Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 14, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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HAVE customer for modern house, 8 or 6
rooms, la or near Sunnyside. email cash
payment. balance like rent. Must be good
Suite 420 Swetland Bldg.
I HAVE tenants for houses. Will buy if
satisfactory. What have you? Bee Mr. Mc-
2t0-204 Chamber of Commerce.
HAVE purchaser for S or 5-room house;
must be new, modern, on Nob Hill; price
S 7000 ; stibm It what you h ave. Call room
307 Chamber of Commerce.
CUSTOMER desires lot, vicinity "Willam
ette Heights or closer In, not over $2500.
Blair A Hays. 4M Commercial Club bids.
Phone A or Via In 3236.
WAN'TKD New. mortem home of 6 or T
moms. East Side, walk Ins; distance: must
le reasonable; slate price and location. P
S3. Oregonlan.
WANTED Corner lot -with or without house.
Hoi 1h day or Irvington; Rive cash price and
local ion . O 03. Oregon ia n .
10O BUYERS for Rockaway Beach lots at $20,
$5 down, $5 per month, ni interest. C. J.
Owen & Co.. 41 Lumber Exchange.
HOUSE and lot. about $,Voo cash; south of
Wash., wwt of ftth, north of Hall. From
owner only. Y 82. OOregonian.
WANTED One lot. 100 feet by J0O feet,
for manufacturing purpose; state cash
price and location. K 83, Oregonlan.
WANT good lots, either Irvington, Nob Hill,
something; snaps: customers waiting. Call
room 307 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Residence lot West or Et Side,
close in ; state lowest price, particulars,
tc. AM SO. Oregonlan.
CHOICE! homes and building lots our great
est nerd ; we can sell them. Columbia
Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg.
11 A VK $1500 rash to put Into a lot; must
he close in; snap. N SO. Oregonian.
IMPROVED acre and boin"e close to car and
a snap. P 84, Oregonlan.
WANTED House north of Holllday; $1800
to -$2400; owners only. 403 Couch Bldg.
WANTED A lot In Piedmont for cash. AB
79. Oregonlan.
20 ACRES, not cleared, at $130 per acre;
15 miles east of Portland, on the Esta
cada carltne; cars run through the place;
if you want something that is gilt-edged
and mean business, come to my home in
the evening. Listen! This la no gold mine
nr an oil well but a chance for someone
to get something good ; that's all. Good
blak loam soil, nice stream of water, no
rocks or gravel. Nuf sed.
771 Belmont St., Portland. Or. B 2126-
4-ATR E tracts on easy terms, about A
miles from city limits on level road, han
dy to R. R. station; land all In grass;
some fruit, handy to good school, stores
and churches; tine soil; small payments,
balance like rent; fine place to spend
Ml Uerlinger bldg.
3400 $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent, for
a tine 4-acre tract with new and first-class
buildings, handy to cars; just the. thing
for a workingman3 family or old people.
F FTTCHS. 221 Morrison st.
SUBURBAN. 30-acre farm. 6 miles out on
S. P. and Salem Electric, large barn,
dwelling house, family orchard. all
cloared. part beaverdam; price $10,000.
Allen & Buoy, 510 and 511 Board of
0 ACRES. 17 miles from Portland. mile
from Oregon Electric, fine soil, some tim
ber. Must be sold at once. Price $2150. M
64, Oregonlan.
WE have some attractive buys in Portland
acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Board of
Trade bldg.
SUBDIVIDING fine land, near Portland car
line. $75 acre. Owner, AM 78, Oregonlau.
NICE improved 6-acre tract, near Portland,
cheap. 1019 Board of Trade.
I WANT a -topic and dairy ranch near
Portland, not learn than 20O acres. Y S3,
FORTUNES in homesteads and relinquish
ments. Don't delay. Thresher, Echo, Or.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
WE want to clean up what horses we have
on hand as there will be two cars of
your.g stock in May 15, and have not got
enough room. These range in weight
from 1000 to 1500 pounds and from 4 to
12 years of age. All will be sold with a
guarantee. We have two good saddle
horses among these; one span of blacks,
Gomhros. 5 years old, A-l drivers in tam
or single. We have purchased a 2000
acre ranch In Eastern Oregon with about
H head work horses; these are all well
bred horses. Give us a call and inspect
them. Hawthorne ave. Stables. 420 Haw
thorne ave.
$200 TAKES bay team, weight 2850 lbs.,
ej 9 and li years, sound and will be
tried to heavy load; large bay horse," weight
1350 lbs., good worker, single or double,
sound in every way, price $95; pair matched
brown geldings, aged 6 and 7 years, weight
12T lb, each, both go single. will sell
separate, price $215; pair of mares, weight
2!'0 lbs., sound, well matched and work
any place, price $325; also many other bar
gains. This lot. consisting of 25 head of
hordes) and maroe, are guaranteed to be Just
as represented, and will be given a
thorough trial. Rose City Sale Stables,
llth and Jefferson.
FOR SALE At the O. R. C. stables. 14th
A Yumhtll st. Bay gold, 6 years old. 15.3
hnnris. 1 1 r0 lbs. ; good family or delivery
hoi so; $1 75. Br. mare, 5 years old, 1100
lbs; extra good roadster, $"25. Br. mare,
8 years old. 1100 lbs.; high going and
fast: a beautiful mare for saddle or
harness. $;.00. Br. mare. 15 hands. 6 j-ears
old, perfect paddle and harness mare, $200.
These horses are all perfect, broken and
in pink of condition. Chas. B. Kler.
WHY tmy a second-ham:, vehicle when we
can well you a new vehicle at about the
mi tne price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery w ago as
and farm wagon a
R. M. WADE A- CO..
322 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1309. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham
bleronlan geldings, brothers; thoroughly
broken to the city; as fine a pair of car
riage horses as you can find; weight about
1300 each; price for the pair $1000. Can
be seen any day at the Fashion Stables.
PAIR well-matched hors. weight 2800 IK.,
nro sound, young and in fine condition; also
jalr matched by Shire horses, weight 25-40
lbs., low. chunky sort ; prices are low. 26
N. l.Vh st.
PAIR of black mares. ages 5 and 6. stand
lit hands, weight 1 C00 each, of fine ap
pearance, good action, tine drivers, or
workers, single or double. C. S. Calkins.
Newberg. Or.
TEAM. horse and mare, weight 1150 each,
msre in foal, good workers, new heavy har
ns. all complete, price $150. Red Front
Stable. 16th and Washington.
A CARLOAD first-class draft and delivery
and driving horses at the Madison-st. Sals
tables, 185. near bridge.
HORSES for sale: if you are in the market
for horses and mares, call 505 Alblna
ave. piuniel'i Sale Stable.
FAIR young chunky mares, weight 110O lbs.
each; work sing's or double or ride. 26 N.
15th st.
HORSES, mares, rijrs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HUBERT A HALL, 880 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
ONE team. A200. one 2S50, one 2800. four
single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East Stark.
PONY at Kramer's stables. Fifteenth and
Alder st.
AT VNION stock yards. 60 head or horses
just arrived, all sizes.
GOOD heavy work team for sals cheap for
cash.' 8,14 Front st.
HORSES and mares for sate. Rose City
Stables, llth and Jefferson. M 8300.
HNE bay horse for ssle cheap; weight 1250
Call at 28 Jeffensoa st.
$4800 7 -passenger, fully equipped White
steamer; must be sold; no reasonable
offer will be refused. J. Randall. 315 Ore
gonlan bldg.
20OO SHARES Portland Home ' Telephone
stock ; trade for automobile, V 8, Ore
gon ian.
7-wROOM house and Jot, St. John, trade for
automobile. V 87, Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILE Cadillac runabout in good
order, for sale, $350. 366 N. 20th st.
WANTED Second-hand or wrecked auto
mobile; cheap, cash. G 89, Oregonlan.
TWO lots, corner 100x100. Elmhurst Ad.,
trade for automobile. V 89, Oregonlan.
LADY wants piano for storage, no children,
best of care. 548 Commercial Court, near
Russell st.
GOOD mahogany piano for sale. A bargain.'
75 N. 9th fit.
JlNTTHINO in the iron or kindred lines.
Eighth, GlUan and Hoyt Sts.
The House of a Million Bar gal na
SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington st. H. D.
Jones, proprietor.
VERY reasonable price, window curtains,
shades, hall and stair carpets, etc., of an
S-room house, which is for rent; no
agents. Call bet. 8 and 12 A. M.. 194
15th st., corner Taylor.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We
are Independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rotbchild
bldg., Portland. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Ftg. Co.,
203 2d st.
BRAND new oak furniture for 3 rooms; cost
$:io0; wUl sell for $250; must be sold this
weelc. Apartment 26, Wellington Court,
15th and Everett sts.
GENUINE old EngliBh hall clocks are rare
these days; I have several about 7 feet 6
Inches high; will sell at a bargain. Thoa.
Da Vail. Wallowa. Or.
N EWMAN Motion Picture Exchange rents
films, machines, etc., 20 per cent cheaper
than any other firm. 526 Washington,
near lth.
Logging and hoisting engines.
TWO low-pitch buffet clarinets, or will ex
change for high-pitch. E. L. Rice, Or
pheum Theater.
OFFICE furniture for sale, cheap, practi
cally new desk, table, chairs, rug, etc.
Call 603, Board of Trade bldg.
OAK cabinet. 2 lS-draw index. 9 draw let
ters, 4-draw base, slide and top, first
class condition. 616 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 5445.
CHANGE Film service that wins. Stere
optlcon slides, supplies. 165 4th st.
LESS than half price, films, also complete
motion picture outfit, etc. 526 Washing
ton, near 17th.
BARBERS All or any part of a 32-chair
shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe
Co., 92 Seventh st.
LOAN ticket on diamond rings cheap. W 84,
SEWING machine. 5 drawers. Domestic, used
two months, $25 cash. 29th and Alberta.
SMITH-PREMIER typewriter No. 4 for sale
cheap. 27 Hamilton bldg.
FOR SALE Smith Premier typewriter No.
4. Pacific Employment Co., 12, N. 2d st.
GOOSENECK fountain, glasses, Jars, spoons,
new coil, cheap. W 83, Oregonlan.
19-FOOT launch, exchange for $500 lot. 403
Couch Bldg.
OFFICE fixtures for sale. Inquire Henry
Jennings & ons.
TINSHOP proposition for tinsmith with little
money. M 83. Oregon ian.
WANTED Honest, reliable young man with
little capital to take half interest in well
established buelness; experience unneces
sary. 326 Washington St., room 416.
DENTISTS One Rood plate man and three
operators. Ask for Dr. Shanklln, Hotel
Oregon. Friday, bet. 11:30 and 1:30.
WANTED First-class upholsterer, can se
cure steady situation with good wages.
Campbell Fellman Co., Eugene. Or.
I WANT a first-class chef or cook, also
second cook: state wages wanted and ref
erences. AM 14, Oregonlan.
BRIGHT, rustling collector, small bond,
permanent position. 616 Board of Trade
WANTED 2 men to learn automobile busi
ness. Ca 1 1 at once. 52 N . 7th st . Ma i n
4455, A 4455.
LIVE agents to sell $20 Rockaway Beach
lots. $5 down. $5 per month, no interest.
C. J. Owen & Co., 414 Lumber Exchange.
SALESMEN (experienced), staple line, with
specialty talking points. New. Big com
missions. F. W. Main, 9, Iowa City, la.
YOU earn $5 daily; easy work; must Invest
$50; particulars 526 Washington, near
WANTED Young- man to learn good busi
ness, liberal pay from, start. Apply 70S
Swetland bldg.
$100 MONTH Special fire agent, permanent,
give full particulars. Address L 80. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Experienced real estate men,
also young man to learn business. 333
'Chamber of Commerce.
LOCAL manager to represent large manu
facturing concern ; exclusive contract. W.
F. A. Co., 1605 Gough St., S. F.
MAN of ability can earn big money on com
mission. Call today at room 26 Hamilton
WANTED Experienced wholesale drug or
der clerks; experienced men only. Blumauer
Frank Drug Co.
WANTED A single man with reference and
experience for work in grocery store. Phone
A 2296. Call at once.
BARBER wanted. lOl Grand ave., cor. B.
Washington. $5 guaranteed.
FIRST-CLASS painter at 441 21st st., Port
land Heights.
TAILOR for men's bushellng work. Lion
Clothing Co.. 106-170 3d st.
WANTED City . salesman for janitors sup
plies. 44 2d st.
H "N" EST. trustworthy, sober man for em
ployment office. Call 226 Morrison st.
PAPER stock cutter and shipping; cleric.
F. W. Baltes A Co.
COOK, flrst-claes. country hotel; $70 Pio
neer Employment Co.. 16 North 2d.
WANTED Boy with, bicycle. K 8. Ervln
A Co., Ltd.. 250 Alder st.
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. C. Elmore Grove. 862 Wash. st.
A FIRST-CLASS sausage maker wanted at
Jones' Market, 151 4th St.
WANTED 2 hostlers at the Hawthorne barn,
420 Ha wt home ave.
PHOTOGRAPHER, all around man, steady.
Cutberth Photo Studio, Dekum bldg.
GANG edgerman: one proficient in his busi
ness. Jones Lumber Co., 12S0 Macadam st.
ONE first-class waiter. Apply at 35 North
1st st.. Overland saloon.
WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond
5c cigars.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins
Depot. P. LoratL 164 2d- Main 5500.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents: best
offer on Coast. Cutberth, Dekura bldg.
SHOE SALESMAN (experienced), wanted
at the Sample Shoe Store Co., 142 2d st
W AN TED Asbestos worker. Call 2SS 3d at.
In Albina, Mont a villa, 3fc.
John, Sunnyside, Sellwood,
Portland Heights, Woodlawn,
Irvington, 'way up town or
anywhere, yon need not coma
to the business office of Th
Oregonian to insert an ad
vertisement. Just take the
phone either one and read
the ad to the clerk. Bill will
be sent you the next day.
Convenient, isn't itf
And no matter what yon want, this newspaper can satisfy yotu.
If yon want help in your store or kitchen.
If you want to borrow money,
If you want to buy. or sell a house or lot,
If you want to rent a room, a house, a flat or a farm
A few lines in The Oregonian want column will usually satisfy
the want. Try it tomorrow.
:t Situation Wanted' f advertisements not accepted over the telephone.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks ; help to secure positions ;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; rrite for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 85
N. 4th st., Portland, Or.
Thoroughly experienced men on Jackets
and gowns. Apply at once.
THE! United Trade School Contracting; Co.
conducts trade school and wants men to
learn plumbing, bricklaying; or electrical
trade; no expense; hundreds have learned
In few months; steady work: guaranteed.
Address 120 E. 9th, Los Angeles.
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Largo
stock; choice territory; commission paid
weekly. If you are a hue-tier and can sell
write us. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
Employment Office Men's Department,
26 North Second St.
phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers.
YOUNG man with experience In fire in
surance business. Reply in own hand writ
ing, stating experience and salary ex
pected; also if able to operate typewriter.
AH 95. Oregonlan.
WANTED We have pood paying routes in
every part of city for bo ye who are huetlers;
must be over 16 years of age. Apply at
once to city circulator, room 2o3. Ore
gonlan bldg.
WANTED Man and wife for country hotel
in Washing-ton. man as cook and wife help;
call at once; wages $85 per month and board,
C. R. HANSEN, JR. Employment Office,
No. 2fl N. 2d St.
STENOGRAPHER Good position for young
man of experience. State age, experience,
references and salary expected. A J 86.
WANTED A first-class advertising man,
window -trimmer and card-writer for cloth
ing store. Apply Neustadter Bros., be
tween 11 and 12.
OPERATE a moving-picture machine; $25
weekly up; no machines need be pur
chased; we teach you. Call today and in
vestigate. Suite 31, 268 Stark st.
CALL this evening. 5 to 8; have fine open
ing for young man; services and small
capital required. 326 Washington St.,
room 405.
PLACE in Alaska for few more pick and
shovel men who can Invest $100 cash.
Free trips both. ways. 615 Board of
WANTED Partner. established business-,
outdoor work, small capital required, ex
perience unnecessary. Call 326 Wash
ington st., room 405.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers for city and country.
Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
QET into the moving-picture business, great
future predicted; we aid you in trecuring
positions earning $2-5 weekly up. Call to
day, suite 31. 268 Stark.
WANTED Man, wife, cooks, for private
boarding house, city; $60; restaurant cook.
$45. Pacific Employment Co., 12 North 2d
WANTED By grocery firm, solicitor o
call on city and country trade, hotels,
camps, etc., commission ; state references.
Address AB 93, Oregonian.
WANTED Sawyer for hand machine shin
gle saw; union wagea
Main Office, 12 N. 2d St
WANTED Reliable man to check goods;
collect, etc., as partner; must be willing
to start at $75 month; $250 cash re
quired. Particulars 24S Stark st.
WANTED Solicitor and collector; salary
and commission; bis; money for" a hustler.
Call 208 Marquam bldg., between 10 A. M.
and 1 P. M.
MARRIED man to work in foundry near
Portland. 339 Sherlock Bids;.
WE secure position for our members.
Special membership, T. M. C. A-
WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dye
and remodel hats, dye plumes at half
price. Model Millinery, 38? Yamhill.
WANTED Capable and experienced wo
man for generw! housework. Small family;
good wagea Call East 3396.
PHOTO STUDIO, experienced young lady,
good position to right party. Cutberth.
Dekum bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER widower with children,
country. Room 2, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
FAMILY second girl, Swedleh preferred;
$30. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Experienced girl for housework.
Call at 791 Tillamook st.. Irvington.
GIRL for general housework; light work;
good home. 5S5 Tillamook.
WANTED Young girl to assist with cook
ing, general housework. 737 Johnson.
GIRL for all-around work; good wages.
Great Northern Hotel, 610 21st st.
EXPERIENCED help wanted at once, waist
and skirt finishers. 405 Filed ner bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 142 Union ave. North..
WANTED A good woman cook. Call at 386
East Burnslde. '
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
Phone East 6245.
WANTED -Stenographer who can spell; no
objection to beginners. W gl. Oregonlan.
A GOOD second-hand safe; give size and
' description. T 64, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; good plain
cook, email family. 651 Hoyt et.
YOUNG LADY as clerk in. candy store. Call
afternoon. Swetland, 269 Morrison.
APRENTICE girl wanted to learn dress
- making. Apply 475 Salmon st, after 1.
WANTED Sewing girl. steady position.
Angeles Dressmaking Parlors. 242. 5th st.
GIRLS wanted. Coffman Candy Store, 350
Washington st.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Ap
ply S48 Grand ave.. North, near Broadway.
GI RL for general housework, good wagea
Apply In mornings. 340 Hassalo at.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house
work; ssnaU family. 90 East Davis st.
Firet-class on jackets, skirts and gowns,
wanted at once.
WANTED First-class fitter for alterations
In ladles suit dept., only those havL& ex
perience and can furnish references apply.
L 85. Oregonian.
843 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help supplied free to employers.
GOOD reliable girl to care for year-old
baby, at Sunnyside; ' must have refer
ences; good wages to right party. Apply
at once, 102i2 Belmont.
WANTED -Girl for general housework,
family of two. West Side. Call room 425
Cornelius Hotel, Park and Alder, after
4 P. M.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2.
Grand ave. and East Taylor st,
32312 Washington St., Room 307.
Main S836. or A 32i6.
WANTED Girl living at home to work In
. cigar and confectionery store. 203 First
YOUNG LADY cashier, also experienced
billing clerk ; state experience; references.
AJ 87, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 young ladies and 6 men. Ap
ply property man, Pantages Theater,
stage door, 11 A. M. Saturday.
WANTED Lady sketch artist for traveling
company. Call at 526 Washington st.
Phone Main 8458.
WANTED Kenned, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
843 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED At 77 West Park, 2 good girls,
one for dining-room and one for kitchen
WANTED Girl for . general housework.
Call at 417 Swetland bldg., Washington
and 5th sts.,' or phone E. 1839.
WANTED A good housekeeper, middle-aged
woman preferred. 761 E. Irving. -Call after
6 P. M.
WANTED a waitresses for nrst-class res
taurant at Boise. Idaho; wages $35; fare
paid. Inquire 205 Morrison st., room 1.
wt. Main 209. A 4775. Help and situations
furnished. Mrs. Richardson, Mgr.
YOUNG LADY, about 18, neat, bright, to
care for girl of 8, .must live home, near
6th and Montgomery. 801 Dekum bldg.
GIRL for cooking and housework; $30 per
month. Apply 725 Johnson.
EXPERIENCED second girl; wages $30.
Apply 215 Ford st. Main 759.
LADY or gent wishing clean, legitimate
business, $3 to $1-0 day, learn portrait
painting on glass; send 4 stamps and
photo. Williams, 523 13th St., Oakland,
THE E. B. U. leadsqulckly to good posi
tions; more calls than we can fill; any
system of shorthand. 630 Worcester block,
phone A 5446.
good teachers for Sept. 614 Swetland bldg.
FRENCH AND GERMXn In classes, $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED advertising
Room 3, Commercial. Club.
WANTED Man and wife on fruit ranch at
Mosler. Address AC 89, Oregonian.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
I WILL pay a reasonable commission to
party locating me in a lucrative position
In Oregon. Can do anything but start a
bank. Am a young man; proficient writer,
rractical in newspaper and advertising
work; salesmanship; clerical work; stenog
raphy and private secretaryship. Recently
from the East with credentials. State
salary and nature of work in first letter.
S 81, Oregonian.
SINGLE young man wants position as
bookkeeper, cashier, or clerk ; college
graduate; 10 years' bank experience. Al
references. S 84, Oregonlan.
A SUCCESSFUL vehicle and Implement sales
man wants position; thoroughly capable.
Have best of referencea. H 84, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position ae secretary and
treasurer to theatrical company; age 25;
good education. Y 84, Oregonian.
MJscellaneo us-
EN ERGETIC young man seeks position of
any kind ; best of references ; not ac
quainted In city. X S3, Oregonian.
YOl'Ka .Tan a nose civil engineer, university
graduate, U. S., with experience, wants
position a draftsman, g- 84. oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese wishes position as disci
ple of mechanical engineer. AB 98, Ore
GARDENER, first-class, wants situation;
references. Address W. Coleman. Mer
chants Hotel, 3d st
CHINAMAN tfislies position cooking in
restaurant or hotel. Call James, 287
Everett st. Phone Main A 44S9.
WINDOW cleaning, lawn making, -gardening
a specialty. Main 6573, evening 8. Thomas
JAPANESE young man wants a position in
hotel or saloon as porter. Phone Home
A 4999. Hlna.
YOUNG married man wishes employment
of any kind; handy at anything. AB 9L
EXPERIENCED packer wan Us position. K 77,
YOUNG man. experienced nurse, wants posi
tion. K 76. Oregonian.
FEW hours of any kind of work by ex
perienced Japanese. AE 97. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese wants position as a school
boy. R 82. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gardener wants; situation.
A-l references. Address O 86 Oregonlan.
TOUNG Japanese wants position as farmer,
and speaks well. B, 64, Oregonlan.
SOBER man wants place to do choree; un
derstands gardening, care of horses, also
housecleanlng. Jonghaus. 467 E. Pine st.
Pflone B. 47U5.
GOOD clothing, furnishing or sboe man
wants position. Good references. Moderate
salary. Portland or country. AK 89, Ore
gonian. MACHINIST Thoroughly .experienced In
all kinds of machinery, also in making
dies and tools of every description. S 85,
YOUNG barber wants steady position. H 80,
GENERAL faousecleantng by day or hour.
Phone Main 5569. H. Thompson.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
wishes position; salary $40; best ref
erences. S 82, Oregonlan.
A MARRIED lady would like position as
stenographer, office work, cashier. S 94.
CAPABLE and competent young lady sten
ographer, beginner, desires position. Main
COMPETENT stenographer wishes substitute
work. Phone A 3727.
GIRL wants position as bookkeeper, some
experience; references. Phone Wood. 1343.
Dress makers.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th ana -Main.
COMPETES" T nurse with exteneive expe
rience; best references, wishes care of in
fant or small child at her own home. Phone
Tabor 735.'
Hod sekeepera.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like to keep
house for elderly couple or assist in gen
eral housework in small private family of
adults; no washing. R 83, Oregonlan.
A COMPETENT lady of 28 wishes a position
nouseaeeper, city prererrea. rnono
Woodlawn 1749.
RESPECTABLE woman wants position as in small rami ty, e meny
couple preferred. 8 89. Oregon ian.
A COFFIELD water motor can do your
washing if you have no help; a good girl
will stay If you give ner a C off i eld wash
ing machine. We send them on trial and
show you how to operate. Edwards Com
pany, 191 1st st.
WANTED Place by experienced chamber
maid. W 80, Oregonian.
TWO glials want general housework. 2 S3
.Norm iitn st.
Mlacellsi neons
TUTORING After June 1 will teach gram
mar graue to child not able to finish at
school. "Will leave city or travel. City
references. Five years' experience in
teaching, a 81. Oregonian.
A DRAMATIC woman, of ability would like
to go on vaudeville circuit In dramatic
sketch, or would consider stock proposi
tion. K 84, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE girl, graduated from ladles tai
loring school, desires employment, either by
day or week. H. Y-. 30 N. 3d et.
YOUNG woman of education and experience
desires responsible position with children.
L 84, Oregonlan.
LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered;
flno sun-drying, grass -bleaching facilities.
Tabor 1530. -
WANTED Work by day, washing, ironing,
cleaning. Main 5569.
WANTED Day work or plain1 sewing. Phone
fiellwood 457.
LACE curtains washed, bleached, stretched
and repaired, 40 cents per pair. C 2116.
TWO young women want day work; 25c hour;
references. Main 9179.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched.
40c per pair. Main 559S, A 4002.
FINE lace curtains done at horn, best of
references. Phone A 5123.
FOUR Al clean-cut solicitors who can
furnish $25 bond, can make from $5 to $20
a day for ten days. Call between 2 and
5 P. M., 4th floor Phoenix Bldg., 83
5th st.
WANTED Competent salesmen for best
fruit districts of Oregon and Washington;
good opening for right kind of men. Ad
ores uregoa isursery uo., baiem, ur.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of
nursery stock ; cash weekly ; outnt tree,
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
MAN and wife with no children, small mod
em, furnished house or good flat on West
Side, close In, for four of five months. Ad
dress AD 88. oregonian.
Small modern Cottage or bungalow, un
furnished, with grounds, good car serv
ice, reasonable rent. N 81, Oregonlan.
WANTED By June 1st. furnished flat or
cottage, by young couple within walking
distance of Morrison st. S 93, Oregonlan.
OUR rental section Is equipped for results.
If your property is vacant, try us. Strubie,
405 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED Board and room for family of
three In private family; West Side pre
ferred. Rates, location, to Y 81, Oregonian.
WANT to rent 2 new modern 8-room
houses; in Al residence district. Call room
30 7 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED By responsible parties, 5 or 6
room cottage, furnished; references ex
changed. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange.
SMALL modern house or flat, close In. June
L Answer at once. AG 98, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent private place to keep an
automobile. V S6, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 to 10 rooms, nicely furnished,
flat or cottage. S 88. Oregonian.
WANTED Old, second-hand lathe, about
20-inch swing, suitable to be used for
grinding machine. C. S. Co.. 146 North
10th st.
GRADING job to let on contract at Windsor
Heights. Take Mount Scott car and get
off at Section Line -road or apply 602 Mc
Kay bldg. Phone Main 649.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62. 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co.. or you'll get less. Phones A
2445, Main 8951.
WANTED Second-hand 7-passenger car,
must be in A-l condition, 1908 or 9. Ad
dress AB 92, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067
WANTED A camera, 8x5 Kodak pre
ferred; state price. T 80, Oregonlan.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone
East 5204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor.
WANTED 2-H- P. steam boiler. G 6L Ore
gonian. WANTED All kinds store and office fixtures,
eh owes sea. etc. Phone Main 8458.
MANITOU. 261 13th, large rooms; hot and
cold water; 2 carlines; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.;
elegantly furnished rooms; hot - and cola
water; $12 and up.
$1.25 WEEK up, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms, Jaundry, bath,- yard, fur
nace heat. 203 Stanton. U car.
THE REX. 18th and Washington Modern
rooms, alpo housekeeping; running water,
baths. A 1856, Main 4632.
NICE, large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed and private bath. The Hanover,
165 King st., near Washington.
THE ESTE& -Good rooms, reasonable new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827
Stark, corner 6th, Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cea
IraL, reasonable; transient. Both phones
Furnished Rooms.
NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant
bathroom, both phones free; just the place
for persons wanting a first-class home for
moderate expense. Phone A 580, M 5435.
Call "The H land," 490 Morrison St., com
partment 4.
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable: rates reasonable. Free bus.
Cor. 5th and Yamhill st., opp. P. O.;
nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin
gles; by day. 75c to Si. 50; by week, $3
to $7. Streetcars leaving depot pass
door; take elevator to 3d. 4th, 5th floors.
TUB BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
312 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647.
THE ANGELUS, 6th' and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both pbones.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
oatn, pnone; oDc to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited, 365 Stark, cor. Park.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
VERY comfortable, nicely furnished modern
room xor young man on J. Ankeny canine,
within easy walking distance. Excellent
board adjoining. References required.
Phone East 1175.
PLEASANT room for rent, gentlemen, rea
sonable, private family, walking distance,
6 blocks from Steel bridge. S4S McMillen
st. Phone East 3825.
NEWLY furnished rooms in private familv.
home comforts, walking distance. 40 Ella
st., half block Washington and cars. Mrs.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room,
smaller connecting room rented separate
ly cr en suite, phone A 4006. 429 Market
LIGHT, airy rooms, sleeping porches, with or
without breakfast or board; fine for Sum
mer; Hawthorne line. 331 Glenn ave.
FINE front alcove room for gentleman,
house modern, private family. 3bS Salmon
st., bet. West Park and 10tu sts.
FURNISHED cottage. & rooms. Telephone
Main 5 SO after Sunday; also 2 furnished
rooms for rent, housekeeping. 656 6th st.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, . nice cool single
- front room for gentleman; modern, reason
able. PLEASANT outside furnished rooms, baths
free, $11.50 per week and up, close In. 95
llth st., near the Nortonia.
NICELY furnished rooms in private home,
hot and cold water; price reasonable. Call
471 Taylor. Phone Main 8176.
TWO nicely furnished rooms; en suite or
single ; close in ; on West Side ; modern.
201 16th st., cor. Taylor.
25S 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms,
new house; every convenience; gentlemen
PLEASANT rooms, all modern, attractive,
walking distance. 665 Irving. Main 6389.
FOR - RENT One furnished bedroom, $1.50
per week. 431 6th st.
309 11TH Nicely furnished single, for gen
tleman ; modern, reasonable.
DON'T search; lovely, modern front room,
. 2' gentlemen or couple. 407 Jefferson.
B NICELY furnished rooms for family of
two. Inquire 403 Rodney ave.
FURNISHED pleasant, clean rooms, bath,
gas, $2 per week. S92 24th st- North.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FRONT, sunny room, entirely separate and
modern. 697 Washington, suite 8.
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every respect; steam " heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator aud bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite. $10
per montn ana up; puoiic parior, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests;
transients solicited ; excellent table board,
$18 per month; single meals, 25 cents.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 21st year, room
witn ooara, use or sewing room ana li
brary, 510 Flanders st.. Miss Frances N.
Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange,
133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt.
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison st.. family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board.; prices mod
erate. ROOMS and board; large rooms, suitable for
two gentlemen, ail moaern conveniences.
Park and Oak st.. No. 77.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms in Port-
lana ; rates lowest ; a cc miortabie home.
THE LIN DELL. 269 Market: nicelv fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonaDie ; nne walking distance.
THE OZARK. 225 llth. Light, airy rooms
witn ooara. not ana com water.
FOR SALE or trade, a city business; prioe
ifw. tr ou( uregonian.
ROOMS, single end en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Booms With Board in Private Family.
FOR RENT 2. large rooms, also 2 small
rooms, with board, in private family,
choice location, house strictly modern
and within walking d istance; terms rea
sonable. Apply 170 North 16th st; phone
LADY, alone great deal, wishes lady, em
ployed, as roomer ; breakfast If desired ;
use oX piano ; reasonable ; walking dis
tance; car to door. Phone Main 1X55.
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, every mod
ern convenience. Moderate rent to nice peo
ple. Breakfast if desired. 404 Clay. Phone
Main 9425.
ONE or 2 pleasant furnished rooms, with
home privileges, with or without board. 60S
E. Ash. pnone s zioi.
LARGE front room with alcove; also smaller
room, private, breakfast and dinner; very
reasonaDie. toi jearoey. a ntv.
168 W. lOTH LarKQ. handsome front room.
with or without board, suitable for two
young men.
FURNISHED rooms with board, walking dis
tance. 355 E. 6th st. N-, cor. Broadway.
NICELY furnished front room, home cook
ing, modern conveniences. 455 6th st.
NICE rooms and good home cooking. 674 Gil
san, cor. 18th.
GOOD board and room for gentleman at
149 15tn st., oec Morrison ana Alder.
BOOM and board for 2; West Side. Phone
Main S649. 248 N. 20th St.
THE COZY. 195 7TH STREET Nicely fur
nished transient rooms, $2.50 and up per
weeic; prices per nignt ooc ana up, one
block soatn H.otei fortiana.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts..
unfurnished apartment, with bath; every
convenience; aesiraDie location; reason'
able rent. Main 2506.
JEFFERSON IAN, modern S-room furnished
apartments, every convenience. 16th and
j e ner son.
THE HANOVER apartments, 165 King, near
Washington; 8-room apartment with wall
Dea ; nice veranaa ; every tning modern.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment.
Sfilst and Flanders. Nob Hill district.
every convenience, juam oitt.
BUELL APTS., 14th and Salmon, nicely
furnished 3 and 4 -room apartments, new,
elevator, private phone.
HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison Un
furnished apartment of two rooms and bath,
all modern conveniences. Phone Main 6148.
THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders; 3 and 4-room,
apartments, bath, heat, hot water, $18, $23.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-room
modern apartments. 1 1th and Columbia.
THE MILKER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park;
The newest, most modern apartment
house In Portland; every convenience, in
cluding electric elevator, beautiful con
crete building, beautiful view and sur
roundings, most reasonable charges, fur
nished or unfurnished; don't wonder, call
at apartments and be shown; both pnt nes
In every suite. 624 Marshall st Call for
landlady or phone Mala 657 or A 2657.
J. P. Ford, aent.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
. 4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service, from
$25 up month ; some unfurnished; come
look and be surprised.
THE IRVING, 2lst and Irving sts About
juay jo, tne moat oesiraoie O-room apart
ment in city ; new. modern, verandas, lo
cation first class, rent reasonable. Refer
ences. Apply suite 2.
THE HARTFORD, N. W. cor. 21st and
t landers Newly furnished suites of three
rooms, with bath, hot and cold water in
every suite. Both phones. Apply to Janitor.
MODERN 3 -room apartments, every con
venience. Morton Apartments, N. K. King
and Washington, inquire Janitor or S.
Morton Conn, 107 6th st.
you are paying or contemplate paying
$50 or more for an unfurnished 5-room fiat
or cpartment, you should consider the
Close in on the East Side we have Just
completed a high-grade fiat building.
The two most desirable fiats still remain
unrented- They compare with the best
in the city. Are well and artistically
finished, modern to a degree, with every
conceivable convenience installed. Built
in' buffets; laundry trays, largo front and
rear porch, large basement compartment
with each flat. etc.. etc. Only a few
minutes of your time required to in-
vestipate; price $27.50. See us at once.
W. M. CONKL1N & CO.. Inc.,
407 Wells-Fargo Bldg.
A 1747. Main 2859.
5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, very mod
ern; Glisan St.. $;iO.
5 rooms, 22d and Kearney, fine location,
$27 50.
5-room. McMillen st., $25.
8. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts.
MODERN 6-room flat, wltt large attic and i
sleeping porcn, near west Side High 4
School. Inquire 175 16th St., cor. Yamhill.
VERY desirable, newly tinted, strictly mod
ern, large o-room riat; porcn; f..ov. OT
McMillen St., near Steel bridge.
MODERN five-room flat; easy walking dis
tance, Wejt Side.
TAGGART, 416 Chamber of Commerce.
5-ROOM flat. Nob Hill, walking distance.
furnace, fireplace, gas, electricity. Main
NEW six-roomed flat, llth and HalL In
quire at flat.
NICE 5-room flat, close in; no children. In
quire 230 Hall st.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 661 Davenport St.,
furnished 4-room flat. Phone A 17S6.
MODERN 7-room flat, newly flniehed. Clif
ton, between 7th and Park. Phone A 3825.
VERY fine flat In choice Nob Hill location.
I'tione Main 6618.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, in
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up'; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best in city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take S" or
lethrst. cars north, got off at Marshall st.
"ONEONTA" 187 17th, near Yamhill tako
"W" car), furnished 2, 8 and 4-room house
keeping suites by week or month, $5 and
$20, respectively and up; hot and cold water,
steam heat, baths and phones free; single
rooms, $7 a month. Main 4697, A 4739.
THE GAYOSA, Grand ave., cor. East Stark
St.; modern brick building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms ; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot
and cold water in all rooms. Phone East
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone," both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE NORDICA Newly furnished apart
ments for housekeeping; strictly modern,
on Grand ava, X block south of Morrison.
East 8418.
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.
- Elegantly furnished 2-roora housekeep
ing apartments; hot and cold water, tele
phone and all modern conveniences.
CAMBRIDGE, 3d and Morrison, furnished
housekeeping rooms. Apply room 86.
Phone Main 945.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. fur
nished housekeeping rooms, walking dis
tance. FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms. Phone East 4306.
632 WILLIAMS AVE., lurnished, unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also single rooms.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 8-room apart
ments; transient solicited. 191 14th st.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, gas, phone and
bath. 129 North 10th St.
THE IDAHO, 389 6th st. single and house
keeping rooms.
$16.00 Three furnished rooms. 610 First St.,
or phone Tabor 1114.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
TWO sunny rooms partly furnished, suitable
for housekeeping: 'gas range, hot and cold
water, light and bath; walking distance.
665 Taylor st.
THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, new, balcony ; private family.
Hawthorne Park. Phone East 6000.
S OR 4 clean, nicely furnished rooms, closet,
gas range, bath, phone and nice yard;
adults. 433 7th st.
SUITE completely furnished; 146 North
16th; gas range; furnace heat. Main 5173.
ENTIRE lower floor, 3 rooms, nicely fur
nished, light and pleasant. 224 Grant st.
HIGH-CLASS apartments, suitable 3 adults;
piano, bath, nice yard. 528 Morrison.
TWO housekeeping rooms, modern fine lo
cation; no children. 23-4 East ISth. cor.
. Main.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas range, light, phone and water free,
$15. 224 North 16th, near Lovejoy.
THREE housekeeping rooms, with water
and sink; fine range in kitchen. 492 Clay
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, no chil
dren. 269 Jefferson st.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms,
$12 month. 588 Fettygrove st. Main 341'i.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 300
ftth fit.
NEW 3 -room flat, private entrance, 5 min
utes to P. O. 3S3 5th st. Call afternoons.
MODERN m-rooni house, 306 Monroe st., bet.
Williams and Rodney aves... Upper Al
bina; adults only. Apply 308 Monroe.
FOR RENT 150x100. good house, barn, etc.,
E. 4Uth. near Lincoln. R. A. Taylor, cor.
49th and Hawthorne, phone B 1516.
6-ROOM modern house, basement, bath,
eh ad es and fixtures. Close i n on good car
line. Phone Main 3560, A 4646.
DESIRABLE 6-room cottage; bath, gas, base
ment and yard. East 1610. B 18S6.
$8 4-room cottage, block from car. Inquire
room 9 Chamber of Commerce.
6 ROOMS on carline. $9. Inquire 124 Ne
braska st.
HOUSES. flats and stores rented; good
service. Strubie, 405 Lumbermen! bldg.
WEST sido houses, 1S7 Caruthers, 6 rooms.
LARGE 9-room house, 70S Everett st., $4.
uiuuLii. i-iiuue jncLxn was.
FOR RENT 7-room modern house. Adults
only. 434 E. 15th st. N., Irvington.
MODERN 5-room cottage; nice yard. 46
Shaver st. $15. Phone Main 3547.
7-ROOM house for rent. 644 East Alder. Key
at next door.
NEAT 5-room house ; every convenience.
1113 East Alder. Phone Tabor 3L