2S per orate.
California berries brought 11.30 per crate.
Other fruit moved well at former "prlcea
Car lot receipts were heavy and Included
three cars of bananas, on car of lemons,
two cara of oranges, two cars of cabbage,
one car of mixed Sacramento vegetable and
one car of cauliflower. The latter will be
hauled today and will sell at 13.00.
Hood River Berry Shipments.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. May 26. (Special.)
b-eventy-nve crates of berries went out to
night. The Increase today was not as large
as was expected, owing to cloudy weather
and showers during the night. The quo
tation for berries Is unchanged, tha ship
ment going out today at 15.
Hop Contracts Filed.
OREOON- CITY. Or, May 26 The fol
lowing hop ron-.rarts have been Bled In th
office of County Recorder c. E. Ramsby:
J. B. King, of Barlow, to Carl Climati
. o.. or New York. .VXH'. pounds at 9 cent
per pound; James V. ErK-kson, of Aurora,
to UHman Co, 4UO0 pounds at 9 cents,
and Martin I- Rud. cf Aurora, to tha asms
firm. 4i)0O pounds at 9 centa
Bank Clearing.
. Clearings.
Port'and tl.c.vm.-.j
Seattle ........... . 2. '".;; 1 2
T aroma .-, 1 w
Spokane DHT.JiO
rain. Floor. Feel
WHEAT Track prices: Blueatem milling.
1110 3135: club. 11.1031.;;; Valley. 11.17.
FLOL'R Patent. 16.23 per barrel; straight.
.: export. H T0: Vsikr. s iu;
,J ' whole wheat, aiuiwi. A-'. s.i
CCiH.N Whole. -411 per ton; cracked. Ill
per ton.
II A ft LET Feed. $SS per ton.
fl1i No. 1 a-ite. lvs41 per tea.
UILLfTtrpss Brao. 124 ir ton; mid
dlings, ill; shorts. l:lui:. chop, limit:
rolled barley. l:iV037
HAT Timothy. Wlllaraett Valley, lite)
Is Per ton; Eutero Oregon. Ill 442s;
clover. Ill b II; slfal'e. Ill u II. grain har.
little; cheat. llll; vetch. Iltalf It
T let. I. , is
FRE.H FKf-ITS Apples. Ilt?ia
box, Strawberries. Oregon. 2 7.Cfl2S
crate; Ca Ifomla. 11 JO ner rrsie: chet
II t 1.25 per box: gooseberries. Or per lb.
logantvrrtrs. Ill per crate.
POTATO K Ikying price. 117391 per
hundred: i.ew ' a.lf.ruia. IQtc per lo. ;
weet potaf ies. t'ic per pound
PATW V P" I t T 1 I ' T 4 Turnlil S t .
pound: pineapples. 14 io o 5 ter crate
ONIOX.f Hermuda. L.lSn Lit per crate
rea. - per Mrs.
VFjiETACLEj Artichoke. ey.CTSc
asparagus. 7 S 12'" per lb; nii I"- ll
15c: cat.hage. 11 1 2 s O pe r found; rsu.i
flower. 11 per crate, cucumbers. 40c ij
I 2't per dozen: lettuce. botrious. 7S
wll.OO per box. lettuce, head. Z ji:" per
dosen: .onions. 11SU1SC per dosea. parsley.
15c per dosen; peas. 7c per pouad. rad
ishes. 16c per d"sen. rhubarb. 2St3c lr
pound: spinach, Coc0!l; tomatoes, Maxi
CKQ, 11.75 per crate.
Dairy and Cwaustrr Tisguia
BUTTER City creamery extra. 24He:
fancy outside creamery. 25w4ie per
lb; store. lc Butter fst price aver
age 1 ' rents per pound under regular bat
ter prices
E'iOrt Oregon ranch. 23f24o per dosen.
POULTRY Hens. lOOlnic; broilers. 2
eJXOc: fryers. 22025c; roostera lOc: docks.
Kfiisc; reese. italic: turkeya to;
squabs. lrs0fl per dosen.
CHEESE Pull cream twtna IT 9 IT Vie
per pound: Young America, ltltc:
California, 119 17c
PORK Fancy, loo per ponnd-
VEAL Extras, go per pound; ordinary,
Te; heavy, 6c.
Groceries. Dried Fruits. Et.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. uie per lb.:
peacbee, 74 0Sc; prunes. Italians. Sgl'te;
prunes. French. 4'jc; curranta unwashed,
cases. Ilc; curranta washe-L rases, locj
figa whits fancy, 50-ib, boxes, owe; datea
SALMON Columbia River. I-lb. tslla
12 per dosen; 2-lb. talis. lil: 1-pound
Bate, 1'ilOS: Alaska pink, 1-pound talla
woe; red. 1-pound tails, 1.45; sockeyes. 1
pound tails. 12.
COFFEE Mocha. 249 24c; Java, odrlnary,
17s20c; Costa Rlrs. fsncy. good.
16a lc; ordinary. J2ttl6c er pound.
NUTS Walnuts. 12tfl3c per pound by
aack; Braxll nuts. 16c; alberta 15c; peanut a
7c: almonds. 11914c; chestnuts. Italian,
lie; peanuls. raw, lkc; plnenul. 10s Us
hickory nuts. 10c: cocoaruta leOc per dosen.
SUOAR Oranulated. le.t5; extra C. 15 55;
golden C, 15.45; fruit and berry sugar. 14 05;
Honolulu plantation. fine grain. 14 OO;
plain bag, 15.&S: beet granulated. 15 5:
cube (barrel!, 14.45; powdered (barrel!
16 30. Terms: on remittances within 15
daya deduct 4e per pound; It later than IS
days and within X daya. deduct tc per
pound. Maple sugar. 153 18c pr poundT
SALT Uranulated. 13 per ton. 11.WO per
bale; half ground, 100a 17 50 per ton; ftos.
Is per ton.
BACON Fsncy, 22c per pounds standard.
lc: choice, lfcc; English. ISti 17r.
dry salt. 13Sc: smoked. 14Vc; short clear
becka. neavy dry salted. 13Vc; smoked.
14 St; Oregon exports, dry salted. 14c;
smoked. ISc.
HAMS lu to IS lba. 16c: 14 m is vk.
16c: 18 to 20 lba. 16c: ham, eklnneci
picnics, ue; cottage roll, 3c; shoul
ders. 11c; boiled hama 229 23c; boiled pic
nics. lic
LARD Kettle rendered: in. 15c; 8a
15Se; Standard pure: los 14c H 5a 14e:
Choice: los. 18c; Sa llttc Compound:
10a "e: &a He.
SMOKED BEEF. Beef ton sues. each.
Oc; dried beef seta lc: dried beef out
side. J 7c; dried beef Inside, 2Io; dried
beer knuckles. 20c
PICKLEU GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet,
113; regular tripe. HO; honeycomb trips,
12; pigs- tonguea 119 SO.
BARRELED MEATS Mess beef. Ill per
bsrrel; plate. 114 per barrel; family. 114
per ban-el ; mess pork. 120 per barrel; bls
ket. 122 per barrel.
Hops, Wool. Hide. Els.
HOrS 1009 contracts. loo per lb ISO,
crop. IJII.e: 19U7 crop.. 4a5t. lv crop.
WOOL Eaatern Oregon, 17 9 22o par
pound: Valley. One. 25B25e; medium. 2Jc;
coarse. 21c.
MOHAIR Choice. 14 01So par pound.
HIDEd Dry hides. No. 1. liwi;0 lb :
dry kip. So. 1. lSyHo pound; dry caif.
skin, lljllc pound; sailed hldea edlfec
sslted calfskin, lllio pouad; green. 1
I'URsi Vo 1 skins: Angora goat. It ta
125: badger. 25w'0: bear, lie 20. bearer.
14 509 8 50; cat. wild. 75Oll5'; cjusar.
perfect head and ciewa I31ti. nsher. daric.
I7 50jtll; pale. Ittou;; fox. cross. II
to 15; fox. gray. OOuVie; fi. red. 119 5;
fox. silver. 135 to tloo- lynx. Iiu 15;
marten, dark. tt,12: mink. IS 5o olio;
mu-krat. 1525: otter. 12-5004: rsreoon,
otiTSc; sea otter. lloo2lo as to else and
colon skunks. f.lO'.Oc: civet, cat. la 15c;
wolf. Ubl; coyote. Tic U 1 1 21 . wciverlse,
dajrk. lao5: Wolverine, pale 12 3 2 50
CASCAR A BARK per pound. centa
Prlraa Current locally ss CattU. Sheen aa4
' ' Hogs.
Th hog market waa strong yesterday
and higher prlcea wars paid for fancy of
ferings Tbe aupply of all klnda of hoga
haa for some time, been below local re
quirements. Cattle were dull and prlcea
were weak- Sheep were steady at last
quotations. Receipts yesterday were loo
cattle and 107 hog.
Lat aalea at the yarda Included 259
steera averaging In weight 114 pounds at
15 1 PS; 84 cattle. 7s9 pounds. $4; 44 steera
1175 pounds. 5 4; 24 cowa U.17 p junds.
14 5; 2 steers. 1175 pounds. 14 75; 131 cowa
79 pounds. 14.50; lot steers. 1145 1 ounds.
5-2; 43 steera 1317 pounda 15 25- 6
cows. 1212 pounda 14 SO; g bulla 1400
pounda H 25: 0 bulla 13S0 pounds. IS- 14
cowa 816 pounda 14 lo; 1 bull. 140
pounds. 13; 3 calves. 104 pounda 15 25 "3
hogs. 184 pounds. 17.85.
Local prices quoted at the yards yesterday
were as follows:
CATTLE Steera top. 15 25 8 3 50; fslr to
good. 14 75 0 5: common to aood. 94 a I So
cows. top. 14 25uv.Vi. fair to .od. .i 7&o)
4.2; common to medium. 12 Sotf.t ao- cs'vesk
top. 15u5&0; heavy. 13 5ofi4. bu.l an'd at'a7
U'u3 5": common. 12i2 75
HO.-1S Beat. 17.HO7S: fair to good.
T2.-,e70; Blockers. 1UQ650; China rata
16 75ii7.oo.
SliEKP Top wethers. 4ftn: ralr to
good. l35o4: tm. vc less on all grades;
yearlings, best. H 5: fair 10 good, I4d4 25'
Spring lambs. Ioti5.50.
Eastern, Livestock -Markets.
K AN A A CITY. May 26. Cattle Receipts,
S-. Market, steady to weak. Native steers.
!" 257. 00. native cows and rtrer. $.1 -te
6 75. stokers and fee-iers. li.2T.04K5; bull.
1.1 5""fil 25; calves 14.4(4 SO; W eetem ateers
15 4'ii.75: Western ces. at7ftu5.25
Hogs Receipt. riia'l. litilk of
em ea 4 leer7.35: heavy. 17.2i-Si7.40: pa -kers
and but.oiers. 17.0wa7 38; light. 167imi7.15;
pigs, 15.5u0 75.
fheep Ke.u"A "ono. Ifte higher. Muttons
:.(" 6 BO; limhi. KV1 5; wether and
yrariings. 14.75q7.5Q: ees. 14.25B6 2u.
CHICAOO. May 26 Cattle Estimate re
ceipts 5oo. Market. 5- lower. H.eves 15 lofe
7 I": Texas steers. 14 75n r .15 ; W estern e. eers.
14 75fj625: st .-.'kers and feeders. 3.6'vfr5 titr;
cows and heifers. 12 5oti6 4o; calves. :,ri.
Hrtgs Estimated rec-ipts. Market.
bare:- steady. Lvrht. dlsii7.35: mixed 17 05
l7 5o: heavy. !7loj7 .W ruh. 17 1fj7 25;
g.tod to choice heavy. !7 2.j7 55: pigs, 15 90
V bo k of sales 17 .25 7 4.1.
Sheep Estimated receipts. 10 (.. Market
strvirf. lic higher. Native, 14"'-f4 6n; West
em. 14.234 75: year'insw. 1V2".:7 40; lambs
native,; Western, 14 5otl9 6S,
OMAHA. May 26 Cattle Receir's r.;Of.
5farket. eteedy. Western reers. 1.1 lofl; 2:
T-xas steers. 11. Oi 5 ft." : cows snd belters.
i n5.So: earners. 12 tl 4.Cv s'ockers and
feelera ltfi5 65; ca'ves. l-t2'.o7 23
ll"t I'.e.-elp-s. 1I.3-0 5c higl-er. Heavy.
lT-2-uT4f': mixed l.gM. 11 .;
7 25; pigs. 14.75t;65u; bu.k of $7.v
shee-p Receipts. 1 wo Ft-ady. Tearllng.
15 bf-i lamba 17 25(18 15.
CsnTes sad Ausrar.
NEW TORK. May 26. foffe future
closed steady, net unchanged to 3 points
higher. Havre was net unrhsnged to
franc lower. Sales Iocallv were only 4 VH
baga Including Mar. at 7 lOc; July. 6.,4-;
June. 6.s-c: September. 8V; October and
I c err her. S9ic: March, got-. Spot, quiet.
No. 7 Rio. 7fec: Santos. No 4, gittec
Mlld. quiet. Cordova. Hlltc.
Putir Raw. steady: fair renntn. A42c;
centrifugal. 96 test. 8 92c; molasses sugar.
17c. Refined, steady. Crushed. s Wc;
powdered. 5 i'c ; suajiulaiad. i ) 1 11 -
11.7s; horsersd:sn. luc pes' pousd.
TKOP1CAL S HLITS Oranges. uatrela fl ITS
13 :i per box. lemons, II Utit: grape fruit,
e-t &0 o 4 t.r box: bananas, ft -a B as par
United States Steel Continues
to Advance.
Annount-cmr nl of Hill and Itarrt
man Acrrr-rncnt for srotnl V of
Trsyrk Il-iice-n I 'or t land sad
Tacoma Ilond Irrrnlar.
NEW TORK. May 2 United slates
Steel today fo,wed the dal.y custom It
baa established now for mors than a week
of selling at a rew hlin reesrd an each
successive dsr Teeterday and today the
addition o tha record baa besn only v,
srd today thia ! acrompttshed only on
the opening sales After thai las pries
moved with lbs rest of the market ts
lower Isvela
Moat or the proceedings of the dsy st
the stock exchange consisted In trading to
P.esdlng or la watching lbs transactions
In thaf atock. which overshadowed the
whole market and sleighed on it with de.
pressing effect. The high price at sblrB
Reading has sold relative to Ite Income
yield hss besn pointed .out errtsn by those
skeptical of Ita nsa. but follower sf th
movement have given aa aa answer th
expectation of an Important deal In tha
property, which would redound to the bene
fit or atoekhoidera
Announcement waa made, with aorae tm
preseivenaae. of the agreement between the
lllll and Harrtmaa Interesta for th lolnt
use of ths Northern Pacific tracks between
Tacoma and Portland and the Importance
of ths agreement ss guaranteeing against
future lavaalon of each other's territory by
these giant railroad forces waa dwelt upon
with some ostentation. Coupled with this
announcement wsa ona that K H. Hsrrl
msn had mads hi last visit to his office
f'or . nl departure for Europe on June
I- The snnouncement failed to Ur a
rlppl in the market- '
A lively epeculation In copper Industrial
abroad reeulted from the condition from
th metal trade, but New York coppers
wera unresponsiva Tha break in tha
prlc f wneat was equally without' Influ
ence on atocaa.
Bonds were Irregular. Total eslea nar
v.lua 13 .-.242.000 ' United state. bono.
wr oacnugx'd on call.
CLosiNo trrocic QUOTATIONS.
Am Hide a L, pfd r-sj 41L 4 S4-
Am Ics See s 3 -J
Am looruottv. . . l.lss n. f,; t; "
Am Smelt et Kef. 7, 1-J fcvj. 92 w 92 V
d- Jfd lis
Am rgar Ref... !. liiw ai
Am Tel a Tel l.7. 1.1, i.isii i.v.i
Am Tobacco prd.. 1.1 j.i 1...
Am Woolen 2. 34 I4 S4
Arac Mining Co. ale 51 Sou fe-Si
Atchler tT..,
do pfd . I.,, H,t
At LIB,.. l.w l2Ti 127
l.- U 111 J14
do ifd ;-. Hi. 1,4 1,4
Pethlehem Steel .. rjsi , vl - -
Rro-,k!vn R T 5.. 7s, 7s 7e
Can Pacific 3.s Una, I74 179
Central Leather .. 2 2i jvw
1' Pfd ,., l.4u 1.1 1, j
Central of X J... 1 jvvZ jw -w' A Ohio l.o 7w 7: J its
Chicago a A. too.. 3 11 To m-l
crio lire Western 7 00 4 s; 4 1"
Chicag.. a N W j,,
c-c cVstl::::.:?0 ,as .
Colo Fuel a Iron i4 41 - ioii '
Colo a boutnern.. S4' 4V at-Z
do is prd
do 2d ptd
C-nsollds-e-i OSLS. i 14iC, 142V. 141
com l-ro-iucts ... 1.4-st sasj 21 n'l
I-i a Hudson. M w luit- hii:
"" '-entral ... 14 s lea 144U
lr.i Main villas . le . lav I5S i w
. do pM 1 jis ns 44 44
Inter Harvestar .. 1 ' ai - saix at4
Inter Marine pfd.. 3W 14- j4 w -1
Inter l-aper ,7
Intsr Pump 400 4m, seat
"" Central . S.O Jit. i giw
K ' Southern tVl 4. 44-s, 4f
do pfd 400 ;i tj 7t
Ixvutevii.e a N". .. ea - u lxs- l.a,
M.nn a St I-ch.-.s. . si ts ae,v Uw
M St P a ste M UT
Missouri l aoxfic. 2 ss 74 71S 73s
M K a T 6.1W) 421 41V 41
P'i 71
National IHscail 1H4
Natlonl Isl ... lloO TV 14 Is 9-.v
Nat Rrs of Meg
1st 'pfd .sii
M Y entral .ot l.wils I .,
V T. Ont a Wast 40 e.- 44'-
Norfolh a W (.1 1,1 ' ai
North Amerlcaa.. sl M S3 h
Northern Pacific.. 12.1 1" 144 1444
pacific Mail 1 .V) mv
pernsrlvan'.a 4 1.344 1A4 4 154-
I'eop.e, oas .... eo 114k, 1 v . 1 1 .4 tZ
I' C a St L-.. 3. 92 vz VI
I'te.sed Steel ' sr 42 42 4 1 S.
I'u.lrrsn I'al Car. 4' 11,, s iss
Rr Sleel Spring.. & 4 4a4 4it4
Reading 14 ') l.4l ll.V, 154V
Republic Fleet l.a4 29 24 2a
do pf-1 400 b st
Rock Island Co 16 .. Il H ai H
do prd 2.7s 70 ta s uS
ft L a 8 F 21 Pfd 441,
Ft Is Southwestern I 7's t 27v
do r'd 67 4V. v artvs
atoes-ShefreH ... 4'" (-2V, i 41V
S-MUhern Paclflo.. 11.1" 122 V 122V 122W
- pfd l'O 124 1 24 1 25
Fouthern Railway. 4.9' M ' s'i
do pf1 7 Hb, hl.4,
Tenn Copper 7'" 41 S 41 4"'
t.i.s a Pscinc 1 4.0 xti m -l-s
T. st 1. a w-.... ' .-vo k t.z br-s
do pfd 7oo er. ea s is.
tVilon Pacific ... 8.l" 1S, 1-4 1""
do pfd 400 - 9;t 97 fii
V S Realty Mk
U F Rubber. .-. ..,
U S Steel 64 SOO 41 v, SJO14 v,
o pfd 1.900. lies Ha Ho';
Utah Copper 1 is-rt MVs vs, a..
Vlr Csrollna Oem 1 N'S 4"k 4U
W shei rs-si -os JoC "
do j.'d l.eo, f,2S MS 51 s
West Marvtaad .. ISOts, 70 ls
It'e-t l-:.-trle ... e74 S2'x 2"4
IVossm I'nlon .. 4 75, 75 75 ls
IV a lAke Ert in'i
W is Central 400 57 H f.T H7 4
.Total sale for th day. 522. 400 sharea
NEWT TORK. My 21 Closing quotations:
V. F ref 2s reg 1'iiv, N T C O .'... 9S
do couKn .... IOI ' North pacific Be. 74
V. H. Its reg. . . . 101 sjNorth I'acinc 4s.lr2S
do coupon .... 1 r2 union Iaclflc 4a.lt2'w
T F new 4e reg 1 IsSs'Wlscon Cent 4a.. Ir. s
do coupon. .. .121 'Japanese 4 94
D a R U 44 97S! - 7
Stocks a
laONTVON. May 24
s,1: do for account.
Anaconda 1 0
At. t.Ls-n Ills
t Issdsa
Consols for
N T Csntral.
Norfik a West
do pref
Ont a West. . .
Pennsylvania .
Hand Mines...
Southern Ry..
. . k.t
. . o
.. SO
. . 1
.. 0
. . 72
. . lOO
. . 2S
. . 2..V
. . 1.1
.. 96V,
do pref I07 V,
1 IT
Pacific .
.. 794,
. . 5
. .15' V
- - 14 V
Chi Grt West.
c M a 8 P
1 S pee
t, a o
, do pref
South pae!4o..
lUnlon I'acinc.
do rrf
'U F Steel
do peer......
W a t.s n
do pref
do pref
34 V
do 1
lin '
rr. . .
. 51
. 2fs
111 Central
. 1 :.o
.141 S
. 2
La N....
Mo K a T
Spanish 4s ... .
Amal Copper..
Mosey. F-grhattga, F.t.
LONDOS. May 26. Car silver Quiet,
2lssl per ouncs.
Maney ltlH per rent.
The rate of discount In the open market
foe short bl.ia is 1 s t I S l-r cent: do for
three months bllla 1 '-4 J 1 S per cent.
NEW TORK. May 26 Money on rail
Easy. 1 per rant: ruling rate. IV per
cent: nosing bid, 1 V. per cent; offered at
2 rer cert
Time loans FfosoT. but very dull;
dsya 22-v P-ev cent: 9" days, :,I14
per cent, s-T rntnLbs. X e g 44 per cent
Prime m . a n 1 1 Is ps r 4 per rent
ilng exchsnga alieady. wlih actual
Sales. 11 eh li,. t. h
Allls-Chalmer pfs 4.., Zll 6,
Atrial Copper 22.1... Ms M
Am Agrlcu.tural.. ft,-) g, . j..-
Am Reet nuisr.. .-j 5H Jl 2 j;i!
Am Can pro i.r,ej m ,. h,J
Am Car a P.... ir-, 54 . 55.;
Am Cotton 011 1 m .
V. pfd 2,,, ;
Tisti;.ers Ses 1 Is-O 411- 401; 4,,;
trie .,. s, XI , It
do .1st r'd IM) 61V 4V'S f'1
do 2d rf l - 41 40 Z
Oensral F-iectrte . 5..1 JSj.t, lrti l'Z
",rt Noe-hera pfd. Sie.) I47v I4n 144?
'irt Nor Ore (V... x.ev tt:. - .1 -,
bes'nese la baakersr bills at i Mil
4 sewso for 6a-aay bina. and st 14 : for
'ommereisl Ml! s 4 1 li f 4 444.
liar silver 52SC-
Meslcss dsliars 4 4a
loads Ooveromeat. steady; railroad. Ir
regular. AM FRANCtaco. May 24 Silver kara
Mssieaa doiisrs 47c
I-rarte Blglit IS'i Islegrsph. lc
Sterling on London so dera llMa;
s;ht. 14 .
lsMr Ti.sssry aasieasssu
WAHINT-vr May 2 Tods, e stals.
meal of the Treasury bslassres snewe
tl..:d emn and bu.ltoa l ill 11
e".d ceriincstee . ............. S i 14
Available cash bslascs lls;5i7
tersest Prwll as New lsrL
VEW TORK, Msr 2 Evaporated apples,
"rmer but unchanged. rsnry. a -s to c
'"""; '"'V; like, eommea I
fair. Sa5c-
No fsrthsr btMiSsas sf rarteisears Is
rwoeved la spot poin-s. sst tne lose e4
the market Is flns, wlta O u t loos rsngtsg
from - -s Its USe for 4'alir .rnis fruit afs4
from 6 is 9c for taregoas. J.t.a-e te 20-sa
Autleuli, quiet. choice. loot,e vt.
Ira cbolos. lo-OVr. fancy, lis lie.
Pssvckes. ea.,, males, a)Ve, extra
Choice. sVc; fancy. 7Sc
Raisins are Arm. Loose muscat si. Is 9
le; choice to fancy sesdcsl. 4V0Vr
aedsd.. Il4; Loadsa laysra, lll
x 30
rnosPERors yeaii roit sion.
now corvrv ghowers.
Pprinc Turn -off of Rcock trT-rr-tl
to Dorrn .Wool Clip 1)1.
posd Of.
HBPPNEH, .Or. Msy , iFc-sui -The
vseP and wool traffic la thia seotio of lbs
aa Is fast drawing 10 a close Thia Speia
" been a proeperusis araeoa lor the ensep-p'n-
ahd if there la plenty of late ralna ta
prodooe shimmer range lb year will go
down a a record -breaker.
Nearly all of the growers nave sold their
wool and delivered lteir Spring turn-off of
aheep. They have had aa Idea Spring for
raising lambs and their loss from ring
has bee so at sot that It la Impess b.s to
R- F. Rlrknsll waa tha heaviest buyer
this 8rtne. having bought and shltne4 50
cs-s. or about 14 '"TO srssep Mr. Hlckaell
shipped v-me to Nebraska and lbs remainder
to I Isha is Summer rsnis. M. F Pussier,
of O.'ford. Monl., seilppeal about ll.Ora. F.
. Oxman shipped 7s to Idaho rangee: Rea
pro, of Forsythe. Mont., ivssv. and (.raves,
of C.ssrmool, W yo.. Has). The last of the
sheep wlU go forward on Msy 29. shea Mr.
(txmsa will load a train of 1 ears for lltim.
Ingtoa. These sheep wilt be grasesl near
that place during the Fummer and marketed
la Chicago ibis Fall.
Csllfes-als Frwll Nesrles-test U th Fsallls
KATTLB. W'ase. . u ? ih-i. v
Orsrns her -i.e were sboul the on V bseries
offering la this market today. Shipment
cons ivffsa aggregates about 19sj rvatea.
The fruit waa in loissi e.t - ' .
SI lOO OB 4 to 4 BO for tbe Dee etor. N 4
a reals of the Orswos bsmes sec ten. abl e
several hundred boae of California ataxk
wees unsolsk
Potatoes wees weak lodav Mi ...... 1
sales were made aa low as 4A
Cweurabers drotped Is ll 25 today.
loultry ts very soarre (iond bsna sr.14
as high ss ) rsBta Eggs were a Itua
Pricea Paid fee riedms la Us Bsy City
A! FR AMCIf-r. Mar td. The follow
ing prices were quoted ta lba aroduc mar
ket todayl
Onions Red. 11 1 Is.
xin .tuffs urate 12s50)Oi as id d nags.
Ill at 15
Potatoes Oregon Hurbsnka. 11 250 ltd;
Faunas Hurbsnka nominal , sweets, s)
Vegetsbles Hothrvee ruewml--era goeysnc;
garlic, tac; green pees. 1120125: tnng
beena ic. lomatoea. tlausjlll; egg
piant. Sue. s s
Hutter creamery, use; creamery
seconds, s fcc ; fancy dairy. f4So.
Poultry Itoostera e.d, 1IQ5. young.
12. br -tiers. smell. I: 41, brslWest.
targe. 10434; frvsrs 140 ; 50 rers 12.)
14. darks old llf IM: young II a
Fge Stone, 14c. fsncy tench, lie.
4 heese New. 12 15c; Tsuag America.
1SS w 1444
Wool South Plain ad ass Joaquin,
llf 1't; Mountslr. 4 0 11c. .xesada. liaise
Her Wheat. 1I9 71. wheal and teala
11'tM; alfalfa. u II. etoea. Ie; bar
ley. Ills 14. straw, i-e r bale. s-it e
Fruits Apples,,- 11 BO; rsmraoa.
40e. basasaa TV1I limes. 14 t ;
lemona chotca 11. comrswsaa 11; oraageek
$10 2 71: plnsspplea aom lb si
Receipts Flour. 6971 recks; wheat Wed
reatsle; barley. IO ua rentals; oata 4341
rentsia; beana, loo sacks: corn 110 rea
lale. solsloef. 2o aacbs; brsn. Wto sras
mtddllnga 325 easrks; bay. 4IO lone- wool.
49 bales, hides. 4a
leva Mlaiag Msrka.
ay 24 v1oaiBg auotaUaTis :
. . 9 ;vioni c a c s5
.. 40V,.V,v.,l.
. . 11 v o.d iKimlnlon... 54 V
. . 11 , ,j
.. 9 V Kervol 3J.
.. 2ns UJIBrf sv
. ,l"ll -hannon ........ 14
Adventure . . .
Arts -m.
llutte Ooal...
( si a Am...
(si a n is..
Centennial . . .
Copper Range.
Italy Weet.
sei lamaraca ...... 701
2S Trinity U
. - 4
1 nuei rnsssr. . II V
aa r s vi ' 1 .
.. Ms u on...;;;;;; 3J
.,J4 Utah in.
Oreene Cansn.
Isle Royals .. .
Mass Mining. .
Michigan ....
4 los Victoria j,
. . 21 S vvinon
.. 1)V Wolverine 147
9 Norm Hutte... bt
, 61 i
NEWT TORK. May 2d nosing quotations:
A lice 2O0 M.oadv!!!e -n . 41
Brunswick Con. 6 'l.llll. Chief..... 7
Com Tun stock. 7 Mexican ........ 77,
do bonds 17 itintarlo .......37i
f C a Va n2 uphlr -.
Horn Silver 1 Standard 175
Iron Silver 120 IV.lltiw Jacket... 56
' Mesal Msr.e4a
." XEW TORK. May 2 Tha Lnsa ti
market waa higher today with spot quoted
at 132 12e 4Vd and futures st ilax 12s ad.
Locally the market waa dull with spot
quoted at 29 0 29 50c.
"opper w as over II higher In th London
market with spot quoted at 141 is 4d and
futures at 41 lie Id locally the market
wee flrm and genersily little higher wlh
lake quoted si 13 550 1140c; e. -1 mlv-tio
st 11 o 11 25c. snd castlrg at 11 47 s
13 12 Vc.
Th I-ondon lead market waa lower at
fix la fed. locally iha market remained
firms and price wer a hd higher st
4 15 4)4 40.
Spelter as unchanged at 123 ta London
Locally th market waa arm at 5 15 a
5 20c.
Tha local Iron market waa unchanged
Ikalry pTedsus ta ths Fast,
CHICAOO. May 24 nutter ateady.
Creameries. 22 S 4f 25c: dairies -0 0 24c
Eggs steady at mark, cases Included,
JV; nrvta - v C ; prime flrsta 21 He
Cheese Firm. Ialslee. 1i01S4c
Iwlna ia6)HSx-: oung Americas 11.
0 1Vc; long horaa Has 114 a
NWPr TORK. Mr 2 Rotter let sad y
with good trade; prtree uncharged
Cheess and eggsSteady; unchanged.
Near Tsrk Cot tea Market.
NEW TORK. May C r-otloa etpo
rloeed quiet- Mld-upiande. II 65c; mid
Ouif. Iltse-. No ss es
i-'oiton future rtosed steady Mar 11 Ar
June. 1112c: July. 11c: Anivt,' IKsV'
Seplsmher. lalsr: October. o Skc Novem
ber. 10 Sic: Lsecerr l-sr. 10 c. Jaasarv
10 12c. March, 10 47c ''
West si l lasnia
T LOCI 4. May 26 ITosI Firm Ter
ritory and Western mediums 254flvc- nna
mediums. 220:
r; Ins. lcw21c
Rs'-o The mammo4h nsw bulldirg eat ths
CT.Srlee Rrver1 In t ambrtdge. In sllrl rye
sroeid's skss seed lesuher fair wi.l be re. 4 is
J u. r. wee thrown ope 11 has
a l-al rioor ;sea ( 15o.tes feel aad m.J
aocvmrnodsis 1 1 peop.a.
Heavy Selling Orders Break
PriCvS at Chicago.
llcarlsh Krwllnc Iw 9o favorable:
'i-op Wfsallkrr 1st Thia Coaairf
and llaropr Tradlnf la
Xo.4 AH Day.
CHICAOO. Mar t TW. w heat w.arhst
failed today la naaintaia Ita recsrd-breskieg
pars sad pr-Vces decliaed sa liberal real!
lag sales. Al lbs rises prices wees a sAada
la 1 below yssterdaya rises
saarked lha tradrag.
rrtcee fluctuating aver a rsage sf I sa
;c Aitseatn ball lesders task a great deal
of wheel sa soft spots, easel a eaarw rallies,
seatifrssal la lha pit was mrl-ned la a
bearish and aa every baiga lba pit was
flooded with eetllng orders, ths sseesjtlsa
of whloo brosstki absul quick decltaea
The May aad Jaly deUvsrksa dfcsplsrwd lba
greatest wssbaesa. although the taller sp
ites regained much sf the ise grown and
rloeed only Sc y e below lha Baal fig arse
as tha pre vvows dev May. hewevwr. se. oared
a net loss of is for ths dsr
weather roadltlsaa Additional ralna wars
reported la Souihera K seal a aad sthsr asc-
I one of Europe, where t he crop waa la aesd
of moisture, and ta lha United Ftales wet
weather wss qulla general la lba wheal
ben tearing ths day May sold aastweesi
II II and lllly aad July belwesa 11.14 s
aad 11.114. The tnsrket closed heavy with
Mar at 11 Its and July at 11 ITS-
Tha com marks waa weak lbs eattra
day. Al the ekes prtma wera aff Se f
compared with yesierday Baal q uote
tlena Msy being at 71Se aad July al TsSa
Liberal realising aalea rauaed a slums
ta tha pries sf ssta tha market being weak
ihrewhssl lbs set tire aa Tha mark el
closed a I most at the lowest so lat ant a
prices off Se 10 lic May as4ag a lla
aad Jaly at 14 Sc
Pro visions were strong all day. Prices
al ih close wees ap a is II Sa aom pared
with ths previous close
The leading futures rasgsd as fallows:
Open. High lw. fleas.
Mar tins 11I 11 It tins
'"If Ill I 114 I ll ins
Sept 1 is I 11, 1 e 1 is
lta lets tI lets
Msy TIS .7I' .74 TIS
Juir .?s ""a 'S
Se.l 44 II, 4 7 S t4
le 4IS S -Us .US
Msy .! lis ' 4t .t
July...... Its -51 S ll 14 S
Sept 41 41 .IIS .44 S
!e 4IS US ll 41s
Msy till ! II 7 111
July lvn issa till list
Sept 1114 111 1411 11IS
Mae. 1t ist 111 IIMS
July 10 41 lSSTS 115 4llk
Sepi ie:s Ilia lilt 1104
IHOR7 Rtna
Msy 1411 I4I7S lll HITS
July tens lilts
S-ept I lS 4 I ITS 14 IIS
t ash qootatsoae Wer aa follies:
Fioar Firm.
lts Ns I. 17a
Pefier Feed sr ante
Is choice malting. 74 0 1
eg. 7tTtS: fair
Flex seed .X. 1 eoslkssnsts, 11.71; Ka
1 Northwestern. II ft
T.motby ml tl a
Clover 14 444.
'" Mess, per barrel. Ill l.
srd l-er ISS pswasls. lis us
Il'Vj's' rl d'des llosHl, 1I1IIS
Sides Fhort. riser Ibosed). lllTltll
ilraia statissles
Total rieersnoss of wheal sad rear wees
equal is 1:4 see basheie rnmsry receipts
-rs bssheta. sssasnsrwd wllh 41s
see aosy.s.e lh rotto ra.i ' o star a rear
aa The wervde is is supply, ss show
ty BtW.-ren a lectevM I SIT 44 9-u.t.els
Mtliatlel reeeipta for Isaorrse: W best,
f rw core. cars; aala ill aarau kase.
:i. Used ssewu aogs.
erstfis ktpereata
.. 44 404
4 see 4S It
. .714 ,.1 (.es
II Lee ji is
- 1 --s
.. ii.asi .:
rowr. barrels .
Wheat, bwehesia.
Corn, btasne.e...
4eta, boshs.e..,
Itve. lushes . .
llerley. bushele
Crafa aad read awe, al Nee Tsrk.
Nirw TOHIC. Ms, san,...
' s'1- e. ports 414., jit .ad arm
Wheel Hece-r-ta oo. ex porta Ss Ooo.
PaA-J"'. r?- -i -o-
rd- aomtnel fab. stoat Ns 1
northern Imluth. Ill f s b sKosI- No S
bard Winter. l 4s fab aost" Ths
" h" snarhei wss esirsmey nasetfed to
dee aad at tines erv weak, aadeg uqol
delloa and short eel lag. . hssrlet,
home snd foreign Weather new Mev
I US; rsscsmber, nil
Hops, wool sad pet rol earn Steady
Hide Firm-
41 rah aa sksa r-rssii.i
AN r-RA.VCiacO. Mar 14 Wh .al
l's rlsy "raster
IP-tt Quotstlone-
ivhesi Rhunng. 11 101 is per rental
millsng. ismoito
H.r .y r 1. nsa).7a par reatal;
brewing. Illist IWi
T-T-as..,-w,M P"T catiial: wh.ta
I1ISI: black, nominal.
Call board sales-
Whest No trsdlng.
Msr. ey May. 11 aa, per rental bid . It 71
asked; December 11
corn Largs y.Uow. 11 700171 per rea-
Kngllsh cosntry market, arm; Preach
country market, quiet,
MVrr-00. MaJT4 Wheat July a
V irP'-m-r- a IVd. iMoatet. as
d ealher. rain.
TACOMA. Wash. Mar 3 Wheat Mill
ing: Mtueetera, 1 1 I l, club. Ilia kl
H'ot ,"-,,,m c'ab. 11 14. rwd.
Wasal at aeslllsv.
"y.ATTI.E. Wash, May S4 No milling
Ouo-.sjlor a -export: itlueetem. 11 74 rwd
lltru; club, 1114 Rsceipi Wheat, 'three
cara, oat s. ona ear.
- (ssssej Is Avwllsbis lagaltsa
NEW TOKK. Mar 7 Special cable and
telegraphic r-.mraunlostjooe received br
hrwdstrests show tbe followtrg chsagss la
aval. able ssppllsa. as compared with pra
vloue accsuciia:
WTieal. tolled Si.-ee, east eg the
hoc ktea depressed j lr po
CS&ada rWe-eased 947 Ckjo
Total I -ruted r -alee and Caaada
drsssed .9-nrkV4
Afloat for and ta Rur-ops. decreased loulvfu
Total .merican and European
piy. decreased 1 SJ7.000
C rn. I n.ted slates and Canada
decreaee.1 UI.MI
' , ' " states aad Caaa la.
My rt le Point Soleool yna Yrar.
MARcHFlELn. Or.. May . fSp.
ciaL 1 Commencement exercises of th
Myrtle point school will b held
Thursday, eatar T. at Ih opers-hou.s
In that place, a rlaaa of J puplla will
complete the common school ronrss.
This la f h largest rlaaa la ths county.
Two pupils. Claude Fndlcott and r-al-ton
King, wtil graduate from lha llth
frads tUn Hi will graduate from
Karsp.aa (iraaa Mark sis.
IVDOV. May 14. Cargo-. bol
at-ady. Walla walla, on passage, ad lower,
at 4 4s ai
ISTational Bank
0)!Zt Jt J I. .-s!4l
1 .
si'- iv1' - ' k r-O I a
Oldaat Bemrtlc on Pskarino C3Xayt
I -- Saw.,., Accoarat aavi . c f r-.,,. I
Wa Uau Lsttasra af Craatll, Fas-sssr. DraU age, Traswssra' QitrVji I
omemm. pimcto-ls,
W. M. I-Arn. Pree'deat. irlnD tWHttMIHAK,
w. M. nt-xotijtT. caiw. t m a h i iT. J?" una
H. sV HOWARD. J H, Ass-t Caskler. w ehi.kt Lai iv,
U w. LAD Ex, Ac caakear. y--t r a' . e-e
WALT--II M, COOK. Assrt, Caskbsr. Trii.LHK T W IlIC.
It imam airainrt tJtuit, mod aad itrsst Bolsa.
It lcacfra a:aiat hpnreraa and fallina kor.
It taur acamst r racks, dialf-TaUon aad cosUt rplra.
It aaaur-M a sanilarr and darabla ilrtwt.
It aaaurM eonaciaouoai workmanAhip aad best tulariala.
It asaaxws Jwrftxrt Mtiafaelioa.
317 Back Btaildiiix, roarUaod. Or.
Ih l wo-year high school roursa The y
ars: Mabsl liaughton, CVctls Miller,
tiracw Michael, Kata lsbuberr. Clark
Ullea aad otto chtisldr.
Oiarlca Tirnrr, Cndrr Sasplrloa of
Praad. Make Threats.
BAN FRANCIftcrv Mar . Charlea
II. Turner, past grand secretary of th
Natlva fool of Ih Oolden West, la
arboaa acctfUata a diecrepsncr of orsr
o ts reported lo have been die.
cove red. aroused the inmates of Ma
horns early today with threat to kill
Ma wife aad himself. lie was suffer
ing from great eervou excitement, and
ass restrained with difficulty. Altor-
"r tv rv isrrtt wae cirM in r tr
issue tr.ivellers
checks, payable
everywhere. For
eign exchange
bought and e-old
at attractive rates
at all times.
kVl fA-.i-flfA(
t) 1 '
OAeflTAX. 91.000.000
- plvia and Profit. 9SOO.OOO
Turnsra so ,d th two .iiw
aal.tsd lha almost deen.ntsd man.
V ' st tha rsxvtrta- truss - - - .
r rtr, r-er.en.S Wt
TmivKLciir criosc
Jixtmburg ymcrican.
1 .a m I , . . ..
rrtlraat new iw.y 14 r. LlsesisisssUsss I
a Aa Vic kiri 'IsrsilUMsOssTll
e-e-rs, .vents J....S 3. Hi -c .... jJtJ ll
Rita tartiea a la cart. i.rix!
ITaA.L'Vr JUli sast!sss
S K4TAVIA IJtiws . July y
; vitkk f-J.i.. 14V. Ju.r ;
ItAklHt Kl lJt!lr U Aug 1
lUbreltar faj.le l Oeesca.
ro u4i, ar-tTi ax.
! s-lAU. tsALTlC Mta
T sulserb Iwta-screw era (stag stssmsrs
V 'ascksr. Metesr. Keen: l.bsisn
".during 'gas. Jiii. Asfssi I Mftsabsr,
Travelers- Cssrks Iii.i a
Teanst rasps, far Trips aCvsrywbara,
eaai I Awe, laa faaeel at.
. a, geaasar. fraaa leitUs direct.
June X
a. a. t-sassntia. frwra Has irraaeSsrs
- airsMI, June 4.
ss aws
, nra! a iicaeta Falrhnka ssd
rente ss Tukoa. Koyukuk. lassk
snd Tsnaaa Rivera
sloe 4 .4 ss. aorord!
st ta ace
ires -ts
ak for
heee realtors fr above
nosia as mad at
Steaiiner Chsis. R. Spencer
a- r. ItlU.atANIirsls-. Aa-awL
"wctfa fwss ss. a si hi Ci sasea j
149 SA.avalatsa lVrUaiL
ruRTUUffklsmri a
Tteaad trip dally except Alonday. for As
lon nd say iaadinga: fsw.iag rortiand
at 1 A St., arriving Astoria I P V Heturs
' lease Astoria 1 f 44 . arrive l'o,Lul
' -J r. ss susoay eirvratoa. Astoria and
VT'T- .,-..,,rna "AM; retura 9
P at : fare 1 OS) rcund t -' a rerviaaa.
a ashicgtca-at. dock. 1-boas hi si a 94:9 iJ.
leader 4 oca, Astoria
"f FsiAxnaco a ro rt la ?t r a. a. co.
ot:y sc4 steamer aad 4a
Fvom A is. wort a Ixerk. fert.ano, a at
a-a. rate 4 CsiUsrata. May ga, stassa
a A 'uses. City. JaM ga i
rro-a lmbsrd t . nu fram isca. II a at.
a, H . !,,. Ms, tS. Joss H. es
a. is sf I auiraila. Jsas 4. 1. eg.
J ST. nsaeom. fs-k A rest,
afs'n las Atrtss ertk lsck.
" ;s.rM'.,T.iti' i'.7o 4 M
S. S. Ceo. W. Oder
SaiU for Earrka, San FranfUco and
Loa Anrelrw May 13, May 27. Ticket
offica 132 Third trrct, nrax Alder.
IL YOUyq, Aftot.
T be stsaasf HlLltH Al IX tssvwa f-wev.
IsaS sesey 9 eosy. g f. M . frwes Alas.
Ssrtl 4ea. fee akscia Ills. stacaSakssd ssd
C sss . r s-si4 lrstl ree,ss1 t.u 4 r.
at ess say eg ssius fi mi see fsra, ges4.
e axes. 4.S. sssss S .ass. 1. 4 .eg sen a
SS4 "s 1S4SJ-S city kel .g... Tair-d
raea aiaia b4 " mmmmx T'