VALLEY WOOL FIRM Dealers Are Offering 22 Cents for Fine. LITTLE SHORN AS YET Mohair Market Also Slmws More Strength ISuyliiff for Local Mill Helps Prices Oratn Mar kets Are Strong. Vltlsmette Valley wool, ilk that of other sectlnna, la steadily artrancinir In price. Local dealers ax now offering 22 cents for fine. 21 centa for medium and 20 cents for eoaree wools. These prices are 2 to 8 cents higher than were quoted before the season began. Tha market has hardly opened yet. so fur as tha local trade ! concerned, but soma small clips are fladrng their way Into tha hands ef country merchants. Thers Is also a firmer feeling In' the mo kalr market, though prices are no higher. demand Is stronger and mora general thaa It has. been, particularly cm the part of dealers with Eastarn connections. There la Jtttle coubt tha liberal buying for the new local mm has forced the Eastern trade to a-t-ys more attention to tha mohair of this Mats. It Is also e-rMent that the Ore con nsis nava reallied better prices than If thay had to depend solely on the demand from tha mills la the East. In past years tha Eastern mohair markets hay been singularly dull and weak during tha shearing season and h.-a only stiffened tip after tha big buyers had secured control ef tha clip. The same thing seems to pre vail this year In tha East, hut It has been aifTarent In Oregon, tor tha establishment a a big mill near Portland put prices up almost at tha opening of tha aeanrm. Pkiatern conditions are reported hy the Boston Commercial Bulletin aa follows: "De- ......... ...uun.. loreiRn ana aomes- tlc growth Is rery limited Indeed. Regular consumers ars miying supplies conservatively and only aa actual wants are clearly Indi cated. Prices, however, are holding nomi nally steady." rnoBABi.F rorarc or ego trices Healer' Opinions Vary aa to Actual Values. Receipts Clean Fp Well. There was a difference of opinion on Front treet yeeterday as to whether or not the egg market could he quoted at 2B cents. Two leading dealers stoutly maintained that 14 rents was tha top. but nearly every one rle waa moving their atock at 23 cents sr-rl one dealer advanced his price to 25 rents In the afternoon. The day'a re ceipts cleaned up well. The city demand waa ejood and anme egpa were put away. There have been no lance orders received for Northern account lately, but the aubsldence of the ahlpplng buslnesa ha had no effect on thla market, prices advancing steadily all the time. Should Seattle again become a buyer here. It can only hava a further stiffening Influence on prices. It la asserted, however, that tha Coast markets hava now reached the point where fresh Eastern egga can be laid down at a pries that shows a profit, and If this Is the case, it will hava a tendency" "to check any advance here. Tha steamer from Tillamook tomorrow will bring another shipment of cheese, but moat of It la going through to Spokane. Present prices wdll be maintained for soma time to coma. Butter la moving actively at the recent decline. ' HOT TART REPORTS TOFATOBABLB Late Purchase by rinoua and Hare Un sold Stocks. Reports from the Valley liop yards con tinue unrnvoraoie. oeaiars are not ready to malt aatlmatea of the probable crop, but 11 agree that the outlook for a large yield la not aa bright aa It was a month ago. Julrus Plnous yesterday bought the Ver fcoven lot of 80 bales at Forest Qrove. at t cants. Harry 1,. Hart bought 60 bales of Hawthorn crop at Reedvllle at 6tt eenta. There are Just 2141 bales of 1908 hopa left in growers' hands la Oregon, aooordtng ta a list compiled last evening. Stocks of 108 hopa In dealers' hands In this state are variously estimated at 5000 to 7000 bales, WHEAT MAKKKT 18 VERY FTRM. Holders of Clnb Are Asking Sl.tB Mill Peed Is Quiet. Tha local wheat market was vary flrm yeeterday, holders asking full prices, but the demand waa not strong. Club wheat wraa held by soma dealers at $1.13. Turkey eed waa quoted at 1.SS and red Russian at Barley was Arm at previous prices and oats were steady. Tha mill feed market was quiet and shorts were quoted weak. Raoslpts, In cars, were reported by th Merchants Exchange as follows; Wheat Flour Barley Olta Hay April 24-58 15 IS 1 4 i, April 26 2 1 T l April 27 16.. i 1! Total last week. 22 88 9 12 i 0 RANGE PRICKS ARE ADVANCING. Weather Is Against the Strawberry Trade. Potatoes I'nchanged. About half a car of Los Angolea berries received, but the weather was agalnat trada and they moved slowly at $1.50 per crate. Florins were quoted all the way from It to 11.75, according to quality. Tha orange market Is very strong here and In California. Medium and small sizes were quoted on Front street at 33.25. Hothouse lettuce drags at $1.25. Local head lettuoe ia coming in ' now and la taking Ita place. There were no new developments In the potato market, and ad far aa could be learned $1.75 la still the top price offered In the country. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cltiea yes terday er aa follows: ' ye Olcarlnns. Balances. $ 67,136 .......... 1 J?nn?i .......... Portland Seattle r, ." fipukane !.!!!!! t.095!ot,6 38.463 138,718 PORTLAND MARKETS. Uraln, Flour, Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem mint... Kusslan. H.17HK, 1.20. ' 1"' rd FLOLR Patents. $6 03 per biirr.l Straights. $3.10; exports" $4.70: Valley a.V?a. vTs i?0i,whS!" WS" Varler.'. $5 80 t'Ars No. 1 white, 40r,l41 .". I A RLET Feed. :i4-TSS per ton , "Alf Timothy. Willamette Vane-. 14a 1 per ton; Eastern Oregon. $174019. -lVA? 1112: alfalfa. $1414 50: grain . hay ii 014; cheat. $14 14.50; vetch. 13.50 14, Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FKlITS Apples. 65cig$2.50 per box. btrawbei-rte. Lus Ant,ln ti ra -cr.te: Florin. $lwl.75 per rate 60 Pa' POTATOES Huylng price. (t.oM.7S per hundred; nrvr California. 4M,SiSo per no.inrt SACK V EG ETA H LKS Turnips P $ 1 M per ?"c,k; carro"- -5: parsnips. $160; beets' $1.7$; horseradisn, 10o per pound "lm' TROPICAL FRUITS Orange navels $2 "5 J3.2S per box. lemons. $1.75 4; irrape fruit, a.t.nov per box; bananas, B6o per ,.'U.iU. piucavpiea, per cosen; tangerines $1.75 per Box i)I2i.!i"'Nw' -2.50 per crate. VEGETABLES Artichokes. -6585o dos.; asparagns. Oregon, la"4jlic per lb.; Cal ifornia, 5Tc per pound; beans. 25c; cub bage. 4c per pound; cauliflower. $llg!l.'J5 per dozen: cucumbers, 75c$1.50 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse, $1.25 per box: lettuce, liead. 20 50c per dozen; onions, 12 Vi w15c per dozen; parsley. 3.1c per dozen; peas, 8i0c per pound; radishes. 2023c per dozen; rhubarb. 34o per pound spinach. 90cQ$l; tomatoes, Florida. $2 50O 3 per crate. w Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery. extras. 27c: rancy outside creamery. 24W'o'7c per lb.; store. 18820c. (Butter fat prices aver ase 14 cents per pound under regular but ter prlcea.) ?,?,?,?eK?Jn rnh- 24 25c per dozen POULTRr-Hm., lOlO'ic: broilers. 25c; fryers. 18a2c; roosters, old. 10 lie" young. 14 15c; ducks, 2022ttc; g-ese 10 fellc; tunteys. 20c; squabs, $2.50iai3 "per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 1701T14o per lb.; full cream triplets. 174SlT!4c: full trm. Toun, America, lS18Vic. s7iuxtls 910: P pound; ordi nary. V4W9c; heavy. 78c S11-Fancy" 9t10 Per pound; large. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Etc. peaches., 7 Vi to 8c; prunes. Italian. hieifAa' ?I!Jn.e,,.Frencn- 4l≻ currants, unwished! t. ' vc:- curr-nts, washed, cases, 10c; "47 5c Y' B b' boxe" Wc: dates- SALMON Columbia River, 1-lb talis. $2 per dozen; 2-lb. tails. $2.95; 1-pound flats $2.10; Alaska pink. lWund talis. 95c: tafl's 1i5ound taiis' t 5: sockeyes, 1-pound iT'iFFkS Mocha, 240.38c; Java, ordinary. 'L Rlc' lany. 1820c; good. ?T-ie; wdlnary 12 W lo per pound. . Walnuts, 12 13c per pound by. sack; Brazil nuts. 16c; alberta. 15c; pecans? Jc; almonds. 13ffipi4c; chestnuts, Italian. 11c; peanuts, raw. 64 6C; plnenuts. 10 dozen y nuU' 10c; eocoanuta. 90c per SUGAR Granulated, $6.05; extra C. $5.55: goioen C, $5.46; fruit and berry sugar, $6 05; plain bag. $6.86; beet granulated. $5.85; (barrel), $6.46; powdered (barrel). $8.80. Terms: On remittances within 15 days, deduct Vie per pound; if later than 15 days and within 80 days, deduct u.o per pound. Maple sugar. loi&lSc per pound. SALT granulated. $13 per ton, $1.90 per bale; half ground, 100s, $7.60 per ton: SOs. $3 per ton. BEANS Small white, etc; large white. OVbc: Lima, 5c; pink. 4c; bayo, 83ic; Mexican red. tc. OVERSUPPLY OF TRUCK ASPARAGUS ANT RHUBARB SELL AT LOW PRICES. Potatoes Are Firmer at Seattle-Oats Order Placed for Shipment to Portland. SEATTLE. Wash., April 28. (Special. ) y1" mrket has not been as badly over stocked with asparagus and rhubarb this year aa It was today. Under the heavy of ferings, prices dropped abruptly and sales were made at all prices. Consignments from California are responsible. Dealers say that Southern shippers will realize so little out ?5 . 8 hiPmen that they are not likely to try the experiment agaln this season. There were no berries -In the market to aay. but a car Is expected late tonight Another carload of Texaa Bermuda onions Is due tonight. They will sell at $2 omon Potatoes were a little stlfler, sales being more general at $40. K Oats were nrm. A Portland order for 200 tone was placed here today. Htty is weak rf-l'. "Wa8hlnKton shippers are more dis Jd 'I unload old hay before the new crop comes on, the recent raina making the prospect of a big crop thia season sure 1. wUr market' Particularly on patents, la weaker. Millers are talking lower prices! QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. April 28. The follow- i B. Pr'ce9 ere Quoted In the produce mar ket today: cni'l"-?1""1 Burbanka. $22.25; 1 SO Burbanka' nominal; sweeta. $1.b6 S?inl,"0r?:0n' 20'250 per cental. W335" 28B03; middlings. .r'tBbiV?r"Hothou'0 cucumbers. 40 75c; garlic. 810c; green peas. 23c; atrlne beans .10 20c; asparagus. 75ci.50; om toea. 75oeJ.$1.25; egg plant, 202So. Butter Fancy creamery, 24c- creamerv seconds. 23c: fancy dairy. 22He creamery iwI?-not"tar? old- : 'young, $9 mst Bmall 35: broilers, large. f iT 89r hens. $4.50,310 ducks old, $5jr6; young. $60. ??r ltar."l .Hc: faney nch, 26c. ool South Plains and San Joaquin. 10 16c; Mountain. 6i.l0c; Nevada. 13 17c Hay Wheat. $2224- whei ? .... 204f22.00; alfalfa, bl7t0ciP7&il straw, per bale. 60rg 7RC . " ' ,ftF.rul'f APnle.. choice, $1.60; common, banan"' "o8.flO; limei, $4.506 ilSS-0; 3; 1cammo"'- M: orange, l.aiaa.oo; pineapples, $3313.50 Receipts Flour. 6852 quarter sacks- Tf,o"B?6,Ce1ta": barley' 82 centals" ata! 100 centals; beans, 60 sacks; corn. 20 cent- ?P.0tatOM3180 sack: hVan. 405 sfcSs- ?X hide..ea45k5B: hay- 100 tona -: PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattlo. Sheep and llogs. Increased receipts of sheep have caused weakness In this line, and prices we" off a quarter yesterday. Cattle are in better -upply than recently, but the market still 1. ThP. ?f8, 8X0 'trn n Bht arrtv 7, . he receipts yesterday were 211 cat tle. 76 hoga and 2400 sheep, of which 1S32 were sent on to the Sound Late representative sales at the yards were: 60 sheep, 83 lbs.. $4.25- 68 lamba 88 lbs., $7.00; 5 cows. 792 lbs $3 25- 1 S4M lb,; 2 : cows. 858' I'btM 50 'a bulls. 1140 iba, $3.50; 8 steers sua it. $5.00; 38 hogs. 140 lbs.! $7.00. b" Wee:Ce" quoted at tn yrU yesterday CATTLE Top steers, $5 5015 75- fal fk T0H6.25; common to medium $4 5S -ILSSW"' ,OP' i.254.60; fair to ood 3.i564.23; common to medium. $" BOSS'S- $"ooa3n715,,tag8- fat' '00i:bO; common! $6 kSP-?8'- . I-8BT- 'air to good, fats? $!?. atocker"- WSOOa.60; China SHEEP--Top wethers. $3 5.50: fair to He l-esVotn701 ,h0rn- TOe1 le-;,rwes! al ailr. . Kraaes: yearlings, shorn, top. famos!0,:8f7alr t0 0a' ; Spring Eastern IJvestock Friers. SOUTH OMAHA. Atril 28 Cattle a ceipta, 3400 head; marke" active, lol TheV- .yH.,',TReceipt!, 10.000 head; market lif T 10KhlTJn,hea.-f,V!f,5'7 a5: " KV -lo, light, $0.iu''7 2O- Diea si 4Mi -Jk. bulks of sales. 6.UU'ST"0 J.000.o0, Sheep Heceipts. 5;.00 head; market ' 10f higher; yearllnts. $6.507.(k): weTlfers $-17 6 0 . 3: ewes. $5.2,-.a e.50 ; lambs. $7 80& 8 40 Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. April 28. Closing Allouez Amalgamated Aria Com. . . . 3 LNevada ... oqjv I?Kld norainlon!."; 50 41fc)sceola .128 Atlantic u,ul Coal 2.1!Qulncy ...'I 2 Cal & Arts na ishannon ?qv.' Cal Hecla....ft00 iTamarack 11 33 inmarack asti Trinity ; ?2 Copper Range... 7Si Ualy West 914 Franklin 15Vs Granby 93 Greene Cananea. lou Isle Royale 28 t-ne,??PIer--- 11 31 H 39 i ttah Victoria . Mass Mining.... 10 Michigan lli, . 4Vj 63 Winona . Wolverine Mohawk 59North Butte" Coffes and Sugar. NEW YORK April 28 The coffee mar ket closed ateady at 10W2.1 points higher bales were reported of 239,250 bags. Includ ing May 6.83W7.05C. July 6.558 65c7 Sep tember 8.10 6. 20c. December 6 6c. Jan uary 6.90 c. Spot steady. No. 7 RioSS7 5"13o. "' m"d "Ut!t- Cordova "?rV-& ateady; fair refining. 3.42c eentrifug.,, j,6 tt 3 n2o. moltiam au-c- LV: ae?iie1, ,teady rushed S.75c; poVl aered. 6.15c; granulated 6.05c. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. $l1SINNEAPOI'IS' AprU aS F1 osed at AFTER CASH WHEAT Stronger Demand Helps Spec ulative Markets. SENTIMENT IS BULLISH May and July Deliveries Gain a Cent at Chicago Advances at Liv erpool Weather Is Cold for Seeding. CHICAGO. April 28. Popular sentiment In the wheat pit favored the bulls today and a strong tone prevailed the greater part of the day. One setback was experienced late in the session, but the reaction waa of short duration and was occasioned mainly by real izing by local and outside longs. The principal factor in the situation cqjas the Improved demand for flour and cash Vheat. It was reported that the demand for winter wheat flour here was display ing more life, and a dispatch from Minne apolis stated that sales or flour there lata yesterday were the largest for soma time. At the same time, the cash grain was said to be in active demand by millers at all the leading grain centers In this country. In fluences that contributed to tha upward trend of prices were an advance of IVic to lsc In tha price of wheat at Liverpool and continued oold weather In the Northwest, which is said to be delaying seeding opera tions The market opened strong with prices up c to lc, with July at $1.09 to $1.09 and,Mry t $1.22 to $1.22-4. July was In good demand from the start and Bteadily advanced until It touched $1.10 14 1.10 May waa more erratic, but advanced with July to $1.23. Late in the day prices weak ened for a time on selling of the September ?? o-, ?eoember deliveries. May dropping to $1.21. The market rallied again, how aver, and closed firm with May at $1.22 and July at $1.00. which is one cent higher roa each, compared with the previous close. . hJKh record or the season were es tablished in ail deliveries of corn. May ad- 2 J JS the day between 7070c and 7-c and closed at 70ifr71c. a loss of c compared with yesterday's close. d,.?! W,ere, "V. early ln tho dav- but weak during the last half and closed at a net de- oufte ri ""J,"6 c- CaaS houses wer, sellers late ln the session. May B5c. 68 Bnd 6("0 and clsed at Theram JCr0HV.i,?," 7" of sma" 'olums. earlv Vn ,h dlBPlayed moderate firmness brJli y but weakened on selling were ur,S,0nh0U!'es- At the CIose' Pri:e uncnanged to 6c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. May .1?'Fh- Low- Close. "V $1.22 $1.23 $1.21"it $1 2" i3: i J105 i-M i:o5 Sf.15' ? 1-02 "4 1.0t 1.02 Deo .1.01 1.01 1, 1.00 1.00 CORN. . May 7!i T Si 70 7' ti m :U :il i' JH -68. .67 .67 UKC "9 .69 .68 .08 OATS. . u'y -49 .4 .49 5fDt 2Mi -2 .41 41T? Deo 2 .42 .42 .J2 MESS PORK. M"y f"-80 .17.82 17.77 17.82 J"lv 18 10 18.10 18.00 18 06 SePt 18.07 18.07 17.95 18.00 . LARD. May 10.85 10.35 10.52 10 32 July 10.50 10.50 10.46 10 45 bCBt 10 83 10.65 10.67 lo!57 SHORT RIBS. Mav Q RK 4k oc a - V Jl5- 90 9:0 lkkn sept .. 10.00 10.00 9.85 . 9.87 Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 68,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 211.000 bushels compared with 231.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ato i-stimated receipts lor tomorrow: Wheat' 24.000S:hadn' " CarS; 0ala 80 Car,; hoa' v,. , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels... 42.400 22.700 Wheat, bushels 16S.000 116 600 Corn, bushels 875.000 167 600 Oats, bushels.-. 287,100 226 600 Rye, bushels 2,000 Barley, bushels 102,000 "27400 Grain and Produce at New Tork. ooEoW. YORK, April 28 .Flour Receipts 22,212 barrels; exports. 5720 barrels; flrm, with a quiet local trade. Wheat Receipts 106,800 bushels. Spot firm; No. 2 red $1.35 1.40 elevator: No 2 red $1.40 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 North ern Duluth $1.27 f. o. b. afloat; No 2 hard Winter $1.17 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened c easier under overnight selling orders, rallied He od cold weather in the Spring wheat region and closed easy at c net advance. May closed $1 26 July closed $1.16, and September at $1 oV Hopa Dull. Hides Firm. Wool and petroleum Steady. . Grain at San Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO. , April 28 Wheat Firm. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $2 07 2.13; milling. $2.15(32.20. Barley Feed $1.621.60; brewing. $1.62 1.85. Oats! red. $2.0016 2.15; white, $2.05(225; black, nominal. Call board sales: Wheat No trading Barley May, $1.59: December, $135 Corn, large yellow, $1.701.75. Enropean Grain Markets. LONDON, April 28. Cargoes, a firmer feeling. Vv alia Walla, on passage, nominal. English country markets, generally two shillings lower; French country markets Quiet. ri?iVETRF00- APr"23 Wheat May. 8s Zfi V y 9d: SoPtomber. 8, 2d. I Wheat- at Seattle. -SEATTLE. Wash.. April 28. No milling quotations. Export wheat: Bluestem 81 wi red. $1.08; club. $1.13. Receipts: Wheat.' 6 cars; oats, 1 car; barley, 1 cor. Wheat at Taooma. TACOMA, Wash., April 28. Wheat: Mill ing Bluestem. S1.25&1.30; club $1.14 Ex port: Bluestem, $1.23; club. $1.13; red. ER BULLS IN CONTROL. OF THE NEW YORK MARKET. Steel, Reading and the Marrinians Are tlie Leaders in the Speculation. NEW YORK, April 2S There was a trlking change in the tone of the Mock market toaay from that of yesterday Prlcea moved upward aggressively. The demand was large and widely distributed, and tha upward movement embraced the list gener aili" guying was congested, however. In i tbi? "oct" that are mot influen-JL- tt ?.ea,dlng- the Harrlman stocks and h .."'l"1 Stats stl ere leaders The United States Steel statement of earnings for tho last quarter was of favorable effect and that stock was conspicuous. Continental centers bought stocks In Lon- anrS fh- a"ou'lt ot th Turkish situation. Yodk marked m t0 tha Ke ,TileJ,B , to te ls apprehension M,an1rr3, ,P1mony "-ate. Incident to the May 1 financial settlements rT.hre. wa" a brislc movement In the Gould f,Up.,n contert- and this waa taken to indicate an organized market support for those stocks, based on suppositions that the ?l. 7'nanClnK the needs ot 'hose pro" erties for new capital was being matured. Reading was more responsive thtn ySwi U t. we. prospect, of an by STOCK DEW BROAD the anthracite operators and miners. The Island group was helped by the favor able showing of earnings for March. United fetates tteel sold within a small fraction of the highest price of the year. Time money was called distinctly easier. I1" accepting borrowers- bids. The gains for the day were scarcely at all ment'red by th Drom-lkln move- - M.J?d.rUWere- s,tead'- Total sales. Par value, o.D.000. united States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. . Closing r H1KH. XX) W. Bid. Am Car &. Foun. 1,500 5o 601 do preferred Am Cotton Oil... 2oO "cs" "fis'" Am H1 A- T.t r,t ..., 60 115 58 40 39 15-ii 5o 113 89 in.-, 183 6'4 Am Ice Securl... 2.4hi 4iu Am Linseed OIL 16 111 Am Locomotive., do nrpforrnd 1,300 55 65 Vi Am Smelt 4 RefV ii.'ooo do preferred ... son 89 Sllti 1"5 1H5 Am Sugar Ref... Duo 133 13- ' 1 iMMCi-y pr. . Am Woolen 600 Anaconda Min Co. 1,1cm) 34 34 34 45 ALVII1BU11 ......... do preferred . . . Atl Coast Line... Bait & Ohio do preferred . . . Brook Rap Tran. Canadian Pacific. Central (Leather. . 16.300 HrtT. li-w: 11W...7 100 104 104 103 113 114 7.200 77tj 1.700 176" 700 29 95 77 li 176 28 '75 180 149 "3814 (i'l 81 81 137 22 '51 i; 87 88 30 46 38 1" 29 lol 278 76 4 179i 150 73 39 6314 81 -80 137 22 i 181 ' 52 87 38 30 46 37 aoaj preieired Central v t LChes & Ohio ". Vi'soo 7 5 Chicago Gt Wert. 2,400 lno UJ C. M M. r. tri 1 L f " r p a q. i .10O 150 i-'Oolp Fml' & Iron "s'ooo r QOJO -A i.ltlinr. ,r. 39 63 81 RO ao 1st . "preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolidated Gas.. Com Products . . . Del & Hudson... I & R Grande ... do preferred . . . Distillers' Securl.. Erie do 1st preferred . do 2d preferred. General Electric. . Gt Northern pf. . Gt Northern Ore.. Illlnnt rort.o 1 200 30O l.SOO 1M71A 2,600 23 ' 4,200 900 600 1.900 8,000 2O0 82 88 38 30 4614. 88 300 158 16H 157 8.200 144 143&4 144 ....... .,, flijy Interborough Met. 2.000 do preferred ... 3,000 Int Paper do preferred ... Int Pump 16.000 300 145 145 145 15 15 5 15 45 12 66 39 33 45 724 138 . 57 135 74 4.1 73 88 130 49 39 45 38 33 44 72 1.19 58 134 " 73 43 73 87 129 49 jowa central K C Southern ... do preferred Louis & Nashville Minn & St Louis M. St P & S S M. Missouri Tn.... 6.1KIO 2,600 4O0 2 10O 139 200 68 H 900 135 5,400 741 Mo, Kan & Texas 14,300 43 73"i4 ao - preferred . . . 100 atlonal Lead ... 4.800 N - . uuu-va . D'7V OO'hs N T Central 8.200 130 88 N T. Ont & West.' 2.00O 4f 01 ivorroik & Wetrt. North American.. Northern Pacific.. Pacific Mall . Pennsylvania People's Gas .... P, C C & St L... Pressed Steel Car RV Steel Rnrlnr . 500 91 91 900 83 82--V. - 82-14 5.500 144 143 144 29 ti 4.40O 136 135 135 116 91 87 39 Vi 146 24 79 2! 71 44 24 68 76 4.200 116 116 100 81 Pl 3T4 37 300 2110 rteaaing Republic Steel .567,700 1411 144 fl.YIKI 4J4 4 ao preferred . , , Rock Island Co. do preferred Rt T. Jfc K H1 9t t 600 79 29 71 45 24 59 79 23.100 16,800 29 71 43 24 56 76 3.600 St L Southwestern 27 600 do preferred . . . 6.0OO Southern Pacific! 64,000 120 319' w preierrea . . . Southern Railway. do preferred . . . Tenn Copper Texas & Pacific. Tol. 6t L West do preferred . . . Union Pacific . . . . 200 1 24 12.1 12.1 9.600 I.IOO 200 2.RO0 600 :9ti 4 lot AH 68 40 33 9i 4t 34 62 40 33 61 82 69 700 69 69 76.10O 188 187 1884 Kuo jjiierrea ... S Rubber yt itn'h n.--Ti rtu. 40 33 33 32!!i loo 104 04 193 V 3 Steel 113.300 54 64 54--. ao preferred ... 3,3oO. 11 116 115VJ nan. copper .... 100 Va-Caro Chemical. 2.900 do preferred Wabash 6.700 do preferred . . . 2.2O0 Westinghouse Elec 600 Western Union ... 4.500 Wisconsin Central. 1 60O 47 47 47 46 l'9 59 S2 71 46 "is' 48 82 69 55 4 115 18 49 81 70 67 5R Am Tel A Tel A Ron in sz. 140 141 Total sales for the day. 1,148,400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. April 28. Closing quotations: U. 8. ref. 2s reg 101 N Y C G 3s. B314 ao coupon. 101lNorth Pacific 3s. 75 U. S. 3s reg 101 do coupon. .. .102 U S new 4s reg.119 do coupon. ... 120 D & R G 4s.... 96 iorth. Pacific 4s. 102 Union Pacific 4s. 102 Wiscon Cent 4s. . fla Japanese 4s 85 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, April 28. Money on call, easy at 132 per cent; ruling rate 2 per cent; ofTered at 1 per cent; no bids. ' Time Loans Slightly easier; 60 days, 2 2 per cent; 90 days. 2 per cent; six months. 8 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 84 per oent. Sterling Exchange Firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.864 8616 for 60-day bills and at $4.8730 for demand -ccmmerclal bills, $4.8550 4.8575. Sllvei- Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars. 44c. Bonds Government steady; railroad strong. o.NDON' Apt-il 2"- Bar silver steadv at per ounce- Money, per cent. Ihe rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 118-1', per cent The rate of discount In the open market for three months' bllla Is 115-16 per cent. -lAN RANCISCO. April 28. Silver bars, 52c; Mexican dollars. 46e. Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph. 5c Sterling on London, 00 days, $4.86 ; ster ling on London, sight. $4.87 Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, April 28. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: s Gold coin and bullion, $42,436,848.' Gold certificates, $40,515,170. Available cash bal ances $126,729,495. Dairy Produce In the Kast. CHICAGO, April 28. Butter Steady; creameries, 22326c; dairies, 1823c Eggs Steady at mark, cases included, firsts. 20c; prime firsts. 21c. ' Cheese Easy; Daisies, 15c; Twins, 14 K &4T long unnXearRK- Apm .-Butter-Firm; Cheese Firm ; unchanged. . Egga Steady; unchanged. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, April 28. Evaporated apples steady Fancy 89c; choice 77c prlme 66c; common to fair 66c gaf ru"ea u"BettIed- Quotations range from 8 to 12c, for new crop California; 6 to c for Oregons, 40-50s to 20-30S. Apricots unchanged. Choice 1010e: extra choice 100e: fancy 1113C Peaches quiet. Choice 66c extra choice 60c: fancy 78c 4tf:1',8UnC.ha,;8red- Loose Muscatel 30 less 35c; London layers $1. 2091.30. " f York Cotton Market 10C38cn; C lo'.?8 lO.SOtc; August. 10.31c; September ?C,nro-10 07c: November. P10n04c;' Decei ber. 10.05c; January. 9.90c; March, olglc. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. April 28 The T,onno tln HARTBIAN & THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE issue travellers' checks, payable everywhere. For eign exchange bought and sold at attractive rates at all times. Vnlimittd Penonai Liability . ortland Par Value, $100 Per Share We will receive subscriptions for the above mentioned stock at $100 Per Share jJZf 8havft" Which da,te int;erest U be added at the annual divi dent rate; the right being reserved to withdraw the offering at any time or to allot less than the amount of stock subscribed for. J ' 10 In order to give patrons of thp .Gas Company and the general public as far STTPAl?Se a-?, PPorunity to take advantage of this offer, not to exceedFIFTY SHARES will be sold to any one purchaser. uu PORTLAND GAS COMPANY STOCK pays quarterly dividends at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; is intrinsically worth and has unSorndy com manded a good premium on the market; is held almost entirely in very strong hands, and affords an unusually, profitable investment of unquestione7merit tT f tMs stck btahmble' we suest Further particulars may be secured upon application at our office. ' MORRIS BROTHERS y Chamber of Commerce market was a shade lower at 132 10 for spot, but unchanged at 133 15s for fu tures. The local market was quiet, with spot quoted at -O.'JO'y 35c. Copper .was lower in London, with spot quoted at f5T 5s and futures 37 18s 9d. The local market waa dull and unchanged. innc nn.nei ai is. )5i v wi:ic; electro Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITE) T. S. McGRATH Ismber Eickuge, PORTLAND, OREGON. TRAVKTKTLS GTJHB. j$amburg-Jtmerican.. Lon don Pa rls Hutbiri. fluecher Mar 131'K. Aug. vie. May 2 Amerika May loiPennsylvanla. . Juna a Llevel'd(new)May 22Deutchland June 5 ?.Orant(new) May 20 P.Lincoln(new) June 9 Rita Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. " IXAI "V A" Gibraltar. M. X . aplea and Genoa. S. S. HAMBURG t'May 11. July 1. " BULGARIA, (Hay 27. July 15. " BATAVIA. JJune 3. July 2a. tGlbraltar. Naples and Genoa. Summer Holiday Cruises TO NORWAY, S-PITZBERGEX, ItKLANO, BALTIC SEA By superb - twin-screw cruising steamer Oceana. Bluecher. Meteor. Koenig Wilhelm II. during June. July. August and September. Travelers" Checks Issued. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. IlMmlmnr-American Line., iso Powell St. San iTanrl, and Local Agents Portland. forth QermanAioyd. FAST SIX PRESS SERVICE. Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen, 10 A M K. w. I. Gr. Apr. 27Kronprlna W., May 11 Kais. Wm. II May 4iCecilie May 18 TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE. Plymouth Cherbourg Direct, ie A. M. Kurtuerst May ljFrled. D. Gr., May 13 Prinz Fd. w. May 6!Prinzess Alice May 2T MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. Gibraltar Naples Genoa. , Sailing it 11 A. M. Neckar ...May llBerlin (new) May 13 Barbarossa. . . .May 81K. Luise May 22 North German Lloyd Travelers" checks. Oolrich it Co., Agents, 5 Broadway, N. T. Robert Capelle. 250 Powell St., Gea'l Pactao Coaol Agent, Ban 1-nueclsco, Cal. NFW 7FAI Alin KEW beRvice n. ta. II til LLMLHllU HITL DeUghtful South XIICTDIIII 6ea Tors for Rest. . AUOlKALIA Health and Pleasure NEW ZEALAND, tha world's wonderland. Geysers, Hot Lakes, etc The favorite S. . Mariposa, sails from Baa Francisco May 21. July 1, etc.; connecting at TahKi with Union Line for Wellington. N. Z. THE ONLY PASSENGER LINE tUOU U. S. TO NEW ZEALAND. Wellington and back,, (200. Tahiti and back, (125, 1st class. LINE TO HONOLULU Special round trip (110, 1st class. 8. s. Alameda sails May 15. June 5. 2G, etc. Address. OCEANIC LINE. 673 Market St.. San Fran. ITKAN CISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. B A. M. S.S. Senator, May 1, 15, etc S.S. Rose City, May 8. 20. et. From Lombard St.. San Francisco. 11 a v 8.8. Rose City. May 1, 15. eS" " A" S B. benator. Mar 8. 20. J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Main 288 Alniwnrth Tw.1, M. J. EOtHE, City Ticket Aaent. 142 9d at Phone Main 402, A 1403. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Ceo- W- Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th. i On t rr- i , nrt. If iicsei onice 13a Third street, near Alder. H. YOUNG, Agent. ! pOOS BAY LINE ( Tb iteuQer bkRAk-uiTiru . land -v-rv w- "TiTZ" ".V M:nf,Po0t1ti,,B"1.J'.71a1 flr.? and meal a inquire city ticket office; rair2 BSi Sil',f5S,'tw " $150,000 Gas Company Stock lytio at 12.60ei2.62t4o, 12.37 fcU2.50c. .w , advanced to 12 7s 6d In London. . J?,.m-rket be,n 1uiet ani unchanged at 4.04.2oc. f-peiter was unchanged at 21 12s d m LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND ESTABLISHED 1859 Oldest Bank; on Pacific Coast CAPITAL, $1,000,000 Surplus arid Profits $500,000 Interest Psid on Saving. Account, and Certificate, of We I..UO Letter, of Credit, Foraign Drafu and TraTelcr.' Check. OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. W. M. LADD. President. EDWARD COOK INGHAM EDW. COOKINGHAM. V.-Presldent. J? 5?,H,X ,?0f?"T' W. H rTV"K-T W 1LI.1AM M. LADD, r c ' Cahlr. CHARLES E. LADD. 8- HOWARD, JR., Aes"t Cashier. J- WESLEY LADD. L W. LADD, Ass"t. Cashier s B- LINTHICUM. WALTER M ronir . .... " . FREDERICK B. PRATT. " M- COOK, Asst. Cashier. THEODORE B. WILCOX. . THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. I fgSSga. PORTLAND OREGON tjl Our Invitation If you have contributed to the success of this bank we thank you for it. If you have not yet become a del I we xtf.nd to you a cordial invitation to open an account, extending every courtesy and attention. i I London market. Iron was unchanged ln London Cleveland warrants quoted at 47 d IochI market remained steadv. AND STARK STREETS with Tha