lO THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAY lO, 1909, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. X0 VOU WANT TO BUILD? Let our architect draw plans for you free of charge. Our building department Is In charge of a Californian, who is an authority on bungalow structure. We guarantee the quaky of our work to be of the highest only. We refer you to your bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as to our responsibility. We loan money for building and build on easy terms. You don't have to hunt for what you -want. We -will build It for you. This plan will save you money. W M. CON KLIN" A CO.. INC.. 407 Wells-Fargo Bid. A 1747. M. 2S59. BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT GROVES. We give the buyer of walnut lands In Oregon the best proposition on the market today in PLANTED tracts of 6 and lt acres each. Call and let u tell you about U or write for free f older. - DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 10-511-612 Swetland Bkig. NICE R1VERS1PB HOME. 31 acres on Iewis River, 1 miles of Woodland. Wash.; house of r rooms, com mands good view of rtvr and purnniml Ing country, has barn and other buildings, small orchard. 1-3 Rrrc strawberries, Rar-d'-n; nearly all cleared; price. including implements and tnls, cream nepHiator, 1 horse and harness, chickens, pigs and crop. $3JO0. JEHSB HOBSON. f.u3 Corbet t Bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and planter In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill. 5-acre tracts, Dlantedf $100 cash. 515 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO., INC.. Lumber Exchange bid. 2d and Stark at. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. REAL ESTATE AND' Kilt 1-; I X S V K A N ( ' E. N E V SC E A LA .N 1 A(!KX C Y . 13 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG.. MAIN feoitJ. A 26o3. FORCED SALE. I must sell my elegantly arranged new bungalow, and a half block of ground at once; if you want a modern home in fine residence section on Eat Side you will look no further after seeing this place as the PRICE will make the sale. Owner. 511 Swetland bldg. FORCED TO SELL. ,On account of sickness I will sell fi-room cottHfje and it-room 2-story house, gas and electric lights, cement floor, laundry trays, -nails tinted, $roo less than thoy are worth if taken thin week ; part cash. Phones. Woodlawn 3 739. C 1SN1). THREE BARGAINS. SllSOft; dandy new bungalow. East ISth. &5J50; new 6-room; East p.uh, Washing ton. iw0 : 100 x 1 00 ; new 0- room : n car East Side High School. R. Hofer. 274 Oak. Main 5463. Ft'NNYSlDB business property, on E. 34th at.. Dear Belmont; S-room modern house on plsco. This is a good speculative buy and t he house rn n be rented w hile value is increasing. .Il'.Vl 1.341 IIARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HRIOHTS. $3000 Lot 80x75. on Terrace Road, il-ono Lot 8:x40 on HU1 Crest Drive. Roth are improved and have tine views. Natlunal Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Wash ineton st. 1RVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern bungalow in the new part of Tr in g ton ; everything strictly up to date, hardwood floors, furnace, tlreplace, etc ; faces east. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE well-built. 1 pea tit lO-room cor ner residence, modern throughout, hard wood floors, partitioned basement, fur naP. etc., with I '3. 2 or :i lots: terms. Apply at house of owner, HOS East 10th at. North, corner Bra zee, Irvington. PENINSULA INVESTMENT. 3 50x100 lots, including corner. Master's Addition. 2 blocks from Kenton at U sell ing price, perfect title and abstract." Bag ley. 407 Gerlinger bldg, or Portsmouth sta tion. r WO fine business corners on tirand ave. ; cheap: between bridges: also business property in North Portland; leased for 7 yoars for $19,000. l'rlco l1 5,000. AG S7, Oregonlan. -I'l M .AINU I I'MlLll. Full !ot. for warehouse, or other pur ses, on Upshur, between loth and 20i.li, rt-tse $5250. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. SURU R BAN home for sale by owner. A modern ft-room house, cement basement and walk, modern plumbing, etc. Lot J OOx 1 00. Price. $27oo. Terms. Phone morning. Sellwood 3114. I-ROOM modern house, nearly new; with fractional lot. Holladay's ; walk hv Stevl bridge; $:ttoO: any terms you want; if all or S cash. $3."i0o. CULVER, 6a Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the citv; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher, 631-632 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL A M KTTE H EIGHTS. P-rooim modern house, with garage beau tiful view, two blocks from car, $7500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. A SNAP if sold in next few days, $750 for a 3-room house and 50x100 lot at North Mt. Tabor, on carline; water In house; only $4.0 cash required. Murphy &. Caswell, 20 Stark st. BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights home, 10 rooms, unobstructed view, lot SOxloo. fine neighborhood. Price. $Suno. Would con sider smaller home In Irvington or Hol laday. Phone Woodlawn 400. LOT with good S-room. pew. modern house; 3 blocks north of Belmont, west of E 37th; $3000: 1100 cash, or exchange, balance $25 per month. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE" TX. EAST SIDE R-room cottuge. lot 50x100. vicinity East $th and E. Ankeny. For particulars see J. J. OEDKR. Corner Grand Avenue and Ea.t Ankeny. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. " 0-room modern house, with garase; beautiful view, two blocks from car, $7000 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. TWO corner lots. 2 hlocks from car; Chirk station on Mt. Scott carline; 2-room frame house; $s00, cash or terms. AG 6, Oregonlan. FM ALL house for sale cheap by owner, on M.-V. carline. Call 310 Villa ave. Phone Tabor 7S. ONE acre, t'astilloa rubber trees. 2 years old. for sale or trade, for vacant lot. Box SS7. St. John. Or. OWNER must sell at once a new 6-room house. Just completed, my loss Is your gain. Call room 3Id Board of Trade bldg CAMPBELL'S ADDITION, lots 40x100 to KOxU'0, 2 blocks from station, for sale by Wiley & Allen, at Ients. STRICTLY modern bungalow, also two-story house; fine location; ray terms. Vpply owner. Ja.. A. Clock. 2J2 Alder st. LOT AOs ion, fully Improved near 37th and Tillamook. $.V, easy terms. A real anao Thone Tabor -i;ti. R 2oSo. . v' INVESTORS Go to the Owners Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners aad save commlMion 205 Abtngton bldg. SMALL ca--h payment will handle $1400 cor ner ftOxloo. with good 3-room cottage. Phone owner. Woodlaw n 1 104. 6-ROOM houee. 50x100 lot, Sunnvslde. very reasonable: easy terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest bungalow In Irvington. Call and see it. KO i K At K at N 20th st. X. FOR SALE $S0O will buy lot on Hth st North : Improvements all in. Inquire 4S1 Tillamook st. FOR SALE 7 -rom house. ."mixIini hd se owner. 444 Broadway, between 7th and Sth st. x erms reascname. BBAVTIKUR sightly acreage, adjoining Cap itol Hill, at $S00 per aero. Call 4lu Fail ing bldg. LOTS to trade for anything of commercial value. U72 Stark st. FoR SALE or r-nt. two maT! cottages, cheap Installments. Owner. Woodlawn 7ti9, $270u 100 rash. $25 monthly, beautiful bun galow. Mi near Hawthorn. Dr. Darling. FINT? lt in Piedmont. $700. W. W. Payne 1210 William ave. FOR SALE REAL ESTATK. A SNAP. $2000 If taken at once; 10 acres; 750 feet water front, 4 daily boats, rural phone; posoffice, school and store adjoin place; living spring, furnishing enough watei to irrigate; 10,000 strawberry plants. 100 fruit trees, house, barn and other out buildings; new warehouse and boathouse on the beach, 2 rowboats, cow and calf. 25 chickens, all tools necessary to farm the place. MACK AT & BURR. Inc., Olympia. Wash. $:io.m NINE-ROOM house and lot and a fraction, close in on carline. In East Port land; everything modern and in good re pair. Will advance rapidly in price. Can easily be made into fiats. A good spec ulation and will pay interest as a rooming-house. Half cash, 'balance long time, ii per cent. Three lots on East 2Sth and Tillamook. Will sell them away below general prices in that, neighborhood. WHALLEY. 615 McKay Bldg. EAST 2STII ST. The prospect of th concrete bridge being opened makes the two blocks we have at "8th and Sandy Road the best buy on the market at $20,000. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M fc69y. A 26i3. THE HEART OP IRVINGTON. BRAZES STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. PEE SCHOON MAKER, 70S-0 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7S53. A 5722. 4 ACRES. 22 miles from Portland on S. P. and new electric line; store building and living rooms; income rent $120 per year; pcis toff ice in building; 2 acres cleared. 2 acres slashed : 20 walnut tree in full bear ing: also cherry ami apple trees; price $1M0. Tto.MUi & ABBOTT, 326 Washington st. FACTORY OR BUSINESS. Fine, site in South Portland for factory or business of any kind, about 30.000 square feet, faces three streets, conven ient to river and railways; this Is worth fin.OOO now but w ill take $6500, $4500 will handle this. Ross, 40S Cerling-sr bldg. $2,100 4.72 ACRES. $2500 Wanted, a gardener or florist who can a predate the value of the above; right on the Oregon City carline; rur.ring water that can bo handled so as to give double production. Jesse Hob son, (A3 Corbatt bldg. WEST SIDE lot with two neat cottages, Tilce yard, etc.: easy walking distance from bu;i neps center; j'lOtH). See owner. AK 82, Ort'gonian. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCH AXGE, elegant furniture of 8 room flat for lot in good location and part cash: value $10o0. Elegant furniture I'S-room house for lots and part cash, money maker: value $3400. Fine furni ture S-room house for lot, value $600. Mrs. Koontz. 243 Stark St. LARGE and small farms; dairy ranches, fruit land and acreage In Oregon and Washington, :o exchange for Portland im proved property; no commission; deal di rect with owner. Charles Collins, room. 34, 14;: I'd st. 040-ACRE pasture land to trade for rooming-house or business; will pay difference if any; we want furniture In any quantity. Inquire ntable Front and Market st. Phone Main 4136- 14 ACRES on the Salem Electric. J acres garden land, tiled, balance easily cleared. Cash price $42O0: mtg. $2025, 6 per cent. Want residence, $4000 or less. E. E. Aid rich. Hillsdale. Or. Wl I.I exchange Tillamook County timber lamis for 7-paer.ger touring car; must be in A No. 1 condition. D "u, Oregonlan. - - FOR EXCHANGE! Fine 233-acre farm for Portland property. Write Louis Bechtel, Salem, Or. WANT bungalow in exchange for 5 acres choice Irrigated land and some cash. J 73, Oregonlan. W A NTED To exchange 23 acres Improved land tor tourinst car or runabout. Lumber Exchange Bldg. WILL sell or exchange What you have for what you want. See me. 007 Abington Bldg. Wl LL trade stock of general merchandise for 7-passenger auto or real estate. AG S4, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade. 6-acre tracts oil Ore gon City carlin-a. 611 Commercial bldg. WILL trade for what you have. 401 Buchanan bldg. Gut Smith. $1130 KQL'ITY in $.1000 house, w ill exchange for lot. phono Woodlawn 1423. ACREAGE. A FINE little 20-acre suburban home, only 10 miles from the center of Portland; line ' rpring creek, o acres of young orchard; house and barn; chicken-house and yards; all in crop', deep rich soil, no gravel or stone: nothing better. Will sell cheap and give terms. W. H. LANG. 414 Abington bldg. HOOD RIVER INVESTMENT. 74 acres, 3 miles to R. R.. partially Im proved; tine fruit land; abundance -water; some good timber; best buy In the valley; only $00 per acre for quick sale. Vanduyn & Walton, 510 Chamber Commerce. $4000 Forty acres, 0 miles northwest from center of city; high and sightly; some cleared, balance timber; small cash pay ment, long time on remainder. Whalley, 610 McKay Bldg. 40 ACRES near Forest Grove, all good fruit land w hen cleared, one acre cleared, creek on the place. Must be sold this week at some price. Will take ?t0O cash. Good title. 414 Abington bldg. FOR BEST ACREAGE tracts near Portland see 1019 Board of Trade. 11 ACRES at Oregon City: nice home site, creek; $1200. AE 76. Oregonian. CI'Rni 'l Ol "V' : finA 1 a nr? nnai- T.-.. land sta f line, $75 acre. Owner, AM 7S, Oregon ian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. A VERY high-grade upright piano, bought it In this city a year ago; have no fur ther need for instrument. $200. may be paid in payments. S. W. cor. East 04th and East Morrison (Mt. Tabor car). Call afternoon or evening. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACET & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 29 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. I MUST sell immediately LS0 acres. 7.400,000 ft. nr. will tak $3i'00; and 160 acres with 1 2.4ir.ooo ft. lir. $4S00. If you want a bargain, write me. O 77, Oregonlan. WE ere headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Xinney 4k Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg TIMBER LANDS, $2.50 per acre; I locate, you purchase; also some Government claims. 210 Worcester bldg. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 827 WORCESTER BLOCK. HOMESTEADS. CAN locate you near my homestead. Eastern Orrgun, marsh bottom land, every foot level a n.1 tillable; rich deep soil, near forest reserve and new town: railway right of way secured; seo Government maps, photographs of ground, etc. Alvjn S. Hawk. Printer, Siia 3d St. FORTUNES in homesteads and relinquish ment s. Don't delay. Thresher, Echo, Or. WANTED FARMS. Wl LL buy from owner only farm or ranch from HO to 2oo acres; must be reasonable and close to market. Full particulars in first letter. AE 72. Oregon ian. I WANT 1" to 20 acres r-loce- to railroad and market ; will pay cash, out must be improved. All particulars in first letter; no agent. AE 7-1, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATK. WANTED to buy small house near Mis sissippi or St. John carline. on rental payments; state price, terms. AD 77, Oregonian. I WANT nice West Side hoaie. must be modern , at least 2 baths. Owners pre ferred. F 70, Oregonian. WANT t 8-room cottage or house. West Side or Irvington. not to exceed $io00; no agent;. T 7:i. Oregonian. WANTED To buy a lot on East Side. Apply D 71, Oregonian. WANTED Residence, lot. West or East Side, close in. Phone Main 84."8. WANTED A lot In Piedmont for cash. AB 79. Oregonian. TOR SALE FARMS. $2000 PER TEAR PROFIT. Best 20-acre farm and country home In Oregon, all in cultivation, 7 miles from Portland, Base Line road, high and sight ly. $1000 crop oats, hay and fruit now growing, thrown in ; good house, fine chicken-houses and runs, barn, 2 wells, etc.; half down, balance easy terms, or will trade balan.ee for city property; we will buy crops in field and all the chick ens you can raise at your yards for cash, and trade you milk and butter at your door; could you aFk for a better snap? YANKEE REALTY & TRADING CO-, Merrill Bldg-. 7th and Oak. WHY LIVE IN A CTTY ? "DIR1GO!" A WOMAN'S FARM 100 ACRES, Mioo NET INCOME WITHOUT CARE. Low, rolling, beautiful. green foothill alfalfa farm, Yamhill County, near port land: oon to have an electric line; soil deep and rich; kept moist by proper eubsoil; pro duces 6 ton of alfalfa per acre without irrigation. price and terms so low that anyone who investigates will buy. GEO. E. WAGGONER. 023 Board of Trade. $10,000 will buy 310 acres of the best kind of apple land bark of Lyle. on Rood road; good house and all out-buildings; S acres bearing orchard ; U acre tine grapes; H horses, several cows. hog, chickens; all farm tools and house well furnished; about 40 acres under plow. MANCHESTER & WILSON, 247 Stark St. I MUST sell my 30 acres of apple land, 6 miles back of Lyle, on county road; good house and barn. S acres under the plow, deep red shot soil, and every foot good apple land: $1000 will take thin if sold at once. Address Box ABC, Oregonian. FINE FRUIT FARM. Will sen or trade for Portland nrnn erty. 100 acrej of fine fruit land; about 2o acres planted to orchard and in bear ing; fine, high-class varieties of cherries, apples, etc.; house, barn; one mile from good railroad town, on county road; un improved laud sells for $150 per acre. Price, $Siioo, with x terms; worth much more. Plan of farm at office. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. 80-acre stock- andMairy farm, beautiful ly situated in Clark County, Washington. to acres cleared, running water, two wells and windmill, modern buildings, silo for cutter, elevator and power, team. 6 cows 1 7 sheep. 6 hogs, all machinery. 1 acre fruit, daily mail, cream separator, tele phone; must sell; easy terms; none but purchasers nex;d apply; price $8500. Fred II. Edmunds. Rldgelteld. Wash. I HAVE a section of land on the new Des chutes River Railroad. Inside the reser vation, minimum price under new law, regarding lands ipside the reservation, is $i per acre; my pric for immediate sale is $4 per acre. This is a fine investment. See me today. W. T. BURNEY (Owner). Room 15, 270 i Washington St. A 4722. Main 7995. $9000 3-aere farm. 15 minutes from Third and Morrison sts. Place covered with tine fruit. Seven-room house, barn and chicken house; think of it! a farm that will make you a good living right in the center of the city. Let me show it to you. SMITH. 105 Sherlock Bldg. DO YOU want an elegant farm with house all furnished ? SO acres, 50 acres cleared and in tine growing crop, 30 acres saw tim 4er, 3 mile from sawmill, school, 3 nice springs with running water piped to all buildings, all farm implements. lO cattle, lo hogs. 1 honse; nice orchard, swell garden. For particulars and rea.ms for selling call today 721 Board of Trade. 297 ACRES, within 8 miles of city, all A-l soil, some improvements; cordwood tim ber that will make from 15.00O to 2O.000 cords of wood: also some fine saw timber; acre tracts adjoining selling for $150 to $i!00 per acre; price $107-00 per acre for a few days; it's .within walking distance. P 78. Oregonian. WHEAT RANCH. We have a 4SO-acre wheat ranch that the owner is very anxious to realize on at once and can make an attractive prop osition; located in Morrow County. 5 miles from lone. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. "WHEAT RANCH. We have a 480-acre wheat ranch that the owner is very anxious to realize on at once and can make an attractive prop osition; located in Morrow County, 5 m41es from lone. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bids. 11 ACRES of rich land. 2 miles from Vancouver. All cleared and In a high state of cultivation ; 2 16 acres in as sorted fruit and berries; good well, 2 cisterns, good new 6-room house, plast ered and hand finished. Price $4000. See Merrifield, 202 Eighth St., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Farm, dairy, stock and fruit land, improved and unimproved, large and small tracts; some extra good bargains this week; don't fbrget the number. Geo. W. Turner, 416-417 Rothchild bldg., 287 Washington st. WE have splendid dairy farms. Improved and unimproved land ; if you want to eell or buy, dn't fail to write at once, or call SWEDISH LAND & COLONIZATION COMPANY. 811 Worcester Bldg. THB CHEAPEST and best buy in TUALATIN VALLK Y . A 20-acre improved farm, with improvements, stock, farm Implements, horses, wagons, etc., with crops and garden all in; $3600; terms. Murphy & Caswell, 230 Stark st. FOR SALE 15 acres, A No. 1; mostly all set In choice fruits and berries; house, 2 barns; 1 mile of Ltnneman's station, southwest of Gresham. Fred Broetje. 31 East 61st st. SPLENDID farm. 124 acres, all fenced; good buildings; mile to station; for sale or trade for Portland property. 311 Stearns bldg. SEND for our list ot Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown tree. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. ON WATER, near road; 160 acnes, i mile out; make two farms; good markets; half exchange. Box 1S7, Yaquina, Or.; bargain. BARGAINS Improved and unimproved Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard & Go. Kalama, Wash. W ANTED TD1BEB IAKDB. 6ILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims from owners. Nelson & Whittier. 517 Board of Trade. WILL pay cah for timber; must be cheap and accessible; give general description. X 68, Oregonian. CASH for large or small timber holdings. D 75, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCrackea, 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. A CARLOAD "first-claes draft and delivery and driving horses at the Madison-st. Sale Stables, l&O'i. near bridge. HORSES for sale; if you are in the market for horses and mares, call 500 Albina ave. Bninzels Sale Stable. FINE surrey for sale cheap. almost new. Inquire of H- Jacobsen, cor. o lMh and Upshur streets. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HUBERT & HALL, 3S0 Front, buy, sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. FOR SALE 2 set cood harness, cheap, at Sunny side Fuel Co. office. Both phones. ONE team. 3200. one 2850. one 2800, four single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East Stark. WANTED Horses, city broke, at the Em pire Stables, 270 12th. cor. Jefferson. FOR SALE Two good buggies. Apply 723 Northrup Ft. GOOD heavy work team for sale cheap for cash. 334 Front st. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose XTity Stables, llth and Jefferson. M 3300. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles mod Harness. WE want to clean up what horses we have on hand as thero -will be two cars of your.g stock in May 10, and have not got enough room. These range in weight from 1000 to 1500 pounds and from 4 to 1 years of age. A!l will be sold with a guarantee. We have two good saddle horses among these; one span of blacks. Gomhros. 5 years old, A-l drivers in team or single. We have purchased a 2000 acre ranch in Eastern Oregon with about 1MD head work horses; these are all well bred horses. Give us a call and inspect them. Hawthorne ave. Stables. 420 Haw thorne ave. W HY ouy a second-han vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the swme price as you would pay for an old one? We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery w ago as and farm wagons. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne Av. FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham ble.tonian geldings, brothers; thoroughly broken to the city; as fine a pair of car riage horses as you can find; weight about 1200 each; price for the pair $1000. Can be seen any day at the Fashion Stables. FOR SALE Two horses. 5 and 6 years old, well broke weighing 300O; price 500. Her man H. Smldt, route No. 3, box 7, Au rora, Or. Automobiles. BITICK 190S model, top", four seats, ex cellent condition. K. Bruhn, State market. AUTOMOBILE Cadillac runabout in good order, for sale, $350. 366 N. 20th st. UPRIGHT piano., standard make, almost new, cheap. Call at 311 Cherry st. Phone East 1707. GOOD mahogany piano for eale. A bargain. 75 N. 9th st. UPRIGHT PIANO Good condition. Price $65 cash. 220 Tourney Bldg. Main 3703. Mi see 11 an eoutf. 0x12 AXMINSTER rug, $13.50. 9x12 Brussels rug, $7.00. 0x12 Ingrain rug, $2.50. Genuine leather couch, cost $37.50, good as new, $25; oak Morris chair, $6.00; rockers, 75c and up to $16; 6 high-back dining chairs. $5.4o; extension table, $4; sideboard. $7.50; dressers and chiffoniers, $6.00 up to $20; good iron beds. $2 and up -to $16; $45 superior Bridge Beach, steel range, in tine condition, with water coil, $25; No. 8 cook stove, $7.00; Globe-Wer-nicke sectional bookcase, $2.75 per sec tion. Everything to furnish a house com plete. Get our prices on tents and camp ers "outfits first. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 20th and Washington Sts. Main lloS, A 3793. $175. A brand new 1I09 model motorcycle, standard make, swift and reliable mount; can be secured at above figure by be - coming a member of my club of six or more. Act quickly as list Is almost com plete. For full particulars address AG 88. Oregonlan. GENERAL MACHINERY BULLETIN. PULLEYS, BELTING, CABLE. ANYTHING in the Iron or kindred lines. M. BARDE & SONS, Eighth, Gllsan and Hoyt Sts. The House of a Million Bargains. SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma chines, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington st. H. L. Jones, proprietor. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bldg., Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 203 :M st. GENUINE old English hall clocks are rare these days; I have several about 7 feet 6 inches high; will sell at a bargain. Ttios. De Vail, wallowa. Or. BRAND new Smith Premier typewriter, tab ulating and trt-color; cost $125; will sell for $75: perfect condition; ueed 2 months. D. L. Anthony, 420 Washington. NEWMAN Motion Picture Exchange rents films, machine, etc., 20 per cent cheaper than any other firm. 526 Washington, near 17th. FOR SALE OR RENT. Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 74 1st St. FOR SALE Best dry4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 5445. TEAM, wagon, harness, Jersey bull. cows. An gora goats, Berkshire sows. Place to lease. Box 101, R. D. No. 2. Hillsdale, Or. FOR SALE Very large gas range, nearly new; suitable for restaurant or cafeteria. 53 N. ISth, cor. Davis. STEVENS MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film service that wins. Stere opticon slides, supplies. 165 4th st. LESS than half price, films, also complete motion picture outfit, etc. 526 Washing ton, near 17th. EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B. P. R. chickens, 15 for $1.25. PUnny Sbepard son. Castle Rock. Wash. BARBERS All or any part of a 12-chnir shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe Co., 92 Seventh st. FOR SALE 8 head good fresh milch cows. Freedman Bros., 4S9 Overton, bet. 13 th and 14th. Phone Main 7189. - WANTED Horse or team, about 1200 each. Apply Bracey, 207 East Sixth North. FIRST-CLASS pool table, complete equip ment, reasonable. Phone B 1741. OFFICE fixtures for sale. Inquire Henry Jennings & fions. ROLL-TOP desk, chair and bookcase. Call today. 82 E. Eighth St.. N. FOR SALE Reasonable, small rowboat, good repair. Main 9294, A 4S85. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN for real estate: best proposition In Portland; right man can make big money; let us show you how by calling at 122 & Sixth st. SALESMEN 4 experienced , staple line, with specialty talking points. New. Big com missions. F. W. Main, 79, Iowa City, la. WANTED City and road salesmen, strong line; calenders; advertising novelties. Apply 507 Abington Bldg. WANTED Five salesmen of ability only; Portland and vicinity, specialty line. AH 84, Oregonian. WANTED A young man. about 22, to learn beltmaklng and to ship apples. 42 2d street. MEN wanted. Sellwood sewer, foot of Uraa- tracting Co., 43S Worcester bldg. WANTED Young man to learn good busi ness, liberal pay from start. Apply 70s Swetland bldg. WANTED Experienced real estate men, s lso young man to learn business. 33 Vhamber of Commerce. WANTED -First-class cabinet-maker and picture framer; steady work for a good man. Buren & Hamilton. Salem. MAKE $5 per day and have steady income besides; this will pay to investigate. 42ti Commercial Club bldg. THE Catholic Sentinel wants two experienced advertising men. Apply 11 Lab be bldg. be tween 1 and 2 P. M. TAILOR wanted at once to do busheling in clothing store. Salary $18 per week. Write Box D. Eugene. Or. f WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. mt. WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond 5c cigars. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main 5500. BOY wanted; Must have wheel. Powers & Estes Drug store. 143 6th st. SIX ladles tailors. Apply Allison's, Wells Fargo Bldg. WANTED Photograph operator; must re touch. Cutberth. Dekum Bldg. BOY About 17 years old. for store work. Lien Clothing Co.. 166-170 Third st. WANTED Photograph coupon agents; best offer on Coast. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. WE secure position for our members. Special membership, Y. M. C. A. WANTED Man with team to break up land. btiO E. 17th sc. city. HELP WANTED MALE, 10.000 POSITIONS for rraduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $10 to $20 weekly; expert instructor;, tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th st., Portland. Or. THB United Trade School Contracting Co. conducts trade school and wants men to learn plumbing, bricklaying or electrical trade; no expense; hundreds have learned in few months; steady work guaranteed. Address lliO E. 9th, Los Angeles. "WANTED Salesmen to represent on of the leading nureeries of the Northwest. Large stock; choice territory; commission paid weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell write us. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. J. DANIEL RILEY" Chicago's famous ad vertising expert and merchandise sale promoter, oners ambitious young man, with small capital, a golden opportunity. Apply Oregon Hotel Monday. WANTED Honest, sober young man with nine money, as partner. One who would like to learn the real estate business and make big money. 326 Washington St., room 414. A FEW bright subdivision salesmen wanted ror the most salable properties on the market; liberal commission, t'alr treat ment. See H. G. Sugdam, Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. WANT contractor to build 3-story brick building with basement, plan 50x47 and specifications ready for computation. 48 North 1st st. WANTED Young man, energetic and hon est ; business experience unnecessary; mall capital required. Inquire 3264 Washinicton st., room 405. $10 TO $100 made daily in the motion-picture theater business; we start you in Washington, near 17th. WANTED Good classified ad. toid subscrip tion solicitor; must be thoroughly reliable and understand the business. Apply Morn ing Astorian, Astoria, Or. WANTED Good live man. well recom mended," can secure '4 interest in manufac turers office, experience not required. Ap ply 513 Abington bldg. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week ly; easy work; lessons free. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Exchange. 26)& Washington, near 1 th. A RARE opportunity; an established busi ness wants a partner; the results of over $1000 worth of advertising are just coming in. Call before 12. 311 Stearns bldg. BUSINESS man desires partnership with suitable lady, who will participate finan cially office business. Apply 513 Abing ton Bldg. OPERATE a moving-picture machine, $23 weekly up; no machines need be pur chased. We teach you. Call today and in vestigate. Suite 31. 26$ Stark. GOOD live reliable man to sell automobile attachment; sells on sight; big money for a hustler; some money required. See Stone. 5u3 Commercial Bldg. JOB printer, weekly p-aper. $12 to start. News-Enterprise, Wasco, Or. DRESSERS wanted on pants; experienced. 109 2d st., room 2. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE nurse wanted, over 18, to help with care of one child; references re quired. A 2576. or Main 2576. 482 Har rison, cor. 34th. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 4 8134 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2602. Help supplied free to employers. READ THIS Have your old hats made ovr; low prices; order work; cleaning feathers, tinting, trimming specialty; high class designing. 227 Wash. Room 27. WANTED An experienced cook in a fam ily of five, where a nurse is kept; good wages to the right person. Apply 322 E loth St., NoVth. WANTED Dressmaker with East Side patronage to establish dressmaking buei neps in millinery store at 404 East Burn side. BUSINESS woman to assist in conducting cafetarla; small capital required. AE 78, Oregonlan. WANTED A competent woman to take charge of office and direct employes. H 78, Oregonian. GIRL to do lacquering and help in shop. Apply Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Alder. LESSONS in music or stonograt-'hy for as sistance in housework daily. M 77, Ore gonian. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles Department. 205 4& Morrison st. Phones Main 1062, A 2064. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3268. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking and general housework where second girl is Kept; reierences. tw ttverett St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED Colored woman to work in small rooming-nouse; can between 9 and 11 A, M. 349 Jefferson, near 7th st. GIRL wanted for eeneral housework, lare- family, good wages. Call at 404 7th, or phone Main 4033. WANT a good, refined, business, unincum bered woman. 28 to 40. to manage hotel and dining-room, ah ho, oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, small iiat; reierences. au aionoay, 770 John son st. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. State wages; hours. S to 6 P. M. Apply AG. bo, uregonian. TAILORESS Also sleeve hands; only com petent wanted. Apply Allison's, Wells Fargo Bidg. WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at half price. moqw jviiiiinery, i am hill. GIRL for light housework. 677 Schuyler st.. irvington. WANTED Cook and girl for general house work. 248 N. ltn st. WANTED Girl to cook and do general house work. 46 EJla st. WANTED Girl to do second work. Everett st. Phone Main 390. 715 WANTED Girl for general housework. Flanders st. WANTED Girls; experience not necessary. Jne yaie Lauimi y , aw ru-si. morrison. EXPERIENCED (tirl for ereneral housework. small family. Call mornings. 455 Market. GIRL wanted for box ball alley. N. 3d st. Between 1 and 3. 69 Vz WANTED Stenographer who can keep small set of books. Phone Main 8458. WE can use three first-class lady solicitors for city work. AG 81, Oregonlan. GIRL wanted for general housework In small family. Apply 722 Kearney t. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house work: small family. 495 East Davis st. WANTED -A girl for general housework. Apply 5S2 Clifton st.t Portland Heights. GIRL to assist In housework and care of child; no washing. 733 E. Couch. GIRL for general housework. 685 Tilla mook st. WANTED Girl to help In kitchen in pri vate boarding-house. Cal! 389 Taylor. COOK For restaurant. 38S Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STENOGRAPHERS should take the E. B. U. road to good positions; two places now open. 630 Worcester block. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs more good teachers for Sept. 614 Swetland bldg. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert, $6 a month. 269 14th. Main 893. FRENCH AND GERMAN tn classes, f 1 per month to beginners. 452 Morrison, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper, 20 years' experience, familiar with commer cial law, capable of taking entire charge of office and relieve employer of detail work; machinery line preferred. T 72, Oregonlan. WANTED By thoroughly experienced, re liable man. set of books to take care of In spare time. A. M. or P. M. Main 1S13. A 4:i45. WANTED By young man. position as pri vate secretary; willing to travel; age 25; English; excellent education. K 66, Ore gonlan. AN experienced stenographer desires position; good references, phone Main 2083. C. L. Cad. 262 12th st. Miscellaneous. GARDENER employed by investment company near San Francisco, coming to Portland, w-ants - situation; can lay out grounds, do rustic work, ornamental rock work. F 77, Oregonian. WANTED To sell lumber and mlllwork to Contractors on fnmmtlnn t- ma lorv nn. derstand the business; can, take work off plans and make prices. D 78, Orego nian. RELIABLE man wants place to do janitor " vr nuusecieamng; is gooa at gard ening; will do any kind of work. Wm. Jonghaus, 467 E. Pine St. Phone E. 4795. COMPETENT cook, hotel, restaurant, camp experience, neat, economical workman; good habits, references, city or country. T 75, Oregonian. POSITION Wanted by registered pharma cist; is years experience ; six years In laboratory work; best references. AJ 73, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT Japanese wishes situation or any kind Job at store or hotel. H. Kin oshita. 248 Couch at. SITUATION wanted as carpenter foreman; no objection out of town work. AF 72, Oregonian. TO f TNG man, 19, educated, traveled F.uropa miiiiua., warns position. j 73, ore gonian. STATIONARY engineer wants position, under stands hoist and mine work. O 70, Orego nian. GOOD J apanese boy wants situation to do cooking ana Housework; has much ex perience. G, 273 Burn side st. EXPERIENCED packer wants position. K 77, Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced nurse, wants- posi tion. K 76, Oregonlan. COMPETENT Japanese boy wants position, cook and house work. AG 83, Oregonian. JAPANESE school boy wants a position. AK 73, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants situation as porter or janitor. Y. T-. 107 Park at. JAPANESE, 'good cook, wants situation, fam ily or business houee. S 79, Oregonian. JAPANESE Housecleaning Co., M. Taka, prop. B 2073. WANTED Work: floors waxed, cleaned. Phone Main 1 493; George Jones. BY responsible man and wife in private family. 348 Tillamook. E 2705. NEW and old house and window cleaning to do. D. E. Henderson. Main 3910. err cations wanted fehaxk. Bookkeepers and Stenographers! WANTED At once, position by expert lady stenographer; railroad correspondence pre ferred; competent to fill any stenographic position. O 6. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, wants work; moderate salary to begin; office experiance. AG ,82. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER would like position; 6 months experience. $30 to begin with. Sellwood. 310. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles, 242 3th and Main. EXPERIENCED nurse for grown child wishes position: speaks French and German. Phone Main 52G7, hours 10-4. PRIVATE room, best care, helpless invalid lady nurse's home. Reasonable. Tabor 951. Hon se keepers. WANTED Position as housekeeper by mid- uie-agea iaay, Aadress Ab si;, Oregonlan. JMiacellaneona. LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered; fln-2 sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work washing. Ironing preferred. Phone Main 4.JU&. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 30 cenis a pair. u ito, isast 5106. LACE curtains washed, bleached, stretched ana repaired, 40 cents per pair. C 2116. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work oy tne nay. can evenings. M 3S58. LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 4uc per pair. Main ioys, a 4092. WOMAN wishes work by the day. Main WANTED Day work, washing,' ironing. cleaning, sweeping, a 264o, room 20. WANTED AGENTS WANTED Competent salesmen for best fruit districts of Oregon and Washington good opening for right kind of men. Ad- aress Oregon jn ursery uo., saiem, or. AGENTS wanted to ell our complete line of nursery stocK ; casn weekly; outnt free, Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED From hotels and rooming-houses information or man leaving Saturday, May 3. and not returning. St-pposed going fish ing, to Oregon City, with Frank E. Davis. Any miormation will be appreciated. Gil bert C. Davis. 31 Second street. WANTED By young business man, board (dinner only) in vicinity of 22d and Love joy sts. AF C5, Oregonian. FURNISHED house or bungalow; 5 to 7 rooms; strictly first-class and modern. Address Box 239 P. O. WANTED 8 or 10-room house on West Side, furnished or unf um ished ; south of Wash ington preferred. AM 76, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, a strictly modern bun galow or house, good location; no other need answer, u 10, uregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. INDIAN relics, arrow points, curios, Indian baskets, etc.. wanted by Nathan Joseph, doing business at 30 Baker st., San Fran- clfco. Cal., now staying at the Calumet Hotel, Park st.. Portland, for four days only; any one having such goods for sale, enclose their name and address In an en velope and leave It at the Calumet Hotel, so tnat he can can ana see mem. ir too late. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED A young work team, stocky built, for country use, weighing not less than 2000 lbs. Inquire 230 Chamber of Commerce. DRAUGHTING Structural, mechanical and civil engineering draughting at reasonable rates. V 72. Oregonian. WANTED A donkey engine about 11x14; must be in first-class condition. Inquire room 2:X Chamber of Commerce. EE LI your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get lees. Phones A 2445. Main 88.M. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067 WANTED Medium-sized second-hand safe. AH SO. Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES paid for -furniture. Phona East 5204. 194 Grand ave., cor. Taylor. WANTED All kinds store and office fixtures, e-howcaFes, etc. Phone Main 8458. FOB RENT. MAMTOU, 261 13th. large rooms; hot and cold water; 2 carllnes; breakfast. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE HOTEL ANTLERS S.W. COR. 10TH AND- WASHINGTON STS. Vnder new management, thoroughly ren ovated In every way; rooms with private baths, single or en suitu; special rates to permanent guests; tourists trade solicited. One call means another. Mrs. John Gran strom. Mgr. NEVVL.Y furnished rooms: steam beat, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant t-athroom. both phones free; just the place Tor persons wanting a flrst-eiass home for moderate expense. Phone A 02N0. M 0435. -a!l "The Hyland." 4-o Morrison St., com partment 4. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh. Ankeny and Burnside. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new. homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS. JOURNAL BLDG., Cor. 6th and Yamhill st., opp. P. O ; nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin gles; by day. 75c to $1.50; bv week. $3 to $. Streetcars leaving depot pass door; take elevator to 3d, 4th, 6th floors. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $ iO month up; suites with running water. $22.r.o to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. IIOTETT. TRV1T. 312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. THE BUCKINGHAM, Yamhill st. opp. port- nonsi r ireproor Building; all mod ern conveniences ; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor. HOTEL BUSH MARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con. ' " "- .7 Uf. A .Wil, A liiia m e rcbdep, 20th and Washington ts.j lu.uiancM luuiiis, ikjl ana coia water; 12 and up. NICELY f urn I shed front room ; free phone. wim, us mo, . v-uii ai icrniy na or even ings, 2 North 34th. ,' THE) REX. 18th and Washington Moderm rooms, also housekeeping ; runnLnx water, baths. A 1856, Main 4632. m NICE, large unfurnished front room, with wall bed and private bath. The Hanover, 165 King at., near Washington. THE ESTES -Good rooms, reasonable- new furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 - Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea. THE) ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, moderm rooms and apartments; both phones. THB RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50c to $i day, $2 to 4 week. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. Furnished Rooms m Private Family. VERY comfortable, nicely furnished modern room for young man on E. Ankeny carline, within eay walking distance. Excellent board adjoining. References required. Phone East 1175. TWO nicely furnished steam-heated rooms, hot and cold water, free baths, free phones: one $2. one $3; with or without board. 376 Yamhill st. FINE front alcove room for gentleman, house modern, private family. 3SS Salmon St., bet. West Park and 10th sts. NICELY furnished front room, heat, light, phone and bath, close in, $3 per week. 331 11th st. LARGE front room, ground floor; gas, bath and phone. Suitable for two. 260 7th, cor. Madison. DESIRABLE hntne for refined young iadv; references exchanged. Call at Heinz Apart ments, 14th and Columbia sts. LARGE front room: newly furnished; free phone, gas and, bath; one block from car. 537 Montgomery st. Main 570S. LA RGB front room; also side room with large closet and running water; with board. 615 Morrison St. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one front room, first floor and one second iloor; gas and bath. 614 Pettygrove st. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms. a05 14th st. DESIRABLE single rooms, running water, best of other conveniences. S47 Hall. NICE large outside room; 91.75 week; bath and phone. 2S6 Clay. 44J TAYLOR, near 12th Single front room for gentleman; modern, eatonable. 305 12th st.; rooms nicely furnished; pleas ant location. NICELY furnished room; all modern con veniences. 5 SO Hoyt. Main 8091. Rooms with Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In every respect; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear ney st., bet. 10th and 20th. ; elegantly furnished apartments for married couples, with board; also swell rooms for gentle men, with breakfast and dinner. $30 per month; beautiful ground; all modern con veniences; finest rooms and best home cooking in the city; an Ideal place for the Summer. THB GLENDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10 per month and up; public parlor, piano, pool and billiard tables free to guests; transients solicited; excellent table board. $18 per month; single meals, 25 cents. PORTLAND Women" Union, 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders st., Miss Frances N. Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt. YOUNG MEN If you want first-class room and board, $5.50 pr week, all conveniences, also table board, $4 week, good home cook ing, call at Aster House, 7th and Madieon. LARGE sunny front room, suitable for 2. with or without board ; both phones and every convenience. 17S Ella, south of Washington. LARGE front parlor, suitable for two peo Nple, with first-class board; all conven iences; nice yard, good home cooking; $6 per week. 251 7th st. THE MORR1SQN, 533 Morrison St.. family hotel, modern, new mr-nagement; board optional; best table board; prices mod erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10t h and Morri son; finest board and best rooms in port land ; rates lowest ; a cc mf ortable home. THE LIN DELL. 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable ; fine walking distance. ROOMS with board; home cooking; close In. 328 6th. Phone A 3622. THE OZARK. 225 11th. Light, airy rooms with board, hot and cold water. ROOMS, single and en suite, modem con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Rooms With Board in Private Family. DESIRABLE room and board; no other boarders; grown family; reasonable ; ref erences. Upper Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 1474. B 1098. LARGE, pleasant room, newly furnished, with or without board; fine location; nice grounds; easy walking distance; modern: J homelike private. 320 Montgomery. WANTED to board 2 girls, ages from 6 to 12 years old; a gooA home; pure moun tain air. For terms write to Mrs. Brad ford, Hood River, Or. Star Route No. 10. NICELY furnished room, with or without board: strictly first-class; central location; beautiful lawn, lbl 11th st. cor. Yamhill. A 3580. ROOM and board in private family; easy walking distance. 429 East Davis. Phone East 5418. NICE single room, with board; modern, cen tral ; gentlemen only; references. Main 3202. NICE room and good board, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 574 Gllsan. cor. ISth. ROOMS, with or without board; modern conveniences. 350 Madison near Park. BOARD and room for men, private family, home cooking. 266 Harrison st. ROOM and board for 2; West Side. Phone Main 3649. 248 N. 20th St. Apartments. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4 -room modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders; 8 and 4 -room apartments; heat, hot water; 20, $25,