Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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By our farm expert, and the best list
of farm property on the market today,
at ledrock prices and favorable terms.
Crame in and let us tell you about the
country where the grass grows green the
year round, where Winter and drought are
no terrors, and where you can sake more
money with less effort than anywhere
else on earth and the more you hustle
th more you make.
oOO acres, 200 acres river bottom land,
clear, balance rolling- upland; black loam
soil; S miles to it. B. station; price $16
per acre, cash, balance 5 years, 0
per cent.
300 acres. S5 acres river bottom, bal
ance rolling and bench land; 2 miles to
71. R. town; some improvements; price
$4500, 3000 cash, balance easy terms.
238 acres, choice Valley soil, SO acres
under cultivation; high-class improve
ments; price $20,000, cash.
200 acres, X river bottom, balance roll
, lng. 4 acres under cultivation, good im
provements; 1 mile to county seat; stock
feed and farm tools all Included; price
$10.0i"hi, $4 ooo cash, balance good tetms.
100 acres, some tldelands, balance tiack
loam, rolling, foothills, 15 acres under
cultivation; IVi miles to R. R. town;
price $-KHK), $1500 cash, balance easy
136 acres, rolling foot-hill land, good
soil. TOO acros under cultivation. 10 acres
in bearing orchard, fenced and has build
ings and other improvements; 6 miles to
Sheridan; price $60 per acre.
85 acres, level, , rolling, good black
loam soil; price $1200, $500 cash, balance
long time.
50 acres, H level, balance rolling, 9
mile to county scat; quite a little im
proved, with buildings, tools and stock;
price $2350. $1500 cash, remainder terms.
30 acres, practically level and in culti
vation, full set buildings, 1 V miles to
station on Salem Electric. 3 H miles to
Salem; all river bottom land and best of
soil: all fenced and cross-fenced; has
living water, on R. F. D. and county
road ; price $3800, $2000 cash, balance
terms and time to suit purchaser. This
is a snap buy.
7 acres, nearly all tinder cultivation. 1
acre in orchard; 1 miles to county scat;
telephone in house, fenced, has full
set of buildings, stock and improvements;
everything goes at $1600, $1000 cash, bal
ance terms.
on some of these places we can accept
good Portland property as part payment,
if priced right.
We -have unimproved agricultural, fruit,
and dairy lands, which we can sell at
prices ranging from $5 per acre up. This
land Is not hard to clear and is best
loam soil with good clay subsoil, mak
ing a sure foundation for good crops.
Lands purchased at these prices will be to double within the next two years.
Ca II at our office and le-t us tell you
shout these great opportunities, or write
us and we will reply by first mail
6o-510 Buchanan Building, Portland, Or.
Western Oregon.
Where the climate is healthy, the soil
unexcelled, the Winter Is short and mild,
where you can raise wheat, corn, alfalfa,
clover, fruit, grapes, walnuts and vege
tables without Irrigation, where you have
a sure crop every year; prices from $20
up. according location: one-third cash,
balance 5 yearly installments with 6 per
cent interest. Write or see us for full
514, 615. 516 Rothchiid Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
I will sell you a splendid farm. Do vou
want it? 80 acres, house, barn and im
provements at $85 per acre; (0 acres all
cultivated at $S0 per acre; 80 acres all
cultivated at 575 per acre; 70 acres part
cultivated, $70 per acre; all the best of
rrult and garden land. I am going to sell.
Do you want a bargain? I will be in Port
land Tuesday and Friday. AG 56, Ore
gonlan. 140 ACRES, 1 yj miles from Columbia River
and railroad station ; good 6-room house,
new barn 40x40; 35 acres in cultivation;
4o0 bearing fruit trees, including a fine
cherry orchard of 300 trees; 60 acres tim
ber; good team of mares ; harness and
wagon; one cow, 90 chickens, spring
wagon, plows, harrows, cultivators, seed
ers and numerous small Implements and
tools. Price only $:i9 per acre. A. H.
I mas. Kalama, Wash.
FOR SALE 20 acres river bottom orchard
land, 2 miles from Ruseburg; 13 acres
set to orchard, one-half In bearing, mostly
apples and pears; some cherries, peaches,
walnuts, almonds, grapes and small fruits;
nine-room house, bath, hot and cold wacer,
windmill and 320O-gal. tank, large barn,
fruit packing house, wagon shed, green
house and other outbuildings; Over $6o0
worth of personal property goes with the
Place: all for $8500; terms. Address Box
803, Roseburg. Or.
160-acre fruit ranch at Med ford, 140
acres in pear and apple trees ranging from
1 to 4 years old; 70 acres Newtown and
Kpitzenberg apples; 70 acres Bartlett.
Bosc. D'Anjou and Howell pears; $10,000
cash., balance easy terms. See owners at
202, Marquam bldg. Phone M. 4446.
10 acnes 3 miles west town Hood River
fi acres 4-year-old trees; Newtons. Spitsen
burgs; 5 acres 1-year-old; house, sheds,
water rights; $7000; mortgage $3000 5
years; will divide; consider offer or nant
cash tenant term years. AH 69, Ore
SOO acres. 20O line bottom land, in cul
tivation. 4o acres good beaver dam, house,
barn, station, school ; $45 per acre ; 140
acres. 90 in cultivation, house, barn, a
good dairy farm: $35 per acre.
Monmouth. Oregon.
1074 ACP.KS 10 miles west of Portland om
Oregon Electric Railroad, midway be
tween Mortondale and Quatoma stations;
creek, orchard, house, barn, stock and
everything on the place, or without
stock. $125 per acre; terms; no agents.
Wingren, route 2. Beaverton.
SOUTHERN OREGON, well improved dairy
or fruit farms, finest climate, finest water
finest soil; from 1000 to 12. OOO each- this
opportunity won", last; values there will
double in 2 years, w. L. Morgan. R. A.
Preston. 503 and 506 Abington bldg.
PRINCE RUPERT, terminus of Grand
Trunk Pacific. First official auction sale
of lots commences May 23, at Vancouver,
B. o. ; terms, quarter cash. For maps,
etc.. write C. D. Rand, agent for Govern
ment and Railway, Vancouver, B C.
W E have splendid dairy farms. Improved
and unimproved land; if you want to eell
or buy. don't fall to write at once, or call
Swedish lad & colonization
311 Worcester Bldg.
SO ACRES rich sandy loam, running water
J'5 per acre; tine for. dairv. fruit or
garden ; beautiful home site; on Wil
lamette near, Oregon City cariine. Ad
dress E. Meldrum. Mllwaukie. Or.
40 ACRES, $12O0.
40 acres, unimproved, near Cascade Locks,
land Is worth $100 per acre: If eold quick
will take city lot part payment. Call 519
Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE 15 acres, A No. 1; mostly all
et in choice fruits and berries; house, 2
burns ; 1 mile of Linneman's station,
southwest of Gresham. Fred B roe tie, 31
East til. st st.
FIRST-CLASS farm of 235 acres, highly im
proved, half mile from station; will take
city property as part pay. W. H. Buoy,
owner, 510 Board of Trade bldg.
FIRST-CLASS apple land for sale in the
" htte Salmon district; large or small
tracts at low price If sold within 20 days
Inquire 425 Abington bldg.
JiA RG A INS .Improved. and unimproved
CowMtz i'"""v farm lands. Barnard Co..
Kalama. Wash, t tlTHsFg
Home. Vehicles and Harness.
GOOD young team with harness, weight
;:KH; must sell, am going away. Inquire
at 4SS K. loth st. South.
JI ST arrived at Union Stockyards, three carloads-
Eastern, Oregon horses: will be on
sale all this week. Ball & Knox.
FOR SALE One 2-horse 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 6th.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 24 Montgomery.
HUBERT & HAIiU SS0 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
ONE team, 3200, one 2850. one 2SO0, four
single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East Stark.
FOR SALE Two ponies and colt. Phone Ta
bor 763.
WAXTKl Horses, city brokr nt the En
f-ir Stables. 270 12th. cor. Jefferson.
HORSES And mares for sale. Rose City
stables. 11th and Jefferson. M 3;; 00.
TEAM of 2$0fl-lh. draft horses, wagon and
harness. 325 Chapman st.
A. -YEAR-OLD mare and a food business
buggy cheap. S71 N. lStb
Horace. Vehicles and Harness.
WHT buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can sell you a new vehicle at about the
tame price as you would pay for an old
one ? We are located outside of the h Igh
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagoas
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO..
322 Hawthorne Ava.
FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Ham
bletonian geldings, brothers; thoroughly
broken to the city; as fine a pair of car
riage horses as you can find; weight about
ll'OO each; price for the pair $1000. Can
be seen any day at the Fashion Stable.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day. week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
IF you outside liverymen attend to this
next week's sale and are looking for good
saddle horses and drivers, come and take
a look at my stock and drive behind them.
505 Albina ave. e
SOUND bay horse and handsome convert
ible buggy, with harness tcity broke. 1150
lbs.; 2 well-broke single delivery horses,
weight 1100 and 1250 lbs.. Call East 4451.
344 Williams ave.
FOR SALE Transfer business, fine horses,
wagons, harness, first-class location, long
lease, cheap rent ; sell all or part, or
lease. p 32, Oregonian.
WILL trade 5-passenger automobile for
real- estate or sell cheap for cash; must
leave the city at once. AC 55, Oregonian.
WANTED To purchase an automobile for
cash; write full particulars. AM 46, Ore
gonian. AUTOMOBILE Cadillac runabout 'in good
order for sale, $350. 368 N. 20th st.
7-PASSENGER auto, even exchange city
property. Owner. 403 Couch bldg.
Dogs. Birds, tc.
ST. BERNARD dog. full bred, finest on Pa
cific Coast; can be seen for 3 days at Im
perial Hotel.
ANYTHING in the iron or kindred lines.
Eighth, Gltsan and Hoyt Sts.
The House of a Million Bargain,.
FOR SALE 21-foot launch. Truscott make,
with awning and boathouse, 5 H. P. en
gine, in perfect condition; used very little;
can be seen at Portland Rowing Club. A.
H. Kerr, care Wadhams & Kerr Bros.,
SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store, 420 Washington st. H. D.
Jones, proprietor.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film ? We
are Independent, do not belong to the
trust. Pacific Film Co., S03 Rothchiid
bldg., Portland, Or.
AUTOMOBILES washed and polished; also
tire work; charge reasonable; will open
Saturday, May 1. George E. Evans. 17th
and Alder. Main 6269, A 2553.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery &. Ptg. Co.,
203 2d st.
FOR SALE Steam wood saw. in good con-
diticn. new double harness new hay cut
ter; two miles west from Beaverton. Mrs.
GENUINE o.ld English hall clocks are rare
these days; I have several about T feet 6
Inches high; will sell at a bargain. Tiios.
De Vail. Wallowa, Or.
HOUSEBOAT, 2 rooms and kitchen, with
Bklff, $130. Geo. N. Barker. Phone East
3211; office. Main o466.
EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B. P. R.
chickens. 15 for $1.25. . Plinny Sbepard
son. Castle Rock. Wash.
FOR SALE High-class roller-top desk at
reasonable figure, including chair. Call
720 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 7-horse power rr.otor rip and
cut-off saw with boring machine attach
ment. AC 57, Oregonian.
MUST sell two fresh cows giving nearly 8
gallons milk daily; $80 for both. 31 E.
61st st.
LAUNCH, 22 feet. 8-H. P.. with boathouse.
Any reasonable offer accepted. AL 58,
MOVING PICTURE machine film, supplies,
etc. lowest rat a Neuman, 520 Wash
CHANGE Film service that wins. Ster
opticon slides, supplies. 165 4th st.
Hand printing press In good order, 7yxl0,
for sale, $26; Including type. Home phone
A 3295.
FURS Four very valuable skins for eale at
great bargain; magnificent Siberian bear and
others; no dealers. F 42, Oregonian.
FOR SALE. CHEAP 25-foot launch hull
with complete fittings except . engine,
price $75. Apply Exchange 4 or A 6101. -
BARBERS All or any part of a 12-chalr
shop for sale cheap. Call Portland Safe
Co., 92 Seventh st.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 5445.
15.000 lineal feet of piling for sale. For
further particulars address J. A. Horn
buckel, Amsvelle, Or.
WANTED- Men to buy uncalled suits and
trousers. Harvard Tailors, 308 Burnslde.
FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale cheap.
Call 133 12th st., or phone A 3230.
OFFICE furniture for sale. 105 Sherlock
PAIR of grubbing hooks, nearly new. AG
47. Oregonian.
A PORTABLE oven for sale, good condition.
Main 7131.
WANTED Stenographer-bookkeeper; $lOO
per month for competent man. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 40S Commercial Club
BO VS wanted for messenger work. Apply
to manager American District Tel. Co.,
76 3d st.
ASSISTANT glazier to run putty, pack and
assist in general. Nicolai-Neppach Co.,
227 Davis st.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, three
publications, contracts cashed daily. Ben
edictine Press. Goodnough bldg.
WANTED1 A first-class cabinet or bench
hand. Acme Planing Mill Co.. E. Water
and Oak sts.
WANTED Good woman presser on ladies
and gents clothes. Apply at Cleaning
Works. 710 Union ave.. North.
WANTED Reliable girl to take care of
two children. 585 Marshall, near IRth.
ERRAND boy wanted. Schwab Printing Co.,
24 71 Stark.
WANTED Experienced man to put in cis
tern. P 41, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese waiter who speaks
good English. 735 Hoyt st.
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. e.
SHINGLE-MILL man to cut shingles by
thousand, at once. G 44. Oregonian.
WANTED -First-class sandstone quarry
men. Phone B
WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond
5c cigars.
MATTRESS-MAKERS and upholsterers
wanted. 'Call at ISth and Upshur sts.
WANTED Blacksmith, good steady job. Call
or write. C. E. Otburn. Gresham, Or.
HOY to work in shipping department. 129
1st st.
W ANTED Firs t-cJ ass coat -makers. Nicoll
the Tailor, ICS Sd st.
Headquarters cooks, helper. California Wine
Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d Main 5500.
TWELVE experienced hoe salesmen. Apply
7:SO A. M.. Kegal Shoe Co.
WANTED 2 hoys with wheels. Apply 313
Buchanan bldg., 10 A. M.
WANTED Boy to sell papers. Apply at
news stand. Union Depot.
BARBER wanted Saturday; union ehop. 65i
North 3d st.
WANTED One first-class blacksmith and
borseahoer. W. .P. Morris, Albany, Or
SALESMAN acquainted with Idaho and
Utah trade ta sell McCaskey Account Reg
isters. Territory assigned under yearly
contract. Open only to a hustler of ability
and standing with the trade; capable of
financing himself for 30 days. Address
The McCaskey Register Company, 4 First
St., San Francisco, Cal.
REAL ESTATE concern with plenty of cap
ital wants manager for city real -estate
department; must be a man capable of
building up and maintaining an efficient
city sales force and of attracting and
building up business; right man can pretty
nearly make his own terms. AC 41,
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor ; tools free ; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
N. 4th st.. Portland, Or.
WANTED Young or middle-agd man
having had thorough experience and
training in general ofttce work, including
stenography, bookkeeping and correspon
dence; give age, outline of experi-ence,
in what lines of business and with whom,
and salaries earned. AM 55, Oregonian.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
no expense to learn trade of plumbing,
bricklaying or electricity; practical work
on jobs half the time and study other
half. Catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
Thorougly experienced first-class man.
Must have at least 5 years' good experi
ence in shoes.
WANTED Salesman calling on logging,
mining and railroad trade to handle high
class specialty as side Hne; no samples to
carry; good money made. Address A I.. H.
Hoffman, 328 Hutton bldg., Spokane,
WANTED An associate with timber and
realty man ; pro tit s shared; business es
tablished; out and inside employment; one
good at figures; don't bother unless you
are ready for work; some cash required.
520 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Thoroughly experienced men on jackets
and gowns. Apply at once.
$800 TO $1800 for railway mail clerks -a
year; many appointments yearly; exami-
4 nation at Portland and Pendleton May 15;
free information in re sard to preparation.
Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city.
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large
stock; choice territory; commission paid
weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell
write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
Employment Office Men's Department,
2(i North Second St.
Phones Main and A 152-6.
Help free to employers.
WANTED High-grade "red-blooded" sales
man willing to "go to it six days per
week; who HAS and CAN produce results;
position permanent: give phone, number
and address. AD 51, Oregonian.
vE help' you secure a position as mov
ing picture operator, $25 weekly up; no
experience necessary, we teach you. A.
Y. P. Booking Agency. Suite 31, 208
WANTED Man or man and wife to work
on small farm close to tho city; must be
competent to take care of fruit, berries
and vegetables, care for horse, chickens,
etc; state references. AC 56 Oregonian.
WANTED An energetic young man with
$;i50 to invest to go in with me on a
business proposition that will bring a big
cash dally income. Address L 47. Ore
gonian. UMBRELLA repair man to take charge of
Lennon's repair department In San Fran
cisco. For particulars apply Lennon's 309
Morrison st.
WANTED A hustling canvasser at once;
no capital, big profits. Call mornings be
tween 8 and 10 o'clock. Room 307 New
Grand Central. M. & F. Co.
WANTED Three or four young men, good
address, to show real estate; experience
not necessary. See Hendricks, Gregory
Heights, end of Rose City cariine.
WANTED Piece goods salesman, exper
ienced young man for country. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 40S Commercial Club
WANTED First-class bushelman, steady
work. Must be able to write fair hand and
wait on trade. City Dye Works, Spokane,
IF YOU want easy work, short hours, big
pay, learn to operate motion, pictures.
Terms reasonable. Particulars 526
Washington st.
THE MEIER & FRANK store wants pres
sers and coatmakers in their cloak depart
ment, alteration rooms. Apply at once.
WANTED Experienced real estate salesmen
on best selling proposition on market thia
season. Call at 706 Swetland bldg., 9 to 5.
MAKE $5 per day and have steady Income
besides; this will pay to investigate. 426
Commercial Club bid?
WANTED Traveling salesman to handle
canvas gloves as a side line; good com
mission. Address Box 243, Ashland, Or.
MAN for hotel clerk; state age and ex
perience; whether married or single. W
57, Oregonian.
STICK ERM AN, one thoroughly proficient in
his business. Jones Lumber Co., 1230 Mac
adam t.
CANDY-MAKER wanted. Ask Mr. Brown,
mgr. Dolly Varden Candy Shop, Marquam
EXPERIENCED boys clothing salesman
wanted by the Meier & Frank store.
Apniv at once.
WANT a neat appearing man to sell mer
chants; must be a hustler. AB 50, Ore
gonuian. SEVERAL oute-ide salesmen, experience not
necessary. Good inducements. Great Ameri
can Importing Tea Co.. 406 Washington st.
WANTED Young man to learn barber
trade; terms reasonable. For particulars
call S41x Mississippi ave.
WANTED Two young men 18 to 21 years;
neat and reliable. Call 2&D Beech st.,
between 2 and 3 Saturday.
WANTED Mattress-makers and upholsterers
at Washington Mattress Company, West
ern and Pike sts.. Seattle, Wash.
BOY to work In hard candy department;
must be strong and good worker and over
16. Aldon Candy Co., 12th and Glisan.
WANTED Good man take cans of lawn and
do housework; must have good references.
Address W 58, Oregonian.
WANTED Agents who can bring prospect
ive purchasers for state irrigated land to
this office. 209 Wells-Fargo bidg.
YOUNG man, ordinary intelligence; $1 00
and exclusive services, permanent position,
agreeable office work. X 67, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman, city and
country work. Review of Reviews, 317
31 S Fliedner bldg.
GERMAN to work on fruit farm, good
, home for family. AK 41, Oregonian.
COMPETENT cook to go to beach for Sum
mer. Apply Hotel Eaton after 2 P. M.
Sunday or phone Exchange 22.
WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dye
and remodel hats, dve plumes at half
price. Model Millinery, 3S7 Yamhill.
343 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstair
Phono Main 2602.
WA NT ED An experienced cook. Applv to
Mrs. C. H. Lewis. 19th and Glisan sts.
WANTED A good waitress. California
Oyster House. 403 E. Morrison.
GIRT for general housework. Apply mornings,
677 Schuyler st. Broadway car.
GIRL for housework. Call mornings. S67
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 741 Irving st.
CASHIER Model Theater.
3 P. M. 60 North 3d.
Call bet. 1 and
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wanted.
Apply in person, office Nortonia Hotel.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. 121 North 23d. Call mornings.
WANTED Experienced Ironers, top wages.
State Laundry Co.. 305 Broadway.
GIRL or middle-aped woman for general
housework. 447 10th st.
EXPERIENCED salesladies for hosiery and
underwear, L. Shanahan, 144 3x1 U
Girle, 10 to IS years of age, to work In
factory. Apply at once.
Fifth and Davis Sts.
WANTED Experienced nurse for child,
wages $25, room and board; cooks, wait
resses, chambermaids, house girls, kitchen
helpers, housekeepers, etc., etc.
Ladles' Dept., 205 Vs Morrison st.
First-class on jackets, skirts and gowns,
wanted at once.
WANTED A girl to - personally conduct
through Europe, from June to November.
Party of 3. Portland and Salem references
given. 1079 Chemeketa st.. Salem.
843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2602.
. Help supplied free to employers.
A NEAT girl or" woman to work in restau
rant at Lents, to help cook and wash
dishes, $25, room and board. Apnlv im
mediately, 02O E- Main st.
GERMAN or Swedish girl for housework;
no washing, good home, $25 per month ;
references required. Call at store. 42i
Washington st.
WANTED Experienced girl for second work
and to assist with care of two children, 4
and 6 years old. Apply 715 Northrup et.,
cor. 22d.
STENOGRAPHERS should take the E. B.
U. road to good positions; day and night
classes; threa places now open. 630 Wor
cester block.
GIRL for general housework, good plain
crok; small family adults. 651 Hoyt st.
Phone A 373S.
Iadies' Department. -05 6 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
320 14 Washington St., Room 307.
Main SS36 or A 3268.
WANTED An A-l experienced embroidery
teacher for large department store.- Address
with details AN 56, Oregonian.
THE MEIER & FRANK store wants pres
sors and coatmakers in their eltak depart
ment, alteration rooms. Apply at once.
WANTED A competent child nurse maid;
references required. Apply 744 Hoyt St.
Main 1742.
CAPABLE girl for general housework, good
cook, small family, good wages. 305 East
1 5th st. N. Phone C 1467.
"WANTED Good girl or woman, experienced,
for general housework. CaJl after 10 to
day. Main 146 or A 1246.
EXPERIENCED laundress for family wash
ing and ironing. Monday and Wednesday
mornings. 393 14th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 395
16th st., near Montgomery. Call before
noon. Main 5388.
WOMAN to do light Janitor work at "Jef
fersonian In exchange for apartment. Ap
ply 16th and Jefferson.
WANTED Someone to cook breakfast and
supper for family of 3. 570 Couch st.,
apartment 3.
WANTED Immediately, some one to assist
with housework for 3 furnished housekeep
. ing rooms. 149 E. Yamhill. East 6312.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework in a physician's family of
three. Phones C 1359; Woodlawn 1743.
GERMAN GIRL for general housework, 4
in family, no children. Call mornings,
10 o'clock, S31 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Experienced jacket and skirt
hands in our alteration room. Silverfield
Co., 4th and Morrison sts.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
ehirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper, $40 per month; references. AC 47,
WANTED Expert manicurist, one capable
of teaching- Call 10 to 3 2 A. M.. and 2
to 4 P. M.. Suite 31. 263 Stark.
G3RL for general housework, small family,
good wages. Call A 4807 or 554 17th, cor.
Spring st., Portland Heights.
WANTED Reflned, capable woman for re
sponsible position.' Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
chiid bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general house
work in small family. Phone East or B
102S or call 607 East Taylor.
EXPERIENCED girls wanted to work In
paper box factory. F. C. Stettler, cor.
10th and Glisan.
EXTRA good place for competent girl ;
small family. Room 603 Fenton bldg., 64
Sixth st.
WANTED Competent, capable bookkeeper;
state experience, salary and full particu
lars. Campbell-Fellman Co., Eugene, Or.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family. 8S1 Melinda ave. Phone
Main 6313.
WAITRESS for hotel dlntng-room ; top
wages paid. SI North 6th st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 582 Clifton st., Portland Heights.
SPANISH lessons, experienced native teach
er, preparatory course for Government po
sitions, now in demand; reasonable terms.
309 Commonwealth bldg.
LEARN to write advertisements by personal
instruction in your own city; course quick
ly finished ; terms reasonable. Phon-a M.
good teachers for Sept. 514 Swetland bldg.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 . a month. 269 14th. Main 3803.
FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes. SI per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
GIRL wanted to assist with housework. 194
North 17th., cor. Kearney.
bookkeepers and Clerks.
WAN! ED By ambitious young man, po
sition with chance of advancement; have
had general office experience; salary to
start secondary consideration. AF 55,
CAPABLE and experienced bookkeeper and
3ffice man desires position; six years' ex
eriene'e as bookkeeper and cashier; best
references, moderate salary accepted. Ad
dress S 56, Oregoniar. .
RELIABLE young man with some business
ability wants position May 1; satisfactory
references and bond can be furnished.
AK 57, Oregonian.
WANTED A position as assistant book
keeper or store work; have had 3 years'
office experience; prefer a small town.
Address P. O. box 253, Vancouver, Wash.
POSITION as bookkeeper by young mar
ried man; good penman, accurate; can
furnish references. Phone Main 4515.
WANTED By ambitious young man, po
sition as assistant bookkeeper in good of
fice. Inquire 202 Gerlinger bldg.
SEVERAL more small sets of books de
sired;, fees very reasonable V 50. Ore
gonian. Mincellaneouau
JAPANESE boy who has had experience
wants position porter or any other kind of
work. Main 1.'.61? A 1569.
CLERICAL position by ambitious man, gen
eral office experience; references. AL 47,
Oregonian. .
WANTED By young man, 2S, work of any
kind, in city; a No. 1, 2 or 4 -horse
teamster. Leonard, 5401 Morrison.
WANTED Situation by linotype machinist
operator; 12 years" experience; married,
sober, union. Address AJ 55, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook. baker,
meats ; good reference. Main 9460. 444
"Washington st.
ODD JOBS of any kind wanted ; prices
reasonable. Phone A 2824, Main 2039.
WANTED Light work of any kind by
elderly man. W 59, Oregonian.
ENGINEER wishes a position, I2t years' ex
perience on locomotive. AL 40, Oregonian.
YOUR window screens to order, or other
job work. Carpenter. Tabor 1473.
HARDWARE Former commercial sales
man, acquainted with hardware business,
desires position, good country store, sober,
reliable, references. Address with particu
lars, G 4S, Oregonian.
JAPANESE chauffeur wants a position; hav
ing good experience and can mend ma
chine; will go anywhere.- Address letter
Okazaki, 311 Everett st.
YOUNG man 28 years old wants position of
some kind where he can learn and chance
of advancement; salary no object. P 4S,
EXPERIENCED man and vrifo want posi
tion as janitor; can furnish references.
Inquire 144 11th St., room 14. Phone
Main G62S.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, -wants situa
tion In good family; has good references;
wages. 430 and up. B 49, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS watchmaker with 18 years'
experience wants situation. AG 58 Ore-
CHAUFFEUR with Nevada references wants
position, "trouble shooter" or driving all
round mechanic. AK 44, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position by rapid, accurate, edu
cated young lady stenographer; trained
private secretary; 7 years' experience as
private secretary and stenographer to
manager of manufacturing and commer
cial house; strictly moral in habits; "best
references. AL 48, Oregonian.
POSITION by educated young lady of strict
ly moral habits as bookkeeper or bill
clerk ; 6 years' .experience in office work
in posttlon of trust ; best references. AL
49, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted immediately by expe
rienced stenographer, first-class references.
Phone East 731,
STENOGRAPHER; experienced; commercial,
legal or railroad work. A H 55, Oregonian.
BY a good stenographer, tested and certified.
Phono Clerical Office, A 5446.
COMPETENT young lady stenographer de
sires a. position. AF 40, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. reasonable
prices. Mrs. Mc Leland, S4Q Mississippi
ave., corner Shaver.
TAILORED vaists made for $1.50 for the
next 10 days. Phone Main 3862.
FAMILY sewing by the day. References. X
45, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKER solicits work, day or week,
competent, reasonable. M 2160.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
FAMILY sewing by the day. References. X
45, Oregonian.
WANTED Position. by refined. middle
aged woman, as working housekeeper, in
nice rooming-house or small hotel. AE
57, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by cap
able woman of 37. wages small in right
place ; northern part of city preferred.
AE 59, Oregonian.
REFINED widow wishes light housework
and companionship with reflned people.
A J 56, Oregonian.
NURSE, competent for all kinds of cases,
city or country. A 2853. Flat A. 420 2d.
WANTED By practical nurse, few more
cases; city references. Phone Bast 4442.
2 LADY cooks, first and second, boarding
house preferred, want work together ;
references. Main 7435.
YOUNG girl wishes to assist in housework.
Apply 637 Guilds ave., end of 23d st. car
line. M Iscella neon.
HOUSEKEEPERS. clerks, chambermaids,
waitresses, nurses, housework. St. Louis
Agency, 2453 Washington. Main 2039.
A 4775.
LACE CURTAINS and fine washing by first
class laundress; -best of references given.
Y 67, Oregonian.
LACE CURTAINS, beautifully laundered,
fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities.
Tabor 1530.
WOMAN wants work on Monday of each
week. Tabor 701.
YOUNG lady singer wishes position with mov
ing picture show or circuit. Woodlawn 730.
YOUNG woman wishes afternoon employ
ment with children. AL 55, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED operator wants position on
private switch board. Main 4870.
BEST selling novelty ever shown In West ;
rustler, with sample in vest pocket, could
travel the world over; that's strong, but it's
so; every one seeing it wants It; good side
line for any business; agent's sample by
mall 55c H. O. Eames Co., 760 C St.,
Tacoma, Wash.
WANTED Competent salesmen for best
fruit districts of Oregon and Washington;
good opening for right kind of men. Ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS wanted, ladies or gentlemen; a
proposition worth your while to investi
gate. For information write O. M. Hystad,
2123 S. G. St., Tacoma. Wash.
BUSINESS LADY desires room and board
within 15 minutes' walk from The Ore
gonian bldg., in reflned private home,
where there are young people; home
comforts; state price. P 55, Oregonian.
WANTED By single man, z unfurnished
rooms, heated, that I can furnish as sitting-room
and bedroom, convenient bath ;
state location and terms. V 59,' Oregonian.
REFINED young lady would like one nice
housekeeping room; good location. V 56,
WANTED Two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, close in. Address Mr. G. Carr, room
411 Rothchiid bldg.
WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, young
couple; phone, bath and gas, $10 per
month. Answer today. T 55, Oregonian.
WANTED Well furnished room, with good
board, close In ; home privileges. V 55,
ROOM and board, single man, must be rea
sonable; walking distance. AH 50, Orego
nian. T-ROOM modern house, close in, West Side,
by May I.. V 31, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-ofT clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North, phone Main 9272.
WANTED Blue-white diamond, or
karat size ; must be perfect stone and
cheap. Atidress AJ 58, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand freight elevator;
hand power; capacity about 1500 pounds.
Cash. Address AH, &6j Oregonian.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 9S8, B 2311.
WANTED Store and office fixtures, show
cases, counters, safes, cash register, etc.
52GI, Washington. Phone Main S458-
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone
East 5204. 194 Grand ave., cor. Taylor.
GOOD bicycle to trade for phonograph; Ed
ison preferred. 8o North 6th, St.
SPOT cash paid 'for your furniture; prompt
attention always given, phone East 1067.
GOOD drafting table.. X 58. Oregonian.
MANITOU, 261 13th, large rooms; hot and
cold water; 2 carlines; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M 5647-
THE) REX. 18th and Washington Modem
rooms, airo housekeeping; running water,
baths. A 1856, Main 4632.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d. and Columbia, roomii
beat, bath; GQc ta 1 day, -$2 to 94 week.
Furnished Rooms.
Under new management, thoroughly ren
ovated in every way ; rooms with private
baths, single or en suite; special rates to
permanent guests; tourists trade solicited.
One call means another. Mrs. John Gran
strom. Mgr.
NEWLY furnished rooms; eteam heat, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, elegant
bathroom, both phones free; just the place
for persons wanting a first-class home for
moderate expense. Phone A 52S0, M 5435.
Call "The Hyland." 41K Morrison St., com
partment 4.
Seventh, Ankenv and Burnslde.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Cor. 5th and Yamhill st., opp. P. O.;
nicely furnished rooms, suites and sin
gles; by day. 75c to $1.60; by week. S3
to $7. Streetcars leaving depot pass
coor; take elevator to 3d, 4th, 6th floors.
812 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened ; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor.
Forr nicely furnished room In heart of city.
The Marquam. 6th and Alder.
NICE, large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed and private bath. The Hanover,
165 King st., near Washington.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington
Elegantly, furnished rooms, all conven
iences, rates reasonable.
THE ESTES-Good rooms, reasonable; now
- furniture, telephone and baths free. 827
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
TH B A NG ELUB, 6th an d Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences;
transient solicited. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
Fnrntnhed R'wras ta Private Family.
LARGE, sunny front room, well furnished,
use of bath, phone, piano, home privileges
to right party ; 15 minutes to;
references required. Call after 3 P. M.
26 East 11th st., South.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for man and
wife; bath, electric light, gas. Phone
A 2294 or Main 773 Hoyt st. ; best
of references required.
i7OR GENTLEMEN. 2 connecting rooms, hot
and cold water, large clothes room, park
block, walking distance from business cen
ter. Main 0000.
FOR RENT Large front room, suitable for
two gentlemen; reasonable; on two carlines.
286 l-'lth. cor. Jefferson.
LARGE front room, also smaller room,
nicely furnished, walking distance. Home
phone A 4006. 429 Market St.
1 TO 4 furnished or unfurnished rooms, new
and modern; elegant surroundings; private
family; West Side. Phone Main 6827.
FURNISHED rortra in private family, bath
adjoining; breakfast If desired. -Sll 5th
st. Phone A 3107.
291 CROSBY ST.. near Steel bridge, suite of
rooms or entire lower floor; gas range,
all conveniences.
NICELY furnished front room, heat, light,
phone and bath, close In. $3 per week.
331 11th st.
LARGE front room, all conveniences; fine
view, walking distance; reasonable. East
1165. 186 Halsey St.. near Steel bridge.
NICELY furnished rooms with bath. $6
per month. 364 Monroe st., 3 doors from
Union ave.
FINE, large room, hot and cold water, large
closet, porch, yard; also small corner
room. 542 Morrison.
213 13TH ST. Nicely furnished suite and
single rooms, modern conveniences, cen
trally located.
NICELY furnished room, walking distance,
$1.50 per week. 431 6th st.
1 ROOM, sleeping or tight housekeeping,
every convenience. 412 10th.
NICE room with private porch, view and
conveniences. . 4S3 Hall.
GOOD location for two gentlemen desiring
well furnished room. 251 10th.
LARGE front room with fireplace, 1 or 2
gentlemen; reasonable. 300 11th st.
506 FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th, neatly
fumiahed room.
FURNISHED room, light and airy, phone
and bath. 70 North 15th st.
PLEASANT large room for one or two gen
tlemen; modern and reasonable. 292 12th.
WELL-FURNISH ED front bedroom; phone,
gas and bath; $9. 266 12th st.
FURNISHED rooms, bath and phone. 38 N.
21st st.; walking distance.
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and. bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance, Kear
ney st., bet. 19th and 20th.; elegantly
furnished apartments for married couples,
with board; also swell rooms for gentle
men, with breakfast and dinner. $30 per
mouin; Deaumui grouna ; an moaern con
veniences ; finest rooms and best home
cooking in the city; an Ideal place for the
THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10
per month and up; public parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests;
transients solicited ; excellent table board,
SIS per month; single meals, 25 cents.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 21st year, room
with hoard, use - of sewing room and li
brary. 610 Flanders St., Miss Frances N.
Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange,
133 10th St. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, supt.
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson Pleasant
rooms, first- class board, beautiful
grounds: splendidly located for tourists
or people employed.
THE HAZEL Nice, cool rooms for the
Summer; hot and cold water in each
room; first-class table. Phone Main 7094.
385 3d st., cor. Montgomery.
YOUNG men If you want a first-class room
and board, $5.50 per week, all conveniences,
also taole board, $4 week, good home cook
ing, call at Aster House, 7th and Madison.
THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison st.. family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board; prices mod
erate. THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms in Port
land ; rates lowest ; a cc mf ortable home.
BOARD and room for two large front
rooms. a month; walking distance.
328 Clay. Main 5963.
THE LINDELL, 269 Market; nicely fur
nished front rooms, first-class board; mod
ern, reasonable; fine walking distance.
THE OZARK. 225 11th. Light, airy rooms
with board hot and cold water.
ROOMS, single ar.d en suite, modern, con
. veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
258 11TH ST., comfortable furnished rooms,
suitable for one or two gentlemen, with
NICELY furnished room, desirable nd
homelike; excellent table; modern; rea
sonable. 321 Couch.
NICELY furnished room with board ; strictly
first-class; central location; beautiful lawn.
181 11th et., cor. Yamhill. A 3580.
FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping
porch. 355 11th st. A 16.'J6.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen or man
and wife. 414 Jefferson st. Main 593.
NICE room with good home cooking, in pri
vate family. &3 North I"th. Main 4220.
ROOM and board in private family, home
cooking. 321 West Park.
ROOM and board for 2; West Side. Phone
Main 3649. 248 N. 20th st.
FRONT and side room with board; homo
cooking. 22a Cth fit. A 622
Rooms With. Board In Private Family.
LARGE rooms with excellent board, in
cozy homelike place, 8 minutes from post
office; Ideal place for the Summer, $20
per month up. 442 Jefferson.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
( one or two, with or without board; all
st.. near Washington.
NICELY furnished outside room, with or
without breakfast; 20 minutes to P. O-.
Irvington. Phone East 1171.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without
board; strictly home cooking; all modern
conveniences. 4O0 N. 23d. Phone A 3o26-
NEAR Multnomah Club, on Heights, fin
front room with 2 closets, for 2 gentle
men. Main 4094.
VERY large, desirable front room for 2 with
board; pleasant home. Call 540 Jobneon
st., or phone A 4681.
NICE rooms and good board suitable for
"r o BcuLicmcn. oi Uiisan st., cor.
ROOM and good home board for one or
two; bath: very reasonable. 751 Kearney
st. Phone A 4379.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
2; home cooking; modern conveniences.
314 Mill st.
WELL furnished parlor room, desirable for
two, with board; board for two if desired.
410 Alder, bet. 10th and 11th st.
$22 Large, pleasant room; for two, $40; ideal
home. 470 Main st.
ROOMS with board. 389 Taylor st.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison St., nw brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments;
private bath, reception hall, steam heat,
hot water, elevator, free phone, compressed-air
cleaning, janitor service, from
$25 up month ; some unfurnished ; come
look and be surprised.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
easy walking distance, new, brick buildings,
in 2, 3, and 4-room family apartments;
private bath and reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone Jan
itor service, completely furnished ready for "
housekeeping, from $30 to $50 month; some
unfurnished from $22 up.
NEWLY finished, completely modern apart
ment house in northwest part of city; see
us for 3-room unfurnished or furnished
apartments in this beautiful build' r.g ;
apartments $-,5 to $50. Parrish, Watklns
& Co., 250 Alder st.
THE HARTFORD, N. W. cor. 21st and
Klanders Newly furnished suites of three
rooms, with bath, hot and cold water in
every suite. Both phones. Apply to Jani
tor. THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts., unfur
nished 4-room apartments, new, modern .
verandas; location fire-t-clasa; rent reason
able; references. Apply to janitor.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment.
21st and Flanders; Nob Hill ; finest resi
dence district; every convenience. Main
MODERN 3-room apartments, every con
venience, Morton Apartments, N. E. King
and Washington, inquire Janitor or S.
Morton Cohn, 107 6th st.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson stm..
unfurnished apartment, with bath; every
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
MODERN stcajn-heated apartments. 666
Flanders st. ; 6 rooms. Apply to janitor
or Wakefield, Fries & Co., 229 Stark st.
HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison; un
furnished apartment of two rooms and
bath. Phone Main 514S.
BUELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon,
furnished 4-room apartment ; very pleas
ant. "IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill, un
furnished 4-room, $32 ; 6-room, $40:
adults only.
PARK HALL apartments, 421 W. Park St.,
4-room corner apartment; strictly up-to-date;
rent $35.
THE DAYTON, 660 Flanders; 3 and 4-room
apartments; heat, hot water; $20, $25.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 8 and 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbia.
6-room modern, fireplace, furnace, new
ly tinted; Glisan St.; $30.
5 rooms, 22d and Kearney; fine loca
tion. 5 rooms, new and modern; 21st and
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
MODERN 7-roora flat, Morrison st. ; janitor
service, steam heat, hot and cold water; $50
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
UPPER flat of 6 rooms and bath; all mod
ern improvements; large attic; furnace,
etc. 87 9th st. N., near Everett. Apply to
California Wine House, 232 Washington st.
near 2d.
4 FLATS. 5 rooms and bath ach, gas and
electricity, closet In every room, modern
" plumbing, on cariine, separate entrance
for trades people, $25. W. M. Conklln. &
Co. Inc., 407 Wells-Fargo bldg.
MODERN 6-room upper flat, with sleeping
porch and large attic; 1 block from West
Side High SchooL Inquire 175 16th St..
cor. Yamhill.
4- ROOM flat, modern, baxh. basement, sta
tionary tubs, fine view, West Side, walk
ing distance, $20 per month. Hossack. &
Codman. Phones Main 5426, Main S413.
ONE 5-room and one 6-room modern flat,
fireplace and furnace. 701 Hovt st., near
22d. Inquire Woodard, 104 2d st.
MAY 1ST 8-room flat, on Park, near Jef
ferson ; fireplace, porch, all modern con
veniences. Apply Mrs. R, Stott, 268 Park.
3-ROOM furnished, steam-heated, lower flat;
electric light, bath, walking distance, 231
Fliedner bldg. Main 5239.
7-ROOM upper fiat for rent, furniture and
piano for sale; snap if taken at once. 501
Columbia st. Main 3877.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 561 Davenport st. ;
furnished flat. 4 rooms, nice grounds; $25.
Phone A 1786.
5- ROOM upper flat ; gas, bath ; no children.
Inquire 471 6th et.
MODERN 3-room flat. Inquire 225 Market,
Sevilla bldg. Phone Main 516.
FOR RENT Upper west flat. 40 9 Yamhill
st. Call at 407 Yamhill st.
VERY fine flat in choice Nob Hill location.
Phone Main 6618.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE GAYOSA, Grand ave., cor. East Stark
st. ; modern brick building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot
and cold water in all rooms. Phone East
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
west side river. 2 rooms $8 month, 3 for
$12 to $15 ; front part cottage, $15; cot
tage. 5 rooms, $20. 737 Chamber Com
merce. THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington sts.
Elegantly furnished 2-rocm housekeep
ing apartments; hot and cold water, tele
phone and all modern conveniences.
The new Wayne wood. IOO North 1 8 th
St., nicely furnished housekeeping .rooms,
good location, cheap rent.
$16 3 nicely furnished rooms in cottage,
gaa range, bath. Call between 1 and 4.
610 1st st.
461 EAST MORRISON, comer 8th, furnished
housekeeping suites, reasonable, walking
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms
Room 36 Cambridge bldg.. coruer 3d and
Morrison. .
only $3.50 per week; center of city. The
Marquam, 6th and Alder.
A NICELY furnished room for only $1.50
per week, at the Marquam. 6th and Alder.
THE SANGERT Washington . and Trinity,
near 19tb, furnished apartments.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-rnom apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th sL .
632 WILLIAMS AVE., turnished. unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also eingla rooms