Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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tut: morxixo orecomax. Monday, may 21. iion.
Great Sale of Cut Glass in the Basement Store Great Sale of S'llverware and Cutlery Agents Willamette Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc
Portland Agents "Vudor" Porch Shades, "Ostermoor" Mattresses, "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets
TEe-Meier Frank Store's "May Sales"Las Week
$2.50 Petticoats at $ 1 .22
$ 2.50 Corset Covers $ I M
Great special values in women's TJndermnslin Special pur
chases from leading manufacturers enable ns to offer the
best values of the season Take advantage ofthis offerT
Women's fine white cambric Pet
ticoats, wide lace-trimmed flounces
and embroidery-trimmed flounces;
separate dust ruffles; best rerular
$1.75 to .-J.oO values, J1 OO
on sale at, special, ea.V -"--
Special lot of short white Under
skirts, lace and emoroidery-trim'd,
tucks and insertions; refr- 7Q
ular $1.25 values, at, each..
Women's fine cambric and nain
sook Corset Co-ers, made of plain
lawns and nainsooks and wide em
broideries, and trimmed in dainty
Val. laces and insertions, beading
and ribbon; blouse and tight-fitting
styles in gret variety; best
regular $1.50 to $2-50 J 1 OO
values, on sale at, each.?
Women's fine cambric and lawn
Combination Garments, 2 and 3-pc.
styles, trimmed in laces, beading
and ribbon; regular $1.75 QO
values, on sale at, spl., ea.
Cambric and nainsook Drawers for
children 1 to 12 years; lace and
embroidery-trimmed; tucks and in
sertion; regular 50c and OO
75e val.s., at this low price . C
SOcSilkGinghanvs 35c
35c Wash Voiles 19c
5000 yards of new, fine quality Silk Ginghams, plain colors and
fancies, in complete assortment; all the latest designs, colorings
and combinations, for women's and children Summer an- OCS
parel; best 50c values buy all you want at, the yard, only. .OOC
5000 yards of new Cotton Voiles, stripes and checks in the best pat
terns and colorings; regular 35c values buy all you want 1 Q
of them at the exceptionally low price of, the yard J.ivC
3500 yards 27-inch cotton and linen Suitings; all the newest shades
for Summer apparel of all kinds; regular 50fl values, on OQ-
sale at the extremely low price of. the yard OI7C
3500 yards Mercerized Checks, in blue, black, green and " Q
other desirable shadings; best 25c values buy all you want. .
if 1
Ladies $35 Tailored Suits $ 1 7 AS I
Portland's Cloak and Suit Store announces another great special sale of women's high-grade Tailored Suits 400
handsome new garments purchased from a laxgeNew YorlmaJiniaturcrata price never-before known on uui
ofequastyleand qty : Bj?th JttlTlord fancy garmenU are includedS7gesrfancy worsdsind
fine prunella-cloths Coats are long and medium length styles Semi or tighufitting, skirts are plain gored "and
trimmed to match the coats Black, tan, old rose and grays, alsostripes. checks and fancy mixturesAU xltnaTid
somely tailored and finished throughout Suits that would i ind read y sale a t S35 00 eac hY o ur m ' m "
choice while they last at this marveloualy low price, each. Take advantage of thissaleTT ." 1 L .4)
Ladies' Hose
10.000 pairs of women fine Ho
siery, to be hold at a low price;
fine gauze cottons, lihlc and i!k
lilies, plain and lace effects; black
and tans; all sizes, Sj to 10; wom
en hosiery selling regularly at
50c and 75c a pair: yonr O "T
choice at this low price, pr. C
Ladies' Neckwear
75c Values at 43c
10,000 pieces of women new, le
sirable Neckwear in jabuts, rabats
and stock collars; all the very best
styles in grand assortment; regular
75c values, on sale at, each.. 43C
500 dozen plain starched Baxter
Brown and Dutch Collars; size 12
to 14: regular 15c values; r
buy all you want at, each. AvJC
Drug Sundries
Goswell'g fragrant Face Powder,
special, per box 23 C
Violet Adorabfe Toilet Water,
sprinkler tor.; 75c .bottle, y0-
at, each xOC
Kastman's Benzoine and Almond
Cream, for tan and sun- 1 0
burn; bottle, each XaCeC
Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, at the
extremely low price of 12
Dr. Graves Talcum Powder, at
the remarkably low price of. . .0
Pebeeeo Tooth Paste, special. 37t'
Riveris Talcum, large size Oi
jar, at thU very low price.
Lcces and Embroideries
15O0 yards of 15 and 27-ireh -.hit tucked and em
breidcred Nets for yokea and alcove; ill CI - Q
new Mylr; value up to tZJM a yard, n vliJ
,VKK yard of Yeniae and Net Top ..are. Band. Me
dallion and Applique. lj to 5 iiwbc wide; OC
white and cream; value op to $1.00 the .ird..C
2.'iO0 jard of IS and 45-inch imitation Tucked Vet
in white; suitable for yoke and lere; lb '7Q
bet regular 1.75 values at thi pnee, yard".."
Valenciennes Laces
$2.00 Vals. 79c DozenYds.
$2,50 Vals 89c Dozen Yds.
2000 dozen pretty Val. Lace, exte and insertion
round-thread and French Val.. a4 to 2 inches wide;
handsome design. groat assortment, at the price:
r-'.W val,, dot. yd., 7 tt-.V) Tats- doa. yd.. SO
$ 1.50 Swiss Flouncing 69c Yard
45c Embroideries at 15c a Yard
New Matched Sets Just Received
JVhI yards of new Swiss Flouncing for lingerie gowns and women's and mie wear
rxuiMte designs in eyelet, madeira and filet effect; large assortment to select ?Q '
from; regular values up to fl.50 yard buy all you want at thi price, jrd..OiC
10.000 yartls of Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric- Embroideries eige and inserting. 1 to
9 inches wide; dainty design for women's.' and children's wear; reg- C
ular value up to 45c the yard to be dosed out at, the yd. take advantage. .A OC
New arrival in Batista Matched Set, in baby Irish effect, for Summer gowns; ex
quisite stles and viy-y large assortment. Just received, new 52-inch Swi Flouncing,
the very latest novelties for prince lingerie gown; great variety, at very low price.'
75 Costumes at $29
A tentational baj-gxin in exduaivt
dres apparl -Migniliccnt co
tamct for afternoon, reception and
evening wear Ail Use wuon'i
cewett creation! in raen-ahne tilis,
crepe de chine, aatina. irnported
pongee and foulards Colon are
lavender, lrght blue, tnau. pmlt
rose. pvcb reseda, navy, black.
white, taape, tan, gray, etc. The
low neck evening gowna hare
abort aleere of lace and waut
heavily embroidered in ailk" wjth
bandaof gold and beaded fringe
otherahave hea-yeatbroidered
panel effect BeautJul e'lapir
and princeas costumearalaohigbT
clasa street cos lumcs Altogether
the greatest valuea inexclaive
apparel w ever had the pleatnr
of offering Value tip to $75 0CC
on aale at the Cf"0 Q "Tia
lowpricwcf... aVlUU
Bee Fifth street unndow display.
Suede Gloves
$3.50 Values $1.47 Pair
flreat clean-up of 1000 pairs of women's
Sued Clove in full 16-bulton lenglh,
ie 52 to 7; black, white, lavender,
pink, light blue, mat, rrrtm, mode. Ian.
pray, pearl, pobolin and violet; f.T.0
value, to be c!ovod out at A7
thi ridiculou pnee, the pr. S
Oreat offerirg of 1000 doien worocn's
Handkerchief, embroidered, wal-
loed and bemot itched, hand-embroidered
initial, 4-inrh hemstitched; plain
linen and unlauudcrrl handemhrnilr.l
tle; immfiiM vrirty; thousands of
patterns; regular 12 -c to 2.V al- Q
uc; buy all you. want at. spl- ea-.C
- - a :
i -"
As Law Is Interpreted, Albee
or Kellaher in Danger of
Losing Nomination.
Two Signers Certify to A I bee's List
as Whole, While Each Sheet of
Kellaher Is Certified Sepa
rately Iegal Question.,
Blther the nominating petition of
State Senator H. TJ. Albee. or that of
Stat Senator Dan Kellaher. Independ
ent candidates for Mayor, ia irregular.
Vhl-h of the. two petitions Is faulty
depends on the construction that Is
placed on the provision of the direct
primary law rea-ulatlnf; Independent
nomination and the form of the cer
tificate attached to the nominating;
petition. The Albee petition is certi
fied to by only two of the. S0 signers,
while each of the Individual petition
which were circulated In , Kellaher'
behalf were certified to by two of the
signer of each.
On the subject of independent nomi
nation of candidates, section IT of
the code says:
At least two of the timers to each sttch
certificate of nomination made br Indi
vidual electors shall swear lor affirm) be
fore some person authorised to administer
oaths that the statement and slgtiaturea
th-rein are true, and that the requisite
rumoer of stealers thereto are qaat1Ae4 to
mejee such nomination, and the certificate
of such oath or affirmation shail be annexed
to the certificate of nomination.
If the statute contemplates that
each and every blank of which the
nomlnaUnir petition consist Is a sep
arate certificate of nomination, then
the petition of Senator Albee does not
conform to the statutory requirement,
since It Is certified to as one certifl
aie of nomination by only two of the
99 signers. On the other hand. If the
law regards several individual certio
rates of nomination fastened together
as one certificate of nomination, the
Albee petition, certified to by two
elgners. wtll coroe within the require
ments. while the petition of Senator
Kellaher will be subject to a chars
of irregularity, since no two of the
several men attesting to the R-enuine-ness
of the signers of each of his blank
petitions have certified as to the total
number of signatures and the suffi
ciency of the certificate of nomination
In the aggregate.
Followed KavanauKh's Advice.
City Attorney Kavanauarh was out
of the city yesterday, so that an opin
ion could not be obtained from htm
as to the interpretation of the statute
on the subject. However, before Sen
ator Kellaher began the circulation of
his nominating pet.tiona. he consulted
with the City Attorney, who drafted
the form of Kellahers petition. Includ
ing the Individual certificate for each
of the flanks of mhlch the nominating
petition In the aggregate consists. That
official advised Senator Kellaher that
the law evidently contemplated that
the correctness of the signatures on
each blank petition should be certified
to by two of the voters slmlng It.
This construction was placed by the
City Attorney on the law for- the rea
son that It Impossible for any
Ivo of the too or 1000 signers to such
a petition correctly to certify as to
the signature of all of the signers.
With thi advice from the City At
torney. Senator Kellaher was extreme
ly cautious In circulating his petitions,
lie entrusted each petition to two men.
who personally solicited the signa
tures, and when tbelr work ws . fin
ished, certified ae to the correctneea
of the slgnatorea. as well as to the
qualifications of the signers) voters.
I'nder the provision of the Initiative
nd referendum amendment It 1 re
quired that every blank of all peti
tion by which a measure ia Initiated
or referred either In the state, county
or city, shall be certified to by two
of the signer of each such blank form.
This plan has been followed and adopt
ed In all initiative and referendum
measures which have been filed In the
office of the Secretary of Stat or with
the county or city officials here.
Miller Murdock. who filed Senator
Albee's petition Saturday, contends
that It is entirely regular and srlthtn
the requirements of the statute. lie
insists that the law does not contem
plate that there should be more than
one certificate to the complete nomi
nating petition. Otherewlse, he ar
gued yesterday, the concluding 'clause
of the section already quoted would
not read "and the certificate of such
oath or affirmation shall b annexed
to the certificate of nomination." If
the law required that each Individual
certificate of nomination should be
certified to by two of those signing it.
said Mr. Murdock. then the word
domination" In the final clause would
appear in the plural and not the single
Murdock Wa Notified.
"When the two petition wer filed
Saturday." said City Auditor Barbur
-yesterday. "I discovered that the nam
plan was not adopted In having th
signatures certified to. Learning that
the Kellaher petition was drafted and
certified to on th advice of City At
torney Kavanaugh. I notified Mr. Mur
dock. who filed th Albee petition, of
the apparent Irregularity In hi peti
tion, lie Informed me .that the form
of th Albee petition was entirely reg
ular as) he understood the law.
"I have accepted both petitions, and.
unless I am enjoined from doing so.
will place th name of both of these
Independent candidate on th official
ballot. The court have decided that It
Is not the business of th Auditor to
determine the genuineness of the sig
natures to petitions, and I assume that
It is outside of my authority to pass
on the regularity of the, petitions
which have been presented. All that
ts required of me Is to ascertain that
these petition hart been signed by
the required number of voter. Since
both the Albee and Kellaher petition
are signed by more than th required
770 names, there Is nothing elso for
me to do but to accept them and plac
tne names or the two candidates on
the ballot, unless I am otherwise re
strained." Senator Kellaher would not discuss
the subject yesterday except to say
that he made It hi business flnrt to
secure the advice of the City Attorney
that his nominating petition might be
entirely regular, -.a his form of pe
tition. Including the certificate of
nomination, was drafted by the City
Attorney. Senator Kellaher feel rea
sonably secure as to the legality of his
nominating petition.
If the regularity of Albee petition
Is Inquired Into it will have to come
from the Democratic supporter of
Judge Munly or from some of Kella
lier's frientla. Such an Inquiry is not
to be cxpeeaed from the Simon forces,
who'are entirely satisfied to have the
Republican opposition divided between
Albee and Kellaher.
Declare Proposed Measure Is
Aimed Particularly at Their
Business, and Is Ruinous..
M. C. Dickinson, of IlotlL.e-rra'
Association. Sa New Plan
Would Disgust Tourist
With LoUre City.
Tht th Excls Board rlan ef regu
lating th sale of liquor In Portland is
aimed more particularly at th hotels
than at any other business Interest. I
th contention of th Portland Hotel-
keeper- Association. Tb association
will wage an Independent fight against
the proposed charter amendment, and
win aiso Inaugurate a camnaien
against the t;o then berg liquor law.
ine notei Keepers say that their
etnipalm will be entirely apart from
or action taaea by th brewers,
wholesalers and saloon proper, and
that they are prepared to contribute
to a liberal fund. If th development
of th next few day make It seem
nKMtarr. for th purpose of paying
for literature to b seat to every voter
In th city protesting acalnat th psoa
ses of eltbe of th amendments.
Dickinson Give Opinion.
"Soto of the provision of the pro
posed Excise Board amendmnet to th
charter would b absolutely ruinous
to th hotels, aald President M. C
Dickinson, of th association, yester
day. "The amendment define a sa
loon a, a room with but on entrance,
and makes It unlawful to have In th
saloon, 'or In any room connected
therewith, any chair, seat, bench or
place for patrons to sit. lounge or re
cline.' This would mean that our ho
tel lobbies could have no entrance to
our barroom. The guest from outside
th city who would Inquire for th bar
would have to be told to go out on
th street, perhapa In th rain, a-l.d
find th entrance next door.
"It further provides that hotels can
e'l no liquor In their dJclng-rooma or
grillrooms. A guest my have liquor
at meals only In aealed packages.
which must be purchased by the hotel
keeper from a licensed dealer, brought
to tu dining-room and there ODened
In the presence of th guest. This
would deprive the guest of mixed
drinks, except the few that may be
mixed and bottled with Indifferent sue
cess. The provision likewise prohibits
tne noteiaeeper from serving any
liquor- In any of the guest room la
hi boose.
Needed Alteration Com ly.
"In some of the hotels th altera
tions that would be made necessary In
th barrooms by this amendment would
cost many thousands of dollars. Hut
aside from thst. the amendment would
make th modern grillrooms wholly
unprofitable. They could be operated
only at a loss, and th result would
be that Portland's fin hotels would
degenerate Into mer lodging-houses.
"Th amendment. If adopted, will be
come effective during th heaviest
tourist travel Induced by th A.-T.-P.
Telxpoelfton in Seattle, and would serve
to adnreteise Portland throughout th
entire country of th class of com
munities that promulgate freak legislation.
Tourists wilt visit Portland In great
numbers this Summer. I now have on my
desk Inquiries from heads of pert lee from
every corner of th United a la lea. nbua
membership probably aggregates more
than KOJ persona. Today I received a
definite n-earvaiioo from Colorado for a
party of 0. These are only preliminary
reservatioiiB. Portland hotel wit be full
to overflowing, and In order that thee
tourists shall remain la the city and learn
of Its advantage they must be treated
properly. A favorabl Impression created
among them will go a long way to In
sure ro.0O population In lall.
"W Ithln the last U month no lea than have been expended in Portland
In bote! construction and equipment. Our
hotel men are p- l"S high rente. Rent
make values of real estate. Take away
from the hotelman his ability to pay this
rent and down go hotel value and I be
value of other really aa well.
Plenty of Good Hotel.
"Three or four year are it u com
mon talk that th growth of th city w as
hampered by the lack of hotels. Today
this city ts building more good holds
than any other city of It slae In Asnnra.
Hold grillrooms and dining-room are
the rooet orderly of any places when
Honor ia sold, and the lets must neces
sarily be conducted In a quiet and re
spectable manner. We believe that taer
Is no public demand for change In ren
riitloiia so far aa t tie sale of lijuor In
hoter la concerned, but tb beljot title
of the. act is misleading. Its only definite
statements are that It create an es1s
board and exclude -somen frnra a loons.
'Any ordinary man. judging ef the)
content of the. amendment merely from
It title, might vole for it- It la ur pur
pose to point out to th voter t he pro
vision or in propoeed act. and bow tney
will vitally affect th business Interests
of the city. We sre not working wita
an r other tntereet in the matter."
It Is also predicted that th several
social cJuh In th city which maintain
buffets will work against th two pr
posed liquor laws; perhaps not a sr.
ganiaatioos. but that the) members will
take an Individual Interest In defeating
them. It la asserted that the Kxcte
Board amendment would rloew t he buffet
In all club In tb city. Buffets ar now
operated at the Commercial tluo, ks
Club, t'nlversity Club. Concordia Club
and Arlington Club.
Plan General Campaign.
Independent of the hotel men and th
club, the wholesalers, brewer and re
tailer will Inaugurate some kind of a
campaign against th Kinas Board lew.
The wholesalers are strongly affected trv
the provision of tl act. in that It pro
mo 1 1 s me sale oy wholesaler to any
person not possessing retail license. Th
family liquor trade, which sustains most
ot th wholesale bouses In Portland-
would thereby be cut off. The breweries
would similarly be deprived of their re
tail business, and It Is asserted that It
would be found more convenient, under
in operation of the excise law. for fam
llle that consume beer or wines to order
from Seattle or Taroma houses and hav
their orders delivered by express at their
ooors, rather than send to lb retail
saloon for their supply.
The excts amendment ha been con
st rued by some as having th effect. If
qrpted. of closing all saloons and bar
roonv for nearly three weeks penning the
Issuance of the new licenses. Th law
prohibits th Hoard from granting any
new licenses unt:l nonce of application
therefor has been posted and published
for two weeks. Five additional days
must elapse after tne end of the notice
period, to permit the filing of protests.
Leave Madison Site Alone. Is
Consensus of Opinion New
High Bridge Favored.
Von to bust the paving trust, and get
chaTr sireal pavements.
Hash C'lah and Ihhrs lLrwti rt
Pd to MsrWet-Slreet IocaiVoa
Ilocw of Drlajr aad Kitra
ioel of Hi Krbrmr.
Judgtng from the poeitio that has been
taken by various push rlute and Ira-
proveiuent associations throughout the
city, ther Is no infntioa on the nert of
voter to. approve all threw of the pro.
P" d measures foe new ends at Ce
muaclpal elcvtlon next month. The pen.
jerta authorise bend imiws assergetcg
sXJus.ars) an Incrraeed r-bugstloa (He elec
tor will be slow to saddle on Ire rlty
at th-a I'm.
'f tne threw measure, the on pro M leg
for a bond issue for the, Hroad-way-Lrrabee-tret
h:gl fendre may be
eurwaarul. Tils brV)e ia deecred br ail
Of In people on both side of th fiver
aorta of ttumeid etrwet. and I meeting
with no grwat opposstioa from any other
section of th estr.
The proposed diversion of tb leaven
Madison-street bridge fund and the issu
ance) of aa additional luoa of nomdw for
brtdg t Market atreet la brlr-g vigor
ously protested sgalnsf. Practical every
puea club and improvement association m
the city baa adopted resolutions protesting
gainst th transfer of tb ot V.oai Madi-on-strwot
tirtdg fund and th rebuild
ing of that tructurw t any other loc
tloa then at lis present site.
lsrke(-r-tre-t Plan ("all.
Indication are that th backbone of
the movement to change t He Madieon
atreet bridge to Market etrert already has
been broken a the result of the unani
mous opposition from the various civic
organisation to that scheme. The prin
cipal contention In these protesting or
ganlaatlora t that if th sa,a. whl.h
ha been provided for rebuilding the
Mdiaon-tret bridgw at It present loca
tion, should be diverted It would result
In lltlgailon that would delay th en
tion of the brulg Indefinitely. It ts also
urged that further delay In rebuilding the
X .11 son-street bridge would be dan
gerous to th Morrison-street structure,
which I now carrying a double burden
no t e.'ioenmg tne enecta or t oe un
usually heavy traffic routed over th
viaduct since lb Madison spaa went out
of commtssloo.
Th feeling ts growing among voters
thst by rebuilding th Madison -street
bridge and installing a high bridge at
Broadway, adequate transportation fad't
lie across the fiver will be provided for
th present. In addition to these tw
structures, th Hsrr'.man Interests soon
will construct new bridge acroes the
river about a block south of th present
Hteel bridge. This proposed Structure,
which I assured since plans have been
adopted. w'M also carry a wagon bridge.
"Haptd Trans. t acrua the Willamette
River is to slogan of the North ztst
tid Improvement Association, which
Initiated th movement for th Broad
flamre street high bridgw. At tb
last neaellrer of the association. Krlday.
Mar XL It was dncided to conduct a cam
paign of education and Information, and
a commute of flv was appointed lor
that special pur nose. Th intention I
to keep bfor th people the need of
this hish bndr ncroe th Wtllunett
RJver at rtroadway atreet. so that th
ill author! th las-uanos of
Ho bonds to finance th enterprise.
Not thst Cevoens will b required, but
to make sure that enough snotcy Is pro.
ded rVwns think : &. w will erect the
nctdge. which was Mna-ineer Ralph Mod
Keai s eetunsle. without taking into con-
eideraUon certain merweocie thst may
ri"e. It muet b admitted that this
commute has work cut out for ji foe
in reason t:er is a d-spostiion la p;ae
'h "X" belorw every peoepoct !v bond
" appear os the ballot: but
rei:y h I conceded thai tb lircsadway
"id" la ttiwceswrly for t he North Eut
fide, end th point la to nA this plain.
i r.ts committee, or which T. L. Adams
la chairman, will stsrt Us campaign this
ek- Thousands of little circulars Will
be printed calilng special attention to
th twoedwar bCKwre nronnsRUoa. aa th
voter will not forget it ert.-o be enter
in voting bootn. There appear now to
b ro esn:sd opposition to the Broad
way brvjgw. or th location. Alton.
hav It changed Is Itenrock tlrt. w her
it was first proposed to lornt th brtdc.
naa not mad much hedwsr. as many
who wanted the bride at Hancock re
alise rthe.1 Broadway ia the moat feasiM
ntare. or al least have accepted the Jude-ro-ot
of Hyr,li ife.i tfc. a.j
p. are
Vnlnswlar Clan Art It e.
Prrteail- all th cti clot, on th
Penlnauls hsve lijntsel the I roads a
lorsilon-Nceih AiNnt Ce-vee. v w
of Trade and, the Kteel Keioc Puea tlt.h
Tb Multnomah Pe, Club, one active
infavor of Hancock street, la Rltie txard
from, lower Albina Push Club, reputed
I b It I. M. Isvi- club, i. pot o
Tf 'Ta. fv toward t!e eastward in
th Imrertoa district tributary to Broad
way aire, there la atrong support to
th measure. It rooaJdered reeialn
that th Math and Tenth ward,
throw a heavy vol for this bridge
The meaeur has the support of th
tailed lat Hid PuaO .n1 ,
thst bei.ks project wa erst propose
resolution wa unanimously adopted In
dorsing IS measure. It r.. on a pet
measure of th North Mast Kid Improve,
meni Association, which waa started to
promote th proX-cf. The ciub has a
membership of Ian in th North Kt ft d
d-Jtrlct. It bat collected and pur.ll.hed
fact and figure, to ebow the need of the
bridge snd Hat the trend of growth on
T U ,ow" Columhl.
River, for which thor Is but the lieel
Trier Is now little doubt but the ..
tempt to change the location of the Madl-
" l" -tree, .n4
vrt th a.a appropriation ,, ,h. U
om.V a . " by !.rt. m-
Jortty. Action of push clubs the past
week demonstrate that the sentiment
against such change Ls very atrong Tnd
growing stronrer ana
Th fact that It 1 .n ens matter to
get algnaturea to a petition for any.
thing, enabled A. Van lloomUMaen to se
cur s'gnaturea to two petitions, one for
list Mill, alongside hi. quarter blocs,
nd lastly for l-aast Mill street, for peol
1! "Ut. 7",,'ona rid of th m.n
who circulate them.
Th Kenllworth Push Club last Mon
day night look the matter up and re
considered Its former Indorsement of t:.e
change and adopted revolution condemn
ing the attempt to divert th Ks ts
Hast Msrket atreet. The reo
adopted by the Kenllworth Push Club
were short, but 1 the point, snd set in
motion th opposition of th chsnge. The
resolutions aoopted were:'
"Resolved. Tl-.s I we. th mrmlera of the
Kenllworth Improvement Cluh. are in
favor of keeping the Madison -street bride
at It present location, and further te-
ooireo mat w ar or Posed r tb t
Ing of th fund voted for th building of
Mdison-trot bnd-e: and further,
reeolved w ar oppose ts the bond
ing of a brtdg at thi tire at Market
elceet. In th city or Portland "
Basine Men Or.pocd.
Practically every push club that met
during th w-eek. adopted resolutions tn
opposition th changw. M sdneeosy night
th sionnyside tion member tndtvtdue'iy
e I press id tfceenoelv-e a opposed Is the
Chang. Bui In most Important actio
taken was by the Hast Ve Ksslneaa
Mens' Clutv which tsj. tnfloenc sod
activity, stand next ts Ih Commercial
Club, declared against changing ire Iocs
n of th Madison bridge c. A, Bie.
low. preeodent. and A. T. Atchley. scr
tery. spok srtrang'.y gsinst lb ctiants
Of loc :ion
rrvjay rlf-t ih North neat RiK Im
provement Association declared against
th rhans of location. turoay t. '. c t
In Ksvst Twmty-elchlb rret -uh luH
Passu il resolutions sigainst lie change ef
location. In far of tl f a-t. a Van
Hoomlieii n. te promoter ef ts change
waa prasirnl and eroke asalnst II resolu
tion, hascltrllotw rieve already Keen
adopted by the I nltcd nasi meie rUfh
Club against the diverting the M:f to
Market a' I eel. The Hsmeon-iairoet Pu
tub Adopted edmUar reo,uiions T-e
a'sveeijr-IOcnmond Imprets-ineiit Club ts
srainst th mans and naa rrom
the stsrt Mr Van llmirlw aite-nted a
merting of IMS cluh. aej-rlal months sm
to gel upport for I he cange. tw cluh
tneied. oted iirnnlmouily eselnet ee.e
rhanare of location, r-omh Mount Taenf
lh luti la ot ''as d to sny chitif of
location snd ha so drf Isred 11m f (Hher
organisation which 1 I meet during the
teesent week ere expected to lab action
against the rlistiro of el 1 e
file Calc-Sc la Wallowa Itlve-.
wiijowi w vj - - . a. i v
. . . . . .. . .. .. . ...
e a jwi 4.w iMver arw
meetltig with groat enarorwa Th rv 1
' " i . -' yw . rosue ry ia
. : ...... -, e . . k . . . .
brook and1 salmon trout vraging eirr
LAT-tftT tnr.CT MCIO
k f mm4 It r-a(.