THE MOKMSG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1909. 17 FLOUR WILL GO UP All Grades Will Be Raised 20 Cents Monday. STOCKS GETTING SMALL Remnant of the Wheat Crop Moving at Kxtreme Price Coarse Grains Are Also Very Firm. Produce Trade Active. There will be an advance of 20 cents a barrel In all grades of flour, except ex ports. In the local market Monday. The ! extreme lightness of stocks In this tirrl I tory, together with the scarcity and high price of wheat, la given as the reason for the advance, which will put the wholesale price on patents at $6.23 per barrel. The wheat market Is quiet, as is to be t expected, with hardly any wheat avall 1 able, but the tone of the market Is very firm, and recent sales have been at the best prices of the year. Except for the mall surplus held by a few of the millers, only a few hundred tons of wheat remain to be marketed In this part of the coun J try. The demand now Is almost wholly ' from California. Oats are firm and the small offerings are ' readily taken up. The Valley market Is strong and that t stocks in the Korthwest are at a low ebb Is shown by the fact that Spokane dealers have lately been buying barley in Cali fornia. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Argentine shipments. 1,3 GO, 000 bushels; last week. 2.648,000 bushels; last year, 2.684, OOO bushels. Australian shlp- bushels; last year, 112.O00 bushels. India shipments, 496.000 bushels; last week, 660, ' OOO bushels; last year, none. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Kxchange as follows: "Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay May 8-9 18 .. 18 8 22 May lO l l s 3 May 11 2 . . 6 3 3 May 1 J 8 2 6 1 T May 13 3 .. 10 6 6 Total last week. 82 4 67 27 84 NEW CALIFORNIA POTATOES FROSTED. San Francisco Market Stimulated by Crop Damage Reports. While the public quotation on potatoes at San Francisco was- not changed, private wires reported that market firmer, with ales at $2. BO. It was reported that 600 acres of new potatoes In California had been frosted, and this was believed to have caused the better tone In the market, as It Is known there are still large stocks of Oregon pota toes ttiCre. New potatoes have advanced sharply !n the Bouth. As for the local jobbing market, outside of the potatoes held by speculator, the feeling la Inclined to be weaker. The high prices have brought out potatoes from places where they were not supposed to exist and purchases were made by Front-street houses yesterday of good stock at ft. 75 per sack. MOSIER siirrs FIRST strawberries. Front Stmt Receipts Lighter Than Usual and Market Steady. Mas lex made Its first shipment of straw berries yesterday, two crates leaving that place for Spokane. Hood River berries will not begin to move for about 10 days yet. The crop Is large and of very fine quality. Front street received about 2000 crates of California berries and they cleaned up well at steady prices. Receipts of Southern Ore gon berries continue light. The ' first goose berries of the season came from Bprlagbrook, Or., and were quoted at 8 cents. Seven cars of oranges and two of cabbage arrived from the South. BUTTER SEIXS WEIX AT ADVANCE. Steady Demand For Egg", and Good In quiry For Poultry. The butter movement was active yesterday In spite of the 2-cent advance. The market was quoted firm on all grades. Kffga were steady and unchanged. While there was no marked activity in the trade, yet the movement was sufficient to prevent the accumulation of 4 surplus. The poultry market was fairly well sup plied and the demand for chickens was good. Veal continued very weak at 88H oents. i RUN OF &LMON INCREASING. Catches on Lower Colombia Indicate Big Kun Is Coming. ASTORIA. Or.. 'May 14. (Special.) There was a decided improvement In the run of salmon Inst night, mime of the glllnetters making fairly good catches, especially those drifting In the lower harbor and adjacent to the mouth of the river. This Indicates that a new run of ilsh Is entering the rlvr. Not only were the salmon more plentiful last night, but those caught averaged larger In else. Tug Geo. R. Voeburg Clears. ASTORIA. Or., May 14. (Special.) The tug George R. Vosburg cleared at the Custom-house today for Nehalom, with a cargo of 00 OO railway ties, loaded at Stella. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows; Clearinprs. Balances. Portland 1.145,733 Ba,8tft Seattle 1.5;i;,t(7rt 2iM.itj Tacoma'i.t i:ia,;is:t fpokane I,i0,ti3 150.S-0 PORTLAND MARKETS, Oraln. Flour. Feed. Fto. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem milling. ll.IOtfl.35; club. $1.20; Valley, U 17; red Russian, J1.17J, $1.20. FLOUR Patents. $605 per barrel; straights. X3 lt; exports. $4.70; Valley, $5 30; graham, S5 60; whole wheat, quarters. $5 80. CORN Whole. $35 per ton; cracked, $36 per ton. PAULEY Feed. $4.50 per ton. OATS No. 1 white. $41 per ton. MILL STUFFS lirsn. $-0.50 per ton; mid dlings, S3; shorts, $29?32; chop, 24jj30; rolled barley. tad if 37 HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley. $140 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $lSfe?2ii; clover, 12; alfalfa. $139 14; grain hay, $13tfl4; cheat, $14411460; vetch. S14&14.6Q. Vegetable and Fruit. FRK S H VH V ITS Appies. 65c$2 SO per box. Strawberries, Oregon. IZhbo lb.; Cali fornia. 7oe if li.fn) per crate; cherries. 75c 1.50 rer box; gooseberries, gc per pound. FOTATOKS lluylng price, $3 per hun dred ; new California, 4 he por pound. BACK VKrtETABLES Turnips. $1.25 per vack; carrots. $1.23; parsnips. $1.50; beets. $1.76 ; horseradish, 10c per pound. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2 25 $3 25 per box. We mo us. $1.75 4; grape fruit. $3.50 Q 4 per box; bananas. 5 V 46o per pound ; pineapples, $4 oOijj 5 per crate. ONIONS New $1.60 per crate. VKOKTABLKS Artichokes, t'r73c dot; asparagus. Oregon. 7fir & $1.25 per dot.: Cali fornia. 6M7c per lb.; beans, 12rl7c; cab bage -3 S tf per lb. ; cauliflower, $1 Q 1.25 frer doien; cucumbaie. 75c4$1.5G per dozen; ettuce. hothouse, $1 y" 1 60 per box; lettuce, bead. 10 g fOo per dozen; onions, 12 i 15o rer dosen: parsley. S3c oer dozen: J"as, 4C5C per pound; radishes. 15200 spinach. 0cO $1 : tomatoes, Florida. $2.60 0 a. 25 per crate; Mexican. $1.76 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. HUTTKH - City creamery, extras. 2e; fancy outride rrramery, 24 y 2rto per llv ; store. 1 Sc. t Butter fat prices aver age 1 3 rents per pound under regular but ter prices.) v:w;.S Oregon ranch. 4S2ac per i'ULLTRr Hens, 15i16c. broilers. 28 SOc; fryers, 2225c; roosters. 10c; ducks, 1415c; g-eese, ollc; turkeys, 20c; squabs, 42.50 3 per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 17170 per lb.; full cream triplets. l"417fcc; fuii cream. Young America, IS 18 -Vc. VEAL Extras. 8fitMc per pound; ordi nary. 7 fi 7 1 c : heavy, o flop 6 4 c. PORK Fancy, 10c per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS 1909 contract, 9c per pound; 1908 crop. 8 -flp8 14c; 1&07 crop, 3 'a 4c; 1906 crop. 1 hi c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, Is &21o per pound; Valley, fine, 24c; medium, 2c; coarse, 22c. MOHAIR Choice. 24 25c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. lti v& 17c lb.; dry kip. No. 1, 15 '4' 16c pound; dry calf skin, 1819c pound; salted hides, 9Hc; salted calfskin, 13 4 14c pound ; green, lo less. FURS No. 1 ekins: Angora goat, $1 to $1.25; badger, 255c; bear. S6&0; beaver, 6.S0g.S.5O; cat, wild. 75c $1.50; cougar, perfect head and claws. S3 10; fisher, dark. $7.50&11: pais, $4.907; fox, cross. $3 to $5; fox, pray. MJ8oc; fox. red, $3S5; fox, silver, to $100- lynx. S&15; marten, dark. $S12; mink. S3.50&5.50; murkrat. 15-25c; otter. SJ. 50(54; raccoon. 6u&75c; sea otter, f 100 200 as to size and color; skunks. 55 & SOc; civet, cat. 10 15c; wolf. $1!H3; coyote. 75c5$1.25; wolverine, dark, $3'(ji5; wolverine, pale. $2 2.50. CASCAKA BARK per pound, b" cents. FLOUR UP. AT SEATTLE ADVANCE OF 20 CEXTS A BAR kREL OX PATENTS. Seven Thousand Crates of Strawber ries Dumped on the Market. Eggs Are Weak. SEATTLE, Wash., May 14. (Special.) Patent flour advanced 2.0 cents per barrel all around today. The price on ear lots is now $6.20. and on less than car lots $6.35. The advance came as a surprise to the local trade. Export quotations were not changed. Slightly over 7000 crates of strawberries were dumped on to this market today, SO00 this morning and 4000 this afternoon. The very top price was $1.50. More sold around $1 and a few sold for less. A car of Florida tomatoes arrived this afternoon In bad condition and are quoted at $3.50 to $4. Eggs dropped back to 28 cents every where today. BIx carloads of fresh Eastern eggs arrived. A carload of live Eastern poultry le due early next week. Potatoes were steady. CALIFORNIA FRUIT CROP CONDITIONS Carlot Movement of Cherries Started. Other Fruit Prospects. California crop prospects are reported by the California Fruit Distributors as fol lows: The first carload of cherries was shipped from California the 8th Instant and was followed by the second car yesterday. Cherries are Improving in quality and the last car was of good average quality. We expect a material Improvement In this fruit from this time on. . The movement of cherries will be about normal. The crop Is not a heavy one in the earlier districts, but It promises to be much better in the later districts. The weather has .been warm and pleasant and should it continue we expect that the season will be as early on other fruits as last year. There has been no change in the condi tion of apricots. The fruit Is going to be of very good size and will be clean and of good shipping quality. The plum crop will not be as heavy as last year, but as the fruit promises to be of very good size we expect shipments will approximate perhaps 75 per cent of those of last year. This will be true of nearly all kinds. Of peaches there is a very good crop of all shipping varieties from the earliest up to Sal ways, which variety will probably be considerably shorter than last year, it la expected that peaches will begin moving out in a limited way in about ten days. The condition of the crop Is very good. The Hartlett pear crop will not be nearly as large as last season, when it was un usually heavy. The fruit will be large and clean, there being no development of fun gus or scab up to the present time. The grape crop continues In the same promising condition. The vines are now beginning to bloom and there Is every promise of an abundant crop. This la true of all shipping varieties. QUOTATIONS AT SAX FRANCISCO. Price Paid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. May 14. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Onions Oregron. nominal. Millstuffa Bran. $23.50030: middlings. $33r&35. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $2.25 2 40; Salinas Burbanks, nominal; sweets, $1.25 1.50. Vegetables Hothouse cucumbers, SOc 1 ; garlic, 8 10c; green peas, 7&c$1.25; string bean, 5foCSc; asparagus, 5 1 r('Z.2; toma toes. $1&1.25: egg plant, 20&25c. Butter Fancy creamery, 25c; creamery second, 24V,c; fancy dairy. 24c. , Poultry Roosters, old, $4 i 5; young. $9 12; broilers. small. $2.503.50; broilers, large. $46; fryers. $7.60tfiS.50; hens, $5 10; ducks, old $5(5)5.50; young. $8$. Ecgs Store, 20c; fancv ranch, 27c. Cheese Nw, 12&13c; young America, 14 l6e. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin. 10 Ific; Mountain, 6'lOc: Nevada, 1 31 8c. Hay Wheat, $23. 50(27. 50; wheat and oats, $2S26; alfalfa. $1012? stock, $11 12: straw, per bale, 5080o. Fruits Apples, choice. $1.00; common, 60c; bananas, 75c $3; limes. $4.505; lemons, choice. $3.25; commons, $1; oranges, $1.236 3.00; pineapples, $3 4. Receipts Flour. fcOO quarter sacks; barley, 4G03 centals; oats. 1170 centals; beans. 705 sacks; corn, 60 centals: potateoe. 3wif sacks; bran. OO sacks; hay, 60S tons; wool, 472 balee: hides, 300. White Salmon Berries Ketch High Price, WHITE SALMON, Wash., May 14. Special.) C E. Braneman shipped a half crate of strawberries to Spokane May 11, receiving $0 for them. This is the first shipment of berries from this section. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Receipts of livestock yesterday were light and trade generally was quiet. Aside from an advance of 50, cents In lambs, there was no change in prices. Receipts for the day were three cattle, 55 sheep, 03 hogs and two horses. Local prices quoted at the yards yestei dav were as follows; CATTLE Steers, top. 5. 50 (g1 5. 75 ; fair to good. $5.0OSt 5.15; common to good, $4.50 4-75; cows. top. $4.254.50; fair to good, $3.75(4.25; common to medium, $2.50g3.50; calves, top, $5.00 Co1 5.50; heavy, $3. 50g 4. 00; bulls and stags, $3.003.50; common, $2.00 0 3.75. HOOS Boat. $7.E0(gi7.75; fair to good, $7.6iir 7.50 ; s lockers, $6.00 6. 50; China, fats. $t;.75fT. 'SHEEP Top wethers. $4.004.50; fair to good, $3.50 4.00 : ewes. ?c less on all grades; yearlings, best. $4.50; fair to good, 4.00(34.2d; Spring lambs, $5. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY. May 14. Cattle -Re ceipts. 1OO0. Market, strone. Native steers, $5.30 7.10; native cows and heifers. $3.00 t?0.50; Mockers and feeders. $4.00 5.75; bulla. $3.7511 5.-J5; calves. $3.75 Iff 7.25 : West ern steers, $5.5 6.75; Western cows, $4.O0 4) 3.50. Hoga Receipts. 70OO. Market. strong. Bulk. $0.t5''U' 7.35; h-avv, $7.0 7.40; pack ers and butchers, $7.107.35; light, $t.75 T.20: pigs. $5.50fl tj.75. Sheep Receipts, 3O00. Market, strong. Muttons. $5.5' tj. 75; lambs, 6 50 9.25; wethers and yearlings, $5.00 7.75; ewes, $4.25 -6.25. OMAHA. May 14. Cattle Receipts. 2100. Market, steady. Western steers, $3.O05 o-H: cows and heifers. $2 75 ft 5.40? stockers and feeders. $3.00 5.5; calves, $3.2542 7. Ou; bulls and stags. $3.00 fi1 5.50. Hogs Receipts. 551HK Strong to 6c high er. Heavy. $7,200 7.35; mixed. $0.05 7-10; light. StJ-SOfc 7.20; pigs, $5.75 6.50; bulk, $0 PlKi 7.25. Sheep Receipts, 1SOO. Market, 10c to 20c lower. Yearlings, $3. 75 6 60; lambs, $S.50 9 10. CHICAGO. May 14. Cattle Estimated receipts. 750. aMrket, steady. Beeves. $5.10 7 7.25; Texas steers, $4.$0$$8 K: Western st errs, $4.75 37 0.Ot; stovkers and feeders, $3.r0'o)5.H5: cows and heifers, $2.50&ti.25; calves. $5.25 fa' 7.50. Hogs Estimated receipts, 1O.000. Mar ket, strong- Light. $tt.M5i 7.35; mixed. $7.0O 17 7.45; hoavy. $7.O5-&7.50; rough, $7.00 7 20; good to choice heavy, $7.JU'i 7 50; pigs, $5 :mj 75; bulk of sales $7 25 a 7.40. Sheet) Estimated receipts. 6hmi. Market, weak. Native. $4.ooj rt.SO; Western, $4.25'j 6.4; yearlings. $0.25$i 7.5'; inmbs, native. $0.25$ 7.75; Western. $&5ufci 0.35. STOCK SALES HEADY Speculators Now Engaged in Reaping Profits. BAD BREAK IN PRICES All Favorable Signs Are 'Ignored In the Desire to Liquidate Holdings Carried Through the Vp- . ward Movement. NEW YORK, May 14. Prices were hlh again today at the stock exchange, but the selling under cover to realize profits was pushed steadily and persistently. The mar ket was undermined and turned weak after a show of strength In the first hour that was more consistent and comprehensive than at any time previonsly this week. The leading speculative stocks all moved upward In concert. In contrast with the ir regular and conflicting movement of re cent days. There are prominent examples in the 'list of stocks that have touched record prices this week. Such speculative leaders as Union Pacific Southern Pacific, Reading and United States Steel are within a few points of the highest prloes ever reached. The speculators seem to have decided that favorable signs in business furnish an ad vantageous opportunity to harvest the profits accrued in the stock market. That was (he only apparent motive for the heavy liquidation today. The news of rains in the Southwest was regarded as affording important relief from the threatened harm to the crops and the optimistic estimate of the crop outlook from Chairman James J. Kill, of the Great Northern, received a good deal of consideration. Heavy sales of copper were reported. Foreign influences were favorable to the market, the subsidence of anxiety over the French postal strike being a. helpful factor. London advices point to some borrowing there for New York account in spite of the command by JJondon of .American gold sup plies. This foreign borrowing would tend to relieve the loan account of the New York banks. In spite of this large pre ponderance of influences favorable to values, prices slipped away with increasing ve locity. Strength In foreign exchange pointed to further gold exports. London sold stocks heae. The foreign trade statement for April shows the effect of the continued heavy im ports combined with falling off in exports In the shrinkage of the excess of exports to a value of $2,990,151, compared with $45, 820.129 In April of last year. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,550,000. United States bonds wer. unchanged on call. CLOSrNO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chalmers pf 2,300 51 60"4 60 Amai Copper 88,800 84 81 83 y. Am Agricultural .. 600 4U 3 3 Am Beet Sugar .. 11.300 87 864 36i Am Can pf 3,600 8214 Si 81 Am Car & Foun. 8.800 55 644 64 Am Cotton OH.... 2,800 6Vk 5is 86 Am Hd & Lt pf. SO0 42 41 4114 Am Ice Securi.. B.40O 404 89H " Am Linseed Oil.. 200 10 16 lO'i Am Locomotive... 2,600 684 B7"4 Am Smelt & Hef. 21,700 64 1 3 do preferred ... 800 108 I09 10'i Am Sugar Ref... 1,300 134-4 133 13314 Am Tel & Tel 4.200 140 139"4 140 Am Tobacco pf. .. 400 101 1004 100t4 Am Woolen 800 3fl 38"4 36 Anaconda- Mln Co 5,300 SO7 49 6014 Atchison 19.900 109-), 10SH 109 do preferred ... 800 104'H, 104?, 14 Atl Coast Line... S0O 1X7 127 126 Bait & Ohio 8.100 115 114 114 do preferred ..... 194 Bethlehem Steel .. 800 27 26H 20 Brook Rap Traa. 10,000 79 74 77 79 Canadian Pacific. 2,400 181 Vi 179H 180 Central Leather .. 1.100 81 29 30 do preferred ... 200 104 104 103 Central of N J 295 Chee & Ohio 10,900 79 77 78 Chicago & Alton.. 600 71 70 70 Chicago Gt West. 1.000 5 5 5 Chicago & N W. . 1.300 184 182 1S2 O, M & St Paul.. 16,400 162 160 150 C, C, C & St L. . 200 74 74 74 Colo Fuel A Iron.. 8.800 4t 3i 4o Colo & Southern.. 100 44 64 64 do 1st preferred. 200 81 83 83 do 2d preferred , 80 Consolidated GJ. . 23,400 147 142 1 Com Products .... 2.700 24 23 23 Del Sc Hudron 8,700 200 19 198 D A R Grande ... 1,100 61 49 50 do preferred ... 300 87 87 87 Distillers' Securi.. 1.40O 39 S8 39 Erie 14,100 84 33 84 do 1st preferred. 8.0OO 52 51 61 do 2d preferred. 1,200 43 42 41 General Electric. 2.7C0 160 169 '160 Gt Northern pf.. 4.8"0 146 145 145 Gt Northern Ore.. 2.400 73 71 72 Illinois Central .. 1.800 148 146 146 Interborough Met. 1.900 16 16 16 do preferred ... 2.000 46 46 45 Inter Harvester... '80 Inter-Marine pf .. 1.700 25 24 24 Int Paper 6O0 13 13 13 Int Pump 2,900 42 40 41 Iowa Central 32 K C Southern ... 8.200 48 47 47 do preferred ... 1.500 74 73 73 Louis & Nartivllle 200 139 138 139 Minn & St L 300 58 58 58 M. St P & S S M. -6O0 137 135 135 Missouri Pacific. 4;.fi0O 75 73 74 Mo. Kan & Texas 10,400 43 42 43 do preferred ... 600 73 73 73 National Biscuit.. SCO ln lo 10r. National Lead ... 2.BOO 88 87 87 Mex Nat Rv 1st pt 1 S00 61 61 51 VT Y Central 6.7O0 132 130 131 N Y. Ont & Wet. 4.700 50 48 49 Norfolk & West. 600 93 91 91 North American.. 1.100 82 82 82 Northern Paclflc. 11.300 146 144 145 Pacific Mail 1.000O 30 29 29 - Pennsylvania 13.100 135 134 1 34 People's Gas .... 8.900 116 114 115k, P. C C St L... 91 Prosed Steel Car. 4O0 42 41 41 Pullman Tal Car 187 Ry Steel Spring.. 600 43 43 43 Reading 192.200 1F9 155 157 Republic Steel ... 1.900 27 26 26 do preferred ... 400 86 85 85 Rock Island Co.. 63.200 33 82 33 do preferred ... 4,700 72 70 71 Pt L i S K 2 pf. 900 4T 45 45 St L Southwestern S0O 25 25 24 do rreferred ... 2.400 62 61 61 Slosj-Sheftield 3O0 81 SO 80 Southern Pacific.. 21.800 12.1 121 121 do preferred ... 200 125 12.1 124 Southern Railway. 9.400 31 30 31 do preferred ... 2.30O 70 69 9 Tenn Copper 2 OOO 44 42 42 Texaji & Pacific. 2.000 34 33 34 Tol. St L & West. 400 6J 60 60 do preferred . . . 30O 69 6! 68 Ur.lon Pacific ...139.30O 190 187 188 do preferred ... 900 97 96 96 U S Realty 4.4"0 85 83 84 U S Rubber 1.800 38 88 88 U S Steel 109.50O 57 65 56 do preferred ... 7.400 119 118 118 Ut5h Copper 1.500 51 81 61 Vt-Caro Chemical. 1.900 60 49 49 Wajbac-h 1.5oo 20 19 19 do preferred ... 5.900 51 50 51 Western Md 6.900 26 25 25 Westinghouse Elec 1.7O0 84 83 83 Western Union ... 81XI 76 75 75 Wheel L Erie.. 200 11 11 11 Wisconsin Central. 100 58 58 58 Total sales for the day, 1.009,400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, May 14. Closing Quotations: U. 3. ret. as reg.l01'N Y C Q 8s... 93 do coupon. .. .101 Xorth Pacifla Ss. 74 U. S. 3s reg. 101jNorth Pacific 4s. 102 do coupon. .. .102 Irnlon Pacific 48.103 U S new 4s reg.119 Wiscon Cent 4a. 95 do coupon. .. .12XiJapanese 4s 85 D & R G 4s 97 I - Stocks at Londoa. LONDON, May 14. Consols 85 1-16: do for account. 85. for money. Anaconda 10 IN. Y. Central. ..135 Atchison ..... do pref Bait & Ohio.. Can Pacific . . Ches & Ohio. . Chi Grt West. C. M. S. P. . .112 Norflk & West.. 94 .107! do pref :.. 90 .118 :Ont & West 51 -lS5JPennsylvanla ... 69 . 80!Rand Mines 9 . 5;Reading 81 .155;Southern Ry 33 De Beer. 13 D R G 52 do pref 90 Erie 85 do 1st pf . ... 50 do 2d pf 41 Grand Trunk... 21 111 Central 1S1 do orer . ilk ISouth Pacific 120 Union Pacific. .. .195 do pref. . 99 U. S. Steel 59 do pref 121 Wabash 2" do pref 52 If you want to - Buy More Timber Build Millsand Railroads Add to YottrPresent Plant Pay Off Your Floating Debt Increase Your Working Capital Please take notice that we purchase out right timber bond issues of first-dlass quality, in amounts from $100,000 to $5,000,000. For quick action, address us direct PeabddyHoxigWelm &Co. - (Established 1865) 181 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. L & K 'Spanish 4s 98 Mo K &. T 44 Umal Copper.... 86 Money. Exchange, t. ' NEW YORK, May 14. Prima mercantile paper closed at S4 per cent. Sterling exchange, strong, with actual busi ness in bankers bills at $4.8635 4.S640 for 60-day bills and at $4.87&0 tor demand. Commercial bills. $4.85 4.86. Bar silver. 62c. Mexican dollars, 44c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. Money on call, easy at 12 per cent; rul ing rate, offered at 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent. Time loans, a shade easier and fairly active. Sixty days, 2Vi to 2H Pr cent; 90 days, 2 to 2 per cent; six months, S to 3 per cent. LONDON, May 14. Bar silver, steady at 24 6-16d per ounce. Money, Si df 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 5-16 p9r cent; for three months bills, 1 6-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, May 14. Silver bars, 62c Mexican dollars, 47c. Drafte Sight, 2c; telegraph, 5c. Sterling on London, 60 days. $4. 864; sight, $4.88. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, May 14. Today's state ment of the Treasury shows: Gold coin and bullion f 42,1135,529 Gold certlilcates 36,522,510 Available cash balance 120,994,906 . Dried Fruit at New Xorlc NEW YORK, May 14. Evaporated apples unchanged, with fancy quoted at 894c; choice, 7 7 c ; prime, 6 8 c ; common to fair, 66c Prunes are being taken in a moderate way by Jobbers and holders are less dis posed to shade prices. Quotations range from 2 c to 12c for new crop California fruit and from 6 Ho to 9o for Oregon 40-SOs to 20-SOs. Apricots are firm, demand light; choice, 10104c; extra choice, 10tt10c; fancy, ll(313c Peaches steady on spot, although advices from the Coast suggest an easier condition In the primary markets. Choice, 6 6 c ; exchange choice, S4 &.c: fancy, 7 g 8 c. Raisins unchanged on spot. Loose musca tel. SH4 c; choice to fancy seeded, 4 94 6c; seedless, S3ig5ttc. and London lay-srs, $1.16(31.30. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, May 14, The London tin market waa about 2s 6d lower, with 'spot quoted at 131 15s and futures at 132 15e. The local market was quiet, with, spot quoted at 28.9029.12a. Copper was a little higher in London, with epot closing at 59 10s and futures at 60 8s d. The local market was steady and un changed, with Lake quoted at 13.12 18.37 Ho, electrolytic at 12.70 13o ud casting at 12.62iS12.87c. Lead was unchanged at 18 8s 9d In London. The local market remained steady at 4. SO 4.85c. Spelter waa unchanged at 21 ITs 6d In London, but was steady and a shade higher at 5.05-5.10c locally. The English Iron market was higher at 48s for Cleveland warrants. Locally the mar ket was steady, but unchanged. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, May " 14. Butter Steady. Creameries, 21 25c; dairies, 1823c. Eggs Steady; at mark, cases included, lfiic: first, 20c; prime firsts, 21c. Cheese Firm. Dairies, 15Vi"S'lo'!jc; twins, l414c; Young Americas, 14&14c; long horns, 1414c. NEW YORK, May 14. Buttei- Steady, un changed. ' Cheese Colored, easy; whites, x steady; prices unchanged. f Eggs Firmer, Western storage packed, 22VjC; "Western firsts, 2122c; seconds, 20$i $21c. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 14. Coffee futures closed barely steady net unchanged to TO points lower. Sales were reported of 24,250 bags. Including May, 7.157.20c; July, 6.55 (r 6. 65c ; September, 6. 1 0 6. 20c ; December, 5.95c; March, 6.00c Spot quiet. No. 7 Rio, 8HfrSe; No. 4 Santos, 89c Mild quiet. Cordova, 9 94 1 2 "4 c. Sugar- Raw firm. Fair refining, 3.42c; oentifugal 96 test. 4.92c; molasses sugar, 3.15c. Refined, steady. 'Crushed, 5.65c; powdered, 5.05c; granulated, 4.85c. London Wool Sales. LONDON, May 14. The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 18,464 bales. Animated buying by all sections kept the market strong, especially for good, greasy merinos and croisbreda. There was spirited bidding by home, French and Amer ican buyers and the latter secured the best grades, as well as several lots of coarse, lustrous cro&sbreds. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, , May 14. Spot cotton closed quiet, 6 points higher. Middling uplands, 11.85c; middling Gulf. 11.60c. Sales, 1816 bales. Futures closed feverish. May, 11.11c; June, 10.89c; July, 10.86c; August, 10.81c; Septem ber, 10.S2c ; October, 10.81c; November and December, 10.84c; January, 10.80c; March, 10.78c. . Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. May 14. Wool Firm. Me dium grades-, combing and clothing, 25 80 He; -light fine. 22 ft-27c; heavy fine, 15 22c, and tub washed at 27g:3gc. Jury Censures Electric Company. ASTORIA, Or., May 14. (Special.) The Coroner's jury appointed to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of the late Shallmen E. Morton, the young man who "was killed a ie. days ago by falling; from an electric light pole, re turned a verdict last evening of . acci dental death, but censured the electric company for permitting a boy so young; as the deceased to climb poles. RAIN IN WH EAT BELT Traders, However, Ignore the Weather Conditions. CHICAGO MARKET HOLDS UP Principal Bullish Influence Is tlie "Strength at the Leading Grain Centers of Europe Rec ord for May Oats. CHICAGO, May 14. Although Kansas and Northern Oklahoma had been drenched by a general ram during the last 24 hours, the effect on the speculative market for wheat here was not what had been ex pected, the wet weather having apparently been entirely discounted the previous ses sion. At no time were prices more than o below yesterday's final quotations, while the July delivery, the active option, was at one time a full cent above the previous close. During the first half of the session the market displayed decided strength, but in the final hour sentiment became less bullish and the distant futures developed considerable heaviness. The principal bullish influence was the strength of the leading grain markets of Europe, Berlin and Budapest, being up 2 He and 8c respectively, and Liverpool showing a gain equal to-d to d. Cash trade here and In the Southwest was very slack, but Minneapolis reported a brisk de mand for the cash grain and & lively in quiry for flour. July ranged between $1.12 H and $1.14. Profit-taking in the final hour caused a decline of mone than Ho from the best mark, but the close on nearby futures was firm, while the deferred deliveries were barely stetady. Final quotations on July were $1.13 1.13. Wet weather caused a firm opening In the com market, but sentiment soon be came bullish. At the close prices were o higher to o lower. July sold between 68,c and 69 Ho and closed at 69c. Oats for May delivery, touched a new high mark for the season, when the price touched 69 c, owing to active buying by shorts. The market In general, however, was rather weak. May closed o higher but other deliveries were Ho to c lower, final quotations on May being at 69 Ho and on July at 61c. Provisions were firm all day, prloes clos ing unchanged to 17Hc higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: v WHEAT. Open. May $1.27? July 1.13 Vi Sept 1.06 Dec 1.04 H High. Low. Close. $1.28 I1.27H $1-28 1.14 112H 1.18 1.06 1.05 1.06 1.04 1 04, 1.04 CORN. .78 .78 .78 .69 .68 .69 .67 .67 -67 .58 .58 .88 OATS. .58 .58 .68 .52 .61 .61 .44 .43 .43 .44, .44 .44 July Sept Dec. -69 -67 May. . . July... Sept. MESS PORK. May 18.17 1830 18.15' 18.80 July 18.30 18.42 18.25 ' 18.42 Sept 18.2 7 18.45 18.27 18.45 May 10.67 10.72 10.67 10.72 July 10.72 10.77 10.70 10.75 Sept., 10.85 10.90 10.80 10.90 SHORT RIBS. May 10.15 July 10.17 10.20 10.12 10.15 Sept 10.22 10.25 10.20 10.22 Grain stat istics : Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 110.000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Brad streets, were equal to 1,230,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 654,000 bushels. compared with 333,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat," 4 cars; corn, S9 cars; oats, 164 cars; boors. 8000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 11,200 13,200 Wheat, bushels 432,400 47 800 Corn, bushels 142,900 23'00 Oats, bushels 216,200 278 700 Rye. bushels 2.000 3 000 Barley, bushels 45,000 27,200 Grain and Produce at New Tork. NEW TORK, May 14. Flour- Receipts 12,600 barrels; exports, 1700 barrels. More active, with prices firm. Wheat Receipts, 23.400 bushels; exports 16,000 bushels. Spot firm. No. 2 red. $l 45 nominal elevator and $1.45 nominal f. o. b afloat; Xo. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.82 t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.82 t o. b. afloat. There was some Irregularity to the wheat market today, although the un dertone shoKved average firmness on strong cables, bull support and commission house buying. Occasional reactions occurred on reports of good rains in Kansas, but the last prices were o to c above Thurs day. May, $1.34; July, $1.20; September. $1.12: December, $1.11. p ' Hops Firm. Hides Firm. Bogota, 2122o; Cen tral America, 2 2c. Wool and petroleum Steady. Wheat at Seattle. 6 EATTLE. Wash., May 14. No milling quotations. Export wheat Bluestem. $1 24 red. 91.09; club, $1.14. Receipts "Wheat, live cars. Grain a Ban Trandocs. PAN FHANCISCO. May 14. Wheat, Arm; barley, firm. Barley KeJ. $l.B2.$ffl 1.R0 per cental; brew, ins. 1.63H15 per cental. Spot Quotations: "WThe&t Milling-, $2.10& THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AINSWORTH. President B. W. SCHMEEB, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WEIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. 2.15 per cental; milting-, 2.102.20 par cen tal Oats Red. 22.20 per cental; -whlta. $2.18 S2.25 per cental; black, nominal. Call board sales: Barley May. $L0 per cental asked. $1.57 per cental bid; Decem ber, $1.8601.86 per cental. Corn Large yellow, $1.701.75 per cental. European Grain Market. LONDON, May 14. Cargoea, quiet. Walla Walla, on passage, 43s 6d. English country markets, quiet. Krencn country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, May 14. Wheat July. 8s lTtd; September, 8s 454d; December, 8s 34. Weather, cloudy. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash.. May 14. Wheat Mill ing: Bluestem, 1.251.S0; club $1.14. Ex port: Bluestem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.09. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, May 14. Flax closed $1.69. I Eastern Mining- Stocks. BOSTON. May 14. Closing quotations: Adventure ..... 844, Allouez 4D Amalgamated . . 83 Arts Com 44 AtlanUc 10 Butte Coal 25 5. Cal & Arls 103 Cal & Hecla. .. .630 Centennial 30 Copper Range... 80 Daly West 9 Michigan r 11 Mohawk C4 Mont C St C 25 Nevada 22 Old Dominion... 04 Parrot 34 iQulncy ......... do bnannon ....... joa Trinity 14 uniteo. copper... 12 U. S. Mining 47 II. S. Oil 81 Franklin is nranbv 104 (Victoria 5 Greene Cananea 10 Isle Roy ale 28 Winona ........ o Wolverine 14 s Mass Mining 14North Butte. 61 NEW YORK. May 14. Closing quotations: Alice 260 Brunswick Con. 6 , Com tun stock. 27 do bonds 22 CCA Va 67 Horn Silver...... 65 Iron Silver 125 Leadville Con... 45 Little Chief 9 Mexican 78 Ontario 425 Ophir 125 Standard 175 Yellow Jacket... 60 Hope In londoa, LIVERPOOL, May 14. Hops in London: Paciflo Coast. Arm at 23. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ALASKA SUMMER CRUISES. Prom Seattle. S. S. Spokane, June IS. 80, July 15. 30. August 14. S. S. iXueenv July 15, 30. Strictly limited to first-class round trip passengers. Rates $100 up, ac cording to accommodations. Berth and meals included. Reservations should be made at ence. E. F lie Grandpre, Agent. Pacific Coast Steamship Company, 249 Washington St., Portland. SCANDIMVIAN-AMERICAN USE 1MN Ton Twin-Screw Pb mikct Btwrntrt Direct to Norway. Sweden and Denmark 0car II May 27Helliff 01av...Jun 24 United States.June 10 Oscar XI July 3 C.F.Tletfren, June 17jUnited States, July 2S All Steamers Equipped With M'lreless. First cabin, $75 upward; second cabin. $57. GO A. & JOHNSON A CO.. 100 Washington ave. So.. Minneapolis, Minn., or to Local Agents. COOS BAY LINE lb steamer BREAKWATER 1 saves port land every WeiiseMWy, 8 F. M., from Ains worta dock, for fiortU Bead. Marsndeld and Coot Bay points. Frelfiht received till 4 P. M. oa day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, $7, Including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office, Talrd and Washington s tresis, or Alzx worth dock. Phene Main 2a& OREGON TRAVELERS' GUI DEI. jfamburg-Slmerican. London Paris Hamburg-. Clevel d (new) May 22'Deutschland. . .June 5 Pr.Grantnw)May 28 Pr.Llnc-ln(new) June Kals. A. Vic. May 2U Clncln'tl(new) Juna 12 Pennsylvania. .June 2Bluecher Juna 18 -"ia a is. Lane Restaurant. ITALY via Azores Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa. S. S. BATAVIA. tJuno 8, July 29 " MOLTKB lJune 10. July 22 " HAMBURG t'July 1. Aug 14 Gibraltar. "Naples and Genoa. Summer Holiday Cruises XO KOBWAX, gPITZBEROEX, II KLAJSl), BALTIC BEA By superb twin-screw cruising- steamers Oceana, Bluecher, Meteor, Koenlg Wilhelm II. during June, July, August and September. Travelers Cheeks Issued. Tourist Dept.- for Trips Everywhere. Hamburx-American Uae, 160 Powell St., San Francisco, and Local Agent Portland. Worth German floyd . Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw Express and Passenger Steamships Equipped With Wireless and Submarine Signals. Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen. Express Sailings Tuesdays at lO A. M. Kronprlnx. . . .June 8:K. W. D. G- May 25 Cecllie ..May ISlKals. Wm. II. June 1 Plymouth C herbo u rg Bremen . Twin-Screw Sailings Thursdays at 10 A. M. ' Frd E. Gro.. May 13'Bremen June 3 Prlnzess Alice.May 27iPrz .Fd. Wm. June 10 (Gibraltar Naples (renotv Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays at It A.M. Berlin (new) May 15.Prlnzess Irene, June 5 K. Lulse May 22K. Albert June .19 Connections Encircling the Globe. Travelers' Checks Good All Over the World. Apply 0LKICHS A CO., General Agents, 6 Broadway, New York, or Robert Capelle, 250 Powell St., Gent Padflo Cogt Agent, San Francisco, Cal. NEW ZEALAND 11ITI. Delightful 8outn AUSTRALIA 8ea Tours for Rase Health and Pleasure. KEW ZKA1.AXD, tha world's wonderland. Geysers, Hot Lakes, etc The favorite S. S. Mariposa sails from 8aa Francisco May 21. July 1, etc.; connecttna at Tahiti with Union Line for Wellington, N Z. THE ONLY PASSKNGEB LINE IKOM V. 8. TO NEW ZEALAND. Wellington and back, (260. Tahiti and back. (125, 1st class. LINE TO HONOLULU Special round trip (110, 1st class. S. S. Alameda sails May 15. June 5. 26, etc. Address. OCEANIC LANE. 67S Market St., Ssa Pram. Cisco. SAN FStANCISCO 4k PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing. Prom Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A- If. S.8. State of California. May 15, 29. etc. 8.S. Hose City, May 22, June 5. etc. Prom Lombard St.. San Francisco, 11 A. II. 8.8. Kom City, May IS. 29, etc State of California. May 22, etc. J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Main 208 Ainsworth Dock. M. J. BOC1IE, City Ticket Agent. 142 Sd Bt. Phone Main 402. A 1402. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer "PORTLAND-ASTORIA. Round trip daily except Monday, for As toria and way landings: leaving Portland at 7 A. M., arriving Astoria 1 P. M. Return- t ing. leave Astoria 3 P. M., arrive Portland . 9:45 P. M. Sunday excursion, Astoria and I return. Leave Portland 8 A. M. ; return 9 P. M. ; fare $1.00 round trip. Portland, Washlngton-St. dock. Phone Main 8019. Cal- 1 lender dock, Astoria. ; NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO ! S. S. Ceo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and! Los Angeles May 13, May 27. Ticket! office 132 Third street, near Alder.' H. YOUNG, Agent.