Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Harkness Works His Fence
Ball for Visitors With
Fine Effect.
'Speck's" Offerings Are Welcome to
Mohler's Team and, Despite Brace
Jby Beavers, Seals Are Now
In First Place.
Yesterday's Results.
San Francisco 6. Portland 4.
Oakland 4-10. Vernon 0-4.
Los Angeles 4-5, Sacramento 3-0.
Standfast- of the Clubs.
M P 0 Jl t
c,ub- ? a ! ? S :
a . 2. a : :
p ; ; I
San Fran... 4 4 6 6 4 24 .600
Portland ... 2 7 4 . . i2 .579
Los Ans-Ales -Id 4 O . . 22 .5::7
Sacramento 7 2. 3 4 3 10 .487
Vernon 1 . . 5 2 9 17 .425
Oakland ... 3 4 .. 4 4 15 .375
Lost lS 16 19 20 23 261119
"Speck" Harkness had his fence ball
working in fine fhape in the first inning
of yesterday's Kame and San Francisco
managed to clout enough of his offerings
to the boundaries of the park to chase a
flock of runs over the pan; enough to
win the game and incidentally the series.
The final score was 6 to 4, Portland mak
ing a heroic effort to overcome the tre
mendous handicap allowed by the
speckled one. Eastley was on the mound
for Mohler and was steady at all times.
Barring that first inning, the game was
a snappy one despite the frigid atmos
pheric conditions and the Interruptions
caused by rainfall and wrangling with
the Joke' umpire. It required a home
run clout over the right garden wall by
Buddy Ryan to start the home team In
run-getting, yet frequent chances to get
an ace recorded were passed up by the
home guard simply because they were
afraid to take the chances San Francisco
However, several lively fielding stunts
were injected Into the game, and some of
these plays were startling enough to
arouse the freerlng gathering of 2500 fans
who assembled despite the threatening
oloud banks and occasional showers.
The Seals opened the first canto as
though the Portland team was to be
annihilated. "Speck" Harkness thought
he could fool Mohler's men like he did
on his other appearance, but he was
about aa much of a puzzle as Saturday's
primary election Is In doubt.
Inning Proves Swatfest.
Roily Zelder was the first Seal up, end
despite the uncertain footing In the hog
wallow about home plate he managed to
pole one at Harkness that' bounded off
his shins and Roily gets credit for a hit
because the quagmire Infield was too
llppery for the ball to be fielded. Mohler
sacrificed and then the swatfest started.
Tennant singled to left, sending Zelder
home. "Ping" Bodie pinged one over
Buddy Ryan's skypleoe, which went for
three sacks, scoring Tennant. "Speckles"
handed Melchior a pass, and when Jimmy
Williams clouted safely to right Bodle
registered and Melchior brought up at
third. McCredie trotted out his belated
hoisting apparatus and Jerked Harkness,
replacing him with Carson. With three
runs In and Richard "Williams up, Carson
failed to fool the blonde and the two
base runners scored on Nick's double,
making five aces for the inning. For
tunately Carson got into action soon and
the run-gotting ceased until the fifth.
In the fifth, Melchior walked and was
forced by J. Williams, who scored on
hits by Nick 'Williams and McArdle.
Portland took a brace In the home team's
half of this session, when Breen started
things with a two-bagger. Kennedy poled
a high infield fly which dropped safe
without anyone touching it and two men
were on. Armbruster and Carson were
outs, but Buddy Ryan drove one over the
right garden wall, making a' cleanup,
and Portland was represented on the
scoreboard with three runs.
In the eighth a pass to Speas and Ort's
corking two-bagger gave Portland the
last run, but still two runs shy of the
Seals' total.
The Portland and San Francisco teams
left for the south last night.- and the
Seals are ambling home In the lead to
play the Joke Oakland team, while Port
land In slated to mix it with Happicus
Hogan's seemingly rejuvenated Vernon
club. Score:
H. PO. A.
1 1 4
AB. R.
. r. l
r.eliler. 3b
Mohler. 2b 2
Tennant. lb 5
Bodle. If S
Mel-hlor. rf 3
J. Williams, If 3
N. Williams, c 3
McArdle, ! 4
East ley, p........... 4
0 1
.3 14
1 1
10 27 13
H. PO. A.
t 2 1
0 .1 1
O I 0
2 10
Ryan, cf ..
Olson, 99 4
Jeas. It 3
!rt. rf 3
Johnson, 3b 3
Hreon. 2b 4
Kennedy, lb 3
Armbruster. c 3
Harkness, p O
Carson, p 3
ilrsnfy 1
McCredie 1
Totals 33 4 3 27 10 2
Batted for Armbruster In the ninth.
Batted for Carson In ninth.
an Francisco. 5 O 0 Q t 0 O 0 0 6
Hits 5 1 1 0 2 1 O 0 0 1
Portland 0 0 O 0 3 n O 1 0 4
Hits 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 3
Struck out By Eastley, 3; by Carson, 2.
Bases on balls Off Kastley, 4; off Carson, 3;
off Harkness, 1. Two-base hits Brodte. N.
Williams, Carson, McArdle, Breen, Ort,
Three-base hit Ort. Home run Ryan. At
tat Off Harkness, 4. sacrifice hits Mohler,
N. Williams, stolen bases McArdle, Ort.
Hit by pitched hall Mohler by (-arson. First
base on errors Portland. 1. l,eft on bases
San Francisco. 8; Portland. ft. lnninrs
pitched by Harkness. 1-8. Base hits Off
Harkness. 4; runs, 3. Charge defeat to Hark
ness Time of same 1 hour, 50 minutea,
Vmplre Toman.
Former Wins Morning Game,. 4 to 1,
Latter tn Afternoon, 4 to 0.
BAN FRANCISOO, May . Vernon and
Oakland divided honors today, the former
taking the morning game, 4 to 1, and the
latter winning in the afternoon, 4 to 0.
The latter contest was a fast and snappy
one, Oakland doing clever work on the
bases. Wiggs had Vernon at his mercy,
allowing only one hit. Scores:
Morning game
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
"Vernon 4 4 0 Oakland 1 3 0
Batteries Hitt and Hogan; Bridges,
Bolce and Lewis.
Afternoon game
R.H.E.I R.H.H.
Oakland 4 7 2Vernon 0 1 4
Batteries Wiggs and T. King; Haskins
and Klnkel.
Sacramento Loses Morning Game, 4
to S, and Afternoon, 3 to 0.
LOS ANGELES. May 9. Los Angeles
won two games from Sacramento today,
the morning game 4 to 8 and the after
noon 5 to 0. Features of the morning
game were the home runs made by Beall
and Doyle. The former batted the ball
over left field fence In the sixth with
two men on bases.
In the afternoon game Fitzgerald started
off badly by allowing the Angels to get
four runs and six hits in the first in
ning. Baum took his place in the second
and held the home team to one run.
Sacramento made eight hits off Brls
walter, but could not score. Score:
Morning game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Los Angeles. 4 6 . 2 Sacramento .3 5 3
Batteries Thorsen and Orendorff; Eh
mand and Byrnes.
Afternoon game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Los Angeles. 6 11 OjSacramento .0 8 1
Batteries Briswalter and Orendorff;
Fitzgorald, Baum and Graham.
now holds first place ijj
tri-city' league.
St. John Is Defeated on Home Dia
mond by One-Sided Score
of 11 to 2.
Vancouver Jumped Into the lead In the
Trl-City League race yesterday when they
defeated St. John before a small crowd
at St. John, 11 to 2. The cold weather
was too much for both the players and
the spectators, many of whom were forced
to leave before the end of the game.
Pitcher Stone, of the Apostles, demon
strated that he is most decidedly not a
cold weather pitcher, for the Vancouver
team batted him out of the box in the
eighth Inning, every player on the Wash
ington team coming to bat. The team
registered six runs before the third man
was put out. Two-baggers, triples and
singles dropped around the diamond al
most as fast as the hard rain of the
morning. After five men had hit him
safely, another been hit by a pitched ball
and another sacrificed, Stone was pulled
out of the box and a lanky slabster by
the same name, but with the initial D. in
front, then took up the task and con
tributed another run when he allowed
Munger to hit safely, scoring Causey.
Up till the eighth inning the work of
both teams had been good, although
nelthe- pitcher was able to do his best.
A cold wind swept across the diamond,
chilling both players and spectators to
the bone, and Stone, a Caiiforntan used
to warmer weather, was the first to blow
Vancouver certainly deserved to win,
for the team showed the best form of any
of the Trl-City nines this season. They
batted and ran bases well; besides field
ing In gilt-edged fashion. The batting
of Gains, Sudds and Causey was espe
cially good.Gains secured a triple, dou
ble and a single out of four times at bat.
Colts Out-Play Visitors and Score
Ends 4 to 3.
FOREST GROVE, Or., May 9'. (Spe
cial.) Albina met defeat at the hands of
Manager Wirtz's Colts this afternoon by
a score of 4 to 2, in the best-contested
game of the season. The Colts opened
the game by batting out three runs off
Concannon In the last half of the first,
but they made no more runs until the
seventh, when they scored one. Albina
scored one In the second and one in the
The only show Albina had of winning
was in the first half of the ninth, when
the three bags were filled with no outs.
Robinson for the Colts fanned one, and
the next man drove an Infield hit which
was handled to third, then back to sec
ond. The forced runner to second was
not caught out, but he stepped off the
bag, and was put out by the second base
man. The decision was close, and Al
bina says it will contest the game.
Batteries Forest Grove Colts, Robin
son and Kelt: Albina. Concannon and
Brock. Struck out. by Robinson 5. by
Concannon 7; bases on balls, off Robin
son 6. off Concannon 2; hits, Colts 4r
Ainina two-oase nits, iveit and Krlggs.
THE frisky ones came vowing to take
the series and a combination of
favorable umpiring, large bunches of
luck and the stage fright of Portland's
youngsters turned the trick.
McCredie lost two games of the last
series simply because he started with
the wrong pitcher. Still a manager can
not be blamed for that, yet Walter Is
somewhat too slow in Jerking 'em when
they show wrong.
George Schreeder is worrying because
J Casey's team might get pinched over in
nutuuvrr, iui me t.nucK outclass nave
a nasty habit of keeping people in Jail
until they are tried, and George thinks
his Tigers may not have a chance to
play here at all.
Eastley. the youngster who worked for
the Seals, is a classy little pitcher. He
was hit hard at times, but managed to
work himself out of tight holes in a most
clever manner.
Kid Mohler and Dick Breen made some
great stops and throws to first despite
the muddy field yesterday. Mohler was
especially brilliant, and Roily Zeider's
word at third was splendid.
San Francisco has won the last three
games practically in the first inning, and
after that session has been helpless. If
Portland ever acquires the knack of dis
posing of the Seals at the start the rest
should be easy.
Dugdale's Seattle bunch trimmed Aber
deen again yesterday, giving Lynch five
out of the six games played. Dug seems
to have all the luck this year. Still the
season Is young and he may sweat off
several extra pounds) in the series re
maining to be played.
Pitcher Bd Klnsella, of the Portland
Northwestern League club, arrived home
from Vancouver. B. C. yesterday and
will probably pitch the opening game
here tomorrow. Big Eddie is In splendid
form and says Casey's team will make
good yet.
Defeats Aberdeen in Close
Game, 3 to 1.
Does Phenomenal Work at Times.
Pernoll Found for Nine Hits,
but Runs Come Hard
for Both Sides.
Yesterday's Result s.
Portland-Vancouver, Rain.
Seattle 8, Aberdeen 1.
Spokane 12. Tacoma 6.
Standing; of tbe Clubs.
ciubs s 3 g : :
:??.: :
: : 3 : : : : :
Seattle .... 5 6 5 IK .727
Spokane 4 5 6 15 .6.")2
Vancouver 5 3 4 12 .571
Tacoma ... 2; 3 4 .... 9 .091
Portland ... SI 2 3 . . .. S .364
Aberdeen .. l 3 2 .. .. 6 . 286
Lost . . . . . el S 9 14 14 IS 06
SEATTLE, May 9 Seattle won from
Aberdeen today by a score of 3 to 1
in a game marked by fine playing all
around. Raymond was the star, his
work at short being phenomenal. Allen
allowed Aberdeen three hits, one of
them a scratch. Pernoll was not as
hard to solve as in the Kame he won,
but runs came hard. Seattle had to get
four hits in the seventh to score once.
Aberdeen's only tally was on a hit
over the fence by Pernoll. Score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Akin. 3b............. 4 0 1 0 2 . O
Raymond, as 4 a 2 2 5 0
Bennett, 2b 4 1 1 a 6 O
Lynch, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Frisk, rf 4 O 2 4 O O
Capron, if 3 1 0 o o O
Maxee. lb 3 O 2 1.1 o 1
Shea, c 8 114 0 0
Allen, p... 2 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 31 3 9 27 13 1
AB. R. If. PO. A. E.
Moore, 2b 4 0 0 2 2 1
Carr, ss ,.4 0 O 3 0 0
Campbell, rf 4 O 1 2 1 0
Siever, cf .......... . 3 O 0 0 0 0
Lejeune ...........1 0 O 0 O 0
Strelb. lb...i 3 0 1 8 0 O
Swalm, If. ........... 3 0 O 2 0 0
Bewer, 3b..,. .'3 0 O 2 1 0
O'Brien, c. ......... 3 0 0 4 2 0
Pernoll, p..... 3 1114 0
Totals 31 1 8 24 16 1
Batted for Siever In ninth.
Aberdeen "...0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O 0 1
TA.hau t. . a ......... . n .. it- i
base hit Frisk. Home run Pernoll. stolen
""o i . DirucK out uy Allen. by
P.nnll 9 Xa.& V. 1 1 . . . . . ,, . . . .
by pitched ball Capron. Time o game i
"uui a uuuuiBs. umpire r rary.
Spokane Trims TJp Tacoma to Tune
of 12 to 6.
fiDnvivi? , .. o ni.,ni. , , .
. ...... ... .ii.j laiun b wiianess
in the first inning: and Bender's inabil-
L.r w xiuiu me Dpoitane team to the
..... iuc luumus a. ions eany
lead which made today's game a farce.
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Suess. rf 5 0 0 O 0 0
Cartwrlght, 3b ..5 0 1 1 2 1
Hurley, lb 4 1 1 12 1 0
Swain, cf 4 10 10 0
Bender, c 3 1 O 0 2 2
Kippert. rf 5 1 3 1 o 0
Mackin. 2b 4 118 3 0
Breslno, ss 3 1 0 0 2 0
Claflin, p 1 0 0 0 2 0
Ward, p 3 0 2 1 2 0
Totals 37 6 S 24 14 3
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Clynea. If 5 1 2 6 0 0
Altman. 3b 4 1 1 8 R 0
Weed, lb ..4 2 2 7 0 1
Stevens, c 4 1 1 8 0 0
James, 2b ..3 3 1 2 2 0
Burnett, cf ..5 1 1 1 o 0
Brlnker, rf 4 1 3 3 0 0
Brown, ss...... 4 1 2 2 2 1
Klllllay. p 2 1 0 O O 0
Totals 35 12 13 27 " 1
Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 6
Spokane 4 0 3 2 3 0 0 0 12
Two-base hits Weed (2). James. Three
base hit Clynes. Sacrifice hits Altman.
Klllllay. Stolen bases Burnett (2), Brinker
(2), Clynes. Altman, Weed. Brown, Killllay,
Hurley. Bender. Struck out Bv Klllllay 3,
by Claflin 1. by Ward S. Bases on balls
Oft Killilay 3. off Claflin 5. off Ward 2
Wild pitch Killilay 1. Claflin 1. Hit by
pitched ball Bender, Breslno, by Killilay.
Hits Off claflin 5, and 7 runs in thrte
innings. Left on bases Tacoma 9, Spokane
8. Time of g-aaiie 1 hour 50 minutes, em
pire Flynn.
Vancouver-Portland Game Off.
VANCOUVER, B. C, May 9. No base
ball game; wet grounds.
Won. Lost. P.C.
Detroit ............14 5 .730
New York n 7 .611
Boston 10 8 .550
Philadelphia 8 8 .500
Chicago 8 lo 473
Cleveland .............. 9 10 473
"Washington 5 11 !312
St. Louis...... 5 12 I'94
Chicago 4-1; Cleveland e-4.
CHICAGO, May 9. Chicago and Cleve
land Broke even in a freezing double
header here this afternoon. Edward
Walsh, the star pitcher of . the locals,
made his first appearance of the season.
First game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago 4 8 2Cleveland ....2 4 3
Batteries Walsh and Owens; Young and
Second game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago 1 4 lCleveland 4 7 1
Batteries Scott and Owens; Berger and
Clark. Umpires Sheridan and Kerin.
Rain at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. May 9. The St. Louis-Detroit
game was postponed; wet grounds.
. Won. Lost. P C.
Pittsburg- 13 7 S59
Philadelphia 10 g .ej5
Chicago 12 10 .545
Boston g 8 .529
New York.........'..... 7 9 .438
Cincinnati 10 13 .435
Brooklyn .............. 7 10 .412
St. Louis.... 9 14 .391
St. Louis 5; Chicago 2.
CHICAGO, May 8. Reulbach'a tlfts.
poor support and timely hitting gave St. J
jou!s today s game. Rhodes fielding being
a great feature. Score;
R H. E.I R. H. E.
Chicago 2 a 3St. Louis 5 8 1
Batteries Reulbach and Moran; Rhodes
and Bresnahan
Rain at Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, May 9. Clnclnanti
Pittsburg game postponed; rain.
Owner of St. Louis Club Pays Big'VVILL
Premium on Bresnahan.
ST. LOUIS, May 9. Stanley Robin
son, owner of the St. Louis Baseball
Club, has taken out a $50,000 insurance
policy on his manager and leading
catcher, Roger Bresnahan. The policy
runs for five years, and the premium is
Bresnahan cost Robinson four good
players, valued at $50,000, when he was
bought from the New York. National
team. He is under a three-year con
tract to play for ..$25,000.
This makes Robinson's investment
$75,000 in Bresnahan. Bresnahan is
known as a daring player, and has
often been Injured.
Lents 15; O. R. & N. 9.
The Lents baseball nine defeated the
O. R. & N. Co. team yesterday afternoon
by -the score of 15 to . The game was
played despite the rain and some in
teresting plays were made by both sides.
Three Oregon Grapplers Will Go
Against Iovtan in Handicap
Event at Heilig.
Frank A. Gotch, of Humboldt, la., the
champion heavyweight wrestler of the
world, arrived in Portland at 8 o'clock
Frank Gotch, Who Gives an Ex
hibition Here Tomorrow NlKbt.
last night and Is quartered at the Hotel
Oregon. The big grappler is to appear
at the Heilig Theater tomorrow night,
when ha will wrestle several local celeb
rities in tha endeavor to give the fans
of Portland some Idea of what he can
do at the mat game.
In order to give the champion some
thing of a run for his money, at least
three Oregon wrestlers will contest with
him In the effort to prevent the cham
pion .rom throwing them a certain num
ber of times in one hour.
In addition to Eddie O'Connell, the local
champion welterweight. William West, of
Medford, and Roger Cornell, the trainer
of the Portland baseball teams, will as
sist O'Connell In the effort to stop the
world'3 champion.
Roger Cornell Is something of a wres
tler himself, and at one time was the
grappling instructor of the Olympic Club,
of San Francisco. Previous to accepting
the position of instructor, he defeated
Ed Johnson, of the Multnomah Club, for
the championship of the Pacific Coast,
and is really a clever wrestler. Cornell
has been induced to go on against Gotch
in this handicap bout, and modestly says
that ne does not expect to defeat the
champion, but that he will do his best
to make a showing.
When seen last night Gotch expressed
regret at not being able to see Ed Ken
nedy, the first baseman of McCredie's
Pacific Coast Club, who left for Cali
fornia 15 minutes before Gotch arrived.
Gotch wrestled , Kennedy at Belllngham
several years ago, and after thaf meeting
tha Iowan gave Kennedy several lessons
which helped the ball tosser considerably.
The two are fast friends, and Gotch wired
Kennedy from Pendleton, telling of the
time of his arrival, but big Ed could not
remain over to see his old friend.
Gofch's one ambition is to get the big
Russian, Hackenscbmldt, on the mat
again, but he expresses considerable doubt
as to the success of his wish, far the
Russian has evaded him time and again,
and especially during his visit to Eng
land last Summer.
Gotch has been invited to take part
In the opening day ceremonies of the
Pacific Coast League, and has accepted.
The world's champion wrestler will of
ficiate at the opening a la James J. Jeff
ries at the Los Angeles opening a year
ago, and will hold the indicator for the
inaugaral ceremonies.
Track Team Sidesteps Contract to
Meet Pacific University.
Or., May 9. (Special.) Willamette Uni
versity has sidestepped her contract for
a track meet with Pacific , on the local
field May 22, thus leaving' Manager H.
L. McCoy short on competitive contests.
The only meet definitely arranged for
is with McMlnnvllle College on the Bap
tists' field. May 29. The contest prom
ises to be a' close one, and Coach Hahn
will bend every effort to get his men in
condition to defeat the representatives of
the neighboring institution. A fair com
parison of the records of the two teams
thus far gives Pacific a slight advantage
over the McMlnnvilleites.
Negotiations are pending with the In
dians for a meet at Chemawa during the
first week in July, but nothing definite
has so far been decided upon. .
Evening Ball Games at Albany.
ALBANY. Or.. May 9. (Special.) An
amateur baseball league for a series of
evening games during May and June has
been perfected. Teams representing the
Postofflce, the local banks and the First
Presbyterian and First ' Methodist
Churches have entered the race. Games
will be played on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Fans to Give Royal Welcome
to Northwestern Team.
Casey's Players Have Been Strength
ened From McCredie's Bunch and
Are Expected to Make Good
Showing In Portland.
Portland is the only minor league city
In the United States to enjoy two open
ings in one baseball season. Tomorrow
afternoon the second formal inaugural of
a playing season to occur here this year
will take place.
The opening tomorrow is that of the
Northwestern League, and the fans will
welcome Pearl Casey's Colts and the
Tacoma Tigers. It Is to be made the oc
casion, for a demonstration similar to
that extended Walter McCredie.
A big automobile parade has been
planned, and, as the members of the
Portland Automobile Club and the local
auto dealers have risen to the occasion
by contributing the use of their machines
for the parade. The Pacific Coast League
opening saw SI automobiles in line, and
tomorrow Pearl Casey will be greeted by
as many, if not more, machines filled, with
enthusiastic admirers of the Portland
George S. Shepherd, Hugh McCredie, W.
T. Pangle, John F. Carroll and others
have been active in the work of preparing
for the opening of the Northwestern sea
son, and. unless the weather man inter
venes, the opening day of President
Lucas' organization promises to be a
gala event in Portland's baseball history.
McCredie's Team Goes South.
Walter McCredie and his Portland Pa
cific Coast League pennant chasers left
last night to give batle to J. Cal Ewing
and his umpires, as well as the Cali
fornia teams, on the California lots, and
will be gone three weeks.
In the meantime Manager Casey and his
more or less promising Colts will hold
forth at Vaughn street for three weeks.
Schreeder, of the Tacoma Tigers, says he
does not expect to trim Casey every game,
but, before the series is concluded, George
thinks Russ Hall will have several more
games stowed away under his belt than
graced Tacoma's win column Sunday.
Schreeder is determined to strengthen
his club, and in the effort to do so he
has landed Pitcher Berger, of San Fran
cisco, and expects to surprise the North
western Leaguers with two more good
men very soon. The Tacoma magnate
boasts that he has never ridden a loser
and docs not intend to do so this season.
His ambition is to puncture Dugdale's
balloon, and he asserts that he will prove
the undoing of the Seattle team before
the season is over.
"Somebody said Dug had a two-man
team-,'' said Schredeer yesterday. "Well,
I am firmly convinced that he hasn't
any team at all, and once he hits the
toboggan he'll not stop short of the bot
tom. That bunch will be tearing off each
other's heads when it begins to lose. In
my opinion Seatlte and Aberdeen will
fight it out for the cellar, for Rowland
has underestimated this league, and his
Three-Eye Leaguers won't stand the
Thinks Seattle Is Weak.
The Tacoma manager thinks that Dug
dale's bumping is due to begin next week,
when his team invades the stronghold of
Bob Brown's Spokane Indians. He says
that If Spokans gets Mike Lynch and the
Seattle bunch on tbe run it Is quite pos
sible that Spokane will clean up the en
tire series.
Manager McCredie, when he departed
south . last night, left Catcher Jerry
Sbeehan and Pitchers Gough and Seaton
behind. All three are to Join Casey's
squad and work out with them during the
tall manager's absence. Gough is to be re
tained by the Pacific Coast League club,
for he is a pitcher whose ability will de
velop as soon as he is physically fit for
hard work. The clever youngster has
been ill for some time, and is not yet
strong enough to work at his best. Mc
Credie figures that a few weeks' work
out with Casey's team, during which time
he may have a chance to pitch one or two
games, will do the young fellow a world
of good, and by the time the Coasters
return he will be ready to get into the
game in earnest.
Tom Seaton was signed originally for
Casey, hut McCredie was shy of pitchers
in ths south and retained the youngster
on the Coast club. He has done so well
that McCredie believes he will be one
of the stars in the Northwestern League.
Sheehan Left for Casey.
Troeh seems to be a weak sister back
of the bat. and Jerry Sheehan will prob
ably alternate behind the bat with Tom
Murray. Sheehan is a capable catcher in
every respect, and while he is new to the
game, having only turned out from the
amateur ranks a short time ago, he is
picking up knowledge of Inside work
rapidly and will undoubtedly prove a
valuable asset to the Portland club. I
Casey's weakest department seems to be
his outfield, for he has not a single out
fielder who Is batting stronprly enough
to hold a job in a bush league. This is
the most surprising thing about Casey's
trio, for all ti-ree men are players who
have hitherto been credited with good av
erages. Today not one of them Is hitting
better than .175, and an outfielder, un
less he is a sensational player, is con
sidered worthless to a club unless he bats
close to the .300 mark.
Bassey, Garry and Murphy may yet
strike their gait. At any rate all of them
are capable of much better percentages
than, are now credited to them.
First Baseman Charley Mullin has prov
en the. find of the season. He is yet far
from being a finished first sacker. but he
is fast learning to field that bag, while
he is the batter par excellence of the
team. The tall, red-headed lad is the
most fromi3ing youngster who has
graced a Portland uniform in years.
Cooney, Casey and Staton are doing good
work, ard if the outfielders get to hitting.
Cliampion of World. Meets
Eddie OTonnell
In Five-Fall Handicap Match
Preliminary Starts at 8i30.
Prices Ringside, $2.50; lower
floor. $2; balcony. $1.50 and $1;
gallery, first two rows reserved. $1.
Seats on Sale at Schiller Cigar
Store and Heilig Theater.
do Caruso, Calve, Eames,
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Sherman j!lay & Go.
Portland will rise rapidly in the percent
age column, for Casey's pitchers can hold
their own in any company.
Tennis League Proposed.
ALBANY, Or., May 9. (Special.) Ten
nis enthusiasts of Albany College are con
sidering the advisability of forming a
tennis league among the colleges of the
Willamette Valley. The colleges which
will probably be asked to enter the pro
posed league are the University of Ore
gon, Oregon Agricultural College, Willam
ette University, McMinnville College,
Dallas College and the Monmouth Nor
mal School.
Brothers Battle With Car Crew When
Put Off In Street.
Trouble over a transfer resulted In a
battle royal yesterday afternoon between
R. A. and E. D. Potter, brothers, and
the conductor and motorman of an
Estacada car at Bast First and Water
streets. The transfer, offered to the con
ductor of the car wag refused and the
Potter brothers made a protest, saying
the conductor of the other car had given
it to them with the understanding that
it could be used properly.
The conductor ejected the two pas
sengers, who made a fight in defense.
The battle was carried out Into the
street, where the conductor received a
bloody face from the attacks of the two
Potters. The motorman Is said to have
come to his assistance with his con
troller and the conductor was making
use of his ticket punch when the fighters
were arrested. The Potters were taken
to the station, where they gave bail to
appear today.
Judge Campbell Goes to St. Helens.
OREGON CITY, Or., May 9 (Spe
cial.) Hon. James U. Campbell left to
night for St. Helens, where he will hold
a week's term of Circuit Court. This
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Los Angeles-Has 815,900.
LOS ANGELES, May 9. The Los An
geles school census Just completed shows Y"
there are 315.900 residents in this city.
This Is an increase of 13,000 over last year
and 77,000 over 1906.
Today is positively the last day for dis
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