Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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- - . t
Portland Agents Skinner's Celebrated Lining Silks and Satins Portland Agents "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns 'Trefousse" Gloves
Tomorrow 15e Meier Fraek Store's 1006thfriday Surprise Sales
Sale of 500 Room-Size Rugs
In the Carpet Store, Third Floor, tomorrow, a sale extraordinary of room-size Rugs,
made up from broken lines of carpets and borders; in the best patterns and colorings:
Brussels Rugs, 8 feet 3 inches by 9 feet 4 inches; regular $17.50 value, ea. .$13.50
Wilton Velvet Rugs, 8 feet.3 inches by 11 feet 6 inches; $25.00 values, for. .$19.50
Bigelow Axminster Rugs, 8 feet 3 inches by 12 feet; regular $38 values, ea. .$29.50
Axminster Rugs, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; regular $39.00 value, for, each. . 30.00
Wilton Velvet Rugs, 10 feet 8 inches by 11 feet; regular $30.00 values, each. .$22.00
And many others, too numerous to mention. Let us show you. On the Third Floor.
1000 velour-covered Footstools, with iron legs; best regular 50c values, on sale at.23
(rzg&Msi 300 Ladies' and Misses'
Tailored Suits
$35 Vol. $15.85
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers
for tomorrow's 1006th Friday Surprise an-
other sensational bargain in women's and
misses high-grade Tailored Suits Advan
tageous purchases made by our cloak chief on
a recent trip to the 'Eastern market Included
are both plain tailored and fancy styles, serges,
Panama cloths, herringbone stripes, tan, navy
blue, brown, black, green, reseda, fancy checks
and stripes The women's garments are with
medium and long length coats, semi -fitted
back, single breasted, notch collar, others are
collarless with braid trimming and cutaway
coat Skirts are
trimmed Misses'
plain, full flare or button
suits have medium length.
$45 Oriental Rugs $ 1 8.50
Tomorrow in the Oriental Rug Department, Third Floor, a great special offering of
200 magnificent Rugs Mousels, Kazaks, Irans and Kurdistans; beautiful designs and
colorings ; size 3 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; very large assortment for your selection; rugs
selling regularly at prices up to $45.00 each. We guarantee them by far t1 O Ef)
the best values ever offered at this ridiculously low price see them. J
Great reductions on our entire stock of Oriental Rugs, in small sizes, large sizes, hall
runners, room rugs, etc.; values np to $1500 each, all on sale at greatly reduced prices.
Sale 500 Trimmed Hats
$10 Values $4.95 Each
In the Millinery Department for tomorrow's
1 006th Friday Surprise a great special lot of
Women's Trimmed Hats Handsome creations,
every one of them the product of our own
workrooms Copies of the latest imported
models attractive shapes large assortment
semi-fitted coats, also princess jumper dresses
with full pleated skirts-
-Great variety, all new
1909 models Values up to
$35.00 on sale at low price
See our big Fifth-street window display today
S.H.(lbM. Guaranteed SHI
8.50 Valines at $4.95
For tomorrow's 1 006th Friday Surprise we announce our great annual May
Sale of the well-known S. H. &. M. Guaranteed Silk Waists The silk waist that
gives perfect satisfaction 1000 in this lot made of fine quality taffeta and
messaline silks Every waist fully guaranteed for three months Splendid va
riety of styles made with side pleats, pleating down the front, solid front of
one-half inch or pin tucks, wide pleats with covered buttons, and pin tucks to
form a yoke All new tailored effects, just the waists yon want for semi-dress
wear The color assortment includes white, light blue, rose, navy, brown,
malacca, gray, Baltic, mint, wistaria, green and black all sizes Every waist
fully guaranteed against cracking or splitting for three months t a
Regular $8.50 and $9.00 values on sale at this low price, each p TP -7 O
See our big Fifth-street window display Mail Orders will be carefully filled
1 00 Suit Cases
$6Val. $4.85
Tomorrow, special lot of 100 24-inch
Leather Suitcases, 'with straps all
around; linen-lined; brass lock and
fittings; shirtfold, etc.; QZA QC
best $6.00 values, each. .P'0J
Suit Case Specials
Two special lots of 22 and 24-inch
Suitcases, leather corners, brass, bolts
and lock; linen-lined, and slit pocket:
Regular $4.00 values, each, $2.95
Regular $4.50 values, each, $3.15
$2.50 Corset
Covers $1.27
Tomorrow in the Muslin Underwear
Department, Second Floor, special lot
of fine lawn and nainsook Corset Cov
ers; blouse fronts, yoke and fronts
trimmed in dainty Val. laces, beading,
ribbon and medallions ; CJ 1 07
$2.00-$2.50. values, at, ea..P
Sale Creamery
Butter 55c Sq.
Tomorrow, in the Basement Grocery
Store, our weekly sale of 5000 squares
pood Creamery Butter, at a price far
below the market value. A strong
advance in price compels us to nsk
65c this week for two-pound squares.
Sale of 5000 Window Screens at 27c Each
Fine Nickel-Plated Tea Kettles at 97c Each
Tomorrow, 5000 adjustable Window Screens, 24x33 inches; on sale at, each..2T
Buy all you want of them. Measure your windows before ordering. In the Basement.
Tomorrow, 1000 all-copper nickel-plated Tea Kettles, No. 8 size, on sale at, ea..97
Great values in Refrigerators and Lawn Mowers. See them. In the Basement Store.
$15 Couch Hammocks $7.95
j Tomorrow in the Toy De
partment 3d Floor the
- season's first great special
sale of the popular "Dream-
: land" swinging couch ham
mocks The most comfort
; able and serviceable ham
N, mock ever placed on the
; market Just the thing for
: porches, camps, bungalows,
- cozy-corners, dens, etc.
A practical bed for out-of-
' door sleeping Well made
and finished A quality hammock sold all over America g 9 Q C
at $15 each Choice tomorrow at this special low price C J
Our Great Sale of Shoes
TrimmpH i n flowers, ffattifr& and wines
Values up to $10 each- on sale 1PA QC
'H at this marvelously low price P t? -7 J
II See big Fifth-street window display of hats
$2 Sailors at $1
Tomorrow a full line of women's and misses Mushroom rf 1
Sailors in black, white; handsome rough braids; $2 values ipJuwV
All of our fine Pattern Hats at one-third off the regular prices
Boys' $12.50 Knickerbockers $7
Tomorrow, in the Boys' Clothing Department, a gTand bargain in boys' high-grade
Knickerbocker Suits ; band-tailored garments of the newest designs and shadings ; chev
iots and worsteds, in tans, olives, browns, gray checks; double-breasted and Norfolk
styles; ages 7 to 16 years; every garment of the best manufacture; well C7 P7i
made and finished throughout; regular $10.00 and $12.50 values for, suit. .P
Great values in boys' "Waists, Blouses and Shirts. See them on the Second Floor.
Children's Rompers on sale at the lowest prices take' advantage. On Second Floor.
?5c Gloves 39c the Pair
$3.50 Parasols at $1.29
Tomorrow, a great Friday Surprise Sale of 20,000 pairs women's
2-clasp silk and lisle and 12-button length lisle Gloves; black, white
and tans; 2-clasp lisles, in black, white, tan, gray, mode, navy,
champagne, green, nile and cream; sizes 52 to 7Vfe; the QCj
best regular 50c and 75c values, on sale at, the pair. V''
Tnmnrmw ertApinl 1 nf fi D 0 0 now. nn-t. aa Parasols in whit.!- nnn-
gee, stripes and checks; silks and linens; all natural
wood handles ; values up to $3.50 each, on sale at, each
45c Ribbons at 1 9c Yard
1 22c 'Kerchiefs 4c Each
Tomorrow, 20,000 yards of fancy Ribbons, 3Y2 to 5 inches wide;
warp prints and Dresdens; come in stripes, checks, dots, self col
ors, shaded effects, etc. ; beautiful styles, grand assortment, at
a remarkable reduction. The best regular 35c to 45c val- "I Q
ues buy all you want of them at this special low price, yd. . C
Tomorrow, 2000 dozen women's Handkerchiefs swiss embroidered,
scalloped, hemstitched, lace border and crossbar effects; val- Ag
ues; up to 1220 each, at this extremely low price, each..C
$ 2.2 5 Best Scotch Madras at 9 8c
$3.50 Cable Net Curtains $2.15
Great alteration
Women's $6.00
Women's $3.00
Women's $2.50
Women's $1.75
Great values In
fine Footwear.
sale of Footwear best values of the year, at the following prices:
Shoes, at, pair.. $3.98
Shoes, at, pair. .$1.08
Slippers, at,
Juliets, at, pair.. $1.39
men '8, boys and misses'
Take advantage of sale.
Women's $3.50 Oxfords, at, pair. .$2.48
Women's $4.00 Oxfords, at, pair.. $2.98
Women's $5.00 Oxfords at, pair.. $3.85'
Women's $3.00 Oxfords at, pair.. $1.98
Women's regular $4 Shoes, pair. .$3. IS
Women's regular $5 . Shoes, pair.. $3.95
Madras, light mull grounds, with yellow, rose, red and green figures; floral and QQ
art nouveau designs; regular $2.00 and $2.25 values, on sale at, special, yard. .70C
Tomorrow, 1000 pairs of Cable Net Curtains, white and ecru ; wide or nar- OO 1 C
row scroll patterns; borders on plain cable nets, full size; $3.50 Values, pr..P AO
30O0 Yards New Foulard Silks
$1.25 Values 59c Yd.
In the Big Silk Store for tomorrow's 1 006th
Friday Surprise a timely 'offering of 3000
i yards new Foulard Silks in the very latest de-
signs and colorings Both light and dark ef
fects in navy blue, browns, gobelin, wistaria,
catawba, tans, greys, black and old rose All
new styles, colorings and combinations for
dress apparel of all kinds Foulards selling reg-
ularly at $1.25 a yard 'to be sold at
this extremely low price, the yard
See 5th-Street Window Display of These Silks
10,000 Pieces of Blue and White Japanese
China Ware at 9c, 1 lc, 12c Each Basem't.
In the Big Basement Store, for tomorrow 's 1006th Friday Surprise, a great offering of
10,000 pieces blue and white Japanese Chinaware, with onion decoration; pretty styles:
6-inch Plates, each, 9 7-inch Plates, each, 11 Tea Cups and Saucers at 12
rrPPII TirtrtlQ In ne Basement Store tomorrow, a great lot of 1000
JJM. J Screen Doors, 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet 8 inches; CkAf.
1 a complete with hinges, hooks, knobs, etc, at, each.
Before ordering, measure your doors. Phone orders filled.
$4 Combination Garments $ 1.59
$6.00 Nightgowns $2.98 Each
Tomorrow, in the Muslin Underwear Department, Second Floor, a great sample sale of
two and three-piece combination garments fine lawns and nainsooks, trimmed in fine
Val. and torchon lace edgings and insertions, embroidery and beading; $3 I1 CQ
to $4.00 values, on sale at this special low price, each take advantage. .P
Tomorrow, a great special sale of women's cambric and nainsook Nightgowns, made
low, round and square neck, long and short sleeves and trimmed in good quality laces
and embroideries, beading, tucks, insertion and medallions; come in beau- GJO QQ
tiful styles; regular $5.00 and $6.00 values, on sale at this low price, ea.."P'0
20,000 Pairs 50c Hosiery 12c Pr.
For tomorrow's 1006th Friday Surprise
we place on sale one of the best Hosiery
bargains of the season 20,000 pairs new,
desirable styles and qualities at a price far
below regular value Plain black lisles
and cottons, plain colored mercerized
hose, lace boot and fancies in endless as
sortment Pink, light blue, red, navy,
champagne, etc. Garter tops superior
quality at 35c and 50c Buy all J 1
you want at this low price, pair & 1 C
$1.50 Veils 39c
Tomorrow, a great sale of 1000 Chenille Dotted Border Veils, on tuxedo , and hairline
meshes; black, navy, brown, gray, green, light blue, etc. ; the best regular $1 OQ
to $1.50 values buy all you want of them at this special low price, each..''
25c Fancy White Goods 1 22c
Tomorrow, in the "Wash Goods Section, 5000 yards of fancy white goods in new and
pretty styles for waists, shirtwaist suits, etc; 32 inches wide; best regular "1
25c values, on sale at this special low price, yard take advantage of sale;
Tomorrow, 5000 yards or printed flannelettes, 36-m.; all good, desirable styles,
best regular 15c values buy all. you want of it at this special low price, the yard
Turkish J Cr
Towels a
Tomorrow, in the Household Linen Department, 1000
bleached Turkish Bath Towelsy initialed; large size; all
initials; the greatest bath towel value ever offered at
the popular price of 15c each. Take advantage of sale.
Beautiful Flouncing
$2.25 Values 69c Yard
In the Lace Sec
tion, for tomor-tJfe : j
row's 1006th rri-.4gLb jgpyfC' j
day Surprise, a Mi It i
splendid offering f V !
of 3000 swiss and oSaQa f . !
batiste Flouncing,
18 and 27 inches jjl
wide; also 5-inch 1
Galloons for lin- iSSSf f "
geria gowns, etc fffff
Designs In Madei- fMlm
ra blindwork and F7 j fgpjfcl
filet effects; "TTj 1
beautiful styles f ' jjr"" j jj iBpa
1 A II II li1
in very large as
sortment; values in the lot up to $2.25 a yard.
Your choice, tomorrow only, at this
wonderful low price, yard see them. .
500 Long Kimonos
$2.00 Values at 98c
In the Garment Section, Second Floor, for to
morrow 'a J.006th Friday Surprise Sale, 500
long Kimonos, in princess effects; made of
good 'quality outing flannel; very pretty de
signs, in Dresden, Japanese stripes, figures
and polka dots; trimmed in Grecian bands or
plain border; pink, light blue, brown, red,
green, navy and black; values up to QQ
$2.00 each, on sale at this price, each.;'OC
Men's Pajamas
$1.50 Val. 69c
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Sec
tion tomorrow, 200 dozen suits of
men's blue and tan chambray Paja
mas, well made and finished; full
sizes; best $1.50 values, on (iCk
sale at this lpw price, suit.
Sample Belts
$2 Value 39c
Tomorrow, a great sample sale of
men's and boys' sample Belts, in sizes
30 to 36-inch;. all the season's newest
styles and best, colors; tans, grays,
blacks, reds, etc.; values up to $2.00
each, to be cleaned up at, ea..39
You should take advantage of sale.
Croat Stocks
35c Value 1 9c
Tomorrow, 5000 women's eroat Stocks
-the most , comfortable collar for
Summer wear; white, striped effects
and solid colors; best regular 1Q
35c values, on sale at, each.. 2C
75c Bags 49c
Tomorrow, in. the Leather Goods Sec
tion, 1000 fine String Bags, with ban
dies; made of good leather' black,
brown and tan; ail lined; 7oe ACkg
"values, on sale at, special, ea..'
Sale 1000 Men's Suits
$22.50 Vals. $ 14.10
Tomorrow's weekly Friday offering in the
men's clothing section represents the best
value in men's ready-to-wear apparel yon ever
had an opportunity to share in 1000 fine
new garments The best product of several of
the leading manufacturers in the country
Great special purchases made for spot cash by
our clothing buyer now in the Eastern mar
kets Included are pure worsteds, unfinished
worsteds, and cassimeres in browns, tans,
olives, medium grays, and dark silk mixed
worsteds in neat stripes and invisible plaids
Handsomely tailored and finished throughout
Suitable apparel for either business or dress '
wear All sizes Our best $22.50 values
Your choice Friday only at
this phenomenal low price
See Our Big Morrison-Street Window Display
2Q00 Pes. ' Fancy Linens'
$ 1 .75 Values at 83c $2.75 Values $ 1 .39
$4.00 Values $1.98 $8.00 Values $2.98
In the Third Floor Art Department tomorrow, a sale extraordinary of 2000 pieces of
fancy linenB, in drawnwork, hemstitched and embroidered scarfs, centers and pillow
slips; all pure linen and handwork; also a few linen centers and scarfs with Batten
berg" and princess lace ends and borders. Four immense lota in magnificent styles :
$1.50-$1.75 values, on sale for, ea., 83 $3.00 to $4.00 values, on sale for gl 98 '
$2.00-$2-5 values, on sale for $1.29 $5.00 to $8.00 valnes, on sale, for $2.98