THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, 10, 1909. 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPHONES. Pae. States. Horn. Countlns-Roora Main 7070 A 609S City Circulation Main 7070 A 6095 Managing Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Composing-Room Main 7070 A 6095 City Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Supt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER n2th and ilor- riwn Baker stork Company in "Merely Mary Ann." Tonight at 8:15. OBPHEIM THEATER (Morrison, between Plxth and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville). Matinee at 2:15: tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Washington, between Seventh and park) Vaudeville da luxe. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 p. M. PANTAGES THEATER (Kourth and Stark) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 and :30 P. M. LTRTC THEATER (Seventh and Alder) I.rrlc Sjoi-lt Company in ' Ten Nights In a Barroom." Tonight at 8:15. 6TAR THEATER Moving-picture show every afternoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 o clock Pioneer Goes Ea bt. "W. G. Cathey who lived at Cedarville, on the O. "W. P. railway since 1853. left the past week for a six months" visit In the East. Ho was accompanied by his two troth ers, John Cathey. of Humboldt County. California, and Robert Cathey, of Lee ton. Mo., who wefo here on a visit. A reunion of the families will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Cathey. Lee ton. Mo. Sunday before Mr. Cathey started Kast many of his children and Rrandchlldren spent the day with lilm at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Jones. Anions; those present were: Robert Cathey. John Cathey. Dr. B. A. Cathey and wife, of Corvallis; Miss Marie Cathey. ::lss Evely Cathey and Miss Collie Cathey, of Corvallis; Dr. Oeorgro Cathey, of Portland; Clarence r. Cathey. of Gresham. "Wii.i. Open Keut Road.-L. V. Darl inpr of the Midway Improvement Club, Is grathertng Information for the open-Ins- of the Kelly road between East Twenty-eighth street and the Milwau ltle road, and will prepare a map of the road showing ownership of the land through which It passes. He has found complications that will delay the work somewhat, but he hopes to stet the matter In shape this month. The object of opening this road Is to give better facilities for entering the city from the southeast than are afforded at present. The territory Interested is "Woodstock. Tremont and the great sec tion toward the south and southeast. Yii.i. Hold Mass Meeting. A mass meeting will be held tonight in North Alblna on Kllllngsworth avenue, under the auspices of the North Alblna Push Club, to discuss the proposed referen dum on the franchise of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company. Addresses will be made by Dr. C. H. Chapman and H. J. Parkinson, the lat ter representing the Federated Trades Council. Councilman AV. T. Vaughn will be present to explain th fran chise, but not to speak of it. There Is widespread Interest on the subject of this referendum nnd a well-attended meeting Is expected. Mr. Wittenberg to Speak. Herman "Wittenberg will address the Steel Bridge Push Club tonight at Its meet ing at 243 Holladay avenue. Mr. Wit tenberg will present his views as to the damage that will result to the harbor nr.d the city generally In the event that the steel bridge Is moved from Its present location. The Push Club Is receiving new members constantly, due. It Is said, to the fact that the public is hecomtng impressed with the disatl van tages that will arise from the removal of the bridge. All those Interested are Invited to be present at tonight's meeting. Tramp Has Monet. Marten Paul ver Buln. a tramp, was made a prisoner by the police yesterday after eating a hearty breakfast at Twenty-sixth and Kast Ash streets which had been kind ly prepared for him by Mrs. Wood, who lives at that number. When searched at the station in the tramp's pockets $.19.42 was found. - He was placed in jail on the charge of begging. When asked why he was begging when he had money, he said he was saving it to return to his estates In Minnesota, and wished to travel as befitted a man of property. Buried in Potter's Field. The body mf Alfred Swanson, which was found floating In the river Saturday after noon, has been burled in the potters field at the poor farm. By information burnished by Charles Swanson, a broth-p- the remains were positively identi fied. The body was discovered by An drew Johnson near the Alnsworth dock. An officer was called and the body was taken to the undertaking parlors of Xmnnlng, McEntee & GUbaugh. Death of Bridget O'Brien. Mrs. i Bridget O'Brien died Friday at her homo on Monroe street, at the age of 64 years and 8 months. She is survived by her husband, Michael O'Brien, and the following children: Mrs. William Dunn. Mrs. J. D. Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Power and Sister Claire Marie. The funeral will be held today at 9 A. M. from St. Mary's Church, Williams ave nue and Stanton street, and the inter ment will be in Calvary Cemetery. Holds Memorial Services. At the last meeting of Evening Star Grange, in its hall on the Section Line road, me morial services were held in memory of the members who had died during the year, which Is one of the beauti ful customs of the order. Mrs. H. L. Vail read an appropriate paper setting , forth the meaning of memorial day. This was followed by decorating the altar In memory of the five members who had died. Presbytery Meets Today. A general meeting of the Portland Presbytery will be held at Calvary Presbyterian Church at 2 P. M. today. Routine busi ness in relation to the home mission work of the church will be transact ed. Today's meeting of the Presby tery was to have been a reception to Rev. Thomas K. Walker. D. D.. the new pastor of Calvary church, but he) had not arrived last night. New York Society Meeting. The New York Society of Oregon will hold the regular monthly meeting tomorrow night at Mrs. K. W. Gillespie's School of Expression. R34 Morrison street, cor ner of Seventeenth. A fine programme has been arranged and arrangements will be niade for Slimmer meetings. AH New Yorkers, either visitors or residents, are cordially invited. Consider Street Opening. Interested property owners will meet tonight in the Midway engine house to thresh out the question of opening East Sev enteenth street south to Midway, some progress has been made with the preliminaries for opening Kast Sev enteenth street, but much opposition has been developed among those -who must give property for opening. Rails for Hawthorne Avenue. The Portland Railway. Light & Power Com pany is distributing heavy rails on Hawthorne east from East Tenth street for relaying the double tracks pre paratory for hard-surface pavement. Between Kast Tenth and Hawthorne avenue the tracks have been laid. Be tween Grand avenue and East Third new rails will be laid also. Beginning May 1 we will reduce the price of all our Australian coal to J.S.50 per ton cienverea; &o cents per ton reduc tion on live-ton lols. Pacific Coast Coal Co., 249 Wash. Phones Main 229, A 2293. Call at Our Works and-see the finest piece of granlto work ever seen In Portlands Blae '.ig Granlto Company, Third and Madison streets. John M. Mann, printer, 68 Fourth St.. , between Oak and Pine. Both phones 40M- Da. & C Brown, Era, Fan; Marquam. Mrs. Ellen Rawson Miller, the popu lar domestic science teacher, will dem onstrate Barley Corn Products made of the purest pearl barley only. They will be cooked with electric cooking utensils at the Portland General Elec tric Company's supply department store. Seventh and Alder streets, from 2 to 5 P. M. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Save the Discount. Send check or pay at office today to save the discount on May bills for the Automatic Telephone Home phone your long-distance calls- to Tacoma. Seattle and way points. Home Telephone Company, corner of Park and Burnside streets. Engagement is Announced. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Schilt, of 389 Eleventh street, announce ' the engagement of their daughter, Caroline, to Leo Krause. At home Sunday, May 16, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Genuine Bargains in good, pure food. Read Smith's ad. back page. BUSINESS TRIP STARTS EXCCKSIOX TRAIN TO LEAVE PORTLAXD TODAY. Great Interest Is Taken in Visit to Washington and Good Results Are Expected. With practically every berth taken, the special train bearing the party of Portland business men on' a trip through Washington will leave for Seattle this morning at S:45. The train In question is composed of the best Northern Pacific equipment. In addi tion a "convention oar" capable of seat ing 100 people will be used. In this car members of the party will gather Just before each stop and the pro gramme will be recited to them. . The journey will be broken at Ray mond by a 30-minute, steamboat trip on Shoalwater Bay. As the stop at Raymond will consume only 33 minutes, prompt work will be required to main tain the schedule. Immediately upon arrival of the train at Seattle the members of the party will be taken to the fair grounds, where they will be shown through the various buildings. Later they will be entertained at a dinner at the grounds as guests of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and management of the fair. Much interest has been aroused in the excursion ever since it was in augurated, and it now promises to be the most successful outing of the kind ever undertaken in the Northwest: It is expected to have the effect of bring ing the business interests of the vari ous cities visited Into closer relations with Portland. The. affair has been marked by unusual enthusiasm among all classes of business men. Chehalls Plans Welcome. CHEHALI9. Wash., May 9. ( Special.) When the excursion of Portland business men arrives at Chehalls Monday after noon at 3:1? they will be met by the pub licity committee of the Citizens Club and other business men of the city and shown about the town. The Portland visitors have announced that they expect to re main in Chehalls for about two hours, and during that time the interesting fea tures of the most substantial city of Southwestern Washington will be pointed out to them. BUYS OUT SEATTLE FIRM Eilers Will Merge All Branches Into One Corporation. That the Eilers Piano House has ac quired the D. S. Johnston Company, the oldest music establishment of Seattle, was the announcement made yesterday by H. Eilers. president of the Eilers Com pany, who returned last week from a trip to Puget Sound. The Olympia branch is to be taken over on June 25, when it will be known as Eilers Music House. Headed by the pioneer piano dealer. D. S. Johnston, as president, and absorbing the numerous Eilers Interests on the Pacific Coast the company will employ a capital of $3,000,000, of which $2,000,000 will be In common stock fully paid in and $1,000,000 will be in preferred stock. In speaking of the new consolida tion, Mr. Eilers said: "The acquisition of the Seattle estab lishment is a preliminary step toward the consummation of what is to be one of the largest as well as the strongest Institutions of the kind in the country. We are arranging to combine all of our Interests on the Pacific Coast into one corporation to bear the firm name. The tremendous development of our trade, not only in Portland, but in San Fran cisco and Spokane as well, made this step necessary. It was advisable, in view of the many large combines effected in the East recently that a concern such as ours should be placed on a basis of absolute commercial independence." VETERANS VISIT SCHOOLS Details From G. A. R. Posts Will Address Children. At the meeting of the committees from the iiast Side G. A. R. posts Saturday afternoon, Henry "Worden presiding?. It was voted to authorize the adjutants to confer with the adjutants of the West Side posts in making: out details to visit schools on the Friday preceding Memorial day. The following officers were elected' to have charge of the exercises Monday, May 31t in Lone Kir Cemetery; Com mander and grand marshal, I. A. Mc Gowan; senior vice-commander, Henry Worden; Junior vice-commander, M. I. Covey; chaplain, W. T. Kerr; .officer of the day, A. C. Edmunds; officer of the guard. T. C. Wilson; adjutant, J. W. Ogil bee. Women of the Relief Corps were requested to appoint those who will have charge of their part of the exercises and report at the next meeting. It was reported that the East Side Business Men's Club had appointed W. B. Hall and State Senator Dan Kellaher to join in a request to the Board of Educa tion that the schools he closed Monday, May 31, while the exercises are being held. A. J Newell. G. M. Hartmus and Charles E. Tork. of the G. A. R-, will appear with the business men's committee in making this request. School children will be requested to furnish flowers for decorating the graves in the cemeteries. ST. THERESASAI1AT0RIUM The Sanatorium which takes care of and gives all home comforts to tuber cular patients in the last stages money or no money. This Sanatorium has been in operation for nearly two years. Watch and see the grain of mustard seed grow. At Oak Grove, on the Oregon City line. Let our work answer all calumnies. WHERET0 DINE. AH the delicacies of th, season at th, Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ment for ladles. S05 Wash., near Filth. Today is positively the last day for dis count on West Side gas bills. Read "Gas Tips." At the Theaters Cast. Lancelot Sydney Ayres Peter ...William Dills Herr Brahmson. .. .Ronald Bradbury Rev. Samuel Snsdge. . . Wm. Gleason O' Gorman. .......... .James Gleason Jim Blaydes Earl D. Dwire Lord Tottlngham Howard Russell Mrs. Leadbatter.Mlna Crollus Gleason Rosie Maribel Seymour Sisters Trippitt ....Mildred Disbrow, Nell Franzen Lady Chelmer Ruth Lechler Countess of Foxwell. .Lucile Webster Lady Glynn Louise Kent Lady Gladys Rhea Mitchell Mary Ann Izetta Jewel BY ARTHUR A. GREENE. IZETTA JEWEL, long since passed the experimental stage as a local favorite. Whatever she does now or in the future will only strengthen her position, for she has proved herself time and again to the satisfaction of the discriminating theater patrons. Probably never in her career has she attempted anything so intricately difficult and come off with such flying colors as in h,er current portrayal of the name part In Zangwiil's delicious comedy, "Merely Mary Ann. Portland saw Eleanor Robson, who cre ated tho role, and was prepared to ex pect something exceptional of the Baker leading woman for her temerity in es saying to follow in the footsteps of Miss Robsoi. That there was no disappoint ment at yesterday's opening is something remarkable, and to the lasting credit of the ambitious and versatile young actress. The humor and pathos of Zangwiil's lit tle slavey heroine is so elusive and deli cate that it loses its point and purpose if entrusted to mediocrity. I can imagine few things more profitless than for the average actress to essay such a characterization. As given by Miss Jewel the effect is secured beyond question. Yesterday's audiences alternate ly smiled and sighed with her and the more susceptible shed an occasional tear. The mcst difficult task she had to do was tho provincial English speech and the assumption of naive innocence. With out these the part would be farcical. Hefs Vi as a beautiful performance. The struggling composer, Iauncelot, hampered by ephemeral taste for tom my rot, his soul set upon the, higher and better things of music, is the longest part tn the play, and little less difficult than the title role. He is almost con tinually upon the stage, the character is complex and the demands great. Mr. Ay res proves himself quite equal to the task, -particularly In the third and fourth acts. As the tempestuous old landlady, of a cheap London lodging-house Mina Crolius Gleason easily takes next honors. It has been many weeks since Mrs. Gleason has had such a fine opportunity to display her pre-eminent ability as a character actress. William" Dills, as the writer of "popu lar" songs and next friend of the hero, delighted his large following of admirers. It is the first time recently that Mr. Dills has appeared without makeup, and it is most refreshing to see him accounting himself so admirably in a "legitimate'' comedy assignment. There is littie to be desired in Maribel Seymour's conception of the giggling daughter of the "Land lady." The other parts are little more than bits, but they are, most oZ them, played with sincerity. 44 Ten Nights in a Barroom at the Lyric AN" old friend Is back in town after an absence of goodness only knows how long. It has probably been 20 years since that ancient temperance melodrama, "Ten Klphts in a fiarroom." was played In a local theater. The old piece antedates the Civil War by a decade or two, and its language Is that of past generations. The quaint vernacular of the day of its dia logue fcounds strangely to present day ears, yet the undeniable human interest which it contains is still sufficient to hold an audience, as was attested by the enthusiasm manifested at the Lyric last night when the stock company gave it a creditable performance. The Lyric Stock Company gives it' a creditable performance, and the stage settings are entirely adequate. The audi ence iast night was one of the largest the theater has held this season, and the prospects are for a record-breaking busi ness during the week. Herbert Ashton, as Joo Morgan, the town drunkard, and Charles Conners, as the valiant country bumpkin, won and deserved the lion's share of the applause. Simon Slade, Wil lie Hammond, Harvey Green, Mehitabel and Mary Morgan are played by S. M. Griffith, Ralph Belmont, Rupert Drum, Lily Branscombe and Little Emily, re spectively. MISCHA ELMAM TONIGHT Great Russian Violinist Will Play at llellig Theater. Mischa El man will play tonight at the Kellig Theater, and his recital has been awaited with more eagerness than the You want Oregon to flourish so you may flourish with Oregon Then Help in the upbuilding of a Greater Oregon 0 - TT yp y gggf - Is a most important factor along this line nrn FDR Home Office: Corbett Building, Cor. Fifth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. I.. MILLS, President. I.. SAMl F.l, General Manager. f LAKENCK S. SAMl'EL, Assistant Manager. lJgaOur ag-ents arc doing -well. "We need more ol them. Only men ol character and push are wanted. musical public has displayed for many seasons. Elman deserves all the sensa tional successes he has had. as well as all of the complimentary things the pub lic has said about him. His every note displays the artist, the beautiful tone, clean-cut phrasing, accurate intonation. His playing has something in it of a chal lenge; It seems to demand comparison, not only with the youthful vortuosi of the laet decade, but with the veterans of the past and the masters. The recital tonight will commence promptly at 8:15 o'clock, and no one will be seated during the playing. The recital is under the direction of Lois Steere Wynn Coman, and here is the magnificent programme which will be given: "Symphony Espagnole Lalo Allegro, Andante. Rondo. Sonate, E Major Handel Adagio Cantablle. Allegro, Largo Allegro non trnp'po. (a "Menuet" "Beethoven (b "Deutscher Tanz" Dittersdorf (c) "Gavotte" Gossec (a) "Ave Maria" Schubert-Wtlhclmj (b) "Caprice Basque" Sarasate METHODS PUT ON GRILL COLLEGE EDUCATION SAII TO BE WASTE OF TIME. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise Attacks Usual Educational Training in Schools and Universities. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise declared in an ad dress before the People's Forum last night that "the ordinary college education is as a rule wasted." The only excep tion he made to this statement was in the case of the young man who goes to college with a distinct purpose. "The most of our young men don't go to col lege to be educated." he said. Habbi Wise struck a direct blow at the school directors by declaring that "those who administer the schools have very little knowledge of what the schools at tempt to teach. When I say that there is a deficient technical knowledge among the local authorities, I am putting It mildly," he continued. "As a rule, that Is a mild arraignment of school trus tees. Further than this, the preparation of teachers appointed is In most cases poor. This Is especially true of our high school teachers in the West. "We have certain arbitrary pedagogic methods, the result of fads and fancies. We have the problem of the woman teacher to solve, and the problem of sal aries. Then we have the problem arising because of the absolute incompetency of our . educational system in" forcing high schools upon people who don't want them." In answer to a question. Rabbi Wise said: "No man who wants to be edu cated in the ordinary sense would do himself any harm by entering such an In stitution as the University of Oregon. But to be educated alone by What the college can give him is inconsequent. The college affords a little, but not much. After a man leaves college it is found that very little sticks to him." . E. S. J. McAllister and H. D. Wagnon engaged In the discussion which followed, Mr. McAllister criticising the teachers In colleges and universities, and Mr. Wag non contending that the criticism was all wrong, and that the schools are good enough. There was also some criticism of text-books. SMALLPOX IN CITY SCHOOL Pupils in Two Grades Contract Dis ease in Mild Form. Within the past two weeks pupils in two grades of the Hawthorne School have been dlpmlssed on account of smallpox. The first cace was on Tuesday, April 27. On that date Fred McKeen was taken sick and-on the following ThursOay it was discovered that he had smallpox in a light form. Principal Gregg dismissed the pupils of that room and the premises were fumigated by the health depart ment. The pupils were then vaccinated and sessions were resumed on the follow ing dav. On Friday last smallpox developed in the family of another pupil in the -Hawthorne School. The room was fumigated, as in the previous case, and all the pupils vaccinated. The girl in whose family is this last case has not contracted the dis ease. It is proposed today to vaccinate all the pupils in the various grades. Tho fact of there being smallpox in the neighborhood has occasioned no alarm whatever, and the sessions have not been interrupted. Principal Gregg said yesterday the health department had taken every pre caution to prevent the disease spreading. CONDUIT WORK GOES AHEAD Power Company Has So Intention ol Stopping Work. That practically all the electric con duits in the central part of the down town section of the city have already been laid was the statement made yester day by engineers of the Portland Kail way, Light & Power Company. The company Is given until September 1 to THE POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY OREGQNIANS Consider This Carefully It means much to you. The failure to have ready money in the Bank has al lowed many a man's oppor tunity to die. Save your money by .de positing it with The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon WE PAY -2 on check accounts. -Z X on ten days' call. 3 on savings accounts and on six months' certificates. 3 J4 on thirty days' call. 4 on ninety days' call, on twelve months' certificates and on coupon certificates. Call for our Statement and Book of "IlA,USTRATIONS Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS BENJ. I. rOHUf President H. JL. PITTOOK Vice-Pretrident DR. A. 8. MCHOLS. . .M Viee-Pres. it. i,be PAGET Secretary W. .J. GII.I, Assistant Secretary C. W. DEGRAFF Cashier place all its power and light service wires underground from Madison street on the south to the Union Depot on the north and in the territory bounded by the waterfront and Seventh street. From Seventh to Fourteenth streets the ter ritory between Yamhill and Oak streets must be 'similarly equipped. It was said that 75 per cent approxi mately of the total amount of work had already been performed. Three crews were working simultaneously at different points and there had been, no attempt to reduce the force, as had been reported. Much of the conduit work is also being put in outside the restricted area, it was said. Particularly is this the case where hard surface pavement Is being put down. It was believed that all the work would be finished before the date set by the Council. At the most moderate estimate 60 to 70 per cent of the total amount of work has been performed, and probably to per cent would be nearer the mark. This was said not to Include the amount of work performed outside the restricted area. The statement that the street railway company proposed reducing its force was at once denied and it was said with emphasis that there had been no dis missals and that all crews would con tinue working full strength until the work was finished. CHANGE IN STREET NAMES Plan on Foot to Make All Kast Side Thoroughfares Avenues. The movement to change names of Kast Side streets to avenues, as pro posed by Judge M. G. Munly, of the Uni ted East Side Push Club, is meeting with considerable favor. His proposition is t start at the Willamette River and cut out "East" on all streets running north and south, and call all thee streets avenues, clear out to the last street eastward. For this plan simplicity la claimed; besides, it is thought the name avenue has a more dignified sound. However, the main rea son for the change urged is that It will eliminate confusion in street names and shorten the present names of streets north and south. Dr. C. H. Raffety, member of the Wa ter Board, says the new plan seems an improvement over the present way of writing "East" before all street names on the East Side. However, objection to tile plan is that it would upset present conditions. Concrete sidewalks all bear names of streets on which they are laid, all of which would have to be changed if the name "avenue" should be used. In1 connection with this agitation there is also a movement to do away with du plication of names of streets in different portions of the city. Singular and amus ing complications have been caused by streets bearing the same names. Mount Tabor has a Francis avenue, and Kenll worth has also a Francis avenue. Kenil worth. people petitioned for improvement of their Francis avenue, with the result that Francis avenue at Mount Tabor was improved, and only recently was the Kenilworth Francis avenue improved. There are several Marguerite avenues in the city, although the names are spelled differently. HOUSEKEEPERS! ATTENTION!! 2V2 CENTS PER HOUR Do You Know That the Electric Iron Furnishes the Cheapest and Best Method of Doing Domestic Ironing? The Heat Is "Where You Need It You Owe It to Yourself and Your Servants 147 SEVENTH STREET Portland Railway, Light ? Power Co. IP PORTLAND PROMPT SERVICE All business entrusted to this bank by its depositors is not. only cared for with the utmost courtesy, but the service is rendered with the greatest dispatch consistent with absolute accuracy. We cordially invite your patronage. PORTLAND PRINTING MOUSE C i ooei vf0;n com winters EVERYTHING But Women of Woodcraft Building1 888 Taylor Street, corner Tenth SUMMER VACATION $375 days All expenses included leaving San Francisco June 17. Limited mem bership. Make your reservation NOW. SEVENTY TOURS TO EUROPE $150 TO $1195 Programmes free for the asking. thos. Cook & son 32 Powell street, San Francisco Write for catalogue and prices on sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile, water, well and culvert pipe, pipe for septic tanks, etc OREGON & WASHINGTON SEWER ' I'll'V. CO, 41 1. Front St. Gold Seal Fire Protection Hose Goodyear Rubber Co. 9U 3. 65. 6T Fourth St- at Pine. A XTC Rented and sold on easy I IA installments: also tuned c1"'x-'k and repaired. H. SINSHEIHER. 72 Third Street mm i " days OREGON PEOPLE who are troubled with stiffness and poor circulation should use 4. Sloan's Liniment It penetrates and acts like massage, but does not require rubbing. Mrs. .TB3f?TK Hats, of Sonorm, Ky.t was paralyzed on one side for orer a year and eould not lift her arm. She tried Sloan's Liniment, and after three treatments could use her arm as well as erer. All druggists hup It. Price, 25c, 60c Afl.OO. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. Orowi for Pacific lVorlbwevt Soil wad Olimst. Kow on display at all best dealers. Ask for Cata loffu If not on sale in your neighborhood, write as, airing name of your dealer, and we will mail 70a packet of flower seeds free for your trouble FRONT AJSZ YAMHILL STS.. Portland. Or. FredPrehn,D.D.S. 12.00 Fail Set f Teeth, $6.00. Crowns and. Brldge- work. 93.00. Room 405, Deknm. Open Evenings Till 7. gc&ivab Printing Co. ttfT WOtK. XMASOHAULK tMCWS aTJaUK STREET PIPE REPAIRING Of every description by mall. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial coloring. Hig eichel A Co., 82 3d at.. Portland. The von GillmannSchoo FOR RIULG AND DRIVING. ORIENTAL BUILDING. The Finest Boardins Stable In Portland Phones Main 2S84. A. 4186. ASK oDIAMOND