lft ; ; THE MORMNG OREGOXIAX,' SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1909. ' N . TOn SALE FARMS. ACREAGE. FOR 8ALE, , HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SntJATIOX WASTED FEMALE. f FOR RENT. .T ..-.--.- " . MlscrflHoeoo.. 10O POSITIONS for graduate, last year: Dnmukm! Furnished Room In Private Family. FIXE INVESTMENT. men and women to learn barber trade in H acres In a high state of cultivation. GENERAL - MACHINERY BULLETIN. eight weeks: help to secure positions; SEWING at home. Prices reasonable. Mrs. N. VERY comfortable, nicely furniajhed modern Y Moon RIVER bf.bi r...a . n ,n! Columbia River, only 9 miles from FULLES. graduate, earn from $15 to $25 weekly: L. Reed. 554 li William ave., city. room for young man on E. Ankeny carllne. MWD KIVER BE AWW ORCHARDS AT ancouver; about 7 acres of orchard: also BELTING, expert Instructor; tools free; write for GIRLS WANTED. i . 1 within y walking distance Excellent BARCAIN PRICLS. fair house and barn included; North A.., CABLE, catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 Girkj, 16 to 18 years of ace. to work In FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. board adjoining. References' required. , , . Bank Railroad and steamboat landing. ANYTHING In the iron or kindred line. N. 4th St.. Portland, Or. factory. Apply at once. Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. Phone East 1175 7 acres. T nil.ee from town on the East i almost on the property. M. BARDE SONS. : AMES-H ARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. I'll' - t-S01 . bearing orchard. Spitxen- BRONG-STEELE CO.. Eighth. Glisan and Hoyt Sts. WANTED Live man with $1000 as partner Fifth sad Davis Sta. Norse. LARGE front room with veranda hot and -aires' cloSe "TlerS JtZr0??. 110 Second St. The House of a Million Bargains. in established printing business in grow- - cold. TaTl,r5 coien " K" through co; of Sl.i JSiUifJf "f rrr- 'nB city; must be abk to write locals and EXPERIENCED nurse for grown child wishes furnace hoat. walking distance business wa?e near " p "Vittior anS ,n Af... lh h ; SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma- do outside work: will pay handsomely: position: speaks French and German. Phone center, suitable one or two gentlemen. T railway stations, store and 20 ACRES, suburban home, only 10 miles chines, drop head and box top. of all splendid opportunity for right party: ref- Main 627. hours 10-4. Mala ISO scnooi, 4-room house and barn. Price $5000. from center of the city, fine spring creek. makes, at very low prices. White Sewing erences required; Daily Journal, Pasco, . ' IcT'ao-A ku. x-. . en . L ,a,crei,.0J. yo,un" orchard, house and Machine Store 420 Washington st H. D. Wash. f, . PRIVATE room." best care, helpless InvaHd NEWLY furnished room in private family; to acres, 5H miles out on East Side; bain, chicken-house and yards, all in Jones, proprietor. - lady nurse"s home. Reasonable Tabor 951 Dhone light and hath- walking distance SCv ,'a be'V'n orchard; SpUienberg. cultivation, deep rich soil, no gravel or THE UnKed Trade School Contracting Co. ' .. . nurse s home. Reasonable. Tabor 51. g", "fm nd u Une Ren: and Newtown-. 14 acres In 2, 3 and 4-year- stone, nothing better: terms. FOR SALE New No. 5 Oliver typewriter. conducts trade school and wants men to . . Hoosekeesera. 1 S SI S E 1 8" old tree, lo acres partly cleared. 10 acres W. H. LANG, 414 Abington Bldg. used only four months; $53 takes it: also learn plumbing, bricklaying or electrical o-i i"r- " YJl 5"d 6-room house storage eel- one Estey organ. $2.-,. - call at 252 7th trade: no expense: hundreds have learned THE MEIER & FRANK store wants ex- WANTED By refined Englishwoman from the ONE large, very nicely furnished and one . ,-JSarn c"leken-house; within H mile A BIG SNAP. st. or phone Main 382. In few months; steady work guaranteed. perlenced cat hands in their cloak depart- Eut mIUm m hSSSeT or smaller connecting room either separately school and church and mile to railway - 11 acres, nearly all chared. 4 mile Address 120 E. 9th. Los Angeles. meat, alteration rooms. Apply at once. housework In arnl.11 family- Jh eonk"" or ensulu i 4-s Market at Phone A M8 station The best bargain on the East Side. from the Salem Electric and only 1 block DO .YOU want supplies or rent film? We : Uent ferencT, v i-m3t -1 ensulte. 4-8 Market st. Fhone A 40Qo rJ n 0O- Terms-, . w . rom '"am road; elegant land, lies per- are independent, do not belong to the WANTED Bench carpenter to put sash Madison Phone B -Mso - FINE front alcove room for gentleman S0-?"?" near Mo'er: 6 acre In bearing feet. trust. Pacific Film Co.. 303 Rothchlld and door frames together from knock- Madison. Phone B -4S0. house moderr ? private family 3s SaSfon orchard. 1 acres In 2 and 3-year-old tree BRONG-STEELE CO., bldg.. Portland, Or. down stock; no machine work, and do " Domertlos. st bet WeM Park Vnd lmh its' all standard varieties. 5 acres cleared and 110 Second St. sash cut-up work on Heald sash trim- nomestlca. St.. bet, west park and loth sts. JO acres almost cleared; 140 acres apple TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully mer. Richardson & Elmer . Co., Seattle. COOK and second girl would ro to the PLEASANT front bedroom one or two a-n- land, creek runs through place furnishing 5 ACRES all cleared, at SVhitford. on the guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. $3 .Wash. 5 WANTED Girl for general housework; no beach with family References Add. R tlemen or ladies breakfstTf dlrerl very VIT 'Sr 7,",lon- ' barn- Salem Electric; this at the station, only month. Pacific Stationery- ptg. Co, children. Apply 739 Kearney st. ?P Orcgonlan References. Address R VeMMable 71i Befmm.t Sunny'fdi ca7 slied and cold storage. For 10 days at $12.- 20 minutes from Portland. . 203 2d st. WE help you secure a position as moving- ' 'JTCSOX"1Ln- reasonable. Belmont. h.unnside car. l0. t-asy terms. BRONG-STEELE CO., ".,. picture operator; $25 weekly; no ex- Mlnxllaseima. NICELY furnished front room. heat, light. co-c . , . 110 Second St. GEN LINE old English hall clocks are rare perlence necessary; we teach you; expert HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. . phone and bath, close In $3 per week. SEE US FOR THE BEST PROPOSITIONS these days; I have several about 7 feet 6 Instructor, and sign contract. A. Y. P. -.., T 331 11th st. IN HOfiD RIVER. 40 ACRES in timber. 17 miles from Port- Inches high: will sell at a bargain. Thos. Booking Agency. 268 Stark at. STENOGRAPHERS should take the E. B. CAPABLE woman short-order cook, nurses. J J' H.HE1IjBF1?N.E CO- land ... mile from HverTowne? leaving DeVall. Wallowa. Or. U. road to good positions; two place, ElZev-wZ'Z'&toe, V.? VERY nicely furnished bedroom all con Hood Rlveror"""8 DeaDarv",dson Bid,. Sld " 7 KOR SALE-45.000 second-hand brick. ALTERATION HANDS now open. 630 Worcester b.ock. Ig" en"ces! tg?.', nTjA'0' "Steil'L.e'&i.mtt19?&. anr,n8shlyApePfyeraetnoendcemenn3aCket' cod SSSSB'SSS 5S5! "."iSr.lT 3? l V" T" "" plng-room . 424 eth TO EXCHANGE. Phone A 1289. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. LF,SONS In shorthand and t writln b Woodlawn 310. laundry. ; ' LARGE and small farms- dairy ranches NEWMAN Motion Picture Exchange rents expert. $5 a month.an2694tli.yIMaln 3S93. T" -f 'L rn'f5fdi IfS' xCfna r!?Snable' f?uH land anJ acreage' in 5n3gon and machines, etc.. 20 per cent8 cheaper SALESMAN for real estate; best proposition LA? S1"'n," Z,: SLf- IT' modern. 188 12th. Phone M 4392. 1 Washington, to exchange for Portland im- than any other firm. 52i4 Washington, in Portland; right man can make big money; FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes. $1 per repaired. 40, cents per pair. Phone C jjesirablj; ioca.tlon for two gentlemen proved property; no commission; deal di- near 1'tn. let us show you how by calling at 122 u, month to beginners. 462 Morrison. - wishing well furnished room "61 10th. rect with owner. Charles Collins, room 34, - Sixth St. qtVit a tiav tJ,,. . . ' 10.000 ACRES $15 to $50 per acre, one- 142i 2d st. 20-FOOT launch, 6 H. P. Little Giant; also - SITUATION Reliable woman wants work : " third cash; will give . net profit of $50 27-foot racing hull. Foot of Mill st. F 63, GANG edgerman; one proficient In his busi- SITUATION WANTED MALE. .n'od 101 Thursday and Friday. Sell- N ICELY furnished rooms, very reasonable per acre from alfalfa; soil very deep and WILL exchange Al single harness, 15-JeweI Oregonian. nes3. Jones Lumber Co 1280 Macadam st - rent, .to. i-m. . moist, proper subsoil; suppose you had Elgin watch, or Ridpath's History of the Bookkeepers, and Clerks. . Af n rnnTjivs .-v, . , . . . nvp i.e and one .mall rnnm Tnnriorn Just lOO acres, when you die it will leave World for tent or . shotgun. P 71. Orego- FOR SALE OR RENT. . r r i j f,1 trtcbd' 800 conveniences oo?ch ,T,f B4 Morrison your widow and children $5000 per an- nian. Logging and hoisting engines. HELP WAXTED-FTMALK. per pair. C 1658. East 5106. conveniences, porch, yard. 542 Morrison. num. one planting, no care, sure and RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 74 1st St. . GENERAL office man. wide experience In COLORED WOMAN wan., -h.. ,,. vtrpl v f,.mlherl front room In ooo lo- safe Geo. E. Waggoner. 923 Board of EQUITY in choice lot. concrete walk and . agricultural implement machinery and "J TOM, wants chamber work; NICELY furnished front room in good lo- Trade. curb, Bull Run water In; take furniture or FOB. SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood ALTERATION WORKERS kindred Unes; nbVraT office Training in Jon- good wages. S 75. Oregonian. : ca.lon. $9 per month. 2oo Uth st. tent In part. P 72. Oregonian. W.t?" " Pho?e MslnTlSl Ai 313 First-class on Jackets, skirts and gowns. tract and agency work; well qualified for LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 258 13TH ST.-Nicely-furnlshed rooms, new T : ' water St. pnone Main .4oI. A 5445. wanted at once. bookkeeping, collections, correspondence and 4tc per. pair. Main 5598 A 4092 house, every convenience Gentlemen only. WILL exchange Tillamook County timber OLDS. WORTMAN A KING detail office work, desires a position; prefer- v palr- Mam A a9i- nouse. every cunemence. wntieinen on.y. lands for 7-passenger touring car; must be F?R f ,ALf r trade, multiple drawer Na- " ence f opportunity to solicit WAVTFn Day ZZZ W.H, NEWLY furnished rooms "a North 9th st in A No. 1 condition. D 70, Oregonian. tional cash register. Phone Woodlawn : traae by correspondence. D 74. Oregonian. eVntnawenlnS A ?J? ' furnished rooms. -1 North 9th St. R..tna PE? YEAR PROFIT - J0W. WANTED at 32fe Wash. St., cooks, pas- cleaning, seeping. A 2645, room 25. Bnfrnl,t,ed Rooms. Bent 20-acre farm and country home In fUK bALh or will trade nrst-class full trv SSO' r- tin- hntai tin- WANTED Position as bookkeener bv voun it n , . ?:fra"ndaain ,,!""V'Uril'."1? frS? ESSE? 'i2--t00t BaSO"ne laUnCh- PhOM rJ& SZ&'r rl'Z'iJZ Sih0?&J'&0&lomi& iZS SrJS- JATo 11,6 C""! NOrlh THREE large room.. .:lo.,e in. nice nelghbor- T. ia."nA Line rtad' nig!? and iBht- Sellwood. 2o. g. goat Berksiire sows. Place to lease. of clty ,26. kltonen help ,;, $25. Other work. 1 years" sawmill and wholesale hood. 2!i8 13th. Alio furnished rooms. I.v. $1000 crop oats, hay and fruit now - 1 -NO- "'"saale. or. help, good wages. lumber office experience. Can operate typo- T ., . . , , . " . growing. thrown in; good house. fine FOR EXCHANGE Fine 233-acr., farm for writer and handle offi -e correspondence LADY barber fnovlce) warts position in or Konma ulil, b.i chicken-houses and runl. barn. 2 wells. Portland property. Write Louis Bechtel. FOR SALE Very large gas range, nearly , Location no objection Referenced? F 66 out of city. AG 67. Oregonian. Rooms With Beard. wVii- ,rhaade tt7A.taty"Trop"r5i wa -ILL U. 18rceor.fSav"ls!ttUrant " Cater'a" . SALESWOMEN. Orn. . . 2rJifl1M T.r.SSa'.rSr MOVING PICTURE EX- ton?S.VralS S1AtrZ&J2 w WANTED AGENTS. HO;rEL SARGENT S"' 'T 120 -.40 Lak W h, spTi & W Ek "J3V ' YANKEE REALTY & TRADING CO.. SELL or swap 120x240. on Lake Washing- ,, : " ; ctu-v-oc Tt A phpo ,. ,.,. work- machinery line nreferred T 7" ca" arly and Set the cream of the ter- wlth excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Merrill Bldg. 7th and Oak. ton. Seattle, for touring car. Courtois. FINE quarter-sawed oak counter; can be .."S11 ,,and . "lc? assistant oreroirian preferred. r 7- r,ory. Apply 408 Concord bldg., Satur- Grand and Hawthorne aves ' WHY LIVE IN A niTy; "DIRIGO!" 1033 East 29th st... North Portland. nZRvi " wl"consln Central home" ttate uaHftcitioM nd - . day, between 1 and 3. ' lrana ana Ha-tnorne aves. ONE-HALF SECTION. WILL trade half interest in manufacturing T ' : ' Jon',!" in-handwrffing" A TO. Ore"- A8NeTEsft.OU,1,1man:o "i"?. " WANTED Competent salesmen for best Over one mile of Yamhill River front- business for automobile. S 70, Oregonian. L-&b than, .halt Poe, films also complete gonian. . English- excellent eduiaflon K M Ckl "uli dl"'-,ct" of Oregon and Washington; THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear- age: this is a fine timothy, alfalfa and motion picture outat U 526i4 a3hlng. ,,.-.,,, T .T-B. gonian eauuiuon. s. tb. ure- good opening for right kind of men. Ad- ney St.. bet, 19th and 20th.; elegantly cljver ranch. 75 acres cultivated. 0O acres FOR SALE or trade. 5-acre tracts on Ore- ton- near l.th. iHirB..M. , , .u . 1 -- dress Oregon Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. furnished apartments for married couples. stump land, the bi-lance line timber; tim- son City carllne. ill Commercial bldg. oT M!i,Sif'L.Ti iin ACCOUNTANT bookkeener ranld accurate with board; also swell rooms for gentle- ber will pay for the land it stands on; - NJ SovernesB cart and hand made Eng- w.inni ? ? A 2tf2' young man nrVild refe?en'cef- lerV AGENTS wanted to sell our complete line of men. with breakfast and dinner. $30 per see It and you will agree with me that WILL trade for what you have. Gua Smith. "sh pony harness, very swell outfit, wiU feIP supplied free to employers. anxious fVr ! J n rt nursery stock: cash weekly; outfit free. month; beautiful ground: all modern cbn- lt is a pick-up at $50 per acre; only 30 401 Buchanan bldg. sell cheap. William J. Ball. Salem, Or. wx-tii.ti 7Tt Z ; Z '. T SorTlan " . ' ure" Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. veniences; finest rooms and best home miles from Portland. Geo. w. Turner, WANTED Girl for general housework in 8nlan- ; cooking In the city; an ideal place for the 41-17 Rothchlld bldg- 2874 Washington - EGGS M. B. turkey, 10 for $2.25: B. P. R. small family to go to beach for Summer; -vouimo mam rt .,., . Summer. street. " vasningion WANTED REAL ESTATE. chickens. 15 for $125. Plinny Sbepard- 9ma.l washing, good wages. Call mornings. kiiit 9 stenographer, executive WANTED TO RENT. . son, castle Rock. Wash. P 693 Marshall st.. or phone Main 5201. perlenced THE GLENDORA. loth and Couch-Nlcel, CHOICE farm, 163 acres, largely rich creek HAVE J10.00Q .to $15,000 to Invest in in- ..gF . PT . . " frfl Droofreadini V 9 Oregonian P" WANTED By young business man. board furnished rooms, single or en suite. $10 bottom, all fenced; 115 acres under plow. come property; $2000 to $4000 cash; own- BARBERS All or any pari of a 12-chalr RESPECTABLE lady without children to '" prooireaaing. v m, oregonian. (dinner onlv) in vicfhlty of 22d and Love- Per month and up; public parlor, piano. running water, crop all in. goes with the rs only. shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe care lor rooming-house for use of house- ....d ,.., joy sts. AF 05. Oregonian. pool and billiard tables free to guests; place; on fine coufity road, lis miles to ELSTON & MORSE. Co.. 92 Seventh st. k-seplng suite: free gas and $10 per month. ""certified Phonl f ris,?iifi ' Afnof : transients solicited; excellent table board, stores; mail delivered dally; telephone In 333 Chamber Commerce Bldg. Main 6111. Call 213 Allsky bldg. ' A s446ertlned- pho,M Clerical Office. WANTED Room and board in private fam- $1S per month; single meals. 25 cents. . house; electric line now building surveyed ONE gasoline wood saw. 461 Goldsmith st. : ; : ; ; ' ily; walking distance; $18 per month. T '.. A , ; T7 through the place; price. $100 per acre; WE have two customers who want lots on Both phones, East 534, C 1798. WANTED An experienced cook in a fam- SITU.TION w.nted hv T r.i 77Z 74. Oregonian. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year, room reasonable terms. West Side for residence, about 50x lly of flve- where a nurse is kept; good J l wnt.e(1 Dy A,1 reneral dry ; 5 ; with board, use of sewing room and 11- FRED McNAMER. lOO; SPOT CASH. F. M. Crawford & Co., CHEAP Fine 5x7 plate camera and Kodak wages to the right person. Apply 322 E. Cooa.s Oxonian experience. Address unfurn-ished threa or four.room bunga- rar,3ii 510 Flanders st Miss Frances N. Forest Grove, Oregon. 420 Swetland bldg. developing machine. 312 Tillamook st. .loth st. North. 74- Oregonian. ,ow or . eotta(M cIoxb in; electric lights H.faf.upfrl2tenduV, WomJn Excnaa :: : WANTED Position as asststant bookkeener and bath; state price. S 72, Oregonian. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. FARM BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. I WANT to buy an 8 or 9-room house north FINE soda fountain, complete glassware, EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Ap- AddrtssW F Arnoldsln wlhZ YrilTVr- mb-v If -v want ,r ' 80-acre sck and dairy farm, beautiful- of Washington st. : must be new and mod- dlh holders, etc. 33 N. 3d. p1y 21.it and Carter sts. CFortland Address W. E. Arnold. 8,0 Wilson st. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room bungalow. ?J 7"l Wf? af,rm ly situated In Clark County. Washington. ern. Answer Immediately. T- Ore- Heights). Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Phone . modern: family of 4; 3-mile limit. B 74, .??,? vi'Sl tl !L F venlen cea. 5 acres cleared, running water, two wells gonian. FOR SALE 2 set good harness, cheap, at Main 2053. Miscellaneous. Oregonian. f ' ta'',le board. $4 week. good home cook- and windmill, modern buildings, silo for Sunnyside Fuel Co. ofTice. Both phones. ,.,, ,,,... 7 1 , Ing. call at Aster House, .th and Madieon. cutter, elevator and power, team. S cows. WANT 6 to 8-roora cottage or house. West BUSINESS man desires partnership with Itizilr,", T 1 .J . j K,w ,10 years RESPONSIBLE partiea. transient In cltv . " : : . 17 sheep, 6 hogs, all machinery. 1 acre Side or Irvington. not tr? exceed U00O; no LAUNCH. 28-foot, powerful, 20-passenger suitable lady, who will participate flnan- "P '"J11 c h d esl.K n' " ,and construe- would accept the "ate of furJlshed house LARGE front parlor, suitable for two peo- frult. dally mall, cream separator, tele- agents. T 73. Oregonian. cabin. clMap. Foot of Madison St. daily office business. Apply 513 Abing- il7OI ""S?6 PIants- iams and con- during thT Snmnier AK W OregonhUL ?le- wilh. flr5t-SlaM i"0?rd- all conven- phone: must sell; easy terms; none but - Z ton bldg Crete work, open for engagement at rea- "u" lne ummer. .a. 04, j re gonian. iences; nice yard, good home cooking, $6 H"FZd".RElMdPI'w.ih51'0- Fred N1CB Bma11 improved ranch near town to FOX TERRIER puppies. Main 4294. 684 : me1ntblforSatrarns:it 'andTve." narUeshest WANTED For long or short lease, -modern per week. 251 7th st. ' t-dmunds. Rldgefield. Wash. traQe for house and lot. Inquire at 1019 Hoyt st. RESPECTABLE woman under 40. house- Sf "ences reply before Ma-J ? is N 71 furnished house; no children; references. , nnv 1rn, rom ,.,. ,nr. -,1 ' Board of Trade keener widower voiinn- children ;t merencea, reply oeiore Alay lo. N 1 1, v oregonian LARGE sunny front room, suitable for 2. 1 ?hA.ye. ."v,.Ct,5.r.fJ.aJd ,r,Hthe,rW DM- - FOR SALE One pool tal le, 1 safe. 1 cash AgeScy.6 45 W.,S!" Main S03ft Oregonian. Oregonian. S?,:S.Uiarfillbl,,.Ph,'e,,h SSli-T. 1., J??! 1 lnlde th reser- WANTED 80 to 160 scares near Columbia register. Apply 105 Second st. A 4775. . WANTED To sell lumber anrt ni.,i, COUNTRY BOARD wanted for Summer; 45 SiS,nioJ! ' " nation, minimum price under new law. River, north of Rose City Park- part in wa.-viivij 10 sell lumber and mlllwork to minutes from citv or less R 75 Oregonian Washington. exchange. Owner, T 70. Oregonian HELP WANTED MALE e'n" e Si dndb MODERN wTrwmInlwT cT THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St., family e'Ve-to: Th" " ' Sn. " l0t " WANTED Sobt be b , i'1 S g.ans and make prices. D 78. Oregon M?fRc,ose ,r JVn0.0?s"EnE72'.Ore0gron?an: XlfiZf 17. KrTcV. S W T BURNET (Owner) ' lf oregonian. WANTED Sober sin tie man for timber busl- . . . , . t: -. :r "-,: .. . -, : erate A 4"22.m Wa"hln,5Man.nS7995 ?sl?TJ? V?" AZZLg 7 ,OCatln: " S"" , ' 'n2r ptlchrern: WANTED-Dressmaker with East Side MIp?1Da-p,lc:eDor".nst.tute5.,rto taae'eare of WANTED MI SCELLANEOTJS. THE COLONIAL, corner 10.h and Morrl- 7995. cash price. H ,4. Oregonian. dered- rthwest Timber Company. 620 patronage to establish dressmaking buel- raising vegetables, gardening, etc? A-l ,.,.,,. ,. . son : finest board and best rooms in Port- n''jf pRVPERTi ,terS,nU," ' Grand WANTED A lot In Irv.ngton. for cash. E E"change ,c" J ness in millinery store at 404 East Burn- references, w 66, Oregonian. WAN '?hogl'lll land; rates lowest; a cemfortabe home. ofloYs commcncesMay Ti' . Vancouver TO. Oregonian. WANTED-Salesmen to represent one of the A STRONG, sober, industrious young man fl11" vrlca paid Call at the Fair THE LINDELL. 269 Market: nicely fur- ' ? B C - terms quarter clkiT For mans leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large TWO active salesgirls for Saturday: must would like work on gentleman's place; Deal." 62 3d St. North. Phone Main 9272. nished front rooms, first-class board; mod- etc write C D Rand a?ent for Govern ... .... . stock; oholce territory; commission paid be quick; handle berries and raisins. used to garden and lawn work a TO ern. reasonable; fine walking distance. merit and Rallwav Vanpouvir 11 Govern- WANTED TLMBER LANDS. weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell Cochran & Curtis, Washington-Street Pub- Oregonian work. G .0. WANTED A young work team, stocky : . ment ana Hallway. Vancouver, B. C. write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. lie Market. ! built, for country use, weighing not less LARGE, pleasant room, good neighborhood. FOR SALE Farm, dairy, stock and fruit "JrfP owneTs' ' NeUon' ""Wlt'lei? 617 r, R hansfn IP w.x-Tirrv-H Z ', 7, YOUNG man of good education and address 'I'lS lbs- Inquire 230 Chamber of half block from 23d-st. car; home coo land. Improved and unimproved, large and SSird of Trade Whlttler. 517 m,C.- R. . HANSEN JR.. WANTED Housekeeper for young gentleman wants position with respectable firm In- Commerce. . ing. 735 Hoyt st. small tracts-.some extra good bars-iTina Board or iraae. Employment OfTice Men's Department. bachelor on fruit farm, June 1. Easy and volvine outdoor work- not afr.M in hti.- " ?r!l? wk" ldonB?mforg,eV The'naiber gOel" WILL nay cash for timber- must be cheap ThSS..NtI? SC? B-f-, Independent position. C 71. Oregonian gd festSnomals kF 70' Oregon laV "' DlVI?7Tl,m''CI'l':SL' "i?,d THE OZARK. 225 11th. Light, airy rooms W Turner 416-417 Rothchlld bldg 2S7T WILL pay cash lor timber, must be cheap phones Main and A lo26. . Z ' civil engineering draughting at reasonable with board, hot and cold water. Washington 'h:hl'd bld-. and accessib give general description. Help free to employers. GIRL, general housework. 1097 Cleveland SITUATION wanted" by an experienced bakery rates. V 72. Oregonian. , WE have sp.endld da.ry farm. Improved J , " h , Z " 4 MEN wanted over 18 years old. to learn u'car' Phn! Woodlawn l&&SAUiVES&'lltZ FORD AUCTION CO. nnce"! Morroncor. and unimproved land; if yoi want to sell 100 ACRES of timber lands cheap ut taken automobile driving and repairing: must Dr Shone MainlBl "Pays the price" for second-hand rural- r buy" dnnVt fall to write at once, or call at once. No agents. T 67. Oregonian. have $10 to Invest. Apply 52 North 7th St.. LADY to board one for rent of small nearly st. or pnone Main 4101. ture East B88 B 2311 THE FERNS Nicely furnished rooms, splen- w. SWEDISH LAND & COLONIZATION " ; T T Z77". corner Davis. Both phones, A 4455. M. furnished restaurant, sleeping room In- Kvaivv-d wilhlll nn..)ftn , did table board. ISO 11th st. F COMPANY, CASH for large or small timber holdings. D 4435. . eluded; snap. 737 Chamber Commerce. Sumps " r electric fit fowZr n' WANTED A donkey engine about 11x14; 811 Worcester Bldg. .6 Oregonian. , , PV"P? e teVtVmonlaia' v ?I must be ln "rst-class condition. Inquire Room With Board In Private Family. ; T' , , , r ?10 TO $100 made dairy in the motion-pic- WANTED Girls to make overalls and over- gonian testimonials. - Y 74. Ore- room 230 Chamber of Commerce. . 145 ACRES fine fruit and strawberry land 1X?'iJt ,anda, wanted. C. J. McCracken. ture theater business; we start you ln shirts. Apply Standard Factory No 2 LARGE rooms with excellent board In a cozy, ln White Salmon Valley, two miles from 3U4 McKay bldg. business on easy terms. Newman. 626i Grand ave. and East Taylor st, ' yniivn ,, .rf. , WANTED Bulldog, male (English Pitt). homelike place. 8 mln. from P. O. ; Ideal depot and landing; will sell entire tract " Washington, near 17th. WS. V,i" pf. grocery tor breeding purposes, immediately. Phone place for Summer; $18 per mo. up. 442 or in parcels as may be desired; plenty WANTED Girl for housework; hours 9 to h 1 f7. J1?' Main 5273. Address V 76. Oregonian. Jefferson. spring water; new house, barn. Write or FOB SALE. WANTED Good classified ad. and subscrip- 1. Apply mornings. 570 Couch st. apart- lih.tfmJ 1..,?, J2 ark 8 a,nd dU" : 1 ' call 1220 Division St.. Portland. 1 tion solicitor; must be thoroughly reliable . ment i. . trlbutlng in laundry. E 66. Oregonian. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone LARGE front room suitable for two young . I a . Horses. Vehicles and Harness. and understand the business. Apply Morn- r-nwDiwcMp Z v. ' East 5204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor. men. board reasonable, private family, ' . 240 ACRES farming land; $9 per acre: living 1 in8T Astorian, Astoria, Or. GIRL for light housework- Scandinavian ore- t-UMi-u-t n,w 1 cook, notel restaurant, camp walking distance. 166 East 12th. stream; T also 120 acre, dairy farm, house 200 TAKES bay team, weight 2850 lbs., 1 f ? call 651 Ea ' 17tn st South r experience neat, economical workman; good WANTED A Portland city map; state and barn, all fenced; $10 per acre; write aB" 9 and 10 v?ars. sound and will be WANTED Good live man, well recom- phone Sellwood 719 habits, references, city or country. T 75, price. B 78. Oregonian. PLEASANT room with board and home priv- or rhone Northwest Timber Co., 620 Lum- tried to heavy load; large bay horse, mended, can secure V, interest ln manufac- '. ; : uregonian. . lieges to man and wife or two gentlemen. ber Exchange Bldg.. Main 6789. weight 1350 lbs., good worker, single or turers' office, experience not required. Ap- HANSFN'S t Antics. ,f.Fv,rT . . ,, . , ZZ WANTED All kinds store and office fixtures. On East Ash street. B 2157. double, sound in every way. price $95; pair ply 513 Abington bldg. ' S41 ahlLton .7 , 3.1.. V.ANTEr Farm work and milking; am 2,, showcases, etc. Phone Main 8468. 1 FIRST-CLASS apple land for sal. in the matched brown geldings, ages 6 and 7 1 1 313. Waehlngton Jtn, spatalra single sober steady; raised on farm. H. B., NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without While Salmon district: large or small years, weight 1225 lbs. each, both go MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 week- ' 610 starr st. , SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt board; strictly home cooking; all modern tracts at low prlco If sold within 20 days. .ng , J,.epa5ae,1 Prlce $215; pair ly; easy work; lessons free. Particulars WANTED Two girls to wait tnhle at -amn rrvn , ,. ., " T rTTT attention always given. Phone East 1067 conveniences. 4O0 N. 23d. Phone A 3526. Inquire 425 Abington bldg. ' mares, weight 2800 lbs., sound, well Newman Motion Picture Exchange, 6264 boaronVrZse m Vnd w,i SP CIVIL engineer, university graduate, with -iHz l-! Z L matched and work any place, price $325; Washington, near 17th. barrd ! ? jfji a B--JJ,, S onf experience, wants position as draftsman. F WANTED 14x20 tent. V 71. Oregonian. . FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping FOR SALE 16 acres, A No. 1; mostly ,11 als many other bargains. This lot. con- , quire at -jUi Morrison st- room 1. .4. Oregonian. , I porch. 855 11th -st. A 1636. set ln choice fruits and berries- hn, .. sistlng of 25 head of horses and mares, are WANTED Salesmen, all lines; bookkeepers rvt.iri)ii.vrtNn . barn.; 1 mile or Unnem.?. statlbn Eru,artnte1d to be 3u8t Z represented, and and stenographers for city and country. Sd Ita d WaT?".' CARD WRITER and window dresser. 8 years- fOB RENT. VERY nicely furnished room, excellent southwest of Gresham. Fred Broetje. 81 5 ' 1 "S, B'ren a ,t.h,orou5n Ttr'al- Rose City Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial ijirt make D tchbon. ITIlMoi? 1. experience in general dry goods. Can give : board, modern, reasonable. 521 Couch. feast ttlst st J " Sale Stables, 11th and Jefferson. Club Skirt makers. DltchDurn. 4Q5 Flledner bldg. best references. T 69, Oregonian Rooms. , ' V'vAt-S WSyouSThpe'far,I K. cesy ISSS C&SSK JXStJSS? IS&JtfiXBL fnlenc. ViiaM srade lor Portland property. $11 Stearns Pr'ce as you wouid pay for an old at once. Freely Warren, room 815 Ore- Phone E. 3-34. Call mornings. department. S 66. Oregonian? al - Furnished Rmmu. ROOM and board Ior 2: West BiQe- PnV aldg. nnt JUtk" thwefo ca ak th rice- Bnian bldg. GIRL for housework- second girl kept" fam : - mrnisneq Itooms. Main 3649. 248 N.. 20th st. WB have several 20 to 40-acr. farms within frlvlngjwagons.bug WANTED-Flrst-class. experienced clothing "vJf three adult. 'and three chlffrei'sw JA,ourEaxternoon" o? lmornlng! oJe! 6W COROtoISd wiTON STS ' Apartment.. $5 to 25 miles of Portland that can be had and farm wagons. saleman; apply immediately; best wages. cast 10m st. n. . gonian. luk. mm ahu HASiuni.lo Bia. eery cheap. R- M- WADE CO., Ask for Mis Connolly, 84 3d st. ,. . , : Z " - ! ; ., ,k.k1 HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. S. W GARLAND CO.. 191 4th st. 322 Hawthorn. Ave. . GIRL PHen ced , n and awnlng . . AN experlenuei Tctall hardware salesman 0ti in TveS wfy room. " ' lr ; 4 blocks from Morrison St.. new brick : : GOOD live man to work general Insur- Ymt st- racmo lent Awning Co.. 27 N. wants position ln Portland. Good refer- baths single o? m auite?Dclal raS to building, completely first-class, furnished CiN WATER near road; 160 acnes. 1 mil. fitSnliSli ance Cronan & O'Donnell. 215 Board of , lst at" ences. I 65. Oregonian. " permanent t.?l2i'a ll"t& PrlJit ba?h Son'T.' f """TeaV 'A " i'n.nn,Box YaofuSil r argati brS" ffclfy; a". a pair" ofT Trad NEW Golden Eagle store desire, the service. YOUNG man educated traveled would One call mean, another. Mr John Gran- howater'elea W " ' 8 ' Yaqu'na- r - bargain. rlage hor5es aB you can nnd; welKht about pATNTER and decorator wanted Call to- J ,a f.ew well-experienced .alesladles. T0,?I10 Ta"' rfectrical' woTk B ; T1 n strom. Mgr. pressed-air cleaning. Janitor service, from SILETZ LANDS-40 acre.. $500. Larger PL"; l?t VSihlonrahlaS" day. anernon Yankee Realty & Trading Apply at once. like to learn electrical .work. B 73, Ore- THE NEW SCOTT ? "pdmnt; 1d un'urnished : com8 tracts, any price. Money-makers. 24$ be seen any day at th. Fashion Stable.. Co , Merrill bldg.. cor. 7th and Oak. WANTED Ladles we bleach - renew dy. Sevtn1h7 Ankeny and Bura.ide. look and be surprised. Mark- 1 FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with goose- WANTKr. t. nrst-clas. olumbers Will nay "i remodel hats, dye plumes at half YOUNG, sober man wants housework small '-IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." THE IRVING. 21st and Irving st.. About n a h .- a 1 n-s 1 m nrov ed Tnd .,,, neck furniture wagons to rent by month WA,?nrPTTl-ea J ahnoi 1 Bros. '44 Price- Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill. 5?-. 1 ".. Ca" Sunlay' 841 EerJ'tS,lng brand new, homelike and May 15. the molt desirable 5-room apart- UAKUAl.NS lmproMia unimproved . also rent anv kind of a rig highest wages. J. toimon Ac iiros., -44 ,th St., cor. Raleigh. comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus- ment in citv- new modern veranda in K0aTmeCW..n Iarm U'i'- ?or S "bSslns "'purposes", weko? oat st. , LADIBS-I teach manicuring, hatrdrewing 1 PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS. n tyclassT re reasobd Refer! Kaiama. w.sn. month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw ... . ...,. and dermatology. Mrs. Holmes, special- STATIONARY engineer wants position, under- ences. Apply suitei2. thorne -Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. WIT1i?r;, "'illf;? ".t"' 601 Swetland bldg.. eth and Wash. tands hoist and mine work. O 70. Orego- r, JOURNAL BLDG.. ! Tjil 11 : FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ?J fSra-oSPan nlan. Cor 5th and Yamhill St.. opp. P. O.: THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment. MUST be sold at once, all of the horses 100- c ,9- Oregonian. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO : nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin- 2lBt and Flanders; Nob Hill- finest resi" TIMBEK UND of the Kenilworth Transfer; weight from T . . . " Ladles Denai-ment "oiu MnS. WANTED Place to work on dairy farm; gles; by day. 75c to $1.60; by week. S3 dance district; every convenience Main OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA 950 to 1250 lbs : prices from $35 to $125. WANTED A young man about 19. for sten- phone? MaTn 106 I A 2064. TiBOntU prefer working for Christian people. W. to $7. Streetcars leaving depot pass ?n ,cw very convenience. Main JAMES D UCEI CO 809 East 28th st. Woodstock ear to Ken- ographlc and office work: state experience pnonea Main 1Q6A A 064. E Arnold. 870 . Wilson st. door; take elevator to 3d, 4th, 6th floors. Chicago New Orleans. Seattle. llworth curve. and .alary. V .3. Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman for cooking and THE BARTON 13th and Alder new man THE HANOVER. 165 King, near Washlng- 829 Chamber of Commerce. w i x--rP-T-,Twr. rx-rlenced shoe salesmen dining-room work ln a private family. Call EXPERIENCED, up-to-date cutter desires afmnt - newly renovated tnr'oughou 70 ton,; veIy deslrable 3-room apartment, Portland. I AM offering my horse and buggy at a bar- WANTED -Two experienced snoe salesmen East 472 or B 1934 position with tailoring concern.. AG 68 sfTJ f ' Jl y renovated tnroughout . 70 wall bed. nice veranda; everything mod- gain; must have the cash; don't fall to for Saturday. Wrlghfs Sample Shoe Shop. -.aat or a Oregiilan ' outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights. ern I MUST sell Immediately 280 acres. 7.400. 000 see them if you are looking for a sound, 600 Oregonian bldg. MRS HOWE'S LADIT-' AnirNry etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with . ft. Mr. will take $3-00: and 160 acre, with gentle animal. Anderson Bros., 2d and Jef- ; T 326i Washington st RoonT tfT a ..j - .,,. . running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant MODERN, 6-room flat with large attic and 12.415.000 ft. fir. $4S00. If you want a ferson. YOUNG man, 18 to 25, wholesale house; good - J ann g(S6 or V S0J- - Iva.? eE'-nl"!. h Public parlor; phones and baths free. sleeping porch, near West Side High bargain, write me. C 77. Oregonian. : opportunity; state age. experience, refer- Main 8o36 or A 3268. place with a private family as coachman; - S. hool. Inquire 175 10th street, cor. Yam- FOR SALE-Two horses. 5 and 6 years old. ences. Y 78, Oregonian. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY. 246- Wash. ood references. L .4, Oregonian. OAK ST COR BTH 1'"- ; "voUSmESZi mi HmTdtte3: IT Scl ""I PORTER and dishwasher wanted oil to- M a'rnnIS ' VaRich araso m'" GOOD Japanese boy wants situation to do Just opened: new and ' elegantly fur- MODERN 3-room apartments, every con- cltv. must be sold at once. $:0O. C 76, rora.. Or " . ' , ' day, Yankee Trading Realty Co.. Mer- tlons furnished. Mrs, Richardson. Mgr. cooking and housework In city or coun- nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. venlence. Morton Apartments. N. E King Oregonian. ZZ . rill bldg- cor. 7th and Oak. STENOGRAPHER Must nave experience. try. F. T-. 266 Everett st. THE BUCKINGHAM Yamhill st, onn Port and Washington inquire v janitor ' or S. FOR SALE er exchange. 40 acre, yellow npce'very aS?'..," rfa1 t7iE5r". wanted at once to do busheling ,n SPSSS .own ha"dting. AB CHAUFFEUR want, position. 3 years- ex- "end HeFproo MortonCohn, 107 6th st. pine. Eastern Oregon. What have youT Mount Hood Brewing Company's office E clothing store. Salary $18 per week. Write ' K perlence. Wages reasonable. R 73, Orego- ern conveniences; special rates to perma- the SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts. AD 65. oregonian. Water st. and Hawthorne ave. Box D, Eugene, Or. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- nlan. nent guests. A. 11. Pracht, proprietor. unfurnished apartment, with bath; every WK re headquarter, for Umber and lum- FINE surrey for sale cheap. almost new. POSITION open for Al hreadbaker. sober and sf.?iQE' hMg"0 4th "andV 'wasninaton8 Rth" WANTED By experienced man and wife. TWO nicely furnished steam-heated rooms. able rent. Maln32506.0 a n" reason- bor enterprise, of all kind.. Kinney de lnoulre of H Jacobsen cor of 18th and responsible. Good wages. City. Stale for- child bldg.. 4th ana Washington. work on a farm. A 77f Oregonian. bot and cold water, free baths, free phones; Etampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchang. bldg Upshur streets. " mer employment. E 69. Oregonian. G1RIj wanted tor mininery store Annlv S?J, "T 3; Wltn F without board. 376 MODERN 4-room apartments, steam heat. .. . 1 ; 7Z 1 ; 229 1st .,' room 6. pp JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation, fam- Yamhill at. walking distance. reasonable. Cotlel FOR SALE Operating logging camp, and FOR BALE Black team, 8 years, 2S0O, pounds. MAKE $5 per day and have steady Income y or business house. S 79. Oregonian. , ; , . , 1 Drug Co. timber lands, tributary Columbia River. Mc- CaU Sunday 210 E. 62d et. Phone Tabor besides: this will pay to investigate. 426 w,VTf.n Chambermaid 91 u. ith . FOUR large rooms, newly furnished, modern, . Cargar. Bates. Lively. Falling bldg. J'J faunday' - non Dor Commercial Club Bldg. cill 12oon RELIABLE-young married man want, po.l- walking distance. East Side, no children. PARK HALL APARTMENTS. 421 We.t " ; ; tlon a. driver. L 7L Oregonian. Robert Hofer. 2i4 Oak st.. Board of Trade Park. 3 and 4-room apartment.: strictly TIMBER LAND8, $2.50 per acre: I locate. horsfb mares, rigs and harness of .11 OFFICE BOY wanted by large wholesale x-. . ,, Z ZJZ ' bldg. Main 6465. A 3229. modern; rent reasonable. you purchase; also .ome Government kinds for sa 294 Montgomery" house, good chance for advancement; state WANrIEa? A dressmakers helper at 362 GOOD Japanew boy wants situation to do claim.. 219 Worcester bldg. kinds for sale, mi Montgomery. age and references. H 72. Oregonian. Fark cooking and housework. S 68. Oregonian. HOTEL BUSHMARK. THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders; S and 4-room - TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishment Z??tffria ffi FREIGHT CLERK and purser for ocean GIRL wantej I for .1 housework in small 3FILDER Practical, no trade, win build "El.t Vn'i?" aflToler'con . apartments; heat, hot water; $2Q, $25. $27 WORCESTEH BLOCK. horse., vehicles. low rates on business rigs. steamer. short run; state age. references family. Apply .224 Kearney st. . houses cheap. Bond. Grand Central Hotel veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-roora " ONE team. ,3200. one 2850. one 2800. four and experience. F .1. Oregonian, WAITRESSES every Sunday at Council . T " THP MFRCEDES 20th and Washington st. . modern apartment.. 11th and Columbia. . HOMESTEADS. .ingle, all No. 1 hor.es. 347 East Stark. WANTED Live agent, to sell photo con- Crest-Ice cream parlor. Portland Heigh?" Xer'Smnff 8'. "8 T'1'' SganUurSliroonf ria"ll CAN locate you near my homestead. Eastern WANTED -Horse., city broke, at the Ens' P0"'- C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash, st. EXPfaIENCED girl for cooking and house- T ; r ' water; $12 and up. thoroughly clean larg. r Z, 0rru7h a,0m land- r,VeTy t00t,lZ Pir. Stables. 270 l-'th. cor. Jefferson, WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond worfc; small family. 495 East Davfa st. tffl.1" BEK THE REX. 18th and Waehlngton-Mod.ni floor? gas? "LtrS?1; ?lo"u iki LFZ.irflliSS; AS! HORSES and mare, for sale. Rose City cigars WANTED A g.r. for genera, housework. pos.t.on. B 08. Oregonian. tT" 563 secured: Me Government maps, photographs btable., nth and Jefferson. M 3oOO. EXPERIENCED pressor wanted for women". Apply 582 Clifton t.. Portland Heights. RITI ATInv WAVTED-VFMAla " I J-ROOM modern flat, walking distance, rea- 1 of Kruund. etc. Alvin fe. Hawk, Printer. 8SH TWO rood saddle hors, cltv broke cheat, outer garments. R. M. Gray & Co. . -TT " ,, v, . MitAiiU!, waxij i-emai. NICE. largo unfurnished front room, with sonable rent. M. E. Lee. room 411 Cor- mddl69rMain9.brok'- h" PAINTER wanted, nrsf clas. Inside man! "Sti? nV'ZUirA f Bookkeeper, and Stenography -lld and Pateath The Hanover. jyettbldg; VXzJvrTTSSg-Slll Automobiles. 348 WANTED- Helpers for dressmaking at once. J&S 210 7TH ST., 2 blocks from postofflce; nice "ISS" ".ItTjJn; IQIO Board of Trade. AUTOMOBILE repair shop; brazing and Headnuart er. cooks helper,. CaUf orna Win. Apply 49 North 20th St. Oneyear - ,arat . clean well-furnished room.; $1.75 to $3 Mrs. R. Stoot. 263 Park. ln""r . THREE very valuable homestead entrie.. cu,,iinf."?. ??nlrt'.'tlJf LoratL 164 2d. Main rouo. WANTED Experienced tailors. Apply Sam- erences. State salary. Address 1102 Van a 6-ROOM strictly modern flat at 40H4 l'th 1-hon. M. 69S4, A 2417. 60S Buchanan work. 3r9 Everett St. N. Henry Funk. . .ecure poaltlon for our member-. uel Rosenblatt Co., 3d and Morrison sts. Buren St.. Oregon City. Home phone A 117. THE Hotel Anacortes. 90 5th. under new ? rent $30. M. K. Lee rSom 411 Cor- AUo7d.r,OforIIsfi7C$0,a36rUNa.O0?n .'- '" S"'Cla' """"- M AN EXPERIENCED waitress Apply at YOUNG lady of experience and references reXasorib'" !i FORTUNES in homesteads and relinquish- ' ror al a' utn ,L WANTED Man with team to break up land. Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill et.. desires permanent position as cashier, book- MODERN 5-room up-to-date flat; rent $20. ment.. Don't delay. Thresher. Echo. Or. , WNT 5-oassenaer auto soot cash V 980 E. 17th St.. city. . keeper. Familiar with typewriter, $40 per HOTEL AVALON. 11th and Washington Phones Main 7157, East 2173. k 1 77 Oregon i-n YOUNG girl to assist in general housework. month to begin. R 72. Oregonian. Central, large, nicely furnished room., : L ,rr,n, : : WANTED Boy with bicycle. K. S.. Ervine 769 Hancock st. East ulO. - . modern, reasonable; single or en suite. MODERN 3-room flat. Inquire 225 Market. A' KBAUK. & Co Ltd.. 250Vi Alder st. WANTED At once, position by expert lady 1 Sevills! bldg Phone Main SIS o ACRKS near Garden Home half WANTED -Bon-bon dipper t Coffman-s, -tenographer; railroad correspondence pre- THE ESTE& -Good noma reasonable; new : 't.X GOOD mahogany piano for sale. A bargain. S? hZ. S 350 Washington st. .72"' apograph,, -t VERY fin. flat in choice Nob Hill loc.t.on. j .landing tlmbor; good o-room house, barn 75 N. 9th st. - WANTED Waitress. Call at Swetland'., . ' - - pnone Main 6618. ! a'!? e,Cill: i-Vi".i!?hrne,'. tract " Micell.neon. JOB printer, weekly paper, $12 to start. 269 and 371 Morrison t- POSITION as bookkeeper, four years- ex- THE ANGELUS. 6th and Jefferson, modern FOUR-ROOM flat fine location "t East J out on the fcalem Electric: only 29 mln- Miscellaneoos. News-Enterprise, Wasco, Or. M ; perlence; references. N 74. Oregonian. rooms and apartments; both phone.. nth eiHome ohon. S lS ute. from Portland. ; : GIRL for cook and general housework; good . - . utn st. Home pnone iwss. BRai1-?TEKJ'E CO.. FOLDING baby buggy In fine condition. WANTED Stlckerman city. $3.50. Inquire wage.. 469 East 24th N. - - CAPABLE young lady stenographer, begin- TRB RANDOLPH, 3d and Colnmbla. rooms; PORTLAND Heights (-room flat S-S. 110 Second St. cheap. 22b Harrison St.. after P. M. 12 N. 2d st. I ner. desires position. Main S498. - bath, phone; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. Ph. a ma C room nat, -S. ; I WANTED A chambermaid at 253 Front st. - " pnone A no. , FOR BEST ACREAGE tracts near Portland FURNITURE of . rooms for sale. 124 North JANITOR wanted at Westminster - Apart- I , YOUNG LADY stenographer desire, position, HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; the ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room anar-t. .ee 1019 Board of Trade. J 17th. Phone Main two.. J menu. 6th and MadUon st. , fOOK for restaurant. 388 Morrison- .alary $40. Phone A 2:60, room 7. . . transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park! ments Snse?t soUclte- 191 14th VL