f VOL. XL1X XO. 15,116. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY lO, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PROBE TO ENTER AFFAIRS OF MANY MOTHER MIGHT BE FOUND BY RANSOM WHEAT PIT WILL SEE PATTEN TODAY NO RAVENS TO FEED STARVING ZIONITE STANDPATTERS I INSURANCE TRUST JOKER SHOWS HEAD ARE CONFIDENT BY HAZEL MOORE MAR S II FIELD MAX BELIEVE S PARENT IS KIDNAPED. MAN LIES UNDER TREE FOUR ILLINOIS FRATERNAIi SOCIETIES DAYS IN STORM. SOUND . WARNING. ANOTHER BLAMED Unrest General In Of fices at Olympia. MONEY BAGS ARE WATCHED Red Tape Galore Will Bind All State's Vouchers." HAY'S ORDERS ARE STRICT CarcTul Scrutiny to Be Made of All April Payments Governor De mands to Know His Exact Duties on All Boards. OLTMPIA, Wash., May 9. (Special.) Officialdom In the State of Washing ton la on the qui Vive of apprehension, and the strain caused by the Investiga tions under way and impending Is hav- I lng Its effect upon officers who are In no way Implicated or suspected, as well as those on whom the searchlight Is being turned. All Is uncertainty. Everybody down to the meanest deputy In the lowest office feels the strain of the present situation, and longs for the whole af fair to be completed, so that the at mosphere may clarify. Just how far the Inquiry now under way will go and Just what the results will be cannot be foretold, but It Is now as good as settled that the official af fairs of the following officers, present and past, will be gone Into: Those on Anxious Seat. ' Alfcert K. Mead, ex-Governor. Satn Ji Nichols, ex-Secretary of Btate, whose resignation was forced last rek. amea H. Schlvely, Insurance Com missioner, who already lias been under the searchlight, and whose resignation Is momentarily expected. George O. Mills. ex-State Treasurer and son-in-law of M. J. Gordon, who Is under arrest , at Spokane on embezzle ment charges. C. W. Claussen, State Auditor, whose connection with the fraudulent vouch ers of Ortis Hamilton, the embezzling t -Adjutant-General. .Venn G. Lewis. State Treasurer, who r imsrlf has demanded that his office be lrvnig,tcd. In order that he may be cleared of any possible suspicion. In private conversation today Governor Kay admits a thorough checking up of the Ft ate Auditor's office will probably t forced a a result of the late devel opments. If it is made. It will probably uncover many other vouchers represent ing payments of the state which will probably require explanation. Auditor Claussen Is still absent from the 'city and the time of his return is not definitely known, although there are reports that he will be back this week. ' A thorough overhauling of the entire system of state vouchers has been be gun, every office frightened by the Ham ilton expose has abandoned careless and slipshod methods of the past and is scru tinizing every bill with care. Hundreds of April claims and vouchers In the of fice of the State Auditor and elsewhere heretofore would have been gone through In a hurry, but are now being held up for careful scrutiny, and in many in atancea the Auditors have demanded ex planations before they will approve the bills. Hay. Too, Is Worried. Thla week Attorney-General Bell will be called upon by probably the majority of state officials for decisions strictly defining and outlining their duties with respect to approving vouchers. One of the first requests Bell will get will be from Governor Hay. who is mighty anx ious to know of Just what boards the Gov ernor is an ex-officio member, and what his duties thereon are. Hay, like all the rest, has approved vouchers hast ily. He approved the Claussen $244 vouch ers for sundries, told .of In today's Ore gonian, and he also placed his signature on a number of Hamilton's Sad claims. People who have claims against the state now. no matter how legitimate, will have to wait longer than usual, for auditing la moving slowly. ItESIGN? NO, NOT CLAISEX State Auditor Insists Responsibility Is With Mead and Hay. SEATTLE. Wash., May 9. (Special.) "I shall never resign my "office as State Auditor. 1 know of no reason why I should resign, and if the friends of Jack Schlvely think that by kicking up a dust around me for the purpose of drawing fire from him and centering an investi gation on me they are mistaken. If any one Is to be held to account the com mittee had better got busy with Gov ernor Mead and Governor Hay. The re sponsibility for Hamilton's forged voucher should go directly up to Gov ernor Mead. He is the one. I objected to the rubber stamp racket of paying bills, but the Assistant Attorney-General told me It was all right." Thus did State Auditor Clausen de liver himself tonight at his brother's house, where he Is now staying, pre paratory to his return to Olympia to morrow. Clausen has been absent from his of (Concluded on Page 2.) Woman Missing Over Ten Days and Distracted Son Says Reward Has Been Hinted At, MARSHFIELD, Or.. May 9. (Special.) That his missing mother is being held for ransom is the belief of August Stone, son of Mrs. B. Stone, the aged woman who disappeared about 10 days ago. Mrs. Stone left the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Tyberg, in North Bend, to come to Marshfleld to visit her son, and she has never been seen since. - Parties have dragged the bay and inlets in the belief that the woman was drowned, and officers and searching parties have looked everywhere, but so far their ef forts have been fruitless. August Stone states be was approached on the matter of offering a reward and that It was intimated he would find "his mother if he offered a ransom- of J500. He will take up the matter with the Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff and the kidnaping theory will be run down. ROWBOAT SINKS; 9 DROWN Occupants Become Panlcstrlcken When Craft Dips Water. WILKESBARRE, Pa.. May 9. Six men, a woman and two children were drowned Today in the Susquehanna River near this city by the capsizing of a rowboat In which they had start ed for an outing. The dead: Thomas Andrews. William Andrews. Theodore Andrews. Frank Marionofky. Adam Struckus. Frank Ganofsky, his wife and two boys. The boat drifted into the swift cur rent and began to dip water. The oc cupants became panic stricken and called for assistance. Before aid could reach them the boat filled with water and sank. None of the occupants could swim and hey were swept down the river to their death. BOSTON ELKS ARE COMING Special Train to Los Angeles Will Make Stop In Portland. BOSTOX. Mass., May 9. (Special.) Wealthy Elks from various New England points have arranged to go to the grand lodge convention to be held at Los Ange les by a special train which will be the very last word In the way of luxurious travel. By a vote taken yesterday the special will be routed to Portland and a stop of at least a day will be made there. To date 125 prominent. Elks have signed for the private-traiifc'trip, 75 being mem bers of the Boston lodge. One whole car will be given over to the cuisine end of the excursion, and the Elks will have In charge their own particular chef. One reason for the elaborate preparations is that the party is planning a special cam paign to get the next convention for Boston. EXPLOSIVE" HIS TARGET Nitro-Glycerine Katally Injures Man Who Shoots With Pistol. WASHINGTON", pa.. May 9. Steph en Page is dying In a hospital here of Injuries received today when a maga zine containing 40 quarts of nitro glycerine and 150 pounds of dynamite blew up. Page and Tony Morrete, Italians, not knowing what was in the can. pinned a target to the mage-'ie and began shooting at it with their revtTvers. Morrete was not hurt. ' Houses a mile and a half away were shaken by the explosion. MAN KILLED IN OWN TRAP Tries to Catch Chicken Thier, but Gets Bullet in His Breast. LOGANSPORT. Ind., May 9. Schuyler Holly waa killed today by a trap he had prepared to kill a thief that had been raiding his chicken-house. He had ar ranged an old muzzle-loading pistol so that when the door of the chicken-house opened the pistol would be discharged. He forgot to disconnect the trap be fore he opened the door, and the load was discharged into his breast. OFFICIALS J. H. SchlTely. Ia.uraace Com- C. W. Clausen, Auditor, nila.loner. Bull Leader to Resume .Operations. JULY OPTIONS ARE WATCHED Spends Day at Evanston, See ing Few Special Friends. IS TOO BUSY FOR CHURCH Prefers Home Rather Than Run Gauntlet of Interviewers and Pho tographers Recent' Opera tion Cost Patten Some Cash. CHICAGO. May 9. (Special.) "Wheat King" James A. Patten will tomorrow go down into the Chicago wheat pit and resume his bull opera tions, according to a- statement made today by a member of his firm. Wheth er or not his operations will be on the same extensive scale as those which recently gained him so much no toriety, is not known, but it Is confi dently predicted that there will be some lively doings in the July option Patten's rest cure did not end with the finish of his jaunt to the Bartlett ranch near Vermejo Springs, New Mexico, the sequestered spot to which he fled several days ago, when the public agitation against him, due to an advance in the price of bread, was at its height. All of today he re mained inside his granite mansion" in Evanston, where he plans many of his campaigns. No Time to Go to Church. Contrary to his custom of many years, he did not attend divine serv ice and those of his close friends who visited him, came, to his home by spe cial appointment. Mr. Patten refused to see any reporters. The nearest they got to him was over the telephone, and his answer' to all of them was. "I will not be interviewed." Those who per sisted in calling at his Evanston home were blandly Informed that he was not in. At the First Methodist Church, his place of worship, there was an unus ually large attendance, including many curiosity seekers. Mr. Patten remained away from both morning and even lng service rather than run the gaunt let of interviewers and flashlight pho tographers. He is especially sensitive to publicity in connection with his church, which is in no way involved in his grain operations. Patten Center of Interest. Among wheat traders today there was much speculation as to what Mr. Patton would do. The general opin ion is that if he resumes the bulling of wheat, it will be on a much smaller scale "-in in the May option. The opinion was expressed in many quar ters that Patten's operations last month were not as profitable as was generally believed. While - he made a larger profit during the early part of the campaign, the slump at the close, and in the midst of which he left the city, is said to have swallowed up a great deal of his real money. The Government crop report, as well as bulletins from Europe and Argen tine Republic, are bullish and this gives the bulls basis for the hope that July wheat may be sent as high a the May option, which is now hovering around 11.28, before, the month ends. FARMERS PLAN UNION MOVE Effort to Be Made to Keep Price of Wheat Up Permanently. RICHMOND, Va., May 9. (Special.) That the present high price of wheat Is not a natural condition and that It is likely to result in ultimate injury to the growers, is the opinion of Charles S. Barrett, president of the Farmers' Union, (Concluded on Pare 2.) AND EX-OFFICIALS OF STATE OF Best He Gets Is Incipient Pneumo nia His Faith Receives Awful Jolt. CHICAGO. May . 9. (Special.) E. M. Brock, the aged Zlon City man who lay four days under a tree during recent se vere storms, waiting for ravens to feed him, is slowly recovering from the fright ful exposure. Dowieites, Volivians and other sects in the city deny that Brock belongs to their faction. He seems to be a religious en thusiast who drifted into Zion. He had read where Elijah, by exercising faith, had been fed by the ravens, and he concluded to try the plan himself. He had sufficient faith to last four days, during which he prayed incessantly, but the fierce April tempest came up and the ravens were not on the Job. Poor Brock, drenched to the marrow, chilled almost to death and on the verge of starvation, finally gave up the at tempt and suffered himself to be carried back to his cabin, where he was dried out and fed. The best he got was in cipient pneumonia and rheumatism and his faith received an awful Jolt. "MOTHERS' DAY" IS KEPT White Carnation Emblems Seen Ev erywhere in Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, May 9. Mothers' day was celebrated here today by men and women in every walk of life. Every where the white carnation, chosen sym bol of the new celebration, was to be seen. Ten thousand of the flowers had been purchased by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, that their em ployes might do homage to their moth ers. The sailors and marines at League Island also were provided with the sym bolic flowers. The movement for the establishment of Mothers' day as a world-wide holiday was originated in this city by Miss Anna Jarvis, whose mother died four years ago. SEATTLE. May 9. Mothers' day was celebrated In nearly all of the Seattle churches today. The church altars were profusely decorated with white carna tions, which afterwards were gathered up and sent to the hospitals. MULAI I THREATENS SPAIN Warlike Hafid to Fight If Troops Re - main in Rif Country. MADRID, May 9. It is reported that Mulai Hafid, the Sultan of Morocco, has broken oft negotiations with Senor Merry del Val, the Spanish Minister to Mo rocco, who went to Fez recently to dis cuss Moroccan affairs with him. It is stated further that the Sultan has written direct to King Alfonso, demand ing Spanish evacuation of the Rif coun try, and Intimating that he would con sider refusal to withdraw a declaration of war. INTERMARRIAGE IS DECRIED Dr. Harrison Disapproves of Jewish Christian Fusion. NEW YORK, May 9. Dr. Leon Harri son, of Temple Israel, St. Louis, stoutly opposed the intermarriage of Jews and Christians in a sermon today at the Free Synagogue. Fusion, he said, would result only in confusion, while "intermarriage would simply mean, not that the vast majority would be drawn to Israel, but that we of Israel would be overwhelmingly merged and lost in Christendom." HAWAIIAN JAPS STRIKE 1500 Sugar Plantation Workers De mand $ 1 Day Wages. HONOLULU, May 9. Fifteen hundred Japanese laborers employed on the Hono lulu Sugar Plantation went on strike for higher wages today, and it is expected the movement will spread to the other plantation where . Japanese are em ployed. The field laborers demand they be paid $1 a day, while those employed in the sugar mills and elsewhere want a pro portionate increase. WASHINGTON WHOSE NAMES Albert E. Head, rx-Gverer. Believe in Defeat of Re vision Downwards. HIGH PROTECTION FORCES GAIN Aldrich Deftly Gathers Votes From Western Men. REVISIONISTS ARE HOPEFUL Have Not Yet Exhausted Ammuni tion and Will Continue Pointing Out Injustices Friends of Income Tax Lose Hope. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 9. (Spe cial.) Standpatters in Congress have gained much confidence since the de bate commenced upon the tariff LI11 in the Senate, and now expres confi dence that the element of the Repub lican party demanding revision down ward will be defeated when the final measure of strength comes. The result is not credited to any material desertions from the forces of the Republican revisionists, but rather to accessions from the Democrats and to the strong lntrenchment of the East ern, or high protection, forces. Not only in committees are the stand patters In control, but the Republican Congressional delegates from the East and New England, numerically strong, give a nucleus that does not require much reinforcement to be masters upon the floor of the Senate. Aldrich Intrenches Himself. Senator Aldrich, in command of the high protection forces, with an experi ence derived from participation in the drafting and passage of several tar iff laws, has deftly distributed favors west of the Mississippi until he has drawn from that section, especially the mining states, enough votes to enable him. together with those he will-rlifcve on the Democratic side of the Senate, to dictate. , Downward-revision Republicans are not hopeless. They will enter upon another week of debate determined to carry out their programme of expos lire. They have not exhausted their ammunition. It will be found, as the different schedules are reported, that all the inquiries and injustices from their point of view are not confined to the schedules and paragraphs which have so far been dlscur-?d. Income Tax Ixst? While this campaign of education will proceed. It will not be with the idea that any votes in the Senate will be changed or that the revision forces will win in the contest. Not only' is it generally admitted tonight tha' Mr. Aldrich has the situation well in hand, and will dictate the amendments that will be made to the Senate bill, but the friends of an income tax are los ing confidence in success. whom: tariff question up t Senate to Discuss Nothing Else Dur lng Entire Wreek. WASHINGTON, Max 9. The tariff bill will continue to receive the undi vided attention of the Senate during the present week. Ostensibly the amendments to the different schedules will be before the Senate, but there doubtless will be much general discus slon of the whole tariff question. The bill has aroused opposition among Re publican Senators which had not been counted upon, and while the finance committee is still confident it will be sustained, there Is little effort by Its members to conceal the fact they are annoyed over the situation because of the delay. If not for other reasons. The general opinion is In the end the committee will prevail, but every turn in the pathway of discussion opens up (Concluded cm Pag 4.) ARE INVOLVED IN PRESENT INVESTIGATION. Gers a. MUlm, ex-State Treasurer. Bill Before Legislature to Make Pos sible Billion Dollar Trust for Big Companies. CHICAGO, May 9 (Special.) Leaders of fraternal insurance societies have dis covered a Joker in House Bill No. 662, now ready for a third reading In the Illi nois Legislature, which, if passed, will develop a billion dollar insurance combi nation with power to force smaller con cerns and fraternal orders out of the lnsur.xnce business. The bill in question contains a clause which provides that any insurance com pany doing business in Illinois may issue policies with special rates of premium lens thsn the usual rates to members of labor unions, lodges and other organizations who, through an officer, may take out insurance of not less than 100 members. In this proviso fraternal men see possi bilities of a great insurance corporation, which, by cutting rates, would utterly annihilate competition of smaller and fra ternal concerns. It was only by accident that the at tention of fraternal men was drawn to the Joker. A strong lobby will be aent to Springfield to fight It. CHILD IS BURNED ALIVE Alone In Room With Spring Lock, He Starts Fire With Matches. NEW WESTMINSTER, B- C, May 9. (Special.) The 2-year-old son t O. G. Naud, of Jubilee, was burned to death early this morning. The little fellow was left alone in an upstairs room, the door of which was closed with a spring lock. The boy slammed the door and commenced playing with matches, setting fire to his clothes. Shrieking with pain, the little fellow rolled on the floor while his nurse made frantic efforts to break down the door, having no key, but by the time she succeeded in effecting an entry the child was so severely burned that death soon ensued. WU TING FANG TO TEACH Accepts Presidency of Chinese School In Chicago. CHICAGO, May 9. Wu Ting Fang, Chi nese Minister to the United States, has accepted the presidency of the Chinese school of Chicago. The school is one of a series started under the auspices of the Imperial Chi nese government. Courses in Chinese literature, domestic science, Chinese and International law and In the customs and habits of Chinese in their own country will be given. POLANDER ATTACKS CHIEF Alleged Nihilist Fires Five Shots at Head of Moscow Police. PARIS, May 9. A Polander named Vitkoff tried to kill M. von Kotten, Chief of the Secret Police of Moscow, in a hotel here today. He fired five shots at the official, but missed. M. von Kotten asserts Vitkoff is dangerous Nihilist who escaped from Siberia. Vitkoff said he attacked von Kotten for the purpose of exposing the methods of Russian political service. WESTON SORE AND STIFF So Lame ' He Has to Come Down' stairs Backward. TOPEKA, Kan.. May 9. Edward Pay- son Weston, so stiff he was compelled to come downstairs backward, started at 12:06 o'clock this morning on his trip of 71 miles to Junction City, where he ex pects to spend the night. A small crowd. composed mostly of policemen and boys, saw him start. POSTAL EMPLOYES SCARED French Government Firm and No Strike Is In Prospect. PARIS, May 9. Conditions were fa vorable for the Government in its con troversy with the postal employes. It was said today, and it Is not likely a strike would be declared for the pres ent. The Government's firmness has made a deep impression upon the rank and file. Sam II. Xlcfcola, ex-Seeretary ml State. Denies She Led Ortis Hamilton Astray. ' GOES SOUTH WITH DAUGHTER Seattle Woman Says "Nora Hamilton" Real Vampire. MAY TRY STAGE CAREER Embezzlement by Washington Offi cer Was to Meet Expenditures on. Inamorata, Formerly in Port land, Is Assertion Made. Declaring that another woman, and not herself, was to blame for the downfall of Ortis Hamilton, ex-Adjutant-General of the Washington National Guard, the confessed embezzler, Mrs. Hazel Moore passed through Portland last night, en route from Seattle to Oakland. "Nora Hamilton" is the name given by Mrs. Moore for the other woman in the case, and she is corroborated in that the books of a local hotel show that Hamil ton visited a woman by that name in Portland. Mrs. Moore emphatically de nied that she herself had used the name ' "Nora Hamilton." Deficit Paid by Hamilton. "It is this woman who led Mr. Hamil ton astray," said Mrs. Moore. "She car ried a deposit in a Portland bank, and investigation will show that Mr. Hamil ton made up a deficit of several hundred dollars which she incurred." Mrs. Moore is accompanied by her daughter, and has a vast amount of bag gage. It is said she will meet her mother in Oakland, but this she would not admit. She expects later to go to New York and says she has an offer to go on the stage. It that Is not accepted, she will go to England, her former husband's home. Mrs. Moore admitted to a fear that he was in danger of arrest. While in Portland she kept constantly on the watch for detectives and officers. Girl Opposite of Mother. Mrs. Moore's d -ghter, a girl of 8 years. Is aa pretty and dainty as a pic ture, and just the opposite of her mother, who is to some extent florid, inclined to be podgy in build, yet really handsome and possessing some peculiar magnetic power that attracts any one who speaks to her. "I have never mentioned parts of this to anyone, young man," she said. "Now; take care you treat me straight, or I'll slap your face again like I did a reporter in Seattle." When talking she was very proficient In the use of slang, neglected tenses and in every way excited continual wonder that she could be the woman said to have lured young Hamilton to his ruin. Her denial of this is complete. "Yes, Hamilton loved me," she said, (Concluded on Page 13.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS National. Standpatters confident "revision downwards advocates of tariff will lose. Page 1. Congress to take up entire week la tariff disc usb ion. Face 1. Foreign. Mehemmed V to have sword girded on to day in equivalent to coronation. Page 3. Belgian methods in Congo Free State on t trial In suit against missionaries. Page 3. Russian Douma expected to be dissolved shortly. Page 3. Insular. Ten striking members of Philippine Legis lature return to session. Page 2. Squadron of gunboats hunts bandit among Islands of Sulu. Page 3. Domestic. Air currents to be used for balloon trip New York to Europe. Page 4. Daughter of C. Oliver Iselln overcomes father's objection to foreign son-in-law. Pago 4. Fatten will return to wheat pit today; ex citement expected. Page 1- Zlonite starves In rain four days under tree waiting for raven to feed him. Page 1. Million dollar insurance trust joker found in proposed Illinois law. Page 1. Bets are that Calhoun will not be con victed. Page 3. Sports. Coast League scores: San Francisco 41. Portland 4; Los Angeles 4-5; Sacramento 3-0; Vernon 4-0, Oakland 1-4. Page S. Northwestern League scores: Portland Vancouver, rain; Spokane 12, Taooma 6; Seattle 3, Aberdeen 1. Page 8. Casey's Colts will open In Portland to morrow. Page 8. Owners, breeders and fanciers leave for home with dogs exhibited at recent show. Page 13. Batting averages of Northwestern League players sbow general slump, page 13. Socialist grills Carnegie for giving books to worklngmen, but no time to read them. Page 3. Two bluejackets given medals for bravery In fighting fire in Chill. Page 4. Pacific Northwest. Marshfleld man thinks mother is kidnaped, says he bas been asked for reward. Page 1. Man shot in duel over woman at Gates has chance for life. Page 5. Theater in Tacoma burns, actors lose heav ily. Page 5. Officials at Olympia badly worried; new exposure feared. Page L Northern Pacific loses Idaho lumber traffic to Milwaukee. Page 5. Timely rain helps Willamette Valley crops. Page 5. Portland and Vicinity. Mrs. Hazel Moore blames another woman for -Hamilton's downfall. Page 1. Three camps will oppose Simon for elec tion. Page 9. Democrats believed to have nominated four Republican candidates. Page 14. Dr. Foulkes t-ells causes of breach between church and labor and proposes closer union. Page 12. Rev. W. O. Eliot, Jr., defends committee on charter revision. Page 14. ( v1