Jliwmg; Jilt 6P VOL. XLIX.-XQ. 15,130. PORTLAND. OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY, 3I.VY 20. 1IKX. ntlCE 1-TVE CENTS. UAuninii as II HI. AT PEACE WITH HILL Makes Deal to Get Access to Puget Sound. .OVER N. P.'S MAIN LINE Union Pacific, Great Northern and Northern Pacific to Be Joint Users. DOUBLE TRACK TO TAGOMA Columbia River Bridge Also to Be Used Jointly. TERMINALS TO BE DISTINCT Birrlman Project to Build to Paget Sound Will Be Dropped Port. land Will Become Terminal of the Great Northern. "Arrangements have been made be tween the Northern Paeiflo. T'n Ion Pa cific and Great Northern roads, under which the Northern Pacific line between Sooth Tacoma and Vancouver. TVaah.. (and the bridge over trie Colombia River will be used Jointly br the companies , named. The Northern Pacific will at once .begin work of completing; double-tracking tta road so aa to care for the business of the three companies. The property win Fhe used for any and all kinds of buatness by the three roads and will be maintained a a first-class double-track road for all i the Interests named, between Portland ! and Puget Sound." The foregoing announcement was made f yesterday by J. P. O'Brien, general man jeger of the Harrlman lines In the North- twest, on receipt of advices from New York. . i The statement la so significant that it points to the biggest railroad deal In the North wee t since the merger of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific under iJamea J. Hill. Among the most Important strateglo .Influences It will have upon Portland and the Northwest are: It will mean the abandonment of the s Oregon A Washington, the Harrlman line ; from Portland to Seattle. Portland will become a Great Northern terminus. Both the Great Northern and North Bank road will probably be permitted to .enter Union depot; and terminal disputes i In Portland settled. Division of territory between Hill and : Harrlman in place of the competition . promised. The placing of Portland as the leading terminal on the Pacific Coast. Such, in brief, la the effect of what un doubtedly amounts to a purchase of the Northern Paclflo tracks from Portland to Tacoma by the Great Northern. Northern Pacific and Harrlman system. In other words. Mr. Hill has sold a one-third In terest in the Portland -to-Tacoma road. Result of Many Conferences. This has been the result of numerous meetings between principals In Eastern cities and it la believed the memorable Hil I-Harrlman conference at San Fran cisco and Paso Robles had a part in the final negotiations. The club that has been held over the heads of the Northern Pacific people in the Oregon & Washington building has undoubtedly ueen the chief reason that forced Hill to abrogate his regal author ity over the entrance to Puget Sound from Portland. Over a year ago an attempt was made by Mr. Harrlman to purchase an Interest In the Northern Pacific, but the enormous price asked by Mr. Hill put any deal out of the question. Since then the Harrlman interests have acquired enormous ter minal holdings In both Seattle and Ta coma. In addition, they hold a half interest in the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul extension from Seattle to Ta coma. practically completed, and they had shown that they were prepared to rush the Oregon A Washington to com pletion from Portland to Tacoma. As this line parallels the tracks of the "X. P.. ruinous competition was bound to ensue. The principals have seen this, and. getting together, have been able to come to an agreement on the price the Northern Pacific tracks were to be dis posed for. Final settlement was made yesterday. Whether Edward H. Harrlman and James J. Hill will come to similar agree ments with regard to other territory la the question baffling railroad students. That this one or similar agreements will result In the immediate cutting down of (Concluded OA frags 11.) MAGISTRATE NOW ' STREET SWEEPER ST. liOCIS JTTGE ORDERED BV DOCTOR TO GET PURE AIR. Resigns Courtroom Position and Gets Job on Street Gang at 235 Per Month Less. EAST ST. LOU13. Ill, May IS Spe- clal.) Forced by order of his physi cian to resign his office of police Magistrate and obtain employment where he could enjoy pure air and out door exercise. Judge Thomas Stanton today started to work aa a street sweeper in East St. Loula. As Magis trate, Stanton received an average of (300 per month. As atreetsweeper he receives 1.60 per day. Stanton was elected Magistral of East 6t- Louis two years ago. after fining the unexpired term of Magis trate McKut. The time and attention he gave his office told on his health, and he became a sutferer from stomach trouble. One year ago he was taken to the hospital, and for several weeks It was feared he would die. He recov ered and resumed his duties, but In a few weeks he was returned to the hos pital. He resigned his office six months ago, and since then he has tried sev eral experiments.' Last week he ap plied to the Mayor for the position of street sweeper, and on Monday his wish was granted.. MRS. SCADDING VERY ILL Wife of Episcopal Bishop lias Been Operated On for Appendicitis. Mrs. Charles Scaddlng. wife ef Bishop Scaddlng. of the Oregon Protectant Epis copal Church, la in a critical condition in the Good Samaritan Hospital following an operation performed yesterday mora insr at 8 o'clock for appendicitis. Mrs. Scaddlng s case Is rewarded by ber surgeons as a serious one and her re covery depends entirely on her powers of recuperation. It is said. If she rallies from the shock of the operation her ulti mate recovery at regarded aa certain. The attack was very sudden and vio lent and wholly unexpected, aa no pre vious symptoms of the disease had ever been malnfest. She was sels-d soma time during the night on Monday, waa re moved to the hospital early yesterday morning and operated on immediately. Mrs. Scaddlng Is widely known through out the city and state and inquiries for her welfare are pouting In at the hos pital by the score. v UNION LABEL ON WEDDING Portland Printer Balks When Cer tificate I-acka Required Symbol. HUTCHINSON. Kan.. May Spe cial.) When it came to a choice between hla trade union and his prospective bnde. Coleman C. Clinton, a linotype operator of Portland. Or., chose the former here today, and. had it not been for the anxiety of Probate Judge Jordan to please, the marriage ceremony might not have been performed. Clinton absolute ly refused to be married when the mar riage certificate promised to be without a union label. Clinton yesterday secured a license to wed Mies Ethel Johnson. He bad come from Portland to make her his bride. Probst Judge Jordan has lately re ceived some fancy marriage certificates from the East and he was about to use one of those, when Clinton noticed the lack of a union label and balked. An other certificate was secured and its ceremony was performed. TWO DROWN UNDER AUTO Touring Car Skids From Embank uicnt. Pinioning Riders In IRver. STOCKTON. Cal. May 2,. Mrs. War ren Jones, wife of a well known farmer, and the S-y car-old son of his sister, Mrs. Isaac Robinson, were killed In an automo bile accident near Stockton today. Evi dently they were drowned when the au tomobile was overturned In two feet of water. Mrs. Robinson was saved from drowning by her daughter, a child of sev en or eight, who held her head above water until farmers came and raised the machine. The automobile mas driven by Issac Robinson, and with him were 1.1s wife and their two children and his sister-in-law. Nearlng the bridge across Mid dle River, on Union Island, the automo bile skidded on a high embankment and went Into the water. The occupants were all caught beneath the heavy ma chine. UNITARIANS HONOR TAFT Chief Executive Made Honorary President or La) men's League. BOSTON. May President Taft waa elected today honorary president cf the newly-formed National League of Unita rian Laymen. The meeting of the lay men was one of the features of the anni versary observance here, which mas at tended by Unitarians from all parts of the United States. SEVEN DROWN IN CANAL Gasoline Launch Carrlng Ten Pas sengers Capvlard by storm. Va-KSUL KO. Mas. May A.-Th. gas oline boat Iurrta, with lu puirnini on board, rapelaed In the Tuou Canal dur ing a itartn tonight and seven persuua are believed to Lava Uta UowaU. OREGON CANDYSHOPSGOOP Wehrung's Protest Is Heeded by Board. TROUBLES ALL SMOOTHED OUT Booths to Be Placed Where They Don't Interfere. ASK STATE'S PERMISSION Right to Erect Stands Mast First Be Obtained From Men In Charge of Grounds Crawford Off for Portland. SEATTLE. Wash.. May St. fa-portal.) Then will be no selling booths on Ore gon's grounds at the Alaska-Tukon-Pa-rlflc Exposition, or on any of the land which has been allotted to stales and counties, unless the exhibitors give their permission. This sras the agreement made today be tween a committee front the Commission era' Association and the executive com mittee of the fair. Slate and County Commissioners wIU give permission for booths which will not mar the beauty of the landscape, and which will be as unobtrusive as possible. In th case of Oregon. President W. II. Wehrung said that there would be no booths on the grounds a 11 at ted to his state. Authorities Heed Protest. The Commissioners' Association sent J. A. FUcher. of California, Penator Ru dolph KUchsr. of Utah, and "en a tor B. M. WUooa. of New Tork. to meet the ex ecutive committee of the fair and present a formal protest against th placing of booths on ground allotted to tbe several commissions. The protest waa against locating booths without permission from the men In charge of the grounds. This point was conceded and the officer of tbe fair appointed C. J. Smith, chairman of the tmamlila on buildings and grounds. Director-General L A. Nad'au and J. . Goldsmith, chairman of the concessions committee, to confer upon the question of available sites. Booth to Be Inconsplcaous. T shall make no objection to placing a booth In the rear of the California building." said J. A. FlW-her. "I da not wish a site selected In the foreground, for the reason that the beauty of our landscaping would be marred. I have no doubt that other commissioners feel the same way about It. Where a site can be selected whlf-h will not detract from the beauty of the surroundings there wilt be no objection from 'the members of our association. In every case permission must be obtained. I am Informed that Oregon has refused to grant any such permission, so that question Is settled. "Our conference was harmonious. Some- tCencltid.d en Fit I MINE FORTUNES AT SINGLE BLAST DISCOVERERS OK ALLEGHENY GOLD RCDDENLY RICH. I One Shot Yields Nearly S7&.OO0 at Gold In Ilatfula Wlngflrld Cannot Boy. POWSUriTUJ'. cal.. May X. (Spe cial, Between tUaat and i'.up.ons la al most pure gold was loosened by a Mast in the Eldorado tunnel at Allegheny, this county. last evening. Hatful of gold wtu particles of quarts attached were picked from the floor of the tunnel. This find promises to sclip even lbs Sixteen. to-One and the) Tightener, both Bear neighbor. H. I Johnson, owner of the Tightener, bonded th Eldorado two weeks ago for L&.on. The Morning Glory rales, nearby, owned by Rohrtg Brothers, has just broken tats rock of Immense value. big slabs sprinkled and seamed with gold being ex hibited. The owners refuse to say what their strike broke, but It Is aald to be tio.ma An old-fashioned rush Is on to Alle gheny from all directions, and men of every vocation and of every age are flocking Into the district to stake claims. H. L. Stark, ror.sulting engineer for George Wlngfield. the well-lsnowa million aire mining man of GoMAeid. was there soma tuns ago trying to buy and consoli date the Tightener. Six lean -to-One. M dorado. Morning Glory and other rv-h properties, but Mr. Vlngld a wealth, proved Inadequate. Excitement la run ning high. CLARK GIRL PASTOR'S WIFE Court Iecldra Private Contract Made by Preacher Is Binding. WAinN7TON. Ind. May XI. That Laura Dunn Clark la the legal wife of Rv- K. E. Iaridn. former pastor of the Klrst Christian Church, was dectde-d to day by Judge Houghton In the County Court. Miss Clark, the daughter of aa -Mayor C this city, alleged that I videos and ah were recently married In a 8U Louis hotel by a private contract drawn up by the preacher on the back of aa envelop. Hooo after publication of her statement Iar!don left. He ll uas heard front at Toronto, lie denied that Miss Clark waa his wife. MODJESKA'S BODY MOVED Remains of Tragedienne Start on Long Journey to NaiK I .and. IX ANGKLKo. May T body of Madame Helen Mleeka was Iskea from the Calvary Cemetery vault and started for Chicago on rise first etas' of Its long Journey to Its final resting plar In Cracow, Poland. The remains were accompanied by the widower of the lata actress, fount Charles Iv.senta Chi, powakl and her nephew. Adam Opel. REPORTER IS SENTENCED Strike Minister Public Works In Face and tert Fifteen Day. OUKREC. May Oliver Asaeltn. cor respondent for a Montreal French news, paper, was today sentenced to IS days tn Jail for striking In the fan the Minister of Public Works, following a debate la the House. The assault look place In Ih Parliamentary rhamher. 'I'M THE NEXT THING ON THE PROGRAMME, FRENZIED SHORTS PLEAD FOR WHEAT Wall Street Men Take Their Medicine. P1TTSBURGERS HOLDING OUT Longer They Resist Patten, More It Will Cost. KANSAS IS PIVOTAL POINT IT Weather Makea Crop Slmrt In South wet Pat I en Arena Criti cism by Checking Advance and Baling Jul.. CHICAGO. May L (fpoelal ) May wheat shot up to 11.11 1-4 today, an even cent above the high mark of Monday and a oew record for tbe sea. son. The rise waa Inevitable, aa the Pit waa filled wtm elerlea. freasle-d shorts, bidding wildly for the cereal. At limes th.re waa a difference! of one rent la the prtcea at opposite sides of the pit. James A. Patten sold sparingly, but let go of small lots whenever the mar ket threatened to get unmanageable. Mr. patten Is sensitive la public crl ! I -clam and " not care to see the price) go above II ts. He waa buying freely In July and September markets and some of the trader Interpreted this as an effort to dicourr deliveries of cask grain. Shorts Tak Their Medic-toe. There were Intimations this afternoon that certain big Wall street Interests had settled privately with Mr. Patten. Com lime ago It waa announced that Vall tlnwt men. a coterie of Pitts burg capitalists and a Hoto plunger set out to brk Jim patten." The Hostoa plunger Is said to bar takea his anedlrtn and retired two weeks ago. f the Wall street syndicate Set tle! tdT. oelv IK PIMStxirg cnesj re- maia. and rie longer they stb-k I the gam th roalller It will Ks for them. Alt etTorta to get aa eapreaaloa from Mr. Patten aa to the Identity of the big shorts la May wheat and who have not yet -Vom t th cart alas ornro have failed. Mr. patten has beea sou. Ing la shorts at about the rat ef half a million bushels dally. If th big ones hold off until Paturday. It Is predicted they will have to pay II a buahel for May wheat. Kansas, th banner wfceat stale, la Just now the pivotal point. Owing to the dry was (her. It Is said the crop tner win t million of bushels short. How Will iH-al lie Closed ? Great Interest attaches to fc rlo of th May deal, av days off. IWat Informed men say Mr. patten has the situation entirely within fcla grasp, in Feptember. . when It p. Huichln. fOar!waa a rase t fRIENDS." RATTLER IN "RAT"; CHILD IS DYING SNAKE b ELECT IIEtnRES AS PLACE Of H1T. Ikng That Eights Reptile After Child Is Attacked I ead I ron Snake's Bite. VAgOV VAIJJTT. N. May Th T-yrold child of Andrew Ir.rman. of thV place, le In a critical condition and th family dog Is already d-4. as a re sult of a small rrt:naa having takea up tvs plsc of abode in a "ml " worn as a head adornmit by a yourC daughter of th Ingmans. Th reptil ntrd The houa and -eretad Itself tn th. "rat." wnioti lay as the finor. Th chi'd picked up th er IVj and waa struck on th wrist by th rattler, th fares penetrating deeply. Th dog. ur.lch attacked th rk. u aa bitten and died. T!-'e child may die. Th enak was killed TALKS WITH JULIA AMES Spirit Which Write to stead Is Identified at I-aU CHICAGO. May k. ftpcil.l Mlaa Julia A. Ame. late sister of Customs Collector John C. Am, and lh Chi cago woman who It yeara ago waa a brilliant champion of the tempvrane raue and editor of th t'nlon Signal lh National organ of th W. C. T. l. la th unidentified -Julia" of the spirit world wltb whom W. T. Stead, th noted English journalist and ex plorer of "Horderland." declares b has kept In continuous communication for many yeara "Ml A me waa a very spiritual wo man." declared Mis Helen Hood, re cording scrtary of th Illinois W. C. T. C and her rlooeat friend, "and at first It seemed that sons of ber per sonality waa expt aa 1 In th letter Mr. Mead attributed to ber guldanc of Ma hand. Hut of tat the writing apeak only of stead. They r totally foreiaa to Mlas Am aa t knew ber. Th-r are many Clrcumstanrea which M Stoad cannot eaplaln, and t b. Have n Is deluding klmeelf and the public." ICY MAIL FROM RENO, NEV. Flftee Pounds Khrlak to lour ftrfore It Is I c live red. ItrTS'O. Nv May -Th feasibility of a pa co. la poet and facto Sam's a Ml tly to handl aimeiet any old thing as mall matter was demonstrated yesteeday when rounds ef re . care fury wrrT"-d In numerous folds of roN.r, as dettv ere-4 1 rr. a. M. M'"ler. of Ham-thorn. Nv. th prkag be'rtg convened to him by th Fu-no Ice company. It waa very arid and very sandy tn Hawthorn Sunday, and Pr. Mnier. tha la a millionaire, torged fr somethtn co id io drink. II ei-Crrhed lb local loe company for li rounds of lc by enaL It was forwarded as requested, bearing snar.y stamps- Kova pounds waa lo.t by shrtnkag la trsr.it NEGRO TO PLEAD GUILTY Junkett Ivor larva lie Will Throw lllmaelf on Merrj of Court. M." VOINKR. la. May John Junken. confessed negro sisyer of Clara Itoeen. th Crttumwa choir singer, old tonight that i e would plead guilty tomorrow and throw Mmseif upon th mercy of th court. Prowcmor Cornell declared that tl.la meant that Jur.ken would be sentenced to b har.ged. a Judge Roberts bad stated that he would Inflict th death penalty If tli negro was convicted. CALIFORNIACANNERY FIRE Loa of l.tt.OOl Sualalned b Big rirnt at reno. FRCSVn. Cal. May n -T! e Cal.fnrnia Fruit Canaera' A ee..:. t Ion auffrred a tire loa tonight eetii ai.d at lOd The r.r started in th sulphur room and spread rapidly through th rsnn'ng d tanment, a -large frame structure. Th names were then rairmunUiiel to the throe-story brick r'-in.e.lirg struc tur and a uarehoua. CANTALOUPES SELL FOR S5 lmerlal Valley Irull Bring l ancv Prtoe In I Angeles. ir9 ASOKLK. May ti Two cams l"ur. I1 var.guafd f-t tV y-y crcp frimt th Imperial Valley, shipped evtcriv aa I -art of a consignment fr-orn HeUer. Cel., aold today In th local market at ti tarh. Th melon largo ar-d well ripened. "HERO FUND FOR FRANCE Carnegie Kets Aside Million for Re wards for I Ira re Caula. PARItt. May Zi Andrew Carnegie, of New York, t-.es arranged to gi !! for tb oatabli.hnaent of a "hro fund in rranc. under prsctlcal'v the same condiikor.s as gom sim.lar funda In AtnerVa. Krigiand and Scotland. WESTON N EARING DENVER tVdt-.lrtan !( bac 43 Mil io llikr to Colorado Oplit. JTTR-. , Umr 3R-AfTr vlruc- tariff f fr I tn ;.- i hruti b!tnri,n nr-l "tv.ht li mi. i !-. fin m c2. rr.'.m 1 r.rrp , Ntr t 4 o ciocfc lo- COUNTY OFFICIAL IS BLACKMAILED Pays $150 to Get Man Out of Town. PLOT TO BURN COURTHOUSE After Giving Up Total of $500 Victim Seeks Grand Jury. LETTERS THREATEN DEATH J. K. Blake ley and Jack MtCartj of SI. Helena, ludtctej by In. qulaltor. and Srnulioatl Trial I rpcctc. ST. HE1XA, Or. May St cSpec'al r Charged ulth atlempung ts biafkma'.l County Treasurer K. C. V.'-lk. of Colum bia County. J. Kendall H.akeaie and Jack MeOarty wees today indicted by th grand Jury. plake.y baa t-era arrewted and beld In tTw bail ta fee trial. Th Indictment t the climas 1 a pru. liar aerie of letters seat tb Treasurer by th two men. ta which money is de manded t r on or lb other of ihom that Mcv-arty. who ts Jd I style blmeeif aa spert cracksman, may purr has tool sad material wtih which is "puU off a tiou rotborte,. Walck. according to his own Matemvnt. has refuMd to b a party t any of th scheme MoCarty I aald ta hav orig inal ed. but b did at on lima glv th '-'" so that MoCarty e-ou'.a b gottast out of Urn. Quick mti b has a lea gin tberti ot vr nioneys. agcrecs'.lr.g lii-4 la different amounts at various tune. Planned to Bam l oanhoaxv. TS original srbem ef lh iwu men. according to Quick, uaa la bum na lb lounlf Courtboua. deesroy Vh rec ords, and rob th. vault Quirk bad a duplwmt of th records, and his shar of lb prooeeta of tht rrim uaa ta com front th j of Ms rocxarda to the couoty. Quick refuaed to be a pojlner la any uca plan: and following this. Plkley. aod Mccarty advanced otheea Ju.l what relation existed Mwa ih thre la not clear, but Quick admits that aid rrota ibo eh given io Moi-arty. ha paid tb mew r4JV Kepeaiod demands for mooey ni:y "f Querk desperai. b ear a. and b laid th matter befor ih grand Jurj . Tb letter upon htrh th Indicimeat la basel follous; 'Houlioo. Or, May it. tu. To Mr. Quick, fat. Helen. r. "luar f r. I am prvlly aor st Toota, feoelJ1a4 rase INDEX OF TODAY'S .NEWS tr.TIfrr- V:nur Uwr!Vrf til 0t K:jnrr in --gcufa av fft m 4 CT3-r ts,ut n r r"rvgTgist!rwA lv?mm l-savJor 4cir rr y-tct .. Ia a Uiiif-ij- rrtcw- f rN. lag4 ravt a LAlr r-vm m 1 mnr Nnl itb)V.ra int (lnr d r :rr4 kink utilria) skgrars4 mr m-fT Jfshn Viirhfl aMivfi KItr .1-t m rrr-ht ivrun mtni wim m tru'iMi. ft riritv rm sc-fc 93 li!fi la Clbf r . lmmtu- u- nrH 4 nf.kw at A ',. &--, l Tta I. lwpsl" 3rkc r 1. 9u I u )o4w r"ftw rfl t 1 finiM mtrmt lac 1 riiT"vt.k- it t!rt "Yir r-.ia.ry wtib Crf Iju rw7-s frvri :aff t Vatt Ft-v- V r.flr wan sm rr rw fSkrllsaftll tL. I" V Ta S Kt,. , A lusarrl s V -s,u'ur T cmsm 7 tak-t i'i gxst r tfg trw ta Wt t ftxt t 4 K.H aP-f1"wlt4 s-1 Jce-sj fsrrwF-!v fr4 W.10T !-. m-r MsVfl.ll f S,tf M4,X r4T t. Wm.mm Nwarifcs. 1 it, C1H -rvfTfc'a.1 rr.!uf-M . Til J ftt4 a. Ivd. Ia- .w.4 in ntl fMcst raa 1. Ofwf't m sw- ct.4y tft -arr fmir ffMbdi I m 1. tCu4ros firv inm fto tir A o't r ir rbc--i-- orrv . inru At. 4 )s(sfct-sw Cf-WSI a I 4i C ii AM MmIm ri fife, men t p rsk 0i ,r fwt tir,4 ! t CiX-a4tw hk4 mavr Weavnl fX-ir 0r I ! ts 4t UM 1 ssv"w . rku i T -- H Bmrvis.t Ti sfcr.r rontgrtiMritri tm i cs tnri.skfcdl FfAtKittu) I W. I'Mt It. fniiij mm4 Iswi -4t. Mil' Mj-t. r It vm tn wf w,cli u:nt I fc tvwt t1 K i sa fcf 1 a.i.4 4 1 'h. 1 4Tw 1 HtrawtT fkt. ta f tjr 1'. 1 sit. 4 lww Tlsjaa e-a r-1 fi.ilf,, fmT rwf r.4 trm- -t.t I aka- ! ' t-T ! ft tt?i -rec !-. .!. wttmj, , (-.!;- f tinimy trial It t-1 tN fhirtMl frT ff la KnM fTV- W con t t,rtt m9r4 4!-wrr trmm km hM K(. f SfS I w. Mi"- t. s.h aiir- ta!i t ?-,4 KaV.. a MiAi a f tim. J at 1ft,