THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY. APRIL. 3Q, 19Q9. All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Appear on Your Regular Monthly Statement of May 30th r r Fdf? 1 . A C F s" v F-xmwTwr.,. . . . 29c FOR LACE Worth to St. 00 Oriental, Veniae and Chan tilly laces in edges, bands and galloons, white, cream or ecru, widths iy2 to QQn 9 inches. Vals .to $1.. ZOu $1.75 GLOVES JO At the Pair, Only QjC 16-button length silk gloves, sizes 54 and 6, come in black only. Regularly CQn $1.75, special Friday.. DDL O The Yard for 65c 4 &C EMBR 'JD'RIES Edges, insertions and corset cover embroideries to match in swiss, nainsook or cam bric materials, 3 to 18 inches wide, values up to 65c QQn the yard, special at... Zub 75c CHIFFON on VEILING, YardO&C Chiffon veiling for automo biling, beach and outdoor wear, in all the leading shades. Regular values up to 75j the yard; on QQn special sale Friday at. Ouu Ever Tidy Combs 10c Each EXPERIENCED ALTERATION HANDS WANTED MEN OR WOMEN Did ft The erer tidy stray lock comb. The only comb that holds them In place firmly and neatly. All sizes, each 104 24-lnch Hair Rolls, 50c value 254 Gellnlotd Hairpins, U dozen. 16c value Oi Hooks and Eyes, washable. Will not rust: black or white; all sixes, hump style, two cards .5 Spool Silk, all colors, pure dye, 100 - yard spools 5 8 Spools Black Din. las Cotton for. . . . 5 Coll m r Forms, all sixes, white, 10c value S4 Dresa Shields, size 4 only, white, 30o value 204 Port man, violet or rose odors, In bulk, worth 60c per ounce ..254 Persian Nail Bleaoh for the finger nails, special, bottle... lO S w a n s A owne Pace P o w der, flesh color, ooi .....xze 7r-- n ro m Our Great 314th Friday Economy Sale pGrealest Friday Sale in the Art Department wr - nu ur - ... A superb assortment of very artistic Fancy Linens, Japanese drawn-work effects in Doilies Center Pieces, Lunch Cloths. Scarfs and Baby Pillow Slips. The regular prices of these run from 10c to $7.50 each. For Friday's selling they are being bargainized as follows: Regular 10c value on sale at. Regular 15c to 20c values on sale at. . Regular 25c to 35c values on sale at . . 6c 10c 19c Regular 60c to 75c values on sale at . . Regular $1.00 and $1.25 values at Regular $1.50 val ues, special price . . 41C 63c 98c $1.75 to $2.00 val-CJI QQ ues, special price U I iZu $2.25 to $2.50 val-Ol jn ues, special price D I I U $3.00 to $3.25 val-01 00 OliOO ues, special price $3.50 to $3.75 valQQ QQ ues, special price uiuU $5.00 to $6.50 val QQ QQ ues, special price udiuU $7.50 values on Oil QQ special sale at. . . UTiuU 50c Face Powder 29c a Box 14c Java Rico Powder, In all tints, best for the face, 50c box for 294 Per oxide of Hydro Kfn, 4-ounce bottles, 15c value...... .104 Violet Toilet Am monia for toilet or bath, one pint bot tle, 25c value. ...174 Fountain Syrlnicra, 2- quart size, seamless, with three hard rubber pipes, $1.00 values 79s Chamois Sklna, back horn brand, w a s li able, for automobiles, c a r r tapes or furni ture, extra fine J1.25 value 894 Wrltlnjt Paper, maple linen finish, 60 sheets and 60 envelopes tor 254 Note Size Ruled Writing- Tablets, 10c value 5 Carter's Black Ink, 6c bottle 34 New York Linen Writing Ttbl ets. letter size, 25c value 19 Japan Metal Cash Boxes, with lock and kav II 75 value 81.29 NECK WEAR 35c Value, Only They are bows, linen collars, Dutch collars, stock collars and jabots. Very clever novelties, worth up to M doc each, sp'l Friday.. IfU FOR B ELTS Worth 65c Each 49c Extra quality elastic belts, fitted with good buckles in good assortment to match belt materials; colors are black, white, navy, brown or tan. Regular 65c AQn values on sale at Hub $1.50 GLOVES Special the Pair 95c Women's tan cape gloves, Dent style out seam, also odd line of kid gloves in all sizes. Kegular $1.50 values on sale at u ail 95c no FOR Worth VEILING to $2.50 Hat drapes and veils for driving, auto wear, etc. Come in black, navy, green or brown, 1 to 2 yds. Q0n long. Vals. to $2.50... uOU Hat IN OUR STOCK VALS. TO $50 $ ":s'if J .vt .. . .. . ween aseo Hi .f B s 4 ' thu .1 I'M VI WEEK jllll l Startling and unbeliev able as the statement in the headline sounds, 'tis welcome truth. In is mighty offering. Portland women find the premier millinery bargain in the history of this city's merchan dising. There'll be no reservations whatever- the ultra rich model hats that remain, plenty of them worth $35 and $40, and several worth vp to $50, as well as the marvelously good assort- ment captured in the lucky purchase which ' we first put on sale one They are veritable tri- BABY umphs in artistic millinery, some the products of our own clever artists, some from Parisian designers and some from the foremost origina tors in New York. Now for Friday take your choice of any hat in our stock. All that remain unsold up to Dresses Worth Up to $60.00, Friday morning are included, at each $11.98 Don't overlook this im portant sale when you're shopping here Friday. All the bargains men tioned earlier in the week, especially those an nounced in Wednesday's ad, are in force for Fri day. Supply all wants in baby needs and be sure that you ask for one of the j FREE BABY BOOKS N CHILDREN'S HATS, very clever styles, good assortment, values up to $5.00, choice Qf QQ for Friday at the very low price of . . . . . 0 I lUU WOMEN'S HATS, in good styles, large selection of shapes, colorings and trimmings, regu-QQ QQ lar values up to $12.00, special at, each. . UuiUu WOMEN'S HATS, flower trimmed models in end less profusion, the finest lot of flower hats we've seen this season; values run a3 high as 0"7 QQ $25.00 each, special at this very low price .Of i U 0 PfAAnti pieces of narrow widths, all colors OOJlS satin taffeta, plain taffeta or wash silk, values to 10c at 3J; values to 7c. at 2, and A ft values up to 4c at, the yard '. '. R r Di nner Sets Dainty rose border with gold traced handles and knobs, 50-pieco eet, regular price $6.32; tfC flfl special price, the M:t. . . . .y JsUU 60-piece set, worth $8.00.. $6.35 100-pc. set, worth $12.45. .$9.70 This ware will be sold in sets or in separate pieces at pro-rata sale price. Extra special reductions on odd lines in dinner sets: Reg. $16.20 vals., sp'l.. $12.00 Reg. $18.70 vals., sp'l..$14.00 Reg. $19.25 vals., sp'l. .$14.40 Wine Sets, $8.50 val., set.. $5.67 Bohemian gold glass, very artistio designs, good assortment of pat terns. Articles reduced one-third, Almond Dishes, worth 60c Atn each, special price, each....UM Bowls, $2.25 values at.... $1.50 Bowls, $6.75 values at.... $4.50 6-inch Plates, regular ff 1 Q0 price $2.75 eaeh, special. 00 Nappies worth $3.60, ea..$2.40 Nappies worth $4.00,. ea. .$3.67 Nappies worth $6.75 ea. .$4.50 Candlesticks, $5.50 values. $3.60 Lemonade Glasses, regular price $7.50 the dozen, on sne- ff C Ofl cial sale at, the dozen. .. .JeUU Combination Suits $1.35 NEW AND HANDSOME GARMENTS FOR MISSES Misses' combination garments or sheath book ers, consisting of corset cover and drawers or corset covers and skirts made of fine quality French nainsook and finished with dainty edges 'of lace and insets of lace Qo nn inserting. Priced from $1.35 to )JiUU MISSES' SHEATH BOOKERS, with colored bloomers. An excellent garment for C0 7C school and beach wear. Price .jilO SHIRTWAIST SLIPS, made of India silk, short-sleeve models with close round neck or fancy low neck. Some with edging of lace; others trimmed on body. Colors, pink, QQ. blue, black or white. Values to $2.75 at. .DOC WOMEN'S CAMBRIC PETTICOATS with deep flounce of India linon, ttnderflounco and dust ruffle. They are finished with edge of fine swiss embroidery or Valenciennes Of fin lace. Values to $2.50 on sale at 0 1 This is an exceptional opportunity for the woman who has frequent need for a dressy gown, but hesitates to pay the fifty dollars or more that a very stylish one costs. The dresses featured in this sale are of splendid light weight wool ma terials in the most wanted shades and styles. TWO STYLES EXACTLY ILLUSTRATED HERE The trimmings are clever exemplifications of braiding, silks, buttons, Persian braids, pleats, lace, etc. The materials are splendid broad cloths andf light weights, and some are very high-class voiles with silk linings. Save about three-fourths on these. Values C 1 yf Ck ? to $60.00, for Friday p 1 70 Men's $1 Shirts 85c This sale is on our famous unlaun- dered white shirts. They are made with the best muslin bodies and linen bosoms of unequaled quality and finish. They fit in the neck and shoulders. The bodies are cut full and the sleeves are proper lengths. They are reinforced at every point where hard wear comes. Better $1.00 shirts are impossible to find. For Friday's selling we clip jr 15o off and offer them at uOG Picture Frames Picture Frames on sale in the Jew elry Department. French gold-plated cabinet size, also small enameled frames for miniatures. They are very artistic, neat designs ; reg. 35o n each in either size, spl Friday. lOu HAT PINS in very attractive novelty designs, all new and popular styles. The much wanted long 10-inch stems. Designs suitable for all styles of hats or any taste. Regular values up to $3.00 each, on special sale QQn at the remarkably low price of ' dUu 9 jgy yr h 1ti- Women 's handkerchiefs n-Zr-lll21 o 0f pure linen, hemstitched borders with -inch hem, fine swiss with em broidered corners,' values up to 20c Ifln each at the remarkably low price of I U U $14.95 '' f pi Iff m w 1 1 50c Underwear at 29c Women's elastic ribbed vests and pants, good quality lisle, plain silk -tane trimmed. 50c value, special Friday ZuC Boys' Caps, yacht, college Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, ecru color, all sizes, 24 to 34, 35c value, at Children's Hose, ribbed cotton, fast black, sizes 6 to 912, 25c values 1C I Ob ,19c on sale at. and bulldog shapes, COft values to $1.00 at...0Ub Women's Hose, plain fast black or fancy colors, in large assortment; also lace and embroidered de sign. Values to 35c on sale at. . . V G lotir Dainy Doilie Scarfs and wfn-of m tcuea, appiiQuea in burnt leather, selling regularly at $1.00 to $22.00, offered for Friday at just half price from Sll to as Intn n& 50c 19c Wool Blankets at Great Reductions Extraordinary bargains on Wool Blankets of splendid grade. Just in time to supply those who decide to discard at Spring housecleaning time or for movers or newcomers moving into new or larger homes. This special sale offers unusual opportunities. White woolen blan kets with pink or blue borders, nicely finished, good quality. A large size, regular $4.00 ffO QC grades, on sale at, pair...$wJ Larger size, same grade, ( Q O C worth $4.50, at ,.Jd 94-size white Wool Blankets, taf feta silk bound; regular 4 nn $5.50 value, the pair. H-UU White Wool Blankets, 3 M r or full size, $6 grade, pair.rJ3 Folding Go- Carts Upholstered in brown leatherette, adjustable dashboard and reclining back, 10-inch rubber tire CO Cfl wheels, strong steel frame. 03U One-Motion Collapsible Go-Oarts, with top oxidized finish, adjustable dash, riveted frame, no screws ; brake and anti -f rtctlon tf "7 Cfl wheels, special at. . .V lJU $6.00 Shoes $3.95 8 to 12 ONLY This morning from 8 to 12 o'clock the bargains that are to be had in our shoe department, are of the sort that take your breath away. Better shoes are not to be had under any circumstances and those who want high-grade footwear had better come while selections are full. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO different styles woman's shoes, in cluding suede, plain or shiny leath ers, in black, wistaria, purple, Lon don smoke, taupe, brown, cham pagne, old rose, pongee, tan, navy blue, pink and white. The above-men tioned shades are in the suede and buck leathers. Then we have tan Russia calf in pumps and oxfords, button or lace. This is the most compiete assortment and the greatest values yet brought forward in any. Portland sale. Values up to $6.00, choice. FOR ALL DAY, women's shoes in 30 styles, including tan calf, Drown lad, patents and dull leathers, pumps, bluchers, but- ton, lace, etc., values up to $4.00 the pair at, the pair. S3.95 :an calf, $2.39 Wash Goods '0 yards , . beautiful new wash goods in dainty patterns and colorings, fine IS L J sheer qualities. Sell regularly at 15c 10c Bohemian and Cut Glass Cut-glass Bowls, 8-in. size, fl"Q Ifl $5.60 value, special, each.Jl" 8- inch Bowls, worth $6.00, O AO on sale for, each f Otu 9- inch Bowls, worth $9.00, CM QC on sale for, each HUJ 9-in. Bowls, worth $11.25, ff P 1 C on sale for, each f Ui I J 8-inch Glass Dishes, $7.50 ff J 1 C value, on sale for, each 13 Glass Celery Travs, regu- ffO Ofl lar $4.00 valuesat. each.W $6.00 Celery Trays for $3.35 $7.50 Celery Trays for $4.15 Spoon Trays, worth $2.50 ffl ifl each, on sale at, each 'tU Bonbons, worth $3 ea., at.$2.05 Comports, worth $5.75, ea.$3.15 TRIPLE-MOTION ICE CREAM FREEZERS 6-quart size on sale for... $3.15 4-quart size on sale for... $2.45 3-quart size on sale for...$2.00 2-quart size, special for..$1.70 Ice Picks, one day only Ice Picks, one day only 1) Ice SliadeS. nn Hav nnlr lAt IN the yard, Friday only buy all you want I'. B l . -. 1