Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 11, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Great Display and Demonstration of the Famoqs "Nemo" Corset Continues All This Week June Delineator and Patterns Now Ready
Lawn Mowers, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Garden Implements, etc., in the basement
We are Portland agents for "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses Fourth floor
The Meier (!& Frank Store
Men's "Shawkiut" Hose
All Styles at 1 7c a Pair
f In the Men's Furnishing Section for today and tomorrow we an-
nounce our great semi-annual saie 01 men s anawKmi nose juuu
pairs the mill's cleanup before starting the looms on Winter mer
chandise Some have slight imperfections A great assortment of
i -4 styles for your selection, including plain colors, black, split foot,
gray mixed, mottled and fancies in endless variety All the best
colorings, patterns and combinations all sizes Hosiery of style
and quality Most stores sell them at 25c a pair
your Summer needs at this special low price per
Supply 1
pair 1 ft w
Take advantage See our big Morrison-street window display
$ 7.50 Petticoats $ 31
$3 Nightgowns $1.67
A great "May Sale" of women's high-grade white Underskirts,-
made of the finest materials, with lace and
embroidery flounces, tucks and insertion; fitted wast
ands and separate dust ruffles of lawn or embroidery ;
200 skirts to select from; values from QQ
$5.00 to $7.50 each your choice at, each. O
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed
in dainty embroidery and lace edgings, tucks, insertion,
beading and ribbon; low, round, square and V-necks;
also Dutch necks; long and short sleeves; R7
gTeat assortment; $2.50 to $3.00 values, at. ,P
i yl r i m Second week of great display and
llClHO demonstration of Nemo Corsets; all
newest models; special fittings by
Week expert corsetiers; let us fit you with
7 one of the new 1909 Nemo models.
$5 Curtains $2.95
$7.50 Curtains at $4.85
Special lot of 300 pairs plain Net Curtains, in
Renaissance and Cluny inserting and edges, both
white and ecru ; come 2l2 yards long and 45 inches
wide; best regular $4.50 and $5.00 val- flJO QC
ues, on sale at this low price, the pair. . P''
500 pairs of Irish Point, Brussels, Corded Arabian
and Braided Curtains, white or ecru; a large line of
patterns to select from; 2Vi to 3 yards long and 45
to 50 inches wide; the best regular $7.50 QC
values, on sale at this low price, pair. ,P"0J
85c Drapery Silks at 48c
3000 yards of figured Florentine Silks light and
dark grounds, floral and Oriental designs ; also
stripes ; 30 inches wide ; great assortment to J
select from; regular 85c values, at, the yard. "OC
Pongee and Rajah 3 -Piece Suits
Values to $85.00 for $42.45
An exceptional bargain in women's new high-class apparel
A great special purchase of IQO beautiful garments
enables us to offer values up to $85.00 at the wonder
fully low price of $42.45 These suits are 'desirable for
afternoon, dress and evening wear, made of rajah silks,
pongee silks, tussah silks and mirage silks Coats are 3A
length, semi-fitted, cutaway, with stitched strap trim
ming, others are slashed and pointed effect, trimmed in
braid, silk cording and buttons the dresses are in the
popular princess empire effect Elaborately trimmed in
allover braided net with gold net under the yoke and
tucked net collar and yoke to match the gown Standing
collar and Dutch neck effects with strands of jet beads
full length sleeves of tucked net and trimmed in' narrow
bands of material finished at the hand with band of gold
and niching All new, high-class exclusive dress apparel;
1 00 garments to select from; fine garments that will ap
peal to the best buyers in the community rf A A
Values up to $85.00 at the low price of p HP & ev J
$25 Tailored Suits $12.45
Special offering of women's and misses' Tailored Suits in panama cloths
and fancy worsteds, made up in 30 to 36-inch semi-fitting styles; plain
tailored and button-trimmed; navy, gray, rose, reseda, peacock, etc.;
hand-tailored garments, well made and finished; all sizes ffl O y g
for women and misses; values up to $25.00 each, at, suit. .P ."O
Splendid showing of new black taffeta Silk Coats in short, -length and
long-length 6tyles; semi-tight and loose-fitting effects; also pongee and
cream Serge Coats, new styles; large showing, from $10.00 "up to $35.00.
Great May sale of fine lawn and cotton Batiste Lingerie "Waists plain
tailored effects or fancy trimmed with medallions, round mesh laces,
eyelet embroidery or rows of fine and coarse laces and embroidery; also
half -inch and pin tucks to form a yoke; also solid half -inch tucking; all
new 1909 styles in great assortment and all sizes; values up Q52
to $3.75 each, for a few days only at this low price, each. ,P fO
West Electric
Hair Curlers
A veritable wonder-worker in the art of
producing an artistic coiffure. Make a
soft, beautiful wave in a few minutes,
without the use of heat. Rounded edges
prevent any possible injury to the hair.
West Electric Curlers will last a life
time and are easy to use; at these prices:
Card of 5 Curlers on sale at, card, 25
Card of 2 Curlers on sale at, card, 10
50c Values 23c
In the Art Department, Third Floor, to
day and tomorrow, a great special lot of
stamped and tinted Pillow Tops and
backs; a large variety of designs, both
floral and conventional; also few choice
lithographed pillow tops; regu- OO
lar 50c values, on sale at, each.
Sale of Trunks
Traveling Bags
34-in. three-ply veneered basswood duck
covered Trunk, waterproof -pain ted; has
heavy brass trimmings, full linen-lined,
two travs; leather straps (IJOI Of
all around; $26.50 value. P 1 -sSl
34-inch leather-bound Trunks, full linen
lined, heavy duck-covered, waterproof
painted; two trays, two leather straps;
heavily constructed throughout; the best
regular $22.75 value, on OA
sale at this low price, ea. P xOssivF
36-inch metal-bound Trunks, duck-covered,
2 trays, linen-lined, leather straps ;
best regular $13.50 value, f Qf"
on sale at this price, ea. .P "Ovl
24-inch. Cowhide Suitcase, leather-lined,
with shirtfold; 7 inches deep; regular
$9.00 values, on sale at this tt'T Ofl
remarkably low price, each. P
24-inch Keratol Suitcase, check linen
lined, with shirtfold; 9 ins. 1 f
deep; $4.50 values, at, each..?
24-in. leather-covered Suit- flJQ (ZC
case, linen - lined, at, each.'.P'"
Matting Suitcases, ea., 2.00 to $5.00
Willow and Rattan Suitcases, on sale at
prices ranging from, ea., $5.00 to $9.00
Knit Underwear
"Swan" brand Summer Underwear for
women; the finest swiss-ribbed garments
in lisle and silk, all at very low prices.
Women's silk swiss-ribbed Undervests,
low neck, no sleeves, all sizes; the best
regular $2.00 values, at, each. . jjl.l
Regular 75c silk lisle Swiss- CO
ribbed Undervests, on sale at, ea. JJC
$1.25 silk lisle ribbed Under- "7Ckg
vests, with lace yokes, at, each.
$1.50 lisle swiss-rib'd Union 1Q
Suits, great values at, suit. ,P
$3 swiss-ribbed Union Suits 0 OQ
with crocheted yokes, at, .ea P,"1
Gray Granite
Ware Reduc'd
Regular 68c Rice Boilers for, each. -49
Regular 90c Rice Boilers for, -each. 69
35e Wash Basins on sale for, each. 27
Regular 35o Colanders, at, each.. 27
Regular 15c Fruit Jar Funnels, ea.Xl
40c Covered Berlin Kettles, eaoh.31
50c Covered Berlin Kettles, each.39
60c Covered Berlin Kettles, each. 47
Regular 75c Tea Kettles, at, each.59
Regular 85c Tea Kettles, at, each.67
30c Preserving Kettles for, each. 23
35c Preserving Kettles for, each. 27 i
Regular 25c Pudding Pans, each,19
65c Dishpans at this low price, ea.52
f 85
We're sole Portland agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades All sizes Custom Shade and
Drapery Work our specialty Complete line Trunks, Traveling Bags Third floor
The Meier ? Frank Store
500 Trimmed Hats
In the Millinery Department today and tomorrow
an unusual offering of 5QO handsome, new ready-to-wear
Dress and Tailored Hats to be sold at a
remarkably low price All new, 1909 models
trimmed in flowers, ribbons, fancy feathers, etc
Grand assortment of styles and shapes to please
every individual taste Trimmed hats selling regu
larly at prices up to $ 1 0.00 each J A tT X
Choice at this phenomenal low price
Untrimmed Hats V2 Price
A great clean-up of untrimmed Hats in all the latest blocks;
burnt and black chips and Java straws, fancy 1 fa Dnira
braids, etc.; values np to $5.00 each, on sale at. . TICC
$1.50 Long Silk
Gloves 87c Pair
75c Hosiery 39c
Great Sale of
Pongee Silks
5000 yards of China Pongee Silks
of superior quality, to be sold at
greatly reduced prices. The sea
son's most popular material for
waists, suits, dresses, etc., on sale
at the following special low prices :
Regular $1.00 anality, yard, 79
Regular $1.25 quality, yd., 81.09
Regular $1.50 quality, yL, $1.29
All-wool satin-finish Dress Fabrics
in all the newest shades; just the
style and weight material for dress
apparel ; great values, J 1 O O
on sale at, the yard. . V
A complete showing of new white
Serges at, the yard, 85c to $2.50
35c Veiling 12c
Great May sale of 3000 yards new
Face Veilings in plain and dotted
tuxedo and Russian mesh; black,
white and all colors; regu- 10
lar 25c and 35c. values, yd.
25c Ribbons 18c
35c Collars 25c
20,000 yards Messaline Silk Rib
bons for millinery purposes; black,
white and all colors, suitable for
all purposes; regular 25c 1 Q
values, on sale at, the yard.
5000 embroidered Stock Croat Col
lars for women; embroidered in
white and colors on linen; OEJ
35c values, on 6ale at, ea.,,iC
Great "May Sale" Table
Cloths and Napkins for
A Third Off Reg. Prices
A very attractive offering of extra
heavy double damask Tablecloths and
Napkins In various sizes; beautiful
patterns and quality In large assort
ment. An advantageous purchase
from a large New York importer en
ables ns to place them on sale at
about one-third below regular value.
2x2-yard cloths, $7.00 values. $5.00
2x2y2-yd. cloths, $8.00 values. $6.QO
2x3-yard cloths, $10 values. $7.Q0
2x312-yard cloths, $11 values. $8.QO
2y2x3-yd. cloths, $12 values. $9.0Q
2Vax3'2-yd. cloths, $13 val.$lQ.OO
212x4-yd. cloths, $15 vals.$12.QO
2y2x5-yd. cloths, $20 vals.$15.QO
5-8 Napkins, $7 vals., dozen. $5. OO
3-4 Napkins, $10 values, doz.gT7.OQ
50c Wash Goods 39c Yard
New Silk Mulls 39c to 60c
A timely sale of 2500 yards 27-inch Suiting plain colors and OQ
stripes, in poplins and linens; large variety; best 50c values, yd. .OI7C
200 pieces of new Silk Mulls handsome styles and colorings; splendid
values, on sale at 39c, 50c and 60c the yard. Take advantage of this sale.
New white materials for gradnation dresses and Summer apparel.
New, pretty wash materials of latest styles and in all grades. See them.
Great opening sale of 100,000 pairs
women's 16-button Silk Gloves
with double finger tips; in black,
white, green, pink, tan and laven
der; gloves of standard manufac
ture and perfect in every respect ;
all sizes, 5.-2 to 8. The economi
cal woman will anticipate her hot
weather needs at the big saving
offering; regular $1.50 and Q 7
$1.2o values, at, the pair.
Mail orders will receive prompt,
careful attention; take advantage.
Great May sale of 10,000 pairs of
women's high-grade Hosiery, in
plain, colored silk lisles and em
broidered novelties; black, white
and tans; also lace boot effects;
sizes 8Y2 to 10; regular OA
50c to 75c values, at, pair. VC
In Infants' Wear
Children's white Eiderdown Re
ceiving Blankets, bound in pink,
bine and white silk ribbon ; the best
regular $2.50 values, each..Sj51.98
Infants' hand-embroidered Pique
Carriage Robes, new and pretty
styles; the best regular $2.75 and
$3.00 values, on sale IJO 1 Q
at this low price, ea..P0
Infants' hand-embroidered Caps in
exquisite styles; $3.50 tO CQ
and $4.00 values, each. .Of
Children's Knit Sweater Coat9,
ages 1 to 3 years; all white, with
pink and blue trimmings; button
in front, with pockets; also Nor
folk Btyles; $1.75 val- I1 OO
nes, on sale at, each. .P wO
Jewelry Specials
1000 new Jabot Pins and Dutch
Collar Pins, with amethyst and to
paz settings; the regular QQ
$1.50 values, on sale at, ea. yOC
Oxidized Silver Chain Purses, in
various styles; great spe
cial values, on sale at, ea. jsC
Indestructible Pearl "Waist Sets, in
pearl, turquoise, coral and jet fin
ishes; regular $1.00 val- ?Q
ues, at this low price, set. OIC
Indestructible Pearl Cuff Links,
pearl, coral, turquoise and Q
jet; great value at, the pr..'
Neck Veil Pins in all finishes, very
pretty settings; great spe- OQ
cial values, on sale at, ea. "OC
Metal Rose Hat Pins, on, sale at
these low prices.. 28c and 49i
Auxiliary Water Stations Are
Out of Order.
Pump Kngineer Sharp Seems to Be
In I.lne for This Ignominious
Position Mayor Makes
Mayor Lane and member of the Water
Board held a final meeting yesterday, at
which the concluding testimony in the
Investigation of conditions In the Water
Department was taken. . M, Welch. J.
Drlscoll and T. Russell, engineers, swore"
that the Palatirfe Hill. Alhlna and Fourth
and Mill-street auxtllary pumping; stations
are out of order and not In condition to
be turned into operation on brief notice
in case of necessity. Head Pump Engi
neer Sharp appears to be In line for cen
sure, as it is his business to see that these
stations are kept in proper shape for
emerjeency work.
Enjrlneer Sharp, as it now appears. Is
to be the scapegoat of the water officials.
He is merely an employe, acting: under
orders of Superintendent Dodgre. The
latter, during: the Investigation, admitted
to Mayor Lane he had never visited any
of the pumping; stations and had no per
sonal knowledge as to what condition
they were In prior to the lamentable sit
uation which developed when the big
cast-iron tube under the Willamette River
burst several weeks ago. Mr. Dodge,
Chief Engineer Clarke and other em
ployes declared that both large pipes
across the river -were broken. It later
developed that but one was fractured,
but before the discovery was made, river
water was turned into the West Side
The fact that the auxiliary pumping sta
tions are out of order, the engines and
pumps being in bad condition, was dis
covered by Mayor Lane himself, who took
occasion one Sunday to vieit them. He
found the pumps working badly, espe
cially at the Palatine Hill station, the
larger pumps being in poor condition.
These are depended upon to furnish river
water for the West Side in ust such an
emergency as was at that time believed to
be at hand.
The engineers who testified yesterday
swore that all of the pumps in each of
the stations can be put in good repair,
ready for emergency work, if a fund Is
provided for this purpose. It is lack of
care, they assert, that has left the ma
chinery in such poor condition.
At the conclusion of the taking of tes
timony, Mayor Lane and members of the
Board took the matter under advisement.
To 144-146 Fourth, opposite Honeyman
Harware Co. We have no connection
with any other stores. Goodyear Shoe
Deputy Assessor Ellerbe Missing;.
M. Q. Ellerbe. one of County Assessor
Slgler's deputies, is reported missing
from his home at 60S East Twenty
sixth street, corner Tibbett. and has
not been seen or heard of since Sat
urday morning. Friends who reported
the matter to the police believe that
he has met with some serious trouble
and think: he may have fallen in the
river or suffered some other accident.
A description has been given to the
police and efforts are being: made to
locate him.
There are more than 2 (XV) distinct opera
tions in the work: of assembling- a watch.
Large Delegations of Grocers
to Attend Convention.
Receptions Are Arranged All Along
the Line for Visiting Delegations
From Eastern Cities Special
Train Parties Scheduled.
Arrangements are being; rapidly per
fected for the meeting of the National
convention of the Retail Grocers'
Association which Is to be held in
Portland June 2 to 5, inclusive.
'Secretary Charles B. Merrick, of the
Oregon State Association, is in receipt
daily of trade papers and special fold
ers issued by railroads . from one end
of the country to the other containing
information concerning the plans be
ing made to accommodate delegates
and visiting members en route to Port
land. One of these gives the itinerary
of a special train that is to make the
Journey from Portland, Me., to Port
land, Or.
This excursion Is scheduled to leave
the Eastern city that Is godfather to
this city on May 19 and s to con
sume 30 days on the round trip. On
the way west the excursion train will
make stops at Chicago, Omaha, Denver,
Colorado Springs, Salt Lake. Los
Angeles, Del Moute, San Francisco,
Shasta Springs and arrive in Portland
Wednesday, June 2. The return trip
is to be by way of Seattle, a special
grocers' day at the exposition having
been arranged for. From the Sound
the train will go East by the Canadian
Pacific route.
The Ohio special covers about the
samo route from that state to th&
Coast, members of the party going
from both Northern and Southern
cities to meet at Indianapolis on May
19 and arrive here the first day of the
convention. -Another big delegation
will assemble at St. Louis. This spe
cial will be accompanied by Charles J.
Kramer, National president; Thomas J.
Sullivan, National vice - president;
Henry W. Schwab, National treasurer,
and several National directors. This
train is to reverse the order of the trip
by coming to the Coast by the north
ern' route from St. Paul and is to re
turn by way of California, Salt Lake
and Denver.
As an indication of what is to be ex
pected in the way of attendance. Mr.
Merrick has been Informed that at
least 50 people will come to Portland
on the grocers special from Denver
and neighboring cities. He receives
requests every day from various parts
of the country asking that hotel ac
commodations be reserved. Already 40
reservations have been made at one
of the principal hotels, that' hostelry
. being named in the requests.
As the convention meets the week
before the opening of the Rose Fes
tival It is reasonable to assume that
many delegates and visitors will re
main here to see the big annual event.
No figures have been compiled by Mr.
Merrick as to the total number of dele
gates and visitors who will come to
Portland during the sessions of the
convention, but he says he believes the
attendance will equal and probably ex
ceed that of the Boston convention of
last year, which was the most largely
attended In the history of the National
Many forms of entertainment are
outlined for the visitors by the local
and state associations, river trips, car
rides, "theater parties, receptions, etc,
to take up all the time available be
i tween sessions of the association.
Varied and Interesting Programme
Arranged for Entertainment of
Visiting Ad Writers.
The ' Pacific Coast Advertising Men's
Association has arranged to hold Its an
nual convention at Seattle June 16, 16 and
17, when everything of interest to the
advertising man, whether - advertising
for himself, a firm or a community, will
be discussed. The Johnson building on
Third avenue and University street has
been chosen as the place of holding the
gathering. Mayor Miller, of Seattle, will
make the address of welcome and Presi
dent Chilberg, of the A-Y-P Fair, will
pay his respects to the ad men on the
opening of the convention.
The Seattle ad men and the Seattle
Association have been, responsible for
drawing up the programme. Not a single
Seattle man Is to be found on the pro
gramme. Seattle men are confining
themselves to entertaining the conven
tion and will leave the addresses to their
Visitors. The business . meeting will be
held In the forenoon of June 15. In the
afternoon of June 16 papers will be read
and a general discussion held.
Among the entertainments provided by
the Seattle men Is a visit to the "Pay
Streak" of the exposition on the night
of June 15, a luncheon on each of the
three davs of the convention and a ban
quet by " the Seattle Publicity Club, at
which "stunts" of every possible variety
will be in order. The first luncheon will
be held at the Elks' Club, the second at
the Flrloch Club and the third at the
rooms of the Seattle Athletic Club.
In that contact with successful men is
a most effective stimulant, and that ev
ery ad man ought to come end hear the
"big guns," the P. C. A. M. A. is en
deavoring to Induce every member of the
fraternity to be present. Although not
scheduled. It is believed addresses will be
forthcoming from Governor J. N. GU
lett, of California, and Robert J. Bur
dette, e-f Pasadena. Cal.
Everything possible In the line of en
tertainment consistent with performing
the business of 'the session will be pro
vlded by the Seattle publicity men. Au-
tomoblle rides, theater parties and A-T-P
visits will fill up the available time.
The officers of the Pacific Coast Ad
vertising Men's Association are: Presi
dent, F. J. O'Brien, Chico, Cal.; secretary-treasurer.
Bury I. .Dasent, Portland.
There is a vice-president in every state
In the Pacific Northwest.
Tokio. Johnston Perry, grandson of Ad
miral Perry, will be received in audience
by the Emperor next Tuesday. He will be
presented by Ambassador O'Brien.
At any of Smith's markets you can get the choicest Spring Lamb at the
same price as mutton. Be careful when you come to Alder street that you
get in the right place that Smith's name and "Fighting the Beef Trust"
are over the door. The markets on both sides of us charge more for meat
than we do.
Spring Lamb and Toung Mutton,
front quarters XO
Spring Lamb and Young Mutton,
shoulders . XO
Spring Lamb and Young Mutton,
legs 154
Spring Lamb and Young Mutton,
loin and rib chops ...15
Spring Lamb and Young Mutton,
shoulder chops 12H4
Spring Lamb and Young Mutton,
stesv ................... d
Fine Pot Roasts of Beef 8t
Fine Plate and Brisket Boiling
Beef 1 6t
Fine Short Ribs of Beef to Bake.. 7c
Round Steak lOc
Hamburg Steak' IOC
Smith's Absolutely Pure Pork Sau
sage 124
Sirloin Steak 12Vte
Tenderloin Steak . ...,....... 12V4C
Prime Itib Roasts of
Beef lO. 12V4. 15
The above meats, etc., and
streets phone Main 8751:
18 lbs. Sugar... XI. OO
0 lbs. Valley Flour $1.40
E lbs. Sultana Raisins 25c
6 cans Mustard Sardines. ........ .25
6 cans Oil Sardines. .............. .25
S lbs. Sago 25
e ibs. Tapioca . 25
7 boxes Parlor Matches. ......... .25
Loin and Rib Veal Cutlets 15
Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12V4
Breast Veal lO
Shouldi-r Roast Veal lO. 12'ziC
Smith's Bacon I have eaten bacon
from the East, and bacon from
the West, and bacon at 40c per
lb., but I have never eaten bet
ter bacon than Smith's Smith'R
ts, per lb 17
Smith's Hams 15
Smith's Lard I certainly wouldn't
eat lard that is doped with beef
dripping or cottonseed oil or
some other adulteration like the
Beef Trust and many local butch
ers use, when I can get Smith's
absolutely pure a 6-lb. pail .65
Norway Butter, 2 lbs. of the best
butter in Oregon .....55
Oregon Ranch Eggs, per doz 25
Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs 25
Halibut, 3 lbs 25
Shad, each ........ lO and 15
the following groceries at Third and Jefferson
Oolong Tea, per lb 25
Costa Rico Blend Coffee, lb 20
13 bars Soap 25r
lbs. Prunes. 30 to 40 size 25
10 lbs. Potatoes ; .....25
4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25C
4 lbs. Gloss Starch ...25
6 loaves Bread..... 2oC