13 NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS. THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1909. Y NOW A HIGH-GRADE, CLOSE-IN, EXTRA LONG LOT, WITH A 14-FT. ALLEY IN THE REAR, IN LAD D 'S ADDITION "WHERE YOU HAVE AS PHALT STREETS, CEMENT "WALKS, WIDE AVENUES, PARKS, SHADE TREES SET IN FRONT OF EVERY LOT, PRICE $1800 AND UP TEN DOWN TEN A MONTH SEE AGENTS AT THE OF FICE ON THE GROUND OR F. W. TORGLER STRONG & CO, 106 Sherlock Bldg.- 605 Concord Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME 12 acres 6 miles south of city, all under a high state of cultivation; 4" acres of orchard, full bearing; small fruits of all kinds; 8-room house, cost $3500; barn, chicken-house; 2 horses, 1. Jersey cow, chickens, wagons and im plements of h11 kinds. This is posi tively a beauty and has got to be seen to be appreciated. Call and get par ticulars. BOLDS, WALLACE CO. 317 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. Riverfront Acreage at $1500 20 minutes from city. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Act Quick Substantial Investment Good 2-story brick building on a. solid business street, leased for S years to a prominent concern for 12220 per year. OWNER MUST SELL and has Instructed us to offer same for immediate sale for $24,000 This In the cheapest piece of inside property on the market today, and we advise immediate action. Don't phone. See us personally. LOKWT.!KSO BROS. 105 Sherlock KllK. Willamette Heights nome me on a full A $6000 home on a full lot on paved $7000 13000 acsh. BURNEY & BURNEY Room 16, 270 Washington St. A 4722, Main 7995. $2300 For a Home $2300 5 rooms, new tinted walls, electric ligrhts. gas, on improved street, full basement, f list-class plumbing, pret tiest street In the city, faces east, on corner; larpe porch, 8 blocks to car line. 5 Mocks to another carllne. This is beyond me, for the price Is about the price of house. Just listen to. this $300 down, $ln per month takes this little home. Just come in and bo out and see this for yourself. You will be surprised, believe me. SOS Hoard of Trade. Phones Main 4458. A 1273. A BEAUTIFUL HOME BOxlOO corner on improved street; 5 rooms, modern: fine lawn, flowers, gas. electricity. This is a dandy place and must be seen to appreciate. This is no shack, but a fine built place on 34th st., Kast. 4 blocks to car and can be bougrht for $2650, and $500 down, balance $15 or $20 per month. Do not fail to see this, as it is a beauty, SELLERS SMITH Sua Board of Trade. West Side 715x60. corner. In Caruthers' Add., at a very reasonable price; nicely located; one block from carline. KETVKI.fi: A HARRISOX, Sll tierlinser Bids. Makes a Noise Like a Bargain Two fine lots, St. John carllne close to Piedmont, east front. 50x100 each, fruit and lawn; $500 each, and only half the money down. WALLACE INVUST.MG.M CO., On Portland Heights Wanted Rooms and board for family of three adults. Miirht take furnished house for the Summer, beginning? June. High altitude desired. FRANCIS I. McKENNA til 7 Commercial Block. ML Tabor Site 100x125. on west slope and near car line; streets improved. This is one of the finest view sites to be had; will sell on easy terms or trade for small house. HKMvI.K A HARRISON", Sll licrllum-r BldK. GOOD INVESTMENT. 10 acr8 In orchard, house, barn and chick.n-houa.; one-third mile to carllne. Go far; excellent place to make httc money out of fruit and chickens; land all around now platted. Owner, Room 313, o-tt Washing-ton at. For Rent Store Room 42x100 four floors and basement steam heat, electric light. Otis elevator. I'ACIKIC PAPER CO, Fourth aud Aukny, (iEORGB B1.AIL, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branch.) (23 Worcester Bids. Fnones. Main 8371, A 4013. Homeseekers We hare just what you come to Portland looking for LA We are the largest dealers in wheat, fruit, berry, dairy and vegetable lands in the Northwest. We can sell you on easy terms large or small farms, in Oregon and Wash ington, or acre tracts near Portland. Moore Investment Company Lafayette Bldg., Sixth and Washington Sts. FINE LOTS and HOMES IN GREGORY HEIGHTS On terms easier than rent. Come to ofIce. We will take you out. Six months' rent free to lot buyers. INVESTMENT C0.as 418 Corbett Bids-. Klfth and Morrison. THREE GOOD HOMES New modern house on high, sightly corner n Rose City Park; house has 6 large rooms and sleeping-porch, elec tric light, bath, cement basement, fur nace, and can be bought for $3650; $650 cash. Another one in same locality. This is a modern bungalow with five rooms; price $2750. 6-room house on peninsula, hot and cold water, bath, basement and electric lights; price $2000, $800 cash. (332) H ARTfil AN THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. t Beautifully Wooded Riverfront Acreage Containing 1 1-3 acres, for $5250 16 minutes from the city. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE A BEA11TIFFI, HOrSE OST EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Your choice of those new, modern, six-room houses, N. W. cor. 27th and Pavier sts., near Forestry Park; gas. electricity, fireplaces, furnaces, full cement basements. Price $4250; $400 down, $40 per month. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (Owner) IM1 Hoard of Trade BldK. Phone Main 447. WHITE SALMON VALLEY ORCHARD LAND The most select tracts full crops without irrigation. Small fruit supplies an early market. Buy now. prices rea sonable and rapidly advancing to a production value. H. IV. I.AWRIE, 622 Worcester Bide- -3d and Oak Sts. Main SO HO. MORTGAGE LOANS lowwt rate and terms to antic ape clal rate aud favorable terma on Urse loans on business properties. Fundi Loaoed for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL. CO. 2(12 McKay Bldic 3d efe Stark. Corner Lot on Flanders with two fine houses, bringing good Income, $13,000 Atlas Land Co. 4iIO Lumber Exchange. PLUMBING You can buy your material and have your plumbing done on the installment Plan at AVILiJAM STEVENSON'S. 253 Klandcrs street. BRAZER - STREET ADDITION. Lots 50x100. Including Improvements, 10 Per Cent Cash, Bal. Monthly. See SCHOON MAKER, TOS-B Corbett Bldg. Phones M 7855. A 5722 TOO MUCH HOUSE FOR TWO PEOPLE A nice, modern 6-room house, small corner lot, close in. central East Side, hn ndy to Washington High School. Easy terms to good people. HE.VKLB & H A RR I SOX. oil GerllnKtr Bids;. Hi w 10 Guarantee West Side Lots We have such a good proposition that for the next 10 days we will give a- written guarantee of a 10 per increase in value in six months to all those purchasing: ALDER SPRINGS lots for cash. Why go out from 30 to 60 minutes and pay from $400 to $750 for frac tional lots, when you can buy 50x100 lots on the' West Side, 16 minutes out on the Oregon Electric (5-cent fare) at from $175 upf Ours is a solid, legitimate proposition that re quires no sensational advertising:. BUY WHERE SURE OF PROFIT. Call us up and see the property. Northwest Realty Co. 617 Board of Trade. Phone Main 4675. IGHTWGOD for Summer camping is unexcelled in location, ease of access and price of lots. It lies in the edpre of the Cascade Mountains at the iunction of the Sandy and Salmon Rivers, near Mclntyre's. The ground is level and mossy and protected by ample shade. You may breakfast in the city, take dinner at Brlghtwood and spend the rest of the day with rod, gun or book. Lots are 50 by 100 feet and, to first purchasers oxily. $30 each. Buy now and double your money before the sea son advances. A. E. BORTHWICK 31ft Chamber of Commerce. latilffiHst SomethingCheap 50x100 on Flanders, bet. 10th and 11th sts. Cheap at n Flanders, bet Hheap at $14,500 50x100 on 9th, near Davis street, $16,500 Humason 6 Jefiery M. 1189. 226 Stark'St. A 3814. As administrator for the estate of Geo. Beal. deceased. I have for sale 5 shares of a total of 5O0 shares in the Pillar Rock Packing Co., of Pillar Rock, Wash. ; one quarter interest in the Columbia Fishing Co., and one-fifth interest in the Taylor Sands Fishing Co. I will bf pleased to re ceive bids on the same, reserving: the right to reject any and all bids. THOS. G. FARRELL, Portland, Or. PICK IT UP 180 acres in section 32, fine soil, mile east of the United Railroad and 2 miles northwest of Linnton; great activity In this locality, $3600; enuff sa:d. C. R. DeBurgh, 21 7 Abington bldg. REAL, ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham, 205 Abington bldg. Main 8226. Andrews, F. V., & Co. M. 334a. 30 Hamilton bldg. Baker, Alfred A.. 212 Abington bldg. Beck. William G., 312 Failing bldg. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay big. M. 540 Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S-, & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Fields, C. E & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 16S. 208 Oregon Ian. Lee, M. E., room 411 Corbett bldg. rarrish, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. Richardson, A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk, Geo. D., 264 Stark st. Main or A 892 Sharkey, J. P.. & Co., 122 Vi Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. Holladay Addition. Waddel, W. O., 300 Lumber Exchange bldg. Walker. S. T.. 04 Corbett bldg. White. B- F-. 227 'U Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WATERFRONT. We have some centrally located water front property, suitable for dock or ware house purposes. MOREHOIJSE-KERTCHEM CO.. 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTOX QUARTERS We have several choice quarter blocks in Irving ton at attractive prices. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. $725. 50x100, near carline, in neighborhood of new high school site; easy terms. Phone Wood law n 202 or C 2O08. IRVING For a quick sale will take $3350 for fine corner on Knott st. Call Room 40. Heinz Apartments, 14th and Columbia No agents. 40 ACRES, good soil, water, location, house, barn, fruit, stock and implements. MELVIN & ARMSTRONG. 233 Worcester Bldg. LARGE fractional corner lot, Holladay's. on carline ; good site for flats or residence, $2HM); no building restrictions. CULVER, 023 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Neat 4-room cottage, full lot, well improved ground at University Park; price $1300. Bagley, 407 Gerlinger bldg., or Portsmouth Station. KEW 3 -room house, modern; bearing fruit trees, rose bushes, etc. ; a bargain if taken at once. Owner. 413 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 7219, A 3255. $50 CASH. $10 per month, will buy fine lot, corner. 2 blocks of car; price $300. Call 619 Swetland bldg-. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvine ton. Call and see it. 524 E. 20th st. N. IN nicest district on the Heights-; beautiful view; 75x100. with excellently built 7-room house; bargain. - AB 67, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Beautiful home, strictly modern, 6 rooms, lot 75x100, all improvement. Ap ply owner, 832 E. Kelly. Waverieigh Hto. BARGAIN 5-room house, modem. nearly new; cuose in. full lot; $800 will handle this. 90O Minnesota ave. $170O CASH. bal. essy payments; 6-room house, modern : Willamette Heights. UN'D & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. IRVINGTON" house and 2 lts, loOxlOO. Phone Oak Grove, Black 113; will sell lots separately. BR FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT 7-room house, corner lot; large parlor and dining-room, with library and den; full cement basement, laundry tubs, piped for furnace, large closets, with win dows, sleeping porch, street improvements all in and paid for; lot 50x100; $4000, terms made to euit. 1 block from car. A2 Bungalow of 6 rooms and bath, reception hall, library and den; large, light kitchen, with, butler's pantry, large sleeping porch, full cement basement, laundry tube, plumbing, strictly modern, lot 50x100: 1 block from car; $3500, easy terma. For further particular see Al W. M. CON'KLIN & CO., 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. S25O0 NICE home on full-sized lot in Mult nomah. Terms. $.00 down, balance on time at the low rate of per cent. $1750 4-room house on lot 50x100; ab'iut $55t cash, balance $10 per month. $2700 New home on St. John carllne. Nice home in Overlook, modern, and con- enlent. Lt us show you, and give you price and terms. S;;80o 8-room house with ground 100 feet on Killingsworth ave., by 118 feet deep. JAMES r. OGDEN. 848 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 202. C 2rOS. A SNAP. $2O00 If taken at once; 16 acres; 750 feet water front, 4 daily boats, rural phone; postoffice, school and store adjoin place; living- spring, furnishing enough, watei to irrigate; 10,000 strawberry plants. ' 100 fruit trees, bouse, barn and other out buildings; new warehouse and boathous on the beach, 2 rowboats, cow and calf., 25 chickens, all tools necessary to farm the place. MACKAT & BURR, Inc., Olympla. Wash. TAMHILL ORCHARDS COM PANT. FRUITS AND WALNUTS. We have the choicest land in Yamhill County for fruits and nuts and are offer ing It In 5 and 10 -acre tracts, all planted and cared for for 4 years ; easy-payment plan. Call or write for our booklet. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., $15-316-317 Abington Bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS We are the largest owners and planters in Oregon. we have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill, 5-acre tracts, planted. $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC.. Lumber Exchange bldfc., 2d and Stark sts. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG., MAIN 8699, A 2653. FORCED PALE. I must sell my elegantly arranged new bungalow, and a half block of ground at once; if you want a modern home in fine residence section on East Side you will look no further after seeing this place as the PRICE will make the -sale. Owner, Ml Swetland bldg. ANOTHER FINE BUT. East Taylor, near 40th; a select neigh borhood as well as one of the prettiest homes on the East Side; all kinds of the finest fruit and roses imaginable. If taken at once $:tS0O; terms. BRONG-STEELH CO., 110 Second St. $2500 4 72 ACRES. $2500 Wanted, a . gardener or florist who c an appreciate the value of the above ; rtght on the Oregon City carline; runring water that can be handled so as to give double production. Jesse Hobson. 5C3 Corbett bldg. SELLWOOD. Five-room cottage, very sightly, lot 50x 1O0, half block from carline, in the busi ness part of Sellwood; new and mod ern. Price $2350; terms MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. $475 Lots 50 x 100; cement walks and curbs; city water; ten foot parking; re stricted district; 20 minutes from town. Must be sold at once, need the money. $lt9 cash, hal. easy monthly payments. Phone c 2177. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $3000 Lot SOx75. on Terrace Road. $2000 Lot 85x40 on Hill Crest Drive. Both are improved and have fine views. National Realty & Trust Co., 31' 'i Wash ington st. $1500 A beautiful 50x100 lot In Irvington, near Thompson St.. walking distance; all Improvements in and paid for; arc light in front, nice elevation ; for a few days only. c. F. Pfluger & Co., room 6 Mulkey oldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. NORTH ALB1NA. $2500 nsw 8-room -house, cement foun dation, 1 block from St. John carline; $1000 cash, balance 3 years. MOREHOUSE-KERTCH EM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. A FINE 7-room full brick basement house, quarter block; shade and fruit trees, shrub bery, barn. superior plumbing. cement walks; owner leaving state; a snap; close in. SteetemJth & Marshall. 604 Board of Trade WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $22,000 Full quarter block, centrally located on 14th, St.; Income $175 per month; terms. W. O. Waddel, 300 Lumber Exchange. $2000 Half cash, modern house, lot 200x100, KDuia view, oo wearing iruu trees, io min utes' walk to store, postoffice and school. Northwest Timber Co., 520 Lumber Ex change bldg.. Main 5789. Writ or phone. IRVINGTON BUILDING SITES. Two fine sites, $1000 each ; an elegant double corner In this classy neighbor hood. J. C. Struble, 405 Lumbermen's Bldg., Fifth and Stark sts. A FARM IN THE CITY. A full acre, with five-room house; bear ing fruit ; poultry house and yards; 5c fare; four blocks from car. J. C Struble, Lumbermen's Bldg., Fifth and Stark sts A CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. 50x100; East Main st., near 17th; south front, cement sidewalk, improved street, sewer, gas ; price much below actual value. See owner, 309 Lumber Exchange. DON'T take 4 per cent on your money. You can invest with us; we will make you over 25 per cent and money is safe. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO.. Inc. 6th and Wash. Sts.. 35 Lafayette Bldg. 110x100 IN Ravenwood. 150 feet from car line, price $900; $300 cash, bal an 00 $30 quarterly. 7 per cent. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS WILL PLEASE YOU. KSxlOO and fine, new up-to-date bunga low of 5 rooms, nicely situated in Holla day Park ; price, $3350; ' terms. W. O. WADDEL, 309 Lumber Exchange. 11 LOTS, $3300. An investment that will net big returns; we invite investigation; terms. HOW ARD-BEHNKE CO., 519 Swetland Bldg. NOB HI LI 50x1OO. restricted, southwest corner 25th anA Overton sts.; street im provements in and paid; price $5650, $2750 cash, -balance 6 per cent. Phone owner. Tabor 72 2. $20 DOWN. $10 month NO TAXES. NO INTEREST for two lots In corner; $450 for the two. Don't miss this. 30 Concord Bldg., Second and Stark. ELEGANT north front view lot; West Side; $500 under adjoining properties. J. c. Struble. 405 Lumbermen's Bldg., Fifth and Stark. ROSE- CITY PARK. EAST FRONT lot, XVz blocks to car; $475, this week. S. T. Walker, 604 Corbett Bldg. (Open even ings, too.) FINE, modern, 7-rontm home, within walk ing distance, on East Side, at a bargain; elegant surroundings. PALMER & CO., 204 Abington Bldg. INVESTIGATE. 62x100. close in; Central East Portland; fine location for apartments ; price low. See owner, 309 Lumber Exchange. 5-ROOM modern cottage. close in, East Side; price- $2450. $500 cash, easy terms on balance. This is an exceptionally good luy. Frank Bollam. 128 Third st. 6-ROOM houee, 50x100 lot, Sunnyslde, very reasonable; easy terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton, 61& -Chamber of Commerce. OWNER, must sell at once a new 6-room bouse. Just completed, my loss is your gain. Call room 316 Board of Trade bldg. j FOR SALE New 6-room houee, cement floor f and walks; 100 feet from Ladd a Laurel- MODERN 8-room Nob- Hill home for sale. L. K. Moore, 718 Swetland bldg. , . : MODERN 6-room houro, two blocks east Clinton Kelly school. Inquire 102 E. 17th st. ONE acre, good house, on 5-cent car. LIXD & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT GROVBfl. We give the buyer of walnut lands in Oregon the best proposition on the market today in PLANTED tracts of 6 and 10 acres each. Call and let us tell you about.it or write for free folder. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetl&nd Bids. FULL LOTS J VST WEST OF LADDS FARM $70O. $50 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. 6 PER CENT. Buy h'ire and Ret the benefit of Ladd fi.rm improvements; prices advance 10 per cent May 15. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. 50S Gerlinger Bldg, EAST 2STH ST. The prospect of tho concrete bridge being opened makes the two blocks we have at 2 8 th and Sandy Road the best buy on the market at $20,000. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M 8699. A 2653. BARGAIN. New 6-room modern house. This prop erty" commands one of the finest views of the Willamette River and mountains of any property on the East Side. We have a special price for a few days. Phone us for particulars. MOREHOt'PE-KEKTCH EM CO., 322-321 Board of Trad. Bldg. THE HEART OF IRVINGTON. B RAZEE STREET ADDITION. LOTS T.OxlOO INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. PEE SCHOON MAKER, 70S-9 CORBETT BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7855, A 5722. ST. JOHN BARGAIN. Corner lot on Jersey st.. in the same block with the French bldg.; price. $S50 cash This is owned by a nonresident, who offers thin sacrifice In price to effect immediate sale. LEONARD BROS., 334 Chamber of Commerce. ARE you In the market for a good invest ment ? We have a property for $11,000 with a 10-year guaranteed lease, at $100 per month. Does that look good to you ? If so, investigate; will take trade on GOOD timber or Irvington lots. F. M. CRAWFORD & CO., Suite 421 Swetland Bldg. $5000) Irvington, a fine, new, modern 6 room house on beautiful corner lot on East 10th st., near Hancock ; this is a beautiful home and well worth your con sideration ; must be sold before May 7. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room 6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern bungalow in the new part of Irvington; everything strictly up to date, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc; faces east. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg. HOLLADAY PARK. Modern 6-room bungalow with full base ment; lot 50x 100 ; on I x $3500. "R2 Mult no mah, near 22d st; $150O ca?h will handle this. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $2500 4.72 ACRES. $2500 Wanted, a"" gardener or florist who can appreciate the value f the above; right on the Oregon City carllne; runnning water that can be handled so as to give double production. Jesse Hobeon, 503 Corbett bldg. A LB IN A. We have 2 houses on 100x90 in Albina, will rent for J 45 per month; If you want an investment look, this over. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. GREAT SPECULATION. We have 50x100 on 13th, near Main, with a fine modern 7-room house, lot alone is worth more than we ask; price 10.OO0. Lowenson Bros., 105 Sherlock bldg. SELLWOOD. Ten-room house, half block from car line, beautiful yard, fruit, etc Price $3000; terms MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. A BARGAIN. 8-room new modern house, bam. chicken-house and yard, fruit, lot 7Oxl00, on East 26th st. ; an elegant view of the city; price $3200: terms. F. J. Stein metz & C, 193 Morrison. SELLWOOD. Six-room cottage on J-eo ave.. modern, with beautiful lawn and flowers. Price $3000; S1OO0 crsh MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO.. 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new, with fractional lot, Holladay's; walk by Steel bridge, $3o0; anv terms you want; if nil or H cash. $3500. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. BRAND NEW. For Sale 5-room cottage, full concrete basement, water, bath and wired; 1 block from carllne; price $1850; terms. Bagley, Portsmouth Station, or 407 Gerlinger bldg. 133 x 106. Over four full lots, 2 blocks from car. In a fine neighborhood; $975 cash. Specu lators look this up. 300 Concord Bldg t Second and Stark. A SNAP. An elegant 6-room house on Hoyt, near 22d, for $5500; this is a snap, so hurry. BKONG-STEELB CO.. 110 Second St. $125 GENUINE SNAP. $12? $1800, $125 cash, balance $15 per month, buys 5-room, new. modern cottage, lot 50 loo, close to car. Call 343 Washington st., room 3. NEAT AND MODERN Six-room house, attic, "ull corner lot ; terms. Phone Main 289 or call on prem ises, 674 Scnuyler Bt., cor. East 19th St., bet. 1 and 4 P. M. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher, 531-632 Lumber Exchange bldg. $775 MONTHLY. $47,000 $27.0O0 will handle It; new apartment house. Nob Hill; for sale by owner; no agents. AB 45, Oregonian. APARTMENT SITE. Fractional West Side corner lot, walk ing distance to. P. O.; a good buy. Van duyn &. Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4500 Lot 85x115, Including reinforced concrete walk and lum ber; magnificent unobstructed view. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash. st. ACREAGE on Oregon Electric, 20-minute car service; 14- to 2 acres at your own terms. Full information at 410 Failing bTdg. $100 MAKES $44 in 17 months; does this interest you? BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Inc.. 6th and Wash. Sts.. 35 Lafayette Bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, furnace, all conven iences, SSO E. Flanders, corner 29th and E. Ankeny, or Montavilla car. LOT 50x100 fully improved, near 37th and Broadway. $550. Terms. Phone Tabor 431, B 20S0. BY OWNER Modem six-room house, full lot and basement; near school, carllne; eaay terms. Phone Tabor 780. NEW West Side Addition, high-class resi dence district. For selections, see Eck man, 314 Gerlinger bldg. Main 4793. LOT 50x100 fully improved, near 37th and Tillamook. A big snap. Phone Tabor 431, B 20S0. $5O0 CASH, balance easy payments; 6-room nome in Irvington, only $3000. LEND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. $700 FOR 50x100 on Weidler st.; $250 cash. $10 per month. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE CHEAP, lot in Waverieigh Heights and Vernon. Owner, E 58, Ore gonian. -LOT 50x100, fully improved near 37th and Tillamook. $550. easy terms. A real snap. Phone Tabor 431, B 20SO. INVESTORS Go to the Jwners Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and sav commissions. 205 Abington bldg. $2700 $IC0 cash, $25 monthly, beautiful bun galow. 51st near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. FJNE lot In Piedmont. $750. W. W.'Ptyne, 1210 Williams ave. LOTS $5 down. $5 monthly. Owner must sacrifice. 250 Alder St., room 7. FOR S A L E 6-room house at 742 E. Main, near 22d; hot water heat. Phone E 131L 757x114 ON E. 38th st.; $375, easy terms. Call 519 Swetlasd, bids;. SWELL SUNNYSIDE HOME. New and strictly modern, 6 rooms and large reception hall. bath, toilet and lavatory. medicine chest with mirror, Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet, book case and window seat, piped for furnace, elegant white pressed brick fireplace, duuole walls, woodhoist, full basement, concrete laundry trays. 3 cherry trees, sewer and street improvements in and paid. This place is well built and a beauty; south front, $3500; $500 cash, balance to suit. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 1021 Hawthorne Ave., Cor. 34 th. Tabor 616. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Let our architect draw plans for you free of charge. Our building department Is in charge of a Californian. who is an authority on bungalow structure. We guarantee the quaity of our work to be of the highest only. We refer you to your bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as to our responsibility. We loan money for building and build on easy terma You don't have to hunt for what you want. We will build It for you. This plan will save you money. W. M. CON KLIN" & CO.. INC, 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747 M. 2359- $"Tro New, 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, furnace, electric and gas fix tures; everything modem and up t.j date; one block from Hawthorne ave. ; easy terms. $2750 -room bungalow on East Mor rison ; easy terms. $2500 5-room bungalow, near carlinos and new high school. PALMER & CO., 204 Abington Bldg. 20TH AND EAST ANKENY. -room modem house; good corner; four good-sized bedrooms, furnace. Hreplace. ce ment basement, laundry trays, fruit trees; can be bought this week at a snap, as owner is in need of money ; terms can be made. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 213 Comorcial Club Bldg. M. Stam, A 2653. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. To builders of artistic homes bungalow sites will be sold from a large tract on the hill slope, insuring an unobstructed view of the entire cit y, ri vers and moun tains; conveniences of caritnes and easy walking distance; $1500 to $2000. JESSE HOBSON, 503 Corbett Bldg. BIG INCOME. FOR A SMALL INVESTOR. 10 minutes' walk from 4th and Morrison St., we have lOOxino with 5 small cottages renting for $.rt per month ; price $4100; this is positively the best buy In the city but has been overlooked in the excite ment. Lowenson Bros., 105 Sherlock bldg. 7 LOTS $250 EACH. $10 down. $5 month, no taxes, no interest, est, lots all clear, water in. on macadam ized road ; take 2 or more if you want good lots cheap on easy payments; good neigh borhood ; see these at once. 309 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BEAUTIFUL sightly home, 7 large rooms, tinted walls; this plaoe was built for a home and is complete in every detail; lawn and roses; fruit trees and berries ; large chicken-yard, 17 fine fir trees, lot 100x100. 2 blocks to car. $4000; terms. W. M. Conklin & Co. Inc , 07 Wells Fargo bldg. (J. 4.) 7-ROOM. new. perfectly modern residence in Sunnyside, furnace, swell combination flxturos with all other conveniences; if in terested in buying a beautiful home you should see it. Price $3800 ; easy terms; might accept lot and a little money. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. The most beautiful seven-room dwelling in Portland; all on one floor, but has base ment and large attic; the interior finish of this real bungalow is superb; a bargain at $4250. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. WHICH Is the best to buy, a 50x100 lot or an acre where the acre would not cost you any more than a SOxlOO foot lot the same distance out? We have the acre tracts; they are laid out in park style and selling on very easy terms. M. E Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. $25,000 The N. E. corner, 100x100. of 16th and Savier sts. ; improvements bring $'(0 per month; this Is $oOOO under the market if you cannot see your opportunity now you witl never see It. C. F. Pfluger & Co. room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. WANTED Bench carpenter to put sash ana aoor irames togetner from knocK down stock; no machine work, and do sash cut-up work on Heald sash trim mer. Richardson & Elmer Co., Seattle, Wash. FACTORY OR BUSINESS. Fine site in South Portland for factory or business of any kind, about ;tO.O0U square feet, faces t h ree streets, conven lent to river and railways; this is worth $10,000 now hut will take $tt500, $4500 will handle this. Ross, 40S Gerlinger bid FINE INVESTMENT. Eight flats in South Portland, bringing In $110 per month, for $12,O00; this is a fine buy, considering the location ; half cash will handle it. B RON G-STEELE CO.. 110 Second St. HERE IS A SNAP IN A LOT. 35x1 50 Just listed, close In East Side, beautiful location; lots all around selling for $500 and $(00; will sell for $:;00 cash. Owner In Seattle-and wants money. Room oUi, lists wasn. st. $1450 40x150 FEET, lot on East Side, near carline and proposed city park; will double in value within the year; if you want a building lot, don't go out to Skamokawa - stay in town. PALMER & CO., 204 Abington Bldg. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. 5-room cottage, lot 50x100. vicinity East sin ana AnKeny. r or particulars see J. J. OEDhJK, Cor. Grand Ave. and East Ankeny. r.Riv 9-ro$m, modern, nicely located on Go ing st.. great bargain at 53 1 r0. MOREHOUSE-KERTCHEM CO., 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. NOTICE to contractors: We have 6 lots near Hawthorne ave., for sale at about 30 per cent below the price surrounding lots are selling for. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. S2o ACRES can be bought for platting in city lots; price $32.50 per acre. Write or phone Nortnwest 'limner o., dl'O i.umoer Ivk change Bldg. Main 579. $3650 Modern 7-room house, fine lawn. walking distance. also convenient Broadway car. D. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS. FARM BARGAIN. R0 acres east of city, choice fruit land, small young orchard. 15 11 cultivation, 15 easy to clear, fine water in abundance, new house, good barn, fine mountain view, good roads. Price only $40 per acre. Vanduyn &, Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER INVESTMENT. 74 acres, 3 miles to R. R. : partially im proved; fine fruit land ;, abundance water; some good timber; best buy in the valley; only $50 per acre for quick sale Vanduyn & w aiton, did unamDer commerce. FOR SALE Farm, dairy, stock and fruit land, improvea ana unimproved, large and small tracts; some extra good bargains this week; don't forget the number. Geo. w . Turner, totncniia Diag., 2S7 vv asiiiiiB ton bu WE have splendid dairy farms. Improved and unimproved land; if you want to sell or buy. don't fall to write at once, or call SWEDISH LA.NU & C01AJliiATION COMPANY. 311 Worcester Bldg. 145 ACRES fine fruit and strawberry land in White Salmon Valley,- two miles from depot and landing; will sell entire tract 1 or in parcels as may be desired; plenty spring water; new house, barn. Write or call. a-u ui vision st., .foniana. MOS1ER. OR. Joins Hood River on th3 east; Identical In soil and climate; fruit land in large anu smaii miui uvbu ana unim proved; on good road, $J5 to $300 per acre. ,m (i sr Duinruft, aiosier, or. 240 ACRES farming land; $9 per acre; living stream ; also 12o acres dairy farm, house and bam, all fenced ; $ 10 per acre ; write or phone Nortnwest "i imoer Co., bJO Lum ber Exchange isiae.. Aiain o 1 sy. FIRST-CLASS apple land for sale In the White " Salmon district; large or small tracts at low price if sold within 20 days. inquire o ADington Diag. FOR SALE 15 acres. A No. 1: most It- all set in choice fruits and berries; house, 2 narns; 1 mue or unneinan's station, southwest of Gresham. Fred Broetje, 31 t,asi disc t- 6PLENDID farm. 124 acres, all fenced; good buildings; mile to station; for sale or trade for Portland property. 311 Stearns bldg. ON WATER, near road; 160 acres, 1 mile out; mane two iarms; gooa marnets; hall exchange. Box 187, Yaquina, Or.; bargain, SEND for our Hat of Willamette Valley I arms neiore buying; lanos mown ire. oimeteaa Lana Co-, saiem ur. VALUABLE RANCHES AT LOW PRICES. Hore are some Kiap9. which any good Judge of farms and ranches should 1 ogmze and once recognized, find it im possible to pass by. JO acres, ntostiy level lands. SO acres cleared, remainder small bruh and easily cleared, i miles to good railroad town, miie to echool, on It. F. D., and on county road, pienty of living water from both spring and creek, all choice black loam soil, with clay subsoil. Price $16 per acre, $250O cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. 160 acres, 6 miles to R. R. town, mile to P. O., W0 acres of bottom land, cleared; i acres under cultivation, family orchard, plenty of living water, place is all fenced, on county road, with R. F. D. and tele phone Jine the place, tt-room house, in good condition, aW large barn, sheda and other outbuilaings. Wagon, mower, ted der, rake, dis: harrows, plows and all other farm toole, also 24 head vf cattle. 6 calves. 2 horses and some chickens, go with the place. Price $7o0, $2.Vk cash, balance $10oO per year and interest at 6 per cent. loo acres. 1 miles to R. R. station on S. P.. and 3 miles to good town, about 35 miles to Portland, all black loam eoil, with clay eubsoil, 3 acres under cultiva tion, and orchard of about 2 acre, ai?o hopyard of 7 acres, all in fine condition, finail fruits for family use, mile to school, on li. F. D. and telephone In houee, place all fenced and cross fenced, and has creek and also fine spring aud good well. 2 story S-room house, ceiled and papered, and in good, condition, aL&o lair-sized barn, granary, chicken-house and other outbuild ings; good team hotv-es. 3 cowe, 11 hogs. 10 turkey 75 fine chickens, all go; also fine hophouse with all fixtures. Price $tVVH. $;iO0O cash, balance long time at 6 per cent or will consider house and lot up to $2500 as part pa y men t in no rt heast Port la n d. Here is a snap. Land adjoining this is cell ing for $300 per acre, and selling fat. HO acres, 15 cleared and under cultivation. l.OOO.OuO feet green fir saw timber on bal ance ; less than V mile to echool. church, stores and P. O., and 9 miles to good K. R. town. All good soil, orchard ItiO trees in good bearing condition, all fenced, has liv ing water, on good country road. 6-room house in good condition. 2 barns, alw old house and other buildings. Few tools go with, the place at $25o0. Price $2-"h cash or will accept houe and lot up to $1500 as part payment, balance cash. 50 acre.. 20 cleared. 4 under cultivation, email orchard In bearing and some sma'.l fruits, good black loam soil, living water, place all fenced, on county road,- less than mile to fine schools and town of S0o. House of 4 rooms, in good condition, also small bam and chicken-houses, etc.; 2 cows. 2 yearlings, fome chickens and tools go with the place at $2350, $15K cash, balance 1 year at ti per cnt. 45 acres. 25 under cultivation, 15 timber, 5 logged off and eay to clear, lots of fine oak naw timber and some tlr, rolling land, but all can be cultivated except V acre; family orchard of 240 trees, 8 acres oat.s, 4 vetch and oats, balance potatoes and small truck, tt-room house, barn and other out buildings: mile to school and about 3 miles from good town and R. R. point. Price $185o. half cae-h, balance good terms. We have a fine list of dairy and stock ranches, wheat farms, also suburban acre age, to sell or exchange, and any inquiry from you will receive prompt and careful attention. If you wish to dispose of your real es tate, write us. We'll turn It for you. PINE TREE LAND CO., 510 Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Or. OREGON FRUIT LEADS THE WORLD. BUY A FARM IN YAMHILL COUNTY Western Oregon. Where the climate is healthy, the soil unexcelled, the Winter is short and mild, where you can raise wheat, corn, alfalfa, clover, fruit grapes, walnuts and vege tables without irrigation, where you have a sure crop every year; prices from $20 up. according location; one-third cash, balance 5 yearly Installments with 6 per cent interest. Write or see us for full information. OREGON LAND & COLONIZATION CO.. 514, 51.1, 516 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM? Had to take it on mortgage, and all I want Is my Interest. Places ail around selling for $100 per acre. Will sell this one for $00, and you can get It with as little as $2000 cash, and balance long time 5 per cent, or will take city property as part pay. Consists of 127 acres, now rent ed; one-third crop goes with place, fo acres In crop, 7 acrts good orchard, fair house, 2 barns, 2 springs, 2 wells, tele phone in house. R, F. D. and cream route, ij mile to school, mile to store, in Clack amas County, 12 miles from Oregon City, on good graveled road; electric line now surveying by the place. It's certainly a snap. Lincoln Investment Co., room 301, 28tf Washington st. COLONISTS ATTENTION. $16 PER ACRE. 1020 acres Willamette Valley, a fine stock or dairy farm. $65 PER ACRE. PS acres rich river bottom land, 2 miles from town. We handle nothing but the best. ROSS-ENGLISH INV. CO.. 322 Mohawk Bldg. 10.O0O ACRES $15 to $50 per acre, one third cash; will give a net profit of $50 per acre from alfalfa; soil very deep and moist, proper subsoil; suppose you had Just 100 acres, when you die it will leave your widow and children $5000 per an num, one planting, no care, sure and safe. Geo. E. Waggoner, 923 Board of Trade. $2000 PER YEAR PROFIT. Best 20-acre farm and country home in Oregon, all in cultivation, 7 miles from Portland, Base Line road, high and sight ly. $1000 crop oats, hay and fruit now growing, thrown in ; good house, fine chicken-houses and runs, barn. 2 wells, etc. ; half down, balance easy terms, or will trade balance for city property; we will buy crops in field and all the chick ens you can raise at your yards for cash, and trade you milk and butter at your door; could you ask for a better snap? YANKEE REALTY & TRADING CO., Merrill Bldg., 7th and Oak. WHY LIVE IN A CITY? "DIRIGO!" CHOICE farm, 163 acres, largely rich creek bottom, all fenced; 115 acres under plow, running water, crop all in. goes with the place; on fine county road, 1 miles to stores; mail delivered daily ; telephone in house; electric line now building surveyed through the place; price, $100 per acre; reasonable terms. FRED McNAMER. Forest Grove, Oregon. IF YOU WANT A SNAP. READ THIS. 87 acres, 4 miles of R. R. town, renced and cross fenced, 10 acres, in cultivation, balance In tame pasture, rolling land, good family orchard, lots small fruit, running water through place, spring at the house, 4-rooin shack, goat shed, stable and chicken-house, wagon and some other tools go with place, all for $1090, cash, balance to suit. Fine hunting and fishing, worth that for Summer home; on good county road. Room 301, 286 Washington st. FARM BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. 80-acre stock and dairy farm, beautiful ly situated In Clark County. Washington. 65 acres cleared, running water, two wells and windmill, modern buildings, silo for cutter, elevator and power, team, 6 cows. 17 sheep. 6 hogs, all machinery, 1 acre fruit, daily mail, cream separator, tele phone;, must sell; easy terms; none but purchasers need apply; price $S500. Fred H. Edmunds, Ridgefield, Wash. $72.50 PER ACRE. 1 25 acres, 35 miles from Portia nd, 4 mile from Willamette River; good rich soil, no rocks or gravel, 65 acres under cultivation, balance bottom and timber land ; running stream, fine ft-room house, good barn, other outbuildings, mile from town with good schools; this is a bargain; terms. McDowell & Kline, 422 Board of Trade bldg. $100 PER ACRE. 25 acres, fine country home of the best land in Willamette Valley, all under cultivation, good . wire and rail fences; good house, barn and well; 14 mile from town; good shipping facilities and 35 miles from Portland; $1000 cash. McDowell 6c Kline, 422 Board of Trade bldg. B fJY THIS MEDFORD FRUIT RANCH NOW. You will douWe your Investment in two years; cash and terms; 140 acres in 1 to 4-year-old apple and pear trees, $175 per acre. Our necessity is your opportunity. See owners, 202 Marquajm bldg. Phone Main 1446. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. 240 acres near railroad and boat land ing, sew, modern house with water works; fine for clover, potatoes and fruit; a bar gain at $50 per acre. B. S. Cook & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. BARGAINS Improved. and unimproved Cowlitz County farm lands. Barnard & Go Kaiama, Wash-