Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Dealers in Illicit Liquor Traffic
and Gamblers Admit Guilt
When Indicted. ..
Bank Swindler IMradg Guilty Before
Judge Bean Sheriff Shutt Works
X'p jLlquor Cases With Help of
Portland Ietectlves.
IIBPP.NER, Or., May 11. (9necIal.V
Twelve hundred dollars in fines wae paid
in tne ircult Court today for violations
of the liquir and gambling laws; Dexter
lioDeris, wno swindled the Bank of Hepp
ner by forged deeds, pleaded guilty to
ODiaimng money under false pretenses.
and was sentenced to four years In the
penitentiary: an Indictment aealnst John
wmon, for larceny, was returned late '
day and . tomorrow the attention .of the
jury, will be occupied by Lexington and
Jone DootleKging cases.
Today's grist was:
Sherman Shaw. Indicted four times for
violation of local option law, pleaded
guilty and was fined $f.O0; Walter Robteon
four indictments, pleaded guilty to two.
lined JnOO; John Binns, one Indictment
pleaded guilty, fined J200; "Shorty"
Shoekley, two indictments , violating local
option law. is missing, Mit warrant Is out
for arrest; Victor Groshens, one indict
ment for Fame offense, pleads tomorrow.
Albert Rea and Jack Matlqck .."are
wanted on eight and seven counts each,
Ttea on six charges for violation of the
local-option law, one for gambling, and
one for permitting gambling in his place
of business.
Matlock has six indictments for violat
lng the local option law, and one for
gambling. Rea and Matlock a month
ago sold out and left. Their whereabouts
at present is unknown, but it is likely
that they will be brought to trial next
term of court. v
Circuit Judge Bean called court Monday
morning an since that time the grand
Jury has done nothing but grind and
return Indictments. The greater per
centage of the crimes against the state
have been for violating the local option
law and to those channels of crime Sheriff
Shutt has given his time and energy for
the past six months. The Sheriff sent to
Portland and hired Fred Robin and Tom
Thorsen, detectives who came Into Hepp
uer and turned the tricks which have
brought grief to the transgressors.
The detectives came to IJeppner about
two weeks ngo and busied themselves in
the- purchasing of land or stated to Moses
Ashbaugh, a local real estate dealer, that
they were desirous of purchasing timber
or wheat lands. Ashbaugh trotted them
around over the county and when the fel
lows wanted to get a little nip Ashbaugh,
it is said, gave them the steer where they
might get liquor, and went even farther,
and asked that the, liquor be given them
as a courtesy to him.
Vnlon Pacific Kilos Condemnation
Suit at Chehnlis.
CHEIIALI3, Wash., May 11. (Special.)
Added . interest In the subject of the
probable early beginning of work on the
Portland-Puget Sound connection of the
Oregon- & Washington line is " aroused
by the beginning of condemnation pro
ceedings here todajKfor 14 acres of right
of way through the lands of Mrs. Mar
garet E. Somerville, between the cities
of Chehalis and .Centralia, parallel with
the Northern Pacific main line and ad
Joining It on the east side. The pro
ceedings, call for a strip 100 feet In
width and the ulstance covered' is about
a mile in extentt
The local situation as regards the
Oregon & Washington becomes still more
interesting Just now because of the, fact
that yesterday a brother of J. D. Farrell,
who is recognized as being at the head
of -.the-whole project In the Northwest,
spent the day In Chehalis and looking
over the ground between Chehalis and
Centralia in company with John Calvin,
who is a local right of way agent.
Chin On and Qnong Yon'Choce Are
' '. Married in Vancouver. "
VANCOUVER, Wash.. May 11.
(Special.) Chin On. aged 42 years, and
Quong Ton Chocs, aged 35 years,
Chinese, were married -at high noon to
day in the chambers of Judge Mc
Credle, by the Judge. The members of
the High School senior class -were -wfl-nesses
of the ceremony. C. B. Young, a
merchant of Portland, acted as inter
preter. The bridegroom was dressed In his
native flowing robes of black, and the
bride wore a black Chinese skirt, and
American shoes. After the ceremony,
.the High School students congratulated
the bridal rouple.
Chin On Is a merchant of Portland.
After the Judge had tied the knot, the
groom reached down into his pockets
and pulled out some cigars and passed
them around.
The bride -was born -In San Fran
cisco and cannot speak Knglish.
l ii ion County Metrojmlis Plans for
Kvcnts on July, 4.
T.A ORAXDK. Or.. May 11. (Special.)
That 1.a Grande celebrate the Fourth
of July this' year whs de-tlnltely decided
at a meeting of the Business Men's Club
tonight. The arrangements of the details
of tlw programme win be placed in the
hands of a committee as soon as a re
sponsible man Is found- to take charge.
Tiie profits from the carnival which were
divided squally between the Ladies' Park
Association and the Business Men's Club,
netted the club JKt6.40 which Is to be used
as a nest egg for the big celebration
fund to he raised.
Another matter of Importance to the
city was the decision of the business men
to keep permanently the "string" lights,
put up on all the main streets of the city
for use during the recent session of the
Idaho-Oregon Development Congress.
Breaks Ankle Bone and Iiiiter looses
Finger and Possibly Two.
OAST US ROCK, Wash., May 11. (Spe
cial.) Rudolph WHnheimrr. 16 years old,
had the misfortune a few weeks ago.
while vaulting at school, to tweak one
of the bones of his right leg and sprain
the' - airkle- -badly.- He had so - far re
covered, however, that he was able to
be about, though stiy a little lame, and
on Sunday afternoon was helping his
friend, George Edmunds, a local butcher,
to dress a beef. He was handling the
windlass, when the crank came off and
his other hand slipped in such a man
Tier that the fingers went into the cogs,
mashing, the fhird finger just hack of
the firtJt joint and - lasceratlng the sec
ond one badly. In jumping back from
the windlass, the boy sprained his ankle
Ready to Begin Work When Hay
Signs Surety Papers.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. May 11. (Special.)
I. M. Howell, of Tacoma, arrived nere
today, illed his oath as Secretary of
State and presented his $10,000 bond with
a surety company at the Governor's of
fice. The form of bond has been ap
proved by the Attorney General, but in
absence of Governor Hay, Howell can
not qualify, as the Executive signature
is required.
The Governor in accepting . the . resig
nation of Nichols said it was accepted
to take effect on the qualification of
Howell, so Nichols will remain in tne
office . until Hay s&ns the bond. Howell
said today that he will make no changes
in the office force until he has had time
97 V KA liS.
t r
Bartholomew White, Deceased.
GOLDENDALB, Wash., May 11.
(Special.) Bartholomew .White,
father of . Mrs. Harry Wherland,
died here-May 11, at the a ere of 07
years. The deceased was bom at
Limerick, Ireland, coming to thfi
country when 2-4 years old. . During
the Indian troubles In the early 50s
he was a contractor for the Govern
ment, hauling supplies and provisions
across the continent. For over- 52
years Mr. White had been a member
of the Masonic fraternity, being a
charter member of the Neosho Lodge
of Leroy. Kansas.
to look over the work. The vacancy
now in the position of Auditor t will
probably be the first filled. ,
Vtah Capitalists Ilan Extension of
Itallroad to Prairie City.
PRAIRIE CITY, Or.. May n. (Soe-
clal.) The officials of the Sumpter Val
ley Railroad spent Sunday In Prairie
City and are now viewing the surveys
for the extension of the railroad from
Austin to Prairie City. The nartv
consists of President David Eccles,
Vice-president C. W. Nibley, Joseph
west, general superintendent: Grant
Geddes. assistant superintendent; W.
H. Wattis, president of the Utah Con
struction Company.
Although no official announcement
was made, the people of this place be
lieve from what was said that the road
will be extended to Prairie Cltv some
where near the lines laid down in- the
preliminary survey.
leaves Hawaiian Islands for Japan
on Tour Around World.
HONOLULU, xIay 11. Ex-Vice-Presi-
dent Charles W. Fairbanks, who has
been-visiting points of interest in the
Hawaiian Islands during the past two
weeks, sailed today for Japan on the
Pacific' Mail liner Mongolia.
John Burroughs, the famous natural
ist, arrived here today on the Mongolia
rrom s-an Tancisco. He expects to
spend several weeks In the Islands.
Canby Resident Dies.
CAN BY, Or., May 11. (Special.) Jacob
Mundorf died here this morning after
a few days' illness 'of pneumonia. Mr.
Mundorf was born May 24, 1S43. near Ber-
m, and came to America at the age .of
U years. He settled at Albanv. N. Y..
for some time, and from that place went
to the state of Illinois, where he was
married to Pauline Heller. -Mr. and Mrs.
Mundorf moved to Kansas, where they
made their home until they came to Ore
gon 28 years ago. .Four children were
born to Ma. and Mrs. Mundorf, one
having died several years ago. The
living children are: Mrs. M. C. Mace,
of Portland; Mrs. E. W. Kammerer, of
I-a. Grande; John Mundorf, of . Canby..
.Mrs. .Munaon also survives her husband..
Woodland Growers to Organize.
WOODLAND, Wash., May 1L (Special.)
At a joint meeting of the people of
Clark and Cowlitz counties neld here. It
was unanimously agre,ed that there should
be no let up until the bridge across the
North Fork of Lewis River was assured.
The meeting also discussed the formation
of & fruitgrowers' association, and 'Sat
urday, May 22, was decided on as a
meeting - day for organization. Lewis
River Valley is adapted to apples, cher
ries and all small fruits and land Is
Schools Close June 11.
OREGON CITY, May .11. (Special.)
The public schools of ..this city will close
June 11. one week laer than the time
originally set, on account of an extra
week s holiday last January during the
extreme cold weather. Miss. Laura Pope
nas resigned ner position as a teacher
in the schools, and was succeeded by Miss
jiva -Mcinrum.
Special Hates to Spokane.
SEATTLE. May-ll. Passenger reo-
resentatlvcs st North Pacific lines met
here today and decided to grant a one
ane one-third round trip ticket on sale
August s. B and 12. with August IS as
the return limit for the National Irri
gation Congress to be held in Spokane.
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness
The only baking
made from
Royal Grape Cream
Business Men Hold Meeting to
Discuss Matter Congress
men Asked for Aid.
Mcl'atridge Said to Have Been Auto
cratic In His Demands on Govern
ment Employes Under Him.
Two Resign at Umatilla.
P EXDLETON, Or., May 11. (Special.)
Having unbounded confidence in Major
McFatridge, and believing that the best
Interests of the Umatula reservation
and all those having any dealings with
it will be best conserved by the reten
tion of him as agent, the business men
of Pendleton held . a meeting tonight to
take sterfe In his behalf. As the meeting
was behind closed doors, it is not
known what action was decided upon,
but it is probable that a petition and
indorsement of McFatridge signed by
every business man in Pendleton and
every renter of Indian lands will be
wired to Commissioner Leup if he can
be located.
There was also some talk this morn
ing of sending a man to Washington
and this may be done. In addition,
Senators Bourne and Chamberlain and
Representative Ellis will be appealed
to in McFatridge's behalf.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner, who
were industrial instructors and boys'
matron respectively at the Indian school
and who were transferred to Oklahoma
as a result of trouble with the agent,
resigned rather than make the transfer
and are now living in Pendleton. They
were evidently two of the employes who
have criticised the agent's management
of the school to the department, and
when seen this evening, Mr. Gardner
said neither he nor his wife had filed
any charges against McFatridge and
that they had simply testified as to the
charges already filed by McManus, the
discharged clerk.
Gardner confirmed to some extent the
accusation that the agent had been se
vere in his school management. He said
McFatridge inclined to be autocratic, dic
tatorial and overbearing.
McFatridge absolutely refuses to make
any statement. He has not received any
notice from Washington and does not
know whether he has been dismissed,
transferred or promoted.
Employes of School Make Complaint
as to Management at Agency.
ington, May 11. Major E. McFatridge,
Indian Agent at Umatilla, has been sus
pended by Acting Indian Commissioner
Valentine because of dissatisfaction with
his administration of school affairs on the
reservation and the agency, and the
school has been placed temporarily In
charge of Supervisor .Charles E. McChes
ney. Commissioner Valentine is preparing
to' recommend to Secretary Ballinger
that McFatridge be transferred to some
other branch of the Indian service, where
he will not have jurisdiction over school
authorities.. Secretary Ballinger will take
no action until he investigates all facts.
Commissioner Valentine today informed
Representative Ellis that In the handling
of finances and land affairs of the Uma
tilla Agency. Mr. McFatridge. had given
entire satisfaction, but considerable fric
tion had arisen between the jwajor and
various employes of the Umatilla school,
which in Valentine's Judgment rendered
it necessary that a change of agents be
made, Four school employes at Umatilla
charge. McFatridge. with arrogance and
undue severity in his supervision of
school matters. These accusations were
first made, several months ago. When
Major McFatridge was in Washington in
February he talked with Commissioner
Valentine about these charges, and was
instructed as to how he should thereafter
deal with school employes. Commissioner
Valentine now holds that McFatridge,
after his return to Umatilla, did not fol
low instructions, and his alleged in
subordination is probably the direct cause
of Valentine's recommendation that he
be' transferred from Umatilla.
Friends of McFatridge at Pendleton,
Mix one-half ounce of Virgin Oil
of Pine compound pure with two
ounces of Glycerine and a half-pint
of good Whisky. Shake well, and
take a teaspoonful every four hours.
It is claimed that this mixture is
most effective in healing any sub
acute affection of "the throat and
bronchial tubes, and will break a
cold quickly,, and cure any cough
that is curable.
, In case Whisky Js not conveni
ently at hand, it is said that the
mixture is just as effective when
prepared with five ounces of tinc
ture of Cinchona compound in place
ot Whisky. As the full formula
given here makes a quantity suffi
cient to last the average family an
entire year,- it is generally . consid-.
ered to be the least expensive as
well -as-, the most effective remedy
for coughs and colds.
Few people seem to realize the
serious consequences apt to follow
aEtlsif ) Pwffler
and flavor.
of Tartar.
who telegraphed . Representative Ellis to
day, protest against his transfer and ur
gently recommend that he be retained.
They represent that the protests against
him are made by school employes who
object to McFatridge's efforts to compel
them to render to the Government full
measure of work for the compensation
they receive. They- admit the agent has
been strict, but Insist the circumstances
Justify him in the course he has pursued.
Representative Ellis will go over the
records of the case at an early day and
will enter protest against McFatridge's
transfer if he becomes satisfied he has
done no wrong.
CContinued From First Paie.)
fic to and from the Northwest this
year promises to be intense on account
of the exposition at Seattle.
"All roads extending northwest are
preparing for additional train service.
The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad
and the Harriman lines will put on
the Chicago-Portland special May 16.
This train will leave Chicago at 10 P.
M., daily, arriving in Portland at 8 P.
M. the evening of the third day. The
Northwestern has also announced a new
train leaving Chicago at 6 P. M. for
Omaha, SJoux City and Des Moines.
"In connection with this it is rum
ored that the Interstate Commerce
Commission is preparing a decision in
the controversy between the Hill and
Harriman lines, which will open the
Portland gateway. At present the Hill
lines will not accept through passen
gers for the Northwest turned over to
them by the Harriman roads at Port
land. Should the decision go against
the Hill lines It is even then doubtful
if the gateway will be opened In time
for exposition business, as it is ex
pected ttiat the Hill management is
prepared to take the question into the
Portland Route Being Chosen for All
Fast Traffic.
Announcement was made by Harriman
officials yesterday of an increased Chicago-Portland
service Sunday, May 16.
At the same time the running time is to
be cut two hours, making the time of the
Chicago-Portland special 70 hours.
The Harriman lines have evidently felt
tlx pur.of the new service promised by
the Hill lines on May 23 and have re
sponded with both an accelerated and an
increased service. In place of leaving
at 9:16 A. M., 4he Chicago-Portland spe
cial will, on May 16, pull out at 10 A. M.
and will arrive at Chicago at 12 noon,
in place of 12:30 P. M. From the fore
going dispatches it appears that this will
enable Immediate connection to be made
with the 20th Century Limited and will
cut the present transcontinental time ap
proximately 12 hours.
In .place of connecting with the Over
land Limited at Green River, the Chicago-Portland
special will connect with
the Los Angeles Limited at Cheyenne,
enabling the acceleration between Port
land and Chicago. The Overland Lim
ited will pick up at Green River what
will be known as the Fast Mail, a new
train leaving Portland at 8 A. M., which
will not keep anything like the schedule
of the new Chicago-Portland special.
Leaving Portland at 10 A. M., the new
special will comprise a baggage ear,
standard and tourist sleepers and chair
car, which will be connected with the
Los Angeles Limited. The train will
also haul an observation car and standard
sleeper for St. Louis, which will be
hauled by the Wabash, via Denver and
Kansas City.
The Fast Mail will be essentially a lo
cal between Portland, Salt Lake and
Green River, where connections may be
made with the Overland from San Fran
cisco. The rumor that a decision would be
handed down on the question of the
Portland gateway - was not accepted by
local railroad officials as substantiated.
It was agreed that no decision could be
come to before the Exposition business
opened, and rates had already been
agreed jipon and tickets were on sale.
Should the new service place Portland
in. direct connection with New York, as
appears to. be the case, there will be a
tendency for Seattle travel going East
to pass through Portland instead of the
reverse being the case. Where Seattle
Is mqre and more being relegated to a
junction point, Portland seeems to have
established its claim to be the terminal
city of the Northwest. The action
taken by the Northern Pacific in routing
the North Coast Limited over the North
Bank road in place of via Seattle is a
move in the same direction. With the
avowed intention of the C, M. & St. P.
to build later to Portland and the known
plans of the Chicago & Northwestern to
the same end. it would appear that fast
travel will have to be via Portland. The
Great Northern is making Tacoma its
terminal point, as shown by recent an
nouncements, and the withdrawal of the
fast service of the Northern Pacific from
neglect of a c o m m o n cold." It
should be borne in mind that the
action of a cold tends to leave the
respiratory organs sore, and thus
weakens the natural power of re
sistance to attack. Bronchitis,
pneumonia and the dread tubercu
losis often have their origin in
neglect of a "common cold." At
the first Indication of a cold, steps
should be taken to check It at once.
The healing properties of Pine
trees are well known. Virgin Oil
of Pine .compound pure is a com
bination of the active principles of
the Pine and Santalwood carefully
compounded to retain the medicinal
virtues of each. To insure fresh
ness and purity it is never sold in
bulk, but is put up for dispensing
only in half-ounce vials, each, vial
securely sealed in a round wooden
case. Be sure to get the genuine,
prepared only by Leach Chemical
Co., Cincinnati. O., .. .,
All Brushes Reduced
This Week
The "New Perfume
For Men and Women.
Price $1.50.
In all shades, weight and
lengths. Gloves for Full
Dress, Street or Driving.
The Prices Are No More
Than .You Usually Pay
For Inferior Gloves.
Seattle to Portliid is still further indi
cation of Portland's impregnable position
as a railroad center and terminal point.
Combatants Are Klned.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 11.
(Special.) Arthur Strode and Herman
Groat pleaded . guilty in the Justice
Court today to fl)?htlns in a pubii.
place and they were each hned 5 and
costs of 3.
5, 10 and IS Cents.
Popular, classical and folios. The E. P.
Charlton & Co., 288-290 Washington St.
"KOH-I-NOOR" Pencils have every good
point and every point 'good. One "KOH-I-NOOR"
will outlast eix ordinary pencils. AjbIc
ynr dealer.
As there Is little or no danger of sore
gums or other troubles while Spring
lasts. Our plates give the mouth a nat
ural expression, and will prove m. last
ing comfort.
Pr evident and Manager.
23 Years Itablliibed In. Portland.
We will give you a good 22k sold
or porcelain crown tor... 9 3.SO
Molar crown ........ JS-OO
22k bridge teeth 3.00
Gold or enamel fillings... 1.00
Sliver filUnes JM
In!ay fillings of all kind. ...... . 2.50
Good rubber plates 5.00
The best red rubber plates 7 -GO
Painless extraction. ....... ...... . JOQ
Painless extractions free when plates
or bridge work is ordered.
Work sruaranteed tor 15 years.
The Failing Bide 3d and Wh. Sta.
Office tour. S A. M. to 8 P. SI.
Sundays. 9 to X.
Phone. A aud Main O a.
"Best of the Best"
Makers. Tampa.
The Hart Cigar Co.
"" 'nmrn nr '---' r -p i urn n i
Burn Denatured Alcohol
There is a great demand for
Chafing Dishes and Alcohol
c - . l : ii. . i
own-s, uuraiug tne popular
denatured alcohol. Thousands
-ai e in use ctitu Hive nerieci
tit i a. c
oaLiaiaciii'U. c uavc lilt: I tt-
mous Manning - Bowman's ;
full assortment. Thev are al-
able, non-explosive and easy
to regulate.
Chafing Dish and Stove Complete, S15, S12.50. S11
Alcohol Stoves, single burners, S7.50, S6.50, S4.50
and S4.25.
Alcohol Stoves, double burners, 813.75 and S9.50
Tea Kettles, for use with stoves S5.00
Tea Pots, for use with stoves S4.25
Coffee Percolators, for use with stoves. . . . .S6.0O
New Picture Mouldings Just Arrived
That is what a wheel chair
will do. They need out
door life and sunshine as
much, if not more, than
others. We have chairs of
many kinds and prices,
both for house and street
If desired, we will rent
by the month at a small
Send for Illustrated Booklet.
A Novel of Today
Once in a lifetime a brilliant star may
flash across the sky, and it is interesting to
note how quickly comes recognition and
wide acclaim.
With one accord readers have granted to
" The Inner Shrine " those qualities which
men have agreed to call great. Here, they
say, is distinction, strength, and vigor,
here is tenderness, sweetness, crystal clear-.
ness, and that certainty of touch which
marks the master. Whether the writer is
already Famous or not, this is what they
say of this great work:
The New Orleans Times-Democrat says:
A novel exciting more interest than any
previous one for many a day. ... It is
quite on the cards that in these early years
of the twentieth century we have seen the
dawn of a new novelist of unquestioned
Never did so many readers beg for ad
vance proofs when the story was running
serially in HARPER'S. NOW the book
is all here AT LAST.
. Splanttdly Illustrated by Frank Craig
Post 6Vo, $1.50
is a po wde red
soap of magic power
Soap is often made from cheap refuse animal
fats. . ...
Don't worry.
GOLD DUST washing powder is a . clean,
wholesome , vegetable oil soap, blended with
carbonate of soda, and ground to a fine powder!
Not a trace of ani
mal fat in it.
Our workmen at
the factory never use
gloves, but handle
after year, with bare
hands, thus proving
it harmless to skin
or fabric.
Made by THE N. K.
Makers of FAIRY
Ev32 sr. f TiV
"'' ' T'Z-
. l-
'Xrf the GOLD 1UHT Twtna do gotir worW
SOAP, the oval cake.