12 THE KMOPt!TCVG OREGOXIAN. WTTDESDAT, MAY 5, 1909. WHEAT UP SHARPLY July Closes at $1.16 and May at $1.28. BULL CAMPAIGN NOT DEAD Patten's Firm Sells May Moderately and Buys July . Heavily Market Has Been Advancing Steadily During the Past "Week. CHICAGO. Slay 4. July wheat, on the Board of Trade today, made a sen sationally bullish showing:, advancing from $1.12, the low price of the day. to at which the market closed. This marked a net advance of S'MS&a. May closed at $1.28. The market has been advancing: steadily for the last week, following: the spectacular decline which set afloat re ports that James A. Patten had dropped out of the market. Today's high prices were-Nit. 1 Vi under the best price of the bull campaign for May, and only 2 Tb below the July record. fcartlett. Patten & Co.. of which Bull Leader James A. Patten is a member, were credited today with selling May on a moderate Rcaie. but with making heavy purchases of July. Today's advance. xn top of the gradual gains of last week, are said to indicate clearly that the bull campaign, which was alleged in many quarters to be dead, was only sleeping. The closing figures today were 10 cents higher than the bottom reached on April 27 last. Mr. Patten is still absent on his partner's New Mexico ranch. DOG SHOW OPENS TODAY AJVNTTAL, EVENT "WII,Ii BE HELD AT FIRST AND WASHINGTON. . Portland Kennel Club Has Splendid Ixt of Animals for Four Day Exhibit. ! BY tr. J PBIRAIN. Today marks the opening of the Spring season, when the .bow-wows come Into their own. and canines of all descriptions, sizes, colors and dispo sitions will hold forth for four days at the northeast corner of First and Wash ington streets. .The Portland Kennel Club . has "pre pared elaborately for this, the 10th an nual dog show, and the handsome cata logue Issued by the club contains the name and pedigree of over 250 speci mens to be displayed before the judges. Portland dog fanciers have waxed enthusiastic over kennel shows of the past. . and many of these shows have lived up to expectations, but a glance through the spacious rooms for the new show, over the Portland public market block. St First and Washington, yes terday indicates that this year's show is to beat all previous ones by a large margin. The many splendid dogs on hand, a large number of them coming from all parts of the Pacific Coast, should bring credit to the Portland fan ciers who have worked hard for the success of the exhibit. The Portland breeders who have made their kennels known in the past are about to have their desire for keener competition gratified, for the .number of out-of-town entries in various breeds is greater this year than e-er before. G- S. Haliwell. of San Francisco, one of the best-known breeders, and han dlers on the Pacific Coast, has a num ber of his own dogs here, and is acting in-the capacity of handler for several other prominent dog fanciers. Mr. Hali well takes especial pride in boasting of his Irish terrier. Champion Endcliffe Curate, which has beaten everything on the Coast and has taken many prizes at Eastern competitions. Champion Enddiffe Curate won at Vancouver, B. C. and also at Tacoma. and the owner expects a similar result at. Portland. In addition to his own string, Mr. Haliwell is handling se-eral other high-class en tries., A. Balfour's famous field spaniels, Inchklef Billy and Inchkief Bess, two handsome animals which have won re peatedly, are being shown for the owner by Haliwell. This handler also has Miss Alice Wilson's Fussian wolfhound Tybo. Mies Wilson resides at Pan Francisco and Mr. Haliwell has shown the dog at the Northwestern shows, where he has taken several prizes. Robert A. Boos, of Pan Francisco, is the owner of the prize bull terrier. Tre boT. Reuben, which won the prize for being the best in the Vancouver show and will be a., formidable competitor hre. This dog. as well as a wire-haired fox terrier. Leading Chance, belong ing to II. Burns, of Vancouver, is being handled by G-. 3- Haliwell. ..Thomas S. Griffith, the owner of the Glen Tana kennels, near Spokane, will not attend the Portland show this year, but his famous breed of collies will be represented by a. pair of these handsome dogs. Mr. Griffith has arranged with Haliwell to show his Glen Tana Moun taineer Minstrel and Glen Tana Little Vera at the Portland show, and also at the coming Califorina benchtngs. The bull terriers Of Frank K. Watkins will be represented by several entries cf his dogs and their get. This hand some breed is to have competition from several points this year, but Mr. Wat kins is confident his kennels will, be represented in the winning classes. Major J. M. Taylor, of Rutherford. N. J., and John Bradshaw. of San Fran cisoo. are the judges 'of the Portland show, and they will commence the .work of picking out the best dogs and pass ing out the different colored ribbons this afternoon. The large list of entries means that the judges will have to work fast in order to complete their tk in the time limit, and all owners of dogs entered are requested to have the dogs in their kennels promptly on time today. . Mount Ange.1 College Games. Mount Angel College baseball team detsated the Oregon City High School In a one-sided game-played at Mount Angel Saturday. The score was Mount Angel College 11. Oregon City 1. The features of the gams were the pitching of Burns, of Mount Angel, who allowed but two hits and struck out eight men; and the batting of Devereaux. of the college team, who landed five bits out of six times at bat. It was erroneous ly reported that the college cubs were victorious over the first team in the laf-t game of their series - The fact was that the senior team won the game and the series. Pundny. Mount Angel college second team won a game from the Silverton High School te-am bv a score of to 6. The game went to the college boys on You Can Make Has Made and Is Making More Mdney for Investors than Any Other East St. John is the last large tract on the Peninsula and is the BEST." It" is half ' a mile nearer the SWIFT PACKING PLANT and MONARCH LUMBER COMPANY than. Swift's townsite. where BUSINESS. LOTS ARE BEING SOLD FOR $2000. These two great, industries will soon be in operation and many dwellings are being erected for employes. A $10,000" SCHOOL IS CONTRACTED FOR ON OUR PROPERTY and several large stores and factories already constructed. TERMS: 1 0 Per Cent Down, 3 Per Cent a Month Office at East St. John Station on St. John Carline. Fare 5c. - Our salesmen will escort you ' from our downtown office any time, but don't put this off till tomorrow. COME TODAY. REMEMBER Values in this district will advance rapidly this Summer. Act quicklv and reap the benefit yourself. THE SPANTON COMPANY 270 STARK STREET r 1 account of timely hitting. The bat- I teriAs wre: Mount Angel. Maione and Devereaux; Silverton, Derrick and Bddison. . Eorkaway Beach lots $20 $5 down, $5 per month, no interest. C J. Owen & Co.. 414 Lumber EXchangre. FtyERAL ypTICES. McVOT At Good Samaritan Hospital, Ma 2. Edward Willajrd McVoy, a-ged 23 years 1 month 6 days. Funeral service vlll be hld this (TVednday) afternoon, at 2 P. M . from St. - Mary's. Church., Albina. Funeral will leave ZelJer-Byraes Oo.'s par lors. Russell street and Williams avenue, at 1:45 P. M Interment at Rose City Cemerery. Friends respectfully invited to attend. ... BLACK Funeral services . of the lae Charlfs N. Flack, aged 57 years, will be "held at Tunninisr. McEntee & Oilbsuh's chapel, corner Seventh and Pine streets, today (Wednesday) at 2 :30 o'clock. FrSsnds and acquaintances respectfully in vited to attend. GET BEST Before buying the site for yonr new home, be mire that, you see PROSPECT PARK, THE CREAM OF IRYTXGTOX. This is the most scientifically i and completely improved restricted residence dis ... trict in Portland. It now has asphalt streets, with .wide parkings, cement sidewalks, a - complete system of sis-inch and eight-inch Bull Run "Water mains, gas mains and a modern sewer and drainage system that connects with the main Irvington sewer. THESE IMPROVEMENTS ARE ALL THERE NOW AND READY FOR USE. Buildjng restric tions protect you from undesirable surroundings and aid in rapidly increasing values. " Take the. "Woodlawn or Alberta cars on XVashirig ton street at. either Fifth or Second streets, ride to Knott street and walk one block east, to our office, where Mr. H. L. Mumf ord. our representative, will be glad to show you the property and give you all the information you. may require.. ROUNTREE AND DIAMOND 241 Stark Street EAST-SIDE OFFICE E. 7th and Knott Sts. H.L.MUMFORD Manager in Charge Watch the Movement HARBORTON IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark St. LOTS $275 UP Graded and Water Mains Laid x 1 0 Per Cent Discount for a Few Days While Investments are Going On FUNERAL NOTICES. THOMAS--In this city. May 3. at the fam ily residence, 305 Larabee street. Freddie D- Thomas, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas, ared 10 years. The funeral services will be held at Lone Fir Cem etery at 11 A. M today. Tl'ALPOLE The funeral service of John Loula Wlpole will be held at family repi denee. If! C'orbett street, tt'edneeday. May 5, at 2. SO - P. M. Interment. River view Cemetery; services at grave private. Dunning, McEntee & Gllbaagh, Fotnerml Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. , EDWARD HOLHAX CO.. Funeral direct ors, 220 8d st- Lady assistant. Phone M. 501. J. P. FTNTJEY ft SON". 3d and Madison. Lady attendant, phone Main 9, A 1&S9. ZEIXEK-BTRN E8 CO.. Funeral Direct ers. 272 Russell. East 1082. Lady assistant. F. S. DUTNI"G. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant, phone jact 62. McENTEJS-ERICSOTf CO. Undertakers lady assistant. 409 Alder. M 613S- Down the River! S27.50 Today AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER Phones Main 11"; A 4224. Geo. L- Baker. Gen. Man. Tonierht All Week Mat. Sat Baker Stock . , Company in WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER Magnificent Production Evening. 25, 35c 50c. Mats. 15. 25c. Election Returns Saturday Tight. Next Week Merely Mary Ann. LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder Phones A 1026. Main 46S5. Prices, 10, 20. 30o For week starting Sunday Matinee, May 2 The Lylie Stork Company in . AT THE OLD CROSSROADS Br special arrangements with Mr. Arthur Alston. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Next Week Ten Nights in a Barroom. HAD? 6. A 1020. Matinee Ex. Sundays and Holidays. nibn.a Week of May S Three 'Feature Act: Lil lian Borbb&rt, Marshall P. Wilder and Countess Roesi and Paulo ; The Lulu Beeeon Trio; rierickx Brother; Flo Adler; Coe and Boyd; Orcheetra; Pictures. PANT ACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Star of All Nations. "THE GAINSBORO GIRL" A Spectacular Scenic Singing; Act in Four Parts Magnificent Scenery and Dainty Electrical Effects. Matinees daily. 15c; two shows at night. 15c and 25c. THE GRAN D-Vaudeville JeLus. WEEK STARTING MAY , 1909. WILLIAMS Monetta. Five Cots boy . Williams 1 Barto ..Hw A Merietta Harry McDuffee Granascope A3ST WALKER'S CHOCOLATE DROPS. STAR THEATER ESTIRB CHANGE OF BILL, TODAY. NEW PICTUKES, SONGS AND BALLADS. Marlnces for Everybody Every Day. Admission to Any Seat 10c. BASEBALL Rerreation Park. Coreer Vangbn and Twenry-fourtn Sta. SAN FRANCISCO . vs. PORTLAND May 4, S, , T, S, 9. Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.; Svnday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers. 25c; Gra-nd-stand. 50c; Boxes. 25c extra. Children: Bleachers. .10c: Grandstand. 25c. Toadies' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. . . DEED. I HT7STOX At the residence of A. B- An drews. 62 North Fifth street. William Huston, beloved father of Mrs. A. B. ' Andrews, aed T2 years. - Funeral notice later. IARTARIM In - this city. May - 4. at the family residence, 26S Mead street. Victoria Tartarinl, aged 43 years. 4 months and 21 days. Funeral notice hereafter. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON- LODGE KC 45. A. F. AXT A- M. Stated communi--aUon this (Wednesday) evening T :20. East Eighth and Burnside. I. M. degree. Visitors -welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. So. 111. A F. and A. M. Stated com munication - this (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. Work in the M M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. C. E. Miller.' sec-retary- HA5SALO' LODGE. No. 15f I. O. O. F- Members are requested to meet -at our hall this (Wednesday . evening. May 5. at 7:30 o'clock, to pay Harmony Lodge, No. 16. I O O- F.. a fraternal visit. Visiting brothera are Invited to go with us F. COZENS, Secretary. FTDELITT LODGE, NO. 4, A. O. TJ. W. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening. P. Gevurtz, G. M. W., and B. L. Frazier, D. D. G. M. W.. -will pay official visit- All members requested to attend. J. M. DIXON. M. W. X H. ZANE. Recorder. SAMARITAN LODGE NO 2. I O O F Regula-r meeting this evening at S o'clock Initiation. - Visitors always, welcome. B OSWOLD. Sec XEW TODAY. FINE COLUMBIA FIVER STOCK RANCH AND - ' 'DAIRY FAFM -5T5 a.cres on Washington fdde. between 150 and 2O0 acrs in cultivation, much more can "be cultivated: balance in native grass; new 10-room fcouin. good bam. about 50 head cattle. 4 brood mar"?, some hogs, farm machinery, etc. ; place all ff need; county .road through It: boat landing, warehouse, ftot- and postofflce: can run from 200 to 30O head cattle; derp sandy loam sail: 12nd lis we!!; Lower Columbia; price OOO; half cash EOLD?. WAXLA' E CO., 17 Boajrd or Trade, Addition in Portland XFW IOD4T. fee. &aKer&Coi TOMORROW, THURSDAY, AT 2 P. M. We are Instructed by Mrs. Pennell to sell by auction the furniture, etc., of her six-room flat at No. 36 North 21st et.. cor. WashineTton. .st... comprising: iron bed. spring; and mattress, folding beds, ma-ttresses. feather pillows, sheets and bedding several dressers and com modes, toilet ware, rockers, chairs, cen ter tables heaters. New Home sewing: machine, kitchen cupboard, kitchen treasure, large six-hole Oribben & Sex ton ran. with water-back, kitchen utensiis and other effects. Sale tomor row, Thursday, at 2 o'clock ('sharp Flat for rent. $20. including- water. BAKER : SOX. Auctioneers. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF AUCTION On Monday next. May 10, we "will hold auction at private residence. Included in this well-furnished home you will find furniture, rugs, carpets, etc.. of ths very best grrade. Kull particulars in next Sunday's papers. BAKER & SOTV- Auctioneers. Of Ice and Salesrooms 152 Park St. 1 50 acres, - platted and recorded -ready for Rale; will net over 250 per cent; $1000 required. Churchill -Matthews Co. Lumber Exchange Building, Second and Stark Sts. SPECIAL BUYS STOOO Very desirable corner. 22d and Reed, with United Railway trackage, suitable for factory. Some income. S7000 Highly improved. 10 acres near Milwaukic. only $2000 cash re quired. ' S3650 Bungalow, new. modern. 7 rooms, two lots, near Midway, only block from car. $450 cash will handle.. S3000 New 6-room cotta. full lot. ' block from Richmond car. $500 cash and $25 per month. JACKSON 8 DEERING Phones Main 34. A 3457. 24 Stark St. Peninsular Bargain 2 acres of good soil. all. fenced and in cultlva tion, on St. John carline. about SO minutes ride from, business center. New, strictly modern house of 7 nice rooms with bath, toilet. K-a-s and lectric; cement basement and Bull Run water. "Everything tin top ; good ba rn and woodshed ; fine orchard of 75 trees, assort ed and bearing. Price -only $7000. $5000 cash. Lots sell at $450 to $600. making ground alone worth the price asked. A sacrifice. KADFFMANN 6 MOORE 35 Lumber IDxeBange. 10 Acres Adjoining TVillametta Addition. Land platted into lots on all sides. Partially cleared. For Eale cheap.' KNAPP A MAC-KEY. . 213 Board of Trade Bid sr. GOOD INVESTMEyT.- 10 acres in orchard, house, barn and chicken-houses: one-third mile to- carline. fare: txcclient place t.o make big raoney out of fruit' aJid chickens; land rail arounl non- platted Owner. Boom 513, aj Washington st. PORTLAND Block Books, new. not posted. d0; money talks. A.Zs C6. Oreg-oxuaa. EW TOTAY. Trade for a Good Farm In Washington County 45 acres near Forest Grove on main county road, with R. F. D-. cream 'and rhilk route past th door, and telephone: 70 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture: fine -big house, worth $2000: good barn. S cows, 1 heifer, fine big team, wagon. 3 sets of har ness, hack, disc harrow, sprln g-tooth harrow, drag, mower, rake, cultivators, plows, lot of small tools and implements, milk cans, etc.: all the crop. 40 acres of which is set to oatSL baler, spray pump, etc. Place lies fine, with good drainage; nice orchard, with choice variety of fruits; and we guarantee this to be a first-class farm and you can't beat it. Only 1 mile to school, store, etc The soil is very rich and will rrow anything. Price $7500. Will trade for Portland property. Call and inspect this one. It will pay you because it is guaranteed to be a bargain. 05 Corbett Bids. A Good Buy in Yamhill County I am authorized to sell this beau tif ul Willamette Valley farm a few miles below Forest Grove within the next few days for' $3500, and described as follows; 53 acres of first class land 3 miles from railroad and town and mile to school: good county road with R. F. D. and all conveniences; 25 acres of the place is under cultiva tion and in crops: 15 a.cres slashed and in fine pasture and seeded to grass. 7 or S acres of green fir timber, 15 acres in oats and about 8 acres of hay. good family orchard with choice variety- of fruits: small but comforta.ble house, new barn with hay fork and all complete: all necessary outbuildings. 9 fine cows, team. 1 yearling colt. 2 set -harness,- 2 wagons, hack, rake, plows and all farming imple ments used on a farm; about 3 dozen chickens, milk cans-and all small tools. - Everything goes for the price. $3500. Will make terms to suit. v 80S C'orbett Bids. Near McMinnville to Exchange - 40 acres very rich land near the Yamhill PJver 3 miles from McMinnville. All in cul tivation and crop. Owner will trade even for a house and lor. Don't overlook this trade. Price $3600. Ralph Ackley 805 Corbett Bids. FORECLOSED PROPERTY 100x100. southwest corner Cast Ninth and Weidler. with 8-room house, full basement, furnace, etc. Fine nelgh " borhood. $7000. Terms with suffi cient cash payment. Ground worth $5000. House insured for $4000. EAST 35th. NEAR H AWTHORA K AVE. 5-room cottage, new and modern. Built by present owner, excellent neighborhood. Price $2400. $1000 cash. Terms on balance. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT MERCHANTS SAVINCS & TRUST COMPANY 247 WASHISGTOS STREET. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME 12 acres S miles south of city, all under a high state of cultivation: 4 acres of orchard, full bearing:; small fruits of all kinds; 8-room house, cost $3500: barn, chicken-house: 2 horses. 1 Jersey cow, chickens, wagons and im plements of a-11 kinds. This is posi tively a beauty and has got to be seen to be appreciated. Call and get par ticulars, i BOLDS, WALLACE CO. 3JT Board of Trade, 4th and. Oak St. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM l.MTED RAILWAYS PROPOSITION. 160 acres, half under cultivation, good soil: 7 -acre prune orchard; fruit dryer. 3500 lbs. capacity; small vineyard; SO acres bottom land: 2 creeks, 2 springs: 12-room house, large barn: fenced and cross-fenced; upper part platted: 1 1-3 miles from United Railways; county road runs through place: 11 miles northwest of Portland. Price $100 per acre; $7000 cash, balance 3 years at 7 per. cent. .... BOLDS, WALLACE CO. 317 Board of Trade. . $90,000 Downtown corner Third and Everett with modern 2-story-brick building. $40,000 will han dle. Income 12 per cent net. BLAIR & HAYS - . 436 Commercial Club Bldar. Phone A or Maim 323S. SPECIAL If yfu want a bargain I have -SO acres H mile from carline, 10 miles from Courthouse; 2000 cords of green timber; fine soil; $45 per acre. C. R. DeBlTRGH. 217 AblnKTton Bids. Matn sen $300 CASH TAKES 2 ACRES. ALL, rjff rtlTITA TIO. On Oregon City carline. right at sta tion. Easy payments at 6 per cent on balance- Don't fail to investigate this- THE DlTSJf -LAWRESCE CO, , . 24S Alder Street. 1 WHITE SALMON VALLEY ORCHARD LAND The most select tracts full crops without irrigation. Sma.ll fruit supplies an early market. Buy now, prices rea sonable ajid rapidly ad.vanclng to a production value. H. . LA-rrRIE. 822 Worcester Bldsr 84 asd Oak Sta. Holladay s Addition SEW TODAT. Hbmeseekers We hare just what you come to Portland looking for A I D We are the largest dealers in wheat, fruit, berry, dairy and vegetable lands in the Northwest. We can sell you on easy terms large or small farms, in Oregon and Wash ington, or acre tracts near, Portland. Mooreinvestment Company " Lafayette Bldg., Sixth and Washington Sts. Modern homes are com plete w?en they have all the up-to-date improve ments such as you find in LAD D'S ADDITION With' its wide avenue b,. .asphalt streets, cement walks, -wide parkings, 128 foot lots, 14-foot alleys, small parks, and within walking distance of th heart of the city. See the agents at the office on the grounds or F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Building STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Building.- Acreage iarg'ain SO ACRES Six Miles South of Courthouse 40 under cultivation; 10 acres of tim ber; new house, cost $2200; full cement basement: good, new barn, cost $1200; concrete foundation; woodshed 20x30; new chicken-house 16x20, sided with rustic; implement shed 60x16, sided with rustic: hogpen 16x24: ally buildings painted: all fenced with Pittsburg woven welded wire fence; cross-fenced into 6 and 7-acre fields. This place is a genuine snap, and if you are interest ed come in and we will show it to you. Price ?275 per acre. Bolds - Wallace Co. 31T Board of Trad. 78,000 SQUARE FEET High-Class Factory or Mill Site 300 feet trackage on main line be sides switch facilities: in center of Portland 3 blocks from bridge. Above high-water -mark and A-l foundation for massi-e buildings. This property can be delivered at a nominal figure till June 1 next. . Why go four blocks further from the busy business center and pay four times the money? Here is an opportunity for the manufacturer or practical investor. Revenue bearing at present. Confidential information furnished only to actual buyers on personal interviey. TAYLOR 99 231 : WORCESTER . BLDO. 100x100 Corner on 15th Street. New Trackage $33,000 THE SHAW -FEAR COMPANY 2454 Stark Street. BRAZtE - STREET ADDITION, Dots 50x100. Including Tmorovements. 10 Per Cnt Cash, Bal. Monthly. See SCHOONMAKER, 70S- Corbett Bldg. Phones M 7S55. A a23 6 rooms, modern, Soufh Portland. Few days, $3200. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 25y2 Stark Street. Corner Lot on Flanders with two-fine bouses, bringing good Income, 813. OOO Atlas Land Co. ' 420 LulKr Exckaaf,