Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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City Engineer Discharges Two
Street Inspectors.
Acceptance of Infective Cement
Work Is Charge and Action Is Re
sult of Much Complaint by
. Property-Owners.
City KiiBinoer Taylor has at last be
come aroused at the numerous complaints
aBainnt his ofllce and last Saturday took
hla first offlclal action In an attempt
to straighten up affairs by discharging
August Ohlhorf and Peter Merges, in
spectors of streets. The charges are that
these employes accepted cement curbs
and sidewalks laid on Mason street, from
Maryland to Williams avenue, by the
Star Sand Company, which were foind
to be badly defective. Mr. Taylor- action
did not become known to the public until
yesterday morning, as ho apparently did
not Intend to say anything about it until
next Friday when the Executive Board
is to meet. At that time, it is expected,
ho will formally announce his action and
seek confirmation of it by the Board.
It is understood that Mr. Ohlhoff will
appeal his case to the Civil Service Com
mission, and fight for reinstatement, if
the. Executive Board upholds the action of
Mr. Taylor next Friday. He has engaged
the services of Uwyer, John F. Logan,
and Is said to be preparing to put up a
battle to regain his former position.
Much Criticism Made.
The discharge of Mr. Ohlhoff and Mr.
Merges is the result of a long campaign
that has been waged against the oftlce of
the City Kngineer by Mayor Lane and
members of the committee on streets of
the Executive Board. Severe, criticism
of the acceptances of numerous streets
has been made for many months, property-owners
complaining that the work
waa improperly done and that it should
not have been accepted at all by the
City Engineer's force. '
Several months ago Mayor Lane began
u crusade against contractors who did
poor work on streets, and demanded of
the street committee that closer investiga
tion and Inspection be made before im
provement work should be accepted. He
did this because of a large number of
complaints which reached him from all
portions of the city. People were bitter
because they were forced to pay for
street improvements which they alleged
were absolutely poor in quality and work
manship. The charter provides that acceptances
of street improvements shall be made
by the City Bngineer: by him so recom
mended to the Executive Board and by
the Board finally accepted and payment
ordered made to the contractor by the
Mayor and Auditor. This routine has
long been followed and without any too
much care, it is alleged by many, so that
us a result, it is charged, many poor
contracts were accepted.
Board Took Vp Complaints.
When Mayor Lane began to receive
letters and complaints, he asked the
street committee of the Executive Board
to investigate. Chairman Isaac Swett, P.
14 Sullivan and J. A. Newell took up the
matter and made personal Inspections of
various streets. The results were startU
ing. and justified the complaints that
had been made, according to the reports
of the committeemen.
One of the most glaring instances of
record in this connection was the hard
surface, pavement laid on Killingsworth
avenue, which was accepted by the in
spectors, but about which there was great
complaint. Personal inspection of this
work was made by the Mayor and mem
bers of the committee, who refused to
accept it. They reported numerous bad
epots in it. and demanded that these be
repaired before they would recommend
acceptance. This placed the City En
gineer's force in -a bad light, and when
they were called upon to explain, it was
difficult for them to show why they ac
cepted work which was later found to be
defective. This was the beginning of a
Jong series of personal inspections of
streets by Mayor lane and the members
of the committee, and many complaints
were found to be well founded.
Iiast week the acceptance of the mac
adam Improvement on Mason street, from
Maryland to "Williams avenue wa6 ques
tioned by property-owners, and an in
vestigation was made by direction of
City Engineer Taylor. The work had
been recommended for acceptance by
Inspectors Ohlhoff and Merges, but Chief
Deputy Engineer Hanson and an assistant
made a personal Investigation and found
that the sidewalks and curbs were very
defective. Vpon receiving the report, Mr.
Taylor discharged the Inspectors
Emmelt Lee, Seattle Boy, Is Sent
Back Home.
Emmett Lee. of Seattle, the 13-year-old
son of Andrew Lee, ran away from home
"with two other boys. His father has
died since ho left, and Emmett has been
returned from Portland to attend the
funeral, which will be held this morning.
His home is at STP.i Eighth street. Seat
tle. James Morrison, 15 years old. living at
710 Spring street, Seattle, and Edward
Baldwin. 13 years old. living at S07 Eighth
street, in the same city, were taken into
custody here by Juvenile Court officers
with young Lee. J. D. Martin and Ed
ward Baldwin, the boys' parents, were
telegraphed to. and the following answer
came yesterday:
Have tlegcraphed 1S. Please purchase
tickets and send Kdwnrd Baldwin and Km
mett to Seattle on tonight's train, care
conductor. Kmmett's fath-er la dead. Fun
eral tomorrow morning. Will meet them
at train. Mrs. K. Lee.
Chief Probation Officer Teuscher sent
the two lads home last night, but is hold
ing James Morrison, as he has not yet
received transportation for him.
Hamilton's Affinity With Mother,
Who Shuts Out Intruders.
OAKLAND. Cal.. May 11. Hazel
Moore, to whom is attributed part of
the blame for the downfall of ex-Adju-tant-Oencral
Ortis Hamilton, of Wash
ington, accused of embezzling military
funds, reached her mother's home to
day. Later her mother telephoned to
Chief of Police Wilson asking that he
maintain a guard about their home to
prevent any intrusion.
A. L. Morris. Camhlrr, Sues Under
State Statute.
In order to recoup his losses in pleas
lint llttlo games of solo and pitch. - A.
L. Morris, a young man of gambling
propensities and impaired nerve, brought
suit in the Justice Court yesterday fore
noon against W. F. Myers and George
M. Howatson, who run the Edel Brau,
at 210 Morrieon street. Morris alleges
that they are professionals at the gentle
art of separating unsophisticated ones
from coin through the . medium of the
gaming table.
On April 12 Morris got into a little
game with them, he says. They sep
arated him from the astonishing sum of
!. On April 19 they removed from his
guileless possession the further sum of
$11 -and again on April 29 he got into
another game with them, only to be
mulcted of $16.
Morris doesn't say where he got so
much money, but he does show the ef
fects of sleepless nights spent in worry
at his losses, for his wail in the com
plaint Is long and tearful. He main
tains that the two alleged sharpers are
so expert in the games of pitch and solo
as to leave him little chance of win
ning. Further than that he avers that
they are conducting a game continually,
despite the claims of the administration
to a closed town. Taking advantage of
a state law. he asks the return of his
founts multiplied by two.
V". L. Walker Says He Knew Dead
Man for Many Years and That He
Brooded Over Trials.
That R. F. Shepard, who was found
dead in Sullivan's Gulch Tuesday, took
his own life Is the belief of V. L. Wal
ker, proprietor of the Sellwood Phar
macy, and the dead man's most intimate
Mr. Walker said yesterday he is con
fident that Shcpara s mind was af
fected from long brooding over differ
ences with his former wife and the
loss of his little girl, who was taken
away by the mother six or seven years
"When I first learned of Mr. Shepard's
disappearance I made up my mind that
he had either committed suicide or had
gone back to his first wife," said Mr.
Walker yesterday. "I have known the
man for the past ten years. I met
him first in Colorado Springs, where he
conducted a carpet-cleaning establish
ment similar to the one here. He was
then married to a handsome young
woman, who seemed to have the respect
of every one in the community. After
wards, however, she gained some noto
riety tbj-ough her conduct with a mer
chant there, and this worried her hus
band a great deal. He often talked
with me about his trouble, and fre
quently asked my advice as to what he
ought to do. One day we learned that
he had run away with his little gTrl,
then 2 years old. I did not- hear any
thing about him until 1 came to Port
land four years ago. I was employed
at Bridal Veil and whenever I came to
town would go to see him or meet him
on the street. It was evident the trouble
he had had with his wife still grieved
him: in fact, it seemed to be constantly
on his mind, for he a!vays talked of it.
"He told me that after leaving Colo
rado Springs he came to the Coast, first
to Seattle, then to Portland, and later
went to Eastern Montana. He decided
to return to Portland, and at Pocatello
he said he put his little girl in an empty
mall bag and brought her here. On his
arrival he was arrested, but hTs brother,
a banker of Oklahoma City, wired him
assistance. He then decided to go into
business, and started the carpet-cleaning
plant on Holladay avenue. He named
it lone, after his little girl.
"The present Mrs. Shepard told me
recently that his first wife came to
Portland after that and lived -with him
for a short time, and that when she
left she took the chilu with her. I do
not know why he did not tell me this,
but I presume, perhaps, he was
ashamed. I have thought for a long
time that he was not right mentally.
He never seemed able to throw off the
gloom that his troubles cast over him.
He was a. very good man and I liked
him and felt sorry for him. I am sat
isfied that he was unbalanced. The fact
that his watch was missing would not
Indicate necessarily that he had been
assaulted. His belongings could have
been taken by any one passing that
Prisoner Advertises He Wishes
Fluids for Correspondence Course.
Imprisoned in the Leavenworth (Kan.)
Penitentiary, where he is known simply,
but effectively as No. 6077. Ernest Den
more writes from his prison cell to -The
Oregonian seeking to obtain funds to take
a . course in a correspondence school.
Obviously, he cannot attend any other
kind of a school, for he has been secluded
from educational facilities of all kinds
for the past four years. He will be re
leased, however, in January, 1910. and he
wants to get-' an education against the
time of his delivery from jail.
A correspondence school offers the only
means to Denmore of educating himself
and he has inserted an advertisement in
the papers asking kind-hearted people to
send him money so he may obtain an
education. The convict is only 21 years,
by the way, but the nature of his offense
is not revealed.
Mrs. Jennie Mayo's Remains Are
Taken From River.
The body of Mrs. Jennie Mayo, a do
mestic, was found floating in the Willam
ette River at the foot of Wood street,
yesterday forenoon. It had been in the
water about two weeks, and the features
were barely recognizable. The woman Is
presumed to have committed suicide, as
she had been melancholy previous to her
She was employed as housekeeper by
William Davidson, of the Pacific Coast
Showcase Company. Worry over money
tied up by the failure of the Oregon Trust
& Savings Company seemed to have un
balanced the woman's mind before she
disappeared. She was 40 years old and
the widow of a laborer who was killed
in the San Francisco disaster. She is
believed to have jumped from one of
the bridges or docks into the river.
The suits we sell at $15 show high
quality at every point. Don't miss see
ing thorn. J. L. Bowman &. Co., Fifth
and Alder.
Sale on at Goddard-Kelly Shoe Co.
Look nice all Summer by outfitting now.
Firm Gets Xo Commission.
The suit of Chapin & Herlow for J230
commission on a real estate deal was
decided yesterday in favor of C. W.
Pallett. the defendant. The suit was
tried in Judge Cleland's department of
the Circuit Court.
Exporters Seem to Await Def
inite Information.
If Called Upon to Supply Deficiency
Kast of Rockies, This Coat May
Require Considerably Less
Tonnage Marine News.
From reports eriven out by steamship
agencies it would appear that charters
for the coming- grain crop have practi
cally come to a standstill. Exporters
evidently fear that the short Kastern
crop, that would seem to be threatened,
will possibly interfere with export busi
ness, as was the case in handling the
ltO4-1905 crop.
When there Is a shortage in the East
ern crop, which means all east of the
Rockies, the Pacific Northwest is called
upon to supply the deficiency, and nat
urally .that means that less grain is
available for export from this coast.
It is still rather early to determine
what the Eastern crop will be, but so
far reports do not indicate even a nor-
to Arrive.
Coos Bay
In port
State of Cal. . . .
Geo. W. Elder. .
Sue H. Elmore.
Rose City
San Fraucisco
San Francisco
San Pedro. . . .
Coos Bay
San Francisco
Hongkong. . . .
Scheduled to Iepart.
Name. For. Iate.
Breakwater... Coos Bay May 12
Riverside. . . . . .Kan Francisco May 13
Geo W. Elder. .San Pedro.... May 13
Argo Tillamook.. . .May l.
Alliance Ccos Bay May l.
State of Cal . . .San Francisco May 1j
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook May 17
Alesia Hongkong May - 20
Hose City San Francisco May
Entered Tuesday.
Lansing, Am. steamship. (Alberts),
with bulk oil. from San Francisco.
Asuncion, Am. steamship (.Bridg
ett), with bulk oil, from San Fran
cisco. Nome City, Am. steamship (Han
son), with general cargo, from San.
State of California, Am. steamship
(Nopander). with general cargo, from
San Francisco.
Cleared Tuesday.
Asuncion, Am. steamship (.Bridg-
ett), in ballast, for San Francisco.
Daisy Freeman. Am. steamship
(Johnson), in ballast, for "Willapa,
mal production. The situation is thought
not yet to be alarming, but it is one
of the possibilities that shippers are con
sidering. With a duty of 25 cents a
bushel on foreign grain, it bars impor
tation to any great extent, and conse
quently this part of the country would
be called upon to make up the shortage.
The result seems to be that shippers
fear such a condition and are holding
back the fixing of vessels until more
definite information from the East is ob
tained. "
Xot Wltli Each Other, Though, but
Each by Its Wild Ixne.
Republicans and Iemocrats will get
together tonight but not with each oth
er. The Republican Club is going to
have a ratification meeing. The Demo
cratic County Central Committee is
going to hold the same thing, and at
the same time will discuss plans for the
Munly campaign.
In the A. O. U. "W. Hall in the Selling
Hirsch building the Republican Club
will meet at S o'clock. All the nominees
are invited to attend, and such as re
spond will be called upon to speechify.
There is no formal programme, the pur
pose of the meeting being a general
getting together of Republicans to dis
cuss how it happened and what's com
ing next. M. C. George will preside.
Several hundred invitations have been
sent out by Secretary Ixtckwood.
The Democratic assemblage will occur
at the office of George H. Thomas, in
the Ainsworth building, the hour being
8 o'clock. It is intimated that the
subject of blanket franchises may come
up and that it may be decided to capi
talize that subject Dor political pur
poses. There is no definite programme,
however, except to hurrah for Munly
and discuss ways and means for effect
ing his election in June.
Weather Bureau Official Goes to Es
tablish New Stations.
TV. B. Fuller, first assistant in the local
"Weather Bureau, left yesterday to estab
lish new mountain snowfall stations,
where records are to be kept regarding
precipitation at the heads of small
streams in all parts of the state. Under
recommendation of President Roosevelt,
after the conference of the Governors of
the states of the Union, held a year ago
at Washington, the Weather Bureau,
Geological Survey, Reclamation Service
and, the Bureau' of Indian Affairs formed
a working agreement to obtain this and
other information regarding the undevel
oped resources of the country, especially
in this Western country.
Th'e Weather Bureau has already es
tablished 42 stations of this class in this
state. Mr. Beals said yesterday that the
department is desirous to have persons
living at the head of small streams, at
points where no reports are now fur
nished, communicate with his office with
reference to co-operating with the Bu
reau. Reports, when made in accordance
with regulations, are paid for by the
Government, and the only essentials are
accuracy and promptness.
State of California Again In San
Francisco Service.
Captain Nopander. former master of
the Senator, with most of the crew of
that vessel, brought in the steamship
State of California yesterday morning
from San Francisco. The State is to re
main on the run until the Kansas City
arrives from the Atlantic The State was
formerly in the Portland -San Francisco
service, but was transferred about a year
ago. There is a strong probability that
the State of California may remain on the
run, even after the Kansas City arrives,
for the reason that the traffic, both in
freight and passengers, is increasing
rapidly, and three vessels would have
plenty to do in keeping the docks cleared.
The State brought up 276 passengers
and about 1000 tons of cargo. She en
countered head winds and heavy swells
and did not equal some of the trips, as
regards speed, that marked her record
in former years.
Majestic Recovers Cargo.
After tipping overboard her .deck
load of lumber at bt. Helens a few
days ago, the steam schooner Majestic
succeeded in picking up most of it and
sailed yesterday from Goble for San
Pedro. While moored at St. Helens the
deckload dropped over one side and
then the other and nat on the port
side floated down stream and was not
recovered until it had reached Goble.
The Majestic has a capacity of about
900,000 feet, but left down with a cargo
somewhat under her capacity.
Taconia Shipping News.
TACOMA,- May 11. British steamer
Kumeric arrived in port today from the
Orient after a smart passage of 15 days.
She brought S(f00 bales of hemp, 500 bales
of gunnies. 5000 sacks of rice, and other
general freight.
Alaska-Pacific steamer Buckman re
turned to port today for additional cargo.
She shifted to Seattle this evening.
Schooner Endeavor Is due to load lum
ber for San Pedro.
Raymond Marine News.
RAYMOND, Wash., May 11. (Special.)
The Quinault arrived in yesterday
from San Francisco, and is loading at
the Quinault Lumber Company for San
Pedro. The Cascade arrived Sunday and
is loading at the Willapa Company for
San Pedro. The Jane L. Stanford, a
barkentine of 1,200.000 feet capacity, is
loading at the 'Willapa for Valparaiso.
The Willapa is loading at the Raymond
Lumber Company for San Francisco.
Marine Notes.
Leaving down at 3 P. M. yesterday,
the Daisy Freeman will go to Willapa,
Wash., to load lumber.
The tank steamer Lansing brought
up 35,000 barrels of crude oil for the
Union Oil Company and the Asuncion
21.000 for the Standard.
The oil carrier Asuncion, Captain
Brldgett, sailed last night at midnight
in ballast for San Francisco.
With a cargo of 3000 barrels of ce
ment, consigned to Taylor, Young &
Co., the Casco sailed from San Fran
cisco Sunday night for Portland. She
is due to arrive tomorrow.
Alterations are to be made in the
tug George E- Washtenah to provide
accommodations for 25 passengers. The
Washtenah will be on the run from,
Portland to Nehalem and Tillamook.
Custom House records show an Im
portation of 33.000 pounds of gum
chicle this week and another of like
amount early in March. This is the
raw material from which chewing gum
is manufactured and comes here from
Toronto. Canada.
On account of the low stage of water,
the launching of two artillery boats
at the Willamette Iron Works has been
postponed until a later date. It had
been thought that the boats would
take the water next Saturday, but W.
H. Corbett, the president of the com-'
pany, has decided to wait for more wa
ter before launching.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, May 11. Arrived State of
California, from Sun Francisco. Sailed
Asuncion, for San Francisco : Daisy Free
man, for "Willapa.
Astoria, Or., May 11. Condition at 'the
mouth of the river at s P. M.. smooth ;
wind, northwest, 20 miles; weather, cloudy.
Arrived at 4:30 and left up at 6 A. M.
Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from San Pedro
and way ports. Arrived at 5 and left up at
fi A. M. Steamer F. S. Loop, from San
FranclBL-o. Sailed at 5:40 A. M. Steairjer
Roma, for Port Harford. Arrived down at
5 and sailed at 10:50 A. M. Steamer El
more, lor Tillamook.
San Francisco, May 11. Arrived at 7 A.
M. Steamer Johan Poulsen, from Portland.
Arrived at 9 A. M. Steamer South Bay,
from Columbia River. Arrived at 11 last
night Steamer Yosemtte. from Columbia
River. Arrived at 3 P. M. Steamer North
land, from Portland.
Victoria, May 11. Arrived yesterday
British steamer Clan Macfarlane, from Port
land, for Hhanghal.
San Francisco. May 11. Arrived Steam
ers Johan Poulsen and Northland, from As
toria: South Ray, from Columbi. River; Nann
Smith, from Cock Ray; Alameda, from Hono
lulu. Sailed Steamers Claremont, for Port
land; City of Puebla, for Victoria; Svea, for
Grays Harbor; Shoshone, for Astoria.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. 1 Low.
B:2S A. M 7.5 feet!l2:S0 P. M 0.5 feet
7:20 P- M 7.0 feet!
K nut son Appeals His Case.
Theodore Knuteon has appealed his suit
against Constable Lou Wagner and John
Wood from the Justice Court to the Cir
cuit Court. Wagner attached Knurtson's
stove, kitchen utensils and other furni
ture and Knutson alleges that the Con
stable has converted them to his own
use. He demands $100 damage.
C. Gee Wo
This creat Chines
doctor Is well known
throughout tb
Northwest becaus
of his wonderful
and marvelous cures,
ana is toaay nr
.33 aided by all his
patients as us
greatest of his kind. He treats any
and all diseases with powerful Chines
roots, herbs and barks that ara entirely
unknown to the medical science of this
country. With these harmless remedies
he guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma.
Inns; troubles, rheumatism, nerroaaness,
stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also
private diseases of men and women.
Patients outside of city write for
blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162 First St., Near Morrison.
Portland, Or.
olaer. JtSrjT or roup
Imrc1rit- AskforCailX&.TERffi
ymn known as Beat, Safest, Always Rdiab Is
Gives Prompt mad Eflectoal Relief
without inconvenience, in tne
1 ;E ; No otbr treatment required.
-. . -. - n m ibuuti nmt mi m i i i U 1 1 1 1 1 1 ruiUIt U 1 1 IlIHin tUltUdt Uwi
Ladles I AmU yomr uracgiit tor i
Chl-cfcM-ter'S UlMHdBrMdAl
1MIU in Red and ttold rr rti lie VU
boxes, sealed with Bluo Ribbon. Vi
Take i
Enrollment in Both High and Gram
mar Grades Is Larger and New
Buildings Required.
There has been a decided gain in at
tendance at tne Portland public schools
for 3909 over 1908, as shown by a com
parative list of the various schools. The
total number of pupils in attendance
during April of last year was 21,827 and
for the same period this year 23,192, a
difference in favor of 1909 of 1363..
In the elementary or grade schools
there was an attendance last year of
20.O47 and this year there are 21.268. a
difference of 1221 in favor of 1909. In
1908 there were in attendance at the
two High Schools 1780 pupils, and in
1909 there are 2125, or 345 more this year
than last.
A number of new buildings have been
completed or partially completed and pu
pils have been distributed from the va
rious schools to duty in the new ones.
In spite of the fact that the Board of
Education is constantly increasing the
capacity in the grade and High Schools,
every building is crowded and there is
need of additional room.
The attendance at the schools, as
shown by comparative statements for
1908 and 1909, is as follows:
School. 1808. 1909.
Ainsworth 141 127
Arleta 74tf 41
Aiblna. Homestead ... -11
Atkinson 532
Brooklyn 47 471
Center Addition ('. 7S
Chapman ''' 671
Clinton Kelly B.Tt- 5!
Couch ,3VJ 74S
Creston 217
Davis 110 12"
East Twenty-eighth Street.. ,".lt ...
Falling 7H4 7-"
Fernwood 14 lO
Fulton Park fill .8."
Glencoe 245 2."rt
Hawthorne 701 6H9
Washington High 863 1,153
Jefferson High Ul
l,inco!n High 915 85U
Highland 91S 901
Holman 327 340
Holladay 71.) 790
Irvington lOO 473
Kerns 223
Ladd 538 1,058
tents : 400 572
Llewellyn 90 147
Marquam 14 1
Montavilla ; '. . 4S0 or
Mt. Tabor 310 301
North Central 689 535
Orkley Green 432 505
Peninsula 142 211
Portsmouth 507 545
Richmond 141
Rose city Park 11 21
Sellwood 75.1 717
Shaver 4P5 570
Shattuck 507 406
South Mount Tabor 1H 128
Stephens 040 658
Sunnyslde 812 902
Terwllllger 134 160
Thompson 828 881
Trades fc . 12
Vernon ..... 395 432
Williams-Avenue 621 628
Wood lawn 538 498
Woodstock 235 232
Elementary grades 20,047 21.26S
Elementary High 21.S2T 23.1i
Night ; 1.083 72f'
New schools.
A "15 Yearling" IoctrInaire Gives
Reasons for His Beliefs.
BERKELEY. Gal., May 8- (To the Edi
tor. ) As a, 15-yea.rling Socialist and a,
working man, I have found much of inter
est in an editorial In The Oregonian of
May 4- The Oregonian has eald things that
were good and necessary in regard to a
certain rabid and unsocial element that
afflicts the Socialist movement In its pres
ent stage. But I am bound to take issue
squarely upon one 'definite declaration
made: "Property is too widely distributed
in our country to allow of the main scheme
of Socialism to flourish greatly ; for So
cialism la negation of property rights."
Nothing could be farther from the truth
than these last six words. Any citizen who
will Judicially study the general theory of
the national ownership and operation of
land and capital for the public use, which is
all there is to Socialism, will recognize
with very little trouble that the Socialist
state may become, above all other states
that- have preceded it, the final and com
plete affirmation of private property' rights
for those that shall be directly concerned
In the earning of It. The competitive system
has always militated against the acquisition
of private property by those morally en
titled to it. The Socialist, properly under
stood, represents the law of individual lib
erty, even as he does the most thorough
going Republicanism.
Our common mistake has been to judge
of Socialism by those who assert they are
its professors. Instead of examining the
broad idea itself, and work out its con
tents according to our individual Intelli
gence and foresight. No honest man can
defend the competitive system. Based on
the anarchistic principle, it has been not
only a periodic, but a daily failure, as far
back as history gives any record.
If the best statesmanship shall furnish a
system that Is more eminently Just and ra
tional, and more thoroughly in accord with
I .
treatment and cure of diseases of the delicate and sensitive centers, and it is here that I feel absolutely
at home. When I have accepted your case for treatment you may look forward to a complete cure, and
with the very first treatment the curing will begin. This is pretty definite talk upon what is commonly
regarded as an uncertain and speculative matter. But I am in a position to speak positively. With me
the cure of men's diseases is not uncertain or speculative at all. si have treated so many cases that I know
just what I can do and what I cannot do, and I never promise to attempt too much. I accept no case in
which I have doubt as to my ability to cure, and results are always equal to the claims I make.
" My charges are lower and my services better than any physician on the Coast, and we have been estab
lished in Portland without change of address 26 years longer than any other. I furnish best bank and per
sonal references and leave the payment end of it in your own bands. Is that fair enough T
If I cannot cure you I will candidly tell you so.
If vou are suffering from any derangement or weak
ness of the pelvic vital system. I want you to Investi
gate my system of treatment and success In curing
.these diseases with as much care as you would In the
purchase of real estate. I will answer any question you
may wish, to ask. and will gladly refer you to reliable
business fhen whom I have cured cured to stay cured
Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Vital Weakness, Blood
, HOIHS A. M. TO 8 P. M., AND SUNDAYS FROM 10 TO 12. '
Ask your doctor if a family medicine,
like Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is not vastly "
better without alcohol than with it .
A Strong Tonic -A
Body Builder -A
Blood Purifier -A
Great Alterative
A Doctor's Medicine -Ayer's
We have no secrets I
the formulas of
j. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass.
the needs of. poo- human nature as it is.
than Socialism then let us have it. The
world is waiting.
Our elected workmen at Washington, IX
C, are very busy trying to produce an
even social balance by switching around
the ngureB on that most monstrous and
irrational of all political contrivances, the
tariff machine, that never yet adjusted an
interest as against another, and never will,
without wrong to one or both, and a vit
loss to the Nation.
. - '
Inspector Will Visit Portland Feder
al Building Today.
Herbert Huntingdon, Superintendent of
Construction of United States Public
Buildings, is expected to arrive in Port
land today from Tacoma to confer with
Postmaster Young regarding- changes to
be made in the Federal building, due to
the necessity of providing quarters for
Judge Bean. It is proposed to take one
room from each of the suites now occu
pied by Judges Wolverton and Hunt for
this purpose. These rooms are on the
second floor on the south side of the
It is also planned to make some
changes in the location of various de
partments on the third floor. It Is like
ly that the grand jury will be moved to
the room at the southwest corner of the
buflding. This is advisable because the
noise of traffic on the Morrison street
side interferes seriously with the work
of the jury. It is probable that other
changes will be made when Mr. Hunt
ington arrives. It is not known when
Judge Bean's chambers will be ready,
but every effort Is to be made to ex
pedite the matter.
Iog&er Sues for $50 0 0.
Hans Jorgensen's leg was broken in
four places as the result of an accident
while he was at work for the Chapman
Timber Company near Scappoose. He
and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal
through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so full of
danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she
shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread
and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
pliable all the parts, and assists nature in its sublime work. By its
aid thousands or women
have passed this great crisis
in perfect safety and with
out nain Bold at $1.00 per Wtle
OUI pain. by draggist,. our
book of priceless value to all women
sent free. Address:
Atlanta, Ga.
"There is no man so old that he may not live another year, and none
so young that he may not die today." I call attention to this previously
printed statement because so many men mistakenly think they may as well
be "Oslerized" so far as certain physical conditions are concerned, and
when I say live another year, or several years as to that matter, I do not
mean to simply draw breath and exist, I mean full enjoyment of everything '
that robust health implies. Specializing makes things possible that would
be otherwise impossible. If you were to go into the sales department of a
large store the manager might not be able to tell you all about carburetters
and how to regulate the gasoline feed or about advancing and retarding the
spark. That would be the business of an automobile dealer, who would
necessarily be a specialist on automobiles. If one of your children were
sick with diphtheria, scarlet fever or menengitis you would want a special
ist in diseases of children whom you knew to be proficient in this line of
practice. It would also be the poorest kind of judgment to ask an eye and
ear specialist to till your teeth or amputate a limb.
I certainly would not feel at home in certain lines of practice outside of
fip!inco m v wh.nlp. timp nnd st.ndv
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
We publish
all our medicines.
brought a $5000 damage euit in the Cir
cuit Court yesterday. He says he was
helping to load a heavy log last Sep
tember when the haul-back line was
allowed to become loose and entangled
about the timber in such a way thai
when the log was moved by the decking
machine Jorgensen was caught and .
thrown over an embankment.
Oldest Oregon Pioneer In Hospital,
Suffering From Accident.
Mrs. George Pluney, the oldest pioneer
living in Oregon, is a patient in the
Good Samaritan Hospital with a broken
leg as the result of an accident May S
at the Patten Home for the Aged, where
she is spending her declining years. Mrs.
Pluney slipped accidentally and fell to
the floor, fracturing the bones in her
leg between the ankle and the knee. As
she is 78 years of age it is thought
some difficulty may be encountered in
uniting the broken bones, and the aged
pioneer may be a cripple.
Mrs. Pluney is well known to all the
old-timers in the state. Her father.
Charles McKey, a famous Canadian
frontiersman, brought the first 36 faTrhl
lies sent to the Oregon country by the
Hudson's Bay Company. Their path
across the continent blazed the way
through virgin forest and dell. The
party arrived in Nesqually, Wash., in
1841, coming to Portland a short time
afterwards. Ever since this date she
has been a resident of the city of Port
land. Her first husband, Judge Thomas
H. Smith, was the- first postmaster in
Portland and was also the clerk to the
first Governor of Oregon.
A shabby shoe ruins a nobby outfit;
at Goddard-Kelly Shoe Co. prices are
way ,dowrt sale on.
Is the joy of the household,
for without it no happiness
can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother
and babe, angels smile at
and commend the thoughts
Viavft for vpnrs hppn dpvnfpd in fliA
and Skin Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Disorders,
Ulcers, Sores, Painful Swelling. Burning, Itching and
Inflammation, Nervousness, Loss of Strength and Vital
ity and all Special and Delicate Disorders of men.
My fees are lower than the general family physician
or surgeon. Medicines furnished from my own labora
tory for the convenience and privacy of my patients;
from $1.50 to $6.50 a course.
If you cannot call, write for my free self-examination
blank. Many cases are cured at home.