1909. S3 EC MEN'S NECKWEAR 5000 Regular 50 Cent Scarfs FRIDAY 25 CENTS MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS Madras and Percale, $1.50 Values FRIDAY ONLY $1.05 President Suspenders FOR MEN ONLY Regular 50c FRIDAY 39c THE MORXING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY", A Magic Millinery Sale Without a Precedent E III SALE OF NEW NECKWEAR Sale of Ladies 1 t n ana iviisses iNewn XT 1 .1 iNecKwear, in tne very latest styles of pretty jabots, ascots.lace yokes, novelty ribbon ef fects in bows, jabots and collars. Collar and cuff sets, cuff and coat sets. Lace and embroidered collars. An im mense assort ment. Values up to 95c. Fridau onlu rfS8?V? Special at 49: EH ARMENIAN CROCHET MATS Never in the history of our Linen Department have we eve r been able to offer such a startling bargain , as these Armenian Hand-Crochet Mats. The assortment is varied and unique in both de signs, patterns, shapes and sizes. Round and square ranging from a 6-inch Doily to a Large Bedspread. Every Piece Offered Friday Half Price and Less 25c pieces for 10$ 60c pieces for 25$ 65c pieces for 29$ 75c pieces for 35$ $1.00 pieces for 42$ $1.25 pieces for 50$ $1.50 pieces for 70$ $2.00 $2.50 $3.75 $4.50 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $12.00 pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces for B5$ for Sl.Oo for $1.65 for S2.00 for S2.50 for $3.50 for $3.75 for $5.00 $18.00 TO $40.00 HATS FOR $10.00 Only 90 women can secure one of these hats, so we advise an early selection. These hats are the cream of our stock, being the most elaborately trimmed and exclusive. They include fancy straw, hair braid, chip, chiffon and jetted horse hair. Every one of them new since Easter and reflect the latest Summer styles. The Biggest Millinery Bargain This Season $1 .50 2-Clasp Gloves 95c Thousands of pairs, all sizes, extra good quality, black, white, tans, brown. Every pair worth $1.50. Friday 95c Children's Hats An assortment of pretty new trimmed Hats for Children in fancy straw and body shapes. These hats are trimmed in flowers and ribbons, and come in an assortment of pretty styles. Regular Price to $3.50 Friday $1.95 Ladies' Bonnets An elaborate assortment of pretty, stylish bonnets in most becoming shapes and tastefully trimmed in small flowers, ribbons and satin. These bonnets are shown for the first time today. Values up to $7.50 Friday $3.95 Unmatchable Suit Values for Friday Sale $21.75 Pictures Half Price Traveler's sample line of pictures deliv ered to us after finishing his trip in San Francisco. These pictures comprise a col lection of his very best sellers THAT IS WHY HE HAS THEM ON THE ROAD and include Photogravures, Steel Engrav ings, Carbons, Pastels, Hand-Colored Plati nums, Etchings, Oils, Water Colors, framed in antique and hardwood frames. Just the thing for the bungalow, the living-room, dining-room and parlor. Note the Friday prices $10 Pictures $4.98 $9 Pictures $4.48 $8 Pictures $3.98 $6 Pictures $2.48 $5 Pictures $2.48 $4 Pictures $1.98 $3 Pictures $1.48 $2 Pictures 98$ 33 85c $1 Silks, Satin Foulards 59. 3000 yards high-grade Fancy Silks and Satin Foulards for Summer suits, shirt waists and jumper dresses. The collection embraces all the newest patterns . and the latest Spring shades, and are offer ed at special, Friday 59c Ribbed Vests and Pants 35c 200 dozen Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests and Pants, high neck, long sleeves, or low neck, no sleeves. Pants to match. Regular price 50c. UnionSuits98c Ladies' Fine Ribbed Union Suits, lovtfneck, no sleeves. Regular values $1.25. Ladies Lisle Hose 3 pair $ 1 .00 200 dozen Ladies' Black Hose with lace boots and allover. New patterns, Herms dorf dyes. Regular price 50c. H 33 .$ 1 6.50 Brussels Rugs $9.98 100 Tapestry Brussels Rugs in many beautiful Oriental and floral designs, size 9x 11. A very service able rug for bedrooms and Summer home Special Friday only $9.98 $35to$50Suitsfor$21.75 The result of a tremendous pressure brought to bear upon one of New York's foremost ladies' tailors, by offering to take his entire show, room samples of Fine Tailored and Fancy Suits, secured this lot for us. Such a bargain as this is possible only once in a season, where a manufacturer is willing to sacrifice his samples when unable to secure additional materials for their making. Every one of them high-class. 120 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS Made of the Finest French Serges, Prunella Cloth and Novelty Materials in all the very latest Summer styles. Every, jacket is lined with the finest quality satin and made in the most approved tailored fashion. Skirts cut in latest models. Here is an opportunity without any extra expenditure, you can buy in this sale Superior Suits, that carry with them the stamp of distinction, individuality, design. Each model on sale bears the marks of refinement, both of fabric and workmanship.' $4.00 Stylish Net Waists at $1.59 300 Stylish Net Waists, come in ecru and white net, elab orately tucked and set with medallions, long sleeves trimmed with lace. Nothing combines so readilywitha separate skirt. pi m m CAST1L Our Great Annual Spring Sale of Soaps Pears Scented Soap 13 I'cars Unscented Soap 11 Woodburj-'s Facial Soap 16 Juvenile Soap 14$ Kesinol SoaD 16$ Packer's Tar Soap.. 16$ 4711 White Rose Soap 12V$ Ola Pine, Buttermilk, rake.. 4$ 3-lb. box Castile 39 Kl Parsano Castile Soap &$ Violette, Heliotrope, Sandal wood, per box 19$ Ingram's Milkweed Cream. ..11 Koper-Gallet Lettuce and Al mond 12$ Kociete Hygonio Soap 33 Dermol Skin Soap 16 Pompeiian Massage Soap. ...14$ Iris Soap 8$ Calvert's Imported Carbolic Soap 14$ Buttermilk Violet, Helio trope, box ....12l,2$ Glenn Sulphur Soap 16$ Pond's Extract Soap 14$ Colgate's Glycerine, Oatmeal, Sulphur - 8$ 4711 Carbolic Soap ....21$ Roger-Gallet Perf'md Soaps..l9 Carmel Castile Soap 8$ Lister's Dog Soap 6 Sapolio, Hand and Scouring.. 5$ L u b i n Imported Perfumed Soaps '.25$ Williams' Jersey Cream Soap 12$ Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 16$ Cosmeo Buttermilk Soap-.-lSf? Glvcerine, Oatmeal, Violette, Castile 4$ BILLIKEN JEWELRY Sash Pins, Collar Pins, Watch Fobs, Scarf Pins, Friday 39c BOX PAPER 33c 50c Box Paper, containing 50 envelopes, 50 sheets ; fine . bresden fabric. NEW HAIR PUFFS Just received new 8 - finger Hair Puffs, real hair. 0 Soecial VOC U BOOK SALES 500 Popular Books by Standard Authors in regular and 1 6 mo. sizes. Just the thing to take with you on a trip to seashore or mountains, among the authors are Stevenson, Holmes, Austin, Scott, Goldsmith, Emerson, Dumas, Sands, Lytton, and others. These books sold from 50c to $1.00 Each Friday 1 8c Percale Wrappers 85c Ladies Percale Wrappers made with full front, turnover collar, full sleeves, lined body, and with a deepjufHe. Come in navy, gray, black and white. $1.25 Value, Friday 85c One-Piece House Dress $ 1 .39 Ladies One-Piece House Dress, made of fine percale and chambray in black and white check, navy blue and figured designs. Plaited fronts, turn down collar, deep hem, high and low neck. Regular $1.75 Special $1.39 Rubber Sale 59c 59c , 89c $1.95 .19c in 2 qt. Water Bottles $1.00 . $ 1 .00 Fountain Syringe: . . $1.25 Bath Sprays . . $2.75 Winner Syringe . . 35c English Breast Pumps 25c Best Nursing Bottles Photo Chemicals Pyro per ounce . . 30c Rodinol per ounce . 40c Edinol per ounce . 25c Annidol per ounze .' 55c " Eikonogan per ounce 20c Sodium Sulphite lb. 20c