14 THE 3IORMG OKEGOMAX,, WEDNESDAY, MAY o, 1909. ACREAGE. 20 AND 4A-ACRE TRACTS, on Southern pacific R. R. Station on the place: 25 miles from Portland; $50 to 1'0 per acie; easy terms. Finest of soli, no et.ines, all or partly in cultivation; running water year throush: splendid timber on each tract; one mile to creamery ; one mile to college town; noar cannery and ichooL See owner. H. P. Reimer. 709 Corbett Bldg.. corner 4th and Morrison. THE VERY REST Bargain la acreage to be found. Why pay from -VX to $JrnHr per acre lo and 15 miles out. when I can w 1 1 you 20o acres on United Ry. and Linn ton road, just outside of city limit, for $450 per acre? Thia is the very cream of residence property, cov ered with beautiful shade tree, in fact, a veritable park, and will readily ell for $inr per acre. THUS. M'GTRKEB. 205 Couch Bid. COUNTRY VILLAS. R acres each; near the city; on macad amised road and trolley line; grand view; rich soil ; best neighbors. ROSS-ENOUSH INT. CO.. 322 Motiawk Bldg. SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION. Fractional 80 acres, close in on Salem FJectric; part in cultivation; splendid soil, running water, fine view ; best buy for cutting tip on the market. V A X DUT N & W A LTON. 615 Chamber Commerce. TEN acres near Concord Station. Oregon City line ; 3 aries In cult 1 vat Ion ; run ning water: will make a beautiful home. This land is esperlal I v adapted for nur sery nnd fine pardoning. MOREHOl'PK-KE UTCHEM CO., 322-32 4 Board of Trade Bldg WFJ HAVFJ CUSTOMER for good 50x100 lot nesr Union ave., muth of A ms worth; price muflt be rlrht for cash. HK!I,MAN & IATHROP, tSlrn of the Horseshoe.) M Abington bldg. lft Af'RKS IN CULTIVATION Of the finest of soil; no rock, no gravel, near car, close to city. A GREAT BIO BARGAIN. Half cash ; $ 165 per acre. Land adjoining sold for $275 per sere. 307 Concord Bldg., Second and Stark. FOR BEST ACREAGE; tracts near Portland wee 1019 Board of Trade. IOK SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO.. INC. Pacific Coast timber bought and sold. Timber lands cruised and certified, reports furnished 617 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. WILL sell my timber claim In Skamania i Vunty, "Washington. cheap. Might ex change for suburban property. M 67, Ore- gonian. WE tre headquarter tor timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Btamphor, 531-S2 Lumber Exchange bldg FOR SALE Operating logging camps and timber lands, tributary Columbia River, Mc Cargar, Bates. Lively. Falling bids;. TIMBER LANDS. $2.50 per acre; I locate, you purchase ; also soma Government claims. 219 Worcester bldg. ONE of the most complete shingle mills on Columbia River. V 41, Oregonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. $27 WORCESTER BLOCK. -TTMttEK LANDS. CILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims from owners. Kelson & Whit tier, 617 B oa rd of Trade. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCrackea. 304 McKay bldg. SAJE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hanc. vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at sbout the a me price afc you would pay for an old one We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons and farm wagons. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne Ave. BAY SHIRE horse. weight 1290 lbs., 5 years old, sound, good worker; black mare, 6 years old, weight 1200 lbs., a beau i y and gentki for family use: pair matched sorrel geldings, suitable for 11 very or delivery ; several other horses ; all kinds buggies, wagons, harness, sad tiles. Red Front Stables, 15th off Wash ington st- FOR SALE Gentle and stylish black mare: city broke; one fine stylish rubber-tired phaeton, harness nearly new. and .a two seated canopy-top buggy; whole outtit at low price ; quality considered. Phone evenings and forenoons. Bast G084. FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham bletonian geldings, brothers; thoroughly broken to the city; as tine a pair of car riage horses as you can find; weight about lL'OO each; price for the pair $1000. Can be seen any day at the Fashion Stables. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purpcs, day, week or month. Phones East 72. B 1:169. Haw thorne Stables. 4-0 Hawthorne ave. PONY Will drive or ride; price $50. Call at 100H Thurman St., after 4 P. M. Tele plione A 5016. GOOD sound team, gravs. welsh t about 12K lbs. Call or address F. A. Jette, Chumpceg, Or. PAIR brown horses, weight 2400 lbs., sound and can be given any trial; good set heavy harness; price $225. Call 26 X. 15th. PA 1 R manos, weight 2400 lbs., are sound, good workers, new heavy harness, all com plete, price $185. 26 N. 15th st. FOR SALE One 2-horse 2-ton express and one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel mont and E. 6th. HOUSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. Hl'HKRT & HALL, 380 Front, buy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. ONE" team. 3200. one 2830. one 2S00. four single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East Stark. WANTED Horses, city broke, at the Kis pi re Stables, 270 12th. cor. Jefferson. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Stables. 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. FAMILY pony at Kramer's N. Y. Club sta bls, 15th and Alder fits. Automobiles. WHITE STEAMER, li-passenger. perfect running Condition; will exchange for building lot or first mortgage security. A L US. Oregonian. Al'TOMOHl I.E repair shop; brazing and gear cut ting and general machine shop work. 329 Everett st. N. Henry Funk. "-PASSENGER White steamer; sacrifice at $7.'. inquire Rose City Motor Car Co. M'ASSENflER. 40 h. p. Thomas at a bar gain. 315 Oregonian bldg. AUTOMOBILE Cadillac runabout in good order, for sale. $350. 366 N. 20th st. T-ROOM house, good location and condition for 5-passenger auto, about $2tH0. A 3641. Pianos. FURNITURE snd leaee of o-room flat; if you are looking for something of this kind It will pay yu to call or phone Main 3039. 311 Stearns bldg. UPRIGHT grsnd. Schumann make piano, al most new. Cheap. Call after 4 P. M.. SH Cherry st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood T at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 3415. 13.000 lineal feet of piling for sale further particulars address J. A. bucket. Amsvelle. Or. For Horn- Hnnd printing press in good order. 7x10. for sale. $2:.; Including type. Home phone F1XB soda fountain. complete glassware, dlsn holders, etc. 33 N. 3d. SI 7.50 FOR $35 Victor phonograph, includ ing 15 records. R 69. Oregonian. OFFICE furniture for sale cheap: must be told .this nx-tek. o02 Swetland. GFNTLE family driving horse and buggy, $200. Phone Main 70S. Miscellaneous. lOU SALE. 2 LOCOMOTIVES. 16x24, 45 tons. 1 clamshell bucket. 1 yard. 19 1-yard dump cars. 1 concrete mixer. 1 12-horse power gasoline engine. 1 8x10 donkey engine, swing gear. 2 piledriver. 1 30- horse power traction engine. 1 grader and elevating wagon loader. Pneumatic power riveting machines. 1 12-horse power centrifugal pump. 100 slip crapers. 4ft wheel scrapers. 13 1-yard dump wagons'. Other miscellaneous tools. WILLAMETTE CONSTRUCTION CO., 419 Failing bldg. GENERAL MACHINERY BULLETIN. PULLEYS, BELTING, CABLE. ANYTHING in the iron or kindred lines. M. BARDE & SONS. Eighth. Glisan and Hoyt Sts. The House of a Million Bargains. SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma chines, drop head and box top, of all makes, at very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington st. H. D. Jones, proprietor. DO YOU want supplies or rent film ? We are independent, do not belong to the trust.. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bldg., Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3 per month, pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 203 2d st. ' FOR SALE Steam woou saw. In good con dition, new double harness, new hay cut ter; two miles west from Beaverton. Mrs. I copies. GENUINE old English hall clocks are rare these days; I have several about 7 feet 6 inches, high: will sell at a bargain. Thoa. De Vail. Wallowa, Or. MANTEL bed and 10-foot solid oak extension table, cost $40; less half price. 265 sec ond et. FURS Four very valuable ftkins Jor sale at great bargain; magnificent Siberian bear and others; no dealers. F 42, Oregonian. HOUSEBOAT, 2 rooms and kitchen, with skiff $i::o. Geo. N. Barker. Phone East 3211; office, Main 646G. TEAM, wagon, harness. Jewy bull. cows. An gora goats. Berkshire sows. Place to lease. Box lul. R. D. No. 2. Hillsdale, Or. FOR SALE K. D. frame No. 15 Brooks launch with patterns $20. Will trade for wheel. Eaet 1515. STEVENS' MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film service that wins. Stere opticon slides, supplies. 165V? 4th st. EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B. P. R chlckens. 15 for $1.25. Plinny Shepard son. Castle Rock. Wash. BARBERS All or any part of a 12-ch-iir shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe Co.. 92 Seventh st. - HELP WANTED MALE. THE United Trade School Contracting Co. conducts trade school and wants men to learn plumbing, bricklaying or electrical trade; no expense: hundreds have learned . In few months; steady work guaranteed. Address 120 E. 9th, Los Angeles. WANTED Two men, who are experienced in grading lumber from planer, to go to South Bend, Wash. ; wages $2.50 up; fare advanced PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., MAIN OFFICE. J 2 N. 2D ST. WANTED Salesman to call on drug trade in Oregon; sole agency offered on oldest veterinary medicine line; big advertising campaign for dealer; an easy and profit able ppopositlon for first-class commission man. Address box "2 Si, Waukesha, Wis. ALTERATION HANDS. Thoroughly experienced men on jackets and gowns. Apply at once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Salesman calling on logging, mining and railroad trade to handle high class specialty as side line; no samples to carry; good money made. Address Al. H. 11 off man, 328 Button bldg., Spokane, Wash. WANTED Sober single man for timber busi ness, out and Indoor work; some cash re quired; will reimburse for services ren dered. Northwest Timber Company, 520 Lumber Exchange Bldg. A SAN FRANCISCO FIRM needs an ener getic man to represent them In Portland; $125 a month besides proilts; must have $150. which is fully secured. Inquire 2O0 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the leading nunneries of the North wear. Large stock; choice territory; commission paid weekly. If you are a hustler and can. sell write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. C. R. HANSEN, JR., Employment Office Men's Department, 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. H elp free to employers. STRONG BOY apprentice to learn machin ist trade; must reside with parents, show natural adaptability and intend to com plete four-years' course. AH US, Orego nian. WE help you secure a position as moving picture operator: no experience necessary; we teach you : $25 weekly up. A. Y. P. BOOKING AGENCY. 268 Stark. WANTED Steady man to . check goods, etc., ae partner in reliable business; owner will guarantee salary, also share profits; $300 cash required. Cali 24SV. Stark t. PRINTER wanted ; wages $15 per week; must be able and willing to write and take charge of a country office. The Echo Register, Echo, Or. WANTED Local salesman who can get re sult?. Must be man of good habits. Refer ences required. Western Specialty Co., 309 310 Globe block, Seattle. Wash. POSITION open for Al breadbaker. sober and responsible. Good wages. City. State for mer employment. E 69. Oregonian. WANTED Men to sell co-operative shoe stock. Apply Protzman-Campbell Shoe Co.. 146 5th St., bet. 10 and 11 A. M. WT ANTED House painter; couple days' work; good pay. Richards. S. E. cor. 4th and Ash. S A. M. WANTED A draughtsman to do some work ; can be done nights or Sundays. AL 65, Oregonian. fW AN TED Com peten t, capable bookkeeper; state experience, salary and full particu lars. Campbell-Fellman Co., Eugene, Or., YOUNG man who has had some experience in retail drug store and soda fountain business. Address B., 375 11th st. WANTED Sash and door machine man. Call or write Columbia River Door Co., Rainier, Or. MAN wanted (American) : must do some talking. Call between 9 and 10 A. M. 60 Cook a2., near Mississippi ave. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, three publications, contracts cashed dally. Sen edict in a Press. Good no ugh bldg. STORE for rent, 7 Union ave.. near An kvny. Apply Rodgers, Hart, Gibson, 146 nd st. WANTED Photo coupon and portrait agents: new. swell offer. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. STICKERM AN, one thoroughly proficient in his business. Jones Lumber Co., 1280 Macadam st. FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman, city and country work. Review of Reviews, 817 818 FUedner bldg. WANTED Live agents to sell' photo cou pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. st. WANTED Two boys with wheels. Apply 12SVj 5th st.; good wages. A PRESSER wanted for women's tailored outer garment. J 69, Oregonian. WANTED Men to amoka New York Bond 5c cigars. Headquarters cooks, helpers. Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d California Wine Main 5500. WE secure position for our members. Special membership. Y. M. C. A. EXPERIENCED flour saleeman; give refer ences. K 68. Oregonian. WANTED Man with team to break up land. 9m B. 17th st.. city. CARPENTERS wanted at the Ocklev Green - School building. Pat ton and Ainsworth. WANTED First-class presser on women's garments. R. M. Gray. Morrison, at 4th. WAN TED Registered druggist. References. C 6ft. Oregonian. SADDLE HAND A.ddress A. A. Kraft Co., Spokane, Wash. HELP WANTE D MAJLE. SALESMEN wanted You can be high-grade traveling salesman and secure good posi tion. No experience required. Traveling salesmen earn from $10X to $10,000 a year and can always get position. We will train you by mail in eight weeks to be real saiesman; our tree employment bureau will a&sist you to secure good position. Big de mand for our graduates. plenty of good openings. Write nearee-t office today for full particulars. Dept. 6669. National Sales man's Training Association. Chicago, N"-w York, Kansas City, Minneapolis, San Fran cieco. $3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made in real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mail, ap point you special representative of leading real estate company, lie with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and as sist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 6-page book free; it will be sure to intere!t you. THE CROSS CO., 63 Reaper block, Chicago. WANTED A reliable German gentleman to work in Orenco Mercantile Co.'s store at Orenco; must have good references and assist in butcher department, drive a delivery wagon and be an all-around good man. Take O- Elec. car to Hillsboro branch, or write, stating salary required, age and references. Orenco Mercantile Co., p. O. address, Hillsboro. Or. B. ST. D. 4. WANTED First-class stableman, who un derstands care of horses and is willing to work and learn; total abstainer only; good wages to right man and permanent employment. Apply at office only. Von Gillman School for Riding and Driving, Oriental bldg., fair grounds. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mo'nler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th st., Portland, Or. SHOE SALESMAN. Thoroughly experienced first-class man. Must have had at least 3 years' good ex perience in shoes. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. BOYS wanted to deliver packages: good op portunity for advancement. Roberts Bros., Sd and Morrison. WANTED Dress goods salesman; excellent positior. near city for young man. Commer cial Abstract Co., 48 Commercial Club. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Lady to do housework. Apply corner Clover and Barrett sts., 4 blocks south of Myrtle Park Station, Mount Scott car. LOW PRICES in millinery. 227 Washing ton, room 27. Remodeling, trimming, tinting, designing and order work. Marie Firth. GIRL for housework, small family, pleas ant room; home privileges; reasonable salary. 7 4S East Burnside. Apply after noons. East -726. WANTED A conscientious woman to take charge of office and direct employes. K &!, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstair Phone Main 2092. WANTED Girl for housework in small family phone C 1424, or call 471 Broad w ay. WANTED Competent girl for general - housework; small family. Apply xqg k. 21st st. WANTED A refined governess; German pre ferred ; $25. M. 2451. after 2 P. M. Cath olic Women's League. WANTED Indies, we bleach. renew, dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at half price. Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill LADIES I teach manicuring, hairdressing and dermatology. Mrs. Holmes, special ist, C01 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. STRONG girl for housework. Main 2451. after 2 P. M. Catholic Women's League. 210 Columbia bldg. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position; state typewriter accustomed to and salary expected. AH 67. Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general house work ; four in family, no children. ( 'all morn ings after 10. 931 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Body-lroners and sleevers. Ap ply State Laundry. Union ave. and East Ankony st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework in small family; good wages. 584 East Taylor, near East 14th. Phone B 2440. GIRL for general housework; references; good wages. 7t5 Thompson St., corner 23d (Irvington). Call mornings. C 21G3. WANTED Experienced lady awning maker or power machine operator. Apply 450 East Burnside. A MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted to keep house and take care of two children. Call Main 4584 after 3 P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 3i6i Washington St., Room 307. Main 8S36 or A 3268. WE secure positions for stenographers and bookkeepers taking our short review arms. Hi. x. U-, oou Worcester iock. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY. 2456 Wash, st. Main 2039, A 4775. Help and situa tions furnished. Mrs. Richardson, Mgr. WANTED An experienced dining-room girl ; best wages, short hours. Apply 81 North 6th. GOOD woman to do chamber work of 11 rooms for board for herself and hus band. Call 251 7th st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. A GIRL to assist with general housework. 452 Morrison. TAILOR ESS and first-class help, ladies' tailored suits. Newman, 23d and Northrup. WANTED Young girl or elderly woman for general housework. 407 lOth St., fiat J. GIRL wanted" to heir; in the kitchen In a private boarding-house. 389 Taylor st. WANTED Tar finisher at once. 253 Wash ington st.. room 17. WANTED An A-l bookkeeper, 'thoroughly reliable and steady. AH 66. Oregonian. SEWING girl wanted lor shop, 345 Yam hill. TEACHER for Chinese mission. Apply 2064 2d St.. 7 P. M- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family. 453 Market. GOOD pants finisher, good wages. 'Call at once, 262 Yamhill st. GOOD girl for general Lousework. Apply Sm East Taylor. WANTED A girl to do chamber work, as sist In dining-room. 73 Russell t. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply at 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXPERIENCED cook, private family of two; good wages. 210 North 25th st. WANTED A woman for general housework; wages $30 per month. K 67. Oregonian. OIRL to assist in generai housework in family with two children. 733 E. Couch. WANTED Talloress. Samuel Rosenblatt & Co., clothiers. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED Good girl for housework. Call at 791 Tillamook st., Irvington. WANTED Girls at Yale Laundry, 500 East Morrison. GIRL for general no use work adults. 223 North 2lt st. GIRL to assist with general housework; call mornings. 867 Lovejoy st. WANTED Reliable girl to take care of two children, S&5 Marshall st., near 18th. GI RL for general housework. Ella st. German preferred. Call at 53 GIRL for general housework. 1230 High, Woodstock. Phone Sell wood 702. GIRL to assist in general housework. 761 Hancock st. GIRL wanted for general housework In small family. Apply T221-2 Kearney t. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply 582 Clifton St., Portland Heights. WAITRESS for short hours. 386 Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED. Glrl 16 to 18 years of age, to work In f actory. A pply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. Fifth and Davis Sts. WANTED Two young ladies, or mother and daughter, to manage and operate small telephone office on carline out of Portland; living rooms in connection with office. P. O. box 215, Oregon City. ALTERATION WORKERS. First-class on jackets, skirts and gowns, wanted at once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. SHOE SALESWOMEN. A steady position to thoroughly expe rienced and competent a?hoe saleswomen. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, A SAN FRANCISCO FIRM needs an ener getic man to represent them in Portland; $125 a month besides profits; must have $15o. which is fuilv secured. Inquire 209 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED A girl to do cooking and general housework in small family; must be willing to go to Seaeide for Summer; good wages. Apply No. 145 North 16th St.. bet. Hoyt and Irving. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3-132 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help supplied free to employers. MARRIED lady without children can have furnished housekeeping rooms for caring for small rooming-house; close in. 737 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. HELP WANTED MILE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs more good teachers toM Sept. 514 Swetland bldg. LESSONS In 'shorthand and typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. FIRST-CLASS cook, 295 12th ' St., apart ment. 1. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 per month to beginners. 4P2 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as bookkeeper by young man, sober, practical and not afraid of work. lO years' sawmill and wholesale lumber office 'Xijerience. Can operate type writer and handle . office correspondence. Location no objection. Reference Al. F 56, Oregonian. SINGLE young man wants position, book keeper, cashier or clerk in bank or mer cantile business; 1 2 years bank experi ence ; college graduate; Al references. Xj t7, Oregonian. YOT-NG man. 25 years, experienced in book keeping and general office work, wants po sition; first-elaes recommendations from for mer employers. V 66, Oregonian. Yol'NG man of several years' experience In office, wants- position. Steel or Iron busi ness preferred. Some experience as sales man. . Jjod references. Phone Main 5PO. YOUNG man of several yeane- experience Ip oft ice. wants position. Steel or iron busi ness preferred. Some experience as sales man. Good references. Phone Main 400. WANTED By young man. position as pri vate secretary; willing to travel; age 25; English; excellent education. K 66, Ore gonian. POSITION as stenographer, bookkeeper or general office work, by young man with 1 0 years' experience. H C9. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER or office man, 5 years' ex perience, A-l references. A J 69, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOLNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE. WANTS WORK AS GROCERY CLERK. SOLICIT OR OR DRIVER OR AS DRIVER OR MARKER AND DISTRIBUTOR IN LATJN DY. E U6. OREGONIAN, POSITION with reliable firm by an ex perienced office man, university graduate, 3 years with large corporation. G 07, Oregonian. YOUNG man w ith experience, wants work as grocery clerk. oltPito.r or driver or as driver or marker and distributor in laun dry. E 66, Oregonian. WANTED By young man. 28, work of any kind, in city; a No. 1, 2 or 4-horse teamster. Iconard, 549 Morrison. CANDYMAKER Familiar with cream, M. M.. gums, etc., desires position with good firm. D 68, Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS Ice cream maker wants jjO sition ; good references AK 08, Orego nian. GENERAL housecleaning by day or hour. Phone Main 5561). H. Thompson. YOUNG colored man would like Job as porter at once. L 69, Oregonian. A FILIPINO wishes position in small family as cook, experienced. AH Go, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy, gentle Jnd honest, desires work at housework. G 65. Oregonian. ENGINEER wishes a position, 12 years ex perience on locomotive. AL 40, Oregonian. WANTED1 Painting and hardwood finishing by day or contract. Phone Woodlawn lOil. EXPERIENCED porter in wholesale'' grocery house wants position. B 68, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. WANTED Position by experienced young lady aa cashier in any business. O 65, Ore gonian. WELL-EDUCATED young lady, experienced in office work, wants iwrifion. M 69, Ore gonian. BY a good stenographer, tested and certified. Phone Clerical Office. A 5446. RELIEF work by competent stenographer Phone Main 7023. CAPABLE young lady wants position as cashier or general office work. A 2481. Dressmakers. REFINED woman, good cook, neat house keeper and well behaved girl of 10 years, would like good home with small fam ily whew work is not too heavy; city or country; good home desired more than wages; no tri tiers. Tele. Main 2772. 314 Columbia. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, reasonable prices. Mrs. Mc Leland, 846 Mississippi ave., corner Shaver. DRESSMAKING by the day; reasonable prices. Main 344. SEWING at home. Prices reasonable. Mrs. N. L. Reed, 5541, Williams ave., city. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. " Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Main. Norses. EXPERIENCED nuree for grown child wishes position: speaks French and German. Phon Main 5267. hours 10-4. Domestics. JAPANESE girl wants housework in small family. K 69, Oregonian. Mlacel la neons. EXPERIENCED shorthand teacher. East ern graduate, wishes .position in a busi ness college in or out of state. B 69, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl, chamber work, wait ress family boarding-house, neat women housekeepers. St- Louis. 245 Washing ton. Main 2039. LACE curtains washed, bleached, stretched and repaired. 40 centa per pair. Phone C 2116. GERMAN woman with child wishes to work for room and board; country preferred. AL 66, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED operator wants position on private switch board. Main 4879. LACH CURTAINS washed and stretched, SOc per pair. C-1658, East 5106. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS, stores, p'edlers. new style peach basket hats; latest fad; don't let people pay $25 for a 10c hat; samples 10c; over 2000 different novelties for celebrations. Summer resorts, carnivals, etc. : send for new catalogue. Miller, 158 Park Sow. New "York. -AGENTS. WANTED Competent salesmen for best fruit districts of Oregon and Washington; good opening for right kind of men. Ad dress Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WIDOWER wants 3 or 4 modern rooms In etrictJy private family for himself and his two children, girl 14. boy 12. Also good board and care of children required. Neighborhood near Ladd school preferred. E 65. Orego nian. A COUPLE of adults, middle-age. without children, would like to rent furnished house for Summer; rent must be reasona ble: do not want to buy premises. Phone Main 5922. BUSINESS woman wants board and room in refined private family. Portland Heights, where there are young people, home com forts. State price. N 67, OregoniAi. WANTED to rent or buy a new house with all modern improvements; 8 rooms or more; West Side preferable. Phone Main 2050 or A 120S. WANTED Room with or without board within 3 blocks 15th and Morrison. M.ust be modern. N 69. Oregonian. BY reliable couple, furnished house to take care of for Summer; will pay small rent. Main 1053 forenoons. SM ALL furnished cottage or flat : state prico. description and location. Address AG 65, Oregonian. THREE housekeeping rooms, two bedrooms and kitchen; state price and location. Ad dress S 69. Oregonian. TWO furnished rooms. y young man and mother; state price and location. Ad dress J 74. Oregonian. WANTED From 3 to 5-room cottage, f ur nlshed. near carline. Address room 526, Perkins Hotel. WANTED Furnished house. by reliable people, for Summer; reasonable. J 65, Oregonian RESPONSIBLE parties, . transient In city, would accept the care of furnished house during the Summer. AK 04, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; hi ghost pries paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 0272. I HAVE Just arrived from fie East and will pay cash for a relinquishment, if you can deliver it in three days. AJ 68, Ore gonian. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988, B 2311. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone East 5204. 194 Grand ave., cor. Taylor. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East, 1007 WANTED A new city wall map; state price. N 6S. Oregonian. FOR RENT. MANITOU. 261 13th, large rooms; hot and cold water; 2 carlines: breakfasts. Furnished Isooma. THE HOTEL ANTLERS S.W. COR. 10TI1 AND WASHINGTON STS. Under new management, thoroughly ren ovated in every way; rooms with private baths, single or en suite; special rates to permanent guests; tourists" trade solicited. One call means another.- Mrs. John Gran strom, Mgri NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant bathroom, both phones free; just the place for persona wanting a first-claw home for moderate expense. Phone A 52S0, M 5435. Call "The Hyland," 490 Morrison st., com partment 4. THE NE"W SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." Everything brand new, homelike and comfortable ; rates reasonable. Free bus. PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder; new man agement ; newly renovated throughout ; 70 outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. JOURNAL BLDG., Cor. 5th and Yamhill St., opp. P. O.; nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin gles; by day. 75c to $1.50; by week. $3 to $7. Streetcars leaving depot pass door; take elevator to 3d, 4th, oth floors. HOTEL IRVING, 312 OAK ST., COR. OTH. Just opened; new and elegantly fur nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences ; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen, with hot and cold water; free phone, elevator. The Westminster, 6th and Madison. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647. THE REX. 18th and Washington Mootrn rooms, also housekeeping; running water, baths. A 1856. Main 4632. NICE, large unfurnished front room, with, wall bed and private bath. The Hanover, 165 King st., near Washington. TBE Hotel Anacortes, 9014 oth, under new management; running water In every room; rents reasonable; transient. 90 Oth. HOTEL AVALON, 11th and Washington Central, large, nicely furnished rooms, modern, reasonable; single or en suite. THE MAYNARD. 125 14th St.. near Wash ington. Rooms well furnished; modern; reasonable. THE ESTES--Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kates. THE ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, modern rooms ana apartments; Doth phones. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; bath, phone; 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park. Kurihedl Rooms ln Private family. LADY alone great deal, wishes lady, em ployed, as roomer; breakfast if dee-ired; use of piano: reasonable: walking distance; car to door. Phone Main 1155. ONE furnished front room with good family. Gentleman preferrtd. 527 E. Pine near 11th st. Bent reasonable NICELY furnished suite 'two or three rooms in modern flat, suitable for two or four gentlemen; close in. Tol Main 8277. NICELY furnished front room, heat, light, phone and bath, close in. $3 per week. 331 11th st. NICELY furnished front roVm, suitable for one or two; free phone, lights, bath. etc. 2 North 14th. Call afternoons. PERMANENT roomers wanted ; business people preferred; attractive? modern, close in. 565 Irving st. 213 13TH. "nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for single or party of gentlemen. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 699 Everett St., or phone Main 5968. NICE furnished front room; bath, electric light, etc. ; Vx block from Washington st. Call morning. 31 N. 17th et. 215 12TH ST. Near White Temple, modem, newly furnished rooms, reasonable, private family; gentlemen only. Phone A 5692. NEATLY furnished rooms; tub and shower baths; ten minutes walk to postoffice. A 5147 mornings. a p 3 OR 4 nicely furnished rooms, new block, private entrance, balcony, private family, close In. Phone East 6000. 168 V Tenth st. Large, nicely-furnished front room, with or without board. FRONT ROOM, modern, also attractive den, electric lights, finest location. 67 N. 20th. NEWLY furnished room in modern house, Jefferson streetcar at door. 328 Chapman. SPLENDID location for two gentlemen de siring well furbished roam. 51 lOth. NICE room In pleasant neighborhood, with modern conveniences. 453 Hall. LARGE front room with fireplace, 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. 309 11th st. 258 13TH ST. Nicely-furnished rooms, new house, every convenience. Gentlemen only. COOL, convenient basement room, gas, phone, laundry, cheap. 32 N. 11th. WANTEE FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room for rent, $8 per month. 309 Market st. ONE small sleeping room. 424 Vs Sixth at. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every respect ; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Gjrand and Hawthorne aves. THE MAGNOLIAS Walking d'stsn-e. Kear ney st.. bet. 19th and 20th. ; Megantly furnished apartments for marr'-d 'ouples. with board; also swell rooms for gentle men, with breakfast and d'anr, $30 per month; beautiful ground; all n odrn con- . veniences; finest rooms and b horns cooking in the city; an ideal plt.ee for the Summer. THE GLENDORA, 19th and C-uct Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10 per month and up; public perlor, piano, pool and billiard tables free to guests; transients solicited ; excellent table board, $18 per month; single meals, 25 certs. YOUNG MAN. if you want a rt rat-class room and board. So. 50 per week, all con- v v-sniences. also table board. $4 week, good home cooking, call at Aster House. 7th and Madison. PORTLAND Women's Union. 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary, 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N. Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange, 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt. LARGE front parlor, suitable for two peo ple, with first-class board, all conven iences; nice yard, good home cooking, $6 per week. 251 7th st. THE HAZEL Nice, cool rooms for the Summer; hot and cold water in each room: first-class table. Phone Main 7094. 385 3d St., cor.. Montgomery. THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison st., family hotel, modern, new management; board optional; best table board; prices mod erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms in Port land ; rates lowest ; a cc mf ortable home. THE LINDELL. 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, first-class board; mod ern, reasonable; fine walking distance. THE OZARK. 225 11th. Light, airy rooms with board, hot and cold water. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. . THE FERNS Nicely furnished rooms, splen did table board. 150 11th et. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOMS and board In strictly private home for couple of young men or couple. Good home cooking. Everything clean and nice. 529 loyt. Phone Main 4043. ROOMS Newly furnished, with or without board, walking distance from Steel bridge. Call or address 355 E. 6th N. Home phone C 1S42. LARGE rooms with excellent board in a cozy, homelike place. 8 m In. - from P. O. ; (deal place for Summer; $18 per mo. up. 442 Jefferson. PLEASANT room with board and home priv ileges to man and wifo or two gentlemen. On East Ash street. B 2157. NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board ; strictly home cooking; all modern conveniences. 4o0 N. 23d. Phone A 3526. BREAKFAST, dinner and room for two; home cooking; reasonable. 624 East Mor rison. NICE rooms and good board, suitable for two or three gentlemen. 074 Glisan, cor. ISth st. ROOM AND BOARD. $4 and $5 per week; home cooking. Phone, electric light. 387 Mill. ROOM with breakfast and dinner for one or two. Private. Very reasonable. 751 Kear ney. A 4379. ONE or two rooms in lovely house, board If desired. Phone B 1716. ROOMS, with or without board ; modern conveniences. 350 Madison near Park. $22 LARGE, cool room for Summer, for two, $40. 470 Main st. ROOM and board for 2; West Side. Phone Main 3649. 248 N. 20th st. A parrmen ta. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from lorrison St., new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4 -room family apartments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air cleaning, janitor service, from $25 up month; some unfurnished; come look and be surprised. THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts. About May 15, the most desirable 5-room apart ment in city; new. modern, verandas, lo cation first class, rent reasonable. Refer ences. Apply suite 2. COZY 3-room furnished apartment with balcony, piano. Haviland, silver, etc., to responsible parties, $37.50. Apartment 45. A 1134 or Main 8520. THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment, 21st and Flanders; Nob Hill: finest resi dence district; every convenience. Main 7516- MODETtN 3-room apartments, every con venience. Morton Apartments, N. E. King and Washington, inquire Janitor or S. Morton Cohn, 107 6th st. THE WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS, 6th and Madison; beautiful 4-room apartments with hot and cold water; private bath; free phone; elevator and janitor service. TTHE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.. unfurnished apartment, with bath ; every convenience; desirable, location; reason able rent. Main 2506. MODERN 4-room apartments, steam heat, walking distance, reasonable. Cot t el , Drug lo. PARK HALL APARTMENTS, 421 West Park. 3 and 4-room apartments; strictly modern ; ront reasonable. 4. 5 OR 6-room, new, modern, steam heated. Colonial ' apartments; rent $30 up. W. L. Morgan, 50 3 Abington bldg. THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders; 3 and 4-room apartments; heat, hot water; $20, $25. COLUMBIAN arid Victorian. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. 11th and Columbia. ts. FOR RENT Unusually artistic and well-arranged 5-room fiat; every conceivable mod ern convenience; large porch front and rear, built-in buffets, etc., the kind of apartment that you would consider cheap at $50 on the West Side; 'these are 8 min utes from 3d and Morrison, on the East Side, on 3 carlines operating over the Mor-rteon-street bridge, and the price only $25 per month; building juet completed. For particulars see W. M. CONKLIN & CO., INC., 407v Wells--Fargo" Bldg. flats: 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, furnace, newly tinted, Glisan St., near 23d, $30. o rooms, new, 21st and Everett st., nice location. $30. 5 rooms. 2 2d and Kearney. $27.50. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 3-ROOM modern flat; gas range, linoleum on kitchen floor, shades, gas and electric lights; low rent. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg THE HANOVER, 165 King, near Washing ton ; very desirable 3-room apartment, wall bed, nice veranda; everything mod ern. VERY desirable, newly tinted. strictly modern, large 5-room fiat, porch. $22.50. 207 McMIllen st., near Steel bridge. NICELY fumiehed modern 6-room flat to reliable parties; central. Phone Main 2451 after 0:30 A. M. FOR RENT Lower flat. furnished; no children. Phone Main 1030. 263 7th at. MODERN 5-room up-to-date flat; rent 120. Phones Main 7157, East 2173. FOR RENT Five-room unfurnished flat. 409 Yamhill at. MODERN 3-room flat. Inquire 225 Market. Sevllla bldg. Phone Main 516. 5-ROOM modern flat at 401 H 12th; rent $30. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. VERT fine flat In choice Nob Hill location. Phone Main 6618. Housekeeping Rooms. NICB basement housekeeping rooms In ex change for work around house, 2 North 14th. Call afternoons. THE SANGERT Washington and Trinity, near 19th, furnished apartments. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up'; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week up: best in city for money; short dis tance from Union Depot. Take '"S" or 16ih-Bt. cars north, get ofT at Marshall st. "ONEONTA" 1S7 17th.- near Yamhill (take W" car, furnished 2. f and 4-room housekeeping suites by week or month. $5 and $20 respectively and up: hot and. cold water, steam heat, baths and phones free; single rooms. $7 a month. Main 4697, A 4739. THE GAYOSA. Grand ave., cor. East Stark st.; modern brick building, elegantly fur nished housekeeping apartments, single rooms; steam heat, elev a tor, baths, not and cold water in all rooms. Phone East 5465. TH E H OW LAN D A PA RT M E NTS. 63 1 Washington, cor. 2th Nicely furnisued housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, west side river, 2 rooms $8 month, 3 for $12 to $15; front part cottago. $15; cot- . tage. 5 rooms, $20. 737 Chamber Com merce. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sts. Elegantly furnished 2-room housekeep ing apartments; hot and cold water, tele phone and all modern conveniences. THE SANGERT. Washington and Trinity, near 19th 3-room suite with private bath. 487 TAYLOR, near 14th. pleasant furnWifd housekeeping milte; upper floor; modera conveniences; $15.50. THE LUXOR, cor. 13th and Clay, beautiful furnished three-room apartment, modern throughout. THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th it. 632 WILLIAMS AVE., tumished. unfurnished housekeeping rooms; also single room. HOTEL OHIO Furnished housekeeping rooms, $3.5U; other rooms-, $2 and up. THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences. $16.00 Three furnished rooms. 610 First St., or phone Tabor 1114. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. COZY housekeeping apartment suitable for couple without children. 301 Holladay ave. CONVENIENT Cheap. central rooms ta right party; gas, phone, laundry. 32 North 11th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, elec tric lights, gas. bath, laundry trays. Main 811. 7S1 Kearney st. TWO clean furnished housekeeping room (ground floor), gas, bath, reasonable. 692 Front. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; electriq lights, gas, furnace heat, free phone and Datn; $1J per month. oo9 Johnson st. TWO housekeeping rooms, modern, fine lo cation. 234 East 18th, cor. Main. HIGH-CLASS apartments, bath, piano, suit able 3 adults ; modern. 628 Morrison st. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modera conveniences; rent $16. Phone Main 7773. $132 furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas. electric. Inquire 651 E. Morrison. 4 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping ro on ip. modern, yard, $12 month., 694 Front, FRONT alcove room for light housekeep ing. 450 Yamhill. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms. 117 N. 18th st. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 215 10th, corner Salmon. ONE furnished housekeeping room, $8. 492 Clay st. WELL-FURNISHED two-room housekeeping suite. 395 Salmon, cor. 10th. TWO extra large rooms, furnished for housekeeping; 1st floor. 31 North Park. 468 TAYLOR, near 13th, 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; close in, modern. NICE, light and reasonable housekeeping rooms. 69 N 13th st. FUHNISHED room for housekeeping. 569 Irving st. 2 TO 5 rooms in modern houee. 128 13th. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need NEW furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the saving will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half; colect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and Ev stark. Phone Bast 2929. MODERN house, 6 rooms, furnace, elec tricity and gas, $30; also 6-room house. Clackamas and Williams ave., $23. Call at 301 Dekum bldg. 6-ROOM house and 1 acres, on the west slope of Mount Tabor, 3 blocks from Haw thorne carline. Inquire at 229 East 13th, near Main. Phone East 6263. FOR RENT 6-room Sunnyside house. In good condition, close to carline. Vanduyn & Walton, 510 Chamber of Commerce. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.; elegantly furnished rooms; hot and cold water; $12 and up. MODERN 6-room house; gas. bath; good neighborhood. 804 Haigbt ave. Phone Main 1774 forenoons. FOR RENT Cottage, lot 50x150 ft., fruit, grapes, roses, near Union ave., near in, $25. 824 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN 6-room house, bath, cement base ment, furnace, gas, on carline,- walking distance. Rodgers, Hart, Gibson, 146 2d. 8S7 THURMAN ST., bet. 26th and 27th.; 5 room. $10 per month. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. HOUSES, flats and stores rented ; good service. Struble, 405 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. 5-ROOM bungalow, modem In every way, with garden and fruit trees. 044 Cleve land ave. Take U car. 5-ROOM modern cottage ; gas. bath, fireplace, furnace. 1113 E. Alder. Tabor 431. $25 Good 8-room house, good condition, nice yard. 581 E. Oak, cor. 14th. 6-ROOM modern cottage, attic, yard, walk ing distance. 62 E. 9th North. B 1756. LARGE 9-room house for rent; $45 month. 708 Everett st. MODERN 5-room cottage; nice yard. 46 Shaver St. $15. Phone Main 3547. 10-ROOM house, cor. 22d and Washington sts. Inquire 215 N. 24tU. Main 2077. IRVINGTON 7-room modern house. N. B. cor. 15th and Tillamook sts. Adults. COTTAGE 170 17th, between Morrison and Yamhill. MODERN 6-room house. Call A 8169 after 4 P. M. Furnished Mouses. 8-ROOM house for rent, furnished or un furnished ; 6 lots ground, chicken-houses. 1561 East Ash, Mount Tabor car. Phone Tabor 908. COMPLETELY fumiwhed upper 4-room flat; porch, phone and water; $18; S car south. 1047 Corbett st. Main 3320. 253 CHAPMAN $35, furnished 7-room cot tage; yard, fruit, gas range, electric light. Key 290 14th st. M 7680.- 5-ROOM modern furnished flat. 321 Hol ladav ave.. or inquire between ft and 11:30 A. M. FURNISHED new and modern cottage to reliable tenant without children. -668 Knott st. COMPLETELY furnished lower 4-room flat, yard, piano, phone, water, $23; S car south; 1047 Corbett st. Main 3320. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. 900 E. Sal mon st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house of ten rooms, central ly located. Main 2480. 6-ROOM furnished cottage. 40 12th st-, near Harrison. . FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th. Houses for Rrat. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE Furniture of 9-room house, fine location, close In; cheap if taken at once. Phone Main 2219; Sunday, A 3255. 11 ROOMS, very central, rent $35, clearing $-V per month. May consider trade for residence lot. P. O. box 415.