4 THE MORynfG OREGOSTAX, SATURDAY, MAT 8, 1909. 15 WHERE TO VOTE TODA CIST OF POLLING PLACES FOR CITY PRIMARY ELECTION : Voting to Continue Between Noon and 7 P. M. Fof Election June 7," Polls Open at 7 A. 31. ' Th polls . will open for the primaries today-At noon and close at 7 P. M. The city election will be held June 7. On that date the polls will open at 7 A. M. and close at 7 P. M. The polling places are as follows: No. ! Hotel Sutherland, northeast cor ner Twenty-seventh and Thurman streets. No. 2 800 Thurman street. No. 3 Wilson street, between Twenty first and Twenty-second. No. 4 325 Twentieth street, between Q. A R. No. 5 315 Flanders, between Sixth and Seventh. No. 6 Portable house, northeast corner Fourteenth" and Lovejoy. No. 7 Portable house, south side Mar shnll, between Nineteenth rnd Twentieth. No. 8- Portable house, northeast corner Twenty-third and Marshall. No. 9 Store, southwest corner Fourteenth and Glisan. No. 10 Portable house, southeast cor ner Twenty-first and Glisan. No. 11 Store. 52 North Seventh street. No. 1 2 Portable house, southeast corner Tenth- and Burnaid streets. No. 13 Plumbing- shop. Nineteenth., be tween "Washington and Couch. No. 14 Portable house, north feat cor- ; per Twenty-first and Washington. No. 1R 4 North Sixth street. No. 16 Portable bouse, southeast cornor Sixth and Oak. No. 17 Portable house, southeast corner 1 Seventh and Aider. No. 18 Portable house, north side of Alder, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. No. 19. -Portable house, northwest cor- ner Fourth and Yamhill. I No. 20 Portable bouse, south side Yam- , hill, between Tenth and Eleventh. . i No 21 Portable house, northwest corner Fourteenth and Main. No. 22 Portable house, southeast corner Washington and Ella. -No. 23 Portable house. Fifth-street en- j trance County Courthouse. i No. 24 Portable house. Fourth-street en trance to City Hall. No. 25 Portable house, northeast corner Wt lark and Madison. No. 26 Portable house, northeast corner Third and Clay. No. 27 352 Third street. No. 28 Portable house, southeast corner Sixth and Market. No. 29 Portable house, southeast corner Market and West Park. No. 30 Portable house, northeast corner Fourteenth and Market. No. 31 Portable house, southeast corner Seventeenth and Market. No. 32 Store, 545 First street. No. 33 691 First street. No. 34 654 Sixth street, corner Lincoln. No. 35 Portable house, southeast corner Tenth and College. No. 36 648 Twentieth street, near Spring-. No. 37 659 First street, bridge. No. 38 752 First street. No. 39 789 First street, corner Glbbs. No. 40 863 Corbett street, next to gro cery. No. 411461 Macadam street; grocery store. No. 42 621 Umatilla avenue,, between Eleventh and Thirteenth streets. No. 43 Store, northwest corner Thir teenth and Lex inert on. No. 4- Midway Hose Company. Milwau kee street. No. 45 Portable house, -southeast corner East Twenty-sixth and Powell. No. 40 559 MUwaukle street. No. 47 723 Powell street, corner Twenty first. No.' 48 418 East Eighth street, between Lincoln and Grant. No. 49327 Grand avenue. No. 60 1050 Hawthorne avenue. No. 61 Store, East Forty-ninth street, be tween Hawthorne and East Clay, No. 62 Portable house, Belmont and Grand avenue. No. 53 Portable house, northwest corner East Thirteenth and Yamhill. No. 54 Portable house, southwest corner East Twentieth and Belmont. No. 66 Store, southeast co.ner East Thirty-fourth and Yamhill. No. 56 Portable house, northeast corner East Thirty-ninth and East Yamhill. No. 57 Portable house, southeast corner Forty-seventh and Belmont. No. 58 Woodman Hall, West avenue. No. 69 Building, northeast corner West avenue and East Glisan. No AO Store. Base Una road, between Hlbbard and Eddy. No. 61 I. Ow O. F. Hall. Monta villa. No. 62 389 East Pine, rear of grocery store. No. 63 Portable house, northwest corner East Sixth and East Burnstde. No. 64 Portable house, northwest corner East Fourteenth and East Ankeny. No. 65 -r-Portahle house, northwest corner East Twentieth and Burnslde. Nn, 66 Portable house, northwest corner East Twenty-eighth and East Ankeny. No. 67 -Portable house, southeast corner East Twenty-eighth and East Glisan. No. 68 Portable house, southeast corner Twenty-first and Oregon. No. 69 Portable house, southeast corner Grand and Holladay avenuea No. 70 Portable house, southeast corner Twenty-first and Halsey. No. 71 341 Williams avenue. No. 72 Store. northeast corner Union avenue and Weldler. No. 73 Portable house, northwest corner Nlnteenth and Tillamook. No. 7f y, Ral estate office. Bandy road and Cully avenue. No. 74 102 Russell street. No, 75138 Russell street. No. 76 Portable house. Russell street, be tween Vancouver and Williams. No. 77 Portable house, southeast corner' Williams avenue and Knott street. No. 78 Portable house. Union avenue and Knott street. No. 79. Portable house, Eugene street, be tween Union and Grand avenues. No. 80 Portable house, southwest corner Mississippi and Mason. No. 81 Portable house.- on Commercial street, southeast corner Shaver. No. 82 Portable house, southwest corner Williams and Shaver. No. 83 portable house. Mason, between Tenth and Eleventh. No. 84 Portable house, southwest corner KilUngsworth and Union avenue. No. 85 755 Alberta street. No. 86 Basement Woodlawn Hotel. No. 8T Portable house, northwest corner Michigan ana K tilings wortn. No. 88 Carter's Hull, Peninsular station No. 89 Office, Fisk street, opposite jueiaotaisx rpisoopai ' nurcn. NEW "TRAIN DE LUXE" On Exhibition Today. Another of tho magnificent trains In the . Soo-Spokane- Portland through service will b on . exhibition on Fourth street, north of Oak. between 1:16 and 3 o'clock this (Saturday) afternoon. This one is or Canadian Pacific design throughout, and though differing in details and color ing from the new O. R. & N. trains. Is also superbly equipped. The public cor dially invited. BOCK, BOCK TODAY. The last car of Pabst's Milwaukee draught bock beer for this season will arrive this morning. S. A. Arata & Co., a rat a Bros. Hay Pardons Embezzler. OLTMPIA. Wash.. May 7. (Special.) tiovernor Hay today pardoned F P. Dur ham, sentenced to six months' imprison' ment in Spokane County Jail for era bes!emoTit. MEEXIXH XOTICKS. ORISON LODGE. NO. 101. A. r. AMD A. M sprcml comTnunica. tton this (Saturday) evening. t :so o ciock. . Masonic Temple. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Bv order W. M. A. J. HANOLAN. Secretary. TTILLAMETTH T-OrvOE. NO. 2. A. F AND A. M Special com munication this (Saturday) even ing, at T:S0 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel come, w. S. WEEKS. See. prep. UXDH In this city. May 7. at the fam ily residence. 149 Summer street. Thurston Frlthiof William I-lndh. aged 6 years. months. 20 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Llndh. Announcement of fu neral later., trLLT May S. of hemorrhare of the brain. Rtngrose Drew Elgin Tully. aged 27 years, eldest son of WUUam J. Tully. of Port land. Or. St. Paul. Minn., papers please copy. COL.L.UR At residence. BSS Clay street. May 7. Mary FTainey Collier, wife of the late Jeremiah Collier and daughter or the late James Prainey Funeral notice later. BATHE At her late residence. 50 East Oak street. Mrs. Lena Bathe, aged 3T years. 21 days. AMTJSE3EENTS. SEATS NOW BELLING $2.60; $2.00, 1.50. S1.00. ELM AN VIOLINIST HEIllO, . Monday Evening, -MAT 10, Direction Lois Steers-Wjaa Coma BUNGALOW THEATER Phones Main H7r A 4224. Geo. L- Belter.. Q en. Man. Matfnee Today, Last Time Tonight Baiter stock company in WHEX KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER Magnificent Production . Evening. 25c, 35c, 50c; Matinee, ,15c. 25c. Election Returns Tonight. Next week, starting; tomorrow matinee. Merely Mary Ansu LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder Phones A 1026. Main 46S5. Prices, 10, 20. 30c For week starting Sunday Matinee, May 2 The Lytic Stock Company In AT THE OLD CROSSROADS By special arrangements with Mr. Arthur jLLsion. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Next Week Ten Night In a Barroom. MAJTX 0. A 10?S. Msttnees JB.X. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-5QC NIGHTS THEATER IB-W-Mr-IS", Week of May a Three Feature Acta: Ul timo Biulctasrt. Marshall P. Wilder and Count Rossi and Pmulo; The "Lulu Beeson Trio; Dlerlckx Brother; Flo Adler; Cos and Boyd; Orchestra;' Pictures. '. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Rations. "THE GAINSBORO GIRL" A Spectacular Scenic Singing; Act In Pour .fans Jftaavgninceni scenery ana uunir Electrical Effects. . Matinees dally, 15c; two shows at night. 13c and sac - - - THE GRAN D Vaudeville de Lax WEEK STARTING MAT S, 1809. Will I IMC II' . Monett Fire iiiiiiaAiMtj Cowboy : Williams El Barto -Kasse Marietta llarry McDusTee Grandascope AND WALKER'S CHOCOLATE DROPS. STAR THEATER FASHIONABLE MOTION PICTURE -ESTERTAISiMENT. Watch the Sunday Papers for the Bla? Features of Tomorrow. MATINEES EVERY AFTERNOON. BASEBALL Recreation Park, Coraer Vaurha and Twenty-fourth Sta. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND May 4, 5, 6, 7 8. - Games be Kin weekdays 3:30 P. M. : Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers. 25c: Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand. 25c. Ladle' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. rUKERAL NOTICES. ROGERS May 6.- at 1249 Dtnver avenue. Viagel James Rogers, aged 2 years. 1 month, 13 days, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Rogers. Funeral services from above residence today. May 8, at 1 P. M Jnterment at River View . Cemetery. Friends invited. FLADELAJJD The funeral services of the late Mrs. Jane Fladeland will be. held at Holman's Chapel, 3d and Salmon streets, at 3 P. M. today (Saturday).." Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery. FLADELAND Mrt. Jane Fladeland? May 6, age 69 years. 6 months. Funeral services at Holman's Chapel, Saturday 3 P. M. Interment. Riverview Cemetery. Punning, McTCntee CUbaogb, funeral Directors, 7th aad Pitt, pi&one Main 480. .Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral direct ors, 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phono Mu Ml. J. P. FINLEY ft SON", Sd and Madlsox. Lady attendant. Phono Main 9. a 1B99. ZELLK-BTBNE8 CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 278 Russell. Kast 1082, Lady assistant. p. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Saaft Alder. Lady assistant. Phono ,Jat AS. McENTEB-ERICSON CO. Undertakers i lady assistant. 400 Alder. M 613. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal delivered uromptly in any Quan tity, pnone us your oraer. star uoai co, 40 2d st. Phonea Main 1613. A 1084. - 1 Kmrarer coal, the best Wyo ming coal: gives more beat and leas ash. Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sta. Phones Main 031. A 8081. TTlnrifit Cut Flowers always fresh front J: lUI19lour own conservavtorles. Martin Forbes Co., 347 wainingtoa st. no phones. EUctrlc Fixtures nfi u"ho'u, 'SSS prices are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electrio Works, 61 Sixth street. "Plot! Knives. Forks and all Silverware X ittliug replated as good as new. Oregon Plating works, ltith and Aider. Mala 2575, A 2di o. Independent Coal A Ice Company, opposite City Library- "Roth phones. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARK HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLIOWINO ANSWER CHECKS AND MAX BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE. A 38. 49, 62. 65, 6T. B to. 64. 6T. C SS. 49. 50. 56, 69. D 58. 86. 6T. K 41, 56. 64. 69. 10. I' 55. 6. 61, SS, 71, 85, S7. G 30. 32. 40. 44, 48, 49, 67. 73, 838. H 23, 48. 6S, S, 67, 69, 71, 73. 74. J 39. 60. 55. 65. 68. 6H. 73. 74. K 11. 5a 58. 6') 64. 09. 71. I. 37, 47. 57. 61. 67. 68. M 26. 3. 57. 63. 65. 71. ' 87. 56. 67, 68, 61. 63. 65. 70. T3, 423, 4-J. 63. 64. 68, 72. 74, 739. r 32. 41. 43. 45. 46. 49. 60. 63. 64, 67. R SO. 42, 61. 62. 66. 67. 71. S 1. 44. 45. 62. 68. 60. T 0, 48. SO. 55. 61. 63. 64, 67. V 31. 43. 47, 66, 59. 62, 68. W 4S. 58, T. 65. 67. X St. 59. 62, 68. V 41. 63. 64. 67. AB 4. 39. 59, 68. AC 34, 44, 47. 4S. 55. 66. 5. 68. 69. All 34. 44. 47. 48. SO. 64. 69 AE 46. 59. 64. 85, 67, 69. 685. AF 27, 40, 68. 754. AG 31. 40. 42. 45. 63. 64. 66. 67. AH 31. 44. 48. 49, 50. 65, 67. , AJ 57. 65, "A J." A K 38. 42. 63. 67. AL 50. 01. 63. 65. 68. AM 30. 44. 46. 67. 58, 59, 64, 67, 68. 69. AN 44, 50, 68. If above answers are not called for with' In 6 days, same will be destroyed. NEW TODAT. Laundry Laundry Laundry A (rood money-making proposition, -with real estate. All machinery in first-class condition. A chance of a. lifetime. Investigate this.. Cheap. V 79 Oregonlan. Trackage to Lease 40x100 E. First and Madison. $75 per mo. R HOFER, 374 Oak. Main 546S. A. ft rx . v. NEW TODAT. ToLease For term of years, three ; story and basement brick building, northeast corner Front and Ankeny. Apply FRANK E. HART 311 Board of Trade Building. FINE LOTS and HOMES IN GREGORY HEIGHTS On terms easier than rent. Coma to office. w e will take you out. six montns rent tree to lot Duyers. INVESTnENT C0.o,SP 418 Corbett Bids, Fifth aad Morrison. for Summer camping; is unexcelled in location, ease of access and price of lots. It lies in the edge of the Cascade Mountains at the lunctlon of the Sandy and Salmon Rivers, near Mclntyre's. The ground is level and mossy and protected by ample shade. You may breakfast in the city, take dinner at Brlghtwood and spend the rest of the day with rod, gun or book. T .-- n K n 1AA a. an,4 f ff purchasers only, $30 each. Buy now and double your money before the et- son advances. A. E. BORTHWICK 316 Chamber of Commerce. Lucretia Street Investment Full 50x100 foot lot, just 150 feet north of Washington street, worth $9000, and a fine, new, modern house, cost $4200 18 months ago, and now leased for $60 per month ; price for quick sale, only - 99500 Terms, $4000 cash. BURNEY & BURNEY, Room 15, 270 Wash. St. A 4722, Main 7995. . STATE IRRIGATED LAND. FILE TODAY on a 40 or lOO-acra tract. - LAN D OF FICE 09 Wells-Farco Bide. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland te buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER, and MOST DESIRABLE residence property oi the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE real" dences unaer construction ana tne im provementa going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH 8X. PICK IT UP 80 acres in section 32, fine soil, Vk mils east of the United Railroad and 2 miles northwest of Llnnton; great activity In this locality, S3t30O; enurf sa?a. C. ueourjn, 217 Ablngton bldg. A Real Bargain 100x100 2d. and Clay sts., bringing good rent now; very easy terms. $35,000 1 - Humason & Jef fery M 1189. 226 Stark st. A 3814 PLUMBING You c&n buy your material and have your Dlumblnar done on the installment plan at WILLIAM STEVENSON'S, 2&3 Flanders street. ' GEOBGB BLACK, FTBL.IC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branch.) S28 Worcester Bldf. Fbonas. Main 4371, A 401. BR GH WOOD NEW TODAT. POMONA Take Mount Scott car at Third and' Morrison, get off at Tremont Station.; LOTS BO BV 10 FEET $300.00 - $30 cash-and-f 6 per month.' Streets graded and water mains laid; fine level lots, with Just enough trees for shade. ' . : POMONA is Oft the Mount Scott carline. 150 feet south of Tremont Station. 7-minutes car service, 6c fare. Ofice on the ground. POMONA is situated in the center of a well-set tled district, surrounded by cozy new cottages and bungalows. Take Mount Scott car at Third and Morrison streets, get off at Tremont Station, walk south 150 feet to our of fice on the tract, or come to our down town office, 616 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth street, week days, and we will take you out. RIGGS S PALMER THIRD ST. BETWEEN STARK AND WASHINGTON Full lot, 50x100 $125,000 On adjoining quarter block, corner Third and Washington streets, a 12- story skyscraper is to. be erected at once. Tenants have been notified to vacate. "You'll have to hurry" if you want this. Best buy in Portland. Terms. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Building $4200. 100x100, corner of East 9th and "Wygant sts., with new and modern house; 3 bedrooms. $6000 50x100, in Xrvington and new and modern home, with every convenience; 4 bed rooms and ' sleeping porch; asphalt street; -close: to best car service on East Side, 15 minutes from 5th and Wash ington sts. Can make very desirable terms. ROUNIREE 6 DIAMOND 241 Stark St., cor. Second Quarter Block ON GRAND AVENUE AND OREGON STREET with a solid 9-room house thereon to lease for a term of 20 years at Inviting; rentaL This is Just'the proposition for speculators and builders to take hold of. Enouajh said. For details call at the office of Julius Kraemer SX FIFTH ST. STOP RENT TOU CAN BUILD IMMEDIATELY IN GLEN HARBOR The location and view cannot be ex celled. Streets are graded. Water and sewer systems nearly completed. Lots 60x100 S225 ud np. Take a look at the Improvements In Glen Harbor. GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO. Phone A 1568. Do Not Read This If you do you will find something good. Listen, 86x150 lot, 5 rooms, new, never oc cupied, tinted walls, first-class, plumbing, wired for electricity. Dtitcn kitchen, bed rooms, fine living-room, faces - west, be tween two carllnes, lot level. Look at the price, only S1900; terms, S&00 down, bal ance to suit; go out today as owner will show you through. Take Hawthorne-ave. car, get off at Glenn ave., go south to No. 426 and you will be very much surprised. Or call at the office and we will take you out. SELLERS ft SMITH, S0 Board of Trade. Phones Main 4458, A 1273. 14 Per Cent Income Property 3 6 -room modern apartmnt-house In 3-room housekeeping: suites, completely luruiBuou, near xtn ana u eiierson. Lot, bnlldlua; and faraisMnsrs com plete for Quick sale at fl6,ooo, 96000 down. As investment pays $200 month. As business A300 net per month, with almost nothing; to do. OWSER,' 421 Twelfth Street. BRAZEB - STREET ADDITION, Lots BOx 100, Including; Improvements, 10 Per Cent Cash, BaL Monthly. . See SCHOONMAKER, 708-8 Corbett Bids;. Phones M 7855, A 6722 For Rent Store Room 42x100 four floors and basement steam heat, electric liarht. Otis elevator. PACIF-IO PAPER CO, Keutfc and Aakear, NEW TODAT. WHITE SALMON VALLEY ORCHARD LAND The most select tracts full crops without irrigation. Small fruit supplies an early market. Buy now, prices rea sonable and rapidly advancing to a production value. - H. N. 1.AWR1E. 32 Worcester Bids- 3d and Oak Sta. Malm SDHO. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. 9. Abrth&m, 203 Ablngton bldg. Main 6226. Andrews, F. V., A CO. M. 3348. 30 Hamilton oiog. Baker. A If rod A . 212 Abinrton bld. Beck, William O.. 313 Falling bids. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortiraires. loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict, 502. McKay big. M. 649 Chapln A -Hcrlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. A Co., S03 Corbett bids. Fields, C. E.. A Co., Board of Trade bids. Jennlnsa & Co.. Main 168. 206 Ore son! an. Lee, M. E-. room 411 Corbett .bids. Parrish. Wat kins A Co., 250 Alder fit. Richardson. A. B-, 221 Com. Club bids- P chalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main or A 802 Sharkey, J. p.. a Co., 122H Sixth t. The Orsn RM Estate Co., Grand ave. and ALimnomab sc. (wouaaty Addition. Waddel, W. O.. 309 Lumber Exchange bid. Walker. 8. 'T 604 Corbett bide. White. B- K.. 227 Washington et. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT Are offering 50x100 lots oa 47th. 48th, 49th ami Division sts. at . $400 and up on easy terms. They are In the new addition of Wind sor Heights, which is selling off so rapidly over one-quarter of the entire tract was sold in two weeks. A 10-minute ride along beautiful Hawthorne ave. and you are on the grounds. TaTte Mt. Scott car and get off at Section Line road. , BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 602 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. THREE GOOD HOMES. New, modern house on high, sightly cor ner in Rose City Park; house haa 6 large rooms and sleeping-porch, electric light, bath, cement basement, furnace and cast be bought for $3650; $650 cash. Another one in same locality. This Is a modern bungalow with five rooms; price $2750. 6-room house on Peninsula, hot and cold water, bath, basement and electric lights; price $2000.. 8oO cash. (332) HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. LOOK AHEAD And you will see a sure profit in Windeor Heights lots; this new addition Is directly on carline. in a central location, close in, front ing on one of the great thorough fares of Portland. How can you possibly fall to make a profit on Windsor Heights 6oxlO0 lots at $400 and on easy terms, too? Take Mt. Scott car and get off at Sec tion Line road. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Let our architect draw plans for you free of charge. Our building department Is In charge ot a Californian, who is an authority on bungalow structure. We guarantee the qualty of our work to be of the highest only. We refer you to your bank or to Dun or Bradftreet as to our responsibility. We loan money for building and build on easy terms. You don't have to hunt for what you want We will build It tor you. This plan will save you money. W M. CONKLIN A CO.. INC., 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747, M. 2859. . HAWTHOR1VB AVE. To be paved this Summer with asphalt at a cost of $171,000. Think what this means for those who bought Windsor Heights lots at $400. If you want to secure a Windsor Heights lot on easy terms, make your selection without delay. Take Mt. Scott car and get off at Section Line road. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. 20TH AND EAST ANKENY. 9-room modern house; good corner; four good-sized bedrooms, furnace, nrepiace, ce ment basement, laundry trays, fruit trees can be bought this week at a snap, as owner is in need of money ; terms can be made. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M. 8609, A 2653. ROSE CIT1 PARK. The most beautiful seven-room dwelling In Portland; all on one floor, but has base ment and large attic; the interior finish of this real bungalow Is superb: a bargain at $4250. Hartnian &. Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. FACTORY OR BUSINESS. Fine site In South Portland for factory or business of any kind, about 30.000 square feet, faces three streets, conven ient to Hver and railways; this is worth $10,000 now but will take $&500, $4500 will handle tnis. Ross, 4us oerunger biag. S2KOO 4.72 ACRES. $2500 Wanted, a gardener or florist who can appreciate the value of the above; right on the Oregon City carline; runring water that can be handled so as to give double production. Jesse Hobson, CCS Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. New. 8-room house, lot '75x100, $1500, $1000 cash. 7-roora house, lot 100x175, $1300, $1000 in cash; both on electric line in Forest Grove. . Address Wm. Mmr, Forest Grove, Oregon." FOR SALE BY OWNER. New, handsome 8-room bouse, with all modern appliances ; positively the finest view In the city; price $5800; can be seen Sunday from 1:30 to 6 P. M., at 368 Aspen St., "Willamette Heights. IRVINGTON QUARTERS Wo have several choice quarter blocks In Irvington at attractive prices. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 21S Commercial Club Bldg. A SXAP. An elegant 9-room house on Uoyt, near 32d, for $6500; this Is a snap, so hurry. BROXO-STEELE CO., 110 Second St. 820 ACRES can be bought for platting In city lots; price $32.50 per acre. Write or phone Northwest Timber Co., 520 Lumber Ex change Bldg. Main 5789. NEW 3-room house, modern; bearing fruit trees rose bushes, etc. : a bargain if taken at once. Owner, 41$ Fenton bldg. Phone Main 7219, A 3253. $3ftW Modern 7-room- house, fine lawn, walking distance, also convenient to Broadway car. 416 Chamber Commerce. BELMONT GORNER, 2 lots; Income, on In side lot $45 month; only a260. Quick, 243 Stark. - 6-ROOM modern house, furnace, all conven iences, 880 E. Flanders, corner 20th and E -Ankeny,-or Montavin car. - . $425- WILL buy lot on Roielawn ave., near E 8th st. North; no stumps . or rock; term 4 Qoddant A- Wledrick, lie 2d st. FOR - SALE by owner, - - the handsomest bungalow in. Jrvlngton, - Call and see it. 24 E. 20th St. N. . , v. CORNER-LOT on Union ave., - near. Alberta, 62 feet frontage; price right. Godjdaxd A Wledrlck,- 110 2d st. . . BARGAIN Beautiful . home. ; strictly modern, 0 rooms." lot "5x100, - all Improvement. Ap ply owner, 832 Et. Kelly, Waverieigh . Hta. IRVINGTON house and 2 lots, - 100x100. phone Oak Grove, Black 118; will - sell lots aeparaiely. . r 100 F1TET on-Williams- ave., corner, income $65 a month. . L 70,. Oregonian. MODERN 6-room .-house, two blocks east Clinton Kelly school. Inquire 102 E. 17th st. TWO lots close is, St. John; no ageata AB ' 09. Orexoaian. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS LOCATION. There is an excellent openlns for almost any kind of a business at the junction of Section Line road and Ml. Scott line. There is ao store within half a mile in either clrection. Yet one would pay from the start and soon would obtain the additional patronage of the resident of Windsor Heights a new addition which la selling off rapidly. If you are In terested we shall be pleased to furnish particulars. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. B02 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. 12500 NICE home on full-sized lot in Mult nomah. Terms, $500 down, balance on time at the low rate of J per cent. $1750 4 -room house on lot 50x100; about $550 cash, balance S10 per month. 42700 New' home on St. John carline, Nice home In Overlook, modern and con venient. Let us show you, and give you price and terms. $3800 8-room house with ground 100 feet on KilUngsworth ave., by 116 feec deep. JAMES D. OGDEN, S48 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 202, C 2O08. YOU'LL MISS IT If you don't secure one of those beautiful view lots in Windsor Heights. Take Mt. Scott car and get off at Section Line road and you are on the spot. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. YAMHILL ORCHARDS COMPANY. FRUITS AND WALNUTS. We have the choicest land In Yamhill County for fruits and nuts and are offer ing It In 5 and 10-acre tracts1, all planted and cared for for 4 years ; easy-payment plan. Call or write for our booklet. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 815-316-317 Abinxton Bldg. A SNAP. $2000 If taken at once; 16 acres; 750 feet water front, 4 dally boats, rural phone; postofflce, school and store adjoin placs ; living spring, furnishing enough water to irrigate; 10,000 strawberry plants. 100 fruit trees, house, barn and other out buildings; new warehouse and boathouse on the beach, 2 rowboats, cow and calf, 25 chickens, all tools necessary to farm the place. MACK AY A BURR, Inc.. Olympla, Wash. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and planters In Oregon. We have the only planted tracTs on the market. Our properties are in the walnut country. Yamhill, 5-acrs tracts, planted, $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., Lumber Exchange bldt,., 2d and Stark sta H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 813 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG., MAIN S699, A 2653. MT. TABOR COTTAGE. 7 rooms, nice and homey, with mag nificent view, modern plumbing, basement, wood lift, etc.; the grounds are large, with several bearing fruit trees; some small fruit; chicken -houBe and park; 2 blocks from car line; facing south. We have this at the right price. HENKLE & HARRISON, , 511 Gerlinger Bldg. SNAP Nice home, $1400; $700 cash, bal ance on or before 3 years at 6 per cent; 4 rooms, modern plumbing, bath, toilet, sink, -etc, ; basement, electricity, sightly, graded lot; ready to move In. short walk to Woodlawn car; prices advancing in this district. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Wash ington st.. room 404. FORCED SALE. t I must sell my elegantly arranged new bungalow, and a half block of ground at once; if you want a modern home In fine residence section on East Side you will look no further after seeing this place as toe price will maxe tne saie. owner, 511 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful country home, 6 rooms. 2 pantries, large verandas, with 1 hi acres, on Oregon City car line; 30 minutes' ride from city; fruit trees, ber ries and cranes, etc.. large chicken corral, new barn, etc.; choice roses, shrubbery and flowers. No agents, a 74, ur ego man. SUNNYSIDE business property, on E. 84th et., near Belmont; 5-roora modern house on place. This is a good speculative buy and the bouse can be rented while value is increasing, f3J50. 341) HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. $750O. NOB HILL HOME. New. 7-room house, thoroughly modern. hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement and furnace; terms: near 24th st. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ' $3000 Lot 80x75. on Terrace Road. . $2000 Lot 85x40 on Hill Crest Drive. Both are improved and have fine views, National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Wash ington st. $2O0O Half cash, modern house, lot 200x100, erana view. 30 Dear in x zruit trees. 10 min utes' walk to store, postofflce and school. Northwest Timber Co.. 620 Lumber Ex change bldg.. Main 5789. Write or phone. DON'T take 4 per cent on your money. You can invest witn us; we win mane you over 25 per cent and monev is safe. - BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Inc.. 6th and Wash; Sts.. S5 Lafayette Bldg. BY owner, new 5-roora bungalow, strictly modern, restricted neighborhood; cemn -' basement; front and rear porches; lot &0x 100; 18 Cedar St., Flrland, one block from cars; $1950; terms. Phone, Tabor 644. ONE acre, new 5-room bungalow, 2 carllnes, hiehlv cultivated soil, no rocks, all kindi and plenty of fruit, all in garden, choice location; iu biocKS rrom city limns, sibuu. casn. (j 4a, uregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. block of car. 160x175. on Kearney or High st. and 17th, $2000 on terms of $500 cash ana $ouo per year ana interest. A 72, oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4500 Lot 85x115. Including, reinforced concrete walls and lumber; magnincent unoostructea view. National Realty St. Trust Co., 326 Wash. street. 11 LOTS. $3300. An investment that will net- big returns; we invite invesiig.iion; terms. HOWARD-BEHNK E CO., 519 Swetland Bldg. LAURELWOOD. $3O0 Lot 40x100, good location, $15 down $5 per montn. A. C. HARRIS, Laurel wood, Mt. Scott car. ROSE CITY PARK. EAST FRONT lot. 1 blocks to car: $475. this week. 8. T. Walker, 604 Corbett Bldg. (Open even ings, too.) BUILDERS Owner will sell 6 fine lots. neair car, 18 minutes down town, $350 each.; water in; a real bargain, v 74 Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house in nice neighborhood and easy walking distance, on East Side; lot 50x125; price $3500, terms. Kauffmann Sa Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. ft-ROOM house, 60x100 lot. Sunny side, very reasonable ; easy terms. Vanduyn A Wal ton, &15 .Chamber of Commerce. OWNER must, 'sell at once a new 8-room house, just completed, ray loss Is your .gain. Call -room. 816 Board of Trade bldg. CLOSE to Steel bridge, nice. room, eight rooms; jalso 6-room house. Owner, 822 Ross st. Phone C 1056. I AM syndicating 55 choice lots In Rose City Park. $2400 a share. One share left. Want It? - Owner. -R to, Oregonian. . PARK - STREET . CORNER A dandy, only 1 22,000; right down town; worth $25,000. 243' Stark. ; - OWNER will sell several choice building lots ' below -market value.- Sell wood 870 after 7:30 P. M., or before 8:30 - A. M. FOR SALE New 6-room house, cement floor - and walks; 100 feet from -Ladd's Laurel- hurst tract. AF 66, Oregonian. - MODERN- 8-room Nob Hill- home-for-sale. L. JfcC Moore, 718 Swetland. bldg. 1 1 -1 TRACKAGE 120x200 East 1st and Madison. R Hofer, 274 Oak. Main 54 5. FOR SALE 6-room house at 742 E. Main, near 2 2d; hot- water heat. Phone E 131L FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. VIEW LOTS. Are getting scarce. ' Those that are accessible and not toe far out will soon be beyond the reach of all except the rich. The view lots in Windsor Heights are only lOO feet from the carline and can be had, while they last, at very reasonable prices and on easy terms. The view of city and mountains from Windsor Heights Is surpassingly beautiful. Take Mt. Scott car and get off at Sec tion Line road. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. ROSSMERE SECTION OF ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT. The platting of the Ladd farm by Henry will make this district the coming re stricted residence district of Portland; the new carline down Sandy will give this district as quick service as Irving ton, Walnut Park or Piedmont, and its altitude makes it preferable; all the homes, except , In this district, built in the last year; note Its growth ; growth means advancing values; a few choice lots S100 under company's present prices. Seaberg, Elton Court. Phone Private Ex change 48 or A 2770; Investigate. BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT GROVES. We give the buyer of walnut lands la Oregon the best proposition on the market today in PLANTED tracts of 6 and 10 acres each. Call and iet ue tell you about U or write for free folder. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. EAST 28TH ST. The prospect of th-e concrete bridge being opened makes the two blocks we have at 2Sth and Sandy Road the best buy on the market at $20,000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M 8698. A 2653. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. BKAZEE STREET ADDITION. LOTS 50x100 INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. SEE 8CHOONMAKER," 70S-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7S55, A 6722. THE LAST CHANCE. $6650 for an ekjrant corner 72x100 with strictly modern io-room, high-class resi dence, worth $8000 of any man's money; for above price and on dead easy terms; fine neighborhood. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern bungalow In the new part of Irvington; everything strictly up to date, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc ; faces east. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 113 Commercial Club Bldg. FIVE FINE LOTS. $300 each, sightly view overlooking city, three blocks from trolley; lots 50x100 each, 80-foot street, black soil; $250 cash re quired. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark. LINNTON WAYS, a nice 20-acre place, 4 miles N. W. of Llnnton. Land Is mostly level, 2 acres clear, small orchard, small shack and barn, on county road; 15 acres of first growth timber. Only $150 per acre. C. F. Pfluser A Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ets. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION S. E. cor. 10th and Hancock; garage and modern 6-room bungaiow, with or without furniture; an excellent buy and worth Investigating; liberal terms and immediate possession. Ralph R. Ruffner, owner, on premises or 124 3d et. E&et 4017 or Main 26. HOLLA-DAY PARK. Modern 6-room bungalow with full base- ment;- lot 50x100; oaly" $3500. 762 Multno mah, near 22 d at; $1500 cash will handle this. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $1150 AN IRVINGTON FRACTIONAL CORNER. 60x78 feat; three feet above grade; con crete walks and curbs ; an immediate building proposition. , St ruble, 405 Lum bermen's bldg. PENINSULA INVESTMENT. 3 50x100 lots. Including corner. Master's Addition, 2 blocks from Kenton at sell ing price, perfect title and abstract. Bag ley, 407 Gerlinger bldg, or Portsmouth sta tion. LAURELWOOD. $1700 Modern 4-room bungalow, 1 lot, east front, $30O down, $15 per month. $2200 Modern 5-room cottages, $300 down, $20 per month. A. C. HARRIS, Laurelwood, Mt. Scott car. $8500 5 acres right in the heart of Monta vllla, together with good 6-room house and other outbuildings. Land all clear, nice fruit trees. This Is a bargain at $10,000. For a few days only. C. F. Pfluger. A Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sCfe. SPECIAL SNAP Bunch of 21 lots In Bos ton Addition, adjoining Rose City Park; less than half their value If taken quickly; owner a non-resident and' needs ready cash. Goddard & Wfedrlck, 110 2d st. NEAT AND MODERN Six-room house, attic, fjull corner lot; terms. Phone Main 289 or call on prem ises, 674 Scnuyler st., cor. East 19th St., bet. 1 and 4 P. M. BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights home, 10 rooms, unobstructed view, lot 80x100, fine neighborhood. Price $8000. would consider smaller home In Irvington or Holladay. Phone Woodlawn 409. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new. with fractional lot, Holladay's; walk by Stei bridge, $3600; any terms you want; if all or H cash, $35O0. CULVER. 623 . Chamber of Commerce. DESIRABLE Willamette River frontage, ai scarce as hens' teeth; lots, beautifully wooded, near Oregon Citv carline, at a bargain, S2000. Phone A 3961. HOU?ES for sale In all parts of the city: acreage close in and farms in Oregon and - Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher, 6C1-&32 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE have customers for vacant lots near Going and E. 10th st; If you have any to sell it will pay you to give us particu lars. Goddard A Wiedrlck, 110 2d st. SNAP 5-room house, modern, lot 46x100; vegetable garden; fine location, only 31900; terms. Owner, 1086 East Grant. Phone . B 248S. FOR SALE Lots 26x100 or 50x100, Tabasco Addition. E. 46th near Lincoln. Terms. R. A. Taylor, cor. 49th and Hawthorne ave. Phone B 1516. ACREAGE on- Oregon Electric, 20-minuts car service; 14 to 2 acres at your own terms. Full information at 410 Failing b'dg. GOING ABROAD. 2 lots, level, sightly, fully improved, near carline; a snap, $420, with terms. Mr Brooks, 507 Ablngton bldg. $100 MAKES $44 in 17 months; does this interest you? BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Inc. 6th and Wash. Sts.. 85 Lafayette Bldg. $6750 BUYS new fiat building in district with big future; inconve $72 per month ; best buy on the West Side. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. ' " $725. 50x100,- near carline. In neighborhood of new high school site; easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 202 or C 2008. CAMPBELL'S ADDITION, lots 40x100 to 60x120. 2 blocks from station, for sale by Wiley A Allen, at Lents. SUNNYSIDE home, neat 6-room heuae. nicely finished, with Improved street, very cheap. 176 E. Main, near 39th. PROMINENT corner, 50x100. on business street, in Swift's townsite, Kenton. Inquire at 508 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. FOR' SALE CHEAP, lot in Waverieigh Heights and Vernon. Owner, E 58. Ore gonian. LOT 50x100, fully Improved near 37th and Tillamook. $550, easy terms. A real snap. Phone Tabor 431, B 2080. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. $270O $100 cash. $25 monthly, beautiful bun galow. 5 Let sear Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. FINE lot in Piedmont. $750. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave. FOR SALE FARMS. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shewn free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or.