Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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8ft-ACR0 well-improved farm, rich, deep
nil, excellent new buildings, fine fences,
good horse-, food wagon, etc., on good
graded road 12 miles from Portland : price
$.V0; would accept $3000 residence and
terms on balance: it ts a fine place, ready
to move right into. Call 613 Chamber
A HALF Intern la a 160-acre farm, farm
implements, buildings1. -4 million feet of
timber, one shingle and sawmill. In -halem.
3 miles from railroad line now un
der construction; must move on account
of sickness ; will sell or trade for city
property. 304 Third st.
LARGE and small farms; dairy ranches,
fruit land and acreage In Oregon and
'Washington, to exchange for Portland Im
proved property; no commission; deal di
rect with owner. Charles Collins room 84.
142 H 2d St.
640-ACRE pasture land to trade for rooming-house
or business; will pay difference
if any;, we want furniture in any quantity.
Inquire stable Front and Market st. Phone
Main 4156.
14 ACRES on the Sal era Electric. 9 acrea
garden land, tiled, balance easily cleared.
Cash price $42K); mtg. $2025, 6 per cent.
Want residence, $4000 or less. E. B. Aid
rich. Hillsdale. Or.
TIMBER claim of 1 5 acres in Jackson
.County; price $."000; will exchange for
Kast Side property of same value.
110 Second Street.
WILL exchange for pair good horses $300
equity In tine building lot on improved
street, near car, la minutes out; value
$775. A. A. Hoover, SIS Gerllnger bidg.
WANT bungalow and cash In exchange for
4 acres, fruit, berries, potatoes, good
buildings; close to car. V. B. Cahtll,
gen, del., Portland. r
7-ROOM modern house, 100x100 corner, fur
nace, cement sidewalks; trade for farm or
telephone bonds. L. K. Moore, 718 Swot
land bldg.
FIXE lot In Irvington. value $1500 and
$1000 In cash for 6 or 7 -room house in
good location. $3000 to $2500. A. A.
Hoover, S13 Gerllnger bldg.
64 ACRES farm and fruit land (Eastern
Wash). Trade for furniture or merchan
dise. Main 8700. A 1287.
WILL exchange Tillamook County timber
lands for 7-passer.ger touring car; must be
in A No. 1 condition. D 70. Oregon tan.
FOR EXCHANGE Fine 233-acre farm for
Portland property. Write Louts Bechtel,
Salem, Or.
WANT bungalow In exchange for ft acrea
choice Irrigated land and some cash. J 73,
SHARING orchard In the famous Hood
River Valley for Portland property. A.
A. Hoover, SIS Gerllnger bldg.
DELIGHTFUL Rockaway Beach lota for $20,
$5 down, $5 per month, no Interest. C. J.
Owen A Co., 414 Lumber Exchange.
TO exchange, piano for real estate or any
thing. Address AM 81, Oregonian.
WILL trade for what you have. Gust Smith,
401 Buchanan bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, 6 -acre tracts on Ore
gon City carl in. Cll Commercial bldg.
HAVE customer for modern house, 5 or 6
rooms. In or near Sunnyaide. small cash
payment, balance like rent. Must be good
Hulta 420 Swetland Bldg.
If you have a lot In Rose City Park
that you will sell for less than $400 I
wilt buy It. AG 05. Orogonlan.
I WANT nice residence lot In Irvington, Sun
ny side or Mount Tabor; must be In good
neighborhood; owners only. G SO, Orego
nlan. T-ROOM house. Lower or Upper Alblna. $100
rash, balance monthly payments. AF 90.
loo BUYERS for Rockaway Beach lota at $20,
$R down, $5 per month, no interest. C, J.
Owen & Co., 414 Lumber Exchange.
W ANTED To buy 5-room houne and lot; $60
down. bal. monthly payments; near Alblna
carllne preferred. AG 99, Oregonlan.
WANTED One lot, 100 feet by 10O feet,
for manufacturing purpose; state cash
price and location. K S3, Oregonlan.
WANTED Residence lot West or East Side,
close In; Mate lowest price, particulars,
etc. A M SO, Oregonian .
THREE to 5 -room house, modern, on In
stallments, $1O0, and $15 per month, close
In. S 86 Oregonian.
CHOICE bomes and building lots our great
est need ; we can sell them. Columbia
Trust Co., Hoard of Trade bldg.
V' ANT ED A lot in Piedmont for cash. AB
79. Oregonian.
MODERN home in Piedmont or Walnut Park.
Full particulars. AM 83. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT 5 acres ground, 4-room. com
pletely furnished house, barn, some ber
ries, wood cut ready to use, on county
road. 3 miles from station, on electric line,
12 miles from this city; rent $10 per
month; no small children, Henkle & Har
rison Ml Gerllnger bldg.
HOMESTEADS for early seekers. Stamp for
terms. 386 Division st., Portland. Or.
Near Woodburn. 26 miles to Portland.
Railroad station on the farm.
All or partly In cultivation.
Klrhsst of soil, no stone or gravel.
One mile to college and creamery.
Finest of running water ail year.
Fine saw timber on each tract.
No better or cheaper land in Oregon,
Price $60 to $90 per acre.
Small payment cash, balance long time.
See owner. J. P. RE1MERS.
709 Corbett Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Morrison.
20 ACRES, not cleared, at $150 per acre;
15 "miles east of Portland, on the Esta
cada carline; cars run through the place;
If ou want something that is gilt-edged
and mean business, come to my home lu
the evening. Listen! This is no gold mine
or an oil well but a chartce for someone
to get something good; that's all. Good
black loam soil, nice stream of water, no
rocks or gravel. Nuf sed.
7T1 Belmont St., Portland. Or. B 2126.
4-ACRE tracts on easy terms, about 4
miles from city limits on level road, han
dy to R. R. stat Ion : land all In grass;
some fruit, handy to good school, stores
and churches; line soil; small payments,
balance like rent ; fine place to spend
Ml Gerllnger bldg.
ACRES, 2 miles from Lents. 1 mile from
electric line; all good black loam, no rock
or gravel; very fine soil for fruit; about
10ox to 1200 cords of wood on land, which
easily would pay for clearing; price only
$200 per acre. Kauffmann A Moore 325
Lumber Exchange.
40 ACRES of red hill walnut land, as good
as any In Oregon, only 5 miles from
Forest Grove In Washington County, one
acre cleared and grubbed : 3 acres
stashed, balance timber, running water,
free and clear with a good title; price
$600. W- H- Lang. 414 Abtngton bldg.
WE have small tracts on Tualatin River. 3
to 20 acres, price $125 per acre and up,
easy terms; finest of soil, on good road, R.
F. D., phone, near Oregon Electric. Go
with us and see for yourself. Chapln &
Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce.
ACRE tract, just the place for chicken busi
ness; running water, faces on macadamized
road, bet buy in Portland at $SO0; very
easy terms; only 16 minutes' car ride, fi-
cent fare. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett
74 acres. 8 miles to R. R.. partially im-
provru; nue (run una; a nun aa nee water
some good timber; best buv in the vlLw
only $..0 per acre for quick sale. Vanduyn
! "... vw v iiaiuuri V. vmilitSrtT.
Ai'KhN i miles from Portland. x mile
irom uregon r.iecinc. nne soli, some tlm
ler. Must be sold at one. Price $2150. M
40 ACRES on Rarr road, S miles from ca
ii iie ana nr iurvj or Mt. Hood Ry. ;
. win -M in iv-acre tracts.
THOS. M CUFKER, 205 Couch bldg.
WE have some attractive buys in PartuH
acreage. Columbia Trust Co., Boar of
SUBDIVIDING fine land, near Portland rar-
NICE improved R-arr tract, near Portland
cheap, 101$ Board of Trade.
5 acres all cleared, has good asrater
' supply for Irrigation. 1 miles from city
limits close to carline. lOc fare and on
macadamized road, $500 per acre. $500
cash and the balance on easy terms.
5 or 10 acres stump land with water for
Irrigation, lies fine and adjoining land
Is In high state of cultivation, just out
Fide city limits and close to carline, with
1 Oc fare, on macadamized road ; price
$475 per acre, on very easy terms.
Phone Main 8033. 245 Washington St.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
WE want to clean up what horses we have
on nana as there win te two cars oc
your.g stock In May 15, and have not got
enough room. These range in weight
from 1000 to 1500 pounds and from 4 to
12 years of age. All will be sold with a
guarantee. We have two good saddle
horses among these; one span of blacks.
Gojnbros, S years old. A-1 drivers In t?am
or single. We have purchased a 2000
acre ranch in Eastern -Oregon with about
lOO head work horses; these are all well
bred horses. Give us a call and Inspect
them. Hawthorne ave. Stables. 420 Haw
thorne ave.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can sen you a new vehicle at about the
seme price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagoaa
and farm wagons.
K. M. WADE & CO.,
22 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooae-
noca iurnuure wagons to rent by montn
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. - 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham-
oioiojuan geiaings. orotn-ers; thoroughly
broken to the city; as fine a pair of car
riage horses as you can And; weight about
1200 each; price for the pair $1000. Can
be seen any day at the Fashion Stables.
PAIR of blac.c mares, ages 5 and 6, stand
ift hands, weight 1200 each, of fine ap
pearance, . good action, tine drivers, or
workers, single or double, C. S. Calkins,
Newberg, Or.
BARGAINS Steel-tire surrey, $30; top rub
ber-tire buggy, $25; steel-tire open buggy,
$10; 3 se te of heavy team ha mess with
Boston backers, $20 for choice. 294 Mont
gomery. PAIR well-matched horses, weight 2600 lbs..
are sound, young and in nne condition; ats
pair matched bay Shire horses, weight 2540
lbs., low, chunky sort; prices are low. 26
N. 15th St.
r 1
BARGAIN Team of hay geldings, weight
300O. with heavy team harness, working 8
hours day at $3 per; job goes with team.
294 Montgomery st.
TEAM, horse and mare, weight 1150 each.
mare in foal, good workers, new Heavy n-ar-nees,
all complete, price $150. Red Front
Stables, loth and Washington.
A CARLOAD first-class draft and delivery
and driving horses at the Madison-st. bale
Stables, 185 near bridge. - .
HORSES for sale; If you are In the market
lor norses ana mares, can oud AiDina
ave. Brunzel's Sale Stable.
PAIR young chunky mares, weight llOO lbs.
eacn; work single or oouDie or ride. 2o N.
15th st.
WANTED A good all-around ranch team.
weignt zouu to xuov. can oi i t wetland
$126 BUYS my family horse, weight 1180,
ano steei-tire surrey, new narnese. uati oe
seen at 294 Montgomery. Mrs. Ray.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds ior sale. 204 Montgomery.
HUBERT A: HALL, 380 Front, buy, sell, rent
horses, venicies; low rates on business rigs.
ONE team, 320O, one 2850. one 2S00, four
single, an rto. l norses. 347 Kast btarK.
PONY at Kramer's enables. Fifteenth and
Alder sts.
SOUND, gentle, attractive horse and hand
some ouggy. complete. can jast otJ6.
AT UNION stock yards, 50 head of horses
just arrived, all sizes.
GOOD heavy work team for salecheap for
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City
biaDies. ntn ana jenerson. u 33UO.
Automobile. .
A good 15-hone power Franklin, 4 or 3.
passenger auto. Box 235, St. John, Or.
AUTOMOBILE Cadillac runabout in good
order, for sale, $350. 366 N. 20th at.
WANTED Second-hand or wrecked auto
mobile; cheap, cash. G 89. Oregonlan.
GOOD mahogany piano for sale. A bargain.
i in. tn st.
M Iscellan eous.
At prices that will cloe-e them out In the
next 7 days. We have 35 standard makes,
drop-head machines, all In good order, that
we are going to close out regardless of price.
The reason for this great sale is that we
are crowded for room and we prefer to sell
at low prices to paying storage; do not let
this opportunity pass of getting a high
grade machine at almost your own price;
no trouble to show goods. White Sewing
Machine Store, iH. D. Jones, Prop., 420
Washington st.
ANYTHING In the Iron or kindred lines.
Eighth. Glisan and Hoyt Sts.
The House of a Million Bargains.
LAUNCH sacrificed, 10-H. P., 4-cylinder
Palmer engine, quarter oak deck, electric
fixtures, brass trimmings, accommodates
15 passengers ; boathouae and complete
equipment, cost $2500, $125o cash. Tabor
431. B 208O.
SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington st H. D.
Jones, proprietor.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film ? We
are independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild
b!dg., Portland. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed, easy payments ; rentals,
pur month. Pad lie Stationery &, Ptg. Co.,
203 2d st.
GENUINE old English hall clocks are rare
these days; I have several about 7 feet 6
inches high; will sell at a bargain. Thos.
De Vail. Wallowa, Or.
FOR SALE First-class fireproof safe with
inside doors; outside dimensions, 3d" Inches
wide, 31 Inches deep, 62 inches high. J. H.
Vogt, 246 Third st., Portland.
A.-Y.-P.-E. Postal Cards. colored views
grounds and buildings; 10 cards, 15 cents,
postage prepaid. The Rich Supply Co.,
Seattle, M ash.
FOR SALE One 8-horsepower upright holler
and engine in good condition, inquire
Flanders st.. bet. 10th and 11th. - Phone
East 5748.
NEWMAN Motion Picture Exchange rente
films, machinea. etc., 20 per cent cheaper
than any other firm. 52t Washington,
near 17th.
Logging and hoisting engines.
OFFICE furniture for sale, cheap, practi
cally new ; desk, table, chairs, rug. etc
Call 503 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 813
Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 5445.
CHANGE Film service that wins. Stere
optlcon slides, supplies. 165 4th st.
LEf S than h a.1 f price, fll ma. al so complete
motion picture outfit, etc. 526 Washing
ton, near 17th.
BARBERS All or any part of a 12-chalr
shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe
Co., 92 Seenth st.
OFFICE fixtures for sale. Inquire Henry
Jennings &. turns.
3-ROOM houseboat and launch; completely
furnished; foot of Clay st.
SMITH-PREMIER typewriter No. 4 for sale
cheap. 27 Hamilton bldg.
LATEST make Oliver typewriter, cheap, used
only one month. AF 82. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS 50-year old violin, made In
Paris. Hornstlner. AF 08. Oregonlan.
HORSE for sale. Z. C Burns. 210 3d sL
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
- men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
N. 4 th st., Portland, Or.
Thoroughly experienced men on
and gowns. Apply at once.
WE want an experienced book and specialty
salesman for the best proposition in the
market today; special Inducements offered.
Call morninga between 9 and 11. The Re
view of Rev-lews Co.. 317-318 FHedner bldg.,
10th and Washington.
THE United Trade School Contracting Co.
conducts trade school and wants men to
learn plumbing, bricklaying or electrical
trade; no expense; hundreds have learned
1 n few months; stead y work guaranteed.
Address 120 E. th, Los Angeles.
WANTED 10 good solicitors for country.
something new, something every home
needs and wants; our men are making
from $17 to $65 per week; don't answer
unless you mean business. AF 7, Ore
gonian. WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Largo
stock ; choice territory ; commission pid
weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell
write us. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
Employment Office Men's Department.
23 North Second St.
phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers.
YOUNG map with experience in fire in
surance business. Reply in own hand writ
ing, stating experience and salary ex
pected; also if able to operate typewriter.
AH 95, Oregonian.
I WANT a young man that Is "game" and
has $300 that he will invest In a new prop
osition that will bring him in a large ca-h
dally income without work. Write AH 89,
We have a special large list of good
positions today.
Ladies Dept. 205 Morrison St.
WANTED We have good paying routes in
every part of city for bo ye who are hustlers t
must be over 16 years of age. Apply at
once to city circulator, room 203, Ore
gonian bldg.
WANTED Reliable man to check goods, col
lect, etc., as partner; must be willing to
art at $75 month ; $250 cash required.
Particulars 248 Stark st.
STENOGRAPHER Good position for young
man of experience. State age, experience,
references and salary expected. AJ 86,
AN opportunity for an intelligent young
man with $350 to Invest to become Inter
ested in a fine established business. Call at
1019 Board of Trade todaj-. .
WANTED A first-class advertising man,
window-trimmer and card-writer for cloth
ing store. Apply Neustadter Bros., be
tween 11 and 12.
OPERATE a mo-ing-plcture machine; $25
weekly up; no machines need be pur
chased; we teach you. Call today and in
vestigate. Suite 1, 268 Stark st.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers
and stenographers for city and country.
Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial
CALL this evening, 5 to 8; have fine open
ing for young man ; service and small
capital required. 3264 Washington st.,
room 405.
PLACE in Alaska for few more pick and
shovel men who can invest $100 cash.
Free VriPs both ways. 615 Board of
WANTED Honest, reliable young man with
little capital to take half interest In well
established business ; experience unneoea
eary. 3206 Wae-hlngton st., room 416.
WANTED First-class upholsterer, can se
cure steady situation with good wages.
Campbell Fellman Co.. Eugene, Or.
I WANT a first-class chef or cook, also
second cook; state wages wanted and references.-
AM 94. Oregonian.
WANTED 2 men to learn automobile busi
ness. Call at once. 52 N. 7th st. M'din
4455, A 4455.
MAN stenographer. Apply by letter to Lew
Iston Land & Water Co., Lumbermen s
bldg., city.
WANTED Boy to help the Janitor to run
the elevator. Helna Apartments, 14th and
LIVE agents to sell $20 Rockaway Beach
lots, $5 down, $5 per month, no interest.
C. J. Owen & Co., 414 Lumber Exchange.
YOTT earn $5 dally; easy work: must Invest
$50; particulars 526 Vz Washington, near
WANTED Young man to learn .good busi
ness, liberal pay from start. Apply 708
Swetland bldg.
$100 MONTH Special fire agent, permanent,
give full particulars. Address L 60, Ore
gonlan. 'ANTED Experienced real estate men,
also young man to learn business. 333
Chamber of Commerce.
LOCAL manager to represent large manu
facturing concern ; exclusive contract. W.
F. A. Co., 1605 Gouglr St., S. F.
WANTED A first-class mechanical drafts
man; good wages and ehort hours. Apply
at or phone room 114, Perkins Hotel.
WANTED First-class presser at Queen City
Dye Works. 288 Grand ave. Others need
not apply-
WANTED Architectural draftsman at
once. Apply 517 Lumber Exchange bldg.,
2d and Stark.
PRINTER wanted, must have experience In
job work. C. B. Print Shop, Front and
WANTED A good barber to buy half Inter
est in a good two-chair barber shop. Tom
Reel, Dallas, Or.
PAPER stock cutter and shipping clerk.
F. W. Baltes & Co.
INTELLIGENT man with business ability
for real atate office. Call 226 Morrison.
YOUNG man wanted, age about 19 to SO.
The Oaks.
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. wt.
WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond
5c cigars.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win
Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 5500.
WANTED 3 solicitors for big money-making
proposition. 364 N. 26th.
WANTED Photograph operator; must re
touch. Cutberth. Dekum Bldg.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents: best
offer on Coast. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED Teacher in shorthand success
system. Address box 151, Arleta, Or. .
WE secure position - for our . members.
Special membership. Y. M. C. A.
COOK, first-class, country hotel, $70. Pio
neer Employment Co., lt North 2d.
GOOD Jap cook, small family. Apply 1209
Wells-Fargo bldg.
BOY wanted. Klelst & Schuele. printers, 123
YOUNG man for porter and general work.
Apply after 9:S0. 53 Ella st,
FRY COOK wanted that can help on dinner
work. Apply 82 6th st.
WANTED Experienced restaurant porter.
Phone Main 8621.
T1NSHOP proposition for tinsmith with little
money. M 83, Oregonian.
KRRAND boy wanted at 44 Front st.
. ' .,
st. Main 20S9. A 4776. Help and situa
tions furnished. Mrs. Richardson. Mgr.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house
work; small family. 495 East Davis at.
COLORED woman for housework. Call 10-11
326i -Stark.
A GIRLV to do general housework. Apply at
3 North 22d st.
EXPERIENCED buttonhole maker wanted.
43 Hamilton bldg.
First-class on jackets, skirts and gowns,
wanted at once.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework : references ; small fam
ily; no washing, Sundays- out after break
fast. A or Main 2576. 4S2 Harrison, corner
WANTED A high school girl or college girl
to assist with housework night and morn
ing for room and board; carfare paid. Main
WANTED First-class fitter for alterations
in ladies suit dept., only those havL& ex
perience and can furnish references apply.
L 85. Oregonian.
343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help supplied free to employers.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of two. West Side. Call room 425
Cornelius Hotel, Park and Alder, after
4 P. M.
GOOD reliable girl to care for year-old
baby, at Sunnyslde; must have refer
ences ; good wages to right party. Apply
at once, 102 Belmont.
WANTED Girls In tailor shop to finish
pants. 253 & Washington st., room 17.
Main 2525.
A GIRL for the chamber work at the
Gakuyo Hotel, 269-1-69 Everett St., bet.
Sd and 4th st.
WANTED Capable and experienced wo
man for general housework. Small family;
good wages. Call East 3396.
RESPECTABLE woman for chamber work;
wages and housekeeping rooms. The Grand,
45 j North 3d St.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED A girl for sreneral housework
in small family. Phone C 1424 or call
471 Broadway.
326 H Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8836, or A 3260.
YOUNG LADY cashier, also experienced
billing clerk ; state experience; references.
AJ 87, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
- sponsible position. Vlavt Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
S43 y Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED At 77 West Park. 2 good girls,
one for dining-room and one for kitchen
WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dye
and remodel hats, dye plumes at half
price. Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill.
FAMILY second girl, Swedish preferred,
$30. St. Louis, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
HOUSEKEEPER, widower with children,
country. Room 2, 245 Wash. Main 2039.
WANTED Experienced girl for housework.
Call at 791 Tillamook st.. Irvington.
WANTED Young; girl to assist with cook
ing, general housework. 737 Johnson.
GIRL for all-around work; good wages.
Great Northern Hotel, 510 21st st.
WANTED A girl at Portland Dairy Lunch,
123 1st st.
WANTED1 An experienced nursemaid, good
wages. Apply 65 N. 21st st.
GIRL for housework in family of two. 894
E. Taylor. Phone Tabor 827.
EXPERIENCED help wanted at once, waist
and skirt finishers. 405 FHedner bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 142 Union ave. North.
GIRL for cooking and housework; $30 per
month. Apply 725 Johnson.
WAITRESS at once, short hours, good pay.
227 Alder st.
YOUNG lady as clerk in candy store. Call
afternoon. Swetland, 2rf9 Morrison.
WOMAN cook, small camp. $35 to $40. Pio
neer Employment Co., 16 North 2d.
WANTED A good woman cook. Call at 386
East Burnside.
GIRL to assist with housework, two in
m family. Call mornings, 787 Love Joy.
GIRL for housework; no children; perhaps
permanent. Apply 783 Irving st.
EXPERIENCED second girl; -wages $30.
Apply 215 Ford st. Main 759.
WANTED An experienced second girl, with
references.- Phone Main 3071.
good teachers for Sept. 514 Swetland bldg.
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. ,269 14th. Main 3893.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SITUATION wanted by Al bookkeeper and
general office man. Experience in manufac
turing and jobbing ; implements and vehi
cles. AG 93, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN, educated, licensed chauffeur,
expert accountant, wants position as sec
retary with business man owning auto
mobile. AF 96, Oregonlan.
A SUCCESSFUL vehicle and implement sales
man wants position; thoroughly capable.
Have best of references-. H 84, Oregonlan.
AN A-l bookkeeper, married, holding re
sponsible position, desires change. AJ
88, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as master mechanic of
sawmill and logging road or general fore
man of job shop; have years' of experience
in all lines of machinery and its erection;
can give best of references as a first-class
mechanic and expert handler of men, or
would accept position of chief engineer of
some plant, ample experience In largest
plants in the Middle West as chief engi
neer, 13 years in one place; stranger in
city. Address AN 82, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN, Easterner, married, several
years experience, desires position as fur
niture salesman ; good references. Address
J, 915 Thurman st.
SOBER man wants place to do chores; un
derstands gardening, care of horses. also
housccleaning. Jonghaus, 467 E. Pine St.
Phone E. 4796.
YOUNG man. two years' experience In
ash and door factory at bench work,
would like position in city. AN 83, Ore
gonlan. GOOD clothing, furnishing or shoe man
wants position. Good references. Moderate
salary. Portland or country. AK 89, Ore
gonlan. MACHINIST Thoroughly experienced in
all kinds of machinery, also in making
dies and tools of every description. S 85,
GOOD all around - horseman of neat ap
pearance wishes a position; two years In
Portland. AG 91. Oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese wishes position as disci
ple of mechanical engineer. AE 98, Ore
gonlan. GARDENER, first-class. wants situation;
references. Address W. Coleman, Mer
chants Hotel, 3d st. -
JAPANESE voune man wants a position In
hotel or saloon as porter. Phone Home
A 4999. Hina. --
STATIONARY engineer wants position, under
stands hoist and mine work. O 70, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED packer wants position. K. 77,
YOUNG man . experienced nurse, wan to posi
tion. Jv. 76, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants any kind work. 270
Davis st-
JAPANESE boy wants to work in family. AM
w, oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants any kind of job In
the morning. iO uavus st.
FEW hours of any kind of work by ex
perienced Japanese. vi, oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED gardener wants situation,
A-l references. Address O 86, Oregonlan.
YOUNG barber wants steady position. H SO,
GENERAL housecleanlng by day or hour.
Phone Main 5568. H. Thompson,
YOUNG Japanese civil engineer, university
graduate. U. S., with experience, wants
position as draftsman. G 84. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
wishes position; salary $40 ; best ref
erences. fc5 9-, Oregonian.
A MARRIED lady would like position as
stenographer, office work, cashier. S 94,
CAPABLE and competent young lady sten
ographer, beginner, desires position. Main
CAPABLE young lady stenographer, begin
ner, desires position. Woodlawn 10S6-V
COMPETENT stenographer wishes substitute
work. Phone A 3727.
GIRL wants position as bookkeeper, some
experience; references. Phone Wood. 1343.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Main.
POSITION by a middle-aged Eastern lady
as housekeeper, hotel, rooming-house or
widower's family; best reference. Phone
Main 6813.
RESPECTABLE woman wants position as
housekeeper In small family. elderly
couple preferred. S 89. Oregonian.
- Nurses.
LONG-EXPERIENCED nurse Wishes more
engagements; maternity a specialty.
Main 3038.
AN experienced nurse would like maternity
cases. Woodlawn 1932.
COMPETENT German girl wants position
for general housework. AH 94, Oregonian.
TUTORING After June 1 will teach gram
- mar grade to child not able to '.inish at
school. Will leave city or travel. City
references. Five years' experience In
teaching. lH 81, Oregonian.
A DRAMATIC woman of ability would like
to go on vaudeville circuit in dramatic
sketch, or would consider stock proposi
tion. K 84, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman of education and experience
desires responsmie position witn children
L 84, Oregonlan.
LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered;
fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities.
Tabor 1530.
WANT-ED Work by day, washing. Ironing,
cleaning. Aiain oow.
LACE curtains washed, bleached, stretched
and repaired, 40 cents per pair. C 2116.
TWO young women want day work, 25c per
hour. References. Main 9179.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched.
40c per pair. Main ooU8. a 4092.
RING Main 7440 for experienced chamber
FINE lace curtains done at home, best of
references. Phone A 5123.
WANTED Competent salesmen for best
rruit districts of Oregon and Washington;
good opening for right kind of men. Ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of
nursery stocK; casn weeKiy; outnt iree.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
SWELL photo coupon offer; best on COst.
Cutberth studio. 801 Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors.
Room 3, Commercial Club. '
WANT to rent unfurnished. June 1, 6 or 7
room flat or house; muft have 3 bedrooms,
be close in. strictly modern, rooms large,
light and airy; 4 adults: give exact loca
tion, price and phone. L 81. Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady. 17, would like home and moth
er's care during vacation; would assist In
light work as part payment. Address Box
273 Hillsboro. Or.
WANTED By June 1st. furnished flat or
cottage, by young couple within walking
distance of Morrison st. s 93, Oregonian.
OUR rental section is equipped for results.
If your property le vacant, try us. Struble.
405 Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED By a desirable tenant, cottage or
flat, unfurnished, not over $20. south of
Morrison st. Phone East 4724.
WANTED To rent furnished houee at Long
Beach; state rent. AN 88, Oregonian.
SMALL modern house or flat, close in. June
1. Answer at once. AG 98, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 to lO rooms, nicely furnished,
flat Or- .nttavA : ftft O npon I n n
WANTED Old, second-hand lathe, about
20-lnch swing, suitable to be used for
grinding machine. C. 6. Co.. 146 North
10th st.
GRADING job to let on contract at Windsor
Hejghts. Take Mount Scott car and get
off 'at Section Line road or apply 502 Mc
Kay bldg. Phone Main 549.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 0272.
WANTED Concrete block machine with
full equipment; good order; give particu
lars and price and where can be seen. D.
J. McNerney, "Vancouver, Wash.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co., or you'll get lees. Phones A
2445. Main S&51.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phono
East 5204. 104 Grand ave., cor. Taylor.
WANTED Standard make 2d. -hand wheel,
bargain. Phone Sellwood 1384.
P. steam boiler. G 1, Ore-
WANTED Automobile roadster,
make and price. AJ 89, Oregonian.
WANTED All vcinds store and office fixtures,
showcases, etc. Phone Main 8458.
MANITOU, 261 13th, large rooms; hot and
cold water; 2 carlines; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
Cor. 5 th and Yamhill St., opp. P. O.;
nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin
gles; by day, 75c to $1.50; by week, $3
to $7. Streetcars leaving depot pass
door; take elevator to 3d, 4th, 5th floors.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement ; newly renovated throughout ; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sts.;
elegantly furnished rooms; hot and cold
water; $12 and up.
$1.25 WEEK up, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry, bath, yard, fur
nace heat, 2D3 Stanton. U car.
ONE nicely furnished front room cheap; one
side room : board if preferred. 376 Yamhill
st., cor. West Park st.
THE REX. 18th snd Washington Modern
rooms, alro housekeeping; running water,
baths. A 1856, Main 4632.
NICE, large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed and private bath. The Hanover.
165 King st., near Washington.
THE ESTES--Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 H
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE BRAE-SIDE, 426 Alder Modern, cen
tral, reasonable; transient. Both phones.
THE ANGELUS. 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
THE RANDOLPH, Sd and Columbia, rooms;
bath, phone; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
Faralihed Rood
NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant
bathroom, both phones free; Just the place
for persons wanting a first-class home for
moderate expense. Phone A 5280, M 5435.
Call "The Hyiand 490 Morrison st., com
partment 4.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside.
Everything - brand new. homelike and
comfortable ; rates reasonable. Free bua
HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenience!;
transient solicited. JUS Stark, cor. Park.
Furnished Rooms In Private Fsunily.
VERY comfortable, nicely furatMied modern
room for young man on E. Ankeny carline.
within easy walking distance. Excellent
board adjoining. References required.
Phone East 1175.
LIGHT, airy rooms, sleeping porches, with or
without breakfast or board; fine for Sum
mer; Hawthorne line. 331 Glenn ave.
FIN E front alcove room for gentleman,
house modern, private family. 38S Salmon
St.. bet. West Park and 10th ata.
NICELY furnished front room, heat, light,
phone and bath, close in, $3 per week,
331 11th st.
FURNISHED cottage, 2 rooms. Telephone
Main 580 after Sunday; also 2 furnished
rooms for rent, housekeeping. 555 5th st.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, nice cool single
front room for .gentleman; modern, reason
able. PLEASANT outside furnished rooms, baths
free, $2.50 per week and up, close In. 95
llth st., near the Nortonia.
25SH 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms,
new house; every convenience; gentlemen
BEAUTIFULLY furnle-hed front room for
two ; conveniences; fine home. 212 llth st.
FURNISHED pleasant, clean rooms, bath,
gas, $2 per week. 392 24th St., North.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE large rooms, close In. nico neigh
borhood. 228 13th. Also furnished rooms.
Rooms With Board.
Modern In every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10
per month and up ; public parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests;
transients solicited ; excellent table board
$18 per month; single meals, 25 cents.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year, room
with hoard, use of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders at., Miss Frances N.
Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange,
133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretberton. supt.
LARGE sunny front room, suitable for 2.
with or without hoard; both phones and
every convenience. 178 Ella, south of
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison st., family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board; prices mod
erate. ROOMS and board; large rooms, suitable for
two gentlemen, all modern conveniences.
Park and Oak st.. No. 77.
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest hoard and best rooms in Port
land; rates lowest; a ccmfortable home.
THE LINDELL, 269 Market; nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
ROOMS with board ; home cooking; close
In. 328 6th. Phone A 3622.
THE OZARK. 225 llth. Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold waer.
ROOMS, single snd en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Rooms With Board In Private Family
LADY, alotva great deal, wishes lady, em
ployed, as roomer; breakfast If desired ;
use of piano ; reason able ; walking dis
tance; car to door. Phone Main 1155.
ONE or 2 pleasant furnished rooms, with
home privileges, with or without board. 608
E. Ash. Phone B 2157.
LARGE front room with alcove; also smaller
room, private, breakfast and dinner; very
reasonable. 751 Kearney. A 4379.
BOARD and room for man and wife or two
gentlemen; $24 per month. 328 Clay. Phono
Main 5963.
1684 10TH Large, handsome front room,
with or without board, suitable for two
young men.
NICELY furnished front room, home cook
ing, modern conveniences. 455 6th st.
GOOD board and room for gentleman at
149 15th st., bet. Morrison and Alder.
BOOM and board., private family, home cook
ing. 321 West Park.
ROOM and board for 2; West Side. Phone
Main 3649. 248N. 20th st.
The newest, most modern apartment
house in Portland ; every convenience, in
cluding electric elevator, beautiful con
crete building, beautiful view and sur
roundings, most reasonable charges, fur
nished or unfurnished; don't wonder, call
at apartments and be shown; both pti nes
in every suite. 624 Marshall Bt Call for
landlady or phone Main 2657 or A 2657.
J. P. Ford, agent.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St., new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments;
Sri vat e bath, reception hall, steam heat,
ot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service, from
$25 up month;- some unfurnished; come
look and be surprised.
THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts. About
May 15, the moat desirable 5-room apart
ment in city ; new. modern, verandas, lo
cation first class, rent reasonable. Refer
ences. Apply suite 2.
APARTMENT, 5 rooms, heated, close in,
$30; one room rented. $10; party wishing
to sell furniture at bargain. 52 East 6th
st. N. Apartment 6-
THE HARTFORD, N. W. COT. 21st and
Flanders Newly furnished suites of three
rooms, with bath, hot and cold water in
every suite. Both phones. Apply to janitor.
MODERN 8-room apartments, every con
venience, Morton Apartments, N. E. King
and Washington, Inquire Janitor or S.
Morton Cohn, 107 6th st.
THE COZY, 195 7TH STREET Nicely fur
nished transient rooms, $2.50 and up per
week; Vrles per night 50c and up, on
block south Hotel Portland.
THE HANOVER, apartments, 165 King,
near Washington, 3-room apartment with
wall bed; nice veranda; everything mod
ern. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson .,
unfurnished apartment, with bath; every
convenience ; desirable location ; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett
sts., furnisnea apartment; xnoaern tnrougn
out. JETFERSONIAN, modern 8-room furnished
apartments, every convenience. 16th and
BUELL APTS-, 14th and Salmon, nicely
furnished 8 and 4-room apartments, "new,
elevator, private phone.
HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison Un
furnished apartment or two rooms and bath.
ail modern convuaiencB. mono aiain oie.
THE DAYTON, 660 Flanders; 8 and 4-room
apartments, oatn, neat, not water, $18, $23,
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 8 and 4-room
modern apartments. inn ana Columbia
THE M I LN ER. 350 4 Morrison, cor. Park;
modern furnished apartments; central.
MODERN 6-room flat, with large attic and
sleeping porch, near West Side High
School. Inquire 175 16th St., cor. Yamhill.
MODERN five-room flat; easy walking dis
tance. West Side.
TAGGART, 416 Chamber of Commerce.
5-ROOM flat, Nob Hill, walking distance,
furnace, fireplace, gas, electricity. Main.
NICE 5-room flat, close in ; no children. In
quire 230 Hall st.
MODERN 7-room flat, newly finished. Clif
ton, between 7th and Park. Phone A 8825.
VERY fine flat In choice Nob Hill location.
Phone Main 6618.
you are paying or contemplate paying
$50 or more for an unfurnished 5-room ttat
or cpartment, you should consider the
following: t
Close in on the East Side we have just
completed jl high-grade flat building.
The two most desirable fiats still remain
unrented- They compare with the best
in the city. Are well and artlstlcallv
finished, modern to a degree, with every
conceivable convenience installed. Built
in buffets; laundry trays, largo front and
rear porch, large basement compartment
with each fiat, etc.. etc. Only a few
minutes of your time required to In
vestigate: price $27.50. See us at once.
W. M. CONK LIN & CO.. Inc.
407 Wells-Fargo Bldg.
A 47. Main 2859.
5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, very mod
ern; Glisan St.. $30.
$750OOrn3, "d and Kearney- fine location,
5-room, McMillon st., $25
S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts.
VERY desirable. newly tinted. strictly
" vr iftw aioujn nai, porcn, $22. ou.
207 McMillen st..
near meei oriage.
3 AND 5-ROOM modern flats, walking dis
tance. West Side; reasonable rent. M. E.
Lee. 411 Corbett bldg.
NEW six-roomed flat, llth and Hall, In
quire at flat.
Housekeeping- Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta .
Newly furnished for housekeeping, in
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
watar, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
lurnisnca apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best in-city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take S" or
lOLh-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st
"OXEONTV 187 17th. near Yamhill take
"V" car), furnished 2, 3 and 4-room house
keeping suites by week or month, $5 and
20, respectively and up; hot and cold water,
steam heat, baths and phones free; single
rooms, $7 a month. Main 4697, A 4739.
THE GAYOS.V. Grand ave., cor. East Stark
St.; moaer-.i brick building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, not
and cold water in all rooms. Phone East
aamngcon. cor. swin istceiy xurnisned
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE NORDICA Newly furnished apart-
uiviiia xor iiuuseKeeping; strictly modern,
on Grand ave., 1 block south of Morrison.
East 3418.
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.
aicgaiiuy iurmsnea --room housekeep
ing apartments; hot and cold water, tele
phone and all modern conveniences.
$1.50 WEEK up, large, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry,
bath. 184 Sherman, South Portland
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, fur
nished housekeeping rooms, walking dis
tance. CAMBRIDGE, 3d and Morrison, furnished
housekeeping rooms. Apply room 36.
Phone Main 945.
LARGE upstairs front room with alcove.
ciose in. isortn lotn st.
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms. Phone East 4306.
632 WILLIAMS AVE., lurnished, unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also single room.
WAYNEWOOD 109 N. 18th, nicely furnished
nouseKeeping rooms; reasonaoie rent.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3 -room apart
ments; transient solicited. 191 14th st.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, gas, phone and
bath. 129 North 10th st.
THE IDAHO, 389 6th St.,
keeping rooms.
single and house-
$16.00 Three furnished rooms. 610 First at.,
or phone Tabor 1114.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
Housekeeping; Rooms In Private Family.
TWO sunny rooms partly furnished, suitable
for housekeeping ; gas range, hot and cold
water, light and bath; walking distance.
ft&5 Taylor st. .
THREE or four nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, new, balcony ; private family,
Hawthorne Park. Phone East 6000.
TWO f ron t rooms, newly papered and f u r
nlshed for housekeeping; gas. bath, walk
ing distance. 211 Sherman st.
A FRONT room furnished for light house
keeping; water, phone and light free; $12.
24 North 16th.
FOUR furnished housekeeping- rooms, mod
ern conveniences; rent $16. Phone Main
FINE large basement for rent; family with
children desired. 104 llth, opposite Nor
tonia Hotel. Phone A 4786.
8 OR 4 clean, nicely furnished rooms, closet,
gas range, bath, phone and nice yard;
adults. 433 7th st.
SUITE completely furnished; 146 North
16th; gas range; furnace heat. Main 6173.
ENTIRE lower floor, 3 rooms, nicely fur
nished, light and pleasant. 224 Grant st.
HIGH-CLASS apartments, suitable 8 adults;
piano, bath, nice yard. 528 Morrison.
TWO housekeeping rooms, modern fin lo
cation; no children. 234 East 18th, cor.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 300
5th st.
NEW 3-room flat, private entrance, 6 min
utes to P. O. 383 5th st. Call afternoons.
TWO or more neatly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, modern. 495 Montgomery st.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need NEW
BUY AT NO-RBNT prices; the savins
will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half; colect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and El Stark. Phone FJast 2929.
New, modem, 5-room, shingled bunga
low, on carline, shades, electricity, cement
walks, $16; responsible tenants only. Phone
A 3961.
FOR. RENT A modern home, 8 rooms; fine
neighborhood; reasonable rent; nice yard
full choice roses ; 1 block from carline ;
5-mlnute service; Immediate possession.
Call 32 E. 22d st. N. Phone E. S414.
MODERN house, 6 rooms, furnace, elec
tricity and gas, $30; also 6-roora house,
Clackamas and Williams ave., $23. Call at
301 Dekum bldg.
FOR RENT 12-room modern house. West
Side; walking distance; choice residence
district; $50 per month. C. B. Lucas, 40S
Corbett bldg.
PARTY leaving city wishes to rent modern
2-e-tory 6-room bungalow flrvlngton). Will
sell furniture. Phone C 1286.
MODERN 6-room house, 806 Monroe at., bet.
Williams and Rodney aves.. Upper. Al
blna; adults only. Aoply 308 Monroe.
MODERN 6-room house, bath, cement base
ment, furnace, gas, on "carline; walking
distance. Rodgers, Hart, Gibson, 146 2d.
A 6-room house In Holladay Addition, one
block from Broadway carline; good neigh
borhood; rent $20. Phone East 141.
FOR RENT 6-room Sunnyslde house, in good
condition, close to carline. Vanduyn A
Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT 150x100, good house, bam, etc.,
E. 46th, near Lincoln. R. A. Taylor, cor.
4ftth and Hawthorne. Phone B 1516.
6-ROOM modem house, basement, bath,
shades and fixtures. Close in on good car
line. Phone Main 1560, A 4646.
5-ROOM cottage. South Portland, gas, bath,
full basement. Room 10 Hamilton bldg.
Main 5921.
DESIRABLE 6-room cottage; bath, gas, base
ment and yard. East 1619. B 1886.
HOUSES. flats and stores ' rented: good
service. Struble, 405 Lumbermen! bldg.
FOR RENT 7-room modern house. Adults
only. 434 E. 15tn st. N., Irvington. -
MODERN 5-room cottage; nice yard. 46
Shaver ml. $15. Phone Main 3547.
7-ROOM house for rent. 644 East Alder. Key
at next door.
NEAT 5-room house; every convenience
1113 East Alder. Phone Tabor 431.
FOR RENT 6-room house, 770 East Yam
hill. $15; large yard.
FOR RENT 4-room house $10. C24 Mill C