13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, 3IAY 7, 1909. LOCALS BREAK UP GAME IN TWELFTH Seals Overcome Lead in Ninth, Only to Lose on Breen's Timely Triple. WILLIS HAS HARD LUCK California Twirler Has Poor Sup- port, AVhile Beavers Also Add Sev- eral Errors to Contest Other wise Well Played. ! FACmO COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. Portland 6, San Franelaoo s. Vernon 2. Oakland O. Lea Angelea 7, Sacramento 0. Standing of the clnba. t 3 M o -. o 2 3 3 2 o P Cluba 5 ? g 3 a a ; ; 3 3. a ; . ; : : 2 3 : : : Portland... 2 7 4.. 8 22 .629 San Fran.. 1 ' 4 6 6 4 21 .508 Iob AnKeln 6 3 2 9 . . 20 .541 Sacramento 2 7 1 4 3 17 .486 Vernon 1 5 2 8 16 .444 Oakland... 4 3.. 4 1 12 .333 lost . IS 16 1718(20!24 108 BY W. J. PBTRAIN. Portland slipped another one over on 'the Seals yesterday, and while It required 12 innings to turn the trick, the game demonstrated that McCredle's huskies can play the game of baseball in all Us phases. The final score was 6 to 5, and Dick Breen's triple, followed by a pass to Armbruster. and Graney's slow bounder to McArdle, which Breen beat to the plate, was the deciding factor In a same that was full of excitement and misplays, but nevertheless Interesting at all times. Jack Graney was pitted against Ralph "Willis, and the San Francisco boy. who was known as the hard-luck pitcher last year on .account of the large number of l-to-0 games he lost, was against that same old hard luck game yesterday. Had Graney been accorded perfect sup port In the earlier innings, and likewise Willis, it is quite likely that one run would have decided the game, for both pitchers were in great form and worked hard to win. It was Portland's day, and while the locals booted and threw badly, the Seals did even worse. . Graney Lets Up In Ninth. With the score 5 to 3 in our favor In the ninth, Graney displayed his only s-lgns of weakening, for he allowed Mohler a pass and waa hit hard by Tennant and Melchior. All three are left-handed bat ters, who ordinarily are easy for Port land's premier southpaw. As a result the score was tied up in a bow knot, requir ing extra innings. The Seals put two over in the second inning because errors by Olson and John son and an infield hit by McArdle. which went as such because Umpire Toman needs to clean his lamps, allowed Jimmy Williams and Berry to score. Portland came right back, for an error by Nick . 'Williams, who played third in the absence of Roily Zelder, who Is ill, Kennedy's , sacrifice and a fielder's choice on Arm bruster's out gave one run to the home team. Graney's wild heave gave San Fran cisco one in the third, while Portland chased one more over in the same inning on a pass to Ryan and William'a second or third error, it is hard to recollect which. He made so many real and near boots that count of them could not be kept. Graney's Double Scores Two. In the fourth McCredie'e bunch got busy in ' earnest and Graney's corking double 'sent Breen and Kennedy across the plate, giving us the lead. Another error by Williams and Ryan's pretty single scored Graney for run the fifth In the sixth innir.g. In the mean time it looked like molasses taffy for Portland, as the Seals were seemingly un able to hand anything to Graney until the ninth, when the aforementioned left . handed batsmen were to blame for the tying of the score. In the 12th. Breen opened with a beauty to center which netted him three cushions. , Kennedy was out, McArdle to Tennant, with Breen holding third. Armbruster ' walked, and promptly stole second while Willis was winding up. Graney planted a slow bounder to McArdle, and the latter'a throw to the plate was true, but Breen made a beautiful slide under Berry, , gaining the decision by an eyelash, and . the game was over. Wlllctt and Henley Today. Today is ladies' day. and Portland is out to make it three straight. Roy Willett will pitch for McCredle, while "Slivers" Henley will fling for the Seals. The official score of yesterday's game is as follows: SAN FRANCISCO. . AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. N. Williams. 3b ..... 6 0 0 2 2 2 Mohler, 2b .......... S 1 0 f 4 4 0 Tennant. lb .......... a 2 3 11 S 1 Budle. ct S 0 a 5 0 0 Melcholr. rf ........ 5 0 1 2 0 O J Williams. If ...... li 1 1 H O 0 Kerry, u 6 1 3 4 8 1 McArdle. aa . 5 0 1 2 3 1 Willi, s S O O 1 7 0 Totala ......... ...46 5 It 34 21 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. P.O. A. Ryan, rf 1 1 1 0 Olson, rr - - a 0 O 2. 1 Fpeaa. If . . tt 0 3 2 0 McCredle. rf . u . 2 O 0 2 O Johnson. 8b i - & 1 O 0 S Breen. 2b - - m r, 6 3 115 Kennedy, lb - 2 1 0 17 0 Armbruster. o .wmmc 4 0 0 11 2 Graney, p 4 1 1 O Total I.............. 8& e a 36 SCORB3 BT INNINGS. IS San' ' Franclaco. .0 2100000200 0 5 Hit. 1 2101110210 1 11 Portland .....0 1120100000 1 6 Hit . . . - 1 OOIOIIOIQO 1 6 SUMMARY. Struck out. by WUlla 3, Graney 10; bases on ball", oft Willis 9. Graney 4; two-baae hits, Graney. Tennant, Berry; three-baae hit. Breen; aacrtnce bits, Kennedy 2, Mel- v.noir. J- w imams, Armbruster, Brodle, Olson. McCredle 2; atolen bases. McArdle, Tennant X. fepeas. $erry. Armbruster passed ball. Berry; first base on errors, San Francisco 2. Portland 3; left on bases. Sao. Francisco 13, Portland 14; time ot game, 3 nour., umpii., iuiu.u. VERXOX HOLDS OAKLAND DOWN Steady Box Work by Schafer Wins Game by (C-0 Score. SAN FRANCISCO. May . Steady oox work by Schafer. who also contributed a three-bagger that scored two runs. won ror vernon today. Oakland wind ing up with a goose egg to the visi tors' two tallies. This was the third shut-out for Oak land this week. At no time during the game were the " Suburbanites in a po sition to score, clean fielding by Ver non keeping the bases cleared most of the time. Score: . . R. H. E. Vernon ...2 6 0 Oakland 0 4 2 Batteries: Schafer and Kinkle; Bridges and LaLonge. Umpire, Mc Carthy. SHUT-OUT IN ERRORLESS GA3IE Angels "Wallop Sacramento to Tune of 7 to 0. LOS ANGELES. May 6. The home team, by playing an errorless game, shut out the Senators today by a score of 7 to 0. The game was a fast one throughout. By wildness of Whalen in the third, Los Angeles scored four runs on five hits. The Sacramento players had to content themselves with six CLEVElt BACKSTOP OF THE t SISALS. Catcher Claude Berry. scattered hits, which failed to net a run. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. Los Ang 7 13 OjSacramento .0 6 4 Batteries Toier and Ross; Whalen, Ehman and Burners. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PC. Pittsburg 12 6 .BRT 1'Hlcauo lO 8 .536 Philadelphia 8 7 .533 Boston 8 7 Cincinnati 10 11 .478 Brooklyn .7 8 .417 New York 8 8 .429 St. Louis 7 13 .350 New York 2-1; Boston 1-0. BOSTON, May 6. New Tork won two hard-fought games from Boston to day, the first 2 to 1, and the second 1 to 0, in 12 innings. Score: First game: R- H. E. R. H. E. New York.. 2 6 6Boston 1 4 0 Batteries: Wiltse and Myers; Fer guson and Smith. Second game: R. H. E.l R. H. E. New York..l 12 41Boston 0 7 2 Batteries: Raymond and Schlei; Mc Carthy and Graham. Chicago 4; Cincinnati a. CHICAGO, May 6. The locals obtained a lead of four runs in the first inning on two very amateurish errors, two singles and a double. This won for them. The score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Chicago 4 7 Oi Cincinnati ....2 10 2 Batteries Kroh and Moran; Rowan Campbell, Karger and McLean. Umpires Emelie and O JJay. Pittsburg 6; St. Louis 5. PITTSBURG. Pa.. May S. It took the local team 11 innings to defeat St. Louis here today. The final score was 6 to 5. The score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Pittsburg 6 14 41 St. Louis 5 7 2 Batteries Camnitz, Lei field and Gibson Sellee. Moore, Beebe and Bresnahan. Um pires Klem and Kane. Brooklyn 7; Philadelphia 1. BROOKLXN, May 6. Mclntyre had things easy today up to the ninth, but eased up. Two passes, a hit and a sacri fice fly saved them from a shutout. The score : , R.H.E-I R.H.E. Philadelphia .1 4 4 Brooklyn 7 7 2 Batteries Covaleski, Richie and Dooln; Mclntyre and Bergen. Umpires Rigler and Truby. Chicago Nationals Claim Bagon. NEW YORK, May 6. The Chicago Na tional League Club has claimed Pitcher E. C. Ragon, of the Cincinnati team, who last season was the star twirler of the Western League. HILL TRACK TEAM IS CHOSEN Cadets Named to Compete in Games - . at Eugene. . Captain William E. Graham, of the Hill Military Academy track team, re turned Wednesday from California, where he won third place in the 880- yard run in the big Stanford meet. Coach John C. Veatch is keeping the other five -men of the team in Eugene, In order to get them in good condition for the track meet to be held there Saturday between freshmen of the Uni versity of Oregon, Eugene High Salem High. Albany. High .and Hill Military Academy. Captain Graham was sent on to Portland to select four more men from his track squad to com plete his H. M. A. team. A try-out was held yesterday after noon on Multnomah Field and the fol lowing men were chosen to accompany Captain Graham to Eugene this morn ing: Cadets B. M. Eskride, Claude E. Ford, George W. Hutton and Mason Roberts. Cadets George I. Burns, win ner of the mile run at Stanford, Hol lister B. McGuire, Charles Prehn. Harry A. Muir and Benjamin W. Hitt are at Eugene, where they are being enter tained at the Kappa Sigma and, Sigma Nu houses. . The H. M. A. team will return to Portland on Sunday and get into shape for the big annual intersoholastic track meet to be held at Corvallis, May 21 and 22 under the auspicies of the Ore aron Agricultural College. 4i X til GQONEY ASSISTS KENSELLA TO Portland's Speedy Shortstop Adds New Laurels to His Splendid Record. PADDOCK'S WORK IS WILD Scharney,. Shortstop for Champions, Forced to Retire With Strained ' Ankle Nordyke Still Out of . Game Infield Is Crippled. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. Portland 4, Vancouver 2. Aberdeen 3. Seattle 1. Tacoma 0. Spokane 2. Standing; of the Clubs. tl'liJ Clubs 5T g 3 g- : : : " ? c, 2 '. : r : (-f Seattle..,. .... 5 6 2 13 .684 Spokane 2 5 a 13 .650 Vancouver 5 2 4 11 .579 Tacoma... 2 3 4, .... 8 .400 Portland.. S2 2.. .. 7 .350 . Aberdeen.. 1 3 2.. .. 6 .333 1 I I I 1 ; . Lost .... 6 7 812 13112 56 VANCOUVER, B. C., May 6 (Spe cial) In a slow game, Portland suc ceeded in taking the fourth game of the series from the Champion Beavers today by a score of 4 to 2. Kinsella, who dispensed for the visi tors, and Cooney, the speedy shortstop of the Portland team, made the going difficult for the Champions throughout the game Kinsella was very effective In the pinches, while Cooney's remark able playing saved the game for Port land on more than one occasion. Paddock was very erratic and alto gether issued seven passes, while Port land bunched hits on him In the fourth, scoring their first run. In the sixth and seventh innings they added two more safe drives, combined wit:t er rors and Paddock's erratic flinging. Vancouver scored a couple of runs in the seventh inning when Cooney's error, a single by Davis and a walk filled the bases. Paddock scored on an infield out, while Quigley's sacri fice fly sent Davis home. Mahon's wild heave to third in an attempt to catch Murphy enabled that player to cross tlfe plate, scoring Portland's fourth run. In the ninth inning the Champions managed to get a couple of men on bases, but Kinsella steadied down and the side was retired without a run. Scharney, shortstop of the Cham pions, sprained his ankle in the seventh inning, and was forced to retire. This breaks up Vancouver's infield, as Nor dyke is still out of the game. Score: PORTLAND. A.B. R. P.O. 2 4 2 12 1 0 1 0 5 0 Casey, 2b . Cooney, es .... Barry. If .... Mullln, lb .. Garry, cf .... Staton, 3b Murphy, rf .. Plnnance, rf Murray, c Kinsella, p .. Totals . . - 3 1 27 4 6 27 17 VANCOUVER. A.B. R. H. P.O. Davis. If Donovan, rf ... .. Mahon cf ...... Quigley, 2b Scharney, es . . Snyder, 3b Sugden, lb ..... Stanley, o ....... Nelson Smith, 3b-ss Paddock, p .... 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 10 Totals t 31 2 8 27 14 3 Batted' for Stanley in last inning. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 14 Vancouver v u o t v u w v a SUMMARY. Three-base hit Smith. Two-base hits Garry Murray. Sacrifice hius Quigley, Bar ry Sacrifice fly Kinsella. Stolen bases Cooney, Murphy, Quigley. Bases on balls Oft Paddock 7; off Kinsella, 4. Hit by pitched ball Donovan. Wild pitch Paddock. J. bimcK vrti- i -y j ..v.... ... . j " . 4. Double play Stanley to Scharney to Stan ley. Lett on uttae. game. 1 hour, 40 minutes. Umpire Carru thera. TACOMUV WINS, SCORE 5 TO 2 Indians Are Unable to Overcome Lead Set by Visitors. . SPOKANE, May 6. Tacoma won to day's game, 6 to 2. Score: TACOMA. AB. R. H. P.O. A. Suess. rf 5 0 13 0 Cartwright, r,"'3b".... j ......... a ....... f Hurley, II Swain, cf Kellackey, Klijoert. 1 Mac-kin, 2b Br&Bino, 88 ClaAln, p Totals .. 38 10 27 10 SPOKANE. AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. Clynes, if , Altman, 3b Weed, lb . Brlnker, rf James, 2b Burnett, cf Stevens, c Brown, 88 -Jensen, p . Deller. p .. Ostdiek, O Totala . . 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 O 3 1 35 8 27 11 SCORE BY INNINGS. Tacoma 2 0 20 0 0 0 0 1 5 Spokane 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 O 0 2 SUMMARY. Three-base hit. Swain; two-base hitB, Swain. Kippert. Altman, Brinker, Burnett; sacrifice hits,Kippert; stolen bases, Altman (2) Burnett: double plays. Cartwright to Hurley, Claflln to Mackin to Hurley. Hack ing to Hurley; left on bases. Spokane 9. Tacoma 8: bits, off Deller 5, runs 2 in 7 innings; off Jensen, 5 and 3 runs in 2 innings; struck out by Deller 4. Claflln 4. bases on ball, Deller 3. Clafllu 3; time, 1:40; umpire, Flynn. ABERDEEN WINS BY HOME RUN Pernoll Pitches Great Ball, Allow ing Only One Run. SEATTLE, May 6. Le Jeune's home run gave Aberdeen a victory over Seattle by a score of 3 to L Le Jeune also got Aberdeen's first run by a home-run drive, two for one. y Seattle scorednly once off Pernoll, who pitched great ball throughout the game. In the fifth, Capron hit, stole second and took third on O'Brien's low throw. Shea's single scored him. The weather was very cold, and it rained in nearly every inning. Frary did the umpiring. Score: . SEATTLE. AB. R. H. PO. A. 1 1 4 O o o o 3 11 Kennedy. 3b......... 3 O O Raymond, ss 4 0 1 Bennett. 2b 4 0 O Lynch, cf 3 0 0 Frisk, rf 4 0 0 Capron. If 4 1 2 Magee, lb 3 0 0 Shea, c 3 O 1 Anderson, p ..... . 3 0 0 Totals 31 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 10 7 0 ABERDEEN. AB. R. H. PO. A. 0 10 Campbell, rf......... 4 0 o 1 2 0 0 O O 0 Carr. ss 4 Strelb. lb 3 Lejeune. cf.... ...... 4 Swalm, If 3 Herbert, 3b .,. a Moore. 2b. 3 O'Brien, c... 3 PernolU p 8 1 0 4 17 1 1 Totals SO 3 5 27 16 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. Seattle 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Aberdeen 0 1000020 0 3 SUMMARY. Two-base bit Capron. Home runa Le jeune 2. Stolen bases Swalm. Capron. OLD BASEBALL PLAYER MAKES HIT AS COACH. mm Duke Farrell. NEW YORK, May 5. (Special.) Duke Farrell has been making a great record as a coach with the New York Americans this year. The old-time catcher, who has been too stout for work on the field for some years, has practically won one or two games for the team by his scientific coaching, and Justified the Judg ment of the management in creat ing the position which he holds. Struck out -By Anderson 6, by Pemoll 4. Bases on ballf) Off Anderson 1, off Pernoll 2. Double plays Raymond, Bennett and Itlaeee. Time of game 1 hour 20 minutes. Umpire Frary. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. Detroit 14 5 .737 New York 10 -. 8 .625 Boston 9 7 .563 Cleveland 7 9 .438 Chicago 7 9 .438 Philadelphia 6 8 ' .429 Washington 5 9 .357 St. Louis 5 12 .294 Philadelphia 2; Washington 1. PHILADELPHIA, May 6. Washington was defeated today. 2 to 1, in a pitchers' battle between Bender and Groom. Phil adelphia won in the ninth. Score: R.H.E. R.H.E. Philadelphia. 2 6 0 Washington... 15 3 Batteries Bender and Thomas; Groom and Street. . Cleveland 2; Chicago 1. CLEVELAND, May 6. Cleveland scored the winning run in the ninth on Stovall's single, Cravath's error and Lajoie's hit, which was good for two bases, but count ed as a sfngle. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Cleveland 2 6 1 Chicago .... 18 3 Batteries Bergen and Clarke; Scott and Owens. Boston 4; New York 3. NEW YORK, May 6. The first defeat administered to New York on the home grounds this season was at the hands of Boston, today, 4 to 3. Score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. Boston 4 8 ljNewYork 3 7 3 Batteries Steele, Cicotte, Spencer and Donohue; Wrilson, Warhop and Blr. Detroit .7 ; St. Louis S. ST. LOUIS, May 6. Detrqit had but little trouhle in dereattng St. Louis 7 to 3. Powell for the locals was knocked out of the box In the fifth inning. The score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. St. Louis 3 7 2 Detroit 7 12 2 Batteries Bailey, Powell and Stephens; Mullen and Schmidt. OREGON DEFEATS COLUMBIA Hurd's Wild Work Forces In Run for Visitors, and Hit Follows. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Or., May 6. (Special.) Oregon won from Columbia University in baseball this aft ernoon by the score of 6 to 4. "Father Tom" Kelly's bunch was not up to usual form and was shut out until the fifth inning. Hurd, captain of the Oregon nine, pitched a wild game, passing nine men and hitting two. In the third inning, Hurd walked three men In suc cession, with one man on base, which forced in Columbia's first run. In the sixth, 'hrough an error and two walks, the Portland lads again filled -the bases, when Duly, Columbia's third baseman, hit a long drive into center field with his third strike, which emptied the bases and put him on second. Except during his wild moments. Hard fanned the preparatory school lads in one-two-three order, crediting himself In all with 12 strikeouts. Kirk pitched good steady ball for Columbia University, al lowing eight hits and walking only two. while Campbell played a brilliant game on short. . Newiand, the new Oregon infielder, who is taking McKenzie's place while he is disabled, played an errorless game at sec ond base and got two hits. Score. R.H.E.) R.H.E U. of 0 6 8 4 Columbia U..4 6 4 The Columbia University nine, with Coach Dolly Gray, left for Corvallis to night, where the team will play O. A. C. tomorrow. To Wrestle at Salem Tonight. SALEM, Or., May 6. (Special.) Eddie O'Connell and Joe La Salle will meet in a finish bout at the Grand tomorrow night. The preliminary bout will be by Aber natby and Arndt, of Portland. TWO TEAMS LEAD Montavilla and Sellwood Head Grammar School League. NEITHER HAS MET DEFEAT Conch Defeats Shattnck In Final Game of Preliminary Contests and Nines Are Now Ready to Begin Semi-Flnals. The preliminary games of the Grammar School League were completed yesterday afternoon and the semi-finals will be started today, leading up to the decisive games of the league. The last game of the preliminaries was between Couch and Shattuck, in which Couch won out ty the score of S to 4. This was to play oft a tie for first place in Section 1. It was an interesting and well-played game with the exception of the first Innings, in which errors were responsible for runs by both teams. An error on the part of Douglas let in one run for Shat tuck, and Hummell Is charged with a blow-up which let in four runs for Couch. Shattuck tied the score in the fourth Inning with an exciting demonstration from the rooters. Couch scored again in tho fifth, no more scores being made in the remaining innings, which became a pitchers' battle. The largest crowd of the season was present, which included the faculty. The standing of the teams is given herewith. Montavllla and Sellwood are well in the lead for the pennant honors, each having a percentage of .1000, and the result between these will be hotly con tested. Montavllla has won a number of games, the most of them being by large scores. The members of this team are larger than their opponents and this team is expected to carry off the honors. The game to -be played today will be between Vernon and Ockley Green at the Twelfth-street grounds. Robert H. Krohn will compile a schedule for the remain ing games. The standing of the teams, as grouped irf sections, follows: Section I. p-c3?!-; g Couch ". 1 77 "I 1 1 4 . 806 shattuck 1 1 1 1 Failing 1 .. ..113 .600 Fulton 1 ..1 2 .400 Chapman 1 1 2 .400 Atklntson. Lost lfl 2 3 3 5 j ? S -5 O K S i 2 3 1 s : Section II. ? I o P : ? 3 ft 3 . ' '. 3 '. - Shaver ' 1 1 - -aBT Vernon 1 1.. 1 3 .750 Ockley Green 1 11 3 .750 Thompson 1-.. .. 1 1 8 .600 Highland 1 . . . . 1 2 .400 Woodlawn .000 Lost 3T2:l 3 5 ST E rj 3 ? Section III. 5 2- " . ? : 3- . p . ! 2 Williams Avenue 1 .. 1 1 3 .750 Holladay 1 .. 1 2 .500 Stephens 1.. .. 1 2 .500 North central 1 1 .. 2 .500 Irvlngton 1 1 -250 Lost ' 1 2 2 g 3 1 3 : 1 1 s f 5 Section IV. ! f S I S ; 2 Montavllla 11111 5 1.000 Kerns 11114 .800 Mt. Tabor I.. Ill -BOO Kunnyslde 11 2 .4O0 Richmond 1 1 200 South ML Tabor. .000 Lost I 1 2 8! 4 5 . o :. 3 o n ? 2 g, 2 " Section V. f 2 a - o 11 3 : '. 2 " Sellwood 1111 4 1.000 Arleta . 1 1 . . 2 .500 Woodstock 1 1 -2 .5"0 Clinton Kelly 1 1 .250 Lents 1 -250 Lost 2j 0 2 3j 3 MOTOR BOAT CLUB WILL MEET Enthusiasts Arrange to Take Part in Seattle Races. Portland Motor Boat Club members will hold a meeting at the clubhouse at the foot of Ellsworth street tonight at o'clock, for the purpose of considering the sending of a number of boats to Seat tle to compete in the big motor boat race, to be held there during the A-Y-P Exposition- in June. This event will be' of international' importance, a number of entries from all parts of the United States and of the world having been made for the purpose of taking part In these races. A number of the swiftest boats in Eastern waters have signified their inten tion of competing and the Portland en thusiasts are eager to be represented. Many swift boats on the Coast have been made in Portland and the members of the Portland Motor Boat Club fei . that they have a good chance to win in some of the events. Plans for the coming racing season on the Willamette will also be taken up and discussed and arrangements made for the Summer events. A general outline has already been made, but the club members will go into details tonight. - The meeting will be in the nature of a smoker and arrangements have been made by the officers of the club to have an entertaining time. All motor boat owners who are not members of the club but who are interested in the progress of motor boats in general are cordially in vited to attend. BAN GOES ON SUNDAY BALL Mayor of North Vancouver Gives De ciding Vote. VANCOUVER, B. C. May 6. By the casting vote of Mayor May, of North Vancouver, today the police commission ers of that city decided to enforce the Lord's cay act and prevent any further baseball games being played on Sunday. Umpire, managers -and players of last Sunday's game will be prosecuted in the City Police Court- Schools to Meet on Track. VANCOUVER, Wash.. May 6. (Spe cial.) A field and track meet will be held Saturday afternoon on the High School grounds in this city, between the Wash ington High School of Portland and the Vancouver High School. - This is the second annual meet between these schools. Last year Vancouver won. K ORRECT STYLE ORRECT FIT JOOL AND Comfortable HILL 1 EH 1.1 IN EUGENE ARRIVES FROM PALO ALTO FOR SATURDAY'S MEET. Hayward Selects Freshmen Squad for Interscholastic Meet on Varsity Campus. TTNrVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or., May 6. (Special.) Bill Hayward, the trainer at the University, has se lected the freshman track team which will compete against the H. M. A. and Eugene, Salem and Albany High Schools next Saturday on Kincaid Field. A try out was held in the hundred-yard dash, while the other entries were selected by Hayward from ability shown and con stancy in training. The selection is as follows: lOO-yard daeh Hickson, Baer. 120-yard hurdles Latourette, Hawkins. 220-yard daph Hickson. Baer. 444-yard dash -Johns, McDanlela. 880-yard run Davis, Maine. Reynolda, Mile run Davis, Garrabrant. 220-yard hurdles Hickson. Baer. Pole vault Watson. Sweeny. High Jump Newman, Patee. Broad Jump Hickson. Hawkins, Gabriel. Weights Kellogg, Means, Henderson. - Yesterday the Hill team, composed of Graham, captain; McGuire, Prehn, Hill, Burns, Myers and Coach Veatch, arrived in Eugene from the big California meet at Palo Alto. Graham went on to Portland to select several more men for his team. Those who remained at Eugene are train ing daily on Kincaid Field, getting into condition after their tiresome trip. Harold Reed Overtrain-a. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, May 6. H. E. Reed, '10, of Portland, the sprinter, who was to have gone with the Stanford team to the Western con- ? a' 94. I V 5 laLsWasaassaaMMsM THE PIONEER LIMITED is the train between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Its route, the same as that of your let ters the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY The Pioneer Limited leaves Minneapolis 8:00 P. M. and Union Station, St. Paul, 8:35 P. M. daily. Several other trains of this railway, between the Twin Cities and Chicago, leave at convenient hours for passengers from the "West. The Overland Limited, to Chicago via Omaha, and the Southwest Limited, Kansas City to Chicago, are the popular trains. FULL INFORMATION ABOUT FARES AND SERVICE SENT FREE ON REQUEST H.S.ROWE General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland, Or. ON SALE EVERYWHERE A. Santaella & Co., Makers, Tampa The Hart Cigar Co., Distributors Get the Right Kind of Shoes on Your Feet AND GIVE YOUR BRAIN A CHANCE KORRECT shape OXFORDS Are korrectly shaped inside for comfort ; outside for style. They do not slip at the heel or gap at the ankle. We have all styles and shapes of toes in all the shades of leather, including green, wine, tan, black and patent. , READ OUR GUARANTEE If the upper breaks through before the sole is worn through we will replace with a new pair. This guarantee applies to all Burrojaps leathers. BURT & PACKARD CO. Makers Brockton, Mass. Bench Made KORRECT SHAPE SHOE STORE 293 Morrison St, C, W. Demmler. Mannser ference track meet at Chicago, suffered a breakdown .while training the other night, and it Is very doubtful whether he will be in condition to run at the meet. Reed's loss would be a serious one to Stanford, as he was looked for to place in both the 100 and 220-yard dashes. GOTCH STARTS WEST TODAY World Champion Here In Exhibition Next Tuesday Night. Frank Gotch, champion wrestler of the world, who met Fred . Beell, the Wis consin wonder, in Denver last night in a mat battle for the championship, will leave today for Portland, where he is scheduled to meet Eddie O'Connell, welt erweight champion of the world, and possibly one or two other local grapplers, in an exhibition match at the Heilig Theater next Tuesday night, , In anticipation of the coming of Gotch and the big crowd that is expected to greet him, extra preparations have been made in providing ringside seats in the theater in order to give everybody a chance to watch the champion work at close range. Gotch Is a wonderful wrestler. In his whole career he has lost but five falls, at the catch-as-catch-can gams, and most of these were to his opponent of last night. Once in New Orleans, Fred Beell caught the champion not in the best of condition and the Wisconsin marvel be came the champion. But it only lasted a short time. Gotch trained and when he re-entered the ring with Beell, he gave him a terriffio drubbing. Salem is making a strenuous effort to get Gotch to wrestle there, and Eugene is assured of him. Whether or not Salem will get a glance .at the big fellow in action depends on the enthusiasm at the O'Connell-La- Salle match in the Capital City tonight. He will wrestle in Eugene May 14, and If secured, would probably show in Salem on the twelfth or thir teenth. A machine that cleans old bricks of their mortar automatically la a recent invention in the line of labor-saving devices. TRAIN