Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Wanted, at Once, First-Class Alteration Workers -Exclusive Portland Agents for the Royal Worcester Corsets Over 150 Models
Children's 1LI n 1 j9
20r Rlnrh A JLU&ZZ JL
Women's Underwear
Pants and Vesta, Spring or Summer weights,
lace trimmed or srilk tape, with crochet 1 Qa
edges; values to 35o the garment at. . . I Oil
Boys' Wash Waists
with or without collars attached, pleated or
plain bosoms, neat designs, medium or
light shades; values to $1.25 each at...
A fast black ribbed cotton Hose, with reinforced heel
and toe, medium or heavy weight, for school wear
and outdoor sports. Sturdy stockings, regu- A An
larly 20c the pair, in all sizes, Friday It'U
Women's Hose, in cotton or mercerized lisle; also
in all the Spring shades of tan. A special table in the hosiery aisle
devoted to the display of these new arrivals and all special val- nOn
ues. Specially priced for Friday at, per pair. .25, 29 and dob
To close up all of our short lengths in em
broideries we include all sorts of edges, inser
tions, flouncings and allovers in stock at EX
Olds, Wortman & King
The best one in a long line of phenomenally good' bar
gain days. Those who are wisely frugal will share in this
rare combination of standard qualities at lowest prices.
Fine quality swiss Kerchiefs, with embroidered,
scalloped or hemstitched edges. Large 1Hlft
range of patterns ; 20c values Z2U
200 Linen Dresses f $7.98
Decidedly smart styles, unusually -good quality materials, exceptionally
well-finished dresses' in Princess models, selling at about half their value.
Colors are white, light blue, pink, lavender, Copenhagen and natural linen.
There are two styles in the lot; one as illustrated at the right, made with
wide revers and yoke of tucks trimmed with small buttons, shoulders
and back trimmed with side pleats and skirt trimmed with pleats and
large buttons to match. Another style has Dutch neck and sailor collar
with scalloped and crocheted edge. They are all in one-piece models,
Princess style. Dresses that you will want to use for street wear and
warm weather, for afternoon or evening; in fact, they are good all
around dresses for warm weather wear. Stylish, neat and comfortable,
launder perfectly. Made of good quality linen. ( 17 f
While this lot of 200 lasts, for Friday's selling, go at . O
mw'i 5 ill
..i ir , t mm
jw i . , mm
200 Pr
Gloves 19
A sample line of silk lisle and fabric Gloves, in
one and two-clasp styles; good assortment of col
ors; all sizes to choose from, but not all sizes in
each color or style. Values up to 6dc the
pair. Your choice, per pair '. .
Women's Gloves, in silk and lisle, 12 or 16-button lengths, all
sizes, black or white. Values to $1.25 per pair at
Neckwear Dutch collars, rabats, jabots and stock collars,
all new, smart numbers; 35c values; choice, each
Women's Belts Elastic or Persian, fitted with neat buckles; good
assortment; colors black, white; navy, red and Persian;
values to 65c each. Friday the price will be, each
Hair Bow Taffeta Ribbons, 6 inches wide, all
colors,- black, white, cream, pink, light blue,
cardinal, navy, brown, champagne, Co- QCp
penhagen; special, the yard Zuu
Laces in" Oriental, Venise, Chantilly and net
tops, in bands, galloons and edges; widths op
to 8 inches; values to $l.UO the jQft
yard. Friday, the yard.
Allover Laces $1.98
In Venise designs, 18 inches wide. Come in
black, white, cream or ecru. Regular price,
$9, $8, $7, $6, $5 and $4 the yard; spe- Pi QO
cial at $4.48, $3.98, $3.48, $2.98, $2.48, OlidO
CleanerFreeWith Canvas Shoes
fjj&te Everyone who buys canvas shoes today in our Shoe Department will re-
U l - . . ... r- i . r w r f . w
cewe a bottle or wmte canvas cieaner, regular jc pacnage, aosoiuteiy
In addition to the cleaner free, we sell you the canvas shoes at
r.w Tree.
exceptionally low price. TODAY LAST DAY OF THE SALE
WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, button, blucher or regular lace tf f f
styles, leather or covered heels, lighter extension soles, all sixes in each style. mbM ij
Values up to $2.50, your choice Friday at this exceptionally low price pair V
Women's Oxfords in many styles and
leathers, patents, plain kids, tan calf
and gunmetal. Many staple lines jat
$3. SO and broken lines ff -J QQ
worth to $5, choice at p J. m sO
Women's Oxfords in nearly all styles, leathers and
shapes. Tan calf, brown, kid, gunmetal, glazed
kid and patents, hand turned or medium weight
soles, plain or tip toes, combinations of tf o JQ
plain or patent vamps, values to $5 at 1 k7
$3.73 Rugs, Friday Special $2.75
Beautiful Axminster Rugs, size 24x48 inches, in strikingly handsome Or
iental designs and colors; good quality, durable and attractive. Save on
the rugs and by buying them save your carpet. . Brighten a dull room,
cover a bare spot. They are regularly sold at $3.75 each. Fri
day they will be placed on special sale the low price of
Art Dept. Special
27-inch Centerpieces, stamped
ready to embroider on fine qual
ity in linen. They come in con
ventional designs ; sell regularly at
75c each. For Friday's sell
ing price at only
Parasols at $3.98
Gray Parasols in medium or taupe
shades to match the new gray gowns,
made of best quality silk and fitted
with the new style of frames and
handles. Values up to $6.50.
Your choice for Friday. . . .
Dinner Sets $5 and Up
Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, in fancy
shapes, with neat, small rose border
decoration; 50 pieces. Special OC Art
Friday at, per set. . .' UUiUU
60-piece sets, special for Fri- CC QC
day, per set ODiwU
100-piece sets, special for Fri- QQ 7n
day, per set gui I U
German China Dinner Sets, with gold
band decorations, plain shape, very
neat. Priced for Friday as follows:
50-piece sets, special Friday. 12.75
60-piece sets, special Friday. $16.50
100-piece sets, special Friday .$23.50
Exclusive Portland Agency for the fa
mous Libbey Cut Glass. Name etched
on every piece a guarantee of quality
and cutting.
New Brasses, Writing Sets, Pin Trays,
Ink Stands, Paper Knives. Calendars,
Smoking Sets, Tobacco Jars, Cigar
Holders, Match Stands, etc.
Tumbler Holders, 30c values 20
Back. Sprays, worth $1.25, at. . .Sjjl.OO
Combination Soap and Tumbler Hold
ers, $2 values at $1.60
Garden Hose, 3-ply, 50 feet, PQ nn
special for Friday, only tdJiZU
Garden Hose, 5-ply, 50 feet, or nn
special for Friday MWiZU
Full line of Lawn and Garden Good3
Mowers, Sprinklers, Hose, Reels, Rakes,
Trowels, Weeders, Edgers, Shears, etc.
Nickel-plated Towel Bars, 15c in.
value, special '. ... I Uu
Nickel-Plated Towel Bars, 35c 0C
value, special Zuu
Hand Bags
"Women ' s Handbags, draw
string style, with separate coin
"purse, good assortment of styles
and colors; every one of our
regular $1.50 values; on QQn
sale Friday at. Owlf
Men's Shirts
"White pleated models of good
materials and best styles; sep
arate or attached cuffs, muslin
body, pearl buttons; a superb
shirt at regular price, Ol 1C
$1.50 ; special at 0 1 1 O
$3.50 Combination Suits at $1.99
Corset Cover and Drawers or Corset Cover and Skirts combined; also
Combination Suits, lace or embroidery trimmed, made of longcloth
nainsook ; values up to $3.50 the garment priced for Friday selling at
"Women's fine quality cambric and
nainsook Drawers, with flounce,
trimmed with Val. lace or em- Ol 00
broidery ; values up to $2.50 at
Women's Petticoats of fine cambric,
with wide flounce of India linon, fin
ished with embroidery or lace ; extra
dust ruffle; values are up to OQ "7Q
$5.50. Special sale price OZil 3
Dress Nets
Corset Covers of sheer nainsook,
trimmed with Val. lace edges and in
sertion, also with fancy medal
lions in yoke; special value at..
Women's Night Gowns, chemise effect,
with round or square yoke, elbow
sleeves, trimmed with Valenciennes lace
or embroidery. Values to On QQ
$4.50. Special sale price 0iwO
Dress and waist nets, plain or with small figures and
in figured designs. Come in cream, ecru and A f
white, fine for yokes, sleeves, waists, etc. Values up to 85c yard, at. . . ,
Notions and Toilet Needs
Stock Collar Forms, white, all sizes, Plnaud's Toilet Soap, fine imported
worth 10c each, at low price of ..5 goods, all odors, regularly 25c the
Trouser Hangers, with wood clamp, cake, special daring this sale. 17
do not rust pants, 15c values.. lO Moth Balls, for packing away furs,
Skirt Markers, special, each..lO etc., special, the box only 5
Shirtwaist Shields, the kind that Writing Paper, high grade, special
pin on, can be used on any dress, lot in assorted tints, envelopes )to
regular 25c and 35c values... 19 match, Friday at HALT PRICE
Jet. Hat Pins, assorted Large size, 24 inches Shell or amber color,
sizes, worth 25c each, long, worth 35c each, dozen on card, worth
special at only. .10? special at only..23 25c card, for. ...15
Ribbon Leaders, Bet of three, nickel
plated, 15c value, the set 9
Fountain Syringes, with three hard
rubber pipes, pure red rubber bag,
2-quart size, regular $1.50 values,
special price, this sale, only..98
Dr. Charles' Flesh Food at...39
Bay Rum, pint bottles, regular 50c
values, special Friday, only.. 39
Pond's Extract Talcum Powder, in
fancy jars, 25c values, for .17
Dressing Combs, bard rubber, all
coarse or coarse and fine....X7
Nail Polisher and Buffer, with
ebony handle, worth 50c, spl..39
Writing Paper, fine cloth finish,
25c box, special price only. ...17
Commercial Envelopes, 5c pkgs. 3
Writing Paper, white cloth finish,
1-lb. packets, worth 35c, for.. 19
Mascot Playing Cards, pack.. 18
100 Crepe Paper Napkins for.lO
$m for Hats Worth $12
Yard Wide Taffeta 93c Yard
Standard grade black Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide, rich, lustrous finish, shimmer
ing, rustling silk, suitable for making waists, petticoats, gowns, suitable for any
purpose. Gives splendid wear, stays a rich fast black. The regular price
is $1.25 the yard. On sale Friday at yard
Gingham Aprons at 27c Each
Women's Gingham Aprons, made with pockets and strings, good tyi
size, fast color, checked gingham; sell regularly at 35c each. . Lib
Values to 30o selling Friday at, each, only. . 19
Women's Larger Gingham Aprons, made in Mother Hubbard style,
with long sleeves and strings, fast color, large or small checks. CQn
blue and white. Values to 85c. For Friday's selling, each. UUu
Girls' White Lawn Aprons, in "Little Beauty" style, with bretelles
and wide strings. Ages 4 to 12 years priced as follows :
35c value, special only....27 Values to $1.00, special. 89
75c values, special only. . . -58 Values to $2.25, special. .Sjsl.68
If you put off buying you will miss
this stupendous bargain, or at least
you will miss finding the very hat
that would suit you best at this price.
With such values as these selling
must be rapid and assortments must
be soon depleted. They are flower
trimmed models in large assortment,
all of the leading colors and shapes;
stylish, good quality; regu- On QQ
larly-worth to $12; special, OZiJU
Dress Hats in decidedly attractive
models, tastefully trimmed and the
most stylish shapes. The materials
alone in any hat in this lot are worth
more than the price asked for the hat
complete. The most wanted shades
are here in plenty. A hat to fit
every face and to please any . purse.
lietruiar values in the lot as men as
$25. Your choice for Fri
day's selling, only..
Special bargains in untrimmed hats
at $1.25 and $2.50 each for Friday.
Dress Goods Half Price
Panamas, voiles, serges and fancy worsteds included in this lot. No
short lengths, full pieces of some of the very best fabrics in the mar
ket today. Good color assortment; pleasing wanted patterns; weaves
that make stylish garments and that give more than satisfactory
wear. Regular $1 to $3 yard. Come Friday while they go at half price.
Swedish Consul (ilves $50,000 to
Xorthwfstern TTnlvcrslly.
CHICAGO, May S. The flrst material
fruit of thn National Peace Conference,
which closed here last nipht. Is a fund
of 125.000 donated to Northwestern Uni
versity by John R. Ilndgren. Swedish
Consul to Chicago and cashier of the
State Bank of Chicago.
The fund provided by Mr. Linderen Is
to be used for the purpose of founding a.
permanent series of lectures and to se
cure the annua! payment of prizes fop
essays upon the questions of interna
tional peace and interdenominational re
ligious harmony. A second gift of $35,000
additional to the same Institution to
found a chair of Scandinavian Literature
also tras announced by Mr. Llndgren.
"Train de Iuxe" on Exhibition.
Another of the. magnificent trains in
the Soo - Spokane - Portland through
service -will be on exhibition on Fourth
street, north of Oak, between 1:15 and
S o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) after
noon. 1 is of Canadian Pacific design
throughout and superbly equipped. The
public cordially invited. -
The proposal to held an international
aeroplane competition in Russia this year
has bean abandoned for lack of funda
Man Charged With Dynamiting
Train Mar Hie in Jail.
BUTTE, Mont., May 6. Louis Ferris,
charged with dynamiting a Northern Pa
cine train within the city limits' of Butte
In April, 190S, today appeared In court
for a second trial, having been acquitted
on the first murder charge. The case will
begin May 17. Three men were killed in
the wreck which Ferris is accused of
causing, and under the Montana statute
be may be tried three times, and in sffidi
tton, a fourth trial for train wrecking,
for which the penalty in this state Is
death, may be had.
Notwithstanding a previous acquittal,
Ferris has been in Jail a year today, and
as his health is poor, his attorneys today
stated unless the matter Is speedily set
tled. Ferris, even if Innocent, will be il
legally executed, since he will die In Jail.
Steel Ralls Advance.
PITTSBURG. May S. Announcement
was made today at- the office of the
Carnegie Steel Company of an increase
in the price of light steel rails of from
$3 to $4 a ton.
Fifty-six thousas-d Chines are " resident
in th Philippines (about 22.000 In Manila).
The net gala in Av-e years baa been 3594.
Restaurant Man Shoots Hole In KIs
Fascinating Chef.
OAKLAND, Cal., May 6. Prompted
by insane Jealousy, Augrust Cousins,
proprietor of a restaurant, today shot
Harry B. Shattuck, a cook In his place,
believing the chef had stolen the af
fections of his wife. Shattuck lies hov
ering between life and death with an
ugly bullet wound in his right breast.
Land Withdrawn for Irrigation.
WASHINGTON. May 6. The Secretary
of the Interior has withdrawn from any
form of disposition whatever, under the
public land laws, the following described
land In connection with the Simcoe unit
of the Wapato irrigation project, Wash
ington: Township 10, North Range 18 east;
Sections 3. 4; northeast hi Section 5; all
Sections 9 to 16 inclusive; east H Section
21; all Sections 22 to 27 Inclusive; Section
84. north Vk and southwest Section 35.
Township 11, North Range IS east, east
H Section 12; all Section 13; southeast hi
Section 21; south H Section 23; south Vi
Section 23; all Sections 24 to 28 inclusive;
east Section 29; east Section 32; all
Sections 33. 34 and 35. Township 10,
North Range-17 east, all Sections 18. 19,
20, 29 and 30. Township 11. North Range
17 east, all Section 5; southeast V Sec
tion 6; Sections 7 and IS.
Also Tears to Pieces Sclioolliouse in
DENISON, Tex., May . A tornado
struck Kentucky, Towles County, last
night. The Baptist Church and school
house were destroyed.
Break in Iead Miners' Strike.
BONNETEHRE, Mo., May S. A break
in the lead mines strike occurred to
day when it became evident that half
the striking miners will return to work
Friday without increased wages.