Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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Experienced Help Wanted in luslin Underwear, Corsets, Knit Underwear, Draperies, Laces, and Cloak Department Alteration Rooms
Frank Store's Grecat "May Sales' in AS! Departments
IS '
$3 Lace Curtains $1.95
$5 Lace Curtains $3.35
1000 pairs of white Nottingham Lace Curtains, three yards long, 50 inches
wide, in floral and scroll designs; 20 patterns to select from; (!"
$2.75 and $3.00 values, but plaeed on sale at, per pair J
1000 pairs of white and ecru Lace Curtains, heavy nets with Renaissance
braid trimming, also Cluny, Irish points and soutache all KQ
new designs, full sizes; the best regular $5 values, per pair, PJJJ
Odd lots of Portieres, one pair of a pattern; plain and figured ff
styles; popular colorings; fringed or corded; $4 to $15 values, XA
frTrY PAtrArC Special lot of Bagdad and Negus Couch
ViJUCll VyUVCl O Covers green, red, blue and brown effects,
in the best designs; come three yards long,
At$2.35Each ?ri $2.35
This Is "Nemo Week
"Nemo" Expert Fitters at Your Service
Nemo "New American Shape" Corsets
have been recognized in every fashion cen
ter of Europe and America as producing
the correct contour for the fashions of 1909.
Fashion experts all over the world now
realize that the best corsets are made in
New York not in Paris; and that Nemo
Corsets are in a class alone, unequaled in
style, comfort and durability.
.Nemo "Self-Reducing" Corsets are
known in every civilized country as the
only corset ever made that really helps a
stout woman to improve her figure with
comfort and reduce her abdomen and hips
with hygienic safety. For 1909 there are
12 distinct models in Self-Reducing Corsets
a fit for every type of stout figure. One
new style (No. 404, at $4.00) is designed
for very stout women, and is made in sizes
up to 42. This model has the new Nemo
Relief Bands. The new Nemo Self-Reducing
Corset No. 405, for tall stout figures,
is the greatest success the corset trade has
ever known. It also has the new Relief
Bands, and th? long skirt comes well
around to the front, reducing the upper
limbs as well as the back and hips. The
price of No. 405 is $4.00. Other Self-Reducing
Corsets at $3.50, $5.00 and $10. .
The Nemo "Back-Resting" Corset, for
slender and medium figures, brings com
fort to tired women and relieves backache
like magic $4.00.
. Other Nemo specialties for slender and
medium figures are the graceful "Military
Belt," $3.50; the sylph-like "Willow
Shape," $5.00, and the chic and charming
"Swan-shape," $2.00 and $4.00.
To know all about Nemo Corsets is a
duty which every woman owes to herself.
Don't miss "Nemo Week." ' ,
Great Sale of Ribbon
5- inch wide Moire Ribbons, for hair
and hat bows; come in black, white
and all. colors; regular 40c OC
value 4U, peryard J
6- inch wide Moire Ribbons, for
sashes; hair and hat bows, in
black, white and colors; 00
regular 50c vaiues at, yard, JJC
4- inch fancy .warp, print Ribbons,
all the best colorings and combina
tions; regular 30c values; 1 Q -buy
all you want at, yard, A 7C
5- inch fancy warp print Ribbons,
the best regular 40c values, yd.2T
4 and 5-inch best quality fancy Rib
bons, in warp prints, jacquards,
stripes, plaids, checks, for bows,
hats, sashes, etc.; best reg
ular 65c values at;- yard. .
No. 1 Satin. Baby Ribbon,
32c value, per piece.
No. 1 Satin Baby Ribbon,
25c value, per piece
No. 1V2 Satin Baby Ribbon,
35c values, per piece
No. 2 Satin Baby Ribbons,
45c value, per piece
Narrow Wash Ribbons at low prices.
3-inch Taffeta Ribbon, black, white
and all colors; 20c values; "1 Cif
on special sale at, per yard, vC
5- inch Taffeta Ribbons, for hair
bows and millinery purposes ; black,
white nd all colors; regu- 1 1-.
lar 25c values at, yard...
6- inch wide heavy Taffeta Ribbon,
for hair and hat bows; black, white
and all colors; regular 35c " Qg
values at, per yard
6-inch heavy Hair Bow Ribbons,
extra heavy quality, in black, white
and colors; best regular 40c OC
value on sale at, per yard. . iJ
8-inch metallic-finished Taffeta Rib
bons for millinery purposes; black,
white and all the leading OQ
shades; 60e values at, yard,
6-inch Satin Ribbons, for millinery
purposes;, black, white and all col
ors; the best regular 40c OQ
values on sale at, yard....
8-inch Satin Millinery Ribbons,
black, white, all colors; 60c OO.
value at, per yard, only. . JOC
We're Portland Agents for Butterick
Patterns and The Delineator Agents
for "Willamette" Sewing Machines
. 75 Colored Nets $L
$1.25 Nottingham Laces 59c
2000 yards of 18-inch Nottingham Allover Laces in cream and Persian effects, for
yokings and dress trimming; beautiful designs in large variety for your selec- CQ-
r x
75c Printed Linoleum, special. .39
85c Printed Linoleum, special. ,46
$1.50 Inlaid Linoleum, special . . 83
$1.80 Inlaid Linoleum, sp'l. .$1.06
Sale of Mattresses
200 Ostermoor Mattresses at special
low prices this weekj best patterns,
great values; on sale at these prices:
Regular $18.00 Ostermoors, $15. QQ
Regular $22.00 Ostermoors, $16.50
Regular $30.00 Ostermoora, $18.50
Also a few Ostermoors, slightly soiled
in transit, to be sold O VL
out at this low price, P X O.OU
$6 Blankets $4.15
Special lot of 300 pairs Oregon gray
Wool Blankets, full size, good weight
for camping, etc.; $5.50 QlA t C
and $6 values at, pair, Pt O
We are exclusive Portfand agents for the "Leona" throe-piece combination undergarmenta for
women corset cover, drawers and short skirt, all in one; newest materials, prettily made and
trimmed; perfect fitting. Prices range all .the way from $1.50 to $10.00. Come and see them.
Great $ 1 00,000 Clearance Sale-of
tion. The best regular $1.25 values on sale at this unusually low ryrice, yard.
Great special sale of 45-ineh colored Nets plain and figured effects," d! QO
sleeves, yokes, waists, etc.; all the newest and best styles; $2.75 values. . .P '"O
White, and cream" Venise Lace Imitation Irish Bands, Medallions, and Net
Top Laces, 1 to 9 inches wide; best patterns; the regular $1.25 values, yard..
50 XlOlinCin? 1500 yards of 48-inch Swiss Embroidery Flouncing,
the new idea for Princess gowns; eyelet designs;
At $1.39 a Yard $1.39
10,000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery, Edgings and Insertions,
10 inches wide; embroideries suitable for women's and children's undermuslins, etc
Beautiful patterns in endless assortment; values up to 50c yard" on sale at, yard.l9
Remnants of Laces and Embroideries on sale at wonderfully low prices. See them.
Great May Sale of broken lots of matched sets of fine Embroideries swiss and naiii
sook edges, insertions and flouncing, 1 to 18 inches wide, suitable for lingerie gowns
and waists filet and eyelet designs, and all on special sale at the following prices:
Reg. 65c values, yd. 39 $1.00 values, yard. -49 $3.50 values, yard. .98
Great May Sale of Valenciennes Laces, 5000 dozen yards; round thread Vals., edg
ings and insertions, to 2 inches wide; prettiest styles; great values. Buy now.
$2.25 values, per dozen yards 75? $3.50 values, per dozen yards 89ft
Dinner Sets
German China Dinner Sets, gold band
decorations, in very handsome effects
great values at these low prices:
60-piece set on sale at S19.90
100-piece set on sale at.... $29.90
German China Dinner Sets, blue vio
let decorations ; best values ever of
fered for the money at these prices :
50-piece set, $16.50 values. .$12.50
100-pc. set, $24.00 values. .$17.00
Hayiland China Dinner Sets, Chrys
anthemum and heavy gold decora
tion; beautiful patterns, as follows:
60-piece set, $37.50 value. .$32.50
100-piece set, $52.50 value. .$44.50
Haviland China Dinner Sets, pink
rose decoration, on sale' at, the set:
60 pieces, special price.... $33.50
100 pieces, special price. .. .$4T.50
$1.50 Carpet $1.07
$2.00 Carpet $1.43
Closing-out sale of 25 choice patterns
of Windsor Brussels Carpets, all good
patterns and colorings; 2500 yards in
the lot; best $1.50 quality, sewed,
laid and lined at this Cl f7
very low price, the yard, P
20 patterns of extra quality Wilton
Velvet Carpet, neat Oriental designs;
best $2 quality, sewed, CJ1 Ai
laid and lined, at, yard, P
Sale of Linoleum
Clean-up sale of short lengths of Lin
oleum, both printed and inlaid grades.
Best patterns. Bring your measure
ments. An extra charge for laying.
Ladies9 Under muslins Low Priced
"May Sale" of unlaundered French hand
embroidered Gowns, low neck, short sleeves,
made of good quality French percales,
drawn at the neck with eyelets and ribbon;
all sizes; the' best regular $4
values, on sale at, the garment,
1000 women's white Petticoats, trimmed
with laces and insertions, tucks and em
broidery; separate dust ruffles; well made
and finished; regular $2.50 CI OQ
values on sale at, each pA.OI7
Special lot of women's fine cambric and
nainsook combination garments; 2-piece
suits, drawers and corset covers combined;
laee and embroidery trimmed; reg- QQ
ular $1.50 and $1.75 values, each, fOC
Women's fine nainsook and cambric Draw
ers, lace and embroidery trimmed; fine In
dia lawn ruffles, hemstitched; tbe CQ
best regular 85c value, per pair..
2000 women's white eambrio and nainsook
Gowns, square and round neoks, slip-over
styles, lace and embroidery trimmed, ahdrt
puff and kimono sleeves; regular CQ
$1.00 and $L25 values at, eaah-. "C
"Leona" Jr. Garments
AntidUe Oriental lUigs
Mashkabad Carpets
Mashkabad, 12 feet 6 by 10 feet 2,
regular $275 value, for $186.00
Mashkabad, 12 ft. 8 by 9 ft. 7 ins.,
regular $250 value for 155.00
Mashkabad, 12 feet 4 by 9 feet 6,
regular $250 value for 125.00
Prayer Rugs on sale at low prices.
Sale Bokara Rugs
-T J ;
One bale of 47 Royal and Princess
Bokharas; rich colorings, red, and
blue and ivory; values up to $100,
at this low price, each. .$48.50
Shervan Rugs
Two bales of 80 Shervan Rugs, size
4 feet 5 ins. by 6 t1 C Cfl
ft.; $30 values; ea. . P J.J U
42 antique - Shervan and Cabistan
Rugs, 4 feet 4 inches by 6 feet;
beautiful designs and colorings;
regularly $65 each, tfOO Cl"
on sale at, sp'l., ea. pOJjJ
Oriental Rugs 8n the Third Floor.
$50 Sennah Rugs
At $33.00 Each
One bale of 22 small size Sennah
Rugs, blues and ivories 3 feet 6 by
5 feet; regular $50 CJOO f(
vals., on sale for, ea. .POOvJU
One bale of large-size Sennah Rugs
blues, reds and ivories, medallion
designs; $120 val- glQ fif)
ues, on sale for, ea. "VlLf
Sereband Rugs
One bale 32 Sereband Rugs, small
sizes, in reds, old rose and blue; 3
ft. 6 ins. by 5 ft.; Cfl
regular $30 vals., ea. P lO.OU
One bale of 27 Sereband Rugs, an
tiques; beautiful colorings; size 5
by 10 feet; regular tQr AA
$165.00 values, each. ipOU.UU
Mahal Carpets
Mahal, 13 feet 5 by 10 feet 5 ins.,
regular $365 value, for "$210.00
Mahal, 13 feet 6 by 10 feet 3 ins. ;
regular $275 value for 190.00
Mahal, 12 feet 6 by 10 feet 6 ins.,
regular $375.00 value, S215.00
Fine Kermanshah
Carpets on Sale
In rich designs and colorings, large
variety, wonderful . values, on sale
at the following special low prices:
Size 13 feet 11 inches by 8 feet 6
inches; $650.00 value. .S3T5.00
Size 14 feet 9 inches bv 10 feet 2
inches; $825 value for.$485.00
Size 12 feet 8 inches by 8 feet 8
inches, $500 value for $310.00
Size 12 feet 3 inches by 9 feet 4
inches; $550 value for $325.00
Size 15 feet 2 inches by 11 feet 4
inches, $1000 value for $670.00
Size 14 feet 7 inches by 10 feet 3
inches, $875 value for $510.00
Saruk Carpets
Size 14 feet 10 inches by 10 feet 10
inches, $655 value for $390.00
Size 12 feet 3 inches by 9 feet;
regular $500.00 value, $325.00
Size 11 feet 7 inches by 8 feet 1
inch, $500.00 value for $330.00
Size 12 feet 2 inches by 9 feet;
regular $475.00 value, $276.00
Size 10 feet 4 inches by 6 feet 10
inches, $350 value for $235.00
Saruk, size 10 feet 7 inches- by 7
feet; $385.00 value for $237.00
Me shad Carpets
Meshad, 13 feet by 9 feet 10 ins.;
regular $585.00 value, $328.00
Meshad, 14 feet by 11 feet 1 inch;
regular $550 value for $325.00
Meshad, 13 feet 3 by 9 feet 10;
regular $550 value for $350.00
Meshad, 9 feet 8 by 7 feet 8 inches,
regular $300.00 value, $195.QO
Meshad, 12 feet 11 by 9 feet 8;
regular $515.00 value, . $325. OO
Tabriz Carpets
Antique Tabriz, 11 ft. 3 ins. by 8
ft. 9 ins.; $850.00 value $495.00
Antique Tabriz, 12 ft. 3 ins. by 8
ft. 8 ins.; $700 value, $368.00
Tabriz, 11 ft. 3 ins. by 8 ft. 7 ins.,
regular $450 value, for $275.00
Tabriz, 10 ft. 3 ins. try 7 ft. 8 ins.,
regular $375 value for $225.00
$150 Kermanshah
Rugs for $72.00
One bale of 32 fine Kermanshah
Rugs, beautiful designs and color
ings; average size 4 feet 4 inches
by 6 feet 6 inches; values up to
$150 each, on sale Ci'Tf? Clf
at this price, each. P VHJ
Kurdistan Rugs
$85 Val. $33.75
One bale of 42 Kurdistan and Bi
jar extra quality rugs; grand de
signs and colorings; average size
4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; value
up to $85.00 each, tfOO p7tZ
on sale at, sp'l., ea. PJJ. -
$100 Saruk Rugs
At $48.50 Each
One bale of 38 Saruk and Tabriz
Rugs, finest weave, choice designs
and colorings ; values up to $100.00
each, on sale at this C1 Q Zf
special low price, ea. P"0OVr
$85 Val. $37.50
One bale of 67 Belouchistans, rich
colorings and designs, extra qual
ity ; size 4 feet 6 by 7 feet ; regular
values up to $85 ea., CiQ'T Cfl
on sale at, sp'l., ea. .P JVJ
$125 Iran Rugs
At $45.50 Each
One "bale of extra fine Antique Iran
and Feraghan ,Rugs, in all 'sizes;
rich designs and colorings; values
up to $125.00 each, flJlC CZf
on sale at, sp'l., ea. P'vJJvr
$50 Mosuel Rugs
At $22.50 Each
Two bales of fine Antique Mosuel
and Camelshair Rugs, average, size
3 feet 6 inches by 8 feet ; values up
to $50 each, on sale dJOO tZ(
at this low price, ea. Pfc"JW
Fine Killem Rugs
$27.50 val. 12.50
$65 Val. $27.50
One bale of Killem Rugs, 3 feet 9
inches by 6 feet 6 (IJIO Crt
inches; $27.50 value. P1.JVJ
One bale of large size Killem Rugs.
5 feet by 10 feet 6 inches ; values I
up to $6o, on sale at, ea. .$27.50
Garavan Carpets
Garavan, 11 feet 3 inches by 8 feet ;
regular $360 values, ea.$165.00
Garavarifll feet 11 by 9 feet 3
inches; $350 values, at $185.00
Garavan, 12 feet 7 inches bv 9 ft,,
$325.00 value, at, ea..$180.QO
Ispahan "Carpets
Ispahan, 9 feet 10 by 6 feet 11 ins.,
regular $500 value for $276.00
Ispahan Carpet, 12 ft. 1 by 8 ft. 8
ins.; $650.00 value for $378.00
Khiva Bokaras
Size 11 ft. 4 by 8 feet 4 inches;
regular $200 value for $115.00
Khiva, 11 feet by 8 feet 8 inches,
regular $225 value for $125.00
Khiva, 14 ft. 6 by 10 ft.' 6 ins.,
regular $500 value at $265.00
Royal Bokaras
65 choice Khivas to select from.
Bokhara, size 7 by 10 feet, regu
lar $350.00 value, each, $210.00
Bokhara, size 7 feet 4 by 9 feet 8,
regular $325 valujs, for $185.00
Bokhara, 7 feet 2 by 10 feet 6 ins.,
regular $300 value, for $176.00
Serapi Carpets
Serapi, 14 feet by 11 feet 10 ins.;
regular $575.00 value, $300.00
Serapi, 12 feet 6 by 10 feet 5 ins.;
regular $460 value for $278.00
Serapi, 12 feet 11 ins. by 10 feet;
regular $375 value for $215. OO
Serapi, 12 feet 1 by 9 feet 4 ins.;
regular $355 value for $195.00
Serapi, 13 feet 6 inches by 10 feet
3 inches; $500 value, $257.00
Children's Tart in Rose Festival Ex
IKHitet! to He Big Success, as
Age Limit Is Removed.
Full arwment by the Board of Educa
tion with the East fade Business. Men's
Club regarding the children's parade for
the Rose Festival has cleared the way
for immediate action, and all committees
from this club will meet tonight at the
elubroom In the Healy building. Grand
avenue and Kas,t Morrison street. These
committees are: General arrangements
Dan Kellaher, W. M. Jackson. E. Oe
litvskv: collections w. B. Hall. O. El
Heinti, W. H. McMonies; decorations,
I. A. Blgelow, George Dilworth, A. J.
Full consideration will be given all
departments of the work, so actual work
can be started tomorrow morning. At
this meeting the drill masters will prob
ably be selected, rvsigns for decorating
the streets will be decided and the finance
committee, will start out this week.
President Blgelow yesterday expressed
satleractlon over agreement with the
directors. Children under 12 years of age
may take part In the parade with the
consent of their parents and the directors
are . not to be held responsible. Mr.
Blgelow said that the line of march will
be such that there cannot possibly be
danger to the children. It will be on
Grand avenue, between Hawthorne ave
nue and East Everett street, so that in
all they will not march over two miles.
The Portland "Railway. Light & Power
Company will today turn over the east
side of Grand avenue between Belmont
and East Clay streets to the Hassam
Paving Company that it may start work
at once. The railway company has em
ployed an army of' men in relaying its
tracks, and will soon be entirely out of
the way of the paving company.
ilellig Theater Next Monday Will
House liarge Audience.
The great violin genius, Mischa Elman,
will play at the Heilig Theater on Mon
day evening. May 10. under the direction
of Lois Steens-Wynn Coman, and not In
a great many years has the simple ao
nouncement of a concert aroused so fer
vid an interest and brought forth so
much inquiry. Orders from nearly every
town about this part of the country have
poured In and the town orders have been
as heavy as though a Schumann-Helnk
were to appear.
Elman s concert is certainly the most
Important musical event of many sea
sons and the unanimous verdict of every
city In which the young Russian has
played is that no artist since the advent
of Paderewski on his first tour has lived
up to the advance heralding as does El
man. The reports that have been print
ed are not exaggerated and a hearing of
this violinistic marvel only serves to
deepen the admiration and interest in
him. Regular seat sale will 'open Friday
morning. May 7. at the box office.
Federal Officials Take Action to Pro
vide Postal Facilities That
Are Badly Needed.
Encouragement has been received from
Washington by Postmaster John C. Toung
concerning his requests for additional
help and facilities.
Two agents from the department are
expected here today to look into the mat
ter of securing .quarters for the mailing
division at the Union depot and for the
transfer of equipment thereto.
Yesterday Postmaster Toung received
a telegram from Senator Bourne saying
that the First Assistant Postmaster-General
had telegraphed representatives from
his office to expedite the Investigation of
the needs of tlje Portland postofftfee.
The postmaster has received from the
department a request for .specifications
as to needed new vault fixtures. It is
planned to install eight new strong-boxes,
five for the money order department. The
combination for each strong-box will be
known only to one departmental head in
stead of to several, so that responsibility
for anything wrong may be definitely
Postmaster Young has figured out that
18,000 persons enter the Federal building
in the 18 hours of the day. during which
more or less business is txaji&anted- Tbis
estimate has been made by counting
those who enter for certain periods each
day. On an average 700 enter the front
door of the building every hour and 300
go In by other entrances.
The greatest rush Is about 6 o'clock In
the afternoon, and between the hours of
4 and 6 P. M. the number entering the
building averages about 1300.
A very large percentage of those who go
to the Federal building have business only
in the postoffice. The number who go to
other departments probably does not av
erage more than several hundred a day.
Old Habit Gets Its Grip and For
geries Result.
"W. H. Stripler. a printer. Is in the City
Jail and his wife and babies are destitute,
all because he stepped Into a barroom to
take a social drink the first he had
taken in ten years. lie thought he'd
grown stronger than the drink, which
once held him In bondage, but found dif
ferent. One drink aroused a latent crav
ing for liquor, he got drunk and while
In that condition passed six worthless
Not only did every cent he had go into
the spree that followed, but the proceeds
from the worthless checks went the same
route. He was sober when arrested yes
terday forenoon and had not the slightest
recollection of having committed forgery.
He had just been to his home at Front
street, near Madison, finding his family
in actual need and begged the officers to
give him a chance to look after them.
When locked up biripler cried like a
child, saying he had intended never tak
in another drink, but thought he was
strong enough to take one drink more
and quit, a mistaken idea whtch led to
his downfall. Friends have taken up his
case and an effort will be made to return
the money he got during tbe debauch
and have the charges dismissed. Stripler
says that all he wants is one more
Preparation for Coming T. P. A.
Show Is Well Along. '
Rehearsals for the T. Pi A.'s big con
vention fund show, "'Toodles in Holland,"
are progressing and the 25 well-known
commercial travelers who are taking part
have all cut out baseball and auto rides
and are meeting daily for what Clyde
Evans calls their "physical torture." For
two hours each day they sing, dance and
go through a lot of stunts that will make
a Broadway male, chorus look like dum
mies, j
Harry Coffman. Bob Adams, Jack
Brinkley, E. C. John, Ed Fay, George
Hargis, Nye Kern and Stanhope Pier will
be noticeable in a number called "Look
Out for the Traveling Man;" Zeb Martin
plays Harrlgan. the cop, and sings "They
All Take Off Their Hats to Mister Mur
phy;" Sherman Dana. D. Horn an Qulm
by, Harold Miner. Bob Huffschmidt, I.
M. Grosshong. E. C. Hanshaw, Vernon
Schuboch, Billy Shaw, E. Asbury, "Eddie"
Wenstein, Mary Cardiff, Helen Patges,
Anna Boscevich, Pheme' Miller. Floy Mann,
Laurena Pendergrass. Lei a Sprogit, Mar
garet Culllgan, lone Morrison and Albert
Bishop will all have prominent parts, and
Charlie Ringler will appear as Doctor
Schopskopp. -
5000 Pounds of Beef .
For boiling and stewing -will be distributed among Smith's markets today
and every day this week. It will be 6 lb. You can get it at any market.
AT ALIi'OF SMITH'S markets you can get your choice of several different
brands of creamery butter at 55 per square.
SMITH'S LARD IS 100 PEE. CENT PURE. A 5-pound pail costs 65c. No
other lard in city is as pure as Smith's. All others adulterate their lard.
Choicest Chinook Salmon, per lb., 12V2 Three pounds Halibut, 25S
CORNED BEEF 6 per pound at Smith's.
CORNED BEEF, better cuts, 8$ per pound at Smith's.
SHORT RIBS OF BEEF, to bake, 7 per pound at Smith 's.
ROUND BEEFSTEAK, Bologna Sausage, Liver Sausage, Headcheese, Blood
Sausage, Hamburg Steak, the best Veal Stew, some cuts of Veal Breasts,
some cuts of Veal Shoulder Roasts, whole shoulders of mutton, all XOi
per pound at Smith's. . (
PORK SAUSAGE, as pure as pure can be, Frankfurt Sausage, iSirloiri
Steak, Tenderloin Steak, whole shoulders and shoulder roasts of genuine
Spring Lamb, some prime Rib Roasts of steer Beef, Pickled Pork, Dry Sail
Pork, -the best Veal Breasts, the best Veal Shoulder Roasts, Mutton Shoul
der Roasts, Mutton Shoulder Chops, all 12V2 per pound at Smith's.
Hind quarters of genuine Spring Lamb X8 per pound at Smith's.
Be sure you get in the right place if you come to Alder street, for the Beel
Trust markets never sell as cheap as Smith does. The following groceries
at our Third and Jefferson street market. Phone Main 8751. We delivet
$2.00 worth or more.
Pride of the Valley Flour, bbl.. $5.-44
50 lbs. High Patent Flour 1.641
High Patent Flour, per barrel ... 6. Ofl
50 lbs. Graham Flour S1.4j
10 lbs. Graham Flour 354
10 lbs. Pastry Flour -33
4 lhs. Rice 25
4 lhs. Navy Beans . .............. 234
4 lbs. Gloss Starch . ............. 234
4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25
7 Boxes Parlor Matches... 254
10 lbs. Potatoes 25c
4 lbs. our best Macaroni. ... 25
3 cans Corn 25c
3 cans Tomatoes , 25c
3 cans String Beans 25e
3 cans Carnation Milk ..25c
6 Loaves Bread, regular size 25c
7 Bars Smith's Best Soap 25c
Smith's Best Soap, per box RU.fiO
18 lbs. Sugar Sl.OO
0 lbs. Pride of the Valley Flour.. 1,40