Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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, Pae. States. Home.
Counting-Boom Main 7070 A 05
City Circulation Mala 7070 A 6095
Managing Editor Mam 7070 A 609S
Sunday Editor Main 70 70 A S095
Composing-Room Main 7070 A 6095
City Editor Main 7070 A 6095
Eupt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6095
rison) Baker Stock Company in '"When
Knighthood was in Flower." Tonight at
ORPHECM THEATER (Morrison, between
Flxth and Seventh) Advanced vaudeville.
Matinee at 2:13; tonight at 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Washington, between
eenth and Park) Vaudeville de luxe.
t :a) ana J) p. M
PA.N-TAGF.S TijEATER-(Fourth and Stark
80 p m W vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and
t'v'i0 THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
r!to.-,k Company In "At the Old Croaa
bto ' J?at,nM at 2:15. tonight at 8:15.
",? THEATER Moving-picture .how
' dock evenin. 2 to 10:30
MPS. E?tes Explains Case. Mrs. . E. M.
Ksto-s. of Moniavilla. at whose instance
a -warrant was issued against Mra A.
Trout, a neighbor, on a charge of as
sault recently, denies that she was In
any way to blame for the attack made on
her by Mrs. Trout. "I had had no trouble
or quarrel whatever with Mrs. Trout,"
said Mrs. Estes yesterday. "I was walk
ing along the sidewalk when I observed
Mrs. Trout lying in the grass. When I
approached she arose and began switch
ing me in the face .with- vegetables that
she carried in her apron. To say I was
a.-tonished is putting it mildly. I had
done nothing to invite the attack, and
escaped a quickly as I could, without
offering to retaliate. I think my neigh
bors in Montavilia win testify to the
miidness of my disposition. This affair
was a great surprise to me and was not
the result of any action of mine."
JVa.vt East Ththtt - Sixth Filled
.Th'jmas Compton. E- F. Moldenhauer and
' r1 Tornhnson have been appointed to
onfor wjti, the City Engineer about
filling up-East Thirty-sixth street, be
twen Francis avenue and the Powell
Valley road: This action was taken at
the meeting Monday night of the Kenil
worth Improvement Club. The park com
mittee, instructed to urge the. Park
Beard to expedite the purchase of the
park for that portion of the city so it
cat be used during the present season.
In the matter of sewerage, the committee
was instructed to urge that the Brooklyn
sew-r system be inspecied for acceptance
as soon as it can be done so laterals
may be installed.
Dinner to C. D. Stbattos. Compli
mentary to Curtis D. Stratton, who has
been assistant city editor of the Journal
for-some time and who leaves today to
assume a similar position on the Seattle
Times, a party of 20 local newspaper men
gave a dinner last, night. The affair was
entlrelv Informal and served as a pleas
ant farewell to one of the most popular
newspaper workers in the city. Mr. Sttat
ton's departure- leaves a considerable
vacancy in local newspaper circles and
he has the best wishes of the local "press
gang" Ralph Watson acted as toast
macter and a number of informal talks
were made by members of the various
editorial staffs.
Dr. E-tott Wilt. Speak The- Sunny
eide Mothers' Home Training Association
will hold a special meeting, tonight at 8
o'clock. In the Assembly hall of th
achoolhouse. Rev. Luther R. Dyott will
deliver an address on "The Chance With
the Child." A collection win be. taken
to purchase new books for the school
library. All parents and friends are
urged to attend.
Dr. Brougher to Speak. Arrangements
Jiave, been made by the congregation of
Mount Olivet Baptist Church (colored)
for a reception in honor of Dr. S.
iLueas. a colored physician, who recent
ly came to Portland. Dr. J. Whitcomb
Brougher will deliver an address on "A
Man of Mark" and Rev. I. T. Monroe
win speak on "A Perfect Man." The
public is invited.
Mrs. F. W. Gort-l.ii Dies. Charles
Gortler. of Portland, received news yes
terday of the death of his mother, Mrs.
F. W. Gortler. who resided at Canby, Or.
frhi Is survived by a husband and four
children. Mrs . Frank Prietzel. Mrs. Henry
Walch. William Gortler. all of Canby
and Charles Gortler. The funeral serv
ices will be held from her home at
Will. Give Scotch Programme. A
Scotch programme will be given at the
X.adies"'Aid Society of the. First Congrega
tional Church, this afternoon at 2 o clock.
Mrs Evallne- Spencer will give a story
of Scotch life. Mrs. May . Dearborn
f-ehwab will sing two Scotch songs. and
(Miss- ?iri Harris a violin number: All
iriends and strangers cordially invited. .
Irvingtpn Residents to Meet Tonight.
- A meeting will he held tonight of - the
residents of Irviugton to discuss plans
for the reorganization of the Irvlngton
Tennis Club and the addition, of a chil
dren's playground to the club's grounds.
The meeting will be held at the Irving
ton Clubhoure and all the residents of
Irvlngton are. cordially Invited to attend.
'Peninsula Rose Club Meets. The Pen
insula Rose Festival Association will hold
a meeting tonight at Peninsula. Reports
will be. received from all committees, in
cluding the soliciting and the Peninsula
float committees. Tt. is desired that there
win be full attendance at this meeting, as
there will be much business to transact.
Funeral, or Cltde D. Clement Fu
neral of Clyde D. Clement who died at
the home of his parents, tn Arleta. May 2.
was held yesterday from Dunning's
Chapel. 414 East Alder . street, and the
interment was in "Multnomah Cemetery.
He was i") years of age and was the son
of ,Ir. and Mrs. Ben W. Clement.
Woman's Frees Club Meeting The.
annual meeting of the Woman's Press
Club of Oregon will be held Wednesday.-May
II. at 7:4o o'clock, at the home
of the vice-president. Mrs. Emma 3.
Marshall. 65S Multnomah street. At this
meetins-reports -will be rendered for the
year just ended.
Inspect Eig Sewer 'Mayor-Lane. H.
M. Esterly and City Engineer Taylor yes
terday afternoon made a partial inspec
tion of the Brooklyn sewer. It is a big
Job, to make a thorough examination of
the sewer, and it will be necessary to
again enter the. cut to complete the in
vestigation. " .
Council of Jewish Women. The an
nual meeting of the" -Council of Jewish
Women will be held today at 2:30 o'clock,
in the Selling-Hlrsch .hall. Reports of
officers and chairmen will be read, and
officers elected for the coming year.
Net Pastor Comxa -Rtv. Thomas II.
Walker, pastor-elect of Calvary Presby
terian Church expects to leave Phila
delphia with his family for Portland on
Mjv 10. and will probably oocupy the
pulpit on Sunday May 16.
Beginning Miy 1 we will reduce the
price of all our Australian coal to
per ton delivered; 60 cents per ton reduc
tion on five-ton lots. Pacific Coast Coal
Co . 219 Wash Phones Main 22?. A 2293.
Completing Wooiftock Church. The
beautiful new Methodist Church at Wood
stock is being completed and will be
dedicated Sundav, May 23. The cost of the
building will be $Sjna
Bazaar at the 9t- Patrick hall. Nine
teenth and Savier; come and see the. Irish
lace which we have and many other
Olt-Fashkvnti Strawberrt Short
cake at. the "Green Tea Pot." T. W. C.
A building. Seventh and Taylor streets.
We call for orders and deliver, to Gear
hart Park. - four times each week. F.
Dresser Merc. Co., Seaside.
j L Wells Co have moved their office
to "sixth floor. Chamber of Commerce
building", rooms 6 and 63S.
J J Jennings. Councilman-at-Lafge.;
Dr. Futd Gullettk. Medical .building.
J. J. J&NKXtxio, Councllman-at-Large.
GrvE Chopin Programme. The Wo
men's Alliance of the First Unitarian
Church will commemorate the centenary
of the- composer Chopin at an entertain
ment in the Unitarian Chapel this after
noon at 3 o'clock. Selections from the
works of Chopin ' will be rendered by
Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Miss Frances
Bachelder and Miss-Cornelia Barker. Miss
Henrietta Eliot will read a paper on the
life of 'the composer. The aTternoon will
close with a social hour at which tea and
wafers will be served
The Butter I ate bread and butter
for breakfast this "morning and It tasted
so good! My wife got the butter at a
Smith market, and it cost, only 55c per
roll. Read Smith's adv., back page. .
Dog Show opens today at First and
Washington streets. Judging at 2 o'clock
and evenings. Tickets for sale at Rowe &
Martin's and Sig. Sichel & Co.
John M. Mann, printer, & Fourth St.,
between Oak and Pine. Both phones 40SS.
J. J. Jennings.
Dog Show today. First and Washington.
J. J. Jennings. Councilman-at-Large.
Dr. LeRoy Smith, osteopath. Swotland.
Voters of Peninsula -Will Meet-on
Monday Xight.
Until a late hour Monday night, the
street railway franchise, recently passed
by the Council, was under discussion by
the North Albina Push Club, and at the
end no definite conclusion was reached,
although the sentiment of the meeting
seemed favorable to the franchise and
against the proposed referendum. It was
decided to call a mass meeting of the
citizens or the Peninsula next Monday
nigljt. May 10. when there will be full
discussion. Councilman W. T. Vaughn
will undertake to show that the franchise
is a fair one and that the interests of the
city are amply protected by its provis
ions. Promoters of the referendum on
the-franchise are invited to be represent-:
ed at this mass meeting. A " band 'has
been engaged to provide music.
At. the meeting Monday night Council
man Vaughn was present and defended his
vote ; in favor ' of the franchise. In the
course of his talk he declared that If any
one could convince him that he. voted
wrong he would admit his mistake, but
he said he was convinced, after careful
examination of the terms of the fran
chise, that on the whole the interests of
the city were reasonably protected. II.
G. Parrons and Mr. Junker represented
the referendum and combatted the posi
tion of Councilman Vaughn and insisted
the rights of the city are not properly
protected under the terms of ths fran
chise. J. H. Nolta declared that to hold up
the franchise and prevent the- construc
tion of the line to the Swift packing plant
and Monarch- lumber mill would cause ir
reparable damage to the city., and possibly
drive, the. Swifts- away from Portland.
As the franchise question is uppermost
In interest on the Peninsula.-a big meet
ing will likely be held next Monday night
and- some hot speeches made. A com
mittee on hall and other necessary ar
rangements was appointed. - However, it
may be decided to hold an open-air meet
ing on Killingsworth avenue if the
weather will permit, as there Is no large
hall in that part of the city.
A committee from the Peninsula De
vel6pment League, headed by J. H. Nolta,
held a conference with the Union labor
leaders and tried to persuade them to
drop the referendum, but they did not
Police Believe Circus Follower Is a
'. Clever Swindler.
Harry Wallace. . a young man who
travels around behind the circus and lives
by demonstrating that old gambling
adage, "the hand is quicker than the
eye." came to grief yesterday afternoon
while attempting to do Peter Kirkes out
of $10. Wallace likely will so.iourn in
Portland' indefinitely as a result of his
Wallace entered Kirkes' place at
Sixth street North and asked for change
for a 110 gold piece. Kirkes dealt It out.
Wallace laid down the gold coin, picked
up the silver and by a movement inde
scribably swift lifted the gold piece back
into his hand. Turning, he hurried out
of the place. The ordinary victim-w-ould
have been left wondering what became
of the gold piece, butt not so with
Kirkes. He became immediately suspi
cious. He didn't see how Wallace got
it. but he did see it was, gone. -He ..hur
ried after the quick-handed man and
later pointed him out to Detectives Cole
man and Price. . Wallace was seen to
have long, pliable fingers, remarkably
adapted to such work.. He is believed to
be a clever swindler and. circus follower.
Incidentally he is a morphine" fiend.
James Farley, a young man who joined
him soon after the Kirkes touch.- was
also arrested., both men -being- charged
with vagrancy.
-Washington State Chemist Makes
Test of Oregon Condensed Milk.
The following letter has been, re
ceived by th Tamhill Valley Con
densed Milk Co., of Amity. Or., from
Professor Elton Fulmer. State Chemist,
of Washington:
Washington State College. Depart
ment of Chemistry. Pullman. Wash
April 28 Tamhill Valley Con
densed Milk -Co.. Amity, Or. . Gen
tlemen We have now completed
the analysis of the condensed milk
samples received from you some time
ago.- The individual cans of milk in
the casjf,, forwarded to us show a re
markable uniformity in composition.
This fact is in striking contrast with
some other brands of tnilk put up in
the Northwest. . Our average results
were as follows: Fat, 7.93 per. cent;
total solids, 23.45 per. cent; ; fat .in
solids. S3.S2 per cent. These figures
confirm in a. remarkable manner the
contention we have made for two
years past, -that -the ratio of fat -to
solids In Western Washington and
Western Oregon milks is very , much
higher than in Eastern milks. I am
sure that the figures thus obtained
from the Holly brand will be of very
material assistance in our fight against
the present Federal standard. Very
trulv yours.
: (Signed) . ELTON FULMER-
"You've so many. handsome suits that
I hardly know which one to pick." was
the. remark made by 6ne customer yes
terday. "Surely very reasonable, in
deed.", was what another said. Two
lines. jl5 and 125. J: L. Bowman &. Co.",
5th and Alder.
One of the numerous sales at Ellers
Piano House yesterday was a. magnifi
cent Chickering grand " piano, pur
chased by Mrs. w. J. Woodworth. of
374 14th street. Mrs. Woodworth is a
very accomplished musician.
Figures Show Busy. Town.
CHEHALIS. Wash., May 4. 'Special.
The recent statement of the banks of this
city shows a gain in deposits approaching
fclOO.OU) over the amount on hand when
the last statement w-as ' called "in Febru
ary. Postal receipts for the month just
ended , show a gain of $3X1.04 over April
last year, and there is a generally
healthy tone in all lines of local
Clackamas County Officials Ask'for
His Release.
Nearly all the offlcals of Clackamas
County,-former residence of Henry Mel
drum, now Incarcerated in- the United
States Penitentiary at McNeils Island,
have signed a petition for his pardon
which has been transmitted to District
Attorney John McCourt by the Depart
ment of Justice. 1
Meldrum was convicted of forging false
applications for . the survey of public
lands in Harney County, while he was
Surveyor General of Oregon. He was
sentenced in 1906 to serve 1080 days in
prison and to pay a fine of J52SO but
as the result" of .appeals and applica
tions for a . new trial did not begin to
serve his' sentence until May IS. WOT. .He
has therefore served aboift 725 days of
his sentence.
In the petition - for pardon it is as
serted that the sentence imposed is ex
cessive In comparison with the sentences
imposed on" other persons eonvicted of
land frauds in Oregon and it is also
pointed out that Meldrum Is the only one
indicted for such an offense who has
actually suffered imprisonment. His
former neighbors testify to having had
business relations with him preceding
his conx-iction and to having found him
honest in them all.
wherejto dine:
All the delicacies of the season at tha
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
masts for ladies. 80 Wash-, near Fifth.
Pacific Tent Awning Co.
Reliable, quick service. 27 No. First st.
Good Spring; Medicine.
Van Hareu's Liver Beans 25c bottle.
1 every woman in Port-
I land -to become ac-
quainted with our
i Woman's Department
I The superintendent of this
I department is always readv to
I make every banking transaction
j ciear ana plain.
I We pay from two to four
I per cent on deposits.
Call for that clever little book,
Portland Trust Company
of Oregon '
Rockaway Beach lots ?20 ?5 down.
$5 per month, no-interest. C. J. Owen &
Co., 414 Lumber Exchange.
Free rent for the Summer to lot buy
ers at Ciregory Heights. It s money to
you. See ad on page 11.
Woman's Exchange
TO 8 -P. M.
Home-Made Bread. Cake and Cookies
for Sale. Always Fresh and Delicious.
The von Gillmann School
Tbe Finest Boarding Stable in Portland.
Phones Main 2894.. A 4135.
Anti-machine candidate a business administration
by a business man. , .
sir . 'j:&x .
sr v . . . ..t .s?s-) .:
THE man who wishes
to spend $18, $20, $25
or $30 for a suit, and
spend it to the very best
advantage, must come to
Steinbach's; it is out of the
question to argue other
wise. We are displaying
today more suits at those
prices than any store in
Portland you can mention;
a broad statement, but true
in every essential; there is
not a prominent maker in
the country but whose
product is included.
Free baseball tickets to
every purchaser of $5 or
more Friday and Saturday
' In every business there are . hundreds of dollars
charged off every year, to profit and loss aceount, caused
by uncollected accounts. By selling our ice to families
on a casK basis we -will eliminate this loss, and thereby
be able to furnish those consumers who are willing to
pay for the ice which they may use, at the rate of fifty
cents per hundred pounds for this season, instead of
sixty-five cents per hundred pounds, as charged last sea
son, making a reduction of fifteen cents per hundred
pounds. Ice will be sold to families for cash or coupons.
Coupon books may be purchased from the driver, or
office of the company, for cash. All unused coupons will
be redeemed at the office of the company.
TELEPHONES: Main 234; A 3245; A 3291
Gold Seal Fire Protection Hose
Goodyear Rubber Co.
61, C3. 5. T Fenrtt St.. at Pine.'
S12.0O Tall Set . of
- Teeth, 6.00.
Crowns and Bridge-
- - work, S3.00. .
ttoojn 405. Dehmi.
OPCT Evening Tilt 7.
These Prices for Wednesday and Thursday Only
Exclusive agency for -genuine Rex brand plumes. - There is
absolutely no higher quality ostrich feathers in the world.
Rex plumes can be dipped in water, shaken out and still re
tain: their, curl and luster. Each one marked Rex on a tiny
celluloid tablet inside. '
I Ml
Largest willow ever shown,
geous elegance and beauty.
gelatin spangles.
$4.50 Plumes, 14 inches long, 8 inches
wide, for .- -
$8.00 . Plumes, 18 inches long: 9 inches
wide, for ,
$10.00 Plumes, 20 inches long, 9 inches
Tride. for . - .
$9.00 Res Plumes, very-full heads, 17
inches long. 10 inches . -wide
$12-00 Rex Plumes, extra full Trench
heads, 17 inches long: 11 inches -wide. .
$16 Rex Plumes. 18 inches long, 12 CJI 1 Cf
inches wide, extra full French heads -P Ou
$20 Rex Plumes. 19 inches long. 12 fl -1 A
inches wide, perfectly elegant, now P T" w
Six feet long. 40 inches wide a marvel of gor
Wbite and black combination, with semi-visible
Lovely Fluffy Willows
Beauty Beyond Description.
$ 5.00 Willow Plumes. for $3.45
$10.00 Rex Willow Plumes for..... .86.90
$14.00"Rex Willow Plumes for...: $9.80
$20.00 Rex Willow Plumes for '. S14.75
$27.00 Rex Willow Plumes for ...S18.50
$40.00 Rex Willow Plumes for -S26.50
$60.00 Rex Willow Plumes for... $37.50
$75.00 Rex .Willow Plumes for: ... . .$48.00
Exceptional Opportunity.
Remember, Sale Ends Thursday Evening. ,
See our
Third gt
TwoNightstoTDAiMTiMrwnwrniTAiirn3 to los
1 tin 1U 1 UHLi 11U 1 1 LtXlunLiULiU Angeles
T , ("Upper Deck
KafPQ -iMajn Deck
"wlwu ISecondClass
San Francisco
Daylight Ride Down Columbia and Through Golden Gate
SAN ffi5 .,ca,f8"?
LU3 AiiuLLEDi fcM.DD
-! $10.00
I $5.00
(Mmli and Berth Included.)
S. S. ROSE CITY B. W. .Mason. Master SAILS SAT, MAY 8. 9. A. M.
M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A., 142 Third St. Phoues A 1402, Main 402.
J. "VV. HANSOM, Dock Agent, AtnsTrorth Dock. Phones A 1234, Main 26S
m A 99S1 TLToin 59A1
Women of Woodcraft Building
SiS Taylor Street, earner Tenth
Write for catalogue and prices on
sewer pipe, chimney pipe, drain tile,
water, well and culvert pipe, pipe tor
septic tanks, etc.
41 K. Front St.
Of eery description bT
mall. Amber, brier and
meerschaum. Artificial
coloring. tig felchel &
Co.. 93 3d fcU. Portland.
cbwab Printing Co.
tin tpoijr. xBASQifjiBlx pktcs
I47! 9 T JS. K K STREET!
of eye-testing, which he obtained while
In Europe. No extra, charge for thia
which relieves all eye strain and head
aches. We give you the finest -workmanship
in the city at x-ery reasonable
prices. Lenses as low as $1.50.
Dallas Optical Parlors
218-210 Fa Ulnar Bide.,
Corner Third and Waahinartoa.
Second Floor. Take Elevator.
Madison 8t. .
dfi. Boren Ave.
United WtreleM
Tbe Biehest Grade Bery Modern Coarealroc
Centrally located and commanding a view of tht
Olympics, Cascade Mountains. Mt. Rainier and
Paset Sound. Auto-'Bui meeta trains and boat
on direct carline to the A -T.-P Exposition
J. S. MoTERXAN, Manager.
Hente4 and sold on enf
Installments; ,lat tuaed
and repaired.
H. SINSHEIMEB, 72 Third Street.