Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 11, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. XLIX.-XO. 15,117-
Hear Kind Words in
Hearty Greetings at Each Stop
Made by Special Train.
Excursion Spends Xight at South
Bend Merchants of Southwest
ern Washington Extend Cor
dial Welcome to Guests.
CENTRAUA, Wash.. May 10. (Staff
Correspondence.) The Portland business
men's excursion will rest tonicht at
South Bend, after an arduous but highly )
interesting day. The -weather has not
been all that could be desired, and the
comment has been freely made that the
OrcRonians. as an evidence of their rood
will and friendly feeling toward their
neighbors of Southern and Southwestern
Washington, also brought their own rain
with them.
But the oltisens of every town along
the route manifested their Indifference to
conditions by turning out In numbers at
every station. All said that they were
Rhid to (see the business men of Portland,
and obviously they meant It. They have
close and intimate business relations with
Portland. They know all about Portland
and they were quite well informed as to
the objects of the journey. Without ex
ception they expressed a desire for more
cnmplete commercial relations and de
. clared that they depended more particu
f larly upon Portland than on any other
Northwest city.
Merchants Extend Glad Hand.
The Oregon merchants took advantage
of every stop to visit their respective
customers and to extend the glad hand.
Nearly every one of them had been over
the ground in person heretofore, many
of them as commercial travelers. The
w-only complaint that any one had to offer
' ' was that they had had no opportunity
heretofore of seeing their visitors oftener.
The results of the day In cementing the
relations of the Washington cities with
Portland have been In the highest de
gree satisfactory. They are a good omen
of the success of the excursion during
the succeeding four days.
Vancouver Ready to Annex Portland
The train left Portland on time at 8:45
o'clock this morning. The first run over
the new Willamette and Columbia River
bridges of the North Bank Railroad was
to Vancouver, where a general commit
tee of .the Commercial Club, consisting
of President Crawford, State Senator
Kastham. J. H. Blwell, Editor Beard and
others were in waiting In automobiles. A
rapid run was made through the beauti
ful grounds of the military post and on
to the State School for the Deaf. A brief
Inspection of the plant was made, and
then the party returned to the comfort
able home of the Commercial Club. Here
a few felicitous remarks of welcome were
A made by President Crawford, and were
appropriately responded to by H. C.
Campbell. The general spirit of the re
marks of both speakers was that the re
lations between the two towns could
hardly be made more cordial and last
ing, except by annexation or consolida
tion, and Vancouver, It was said, was
ready at any time to move the Colum
bia River around to the north in order to
take in Portland as a part of its mu-r-
Glafke Gets Attention.
The next run was to Ridgefleld.
Through a misunderstanding there was
no large delegation at the station, but
W. B. Glafke, who had been designated
to be speaker at this point, nevertheless
delivered some very eloquent and telling
remarks to the assembled populace,
which consisted ' of one surprised and
pleased citisen.
At Woodland there was a stop of a
few minutes, and there was a general
outpouring of residents, headed by "J.
W. Strong, who has lived at Woodland,
where he was born, for 67 years. Mr.
Strong, who knows about such 'things,
was quite positive in the opinion that
there will be no June flood of the Colum
bia, which ought to relle-e some of the
0 worry over that possibility felt by a few
citizens in Portland.
At Kalama a very lively bond and more
citizens turned out. At Kelso there was
a formal reception by a committee com
prised of State Senator Stewart, Lawyer
Hubbell. Mr. Harris and others. In the
absence of the Mayor. Mr. Hubbell made
a very pleasing address of welcome
which was responded to In spirited 6tyle
by Tom Klcharnson.
Sopenah Extends Welcome.
At Castle Rock there was an interest
ing stay of 15 minutes and at Sopenah
members of the City Council, the City
f J Marshal and others came out to bid
Portland a word of welcome. Among
other interesting things about Sopenah it
was discovered that the town Is entirely
out of debt and has a good many hundred
dollars In its public treasury, which made
It clear that Sopenah has a most self-
denying body of public servants.
At Winlock and Napavinc there was the
Concluded on fas 10.)
Circuit ' Formed When Car Xear9
Ground and Arc Ignites Con
tents of Sphere.
OMAHA. Neb., May 10. Army balloon
No. 12. which ascended from Fort Omaha
shortly after 11 o'clock today, landed at
Jackson, Neb., at 6:45 o'clock this even
ing. In making a landing the gas bag
exploded a few feet above the ground
and was destroyed,, but neither Captain
Chandler nor Lieutenant Ware, who
made the flight, was seriously Injured.
Captain Chandler believes that at a
high altitude the gas bag became charged
with static electricity and that contact
with the earth produced, an electric spark
which set fire to the big bag.
The ascension was made from Fort
Omaha at 11:15 today. The highest alti
tude reached was 4000 feet. A breeze
carried the bag at a 30-mile gait the first
hour. Running out of ballast at Jack
son, Captain Chandler decided to make
a landing. The balloon came down In
an easy manner and then followed the
The distance traveled was about 210
miles. The maximum ppeed was about
50 miles.
Idaho Land Locator Held to Be In
nocent of Crime.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 10. Although
Clarence W. Robnett was convicted of
subornation of perjury by the District
Court of Idaho, Judge Ross, of the
United States Circuit Court of Appeals,
held today that Robnett had committed
no offense against the Government
and, reversing judgment, directed the
lower court to dismiss the indictment.
The charge against Robnett was that
he had suborned George R Robinson
to, swear falsely to an affidavit at
Lewiston, Idaho, to the effect that he
had examined personally some land
which he wished to purchase under the
timber act..
Judge Ross .held that a personal ex
amination of the land was not neces
sary under a ruling of the Supreme
Court! hence the indictment charged no
crime against" the plaintiff in error.
Maddened Animal Attack's Woman
as She Enters Corral.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. May 10. (Special.)
Mrs. Jennie Elchner, residing on a
farm on the M-street road near Brighton,
lies in a local hospital suffering from sev
eral wounds on head and body inflicted
by an enraged bull last evening when
she entered the corral to milk her cows-'
The bull attacked her without warn
ing, striking her face with his horns. She
struck him with a milking stool and ran,
but the enraged animal pursued, goring
her on the shoulders. Inflicting fearful
Injuries. She fell and the bull continued
to strike with his head and horns until
she managed to crawl through the fence,
where she was found later by relatives.
She may recover, but is disfigured for
The bull has been butchered.
American Ruler of Fiji Island Be
queaths Crown to Son.
CARMI, 111., May 10. News has been
received here of the death of Edgar
Thompson, King of one of the Fiji Isl
ands. He left his home at Albion, near
here, 25 years ago. Some years later
Thompson's sister in San Francisco re
ceived a letter from him telling that he
had married a young Fiji Princess and
had been crowned King. Inquiry verified
his story.
Members of his family have since
learned that In the event of his death he
expected his son to succeed him as Kins.
Collector Loeb Removes Five Assis
tant Weighers From Office.
NEW YORK. May 10. Collector of the
Port Loeb today announced the removal
from custom service of five assistant
weighers. It was announced also that
Mr. Loeb and his assistants are investi
gating a series of alleged frauds in the
weighing of Imported' cheese, by which
they believe the Government has been
defrauded of many thousands of dollars.
The alleged frauds were accomplished,
It is said, through short weighing by dis
honest Government employes.
Hay Signs Commission of Successor
to Sam IT. Nichols.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. May 10. (Special. )
Just before leaving for Tacoma this
evening Governor Hay signed the com
mission of I. M. Howell, of Tacoma, as
Secretary of State to succeed Sammel H.
Nichols, resigned. 'Howell was former
County Auditor at Tacoma, and was de
feated by Nichols for the nomination in
the primary campaign.
Launch Overturns and AH Occupants
Go Down.
EAU CLAIRE. Wis., May 10. George
Hall, aged 21. R. H. Sweet, aged .
Sweet's wife and four children were
drowned in the Chippewa River here
when Hall's gasoline launch capsized in
midstream upon hitting some sunken
Insists Probe Extend to
Land Office.
Both Men Prepare for State
wide Political Fight.
Washington Officials Have Habit of
Disloyalty to Men Who Give Them
- Places Struggle Began Dar
ing Term of Legislature.
OLTMPIA. Wash., May 10. (Special.)
Bitter political warfare between two rival
candidates for Governor, Land Commis
sioner E. W. Ross, of Castle Rock-Olym-pla,
and Governor M. EL Hay, of Wilbur
Spokane, appears certain. It will be a
mighty Interesting fight, and may elimi
nate both from the race before the pri
maries. When Hay first arrived here they were
friends, but there soon came clashes.
Each possesses strong personality. Nei
ther will yield to occupy a secondary po
sition. Kor the good of the party, and
for the good of both officials, their best
friends have been endeavoring to have
them work in harmony.
Today, however. Hay signed a declara
tion of war when his friends announced
they would ask the next Legislature for
an appropriation for a secret service
corps to work under the Governor's di
rection. This would not have been ob
jected to particularly but from the fact
it was coupled with the assertion that a
Joker slipped by Hay's friends into the
appropriation bill of last session to make
such an appropriation had been killed by
In the fight to come each has some ad
vantages. Ross has .had the wider ex
perience, possesses a broader knowledge
of politics and men and has friends so
widely scattered in the state as to
readily form the nucleus ef a vigorous or
ganization. Ross, however, has been in
politics many years and has lots of
political and official enemies.
Hay has the advantage of wealth, and
has not been in public life long enough to
have acquired a host of enemies. Hay
has more patronage than ever before
possessed by an executive of this state,
especially with a possibility of having
his appointees as Secretary of State,In
surance Commissioner and Auditor. He
has another advantage. In that control
of Ross' own office is to a great extent
exercised by the State Land Board of
five, which consists of Ross with one vote
and four appointees of the Governor with
a vote each. l
Hay's patronage, however, may be his
worst handicap. Every appointment he
makes goes to inake enemies of those
(Concluded on Page 2.)
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Bank Building Destroyed and Wires
From Oregon City Power
Plant Disabled.
Fire at Oswego at 1:30 this morning
plunged Portland into darkness, inter
rupting electric service from the Oregon
City power plant. Ihe bank building at
Oswego, the only brick structure in the
town, located near the depot, was burned,
entailing a loss of almost J6000. This is
partly covered by insurance.
The Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company repair department was making
heroic efforts at an early hour this morn
ing to restore the usual service.
The lire started in the barber shop in
the bank building and spread to the hotel
in the same structure. Efforts to extin
guish the fire proved futile and the fire
fighters directed their efforts to prevent
ing a spread of the blaze. The building
was owned, until lately, by the German
American Bank, 'of Portland. It was
bought a few days ago by Portland capi
talists. When the wires went down at Oswego,
the circuit between Portland and Station
B at Oregon City was broken, and the
power was cut off from Oregon City as
well as Portland. At the station it was
said the machines were not burned out.
The power was turned on again at
3:0 o'clock.
Blaze In Corbett Building Is Quick
ly Extinguished.
Five minutes after Portland's lights
went out at 2 o'clock this morning,
fire broke out on the seventh floor
of the Corbett building, at Fifth and
Morrison streets. The origin of the
fire Is unknown, but the supposition Is
lhat it started from defective wires or
by spontaneous combustion of gas.
The fire started In the operators' or
dispatchers' room of the Oregon Elec
tric Company, which has its offices on
that floor. The blaze spread to the
other offices, ruining the furni'ure and
fixtures to the extent of several hun
dred dollars, beside destroying some
valuable records and papers.
The flames were first discovered by
the chief engineer of the building, who
rooms across the court from the room
in which the fire started. He was
awakened by the noise of falling glass
and looking out the window saw flames
bursting through the windows and
licking their way along the casements.
An alarm .was turned In and the de
partment quickly arrived and checked
the fire before it had gained serious
Investigation of Fort Logan Ordered
After Two Die.
DENVER. May 10 The death yesterday
of C. C. Hill, Sergeant of the Hospital
Corps, 25th Infantry, and the death on
April 28 of Private McDonald, of Com
pany L, of the same regiment, as a re
sult. It is said, of exposure on the rifle
range at Parker, will result in an Inves
tigation into methods at Fort Logan,
according to a statement made today by
Adjutant-General Andrews, acting com
mandant of the Department of the Colo
rado. McDonald was the son of Judge
McDonald, a member of the Ohio
preme Court.
Then Physical Power
Proved With Plow.
Picturesque Ceremony Ends
With Hymn of Liberty.
Then Prayer Offered at Tomb of
Mohammed, the Conqueror Boys
and Girls Wearing Colors of
Liberty Greet Him.
med V ended his coronation day by plow
ing a furrow In the lawn at Dolma
Bagtsche palace, symbolically at least, by
holding the plow handles for a fraction
of a minute while two horses dragged
it a few yards. In carrying out the ancient
test, Mehemmed V showed himself to be
sound of body and fit to bear the physical
burdens of the Empire.
It has been a day both of fulfilling and
breaking ancient customs. Christians for
the first time were admitted to the small
mosque and allowed to see the ceremony
of girding the sword of Osman on the
Priest Causes Excitement.
As the Sultan crossed the courtyard of
the mosque to enter his carriage, a white
turbaned hadji, or teaching priest, caused
a moment's excitement by running for
ward with a petition which he tried to
hand to the Sultan, at the same time talk
ing somewhat wildly about the Koranic
law. Two soldiers caught him and hur
ried him out of the yard.
The day, notwithstanding rumors of re
actionary plots, passed peacefully. Lights
were blazing in the minarets and mosque
of Constantinople tonight. The ships in
the harbor were outlined in electric bulbs
and the crowd was eelebrating enthusi
astically the girding of the new Sultan.
Draws Sword of Osman.
The Sultan proceeded in a launch from
the Dolma Bagtsche palace to the
mosque, where the rite was performed.
Then, attended by the Grand Vizier, the
Sheik-ul-Islam, the members of the Cabi
net, the chiefs of the army, the two
higher grades of ulemas and many other
officials, he drove to the Top Kapou
Palace, about six miles distant, to kiss
the robes of the prophet.
At the Ayoub Mosque, Mehemmed V
drew the scimitar of his ancestor. Os
man I, the founder of the Ottoman Em
pire, from its sheath, -and, standing in
the square in front of the group of
buildings called the Sublime Porte,
raised the weapon on high, by this act
taking possession of the empire.
Hymn of Liberty Sung.
The action of the Sultan was followed
by an outburst of shouting from the
(Concluded on Page Three.)
Government to Ask Vote of Confi
dence Meeting Tonight May
Order Strike.
PARIS. May 10. The postal situation in
Paris was unchanged tonight. The lead
ers in the movement for a general strike
apparently wish to await the action of
Parliament tomorrow before taking an
Irrevocable step.
The federal committee has placarded
the city with a manifesto entitled "A
last appeal to the members of Parlia
ment." Th manifesto, in stating the
case against the government, declares
that the government has refused to recog
nize all attempts at conciliation and Is
trying to force the postal employes into
a war. It asks Parliament to do Its
A mass meeting has been dalled for
tomorrow night, at which the question of
striking on Wednesday will be discussed.
Eleven more suspensions were announced.
The places of the seven postal employes
who were dismissed from the service on
Saturday were filled today.
The Cabinet has decided to ask for the
immediate discussion in the Chamber of
Deputies of the proposal to reinstate the
seven men and to demand a vote of con
Brother of Dr. Whiteside, of Port
land, Marries Miss Stockton.
BOSTON, Mass., May 10. (Specials
First and most important among the
fashionable weddings of the proverbially
unlucky Maytlme was that at noon to
day of the well-known belle and beauty,
Miss Ethel Stockton, daughter of How
ard Stockton, of 13 Commonwealth ave
nue, and Alexander Whiteside, of Bea
con street. Miss Stockton, who is tall
and slender, with pretty brunette color
ing, made the loveliest of brides.
The ceremony took place In St. Paul's
Church and was performed by the Rev.
William Howard Falknor, the rector, as
sisted by the Rev. Sherrard Billings, of
the Groton School, a brother-in-law of
the bride. Dr. George ' Shattuck White
side came on from his home in Portland,
Or., and was his brother's best man.
Beat Out Great Northern. Surveyors
and Get $10,000 Bonus. -
TACOMA, Wash.,- May 10. (Special.)
Twenty-two Milwaukee surveyors will
share in a prize of $10,000 for outdis
tancing the Great Northern surveyors in
the race through the Flathead country
In Montana. So keen was the contest
between the rival crews that the Mil
waukee officials offered this bonus and
spurred, on by the prize, the surveyors
beat their rivals by 10 days, breaking all
records for fast work. News of the
Milwaukee's victory reached the Tacoma
offices today.
Major Gamble Is in charge of the sur
veyors. He wires that today the Mil
waukee . surveyors are within five miles
of the Canadian border, while the Great
Northern men are 20 miles south.
Dislike German Capuchin Monks and
Want American Priests.
GUAM, May 10. A split is threa
tened in the Catholic Church of Guam,
The native Christians, fearing the Ger
manizing influence, have cabled the
Vatican that the monks of the German
Capuchin order are not competent spiri
tual advisers because of the fact that
they are ignorant of the English, Span
ish and Chamorro languages. A schism
such as occurred in the Philippines is
The people appear to be absolutely
Irreconcilable to the Guam priests
and have advanced a strong remon
strance to the German superior for
having forced the resignation of Father
Palomo, the only native priest In
Congressman Accuses Officials ol
Suspending Pure Food Law.
WASHINGTON, May 10. Believing that
the Departments of Commerce, Labor and
Agriculture have suspended the operation
of the pure food and drugs act in cer
tain cases. Representative Steenerson, of
Minnesota, today introduced several res
olutions calling upon the Attorney-General
and the Secretaries of the Treas
ury, Agriculture and Commerce and La
bor for information.
One of the firms which Mr. Steenerson
believes has been exempted from the op
eration of the law is the Chicago house
with which Secretary MacVeagh was for
merly connected.
E. B. Long Threatens to Kill Him
self and Is Arrested.
LA GRANDE, Or., May 10. (Special.)
EJ. B. Long, an aged citizen of Summer-
vllle, was adjudged Insane today and
will be sent to Salem. Long had $2200
on his, person when arrested.
Long wrote to a brother at Llnd, Wash.,
that be intended to commmit suicide at
noon. May 10. This morning he disap
peared from Summerville, but was close
ly watched by officers in La Grande. He
disappeared from La Grande at noon
I again and friends starting in pursuit
found him " walking to Perry. . It re
quired the combined efforts of several
; men to bring him to town.
Gives Out His Story of
Kidnaping Affair.
Held Club Over Harry Forker's
Head for Years.
Boyle With Wife Enter TTuon Prison
Sentence, Man for Life, Woman
for 2 5 Years Says He Was
Double-Crossed by Whitla.
PITTSBURG, May . 10. Convicted ot
kidnaping Willie Whitla from Sharon,
Pa., on March 18, James H. Boyle and bis
wife, Helen Boyle, were ' lodged in the
Western Penitentiary here today, the
former under a sentence of life Imprison
ment, the latter sentenced to serve 25
Before leaving Mercer, Boyle gave out
a statement telling a remarkable story of
his version of the celebrated kidnaping.
In it he named Harry Forker, a brother
of Whitla's wife, a citizen of Sharon,
who denied Boyle's story.
In his statement Boyle said he saw
Forker bending over the body of a man
dying on the sidewalk of Youngstown, O.,
with a package of letters in h'4s hand
taken from near where the body lay.
Forker, he says, for years paid him regu
larly to keep the matter quiet. He kept,
he says, two letters that Forker over
looked. Forker Proposed Abduction.
From Cleveland, Boyle declares he
wrote Forker and received In reply an
unsigned letter proposing the abduction.
He said the abduction was carried out
and he says that he. (Boyle) showed the
letter to Mr.Whitla In Cleveland and that
Whitla promised if he would substantiate
the Youngstown letter, he (Whitla) would
see that there was not prosecution.
Boyle Takes Leave of Wife.
Arriving at the pentitentiary,. the pris
oners were first taken to a side room and
told that they would have to say good
bye, as the rules of the prison would not
permit them to see each other again. Mrs.
Boyle threw her arms around "Jimmy's'
neck and kissed him. She said:
"We must take it the best we can."
The prisoners then clasped hands and
the matron escorted Mrs. Boyle from the
room. ' When she .had reached the cor
ridor, she t,sobblngly asked to be per
mitted once again to see her husband.
The request was granted and she again
kissed and embraced Boyle.
During' the trip from Mercer the kid
napers discussed the sentence, which they
declared was unjust, and asked what
(Concluded on Pajre 5.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, ht
degrees; minimum, 42 degree.
TODAY'S Showers; westerly winds.
Sultan of Turkey formally assumes power
by unsheathing sword of Osman. Page 1.
Decision on French strike depends on action
of Parliament today. Page 1.
Senate votes to retain Dingley tariff on lead
and revisionists are beaten- Page 3.
Taf t propose? bar - In Porto Rican gov
ernment. Page 12. m4
Graft prosecutors try to prove Calhoun di
rectly connected with bribery. Page 5.
Wilson says wheat too dear and price
slumps, despite Patten's return. Page 2.
Bull gores woman as she enters corral, but
pays death penalty. Page 1.
Electric spark blows up balloon as It nears
earth after flight. Page 1.
Halns' deed called "act of God" in last
plea of defense. Page 2.
Boyle Implicates Whitla boy's uncle in story
of kidnaping. Page 1.
Taft says cities under obligation to provide
playgrounds. Page 'Z.
Insurance companies lose suits for losses
in San Francisco fire. Page 3.
Sports. ,
Jeffries says he will lick Johnson on sight
if he comes near. Page 7.
Colts will open Northwestern League season
today with Tacoma. Page 7.
Par I He Northwest.
Portland business men warmly welcomed in
Washington towns- Page 1.
Governor Hay calls for probe of office of
-Iand Commissioner Ross. Page 1.
William Herve, survivor of duel at Gates,
arrested on murder charge and conveyed
to Salem hospital. Page 6.
Umatilla Indian agent relieved by social
agent from Washington; sensation at
Pendleton. Page 6.
Commercial and Marine,
Advance In local butter market Page 19
General selling weakens wheat prices at
Chicago. Page 19.
Copper shares turn weak. Page 10.
Steamer Riverside brings Eastern freight.
Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Independents probably will name full city
ticket. Page 10.
Street railway's blancket franchise discussed
at mans meeting in North Alblna.
Page 12. '
Effort made to block submission of Market
street bridge project to people. Page 11
IJot at Park and Morrison . streets sold or
$150,000. Page 12.
Water Board Investigation reveals bad con
dition of auxiliary pumping stations.
Page 18.
president Hoyt, of Rose Festival, urges
Portland people to give glad hand to
visitors. Page 11.
J. W Sweeney awarded contract to com
plete Tillamook road. Page
R. F Shepard. missing past ten cpf;, found
- dead in Sullivan's Gulch. Pane 16
Arrangements being completed for enter
tainment of visitors to National grocers
convention. Page 18.
Series of criminal trials opens today In Fed
eral Court. Page 10.