Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. XLIX.-NO. 1.1,18
I'OHTLAXD. nirrrzov mmvihv t v . twM ' "" " " rnrr-.T:
. i
Family of Three Are
.Blown Out Doors.
Family in House Next Door
Hurled From Beds.
Kxploslon Result From Lighting of
Match In Room Which Had Bern
Allowed to Fill Vp With
Escaping Gas.
By an explosion of gas at J:40 thfa morn
rig. the whole rear part of the apartment
house at 73 Marshall Ktreet was blown
aay bodily, all the windows and doors
in the front end were blown out. the in.
terlor was left a mass of wreckage and
Oeorge A. Stockder. his wife and young
on. cldrldge. were blown clear out of
:h- house Into the open.
In all six -persona were hurl Mr.
Stockder. his wife, and child, and Mrs.
H. W. Hunt, living upstairs, ber baby
and a nurse.
Mr. Stockder waa taken to Good Sa
maritan Hospital, where he waa found to
be terribly burned about the head, arms
and oody. besides suffering from con
tusions and bruises.
Blown Into Next Honw.
His wife and boy were badly shocked
and suffered slight burns.
When the explosion occurred, the rear
of the house waa blown Into the house
M. W. Hunt. : North 23rd street and
he waa awakened- by debria falltng
acrosa Ma bed. He and hla wife were
shocked and bruised slightly.
Upstairs in the ruined house were Mrs.
W. B. Scott, her Infant boy, only a few
days old. and a nurse. They were thrown
about, but were not badly hurt. Patrol
man Maddux rescued them from the
flames that had started, and they were
taken to the lioue of Mrs. Scott's
father. F M. Bachelor. 211 North 24th
Lighted Match Ignite lias.
The explosion was caused by Kan,
limited by a match struck by Stockder.
He ha-i come home late, and according
to nelghbont. had been quarreling for
some time with his wife, so loudly that
their talk was aullble in adjoining
After Krai! time Mrs. Stockder smelled
khs and ordered her husband to see about
If. He grot up and struck a match. The
explosion followed. It Is supposed
Stockder had turned on the gaa when he
came home, and had forgotten to light
quickly broke out and Patrol
man Maddux turned In an alarm. Most of
the damage, howevet. was from the con
cussion. The damage to the apartment
occupied by Stockder is estimated at
Stnon. Mr. Hunt, next door, suffered a
loss of possibly $1.-00. The upstairs apart
ment, occupied by the Scotts waa hurt
to the exfenl of lt.
The force o? the explosion was terrific.
The bouse is a two-story apartmenuand
the entire rear of the flrst floor was
forced away bodily trom the rest of the
building. The upper part was not badly
damaged. People In the entire district
were awakened by the concussion, and
soma were hurled out of their beds.
Dishes and window were broken anl
bric-abrac suffered great damaged. K.
M. Hall, living at 6M Northup street,
three blocks from the scene. was
awakened with nil his family by the
noise. He dressed and went out to see
what it waa.
Master of Dutch Mi'lp. With Four
Sailors and Boy Washed Away.
VALPARAISO. Chili. May 3 The
Dutch ship Nederland. which railed from
Melbourne. Australia, for Falmouth on
March 23. has arrived at Coquimtm In
distress. Captain Sparud. four sea-ren
and a boy were washed overboard otT
Cape Horn.'
. i
Man and Woman. Students In Kan- !
sas College, Eoe Their Elves. j
MANHATTAN. Kan.. May 3 Miss )
Glsdys Irish, of Manhattan, and Walter ,
irtwoiro, oi .Minneapolis. Kan., were
drowned In the Blue River here early
today when the boat in which they were
riding struck a snag and caps-.xed. Roth
were students at the Kansas Agricultural
V. P. Orders 100 Engines.
DUNKIRK. N. Y.. May 13. It is re
ported that the I'r.lon Pacific Railroad
has placed an order for 100 engines
with ths American Locomotive Com
pany, and that they will he built at the
Schenectady and Brooks plants
$10,000,000 LOPPED
All Cabinet Officials Will Try to
Harmonize Estimates and
WASHINGTON, May St. .apecial.
Secretary Meyer has cut oft in
Navy Lw part men t estimates for the next
fiscal year. "This is a sample of what
may be expected on the part of other
-"ablnet officials.
It may not be possible to reduce ex
penditures In all departments to as
noticeable a degree as In those pertain
ing to the Army and Navy branches of
the military service, but the thing that
will be accomplished In sll directions Is
a more Intelligent id-a of the relatione
between or rather harmonising of. esti
mates and appropriations.
Secretary f the Treasury MaeVeagh
expects to have in hand by June 1 esti
mates of all heads of departments. Be
tween then and tha time for the meet
ing of C&ngresa in regular session In
December, painstaking study and Investi
gation with a view to ascertaining tha
exact requirement of various bureaus em
braced In different departments, or Just
what work each is performing snd a de
tailed analysis of results as compared
to expense Involved, will be carried on.
Has Been Made Trustee of Hampton
Institute, Colored School.
HAMPTON, Vs., May S3.At ths com
mencement exercises at the Hampton
Normal and Agricultural Institute today,
a letter was read from PresldentvTaft. In
which ha announced his acceptance, of a
place on the Board of Trustees of that
great school for tha education of ths
The letter said:
"I have your note announcing my elec
tion as a member of ths Board of Hamp
ton Trustees. I consider it an honor to be
one of them and shall be very glad to
contribute what little I can to continue
the success of the school."
a o"""Ssn-sss.
Pleased With Progress at Panama,
but Saw Nothing In Cuba.
WASHINOTON, May B. Weak from
the effecte of his illness, which compelled
htm to cut short his trip. Secretary
Dickinson stepped ashore from ths Gov
ernment yacht Msy flower at ths Wash
ington Navy-yard this afternoon, after a
tour of inspection of the Panama Canal.
Until yesterday Mr. Dickinson had not
left his berth since the Mayflower sailed
from Havana. The Secretary was flrst
ashore, and while showing signs of his
Illness, appeared to be Improved.
Mr. Dickinson expressed pleasure at
the progress In ths construction of ths
Panama Canal, but when aaked regard
ing conditions In Cuba, he replied: I
only saw Cuba through a porthole."
Tragedy at Target Practice al
Honnert Ferry, Idaho.
SPOKANE. Willi., May 23. Special )
A Banners Ferry, Idaho, special says:
Mra. Steven Shields accidentally shot
and killed her little brother, Johnny Sul
livan, thla afternoon. She was shooting
at a target and Just as she pulled ths
trigger the boy ran paat the target, the
bullet lodging In the right breast, killing
him Instantly.
Mra. Shields la prostrated over tha ac
cident. The boy waa U years old and waa
visiting his sister, who lives on a ranch
half a mile from here.
Mrs. Embree and Daughter Injured
In Accident at Dallas.
DALLAS. Or.. May (Ppocial Mrs.
T. V. B. Embree and daughter. Mrs.
Walter Sellers, were thrown from a
buggy In a runaway thla afternoon and
seriously Injured. Jra. Rmbrees arm
waa broken and her face badly lacerated
and Mrs. Sellers suffered severe bruises
While their Injuries are serious, both will
Fraaklls Mart cash. Secretary
f Tresasry.
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a i mi iii ' - i mi 1 1
Captains of Industry
All Optimistic.
New Era of Good Times Al
most Upon Us.
Rnelnrsa Will Pick l"p Rapidly Boon
as Congress Completes Work,
No Matter What Is Accom
plished as to Schedules.
NEW YORK. May Ji tPpeclal In one
grand chorus the captains of Industry of
America announce the glad tldlnsa that
prosperity Is returning; that the tide of
good times Is rising rapidly. There la not
a discordant voles In the chorus. Mer
chant, builder, banker. broser. manu
facturer and savlnss bank presidents pro
claim that the new era of prosperity, the
business of good times. Is right upon us.
But let them give their testimony
themselves, and tell on what they bass
their aaseniona:
Franklin MacVeagh. Secretary of ths
Treasury The business situation la a
very hopeful one and there Is nothing In
sight but reasonable, rational prosperity.
We are making a new study of our finan
cial resources for Government mainte
nance and with It a systematic study of
Government expenses, so that by ap
plied Intelligence ws can maka one bal
ance ths other and quiet any dlaturb
aacs over Treasury deficits.
II1II bees Ilrl.iit Outlook.
James J. Hill, chairman of the Great
Northern Railroad The outlook Is good
In all directions. Ttis Ureal Northern
road runs through a district that sup
plies one-sixth of the wbeat of tha
United Pistes. The wheat outlook Is
ood. The West and South axe to be
the great sections of this country In tha
future. The Weat Is now. for that mat
ter. The South exhausted her soil De
fore ths war by her Improvident method
of agriculture and la now struggling to
ward a restoration of ic When the tariff
agitation la over In Washington thlnga
will begin to hum.
Cornelius N. Bliss, of Bliss. Fab) an at
Co.. selling agents of the largest textile
mills In America, and former Treasurer
of the Republican National committee
Business Is all right; not big. not rush
ing Just yet; hut I expert to see a good
average Fall business. Ws are between
the seasons now. Activity ahould begin
about July, in preparation of orders for
the Fall trade, and the only thing that
may hold us bark Is ths tariff. Nothing
much can be shaped up so long as they
hang onto that In Washington. As soon
as they pass ths bill, no matter how they
settle It. business will pick up.
Fall nusinesa Will Be Good.
Henry Clews, banker and stork broker
-Stocks are selling at prosperity prices.
The stock market Is always some months
shead or actual business conditions, be
cause Wail street discounts the future. I
do not see a shadow on the country's
prospects, snd though there hae been
suffering and a great many people
everybody, more or less have been hurt
financially. I believe It waa all for tbs
beat. We are not likely to get hurt twice
In the same way. and ws ahall now use
mors safety appliances In business, I
look for a wide, healthy expansion of
Industry early this Fall. Nothing but a
great disappointment In tha wheat and
corn cropa can prevent It. and ws havs
no ground for apprehension on that score.
Elbert H. Oery. head of the United
States Btect Corporation We will soon
be on tfce high road to prosperity. The
mists are clearing away and we ahall
soon see the sun of prosperity bright as
It ever has been.
William E. Corey. pres. dent of ths
tooclu44 on rase X)
' '' I
J. Hill, f k.lnass Creel
set sera.
Machine Iahee Through IVses al
High Speed and Is Captured
After Ixng Itomp.
POKANJ Wssh.. May 3 Igpeemv
Farmers and hired hands fated, thea
laughed at a spectacle south of Colfax
a man chasing his maverick autoroobl.e
over fir Ms and through fences. roo
dltrhes and down dales.
I. 8-h murk, chief of the Colfax fire
dvpartment. aas taking a cross-country
spin, when the front wheels of his big
touring csr became stuck In the deep
mud after a heavy rain. He grabbed a
rail from a nearby fence, turned on the
power and threw on ths high-speed
gear, then pried the wheels out of the
puddle. The machine gavs a lurch and
broke away, dashed through a fencs and
acroaa fields, with 8c h murk after It at
top speed. Ths wheel brushed a tree and
the bulky car brean to run In a circle.
IJke a circus rider actor riding a horse,
he cut acrws ths circle and raptured It.
Management Will Not Move Trains
Till Protection Is Assured.
ACGCSTA. G. May II. The Georgia
Railroad Is completely td up by the
flremen'a strike. The management la
not trying to move trains, simply an
nouncing that It haa . ths men. ths
means and ths equipment to proceed
end will do so when ths state announces
It la ready lo protect the property and
Governor Smith wired to the Sheriff
at McDurtie to co-operate with the
municipal authorities and to summon
all deputlea necessary to protect life
and property. In this county Is located
Thomson, where the crowd Issued Its
ultimatum last night that no trains
should pasa carrying either non-union
or negro firemen.
Fourteen-Year-Old Sets World llec
ord at Woodward InaUtute.
B-tfTON. Mass . May S peclel By
clearing a pole at feet 1 m.,i a a
high Jump at Woodward Institute meet
at Quincy yesterday. Mass Kaiih Kolsrad.
a le-year-old student at the Institute,
became champion girl h.xa Jumper of the
world. H, Wa Dorothy Clark, of I) roo fe
line, senior at Yasser, was ths former
world's champion, with a record of 4
fset XSa lnchea.
High Wind Spoils " Co n I rl Tn
Fllea 10 Minutes for f 1000 Prise.
JCV16KT. France. May 3 -Sixty thou
sand persons attended the aeroplane rare
meeting at ths new arrodroma here to
day. A high wind prevailed and tha coo
wbb greatly marred thereby.
Lon de la Grange made a flight of la
minutes for ths Slous pnae. but as be
did not use his own rasenins It haa not
been definitely decided to make tha
award to hlra. There were no other com
petitors in this event.
Police Busy Quelling Demonstration
of French Strikers.
PARIS. May IS. Ths revolutionary
ftoclallsts" annual detnonatratlon today
before the monument erected In ths
Fere la Chaise to ths Communists In
which dismissed postal employes took
part, waa marked by violent scuffles
with the police. A large number on
both aides were Injured and 20 were
Itusslana Attack Keeper of tiovern.
ment Wine Shop.
OBOTAN. Russia. May SI. A bsnd
of desperadoea today attacked a gov
ernment wineshop. They killed Ave
persons and mortally wounded the
keeper. After pillaging the shop they
V- M. Csry. I .Ilea aisles Steel
, 1
Vs - ' t
i N.
i ...
) -v" . I
Washington Board Re
moves to New Field.
State Fair Deficit to Be Sub
ject of Inquiry.
IU stern Washington Sensations.
When Sifted. Fall lo Yield Any
thing of Criminal alurr Ie-
fetla Found In Hospital.
Ol.TMriA. Wash.. May a irec'.I
Olympia will gt a rest thla week while
the translative Inveatigsilng committee
looks Into charges and rumors concerning
Keat Ade Institutions. The State College.
Pullman. Stale Fair. North Yakima, and
Raatern Hospital. Medl-al lke. will be
vlslied by members of the committee.
The probe of the first two named Il;iw
tbs Reach general rharses. Tbs hospital
wilt be visited on account of 1 1 charges
made by Braitar Hutchinson, of Kimkane,
against the State Ilosrd of Ctaalro! in own.
ejection with the construction of a ward
building there In iva. Hutchinson de.
manded an Inveel't atloo of these rhargra
several times last session In the nVnsta,
but waa turned down bard each Urns.
What There Is to Find.
As a result of Its lnsti stl.m. It msy
safely be predicted the can ti. litre w ill
Bad the f aliasing facta:
Tbs gtais Fstr muuesni bsd less t of Its arpropfUUoa bos a tended
wl.eq time came for Ihe annual exlilll
lion last year; drtcsencWs ere prohibited
t y law. but every legislature roiviue.
them snd tnskee good the i-r-UUurve.
President a. J. Cameron, of tte fsir. la a
prominent state a-uior. Tbe Yaaims peo
ple Insisted upon the fair, and aa It Is
admitted. Ihe fair st that time cannot ba
a success unless exhibitors are offered
cash prises, and pretty large ones st that,
so. taking tbe cfeencw on Ls-atelailve ap
proval, Cameron and others became per
sonally llalde for ths money necessary.
Tbs fsir was held. pnaa paid sad ths
recent lgisisture psaer a oen.-tracy sp.
propr'.stlon. Granted that ths fair trustees
violated the law la creating a deficiency.
Impeachment would only cost thsea posly
lions which are not only unremuneratlve
but all demand lots of labor and carry
a plenitude of worry.
Isrfecta In Hospital Uulldlng.
At ths hospital ths committee will find
a poor concrete Boor In the ward build
ing. The board of control emploed John
K. Dow, a prominent architect of tpo
kane. lo draw Ihe p'.ana Tor that and
other east aids Instltutiona Dow was
paid more than t2.on for hla work at
ths usual t per cent basis. The contract
waa let on competitive bids lo Haatls A
Dougan. building contracture, of resettle.
Taeoma and Spokane, sod U-.elr work ail
approved by Dow before payments were
It la understood ths contractors claim
ths architect ordered the steel reinforc
ing put In wrong over thetr prolnt, while
the architect cla-una the contractors with
drew supports before the concrete had
set. Like In ths rass of ths fair, there
a absolutely no ground for belief either
stats board personally profited a rent
Both. If wrona. are errors of Judgment.
Bryan Free From Graft TalnU
Similarly, at the Plato Collasrs. no ac
cusation of graft will he sustained against
President Hryan or Treasurer F. J. Ber
nard, of Ihe college regents. Hers there
are two charges, that no report la made
to ths Legialaturs regarding ths amount
or expenditures of tbe "money received
from ths Federal Government for work
In connection with the coU-e and that
the Treasurer personally retains the In
terest paid by tha bank on the Federal
"0-It;44 ea rsaa 1
sUws K. niiss. e(
tysa st la
IN Til no KM.
T on Haitian Frontier HelresJ
While Irfiirrnmenl Troops Are
Hastening by Sea.
ctrr: haythn. iu,h. M.y a-iy
courier from Mne Oristl. fUeto I
' The revolutionary moenr.t Is
srrrsd eg. (Lrrtil Camarho, the es
liovernor of Moms Christ!, w ho a work
ing In unison with General VJuinie
Telics for ihe overthrow of the govern
ment, has axack'd and a!sd Guavebin
and Iaaboa. which are en the Haitian
fonMr. the I bon Hi,- b;ng the
northwest boundary between Hertl ard
t?ie iMa-ink-an nerublic.
There hi. been Tanllng between the
revolutionists ard lb lo al forces at
Monie Christ I.
Tbe f.ts of Joss Rordaa. Getrrnor of
Puerto Plata, is not known, but It Is re
poried be to either ded or a prisoner.
Communications are Interrupted, and
got ernmont troops are eapeciss to reach
tbe dleeffsrta Htstnrts bv se.
Approaching Storms to He Flashed
Around World.
WASHINGTON. May !. Flashing
around tbe world by wireless lelrg.
raphy warnings of approaching storms
and other dls; arbancee of the elements
la one of the late.t International pro J
ecta. according la an announcement
made here today.
tr.! another f perhape little less
Importance m ths proposition to equip
the vessels of ail nations with uni
form storm si nela. These are ths
leading problems to be threshed out at
a conference of distinguished meteoro
logists of the principal ni lions Is be
held In !ondoa June al.
A conceited movement will be In
augurated is Indues ths principal
governments lo adopt a uniform sys
tem of wireless marine w eat her reports.
llaahand 1 Iconic re, but I snore Give
No Hope for Ills Wife.
TAiMA. Wash.. May 3 ip-:.l
Mistsktrg loacslooia for m us hrootn s. jr.
and Mra teeorge tUoeer. aerooaala. are
darreruoaly : tonight at .. J,sph s
llospiisl. At midnight ths msa regained
ronsckouansss. but the attending phjsl
nana hold out no bops for the rsroovery
of ths womsa.
Mr. and Mra. Stover have a ramp at
tepsnaway l-ke. snd expected Is give
a balloon seonsion next Haturday at ths
picnic to tbe m.o from lbs Japanese
rrutssre. This noon for dinner thry ate
the toadstools, and five hours afterward
they ers found In their tent la con
vulsions by visitors al ihe resort.
Car Illis Tree, and Negro Champion
Leaps for His LJfe.
EUZAIIETH. N. J. May 3-Upecial
Jack Johnson, the pugilist and heavy,
weight champion, had a narrow escape
from serious Injury wnea his automobile
crashed Into a Ires on North Mroed
street. Just off WeeinVId avenue, at a
sharp angle la the road. Johnson and a
pany of friends to Jump to eeceps.
The negro f.ghier a car wsa pretty badly
smashed up. and It took four hours to
repair It. Tbe machine la a new one and
will bo ahlpped to Europe In a few days
for Johnson's use. Before his departure
hs agreed u bs responsibls If damage to
ths Ires caused lis decay.
Two Saginaw Yoongatera Travel
aOOO Miles Without Cent.
TOt.FJsn. rx. May 3-Afler a trip of
mors than Kro miles without a eemv In
t heir pockets. Arthur Crane. aed 7. an4
Jos toaty. aged , both or evaginaw.
Mich, arrived here last night. Accord
ing lo their story, the hoys left ftaglnsw
last lewitiber. solng from there to U
Angeles. Ban Fvanciaco. Cincinnati and
and then here. They will return to Begl.
: :
Candy Booth Row
Grows Apace.
Club Is Formed and Campaign
to Stand Firm Begun.
Taking Tip Trota Oregon's Aitornry.
teener a 1. stale Exhibitors Will
Iteslsi If rone to rterace
t" rounds With Shops,
RATTI-R. Wash. May 3 icnena: V
War to a finish with aa apnea! Is the
couns. throws h ln)unnion proceodinsa. if
necessary, waa decided upon today by ths
A Y.-I". exhibitors who are resisting the
efforts of the exposition company is er
red booths on grounds already allotted
to various states, orvsoa being the Bret
s precipitate the tight against Ihe un
seemly dtenguretlou of Its besutifU
To carry this determinstloa Into effect,
sa organisation Is be known aa ths Kx
hlbliars' Club wss fornssd today at ths
Oregon building. lVlooe J. A- rucher.
executive Cumrulasloner for California,
waa elected trvesurer-rhalrmaa. and W.
M. Webrung. present of the Oregon
CoramsnoB. was elected secretary. A
Second meeting wUI be held at Ihe Or
on bu.Mlng. at 4 o'rlcKk Imerras aMer
ooon. is complete the organtastsso aud
select persaaasnt olhcee-s.
Allen Makra No Mars,
Atlorney-Generel irawford. was had
been eu mm to advise the Oregon
Commission as to Its rights la tbe con
troversy, leuk the position that tl.s
expesiiloa suihenties bsd as right ts
srect booths oa the Oregon grounds, or
oa any other grouada assigned ts dif
ferent slat.e, counties and the Govern
meat, tCacouragvd by this view of the
si t us t ton a r.stiistioa wss wnaalmsusly
adopted at tbs meeting firmly protest
ing against locating sny booths oa any
grounds without permission.
la spile of Ihe be U f tnst a clash sms
occur today there waa as deposition oa
the pan of Ixrectsr of Worka Frank 1
Allen to erect booths oa lbs isprgoa and
California grounds, aa tbreslsnsd. and
until tomorrow st least a coot 1. is lory at
tlluda la being msints-nedT
Excitement May lcvrtoB. for this reason a drastic rewia.
lOssllseeg ea i-sse X
TW W-aikwr.
T CffT IC R ( a T Mitimuoi "tTtraifr.
)crw. minlitiMsu, l
TOUA r Is-Ttir; b vwt U-.4.S.
"'a tcmuisr I it thrr-M mf rvo:tifm.
ew rtii.h trw4irfMichit to pr c-i
aaM ttascttt s ' V n.a ftrn in s ipgt wri: Irtmc-U
sfC MsaaTuVO. t4T X.
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Invuttst t
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Omtth trait. rot - wnt c nc hi -r- rt A.
Window in hrsttar of K sass,sit ftdmiiuau ft-
yrnrit4 t ci protfKsst saskXit pr-
0 ass's! f,t-tV. !" X
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risaj Vvsi jr ( rtwid fr v, t
saf pfosssrllt :tBr-lt u jvessa H s o( .Ada!) ta Kauwa
' I.
Bat t ifif a rm In S"n h a i vra Lst u
ahow lmpii art.wn t. ! a
Nacih ,. a I TBt pot-t land 1.
AhsfdM S. "i a I. rnaaa , t-
i I, irotrtr i I'ag-g a
C-Bt leMflM wwror-u lsjj j f,re.a 4 . fffl .
Isttta 4 . VrMI ? 1. w.a r"l .(-isar-o 1 -Jf,
Kafimnt 1. i.ikian4 a
Lsan? orrt fatnrtt ta tttitc ir fiht tar
aeit;.li ctainpiohi, 1 aya t.
Tawna rwsady
W ar to (Inltii ia a
of randt taool
loa remt4 Tit r'-cic
:ist.fc ai.
a-n. ra:r I 1
Lwi tau o km )UtM, r eliarearwafMrr-oat
- rAsqif turd in oo.lsx vtut at..t4t for
A-1 -IV - 2
Mm farmara icoa aoa. llj la rfttaa feats
Callara ar 4
Colfatt aata h to mr w4l e.
rrmm4 m4 t Vr4atitr.
Biirtor a:ioo or Kai.aior mar a 4 la..
Boi dfwara ta Hiii... aa 14
Sm rara of .ru-Bva .vihta : Owtr4 ta
N4 ( ir firvi t .rw 1 x
Woaa'roeysa 1 !. a-it n4r Mi'
r-ta aMt. ;t-raat ta a-.
faat 4a oraa'aatlo aMo4 la 1 1 n t to i& M a 4 aa - at root W
I 14
Mtlvikswrf Auv iadesa taaa at r4l
greVcss-4 Uswar.1 I 1
tsasral rtor ra aoo ta inr af asrg
ticnaai t4 -kiwi aj ix
C:aat rxr-.mi4 ta aitati froa I 1
at 4,- 1 :
tap .9 t-rsr sjru-a iWeCba 4loioafla r
erwrYt ma faa
Frhihiiiea:ta a-o ta to-s, aoaairaa t
ta -oto4 -a m Jat r .: a
Ca- af f A jtiraaa ooa Wf tsra Jv, la-
t, . Ia4t a
Urff ta sTsisrew-f-sa at n aaa A Caari
t-'! aa-t ta c htrtM f a I s,
a....4 emre -s. t.l para . Page IX wviiaisg 11 is. rags 11
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